Yeşim Şenaylı - (original) (raw)
Papers by Yeşim Şenaylı
Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, Mar 1, 2009
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 1, 2009
Urakal artıklar, allantois ile kloakanın tamamlanmamış regresyonlarının sonucu olarak oluşurlar. ... more Urakal artıklar, allantois ile kloakanın tamamlanmamış regresyonlarının sonucu olarak oluşurlar. Oldukça seyrek rastlanılan hastalıklardır ve yenidoğan döneminde görülme sıklığı 2/300.000 olduğu bildirilmiştir. Urakal anomaliler genellikle 4 anatomik sınıfta incelenir: Doğumsal patent urakus, urakal kist, urakal sinüs ve urakal divertikül. Urakal sinus, küçük urakal kistlerin bir yansımasıdır ve karın ön duvarına eksternal urakal sinüs olarak veya mesane içine alternatif sinüs olarak açılırlar. Yazımızda, kliniğimize başvuran ve bir dizi değerlendirmeler sonucunda urakal sinüs teşhisi konan 2 aylık hastanın sunulması ve literatür ile beraber değerlendirilmesi için bu sunum hazırlanmıştır.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 1, 2017
Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, Mar 1, 2009
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 1, 2007
Littre' s hernia is characterized by Meckel' s diverticulum in a hernia sac tocated in one of the... more Littre' s hernia is characterized by Meckel' s diverticulum in a hernia sac tocated in one of the inguinal, umbilical, femoral, ventral, sciatic and lumbar regions. Littre's hernia defined within inguinal hernia is a rare entity and defining an inguinal Littre' s her nia without incarceration is the rarest. The majör problem in the subject is defining the treatment when this rarest situation is diagnosed during the operation. INe performed segmental i/eum resection and discharged the patient in the postoperative third day. İn this report defined this rare formation and discussed our way o f treatment in the light o f the literatüre.
Henselae tarafından oluşturulan, yavaş ilerleyen ve benign bir hastalıktır. Lenfadenopati ve derm... more Henselae tarafından oluşturulan, yavaş ilerleyen ve benign bir hastalıktır. Lenfadenopati ve dermal lezyonlar hastalığın klinik oluşumunda sıkça görülür. Birçok hastanın hikâyesinde bir kediye dokunma vardır. Ne var ki, teşhis için yanılgılara neden olabilecek belirsiz hikâye ile karışık klinik bulgular ve belirtiler olabilir. Bu sunumda, aksiller lenfadenopatileri olan ve başka hastalıkları düşündüren fakat patolojik olarak kedi tırmığı hastalığının teşhis edildiği bir hasta bildirilmiştir.
Journal of contemporary medicine, Jun 1, 2011
be a choice for swallowing difficulties of these patients, we could not find a report giving the ... more be a choice for swallowing difficulties of these patients, we could not find a report giving the criterion of the problem. Besides, up to now, xseroderma pigmentosum and esophageal dystonia has not been reported yet. We experienced that patients in this situation could benefit from esophageal dilatation. Also, there has not been much reports giving information in detail for anesthesia management but we suggest that management of these patients within standard anesthetic procedures are not seemed to be harmful in early periods
The Journal of Vascular Access, 2021
Background: The primary objective of the present study was to determine the rate and the independ... more Background: The primary objective of the present study was to determine the rate and the independent predictors of the difficult peripheral intravascular access (PIVA) in the operating room (OR). The secondary objective was to validate the ability of the difficult intravenous access (DIVA) scoring system in the detection of difficult PIVA in the operating room. Methods: In this prospective observational study, patients between 0 and 18 years old who were operated in the pediatric hospital were evaluated. Peripheral intravenous cannulation performed during inhalation induction in 1008 patients were recorded. The following data were collected: demographic characteristics, the presence of a chronic disease, the DIVA score, operating room temperature, the area of PIVA application, the duration of PIVA and the number of PIVA attempts. The independent determinants of the difficult PIVA were determined with multivariate logistic regression. Results: A total of 1008 patients (82% boys) with...
Eurasian Journal of Medicine and Oncology, 2019
I nvasive procedures such as lumbar puncture (LP), bone marrow aspiration and bone marrow biopsy ... more I nvasive procedures such as lumbar puncture (LP), bone marrow aspiration and bone marrow biopsy conducted at the diagnosis and treatment stages for children with hematologic diseases have a significant role in modern pediatric hematology. About 50% of children with a hematologic disease may experience pain due to progression, mucositis, chemotherapy and invasive medical procedures. [1] Performing LP under sedation in pediatric patients reduces the risk of procedure repetition and psychologi
Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 2011
Fourteen years old female patient was admitted to pediatric surgery clinics for swallowing proble... more Fourteen years old female patient was admitted to pediatric surgery clinics for swallowing problems. She had been diagnosed as xeroderma pigmentosum in another hospital and had been treated for dermatological problems. She had mental retardation and orthopedic problems like scoliosis. She could not walk by herself and wheelchair was used for her mobilization. No treatment for neurological problems had been given. Swallowing difficulties began nearly 2 years ago. First she could not swallow solid meals. The problem progressed and when she was admitted to our hospital she could only swallowed liquids for 2 months. She was hospitalized and treated with intravenous nutrition support solutions at first. Water soluble contrast meal for pharynx and upper esophagus graphics was performed and upper esophageal sphincter dystonia was diagnosed. Esophageal dilatation with general anesthesia was suggested to be the best way to choice in the patient's circumstance. Anesthesia induction with thiopental, fentanyl and vecuronium were administrated intravenously. For maintenance, O2/N2O mixture and sevoflurane according to patient weight and age was used. Esophagoscopy was found to be normal for anatomic abnormalities and dilatation was performed. Patient waked up without problem and discharged from the hospital with well swallowing of soft meals. She could not take solids because of severe dental problems. In 6 months of follow-up, parents has not observed worsening in her swallowing. Xeroderma pigmentosum is a rare disease and inherited as an autosomal recessive trait (1). In Xeroderma pigmentosum, there are genes called A to G and some of these genes involved only in nucleotide excision repair (XPA and XPC) whereas the others are not only in nucleotide excision repair but also implicated in other processes including transcription and recombination (1). Xeroderma pigmentosum phenotype can result from the defect in a part of these seven classic nucleotide excision repair (1). In Xeroderma pigmentosum, as there is an acute photosensitivity characterized by sunlight induced abnormal pigmentation, skin is usually like a dry parchment and precocious cutaneous lesions are seen (1). Besides, about 30% of Xeroderma pigmentosum patients have progressive neurological
Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 2012
The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 2012
Purpose: Cherry laurel has been used as an anti-diabetic drug. In this study, we aimed to evaluat... more Purpose: Cherry laurel has been used as an anti-diabetic drug. In this study, we aimed to evaluate its antidiabetic activity at standard living conditions and under stress by an experimental study. Material and Method: Forty Wistar-Albino rats weighing 300-350 grams were used in this study. Four groups were structured: control, diabetic, glibenclamide and cherry laurel extract. Streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) was injected to induce diabetes. Cherry laurel extract was obtained from the seed of the fruit. Routine blood glucose, insulin, pre-and intraanesthesia blood glucose levels were measured and compared. The One-way ANOVA followed by Duncan post-hoc test was used for statistical analysis. Results: After the second week of the experiment, Extract 300 and Extract 600 groups had the lower glucose levels (p<0.05). Also, insulin levels measured at the last week of the study revealed that Extract 300 and Extract 600 groups had the highest results (p< 0.01). Glucose levels under stress conditions significantly changed for Extract 300 and glibenclamide group (p<0.05). Glucose level changed more obviously in the Extract 600 group (p<0.001) that means irregularity. Conclusion: Cherry laurel extract exhibits an anti-diabetic effect, with administration leading to elevated insulin levels, and regulating glucose levels under stress conditions like anesthesia. These preliminary results indicate that further evaluation is warranted.
Meconium ileus is a unique manifestation o f cystic fibrosis. Different anomalies associated with... more Meconium ileus is a unique manifestation o f cystic fibrosis. Different anomalies associated with meconium ileus, consequently in cystic fibrosis, were reported but our case was the first reported with congenital hypothyroidism demonstrating significant conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. There are detailed explanations about the mechanisms of these two entities but we found no possible common pathvvay for these diseases in the evaluation o f the literatüre. We suggest that this unique formation may only be coexistence. Congenital hypothyroidism may be evaluated for the patients with cystic fibnosis when conjugated hyper bilirubinemia is detected.
Amac: Son zamanlarda yenidogan santral kateterizasyonu uygulamalari giderek yayilmasina ragmen ul... more Amac: Son zamanlarda yenidogan santral kateterizasyonu uygulamalari giderek yayilmasina ragmen ulkemizde genis kullanim kazanamamistir. Yenidogan unitemizde sikca basvurulan bu yontem ile olan tecrubelerimizin paylasilmasi icin bu calisma yapilmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Haziran 2004- Haziran 2006 tarihleri arasinda 13 yenidogana toplam 19 santral venoz kateter uygulandi. Hastalarin 5’i erkek ve 8’i kiz idi. Kateterizasyonda standart uygulama yapildi ve radyolojik olarak yerlesimleri onaylandi. Alti uygulamada kateter uclari superior vena kavada, 13 uygulamada ise inferior vena kavada birakildi. Kateterler ortalama 12.57± 9.2 gun kaldi. Hastalarin 5’i oldu, 7’si sifa ve 1’i iyilesme ile taburcu edildi. Olen hastalarin 3’unun mevcut hastaliklari nedeni ile oldu. Ikisinin sebebi anlasilamadi. Hastalarin sadece 1’inde 39oC’ye varan ates olurken hicbir hastada kan kulturu pozitifligi yoktu. Tartisma: Perifer kullanimli santral venoz kateterler uzun sureli ve genel anestezi gerektirmeden ku...
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 1, 2008
Meconium ileus is a unique manifestation o f cystic fibrosis. Different anomalies associated with... more Meconium ileus is a unique manifestation o f cystic fibrosis. Different anomalies associated with meconium ileus, consequently in cystic fibrosis, were reported but our case was the first reported with congenital hypothyroidism demonstrating significant conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. There are detailed explanations about the mechanisms of these two entities but we found no possible common pathvvay for these diseases in the evaluation o f the literatüre. We suggest that this unique formation may only be coexistence. Congenital hypothyroidism may be evaluated for the patients with cystic fibnosis when conjugated hyper bilirubinemia is detected.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 19, 2012
Kas hastalığı ve eklenmiş akciğer patolojisi olan hastaların yoğun bakım süreçleri ve invaziv mek... more Kas hastalığı ve eklenmiş akciğer patolojisi olan hastaların yoğun bakım süreçleri ve invaziv mekanik ventilasyondan ayrılmaları güçtür. Olgumuzda tekrarlayan invaziv mekanik ventilasyon uygulanan, tanımlanmamış kas hastalığı bulunan hasta sunulmuştur. Kaldığı rehabilitasyon merkezinden ateş ve ağır solunum yetmezliği gibi bulgularla yoğun bakım ünitesine getirilen tanımlanmamış nöromüsküler hastalığı bulunan mental-motor retarde erkek hastaya aspirasyon pnömonisi tanısı ile tedavi başlandı. Takipleri sırasında solunum yetmezliğinin derinleşmesi üzerine hasta entübe edildi. Fizik muayene ve laboratuvar takiplerinin ışığında tekrarlayan invaziv mekanik ventilasyon ve weaning peryotları sonrasında iki aylık yoğun bakım sürecinin ardından hasta başarıyla tedavi edilerek rehabilitasyon merkezine gönderildi. Mental-motor retarde, nöromüsküler patolojili, kas atrofili, kötü beslenmiş ve solunum sıkıntısı olan hastalarda morbidite, mortalite yüksek ve aspirasyon pnömonisi sıktır. Bu hastalarda yoğun bakım ünitesinde iyileşme yakın takibin zorunlu olduğu tekrarlayan invaziv mekanik ventilasyon peryotları ile birlikte uzun ve zorlu bir süreci gerektirebilir.
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
Background/aim: Authors widely use pulse oximetry in clinical monitoring of heart rate (HR) and p... more Background/aim: Authors widely use pulse oximetry in clinical monitoring of heart rate (HR) and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO 2) by attachment to the fingers; however, there can be a need for an alternative attachment site, especially for burned patients. We investigate the availability of a pulse oximeter probe attached to the penile shaft as an alternative site in pediatric male patients if all extremities became unavailable for pulse oximetry measurement due to severe burn and/or trauma. Materials and methods: We designed a prospective comparative study in a training and research hospital. After local ethical committee approval, pediatric male cases eligible for penile and extremity pulse measurements were evaluated during general anesthesia for medical dressing and/or grafting due to severe burns. One probe was attached to the fingers of the unburned extremity, and the other was to the penile shaft. Furthermore, we recorded SpO 2 and HR values at 5-min intervals; 0th (baseline), 5th, 10th and 15th minutes. We compared HR and SpO 2 values measured by the finger probe with those measured by the penile probe. Results: Data of 51 patients (median age, 2.9 years (interquartile range, 2.0-5.0 years)) in whom the duration of dressing was at least 15 min were analyzed. There was no significant difference either in comparisons of hemodynamic measurements (HR and SpO 2) obtained by finger probe and by a penile probe for each measurement time. The Bland-Altman plot analysis reveals agreement for penile and finger probes with a mean bias value between 0.20 and 0.37 on HR and between 0.43 and-0.20 on SpO 2. Conclusion: This clinical trial demonstrated that pulse oximetry measurement under nonhypoxic conditions we could perform confidently using penile probes in pediatric male patients whose extremities are unavailable for measurement.
European Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2021
The authors regret that errors were present in the above article. On page 1174, in the second par... more The authors regret that errors were present in the above article. On page 1174, in the second paragraph of the Statistical methods section, the second sentence should read as follows: The incidence of difficult intubation was determined including those whose tracheas were already intubated and is reported as a percentage with a 95% exact binomial CI. On page 1175, in the third paragraph of the Statistical methods section \u2018mean standardised difference (MSD)\u2019 should read \u2018standardised mean difference (SMD)\u2019 The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused
Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, Mar 1, 2009
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 1, 2009
Urakal artıklar, allantois ile kloakanın tamamlanmamış regresyonlarının sonucu olarak oluşurlar. ... more Urakal artıklar, allantois ile kloakanın tamamlanmamış regresyonlarının sonucu olarak oluşurlar. Oldukça seyrek rastlanılan hastalıklardır ve yenidoğan döneminde görülme sıklığı 2/300.000 olduğu bildirilmiştir. Urakal anomaliler genellikle 4 anatomik sınıfta incelenir: Doğumsal patent urakus, urakal kist, urakal sinüs ve urakal divertikül. Urakal sinus, küçük urakal kistlerin bir yansımasıdır ve karın ön duvarına eksternal urakal sinüs olarak veya mesane içine alternatif sinüs olarak açılırlar. Yazımızda, kliniğimize başvuran ve bir dizi değerlendirmeler sonucunda urakal sinüs teşhisi konan 2 aylık hastanın sunulması ve literatür ile beraber değerlendirilmesi için bu sunum hazırlanmıştır.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 1, 2017
Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, Mar 1, 2009
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 1, 2007
Littre' s hernia is characterized by Meckel' s diverticulum in a hernia sac tocated in one of the... more Littre' s hernia is characterized by Meckel' s diverticulum in a hernia sac tocated in one of the inguinal, umbilical, femoral, ventral, sciatic and lumbar regions. Littre's hernia defined within inguinal hernia is a rare entity and defining an inguinal Littre' s her nia without incarceration is the rarest. The majör problem in the subject is defining the treatment when this rarest situation is diagnosed during the operation. INe performed segmental i/eum resection and discharged the patient in the postoperative third day. İn this report defined this rare formation and discussed our way o f treatment in the light o f the literatüre.
Henselae tarafından oluşturulan, yavaş ilerleyen ve benign bir hastalıktır. Lenfadenopati ve derm... more Henselae tarafından oluşturulan, yavaş ilerleyen ve benign bir hastalıktır. Lenfadenopati ve dermal lezyonlar hastalığın klinik oluşumunda sıkça görülür. Birçok hastanın hikâyesinde bir kediye dokunma vardır. Ne var ki, teşhis için yanılgılara neden olabilecek belirsiz hikâye ile karışık klinik bulgular ve belirtiler olabilir. Bu sunumda, aksiller lenfadenopatileri olan ve başka hastalıkları düşündüren fakat patolojik olarak kedi tırmığı hastalığının teşhis edildiği bir hasta bildirilmiştir.
Journal of contemporary medicine, Jun 1, 2011
be a choice for swallowing difficulties of these patients, we could not find a report giving the ... more be a choice for swallowing difficulties of these patients, we could not find a report giving the criterion of the problem. Besides, up to now, xseroderma pigmentosum and esophageal dystonia has not been reported yet. We experienced that patients in this situation could benefit from esophageal dilatation. Also, there has not been much reports giving information in detail for anesthesia management but we suggest that management of these patients within standard anesthetic procedures are not seemed to be harmful in early periods
The Journal of Vascular Access, 2021
Background: The primary objective of the present study was to determine the rate and the independ... more Background: The primary objective of the present study was to determine the rate and the independent predictors of the difficult peripheral intravascular access (PIVA) in the operating room (OR). The secondary objective was to validate the ability of the difficult intravenous access (DIVA) scoring system in the detection of difficult PIVA in the operating room. Methods: In this prospective observational study, patients between 0 and 18 years old who were operated in the pediatric hospital were evaluated. Peripheral intravenous cannulation performed during inhalation induction in 1008 patients were recorded. The following data were collected: demographic characteristics, the presence of a chronic disease, the DIVA score, operating room temperature, the area of PIVA application, the duration of PIVA and the number of PIVA attempts. The independent determinants of the difficult PIVA were determined with multivariate logistic regression. Results: A total of 1008 patients (82% boys) with...
Eurasian Journal of Medicine and Oncology, 2019
I nvasive procedures such as lumbar puncture (LP), bone marrow aspiration and bone marrow biopsy ... more I nvasive procedures such as lumbar puncture (LP), bone marrow aspiration and bone marrow biopsy conducted at the diagnosis and treatment stages for children with hematologic diseases have a significant role in modern pediatric hematology. About 50% of children with a hematologic disease may experience pain due to progression, mucositis, chemotherapy and invasive medical procedures. [1] Performing LP under sedation in pediatric patients reduces the risk of procedure repetition and psychologi
Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 2011
Fourteen years old female patient was admitted to pediatric surgery clinics for swallowing proble... more Fourteen years old female patient was admitted to pediatric surgery clinics for swallowing problems. She had been diagnosed as xeroderma pigmentosum in another hospital and had been treated for dermatological problems. She had mental retardation and orthopedic problems like scoliosis. She could not walk by herself and wheelchair was used for her mobilization. No treatment for neurological problems had been given. Swallowing difficulties began nearly 2 years ago. First she could not swallow solid meals. The problem progressed and when she was admitted to our hospital she could only swallowed liquids for 2 months. She was hospitalized and treated with intravenous nutrition support solutions at first. Water soluble contrast meal for pharynx and upper esophagus graphics was performed and upper esophageal sphincter dystonia was diagnosed. Esophageal dilatation with general anesthesia was suggested to be the best way to choice in the patient's circumstance. Anesthesia induction with thiopental, fentanyl and vecuronium were administrated intravenously. For maintenance, O2/N2O mixture and sevoflurane according to patient weight and age was used. Esophagoscopy was found to be normal for anatomic abnormalities and dilatation was performed. Patient waked up without problem and discharged from the hospital with well swallowing of soft meals. She could not take solids because of severe dental problems. In 6 months of follow-up, parents has not observed worsening in her swallowing. Xeroderma pigmentosum is a rare disease and inherited as an autosomal recessive trait (1). In Xeroderma pigmentosum, there are genes called A to G and some of these genes involved only in nucleotide excision repair (XPA and XPC) whereas the others are not only in nucleotide excision repair but also implicated in other processes including transcription and recombination (1). Xeroderma pigmentosum phenotype can result from the defect in a part of these seven classic nucleotide excision repair (1). In Xeroderma pigmentosum, as there is an acute photosensitivity characterized by sunlight induced abnormal pigmentation, skin is usually like a dry parchment and precocious cutaneous lesions are seen (1). Besides, about 30% of Xeroderma pigmentosum patients have progressive neurological
Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 2012
The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 2012
Purpose: Cherry laurel has been used as an anti-diabetic drug. In this study, we aimed to evaluat... more Purpose: Cherry laurel has been used as an anti-diabetic drug. In this study, we aimed to evaluate its antidiabetic activity at standard living conditions and under stress by an experimental study. Material and Method: Forty Wistar-Albino rats weighing 300-350 grams were used in this study. Four groups were structured: control, diabetic, glibenclamide and cherry laurel extract. Streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) was injected to induce diabetes. Cherry laurel extract was obtained from the seed of the fruit. Routine blood glucose, insulin, pre-and intraanesthesia blood glucose levels were measured and compared. The One-way ANOVA followed by Duncan post-hoc test was used for statistical analysis. Results: After the second week of the experiment, Extract 300 and Extract 600 groups had the lower glucose levels (p<0.05). Also, insulin levels measured at the last week of the study revealed that Extract 300 and Extract 600 groups had the highest results (p< 0.01). Glucose levels under stress conditions significantly changed for Extract 300 and glibenclamide group (p<0.05). Glucose level changed more obviously in the Extract 600 group (p<0.001) that means irregularity. Conclusion: Cherry laurel extract exhibits an anti-diabetic effect, with administration leading to elevated insulin levels, and regulating glucose levels under stress conditions like anesthesia. These preliminary results indicate that further evaluation is warranted.
Meconium ileus is a unique manifestation o f cystic fibrosis. Different anomalies associated with... more Meconium ileus is a unique manifestation o f cystic fibrosis. Different anomalies associated with meconium ileus, consequently in cystic fibrosis, were reported but our case was the first reported with congenital hypothyroidism demonstrating significant conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. There are detailed explanations about the mechanisms of these two entities but we found no possible common pathvvay for these diseases in the evaluation o f the literatüre. We suggest that this unique formation may only be coexistence. Congenital hypothyroidism may be evaluated for the patients with cystic fibnosis when conjugated hyper bilirubinemia is detected.
Amac: Son zamanlarda yenidogan santral kateterizasyonu uygulamalari giderek yayilmasina ragmen ul... more Amac: Son zamanlarda yenidogan santral kateterizasyonu uygulamalari giderek yayilmasina ragmen ulkemizde genis kullanim kazanamamistir. Yenidogan unitemizde sikca basvurulan bu yontem ile olan tecrubelerimizin paylasilmasi icin bu calisma yapilmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Haziran 2004- Haziran 2006 tarihleri arasinda 13 yenidogana toplam 19 santral venoz kateter uygulandi. Hastalarin 5’i erkek ve 8’i kiz idi. Kateterizasyonda standart uygulama yapildi ve radyolojik olarak yerlesimleri onaylandi. Alti uygulamada kateter uclari superior vena kavada, 13 uygulamada ise inferior vena kavada birakildi. Kateterler ortalama 12.57± 9.2 gun kaldi. Hastalarin 5’i oldu, 7’si sifa ve 1’i iyilesme ile taburcu edildi. Olen hastalarin 3’unun mevcut hastaliklari nedeni ile oldu. Ikisinin sebebi anlasilamadi. Hastalarin sadece 1’inde 39oC’ye varan ates olurken hicbir hastada kan kulturu pozitifligi yoktu. Tartisma: Perifer kullanimli santral venoz kateterler uzun sureli ve genel anestezi gerektirmeden ku...
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Apr 1, 2008
Meconium ileus is a unique manifestation o f cystic fibrosis. Different anomalies associated with... more Meconium ileus is a unique manifestation o f cystic fibrosis. Different anomalies associated with meconium ileus, consequently in cystic fibrosis, were reported but our case was the first reported with congenital hypothyroidism demonstrating significant conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. There are detailed explanations about the mechanisms of these two entities but we found no possible common pathvvay for these diseases in the evaluation o f the literatüre. We suggest that this unique formation may only be coexistence. Congenital hypothyroidism may be evaluated for the patients with cystic fibnosis when conjugated hyper bilirubinemia is detected.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 19, 2012
Kas hastalığı ve eklenmiş akciğer patolojisi olan hastaların yoğun bakım süreçleri ve invaziv mek... more Kas hastalığı ve eklenmiş akciğer patolojisi olan hastaların yoğun bakım süreçleri ve invaziv mekanik ventilasyondan ayrılmaları güçtür. Olgumuzda tekrarlayan invaziv mekanik ventilasyon uygulanan, tanımlanmamış kas hastalığı bulunan hasta sunulmuştur. Kaldığı rehabilitasyon merkezinden ateş ve ağır solunum yetmezliği gibi bulgularla yoğun bakım ünitesine getirilen tanımlanmamış nöromüsküler hastalığı bulunan mental-motor retarde erkek hastaya aspirasyon pnömonisi tanısı ile tedavi başlandı. Takipleri sırasında solunum yetmezliğinin derinleşmesi üzerine hasta entübe edildi. Fizik muayene ve laboratuvar takiplerinin ışığında tekrarlayan invaziv mekanik ventilasyon ve weaning peryotları sonrasında iki aylık yoğun bakım sürecinin ardından hasta başarıyla tedavi edilerek rehabilitasyon merkezine gönderildi. Mental-motor retarde, nöromüsküler patolojili, kas atrofili, kötü beslenmiş ve solunum sıkıntısı olan hastalarda morbidite, mortalite yüksek ve aspirasyon pnömonisi sıktır. Bu hastalarda yoğun bakım ünitesinde iyileşme yakın takibin zorunlu olduğu tekrarlayan invaziv mekanik ventilasyon peryotları ile birlikte uzun ve zorlu bir süreci gerektirebilir.
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
Background/aim: Authors widely use pulse oximetry in clinical monitoring of heart rate (HR) and p... more Background/aim: Authors widely use pulse oximetry in clinical monitoring of heart rate (HR) and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO 2) by attachment to the fingers; however, there can be a need for an alternative attachment site, especially for burned patients. We investigate the availability of a pulse oximeter probe attached to the penile shaft as an alternative site in pediatric male patients if all extremities became unavailable for pulse oximetry measurement due to severe burn and/or trauma. Materials and methods: We designed a prospective comparative study in a training and research hospital. After local ethical committee approval, pediatric male cases eligible for penile and extremity pulse measurements were evaluated during general anesthesia for medical dressing and/or grafting due to severe burns. One probe was attached to the fingers of the unburned extremity, and the other was to the penile shaft. Furthermore, we recorded SpO 2 and HR values at 5-min intervals; 0th (baseline), 5th, 10th and 15th minutes. We compared HR and SpO 2 values measured by the finger probe with those measured by the penile probe. Results: Data of 51 patients (median age, 2.9 years (interquartile range, 2.0-5.0 years)) in whom the duration of dressing was at least 15 min were analyzed. There was no significant difference either in comparisons of hemodynamic measurements (HR and SpO 2) obtained by finger probe and by a penile probe for each measurement time. The Bland-Altman plot analysis reveals agreement for penile and finger probes with a mean bias value between 0.20 and 0.37 on HR and between 0.43 and-0.20 on SpO 2. Conclusion: This clinical trial demonstrated that pulse oximetry measurement under nonhypoxic conditions we could perform confidently using penile probes in pediatric male patients whose extremities are unavailable for measurement.
European Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2021
The authors regret that errors were present in the above article. On page 1174, in the second par... more The authors regret that errors were present in the above article. On page 1174, in the second paragraph of the Statistical methods section, the second sentence should read as follows: The incidence of difficult intubation was determined including those whose tracheas were already intubated and is reported as a percentage with a 95% exact binomial CI. On page 1175, in the third paragraph of the Statistical methods section \u2018mean standardised difference (MSD)\u2019 should read \u2018standardised mean difference (SMD)\u2019 The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused