Yngve Dahl - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Yngve Dahl
Early participatory design (PD) projects tended to be of limited size and complexity. Over the la... more Early participatory design (PD) projects tended to be of limited size and complexity. Over the last two decades, however, various attempts have been made to apply PD to large-scale information technology projects. Although studies have suggested that scaling the methodology to fit larger and more complex projects can be problematic, no attempts have been made to form a comprehensive overview of the associated challenges. To remedy this situation, a systematic literature review of relevant studies was conducted. From an initial 780 references retrieved from databases, 17 articles met the predefined criteria and were included in the review. The review resulted in the extraction of seven categories of challenges. A discussion of the identified challenges as a potential threat to the methodology's integrity is provided. The review offers a multifaceted understanding of the challenges related to the scaling of PD, which, given their nature, risk compromising core PD principles. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Interaction design; Interaction design process and methods; Participatory design.
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Apr 29, 2022
Participatory design facilitators have a significant impact on participatory activities, processe... more Participatory design facilitators have a significant impact on participatory activities, processes, and outcomes. However, the facilitator role has not yet been thoroughly debated in existing design discourse, and support for role-related reflections is limited. As the first steps towards an enriched collective understanding of this specific role and its realization, we interviewed 14 respondents with an academic background in participatory design and extensive facilitation experience. Based on a content analysis of the interviews, we identified six facets of the role: (1) trust builder, (2) enabler, (3) inquirer, (4) direction setter, (5) value provider, and (6) users' advocate. Each facet is presented as consisting of the respondents' perceived associated responsibilities and corresponding strategies. Our results paint a complex picture of participatory design facilitation. We propose the multi-faceted understanding of the facilitator role emerging from this work as a basis for problematized reflection on the role and its realization. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Interaction design; Participatory design.
Ranking for Reflection: The Application and Added Value of Picture Cards in Comparative Usability... more Ranking for Reflection: The Application and Added Value of Picture Cards in Comparative Usability Testing
Ranking for Reflection: The Application and Added Value of Picture Cards in Comparative Usability... more Ranking for Reflection: The Application and Added Value of Picture Cards in Comparative Usability Testing
Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Dec 28, 2022
User involvement is widely recognized as best practice in the development of information technolo... more User involvement is widely recognized as best practice in the development of information technology (IT) systems. In large-scale IT projects, the involvement of users and other stakeholder groups is typically in the form of representatives, as opposed to the direct (in-person) participation characteristic for smaller projects. The potential new sharing of power that representative participation entails vis-à-vis direct stakeholder involvement, and the implications of such a shift, are an important discussion in the context of participatory design. This paper extends and adds to previous work on this subject. Drawing on stakeholder interviews conducted as part of a case study of an electronic health record implementation project in Norway, this paper seeks to describe and analyze problems that can arise with representative participation in a large-scale project. Our focus is on an observed decline of interaction between health professionals participating actively in the project and their advisory units consisting of colleagues without a formal project role. The paper describes how the project's structural arrangements might explain this decline. The paper also describes how the participating health professionals' involvement of the advisory units at regular intervals early in the project (broad involvement) was replaced by more ad hoc and competence-oriented approaches (narrow involvement). We further use the organizational structure of democracies as the basis for two analogies, (I) participants-as-political-representatives and (II) participants-as-technocrats. The observed decline in interaction between the participating health professionals and their advisory units can be seen as a transition in role from user representative to technocrat. Generalizing from the case, we suggest that (1) a project's structure strongly affects the possibilities of participating users to consult other users (e.g., non-participating colleagues) about issues concerning the design solution, (2) a project's structure conditions the role of participating users and who, or what, they represent, and (3) representative participation requires rethinking a project's structure.
Prosjektet Trygge spor-GPS-løsning og tilhørende støttesystemer for fysisk aktivitet for personer... more Prosjektet Trygge spor-GPS-løsning og tilhørende støttesystemer for fysisk aktivitet for personer med demens, er et offentlig innovasjonsprosjekt finansiert av Oslofjordfondet. Prosjektets oppdragsgivere er Drammen, Baerum, Trondheim, Bjugn og Åfjord kommuner. Første fase av prosjektet er en forstudie hvor behov for et GPS-system er undersøkt naermere gjennom utprøving av eksisterende teknologi. Parallelt med dette er det foretatt en teknologikartlegging, som sammen med behovskartleggingen har lagt grunnlaget for utvikling av konseptskisser for nye løsninger. Forstudien har involvert personer med demens/kognitiv svikt, deres pårørende og omsorgspersonell i tre kommuner. Totalt har 8 personer deltatt som primaerbrukere i forstudien. Arbeidet i forstudien gir grunnlag for noen foreløpige konklusjoner. Bl.a. pekes det på at introduksjon av GPS-system (sporingsteknologi) dekker et reelt behov hos en rekke brukere av kommunale omsorgstjenester. Behovene er differensierte og avhenger av bl.a. type kognitiv svikt, grad av kognitiv svikt, livssituasjon og støtteapparat rundt brukeren. Et annet funn er at organisering av tjenestene i kommunen og støttesystemer for dette er like viktig som GPSenheten hos brukeren. Videre konkluderes det med at etiske vurderinger og god tilrettelegging for alle involverte er en forutsetning for vellykket bruk av sporingsteknologi for personer med demens. Prosjektet arbeider videre i en hovedstudie basert på erfaringene fra forstudien, og avsluttes ved utgangen av 2012.
Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference
Vedlegg 1-Folder: Hvordan ta i bruk GPS for personer med demens? Presentasjon av tjenestemodell V... more Vedlegg 1-Folder: Hvordan ta i bruk GPS for personer med demens? Presentasjon av tjenestemodell Vedlegg 2-Hefte: Hvordan ta i bruk GPS for personer med demens? Beskrivelse av tjenestemodell Vedlegg 3-Skjema for vurdering av lokaliseringsteknologi brukt i kommunal helsetjeneste PROSJEKTNR 102003016 RAPPORTNR SINTEF A27154 VERSJON 1 4 av 14 Bakgrunn Hvert år erfarer kommunene at personer med demens går seg bort og ikke finner tilbake til hjemmet. Fortvilelse og utrygghet oppleves for personen selv, pårørende og omsorgspersoner. Hendelsene kan føre til alvorlige situasjoner og leteaksjoner med betydelige samfunnskostnader. De er også det første tegnet på behovet for institusjonsinnleggelse, noe som kan medføre redusert frihet for personen selv og økte kostnader for samfunnet. Ca. 70 000 personer har demens i Norge i dag og tallet er forventet å stige til 150 000 i 2050. Norsk folkehjelp har anslått at det er opp mot 1 000 leteaksjoner etter personer med demens i Norge hvert år. Kommunene Drammen, Baerum, Trondheim, Bjugn og Åfjord ønsket å finne løsninger på denne utfordringen sammen, og etablerte prosjektet Trygge spor i samarbeid med SINTEF i 2011. Første fase av prosjektet studerte introduksjon av GPS-teknologi i de kommunale helse-og omsorgstjenestene. Gjennom pilotering av ulike løsninger hos ca 50 personer med demens og evaluering av effekt og nytte ved bruk av teknologien, konkluderte prosjektet i 2013 med at det er en rekke positive effekter for brukergruppen. Bruk av lokaliseringsteknologi muliggjør at personer med demens kan fortsette å gå tur på egen hånd og gir frihet og mestring og økt livskvalitet. Pårørende og ansatte i helse-og omsorgssektoren opplever samtidig en økt trygghet og sikkerhet rundt situasjonen. Det ble samtidig identifisert en rekke utfordringer knyttet til å ta i bruk teknologien i demensomsorgen i kommunene. Prosjektet ble derfor videreført med finansiering fra Forskningsrådets HelseOmsorg-program.
Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society, 2020
This paper addresses how conditions external to participatory activities in large-scale informati... more This paper addresses how conditions external to participatory activities in large-scale information technology (IT) projects may aect participation and potentially reduce user impact. We propose boundary conditions to denote such conditions. We explore this issue through interviews with eight participants in a large ongoing health IT project. The aim of the project is to implement a shared electronic health record system for health care services in a region of Norway. Four phenomena are discussed-group discontinuity, informal follow-up meetings, contractual discussions in the participatory activity, and the "parking" of design decisions. For each phenomenon, we reect on the associated boundary conditions and their eects on participation and user impact. Based on the ndings, the following recommendations are made to help participatory design scale with the complexities of large-scale projects: (1) make the boundary conditions explicit; (2) plan for reections on the process; and (3) plan for peer interaction between users.
The hospital ward is a highly dynamic work environment, in which healthcare personnel rapidly swi... more The hospital ward is a highly dynamic work environment, in which healthcare personnel rapidly switch from one task to another. The process is partly planned, and partly driven by events and interrupts. A mobile electronic patient chart (MEPC) will be an important tool for supporting order entry and accessing, communicating, and recording clinical information. The users need to switch from one context to another with minimal delay and effort. Context-awareness, the ability to sense relevant situational information, can allow the user interface of the MEPC to adapt to various situations. In this paper, we present a future scenario from the coronary care unit. This scenario is analyzed and discussed in order to develop requirements for design methods, context models, and system properties of the MEPC.
ISBN 978-82-471-3226-5 (electronic version)
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2004
The hospital ward is a highly dynamic work environment, in which healthcare personnel rapidly swi... more The hospital ward is a highly dynamic work environment, in which healthcare personnel rapidly switch from one task to another. The process is partly planned, and partly driven by events and interrupts. A mobile electronic patient chart (MEPC) will be an important tool for supporting order entry and accessing, communicating, and recording clinical information. The users need to switch from one context to another with minimal delay and effort. Context-awareness, the ability to sense relevant situational information, can allow the user interface of the MEPC to adapt to various situations. In this paper, we present a future scenario from the coronary care unit. This scenario is analyzed and discussed in order to develop requirements for design methods, context models, and system properties of the MEPC.
This paper describes the application and added value of using card ranking as part of comparative... more This paper describes the application and added value of using card ranking as part of comparative usability evaluations. In card ranking exercises, users rank design solutions they have tested by placing corresponding symbolic cards in order of preference. In addition to providing quantitative data on the users’ preferences, the technique help users to remember the design solutions, encourages user reflection, and makes the facilitator’s work easier. The applicability of the method increases with the number of participants and design solutions tested. A key requirement is to design cards that effectively communicates and distinguish the different design solutions.
We describe the results from a Norwegian case study of the attitudes of community-dwelling lung p... more We describe the results from a Norwegian case study of the attitudes of community-dwelling lung patients and health response center personnel toward a telecare service for such a patient group. The telecare service was intended to prevent exasperations in patients and employed a digital self-report application for remote monitoring of patients' health condition. Based on interviews conducted after a service trial of ten weeks, patient and provider-perceived benefits and concerns related to the service are described. Comparing the data from the two stakeholder groups, we highlight key tensions related to patient safety, what it constitutes as a value, and views on how it can be promoted or undermined through telecare. The way potential technology-embedded value biases can fuel patient-provider tensions are also discussed. Our objective is to inform value-centered design of telecare technology and services by providing an in-depth empirical understanding of relevant value perspect...
Early participatory design (PD) projects tended to be of limited size and complexity. Over the la... more Early participatory design (PD) projects tended to be of limited size and complexity. Over the last two decades, however, various attempts have been made to apply PD to large-scale information technology projects. Although studies have suggested that scaling the methodology to fit larger and more complex projects can be problematic, no attempts have been made to form a comprehensive overview of the associated challenges. To remedy this situation, a systematic literature review of relevant studies was conducted. From an initial 780 references retrieved from databases, 17 articles met the predefined criteria and were included in the review. The review resulted in the extraction of seven categories of challenges. A discussion of the identified challenges as a potential threat to the methodology's integrity is provided. The review offers a multifaceted understanding of the challenges related to the scaling of PD, which, given their nature, risk compromising core PD principles. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Interaction design; Interaction design process and methods; Participatory design.
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Apr 29, 2022
Participatory design facilitators have a significant impact on participatory activities, processe... more Participatory design facilitators have a significant impact on participatory activities, processes, and outcomes. However, the facilitator role has not yet been thoroughly debated in existing design discourse, and support for role-related reflections is limited. As the first steps towards an enriched collective understanding of this specific role and its realization, we interviewed 14 respondents with an academic background in participatory design and extensive facilitation experience. Based on a content analysis of the interviews, we identified six facets of the role: (1) trust builder, (2) enabler, (3) inquirer, (4) direction setter, (5) value provider, and (6) users' advocate. Each facet is presented as consisting of the respondents' perceived associated responsibilities and corresponding strategies. Our results paint a complex picture of participatory design facilitation. We propose the multi-faceted understanding of the facilitator role emerging from this work as a basis for problematized reflection on the role and its realization. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Interaction design; Participatory design.
Ranking for Reflection: The Application and Added Value of Picture Cards in Comparative Usability... more Ranking for Reflection: The Application and Added Value of Picture Cards in Comparative Usability Testing
Ranking for Reflection: The Application and Added Value of Picture Cards in Comparative Usability... more Ranking for Reflection: The Application and Added Value of Picture Cards in Comparative Usability Testing
Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Dec 28, 2022
User involvement is widely recognized as best practice in the development of information technolo... more User involvement is widely recognized as best practice in the development of information technology (IT) systems. In large-scale IT projects, the involvement of users and other stakeholder groups is typically in the form of representatives, as opposed to the direct (in-person) participation characteristic for smaller projects. The potential new sharing of power that representative participation entails vis-à-vis direct stakeholder involvement, and the implications of such a shift, are an important discussion in the context of participatory design. This paper extends and adds to previous work on this subject. Drawing on stakeholder interviews conducted as part of a case study of an electronic health record implementation project in Norway, this paper seeks to describe and analyze problems that can arise with representative participation in a large-scale project. Our focus is on an observed decline of interaction between health professionals participating actively in the project and their advisory units consisting of colleagues without a formal project role. The paper describes how the project's structural arrangements might explain this decline. The paper also describes how the participating health professionals' involvement of the advisory units at regular intervals early in the project (broad involvement) was replaced by more ad hoc and competence-oriented approaches (narrow involvement). We further use the organizational structure of democracies as the basis for two analogies, (I) participants-as-political-representatives and (II) participants-as-technocrats. The observed decline in interaction between the participating health professionals and their advisory units can be seen as a transition in role from user representative to technocrat. Generalizing from the case, we suggest that (1) a project's structure strongly affects the possibilities of participating users to consult other users (e.g., non-participating colleagues) about issues concerning the design solution, (2) a project's structure conditions the role of participating users and who, or what, they represent, and (3) representative participation requires rethinking a project's structure.
Prosjektet Trygge spor-GPS-løsning og tilhørende støttesystemer for fysisk aktivitet for personer... more Prosjektet Trygge spor-GPS-løsning og tilhørende støttesystemer for fysisk aktivitet for personer med demens, er et offentlig innovasjonsprosjekt finansiert av Oslofjordfondet. Prosjektets oppdragsgivere er Drammen, Baerum, Trondheim, Bjugn og Åfjord kommuner. Første fase av prosjektet er en forstudie hvor behov for et GPS-system er undersøkt naermere gjennom utprøving av eksisterende teknologi. Parallelt med dette er det foretatt en teknologikartlegging, som sammen med behovskartleggingen har lagt grunnlaget for utvikling av konseptskisser for nye løsninger. Forstudien har involvert personer med demens/kognitiv svikt, deres pårørende og omsorgspersonell i tre kommuner. Totalt har 8 personer deltatt som primaerbrukere i forstudien. Arbeidet i forstudien gir grunnlag for noen foreløpige konklusjoner. Bl.a. pekes det på at introduksjon av GPS-system (sporingsteknologi) dekker et reelt behov hos en rekke brukere av kommunale omsorgstjenester. Behovene er differensierte og avhenger av bl.a. type kognitiv svikt, grad av kognitiv svikt, livssituasjon og støtteapparat rundt brukeren. Et annet funn er at organisering av tjenestene i kommunen og støttesystemer for dette er like viktig som GPSenheten hos brukeren. Videre konkluderes det med at etiske vurderinger og god tilrettelegging for alle involverte er en forutsetning for vellykket bruk av sporingsteknologi for personer med demens. Prosjektet arbeider videre i en hovedstudie basert på erfaringene fra forstudien, og avsluttes ved utgangen av 2012.
Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 Nordic Human-Computer Interaction Conference
Vedlegg 1-Folder: Hvordan ta i bruk GPS for personer med demens? Presentasjon av tjenestemodell V... more Vedlegg 1-Folder: Hvordan ta i bruk GPS for personer med demens? Presentasjon av tjenestemodell Vedlegg 2-Hefte: Hvordan ta i bruk GPS for personer med demens? Beskrivelse av tjenestemodell Vedlegg 3-Skjema for vurdering av lokaliseringsteknologi brukt i kommunal helsetjeneste PROSJEKTNR 102003016 RAPPORTNR SINTEF A27154 VERSJON 1 4 av 14 Bakgrunn Hvert år erfarer kommunene at personer med demens går seg bort og ikke finner tilbake til hjemmet. Fortvilelse og utrygghet oppleves for personen selv, pårørende og omsorgspersoner. Hendelsene kan føre til alvorlige situasjoner og leteaksjoner med betydelige samfunnskostnader. De er også det første tegnet på behovet for institusjonsinnleggelse, noe som kan medføre redusert frihet for personen selv og økte kostnader for samfunnet. Ca. 70 000 personer har demens i Norge i dag og tallet er forventet å stige til 150 000 i 2050. Norsk folkehjelp har anslått at det er opp mot 1 000 leteaksjoner etter personer med demens i Norge hvert år. Kommunene Drammen, Baerum, Trondheim, Bjugn og Åfjord ønsket å finne løsninger på denne utfordringen sammen, og etablerte prosjektet Trygge spor i samarbeid med SINTEF i 2011. Første fase av prosjektet studerte introduksjon av GPS-teknologi i de kommunale helse-og omsorgstjenestene. Gjennom pilotering av ulike løsninger hos ca 50 personer med demens og evaluering av effekt og nytte ved bruk av teknologien, konkluderte prosjektet i 2013 med at det er en rekke positive effekter for brukergruppen. Bruk av lokaliseringsteknologi muliggjør at personer med demens kan fortsette å gå tur på egen hånd og gir frihet og mestring og økt livskvalitet. Pårørende og ansatte i helse-og omsorgssektoren opplever samtidig en økt trygghet og sikkerhet rundt situasjonen. Det ble samtidig identifisert en rekke utfordringer knyttet til å ta i bruk teknologien i demensomsorgen i kommunene. Prosjektet ble derfor videreført med finansiering fra Forskningsrådets HelseOmsorg-program.
Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society, 2020
This paper addresses how conditions external to participatory activities in large-scale informati... more This paper addresses how conditions external to participatory activities in large-scale information technology (IT) projects may aect participation and potentially reduce user impact. We propose boundary conditions to denote such conditions. We explore this issue through interviews with eight participants in a large ongoing health IT project. The aim of the project is to implement a shared electronic health record system for health care services in a region of Norway. Four phenomena are discussed-group discontinuity, informal follow-up meetings, contractual discussions in the participatory activity, and the "parking" of design decisions. For each phenomenon, we reect on the associated boundary conditions and their eects on participation and user impact. Based on the ndings, the following recommendations are made to help participatory design scale with the complexities of large-scale projects: (1) make the boundary conditions explicit; (2) plan for reections on the process; and (3) plan for peer interaction between users.
The hospital ward is a highly dynamic work environment, in which healthcare personnel rapidly swi... more The hospital ward is a highly dynamic work environment, in which healthcare personnel rapidly switch from one task to another. The process is partly planned, and partly driven by events and interrupts. A mobile electronic patient chart (MEPC) will be an important tool for supporting order entry and accessing, communicating, and recording clinical information. The users need to switch from one context to another with minimal delay and effort. Context-awareness, the ability to sense relevant situational information, can allow the user interface of the MEPC to adapt to various situations. In this paper, we present a future scenario from the coronary care unit. This scenario is analyzed and discussed in order to develop requirements for design methods, context models, and system properties of the MEPC.
ISBN 978-82-471-3226-5 (electronic version)
Studies in health technology and informatics, 2004
The hospital ward is a highly dynamic work environment, in which healthcare personnel rapidly swi... more The hospital ward is a highly dynamic work environment, in which healthcare personnel rapidly switch from one task to another. The process is partly planned, and partly driven by events and interrupts. A mobile electronic patient chart (MEPC) will be an important tool for supporting order entry and accessing, communicating, and recording clinical information. The users need to switch from one context to another with minimal delay and effort. Context-awareness, the ability to sense relevant situational information, can allow the user interface of the MEPC to adapt to various situations. In this paper, we present a future scenario from the coronary care unit. This scenario is analyzed and discussed in order to develop requirements for design methods, context models, and system properties of the MEPC.
This paper describes the application and added value of using card ranking as part of comparative... more This paper describes the application and added value of using card ranking as part of comparative usability evaluations. In card ranking exercises, users rank design solutions they have tested by placing corresponding symbolic cards in order of preference. In addition to providing quantitative data on the users’ preferences, the technique help users to remember the design solutions, encourages user reflection, and makes the facilitator’s work easier. The applicability of the method increases with the number of participants and design solutions tested. A key requirement is to design cards that effectively communicates and distinguish the different design solutions.
We describe the results from a Norwegian case study of the attitudes of community-dwelling lung p... more We describe the results from a Norwegian case study of the attitudes of community-dwelling lung patients and health response center personnel toward a telecare service for such a patient group. The telecare service was intended to prevent exasperations in patients and employed a digital self-report application for remote monitoring of patients' health condition. Based on interviews conducted after a service trial of ten weeks, patient and provider-perceived benefits and concerns related to the service are described. Comparing the data from the two stakeholder groups, we highlight key tensions related to patient safety, what it constitutes as a value, and views on how it can be promoted or undermined through telecare. The way potential technology-embedded value biases can fuel patient-provider tensions are also discussed. Our objective is to inform value-centered design of telecare technology and services by providing an in-depth empirical understanding of relevant value perspect...