Youssouf Koussoube - (original) (raw)

Papers by Youssouf Koussoube

Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones in Samendeni Watershed in Sedimentary and Semi-Arid Contexts of Burkina Faso, Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method and GIS

American Journal of Climate Change, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of New Geological and Hydrogeological Information on the Eastern Border of the Gondo Plain (Burkina Faso)

Journal of environmental science and engineering, Dec 28, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficience de trois méthodes géophysiques d'investigation latérale dans la mise en évidence de contacts entre des formations géologiques du Protérozoïque inférieur du Burkina Faso Evaluation of the efficiency of three geophysical methods for the determination of natural contacts between Lower Pro...

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Research paper thumbnail of Etude géophysique du tracé de la digue du futur barrage de Yakouta au Burkina Faso. Complémentarité des méthodes électriques et radar en milieu dunaire

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Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of climate change and pumping on groundwater resources in the Kou River basin, Burkina Faso

Comptes Rendus. Géoscience

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Research paper thumbnail of Etude géophysique du tracé de la digue du futur barrage de Yakouta au Burkina Faso : complémentarité des méthodes électriques et radar en milieu dunaire

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Research paper thumbnail of Author Correction: Observed controls on resilience of groundwater to climate variability in sub-Saharan Africa

Nature, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficience de trois méthodes géophysiques d'investigation latérale dans la mise en évidence de contacts entre des formations géologiques du Protérozoïque inférieur du Burkina Faso Evaluation of the efficiency of three geophysical methods for the determination of natural contacts between Lower Pro...

International audienceDans les zones de socle cristallin du Protérozoïque inférieur (Birimien) du... more International audienceDans les zones de socle cristallin du Protérozoïque inférieur (Birimien) du Burkina Faso, les réserves d'eau souter-raine sont liées aux zones de faiblesse (failles, filons, contacts géologiques). Trois méthodes géophysiques (résistivité électrique, bipôle électromagnétique MaxMin et V.L.F./EM16) ont été conjointement utilisées pour évaluer leur efficience dans l'identification et la localisation précise du contact entre les granitoïdes et les schistes volcano-sédimentaires du bassin versant de Bidi d'une part et d'autre part, entre schistes et amphibolites à Kièbelga, dans la province du Yatenga. Dans les cas étudiés, le bipôle électromagnétique MaxMin en bobines horizontales (fréquence de 3250 hertz avec une séparation des bobines de 100 m) s'est révélé être le plus efficace. In the Lower Proterozoic (Birimian) crystalline basement of Burkina Faso, underground water resources are found associated with zones of weakness (faults, sills, geol...

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential of remote sensing data for improving water resources management in semi-arid regions: a case study in Burkina Faso

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Aquifer Recharge Potential Using Remote Sensing, GIS and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Combined with Hydrochemical and Isotope Data (Tamassari Basin, Burkina Faso)


In the Tamassari basin, the agricultural population is highly dependent on groundwater resources ... more In the Tamassari basin, the agricultural population is highly dependent on groundwater resources for its socioeconomic development. However, the decrease in rainfall in the region since the late 1960s and the demographic pressure on the land are significantly affecting groundwater recharge. In order to exploit this groundwater sustainably, it is necessary to identify potential recharge areas for a better capitalisation of this resource. The objective of this study is to map the recharge potential of the existing aquifers making use of remote sensing and GIS techniques and to make a validation based on chloride and tritium contents in the borehole water. The processing carried out on the Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 images combined with a digital elevation model (ALOS PALSAR), highlight the lithological, linear and topographical characteristics of the study area. In addition, various supervised classification algorithms were used to produce the most accurate land use map. Field campaigns ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Observed controls on resilience of groundwater to climate variability in sub-Saharan Africa

Nature, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Climate Variability And Groundwater Storage In A Weathered Crystalline Rock Aquifer: Evidence From Long-Term Monitoring In The Soudanian Area Of Burkina Faso

International audienceWeathered crystalline rock aquifer systems which underlie much of the tropi... more International audienceWeathered crystalline rock aquifer systems which underlie much of the tropics including 40% of Sub-SaharanAfrica, represent a distributed and potentially climate-resilient source of freshwater. The impacts of climatevariability, land-use change, and abstraction on these low-storage aquifer systems are not well understood,particularly in semi-arid environments. We review evidence from a multi-decadal chronicle of groundwater levelsin Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The chronicle reveals both seasonal responses of low amplitude (~1 m) tomonsoonal rainfall and a longer-term oscillation of greater amplitude (several metres) that can be linked to decadalvariations in precipitation characterized by the Sahelian Drought. The multi-decadal chronicle at Ouagadougoudemonstrates a strong relationship between groundwater storage and climate variability. Current research seeksto: (1) estimate the volume of groundwater storage changes by applying storage co-efficients derived fro...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and numerical modelling of large-scale controls on aquifer structure and hydrogeological properties in the African basement (Benin, West Africa)

Geological Society Special Publication, May 8, 2018

The metamorphic basement units of the Upper Ouémé watershed in Benin have been investigated to id... more The metamorphic basement units of the Upper Ouémé watershed in Benin have been investigated to identify the structural controls on aquifer properties, groundwater flow and water balance at large scale. Spatial analysis of borehole and hydrogeophysical data suggests that large-scale weathering profiles, aquifer transmissivity and storage properties are better correlated to a palaeo-weathering surface. Multi-model analysis, combined with assessment of nine transient numerical groundwater models against observations, suggests the best conceptualizations are those where hydraulic conductivity and specific yield are distributed within a weathered zone determined through interpolation of weathered zone thickness. When compared to previous studies, the general groundwater balance of simulated models suggests the groundwater system contributes, on average, 49.8 m3 s−1 to the river flow (mostly during the rainy season). The same volumetric flow would be lost to groundwater evapo-transpiration and deep/lateral drainage of the catchment. Borehole abstraction (about 7.5 m3 s−1) represents only 6% of the average groundwater recharge and 1% of the average rainfall. This suggests that despite relatively low borehole productivity, the basement aquifer system still has an important unused potential for rural to mid-scale water supply and that, at present, the main external drivers for groundwater resource sustainability are changes in climate and land use.

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Research paper thumbnail of Calibration of Hydro-geological Models in Semi-Arid Regions: A Case Study

All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you... more All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.

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Research paper thumbnail of COSMO-SkyMed AO projects - Use of high resolution SAR data for water resource management in semi arid regions

In this paper we present the results of a project approved in the frame of the 2007 Cosmo-Skymed ... more In this paper we present the results of a project approved in the frame of the 2007 Cosmo-Skymed AO, devoted to use high resolution data for hydrology applications in semi-arid context. A case study was developed in Burkina Faso, a West Africa country, characterized by the alternation of intense rainy and dry seasons. In this paper we present the rationale of the project along with two of the obtained products concerning the estimation of eroded areas and the surface water recharge. Index Terms — Synthetic aperture radar, agriculture, semi-arid regions

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of high resolution satellite images for the calibration of hydro-geological models in semi-arid regions: A case study

Abstract—-In this paper we present the preliminary results of a project devoted to use hydrologic... more Abstract—-In this paper we present the preliminary results of a project devoted to use hydrologic and remote sensing models and data for water resource management in semi-arid regions. The project is developed in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso, where a set of high resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images was acquired. The rationale of the project along with the preliminary results obtained by the processing of high resolution Cosmo-SkyMed data are presented and discussed. Keywords- Semi-arid regions – water management-Synthetic Aperture Radar I.

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Research paper thumbnail of Calibration of COSMO-SkyMed SAR data for hydrology applications

In this paper we present a procedure for the calibration of SAR data devoted to extract physical ... more In this paper we present a procedure for the calibration of SAR data devoted to extract physical information from Cosmo-Skymed images. The main purpose is the extraction of land cover indexes for hydrology applications. The calibration procedure was implemented in a rural context in Burkina Faso, where along with the technical challenges we faced socio-economic problems. A set of handmade trihedral corner reflectors were deployed and their response measured from SAR images. The results were used for calibration of an erosion product. Index Terms — Synthetic Aperture Radar, calibration,

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Research paper thumbnail of High Resolution Sar for Monitoring of Reservoirs Sedimentation and Soil Erosion in Semi Arid Regions

High resolution SAR data can be a powerful support mainly in areas where the acquisition of in si... more High resolution SAR data can be a powerful support mainly in areas where the acquisition of in situ information is hampered by physical or economic obstacles. Purpose of this paper is to present an approach to exploit high resolution SAR data for monitoring the temporal evolution of reservoir characteristics in semi-ardi regions. Classical and innovative techniques are tailored on the specific climatic conditions of these regions, characterized by the alternation of a three months wet and a nine months dry seasons. Results from a case study developed in Burkina Faso show that the combined use of amplitude and phase information allows the estimation of the eroded areas and a meaningful monitoring of the reservoirs sedimentation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact des aménagements hydrauliques de résilience des populations face aux changements climatiques sur les ressources en eau en contexte sahélien de socle cristallin : cas de Déou au Burkina Faso

La grande secheresse entamee depuis les annees 1970 qui sevit dans la bande Sahelienne d'Afri... more La grande secheresse entamee depuis les annees 1970 qui sevit dans la bande Sahelienne d'Afrique a des repercussions nefastes sur les ressources naturelles et les ecosystemes en general. Les solutions de mitigation des effets nefastes de la secheresse sont proposees. Pour ce qui concerne les ressources en eau de surface et eau souterraine, les digues filtrantes et autres retenues d'eau permettent de concentrer les ecoulements des eaux de surface pour les differents usages; ce qui a pour consequences, une infiltration plus accrue et une recharge plus importante de la nappe souterraine. De nombreux travaux concourent a decrire le paradoxe sahelien, qui designe le fait que pendant cette pejoration climatique, certaines nappes d'eau souterraine ont vu leur niveau augmenter dans les bas-fonds alors que les pluies sont plus faibles et le ruissellement plus intense. La presente etude montre que dans le Sahel Burkinabe, lorsque le contexte geologique est sub-affleurant et la mi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential of remote sensing data for improving water resourcesmanagement in semi-arid regions: a case study in Burkina Faso

The EGU General Assembly, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones in Samendeni Watershed in Sedimentary and Semi-Arid Contexts of Burkina Faso, Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method and GIS

American Journal of Climate Change, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of New Geological and Hydrogeological Information on the Eastern Border of the Gondo Plain (Burkina Faso)

Journal of environmental science and engineering, Dec 28, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficience de trois méthodes géophysiques d'investigation latérale dans la mise en évidence de contacts entre des formations géologiques du Protérozoïque inférieur du Burkina Faso Evaluation of the efficiency of three geophysical methods for the determination of natural contacts between Lower Pro...

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Research paper thumbnail of Etude géophysique du tracé de la digue du futur barrage de Yakouta au Burkina Faso. Complémentarité des méthodes électriques et radar en milieu dunaire

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Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of climate change and pumping on groundwater resources in the Kou River basin, Burkina Faso

Comptes Rendus. Géoscience

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Research paper thumbnail of Etude géophysique du tracé de la digue du futur barrage de Yakouta au Burkina Faso : complémentarité des méthodes électriques et radar en milieu dunaire

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Research paper thumbnail of Author Correction: Observed controls on resilience of groundwater to climate variability in sub-Saharan Africa

Nature, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficience de trois méthodes géophysiques d'investigation latérale dans la mise en évidence de contacts entre des formations géologiques du Protérozoïque inférieur du Burkina Faso Evaluation of the efficiency of three geophysical methods for the determination of natural contacts between Lower Pro...

International audienceDans les zones de socle cristallin du Protérozoïque inférieur (Birimien) du... more International audienceDans les zones de socle cristallin du Protérozoïque inférieur (Birimien) du Burkina Faso, les réserves d'eau souter-raine sont liées aux zones de faiblesse (failles, filons, contacts géologiques). Trois méthodes géophysiques (résistivité électrique, bipôle électromagnétique MaxMin et V.L.F./EM16) ont été conjointement utilisées pour évaluer leur efficience dans l'identification et la localisation précise du contact entre les granitoïdes et les schistes volcano-sédimentaires du bassin versant de Bidi d'une part et d'autre part, entre schistes et amphibolites à Kièbelga, dans la province du Yatenga. Dans les cas étudiés, le bipôle électromagnétique MaxMin en bobines horizontales (fréquence de 3250 hertz avec une séparation des bobines de 100 m) s'est révélé être le plus efficace. In the Lower Proterozoic (Birimian) crystalline basement of Burkina Faso, underground water resources are found associated with zones of weakness (faults, sills, geol...

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential of remote sensing data for improving water resources management in semi-arid regions: a case study in Burkina Faso

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessment of Aquifer Recharge Potential Using Remote Sensing, GIS and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Combined with Hydrochemical and Isotope Data (Tamassari Basin, Burkina Faso)


In the Tamassari basin, the agricultural population is highly dependent on groundwater resources ... more In the Tamassari basin, the agricultural population is highly dependent on groundwater resources for its socioeconomic development. However, the decrease in rainfall in the region since the late 1960s and the demographic pressure on the land are significantly affecting groundwater recharge. In order to exploit this groundwater sustainably, it is necessary to identify potential recharge areas for a better capitalisation of this resource. The objective of this study is to map the recharge potential of the existing aquifers making use of remote sensing and GIS techniques and to make a validation based on chloride and tritium contents in the borehole water. The processing carried out on the Landsat 5 and Landsat 8 images combined with a digital elevation model (ALOS PALSAR), highlight the lithological, linear and topographical characteristics of the study area. In addition, various supervised classification algorithms were used to produce the most accurate land use map. Field campaigns ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Observed controls on resilience of groundwater to climate variability in sub-Saharan Africa

Nature, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Climate Variability And Groundwater Storage In A Weathered Crystalline Rock Aquifer: Evidence From Long-Term Monitoring In The Soudanian Area Of Burkina Faso

International audienceWeathered crystalline rock aquifer systems which underlie much of the tropi... more International audienceWeathered crystalline rock aquifer systems which underlie much of the tropics including 40% of Sub-SaharanAfrica, represent a distributed and potentially climate-resilient source of freshwater. The impacts of climatevariability, land-use change, and abstraction on these low-storage aquifer systems are not well understood,particularly in semi-arid environments. We review evidence from a multi-decadal chronicle of groundwater levelsin Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The chronicle reveals both seasonal responses of low amplitude (~1 m) tomonsoonal rainfall and a longer-term oscillation of greater amplitude (several metres) that can be linked to decadalvariations in precipitation characterized by the Sahelian Drought. The multi-decadal chronicle at Ouagadougoudemonstrates a strong relationship between groundwater storage and climate variability. Current research seeksto: (1) estimate the volume of groundwater storage changes by applying storage co-efficients derived fro...

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis and numerical modelling of large-scale controls on aquifer structure and hydrogeological properties in the African basement (Benin, West Africa)

Geological Society Special Publication, May 8, 2018

The metamorphic basement units of the Upper Ouémé watershed in Benin have been investigated to id... more The metamorphic basement units of the Upper Ouémé watershed in Benin have been investigated to identify the structural controls on aquifer properties, groundwater flow and water balance at large scale. Spatial analysis of borehole and hydrogeophysical data suggests that large-scale weathering profiles, aquifer transmissivity and storage properties are better correlated to a palaeo-weathering surface. Multi-model analysis, combined with assessment of nine transient numerical groundwater models against observations, suggests the best conceptualizations are those where hydraulic conductivity and specific yield are distributed within a weathered zone determined through interpolation of weathered zone thickness. When compared to previous studies, the general groundwater balance of simulated models suggests the groundwater system contributes, on average, 49.8 m3 s−1 to the river flow (mostly during the rainy season). The same volumetric flow would be lost to groundwater evapo-transpiration and deep/lateral drainage of the catchment. Borehole abstraction (about 7.5 m3 s−1) represents only 6% of the average groundwater recharge and 1% of the average rainfall. This suggests that despite relatively low borehole productivity, the basement aquifer system still has an important unused potential for rural to mid-scale water supply and that, at present, the main external drivers for groundwater resource sustainability are changes in climate and land use.

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Research paper thumbnail of Calibration of Hydro-geological Models in Semi-Arid Regions: A Case Study

All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you... more All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.

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Research paper thumbnail of COSMO-SkyMed AO projects - Use of high resolution SAR data for water resource management in semi arid regions

In this paper we present the results of a project approved in the frame of the 2007 Cosmo-Skymed ... more In this paper we present the results of a project approved in the frame of the 2007 Cosmo-Skymed AO, devoted to use high resolution data for hydrology applications in semi-arid context. A case study was developed in Burkina Faso, a West Africa country, characterized by the alternation of intense rainy and dry seasons. In this paper we present the rationale of the project along with two of the obtained products concerning the estimation of eroded areas and the surface water recharge. Index Terms — Synthetic aperture radar, agriculture, semi-arid regions

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Research paper thumbnail of Use of high resolution satellite images for the calibration of hydro-geological models in semi-arid regions: A case study

Abstract—-In this paper we present the preliminary results of a project devoted to use hydrologic... more Abstract—-In this paper we present the preliminary results of a project devoted to use hydrologic and remote sensing models and data for water resource management in semi-arid regions. The project is developed in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso, where a set of high resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images was acquired. The rationale of the project along with the preliminary results obtained by the processing of high resolution Cosmo-SkyMed data are presented and discussed. Keywords- Semi-arid regions – water management-Synthetic Aperture Radar I.

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Research paper thumbnail of Calibration of COSMO-SkyMed SAR data for hydrology applications

In this paper we present a procedure for the calibration of SAR data devoted to extract physical ... more In this paper we present a procedure for the calibration of SAR data devoted to extract physical information from Cosmo-Skymed images. The main purpose is the extraction of land cover indexes for hydrology applications. The calibration procedure was implemented in a rural context in Burkina Faso, where along with the technical challenges we faced socio-economic problems. A set of handmade trihedral corner reflectors were deployed and their response measured from SAR images. The results were used for calibration of an erosion product. Index Terms — Synthetic Aperture Radar, calibration,

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Research paper thumbnail of High Resolution Sar for Monitoring of Reservoirs Sedimentation and Soil Erosion in Semi Arid Regions

High resolution SAR data can be a powerful support mainly in areas where the acquisition of in si... more High resolution SAR data can be a powerful support mainly in areas where the acquisition of in situ information is hampered by physical or economic obstacles. Purpose of this paper is to present an approach to exploit high resolution SAR data for monitoring the temporal evolution of reservoir characteristics in semi-ardi regions. Classical and innovative techniques are tailored on the specific climatic conditions of these regions, characterized by the alternation of a three months wet and a nine months dry seasons. Results from a case study developed in Burkina Faso show that the combined use of amplitude and phase information allows the estimation of the eroded areas and a meaningful monitoring of the reservoirs sedimentation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impact des aménagements hydrauliques de résilience des populations face aux changements climatiques sur les ressources en eau en contexte sahélien de socle cristallin : cas de Déou au Burkina Faso

La grande secheresse entamee depuis les annees 1970 qui sevit dans la bande Sahelienne d'Afri... more La grande secheresse entamee depuis les annees 1970 qui sevit dans la bande Sahelienne d'Afrique a des repercussions nefastes sur les ressources naturelles et les ecosystemes en general. Les solutions de mitigation des effets nefastes de la secheresse sont proposees. Pour ce qui concerne les ressources en eau de surface et eau souterraine, les digues filtrantes et autres retenues d'eau permettent de concentrer les ecoulements des eaux de surface pour les differents usages; ce qui a pour consequences, une infiltration plus accrue et une recharge plus importante de la nappe souterraine. De nombreux travaux concourent a decrire le paradoxe sahelien, qui designe le fait que pendant cette pejoration climatique, certaines nappes d'eau souterraine ont vu leur niveau augmenter dans les bas-fonds alors que les pluies sont plus faibles et le ruissellement plus intense. La presente etude montre que dans le Sahel Burkinabe, lorsque le contexte geologique est sub-affleurant et la mi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Potential of remote sensing data for improving water resourcesmanagement in semi-arid regions: a case study in Burkina Faso

The EGU General Assembly, 2012

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