Yonky Pernando - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Yonky Pernando
Journal of Computer, Mar 12, 2023
Augmented reality is a technology that combines the virtual world and the real world in the form ... more Augmented reality is a technology that combines the virtual world and the real world in the form of two-dimensional or 3D objects in real time. This study uses the markerless augmented reality method to display the object. This study uses the prototype method where researchers listen to customers, build or revise mockups and customer test drive mockups. This augmented reality application was created using the Blender, Unity, Sketchup Pro and Vuforia SDK applications. Making three-dimensional objects is made using Blender and Sketchup Pro while making applications using Unity and Vuforia SDK. The results of the research on the application that was made were tested using blackbox testing where the test results obtained "as expected" which means the application is functioning and working properly.
Journal Sensi
Sensor ultrasonik digunakan dalam aplikasi kapal untuk mendeteksi jarak antara kapal dan benda la... more Sensor ultrasonik digunakan dalam aplikasi kapal untuk mendeteksi jarak antara kapal dan benda lain, seperti perairan dangkal atau dermaga. Sensor ini bekerja dengan memancarkan gelombang ultrasonik dan mengukur waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk gelombang tersebut kembali setelah memantul dari benda yang diukur. Namun, sensor ultrasonik juga memiliki beberapa keterbatasan, seperti pengaruh lingkungan dan interferensi dengan gelombang suara lainnya. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penyesuaian terhadap sensitivitas sensor dan kalibrasi secara teratur untuk mendapatkan hasil yang akurat. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan pengujian terhadap sensor ultrasonik pada kapal dan dihasilkan nilai akurasi pengukuran yang tinggi dengan menggunakan metode kalibrasi yang tepat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sensor ultrasonik dapat digunakan sebagai solusi dalam memperbaiki kesalahan navigasi kapal dan membantu mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan.
Manajemen proyek merupakan kegiatan mengorganisir, memimpin dan mengendalikan sumber daya perusah... more Manajemen proyek merupakan kegiatan mengorganisir, memimpin dan mengendalikan sumber daya perusahaan untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. PT.Sintech Berkah Abadi sangat membutuhkan sistem tersebut untuk menunjang dan meningkatkan pelayanan baik untuk kepuasan karyawan maupun pelanggan dalam proses kegiatan proyek perusahaan mereka. Sebuah perusahanan yang bergerak di bidang penyedia perangkat lunak di pasar global, memberikan solusi bisnis dan berteknologi ini, dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya mengalami berbagai macam kendala saat proses pengolahan data, di antaranya terjadi kesalahan atau kehilangan data dengan berbagai alur yang dilewati seperti pembuatan permohonan, pengolahan data, proses persetujuan serta sampai pada pembuatan laporan proyek. Dengan hal tersebut dibutuhkannya sebuah aplikasi sistem manajemen proyek berbasis web pada PT.Sintech Berkah Abadi. Metode pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka, se...
Journal of Informatics Management and Information Technology
Tablet PC which is one part of technological developments in the field of communication that aims... more Tablet PC which is one part of technological developments in the field of communication that aims to meet the needs of users where these needs are not found on smartphones or laptops, is an option that can be an alternative communication tool that can meet needs involving a smartphone. such as designing, playing games, and working. related to the many models of tablet PCs in the world of communication causes the selection of the best tablet PC to be a problem for the users themselves. One of them is if the user chooses the wrong type of tablet PC according to their needs, the tablet PC does not make it easier, instead it hinders the activities of the user himself. therefore data from the types of tablet PCs are collected from 5 criteria and 7 alternatives where the criteria have been determined including screen size, memory capacity, memory type, hard disk capacity and price. From these criteria, the use of ROC can be used to giving weight to each criterion which is then determined ...
J-Com (Journal of Computer)
Augmented reality is a technology that combines the virtual world and the real world in the form ... more Augmented reality is a technology that combines the virtual world and the real world in the form of two-dimensional or 3D objects in real time. This study uses the markerless augmented reality method to display the object. This study uses the prototype method where researchers listen to customers, build or revise mockups and customer test drive mockups. This augmented reality application was created using the Blender, Unity, Sketchup Pro and Vuforia SDK applications. Making three-dimensional objects is made using Blender and Sketchup Pro while making applications using Unity and Vuforia SDK. The results of the research on the application that was made were tested using blackbox testing where the test results obtained "as expected" which means the application is functioning and working properly.
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer), Dec 30, 2022
Sebuah perusahaan menentukan sebuah keputusan pada prediksi penjualan periode berikutnya ditentuk... more Sebuah perusahaan menentukan sebuah keputusan pada prediksi penjualan periode berikutnya ditentukan olehl sisa persediaan dari satu periode sebelumnyako dan juga prediksi jumlahko permintaan pada satumn periode selanjutnya. Prediksi adalah perkiraan terhadap permintaan pada waktu yang akan datang pada beberapa variabel prediksi, dan sering berdasarkan pada deret waktu, data historis. Dan hal tersebut sifatnya tidak pasti sehingga dibutuhkan metode yang tepat dalam mengatasi ketidakpastian penjualan yang akan datang dengan tujuan tidak terjadinya masalah dalam penjualan. Kesulitan yang dialami memiliki dampak pada lamanya proses pengambilan keputusanko prediksi yang akan dilakukan. Logika fuzzy bertujuan untuk memetakan permasalahan dari input menuju ke output, dalam proses prediksi penjualan ini menggunakan metode fuzzy mamdani yang sering dikenal sebagai metode max-min. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang telah dilakukan pada metode ini dapat melakukan prediksi penjualan dengan keakuratan data yang diinginkan dan menghasilkan sistem yang bermanfaat dengan tampilan sistem yang efisien sehingga mudah digunakan .
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi)
l-The field of computer vision is research in development technology to obtain information from i... more l-The field of computer vision is research in development technology to obtain information from images and replicate or imitate human visual processes, so that they can understand the objects around them. Deep learning is a term used to describe a new era in learning that supports computer learning from big data machines. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) algorithms have made significant progress in the fields of object detection, image classification, and semantic segmentation. ;Object detection is a technique used to identify the type of object in a given image and the location of the object in the image. The field of computer vision is research in development technology to obtain information from images and replicate or imitate human visual processes, so that computers can know objects around them. Deep learning is the buzzword as a new era in machine learning that trains computers to find patterns from large amounts of data. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) algorithms have made significant progress in the fields of object detection, image classification, and semantic segmentation. Object detection is a technique used to identify the type of object in a particular image as well as the location of the object in the image.
This review portrays the plan of IoT on Keen entryway locks are keys that can be utilized to make... more This review portrays the plan of IoT on Keen entryway locks are keys that can be utilized to make a commonsense and productive security framework in homes and different structures. The update highlight is added with Remote. Remote is an electromagnetic telecom network that utilizations waves rather than links. The motivation behind this Keen Entryway Lock is to expand proficiency and diminish manual opening from within, however if you open the entryway from an external perspective, it is sufficient to utilize a cell phone. in the investigation, when a guest came, the guest saw a sensor warning before the entryway and afterward moved toward the notice sensor that had been planned with the past blynk application, the blynk application sent a notice through a cell phone, after the property holder realized that there was somebody before him and just opened the lock Savvy Entryway Lock by utilizing a cell phone if the property holder knows the guest. after guests see the green light the ...
Penelitian ini memaparkan eksistensi komunitas seni Turonggo Yakso Kridho Budhoyo melanjutkan kea... more Penelitian ini memaparkan eksistensi komunitas seni Turonggo Yakso Kridho Budhoyo melanjutkan kearifan lokal dalam pengembangan seni budaya Jawa Timur di Kota Batam Kepulauan Riau. Merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, data diperoleh dengan tehnik pengumpulan data secara observasi lansung ke lapangan dan bersentuhan lansung dengan objek penelitian, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data di analisis dengan tehnik deskriptif kualitatif guna memperoleh keabsahan data dari sumber. Hasil penelitian ini akan menuliskan tentang: bentuk penyajian komunitas seni Turonggo Yakso Kridho Budhoyo, serta eksistensinya membawa kearifan lokal di kota Batam. Yang membedakan komunitas seni ini dengan komunitas seni Jawa lainnya yang ada di kota Batam adalah pada garapan tari diciptakan lansung oleh komunitas ini tanpa menghilangkan bentuk asli dari kebudayaan aslinya dan bentuk kepala kuda lumping mereka adalah kepala raksasa. Mengembangkan potensi dan sumber lokal baik berupa material dan nonmaterial ...
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi)
The vehicle washing application using mobile is an application that aims to help users make it ea... more The vehicle washing application using mobile is an application that aims to help users make it easier for users to order vehicle washing services online. This app was designed to make it easy for users to use and to allow them to send vehicle wash notifications whenever and wherever they want using a mobile device. Ordering Features: This application has several main features, namely Ordering Features: Users can order vehicle washing services easily through this application. They only need to choose the type of car they want, the services they want, and the time and place where they want to work. Integration Payment: This application is equipped with an online payment system, which allows easy and secure payments through the application. Feature Order Tracking: Users can monitor the status of their orders through the application, namely when the order will be picked up, the vehicle washing process, and when the order will be completed and will be completed. This application is equipped with a good and secure data management system, so that user data and orders can be accessed easily and protected from unwanted actions. Vehicle washing using mobile applications can provide many benefits for users, such as user convenience and satisfaction, time and cost efficiency, and ease of finding information. Because of this, app development must begin with a focus on the most important features that users require and end with a positive user experience.
Rumen merupakan tempat terjadinya degradasi selulosa yang dibantu oleh bakteri selulolitik dengan... more Rumen merupakan tempat terjadinya degradasi selulosa yang dibantu oleh bakteri selulolitik dengan cara menghasilkan enzim selulase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies bakteri selulolitik pada rumen kambing. kelimpahanbakteri selulolitik diidentifikasi melalui fragmen gen 16S rRNA. Sampel cairan rumenkambing yang diperoleh dari RPH Banda Aceh dibiakkan pada media media selektif bakteri selulolitik BHM-CMC, dilanjutkan dengan isolasi DNA total sehingga didapatkan DNA murni, kemudian dilakukan amplifikasi gen 16S rRNA dan penentuan urutan DNA. Proses amplifikasi dilakukan menggunakan metode PCR sedangkan penentuan urutan DNA (sekuensing) dilakukan melalui jasa komersial di Macrogen Inc., Korea. Urutan DNA dibandingkan dengan DNA bakteri yang ada ada di GenBank. Tahap akhir dilakukan penjajaran urutan basa DNA dengan menggunakan program BLASTN. Hasil penilitian menunjukkan isolat bakteri selulolitik FKH_USK_09 memiliki kedekatan dengan bakteri Lysinibacillusboronitolerans...
JUTSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi)
This review portrays the plan of IoT on Keen entryway locks are keys that can be utilized to make... more This review portrays the plan of IoT on Keen entryway locks are keys that can be utilized to make a commonsense and productive security framework in homes and different structures. The update highlight is added with Remote. Remote is an electromagnetic telecom network that utilizations waves rather than links. The motivation behind this Keen Entryway Lock is to expand proficiency and diminish manual opening from within, however if you open the entryway from an external perspective, it is sufficient to utilize a cell phone. in the investigation, when a guest came, the guest saw a sensor warning before the entryway and afterward moved toward the notice sensor that had been planned with the past blynk application, the blynk application sent a notice through a cell phone, after the property holder realized that there was somebody before him and just opened the lock Savvy Entryway Lock by utilizing a cell phone if the property holder knows the guest. after guests see the green light the entryway has been opened, following a couple of moments the entryway will naturally lock once more. then, at that point, there is a press button from the indirect access to open the entryway in a crisis if the capacity of the cell phone doesn't attempt to open the entryway. the programmed work that I made in the entryway lock framework permits clients to effortlessly control and bind together the climate and states of the house without a moment's delay prior to going into or going out.
Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dalam suatu perusahaan sangat penting untuk mencegah kecelakaan k... more Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dalam suatu perusahaan sangat penting untuk mencegah kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi, Oleh karena itu, sosialisasi tempat kerja dan keselamatan kerja sangat penting untuk terus berlanjut, namun setiap perusahaan memiliki situasi sendiri, tanpa sarana komunikasi yang tidak efektif. Maka dari itu penelitian ini merancang motion graphic sebagai media untuk media komunikasi.` Motion graphic memiliki keunikan tersendiri karena dibuat dengan menggabungkan ilustrasi dan teks untuk menciptakan sebuah informasi yang mudah dipahami. Hal ini karena informasi lebih mudah disampaikan melalui sarana pendengaran dan visual. Oleh karena itu motion graphic ini agar menjadi media komunikasi yang tepat sasaran dan jelas dari sebelumnya. `Motion -graphic yang -dibuat dalam video bentuk -2D agar media komunikasi di PT. Sea Asih Lines Padang bisa bermanfaat dengan baik. `Motion graphic ini dibuat dengan aplikasi Adobe After Effect serta membuat efek suara dengan menggunakan ...
2019 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE)
Vegetarian food is one solution for people to start living healthy. Today there are still many un... more Vegetarian food is one solution for people to start living healthy. Today there are still many unhealthy foods circulating and consumed continuously by the Indonesian people, especially the city of Batam. This is due to the difficulty of people getting healthy food without chemicals that harm the body. People really want a healthy life in an easy and inexpensive way. The development of android technology on smartphones is very possible to realize healthy people's lives easily and cheaply. Android technology will also be an important point in helping to get healthy vegetarian food without having to shop out of the house. Public trust is also a concern in this study. With the COD (Cash On Delivery) method, it is expected that vege applications can increase public confidence in buying vegetarian food. This method has been widely used by other major sales applications in Indonesia and has been proven successful in adding application users. The growth in the number of very fast couriers in Indonesia can help the system used by the Vege application. Users can anytime order vegetarian food on an Android smartphone without having to get out of the house just to find healthy food. Couriers will deliver directly to the user's residence and pay as many orders to the courier. This system is expected to help reduce the number of undernourished communities that continue to increase in Indonesia.
Augmented Reality INLA ((International Nature Loving Association ) ) gymnastics is an application... more Augmented Reality INLA ((International Nature Loving Association ) ) gymnastics is an application to help people watch performances and performances without having to attend directly to the place of activity. This application is made based on mobile, because it is the most widely used by the general public. This application will display the song gymnastics World One Family with a duration of 3 minutes 28 seconds and the actor as an instructor for the gymnastics movement World One Family. The focus of this research is on the INLA team at the Maitreyawira Elementary School in Batam. So that the process of introducing culture through INLA at Maitreyawira Elementary School Batam becomes more practical and interesting. INLA Gymnastics activities at Maitreyawira Elementary School Batam can be carried out again during the Covid-19 pandemic. Increase interest in INLA culture at Maitreyawira Elementary goe in using the Augmented Reality application.
Majalah ilmiah UPI YPTK, Feb 13, 2017
JUTSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi), 2022
Because it is vital to describe the socialization of occupational safety and health that is carri... more Because it is vital to describe the socialization of occupational safety and health that is carried out, occupational health and safety is very important in a company to prevent work accidents. However, every firm has conditions that are not harmonious, so socialization is seldom carried out. carried out, and inefficient procedures were used. As a result, the first step in this investigation is to create a motion graphic animation as an introduction medium. Because information is more practical to express through audio and images, motion graphic animation has its own individuality. It is designed utilizing a combination of graphics and pen strokes that produce intriguing things to convey. As a result, the author creates motion graphic animations to make the introduction more fascinating and repeatable.
J-Com (Journal of Computer), 2021
Abstract: The presence of students is one of the important things in lecture activities. Student ... more Abstract: The presence of students is one of the important things in lecture activities. Student attendance data can be used as an indicator of student discipline and as a determinant of student eligibility to take the exam. The recording of student attendance at Universal University is still done manually by signing the attendance register document. The problem that arises from using the manual method is that a student can sign the attendance of other students, requires supervision, and burdens the administration in managing attendance data. Therefore, this study proposes the design and implementation of a student attendance application using the X100-C fingerprint machine. The application made is presented in the form of a web-based application. Through the attendance application, admin work is helped and minimizes fraud that arises from recording attendance manually using paper. Keywords: Attendance Application; Fingerprint; X100-C Machine Abstrak: Kehadiran mahasiswa...
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi), 2021
lThis study describes the INLA Goes to School Gymnastics activities which have temporarily not be... more lThis study describes the INLA Goes to School Gymnastics activities which have temporarily not been running for a year due to the pandemic. Therefore, this study makes analysis and design which will later be made into applications for further research so that INLA goes to school Gymnastics activities can be carried out again during a pandemic and after a pandemic. lAugmented Reality is a technology that allows users to see a combination of real and virtual objects in a real environment and run in real time or realtime. lIn this study, the author makes a 3-dimensional animation design to make it look more attractive and increase interest in using the INLA Goes to School Augmented Reality Gymnastics application. The INLA Goes to School Gymnastics Application Based on Augmented Reality was created using the Unity application and in the animation stage using the Blender application.
Journal of Computer, Mar 12, 2023
Augmented reality is a technology that combines the virtual world and the real world in the form ... more Augmented reality is a technology that combines the virtual world and the real world in the form of two-dimensional or 3D objects in real time. This study uses the markerless augmented reality method to display the object. This study uses the prototype method where researchers listen to customers, build or revise mockups and customer test drive mockups. This augmented reality application was created using the Blender, Unity, Sketchup Pro and Vuforia SDK applications. Making three-dimensional objects is made using Blender and Sketchup Pro while making applications using Unity and Vuforia SDK. The results of the research on the application that was made were tested using blackbox testing where the test results obtained "as expected" which means the application is functioning and working properly.
Journal Sensi
Sensor ultrasonik digunakan dalam aplikasi kapal untuk mendeteksi jarak antara kapal dan benda la... more Sensor ultrasonik digunakan dalam aplikasi kapal untuk mendeteksi jarak antara kapal dan benda lain, seperti perairan dangkal atau dermaga. Sensor ini bekerja dengan memancarkan gelombang ultrasonik dan mengukur waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk gelombang tersebut kembali setelah memantul dari benda yang diukur. Namun, sensor ultrasonik juga memiliki beberapa keterbatasan, seperti pengaruh lingkungan dan interferensi dengan gelombang suara lainnya. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penyesuaian terhadap sensitivitas sensor dan kalibrasi secara teratur untuk mendapatkan hasil yang akurat. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan pengujian terhadap sensor ultrasonik pada kapal dan dihasilkan nilai akurasi pengukuran yang tinggi dengan menggunakan metode kalibrasi yang tepat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sensor ultrasonik dapat digunakan sebagai solusi dalam memperbaiki kesalahan navigasi kapal dan membantu mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan.
Manajemen proyek merupakan kegiatan mengorganisir, memimpin dan mengendalikan sumber daya perusah... more Manajemen proyek merupakan kegiatan mengorganisir, memimpin dan mengendalikan sumber daya perusahaan untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. PT.Sintech Berkah Abadi sangat membutuhkan sistem tersebut untuk menunjang dan meningkatkan pelayanan baik untuk kepuasan karyawan maupun pelanggan dalam proses kegiatan proyek perusahaan mereka. Sebuah perusahanan yang bergerak di bidang penyedia perangkat lunak di pasar global, memberikan solusi bisnis dan berteknologi ini, dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya mengalami berbagai macam kendala saat proses pengolahan data, di antaranya terjadi kesalahan atau kehilangan data dengan berbagai alur yang dilewati seperti pembuatan permohonan, pengolahan data, proses persetujuan serta sampai pada pembuatan laporan proyek. Dengan hal tersebut dibutuhkannya sebuah aplikasi sistem manajemen proyek berbasis web pada PT.Sintech Berkah Abadi. Metode pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka, se...
Journal of Informatics Management and Information Technology
Tablet PC which is one part of technological developments in the field of communication that aims... more Tablet PC which is one part of technological developments in the field of communication that aims to meet the needs of users where these needs are not found on smartphones or laptops, is an option that can be an alternative communication tool that can meet needs involving a smartphone. such as designing, playing games, and working. related to the many models of tablet PCs in the world of communication causes the selection of the best tablet PC to be a problem for the users themselves. One of them is if the user chooses the wrong type of tablet PC according to their needs, the tablet PC does not make it easier, instead it hinders the activities of the user himself. therefore data from the types of tablet PCs are collected from 5 criteria and 7 alternatives where the criteria have been determined including screen size, memory capacity, memory type, hard disk capacity and price. From these criteria, the use of ROC can be used to giving weight to each criterion which is then determined ...
J-Com (Journal of Computer)
Augmented reality is a technology that combines the virtual world and the real world in the form ... more Augmented reality is a technology that combines the virtual world and the real world in the form of two-dimensional or 3D objects in real time. This study uses the markerless augmented reality method to display the object. This study uses the prototype method where researchers listen to customers, build or revise mockups and customer test drive mockups. This augmented reality application was created using the Blender, Unity, Sketchup Pro and Vuforia SDK applications. Making three-dimensional objects is made using Blender and Sketchup Pro while making applications using Unity and Vuforia SDK. The results of the research on the application that was made were tested using blackbox testing where the test results obtained "as expected" which means the application is functioning and working properly.
JURIKOM (Jurnal Riset Komputer), Dec 30, 2022
Sebuah perusahaan menentukan sebuah keputusan pada prediksi penjualan periode berikutnya ditentuk... more Sebuah perusahaan menentukan sebuah keputusan pada prediksi penjualan periode berikutnya ditentukan olehl sisa persediaan dari satu periode sebelumnyako dan juga prediksi jumlahko permintaan pada satumn periode selanjutnya. Prediksi adalah perkiraan terhadap permintaan pada waktu yang akan datang pada beberapa variabel prediksi, dan sering berdasarkan pada deret waktu, data historis. Dan hal tersebut sifatnya tidak pasti sehingga dibutuhkan metode yang tepat dalam mengatasi ketidakpastian penjualan yang akan datang dengan tujuan tidak terjadinya masalah dalam penjualan. Kesulitan yang dialami memiliki dampak pada lamanya proses pengambilan keputusanko prediksi yang akan dilakukan. Logika fuzzy bertujuan untuk memetakan permasalahan dari input menuju ke output, dalam proses prediksi penjualan ini menggunakan metode fuzzy mamdani yang sering dikenal sebagai metode max-min. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang telah dilakukan pada metode ini dapat melakukan prediksi penjualan dengan keakuratan data yang diinginkan dan menghasilkan sistem yang bermanfaat dengan tampilan sistem yang efisien sehingga mudah digunakan .
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi)
l-The field of computer vision is research in development technology to obtain information from i... more l-The field of computer vision is research in development technology to obtain information from images and replicate or imitate human visual processes, so that they can understand the objects around them. Deep learning is a term used to describe a new era in learning that supports computer learning from big data machines. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) algorithms have made significant progress in the fields of object detection, image classification, and semantic segmentation. ;Object detection is a technique used to identify the type of object in a given image and the location of the object in the image. The field of computer vision is research in development technology to obtain information from images and replicate or imitate human visual processes, so that computers can know objects around them. Deep learning is the buzzword as a new era in machine learning that trains computers to find patterns from large amounts of data. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) algorithms have made significant progress in the fields of object detection, image classification, and semantic segmentation. Object detection is a technique used to identify the type of object in a particular image as well as the location of the object in the image.
This review portrays the plan of IoT on Keen entryway locks are keys that can be utilized to make... more This review portrays the plan of IoT on Keen entryway locks are keys that can be utilized to make a commonsense and productive security framework in homes and different structures. The update highlight is added with Remote. Remote is an electromagnetic telecom network that utilizations waves rather than links. The motivation behind this Keen Entryway Lock is to expand proficiency and diminish manual opening from within, however if you open the entryway from an external perspective, it is sufficient to utilize a cell phone. in the investigation, when a guest came, the guest saw a sensor warning before the entryway and afterward moved toward the notice sensor that had been planned with the past blynk application, the blynk application sent a notice through a cell phone, after the property holder realized that there was somebody before him and just opened the lock Savvy Entryway Lock by utilizing a cell phone if the property holder knows the guest. after guests see the green light the ...
Penelitian ini memaparkan eksistensi komunitas seni Turonggo Yakso Kridho Budhoyo melanjutkan kea... more Penelitian ini memaparkan eksistensi komunitas seni Turonggo Yakso Kridho Budhoyo melanjutkan kearifan lokal dalam pengembangan seni budaya Jawa Timur di Kota Batam Kepulauan Riau. Merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, data diperoleh dengan tehnik pengumpulan data secara observasi lansung ke lapangan dan bersentuhan lansung dengan objek penelitian, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data di analisis dengan tehnik deskriptif kualitatif guna memperoleh keabsahan data dari sumber. Hasil penelitian ini akan menuliskan tentang: bentuk penyajian komunitas seni Turonggo Yakso Kridho Budhoyo, serta eksistensinya membawa kearifan lokal di kota Batam. Yang membedakan komunitas seni ini dengan komunitas seni Jawa lainnya yang ada di kota Batam adalah pada garapan tari diciptakan lansung oleh komunitas ini tanpa menghilangkan bentuk asli dari kebudayaan aslinya dan bentuk kepala kuda lumping mereka adalah kepala raksasa. Mengembangkan potensi dan sumber lokal baik berupa material dan nonmaterial ...
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi)
The vehicle washing application using mobile is an application that aims to help users make it ea... more The vehicle washing application using mobile is an application that aims to help users make it easier for users to order vehicle washing services online. This app was designed to make it easy for users to use and to allow them to send vehicle wash notifications whenever and wherever they want using a mobile device. Ordering Features: This application has several main features, namely Ordering Features: Users can order vehicle washing services easily through this application. They only need to choose the type of car they want, the services they want, and the time and place where they want to work. Integration Payment: This application is equipped with an online payment system, which allows easy and secure payments through the application. Feature Order Tracking: Users can monitor the status of their orders through the application, namely when the order will be picked up, the vehicle washing process, and when the order will be completed and will be completed. This application is equipped with a good and secure data management system, so that user data and orders can be accessed easily and protected from unwanted actions. Vehicle washing using mobile applications can provide many benefits for users, such as user convenience and satisfaction, time and cost efficiency, and ease of finding information. Because of this, app development must begin with a focus on the most important features that users require and end with a positive user experience.
Rumen merupakan tempat terjadinya degradasi selulosa yang dibantu oleh bakteri selulolitik dengan... more Rumen merupakan tempat terjadinya degradasi selulosa yang dibantu oleh bakteri selulolitik dengan cara menghasilkan enzim selulase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies bakteri selulolitik pada rumen kambing. kelimpahanbakteri selulolitik diidentifikasi melalui fragmen gen 16S rRNA. Sampel cairan rumenkambing yang diperoleh dari RPH Banda Aceh dibiakkan pada media media selektif bakteri selulolitik BHM-CMC, dilanjutkan dengan isolasi DNA total sehingga didapatkan DNA murni, kemudian dilakukan amplifikasi gen 16S rRNA dan penentuan urutan DNA. Proses amplifikasi dilakukan menggunakan metode PCR sedangkan penentuan urutan DNA (sekuensing) dilakukan melalui jasa komersial di Macrogen Inc., Korea. Urutan DNA dibandingkan dengan DNA bakteri yang ada ada di GenBank. Tahap akhir dilakukan penjajaran urutan basa DNA dengan menggunakan program BLASTN. Hasil penilitian menunjukkan isolat bakteri selulolitik FKH_USK_09 memiliki kedekatan dengan bakteri Lysinibacillusboronitolerans...
JUTSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi)
This review portrays the plan of IoT on Keen entryway locks are keys that can be utilized to make... more This review portrays the plan of IoT on Keen entryway locks are keys that can be utilized to make a commonsense and productive security framework in homes and different structures. The update highlight is added with Remote. Remote is an electromagnetic telecom network that utilizations waves rather than links. The motivation behind this Keen Entryway Lock is to expand proficiency and diminish manual opening from within, however if you open the entryway from an external perspective, it is sufficient to utilize a cell phone. in the investigation, when a guest came, the guest saw a sensor warning before the entryway and afterward moved toward the notice sensor that had been planned with the past blynk application, the blynk application sent a notice through a cell phone, after the property holder realized that there was somebody before him and just opened the lock Savvy Entryway Lock by utilizing a cell phone if the property holder knows the guest. after guests see the green light the entryway has been opened, following a couple of moments the entryway will naturally lock once more. then, at that point, there is a press button from the indirect access to open the entryway in a crisis if the capacity of the cell phone doesn't attempt to open the entryway. the programmed work that I made in the entryway lock framework permits clients to effortlessly control and bind together the climate and states of the house without a moment's delay prior to going into or going out.
Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dalam suatu perusahaan sangat penting untuk mencegah kecelakaan k... more Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dalam suatu perusahaan sangat penting untuk mencegah kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi, Oleh karena itu, sosialisasi tempat kerja dan keselamatan kerja sangat penting untuk terus berlanjut, namun setiap perusahaan memiliki situasi sendiri, tanpa sarana komunikasi yang tidak efektif. Maka dari itu penelitian ini merancang motion graphic sebagai media untuk media komunikasi.` Motion graphic memiliki keunikan tersendiri karena dibuat dengan menggabungkan ilustrasi dan teks untuk menciptakan sebuah informasi yang mudah dipahami. Hal ini karena informasi lebih mudah disampaikan melalui sarana pendengaran dan visual. Oleh karena itu motion graphic ini agar menjadi media komunikasi yang tepat sasaran dan jelas dari sebelumnya. `Motion -graphic yang -dibuat dalam video bentuk -2D agar media komunikasi di PT. Sea Asih Lines Padang bisa bermanfaat dengan baik. `Motion graphic ini dibuat dengan aplikasi Adobe After Effect serta membuat efek suara dengan menggunakan ...
2019 2nd International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE)
Vegetarian food is one solution for people to start living healthy. Today there are still many un... more Vegetarian food is one solution for people to start living healthy. Today there are still many unhealthy foods circulating and consumed continuously by the Indonesian people, especially the city of Batam. This is due to the difficulty of people getting healthy food without chemicals that harm the body. People really want a healthy life in an easy and inexpensive way. The development of android technology on smartphones is very possible to realize healthy people's lives easily and cheaply. Android technology will also be an important point in helping to get healthy vegetarian food without having to shop out of the house. Public trust is also a concern in this study. With the COD (Cash On Delivery) method, it is expected that vege applications can increase public confidence in buying vegetarian food. This method has been widely used by other major sales applications in Indonesia and has been proven successful in adding application users. The growth in the number of very fast couriers in Indonesia can help the system used by the Vege application. Users can anytime order vegetarian food on an Android smartphone without having to get out of the house just to find healthy food. Couriers will deliver directly to the user's residence and pay as many orders to the courier. This system is expected to help reduce the number of undernourished communities that continue to increase in Indonesia.
Augmented Reality INLA ((International Nature Loving Association ) ) gymnastics is an application... more Augmented Reality INLA ((International Nature Loving Association ) ) gymnastics is an application to help people watch performances and performances without having to attend directly to the place of activity. This application is made based on mobile, because it is the most widely used by the general public. This application will display the song gymnastics World One Family with a duration of 3 minutes 28 seconds and the actor as an instructor for the gymnastics movement World One Family. The focus of this research is on the INLA team at the Maitreyawira Elementary School in Batam. So that the process of introducing culture through INLA at Maitreyawira Elementary School Batam becomes more practical and interesting. INLA Gymnastics activities at Maitreyawira Elementary School Batam can be carried out again during the Covid-19 pandemic. Increase interest in INLA culture at Maitreyawira Elementary goe in using the Augmented Reality application.
Majalah ilmiah UPI YPTK, Feb 13, 2017
JUTSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi), 2022
Because it is vital to describe the socialization of occupational safety and health that is carri... more Because it is vital to describe the socialization of occupational safety and health that is carried out, occupational health and safety is very important in a company to prevent work accidents. However, every firm has conditions that are not harmonious, so socialization is seldom carried out. carried out, and inefficient procedures were used. As a result, the first step in this investigation is to create a motion graphic animation as an introduction medium. Because information is more practical to express through audio and images, motion graphic animation has its own individuality. It is designed utilizing a combination of graphics and pen strokes that produce intriguing things to convey. As a result, the author creates motion graphic animations to make the introduction more fascinating and repeatable.
J-Com (Journal of Computer), 2021
Abstract: The presence of students is one of the important things in lecture activities. Student ... more Abstract: The presence of students is one of the important things in lecture activities. Student attendance data can be used as an indicator of student discipline and as a determinant of student eligibility to take the exam. The recording of student attendance at Universal University is still done manually by signing the attendance register document. The problem that arises from using the manual method is that a student can sign the attendance of other students, requires supervision, and burdens the administration in managing attendance data. Therefore, this study proposes the design and implementation of a student attendance application using the X100-C fingerprint machine. The application made is presented in the form of a web-based application. Through the attendance application, admin work is helped and minimizes fraud that arises from recording attendance manually using paper. Keywords: Attendance Application; Fingerprint; X100-C Machine Abstrak: Kehadiran mahasiswa...
JURTEKSI (Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi), 2021
lThis study describes the INLA Goes to School Gymnastics activities which have temporarily not be... more lThis study describes the INLA Goes to School Gymnastics activities which have temporarily not been running for a year due to the pandemic. Therefore, this study makes analysis and design which will later be made into applications for further research so that INLA goes to school Gymnastics activities can be carried out again during a pandemic and after a pandemic. lAugmented Reality is a technology that allows users to see a combination of real and virtual objects in a real environment and run in real time or realtime. lIn this study, the author makes a 3-dimensional animation design to make it look more attractive and increase interest in using the INLA Goes to School Augmented Reality Gymnastics application. The INLA Goes to School Gymnastics Application Based on Augmented Reality was created using the Unity application and in the animation stage using the Blender application.