Yuhka Sundaya - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Yuhka Sundaya
Dinamika Ekonomi: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi dan Pembangunan/Dinamika Ekonomi, Mar 28, 2024
This article presents the results of economic research on Indonesian migrant workers in choosing ... more This article presents the results of economic research on Indonesian migrant workers in choosing the type of work. Primary data were obtained through a survey of prospective migrant workers managed by the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency of West Java Province. The data explored represent the economic, social, demographic, and institutional aspects of migration, with mixed data properties, namely nominal, ordinal and multinomial. The qualitative limited dependent variable (QLDV) econometric method was used to estimate the multinomial logit equation. The results of the marginal effects estimation found that education level, wage level in the destination country, lack of job opportunities in the place of residence, experience working as a migrant worker, domestic wages, and the existence of income from household members other than husband and wife explained the decision to choose the type of job to work. The probability of choosing the operator/factory occupation is 0.3954, which is greater than other occupations. With a high school education level and an overseas wage of IDR 15.26 million per month.
Jurnal Riset Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Dec 22, 2023
Artikel ini menyajikan hasil penelitian ekonomi terhadap pekerja migran Indonesia (PMI) dalam mem... more Artikel ini menyajikan hasil penelitian ekonomi terhadap pekerja migran Indonesia (PMI) dalam memilih sikap terhadap risiko kerja di luar negeri. Data primer diperoleh melalui survei terhadap calon PMI yang dikelola oleh Badan Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (BP2MI) Provinsi Jawa Barat. Data yang digali merepresentasikan aspek ekonomi, sosial, demografi, dan kelembagaan migrasi, dengan sifat data campuran, yaitu nominal, ordinal dan multinomial. Metode ekonometrika qualitative limited dependent variable (QLDV) digunakan untuk mengestimasi persamaan ordered logit. Hasil estimasi marjinal efek menemukan bahwa PMI akan condong menjadi risk lover dengan peluang sebesar 0.6343, ketika tingkat upah di negara tujuannya rata-rata sebesar 15 juta rupiah per bulan dengan umur sekitar 30 tahun, meskipun mereka tidak berpartisipasi dalam komunitas migran, dan memiliki pendapatan potensial.
KnE Social Sciences
In this study, we will examine the performance of zakat. The background of the research is the za... more In this study, we will examine the performance of zakat. The background of the research is the zakat utilization program as one of the programs in the zakat intermediation role, performance must be assessed to see the sustainability of the program. One of them is the effectiveness of the zakat distribution program. The research method used is a case study of zakat programs (BAZNAS) in West Java area, with a descriptive analysis approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The results of this study are expected to be an innovation that becomes a reference for zakat institution managers to assess the performance of zakat utilization by looking at the effectiveness of the zakat distribution program. Zakat distribution program at BAZNAS of West Java focuses on the economy, health, and education. BAZNAS of West Java is distributed for da’wah and the victims of natural disasters. Zakat utilization at BAZNAS of West Java covers the fiel...
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 11, 2017
The economic development of a country or region is declared successful if an increase in per capi... more The economic development of a country or region is declared successful if an increase in per capita income is accompanied by a decrease in income inequality. West Java Province is one of the provinces that continues to increase per capita income during the period 2000 to 2015, but the increase in per capita income is not accompanied by a decrease in income inequality. The reversed U-curve theory Kuznets states that the relationship between increasing per capita income and income inequality will form an inverted U-curve pattern. The objective of the research is to estimate the economic model that can explain the influence of income per capita to income inequality in West Java Province. The method used is correlational analysis with econometric approach. The data used are time series data from 1975 until 2015 and model estimation using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method with quadratic polynomial function. Not in accordance with Kuznets' reversed U-curve theory, the results of the study indicate that the effect of increased income per capita on income inequality in West Java Province shapes the U curve pattern. The phase of decreasing income inequality occurs when per capita income is below 12.329 million rupiah per year, An increase in income inequality occurs when per capita income is above 12.329 million rupiah per year.
The ASEAN Economic Community as a concept for integrating the economies of Southeast Asian countr... more The ASEAN Economic Community as a concept for integrating the economies of Southeast Asian countries. Free flow of labor is one of the main agendas in the ASEAN economic integration process to realize a single market pillar and production base. Increased regional connectivity and economic integration of ASEAN countries will result in increased labor mobility in ASEAN countries. This study aims to estimate the factors that determine the decision to migrate international workers between Indonesia and Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines during the 2007-2018 time period. By using secondary data sourced from the world bank and the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, this study uses variable wage rates, investment ratios, gravity models, and AEC policies as indicators that will determine migration decisions. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis and panel data regression analysis. The results showed that the per capita income ratio variable, the PMTB ratio and the gravity model only had an effect on net migration between the Philippines and Indonesia, while the MEA policy variable (dummy) had an effect on net migration between Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia. Keywords-Ratio of income per capita, rasio of gross fixed capital formation, gravity migration model, MEA policy. Abstrak-Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN sebagai salah satu konsep pengintegrasian ekonomi Negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Arus bebas tenaga kerja merupakan salah satu agenda utama dalam proses integrasi ekonomi ASEAN untuk mewujudkan pilar pasar dan basis produksi tunggal. Peningkatan konektivitas regional dan integrasi ekonomi Negara ASEAN akan mengakibatkan peningkatan mobilitas tenaga kerja di Negara ASEAN. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi faktorfaktor yang menentukan keputusan bermigrasi tenaga kerja internasional negara Indonesia dengan Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand dan Filipina selama periode waktu 2007-2018. Dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang bersumber dari world bank dan Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI, penelitian ini menggunakan variable rasio tingkat upah, rasio investasi, model gravitasi, dan kebijakan MEA sebagai indikator yang akan menentukan keputusan migrasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi data panel. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa variabel rasio pendapatan perkapita, rasio PMTB dan model gravitasi hanya berpengaruh pada migrasi bersih antara Filipina dengan Indonesia, sedangkan variabel kebijakan MEA (dummy) berpengaruh pada migrasi bersih antara Malaysia, Singapura, Filipina dengan Indonesia. Kata Kunci-Rasio pendapatan per kapita, rasio pembentukan modal tetap bruto, model gravitasi migrasi, dan kebijakan MEA.
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 9, 2019
This study was carried out to evaluate the aspect of microstructure and mechanical property devel... more This study was carried out to evaluate the aspect of microstructure and mechanical property development on additive manufactured pure Ti at elevated heat-input. For this work, pure Ti powder (commercial purity, grade 1) was selected, and selective laser melting was conducted from 0.5 to 1.4 J/mm. As a result, increase in heat-input led to the significant grain growth form 4 μm to 12 μm, accompanying with the change of grain shape, correctly widmanstätten structured grains. In addition, Vickers microhardness was notably increased from 228 Hv to 358 Hv in accordance with elevated heat-input, which was attributed to the increased concentration of oxygen and nitrogen mainly occurred during selected laser melting process.
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 11, 2017
Pangalengan district is known as agriculture area. Fertile soil and superior in potato production... more Pangalengan district is known as agriculture area. Fertile soil and superior in potato production at Pangalengan district. This is proven because about 47.38 percent of Kabupaten Bandung potato production comes from Pangalengan district. Distribution of potato Pangalengan reaches out the area conducted by traders of agricultural commodity trade. The distribution presents an interesting link for research. The purpose of this research is to analyze the pattern of value chain of potato commodities, and to know which value chain pattern is most benefit to the potato farmers. The Method used this reseacrh is snowball sampling method and hayami method for calculate add the value chain. To fulfill the purpose of the survey. From the analysis it is known that there are 3 types of quality of potato commodity in Pangalengan Regency which is used is Atlantic, AB1, and AB. The most favorable chain pattern for farmers is the Atlantic value chain pattern with the added value ratio reaching 99.64 percent. This is because the type of Atlantic potato is processed specifically for the manufacture of chips, thus causing the value chain becomes short. Added again low production costs because farmers get potato seeds for free from the company.
Dalam menetapkan suatu kebijakan pembangunan dibutuhkan replika atau model perekonomian demikian ... more Dalam menetapkan suatu kebijakan pembangunan dibutuhkan replika atau model perekonomian demikian halnya dengan Kabupaten Bekasi. Kabupaten Bekasi merupakan salah satu daerah dengan Pendapatan asli Daerah terbesar di Jawa Barat,maka kajian struktur ekonomi sangat penting untuk menunjang kinerja pembangunan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan analisis input-output. Dimana hasil input output ini menunjukkan struktur ekonomi Kabupaten Bekasi dapat diidentifikasi bahwa sektor industri pengolahan makanan-minuman-tembakau, dan industri kimia serta barang dari kimia memiliki daya dorong yang sangat kuat terhadap sektor pertanian
Regional organizations in several regions have introduced a system of free trade (free trade) whe... more Regional organizations in several regions have introduced a system of free trade (free trade) where they impose tariffs to zero percent for its members as well as the diversity of tariffs on goods of non members who enter the area member states. free trade is a policy that is intended to minimize the role of the state in the process of import or export of which is done by the people of the country concerned. in Indonesia itself has applying system free trade regulated in (PP) No. 46, 47,48 in 2007 to regulate the implementation of FTZ Batam, Bintan and Karimun. in a free trade area in the three regions are different macroeconomic performance. macroeconomics is the behavior of the overall economy that examined or focused on the factors that determine national output, or national products such as national production or output, total industrial output, GDP, output growth, the aggregate price level, consumer prices, producer prices, the inflation rate, national income, wages and salaries total, total coporate income, employment and unemployment in the economy, the total number of jobs, and the unemployment rate (Case and Fair, 2006). in this study the author uses explanatory research type, is a study to explore the explanation of the factors that affect macroeconomic performance in the free trade zone of Batam, Bintan and Karimun. This study uses Equality simultaneous equations where each function influencing each other or interconnected. the author uses 2SLS method to estimate the relationship between the equation.
MIMBAR : Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, Jun 17, 2008
Industr i alas kaki di Jawa Barat telah mampu melakukan ekspor ke beber apa wilayah di Asia, Erop... more Industr i alas kaki di Jawa Barat telah mampu melakukan ekspor ke beber apa wilayah di Asia, Eropa, Amerika, Australia, dan Afr ika. Output produksi yang besar dari industri alas kaki di Jawa Barat didukung di antaranya, oleh industri menengah dan kecil di beberapa kabupaten dan kota di Jawa Barat seperti terlihat pada Tabel 1. Pada Tabel 1 ter lihat bahw a unit usaha terbesar berada di Kota Bandung, yaitu 697 unit usaha, dengan penyer apan tenaga kerj a ter besar yaitu 3.059 orang, investasi terbesar yaitu 20.814.075.000 rupiah dan produksi ter besar yaitu 3.478.980 pasang. Dilihat dari jumlah tenaga kerj a yang diserap, unit usaha ini memegang per an penting dalam perekonomian daerah, karena menj adi tempat ber gantung 3059 orang tenaga kerj a. Sentr a industr i alas kaki Cibaduyut, merupakan salah satu bagian dari unit usaha alas kaki di Kota Bandung. Terlihat
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 9, 2018
This research is in the background behind the condition of the population of West Java Province w... more This research is in the background behind the condition of the population of West Java Province which increases every year and dynamic economy. So the Province of West Java is interesting to examine how the relationship between high population growth rates and economic improvement and how it relates to forest destruction. The model used is a Simple Linear Regression analysis with an econometric approach. The data used is time series data from 2007 to 2015 and model estimation using Ordinary Least Squared (OLS) method. The results showed that the increase in the number of population seen from the population growth rate (LPP) and GRDP seen from the rate of economic growth (LPE) will increase forest damage in West Java Province, this is due to the economic activities and activities of the people who do not pay attention to Forest.
Jurnal Ekonomi Kuantitatif Terapan, Oct 18, 2012
Malaysian journal of economic studies, May 14, 2018
This paper aims to study the probability of changes in income distribution as a result of busines... more This paper aims to study the probability of changes in income distribution as a result of business practice of profit sharing agreement among production factors of workers/labour, managers (mudharib) and investors (shahibul maal) within the framework of mudharabah scheme. The ordered logit econometrics model was applied for this purpose. Data were taken from entrepreneurs/businessmen who applied the mudharabah scheme in Indonesia. The research result shows five variables that determine the probability of changes in distribution. These are business profits, company age, changes in the organisation, total employment and the level of mandate of mudharib.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, Jul 3, 2022
The decreasing household access to health services occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic. Observi... more The decreasing household access to health services occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic. Observing the health profile of BPS Indonesia (2021), it can be seen that there is a percentage change in the decrease in road treatment and an increase in health complaints. This study aims to present the results of estimating econometric models that explain economic and non-economic variables that can potentially change the opportunities for health demand in Indonesia. The morbidity data for each district and city on the selected island was converted into four categories of health status, namely [1] very healthy, [2] healthy, [3] moderately healthy, and [4] unhealthy. This research is deductive. We use the demand for health theory to identify variables that need to be researched and employ QLDV (qualitative limited dependent variable) to estimate them. The estimation results are conducting to the issue of efforts to increase the chances of household health levels and serial studies starting in 1972. The simulation results with marginal effect predict that the probability of demand for health will increase by 2.71 percent in conditions of inflation of food and health commodities at the level of 6 and 7 percent, children under-five immunization coverage is close to 90 percent, education average is junior high school, income allocation of less than 50 percent, and real income per capita is close to 10 million per year. Regarding the literature series, this study succeeded in showing the significance of health commodity prices which was difficult to display by previous researchers.
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 9, 2019
The embroidery industry is the industry most in demand by craftsmen in Kawalu District compared t... more The embroidery industry is the industry most in demand by craftsmen in Kawalu District compared to other Districts in the City of Tasikmalaya. The purpose of this study was to estimate the level of efficiency of the production of computer-based and manual embroidery industries in Kawalu District, Tasikmalaya City. Data collection methods used through a survey of 30 respondents with a stochastic frontier production function analysis technique. The results showed that the level of technical efficiency of the computer embroidery industry in the Kawalu District of Tasikmalaya City was an average of 83 percent. This means that the value of technical efficiency is still below 1, meaning that the computer embroidery industry has not been efficient and there is still a 17 percent chance to improve technical efficiency, whereas in the manual embroidery industry in the Kawalu District of Tasikmalaya City it is known that the level of technical efficiency is 66 percent. That is, the value of technical efficiency is still below 1, meaning that the manual embroidery industry has not been efficient and there is still a 34 percent chance to increase output production in respondents.
Internationl journal of culture and history, 2016
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 11, 2017
Destitutions is a serious problem in many countries, one of them is Indonesia which has different... more Destitutions is a serious problem in many countries, one of them is Indonesia which has different levels in every province. A way to reduce its number is by increasing the rate of economic growth marked by enhancement of Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP). And by increasing Human Development Index (HDI) through education, health and public purchasing strength. In addition, characteristics difference in each region can affect the destitutions pattern. This study aims to see the characteristics of the region will determine the destitutions pattern based on Klassen Tipologi. Second, this study aims to find out the influence and how the GRDP and HDI can change the number of destitutions in Indonesia. Regressions were done by using Panel Data through the Fixed Effect Method approach . Based on the results of the characteristic provincial study of the pattern region I, is a good domain because the destitutions level is below the national average, high rate of economic growth and highe...
Dinamika Ekonomi: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi dan Pembangunan/Dinamika Ekonomi, Mar 28, 2024
This article presents the results of economic research on Indonesian migrant workers in choosing ... more This article presents the results of economic research on Indonesian migrant workers in choosing the type of work. Primary data were obtained through a survey of prospective migrant workers managed by the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency of West Java Province. The data explored represent the economic, social, demographic, and institutional aspects of migration, with mixed data properties, namely nominal, ordinal and multinomial. The qualitative limited dependent variable (QLDV) econometric method was used to estimate the multinomial logit equation. The results of the marginal effects estimation found that education level, wage level in the destination country, lack of job opportunities in the place of residence, experience working as a migrant worker, domestic wages, and the existence of income from household members other than husband and wife explained the decision to choose the type of job to work. The probability of choosing the operator/factory occupation is 0.3954, which is greater than other occupations. With a high school education level and an overseas wage of IDR 15.26 million per month.
Jurnal Riset Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Dec 22, 2023
Artikel ini menyajikan hasil penelitian ekonomi terhadap pekerja migran Indonesia (PMI) dalam mem... more Artikel ini menyajikan hasil penelitian ekonomi terhadap pekerja migran Indonesia (PMI) dalam memilih sikap terhadap risiko kerja di luar negeri. Data primer diperoleh melalui survei terhadap calon PMI yang dikelola oleh Badan Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (BP2MI) Provinsi Jawa Barat. Data yang digali merepresentasikan aspek ekonomi, sosial, demografi, dan kelembagaan migrasi, dengan sifat data campuran, yaitu nominal, ordinal dan multinomial. Metode ekonometrika qualitative limited dependent variable (QLDV) digunakan untuk mengestimasi persamaan ordered logit. Hasil estimasi marjinal efek menemukan bahwa PMI akan condong menjadi risk lover dengan peluang sebesar 0.6343, ketika tingkat upah di negara tujuannya rata-rata sebesar 15 juta rupiah per bulan dengan umur sekitar 30 tahun, meskipun mereka tidak berpartisipasi dalam komunitas migran, dan memiliki pendapatan potensial.
KnE Social Sciences
In this study, we will examine the performance of zakat. The background of the research is the za... more In this study, we will examine the performance of zakat. The background of the research is the zakat utilization program as one of the programs in the zakat intermediation role, performance must be assessed to see the sustainability of the program. One of them is the effectiveness of the zakat distribution program. The research method used is a case study of zakat programs (BAZNAS) in West Java area, with a descriptive analysis approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The results of this study are expected to be an innovation that becomes a reference for zakat institution managers to assess the performance of zakat utilization by looking at the effectiveness of the zakat distribution program. Zakat distribution program at BAZNAS of West Java focuses on the economy, health, and education. BAZNAS of West Java is distributed for da’wah and the victims of natural disasters. Zakat utilization at BAZNAS of West Java covers the fiel...
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 11, 2017
The economic development of a country or region is declared successful if an increase in per capi... more The economic development of a country or region is declared successful if an increase in per capita income is accompanied by a decrease in income inequality. West Java Province is one of the provinces that continues to increase per capita income during the period 2000 to 2015, but the increase in per capita income is not accompanied by a decrease in income inequality. The reversed U-curve theory Kuznets states that the relationship between increasing per capita income and income inequality will form an inverted U-curve pattern. The objective of the research is to estimate the economic model that can explain the influence of income per capita to income inequality in West Java Province. The method used is correlational analysis with econometric approach. The data used are time series data from 1975 until 2015 and model estimation using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method with quadratic polynomial function. Not in accordance with Kuznets' reversed U-curve theory, the results of the study indicate that the effect of increased income per capita on income inequality in West Java Province shapes the U curve pattern. The phase of decreasing income inequality occurs when per capita income is below 12.329 million rupiah per year, An increase in income inequality occurs when per capita income is above 12.329 million rupiah per year.
The ASEAN Economic Community as a concept for integrating the economies of Southeast Asian countr... more The ASEAN Economic Community as a concept for integrating the economies of Southeast Asian countries. Free flow of labor is one of the main agendas in the ASEAN economic integration process to realize a single market pillar and production base. Increased regional connectivity and economic integration of ASEAN countries will result in increased labor mobility in ASEAN countries. This study aims to estimate the factors that determine the decision to migrate international workers between Indonesia and Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines during the 2007-2018 time period. By using secondary data sourced from the world bank and the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, this study uses variable wage rates, investment ratios, gravity models, and AEC policies as indicators that will determine migration decisions. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis and panel data regression analysis. The results showed that the per capita income ratio variable, the PMTB ratio and the gravity model only had an effect on net migration between the Philippines and Indonesia, while the MEA policy variable (dummy) had an effect on net migration between Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia. Keywords-Ratio of income per capita, rasio of gross fixed capital formation, gravity migration model, MEA policy. Abstrak-Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN sebagai salah satu konsep pengintegrasian ekonomi Negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Arus bebas tenaga kerja merupakan salah satu agenda utama dalam proses integrasi ekonomi ASEAN untuk mewujudkan pilar pasar dan basis produksi tunggal. Peningkatan konektivitas regional dan integrasi ekonomi Negara ASEAN akan mengakibatkan peningkatan mobilitas tenaga kerja di Negara ASEAN. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi faktorfaktor yang menentukan keputusan bermigrasi tenaga kerja internasional negara Indonesia dengan Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand dan Filipina selama periode waktu 2007-2018. Dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang bersumber dari world bank dan Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI, penelitian ini menggunakan variable rasio tingkat upah, rasio investasi, model gravitasi, dan kebijakan MEA sebagai indikator yang akan menentukan keputusan migrasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi data panel. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa variabel rasio pendapatan perkapita, rasio PMTB dan model gravitasi hanya berpengaruh pada migrasi bersih antara Filipina dengan Indonesia, sedangkan variabel kebijakan MEA (dummy) berpengaruh pada migrasi bersih antara Malaysia, Singapura, Filipina dengan Indonesia. Kata Kunci-Rasio pendapatan per kapita, rasio pembentukan modal tetap bruto, model gravitasi migrasi, dan kebijakan MEA.
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 9, 2019
This study was carried out to evaluate the aspect of microstructure and mechanical property devel... more This study was carried out to evaluate the aspect of microstructure and mechanical property development on additive manufactured pure Ti at elevated heat-input. For this work, pure Ti powder (commercial purity, grade 1) was selected, and selective laser melting was conducted from 0.5 to 1.4 J/mm. As a result, increase in heat-input led to the significant grain growth form 4 μm to 12 μm, accompanying with the change of grain shape, correctly widmanstätten structured grains. In addition, Vickers microhardness was notably increased from 228 Hv to 358 Hv in accordance with elevated heat-input, which was attributed to the increased concentration of oxygen and nitrogen mainly occurred during selected laser melting process.
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 11, 2017
Pangalengan district is known as agriculture area. Fertile soil and superior in potato production... more Pangalengan district is known as agriculture area. Fertile soil and superior in potato production at Pangalengan district. This is proven because about 47.38 percent of Kabupaten Bandung potato production comes from Pangalengan district. Distribution of potato Pangalengan reaches out the area conducted by traders of agricultural commodity trade. The distribution presents an interesting link for research. The purpose of this research is to analyze the pattern of value chain of potato commodities, and to know which value chain pattern is most benefit to the potato farmers. The Method used this reseacrh is snowball sampling method and hayami method for calculate add the value chain. To fulfill the purpose of the survey. From the analysis it is known that there are 3 types of quality of potato commodity in Pangalengan Regency which is used is Atlantic, AB1, and AB. The most favorable chain pattern for farmers is the Atlantic value chain pattern with the added value ratio reaching 99.64 percent. This is because the type of Atlantic potato is processed specifically for the manufacture of chips, thus causing the value chain becomes short. Added again low production costs because farmers get potato seeds for free from the company.
Dalam menetapkan suatu kebijakan pembangunan dibutuhkan replika atau model perekonomian demikian ... more Dalam menetapkan suatu kebijakan pembangunan dibutuhkan replika atau model perekonomian demikian halnya dengan Kabupaten Bekasi. Kabupaten Bekasi merupakan salah satu daerah dengan Pendapatan asli Daerah terbesar di Jawa Barat,maka kajian struktur ekonomi sangat penting untuk menunjang kinerja pembangunan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan analisis input-output. Dimana hasil input output ini menunjukkan struktur ekonomi Kabupaten Bekasi dapat diidentifikasi bahwa sektor industri pengolahan makanan-minuman-tembakau, dan industri kimia serta barang dari kimia memiliki daya dorong yang sangat kuat terhadap sektor pertanian
Regional organizations in several regions have introduced a system of free trade (free trade) whe... more Regional organizations in several regions have introduced a system of free trade (free trade) where they impose tariffs to zero percent for its members as well as the diversity of tariffs on goods of non members who enter the area member states. free trade is a policy that is intended to minimize the role of the state in the process of import or export of which is done by the people of the country concerned. in Indonesia itself has applying system free trade regulated in (PP) No. 46, 47,48 in 2007 to regulate the implementation of FTZ Batam, Bintan and Karimun. in a free trade area in the three regions are different macroeconomic performance. macroeconomics is the behavior of the overall economy that examined or focused on the factors that determine national output, or national products such as national production or output, total industrial output, GDP, output growth, the aggregate price level, consumer prices, producer prices, the inflation rate, national income, wages and salaries total, total coporate income, employment and unemployment in the economy, the total number of jobs, and the unemployment rate (Case and Fair, 2006). in this study the author uses explanatory research type, is a study to explore the explanation of the factors that affect macroeconomic performance in the free trade zone of Batam, Bintan and Karimun. This study uses Equality simultaneous equations where each function influencing each other or interconnected. the author uses 2SLS method to estimate the relationship between the equation.
MIMBAR : Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan, Jun 17, 2008
Industr i alas kaki di Jawa Barat telah mampu melakukan ekspor ke beber apa wilayah di Asia, Erop... more Industr i alas kaki di Jawa Barat telah mampu melakukan ekspor ke beber apa wilayah di Asia, Eropa, Amerika, Australia, dan Afr ika. Output produksi yang besar dari industri alas kaki di Jawa Barat didukung di antaranya, oleh industri menengah dan kecil di beberapa kabupaten dan kota di Jawa Barat seperti terlihat pada Tabel 1. Pada Tabel 1 ter lihat bahw a unit usaha terbesar berada di Kota Bandung, yaitu 697 unit usaha, dengan penyer apan tenaga kerj a ter besar yaitu 3.059 orang, investasi terbesar yaitu 20.814.075.000 rupiah dan produksi ter besar yaitu 3.478.980 pasang. Dilihat dari jumlah tenaga kerj a yang diserap, unit usaha ini memegang per an penting dalam perekonomian daerah, karena menj adi tempat ber gantung 3059 orang tenaga kerj a. Sentr a industr i alas kaki Cibaduyut, merupakan salah satu bagian dari unit usaha alas kaki di Kota Bandung. Terlihat
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 9, 2018
This research is in the background behind the condition of the population of West Java Province w... more This research is in the background behind the condition of the population of West Java Province which increases every year and dynamic economy. So the Province of West Java is interesting to examine how the relationship between high population growth rates and economic improvement and how it relates to forest destruction. The model used is a Simple Linear Regression analysis with an econometric approach. The data used is time series data from 2007 to 2015 and model estimation using Ordinary Least Squared (OLS) method. The results showed that the increase in the number of population seen from the population growth rate (LPP) and GRDP seen from the rate of economic growth (LPE) will increase forest damage in West Java Province, this is due to the economic activities and activities of the people who do not pay attention to Forest.
Jurnal Ekonomi Kuantitatif Terapan, Oct 18, 2012
Malaysian journal of economic studies, May 14, 2018
This paper aims to study the probability of changes in income distribution as a result of busines... more This paper aims to study the probability of changes in income distribution as a result of business practice of profit sharing agreement among production factors of workers/labour, managers (mudharib) and investors (shahibul maal) within the framework of mudharabah scheme. The ordered logit econometrics model was applied for this purpose. Data were taken from entrepreneurs/businessmen who applied the mudharabah scheme in Indonesia. The research result shows five variables that determine the probability of changes in distribution. These are business profits, company age, changes in the organisation, total employment and the level of mandate of mudharib.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, Jul 3, 2022
The decreasing household access to health services occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic. Observi... more The decreasing household access to health services occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic. Observing the health profile of BPS Indonesia (2021), it can be seen that there is a percentage change in the decrease in road treatment and an increase in health complaints. This study aims to present the results of estimating econometric models that explain economic and non-economic variables that can potentially change the opportunities for health demand in Indonesia. The morbidity data for each district and city on the selected island was converted into four categories of health status, namely [1] very healthy, [2] healthy, [3] moderately healthy, and [4] unhealthy. This research is deductive. We use the demand for health theory to identify variables that need to be researched and employ QLDV (qualitative limited dependent variable) to estimate them. The estimation results are conducting to the issue of efforts to increase the chances of household health levels and serial studies starting in 1972. The simulation results with marginal effect predict that the probability of demand for health will increase by 2.71 percent in conditions of inflation of food and health commodities at the level of 6 and 7 percent, children under-five immunization coverage is close to 90 percent, education average is junior high school, income allocation of less than 50 percent, and real income per capita is close to 10 million per year. Regarding the literature series, this study succeeded in showing the significance of health commodity prices which was difficult to display by previous researchers.
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 9, 2019
The embroidery industry is the industry most in demand by craftsmen in Kawalu District compared t... more The embroidery industry is the industry most in demand by craftsmen in Kawalu District compared to other Districts in the City of Tasikmalaya. The purpose of this study was to estimate the level of efficiency of the production of computer-based and manual embroidery industries in Kawalu District, Tasikmalaya City. Data collection methods used through a survey of 30 respondents with a stochastic frontier production function analysis technique. The results showed that the level of technical efficiency of the computer embroidery industry in the Kawalu District of Tasikmalaya City was an average of 83 percent. This means that the value of technical efficiency is still below 1, meaning that the computer embroidery industry has not been efficient and there is still a 17 percent chance to improve technical efficiency, whereas in the manual embroidery industry in the Kawalu District of Tasikmalaya City it is known that the level of technical efficiency is 66 percent. That is, the value of technical efficiency is still below 1, meaning that the manual embroidery industry has not been efficient and there is still a 34 percent chance to increase output production in respondents.
Internationl journal of culture and history, 2016
Prosiding Ilmu Ekonomi, Aug 11, 2017
Destitutions is a serious problem in many countries, one of them is Indonesia which has different... more Destitutions is a serious problem in many countries, one of them is Indonesia which has different levels in every province. A way to reduce its number is by increasing the rate of economic growth marked by enhancement of Gross Domestic Regional Product (GDRP). And by increasing Human Development Index (HDI) through education, health and public purchasing strength. In addition, characteristics difference in each region can affect the destitutions pattern. This study aims to see the characteristics of the region will determine the destitutions pattern based on Klassen Tipologi. Second, this study aims to find out the influence and how the GRDP and HDI can change the number of destitutions in Indonesia. Regressions were done by using Panel Data through the Fixed Effect Method approach . Based on the results of the characteristic provincial study of the pattern region I, is a good domain because the destitutions level is below the national average, high rate of economic growth and highe...