Zülküf KILIÇ - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Zülküf KILIÇ
The Journal of International Social Research
ÖZET Yabancılaşma bir bakıma toplumsal ilişkilerin karmaşık bir hâle gelmesi ve büyümesi sonucu... more ÖZET
Yabancılaşma bir bakıma toplumsal ilişkilerin karmaşık bir hâle gelmesi ve büyümesi sonucunda ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu kavram, doğrudan doğruya insânın özgün etkinliğinden doğar ama sonuçlanması için toplumun kesin etkinliğine ihtiyaç duyar. Bu gelişim birey-toplum arasında şekillenen diyalektik etkinin insanı etkilemesine neden olur. Ferdiyetçiliğin uzantısı olarak “ben”in gelişmesi, bencillik gibi duyguların yoğunluk kazanması, toplumun bireyi yalnızlığa itmesi ve kişiyi kaderiyle baş başa bırakması, arayıp sormaması yabancılaşma olgusunu doğuran en büyük nedenlerdir. Sosyal hayatla organik bağı, yalnızlaştırılarak koparılan kişi, bir müddet sonra yabancılaşır. Bireyin kendisinden ziyade, toplumun etkisiyle yabancılaşma sürecine girmesi, Klâsik şairlerimizin de dikkatlerini çekmiş ve şiirlerine malzeme olmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Birey, yabancılaşma, yalnızlık, ferdiyetçilik, bencillik.
Alienation, in a way, results from the fact that the social relations become complex. The concept of alienation directly derives from the original activity of the human beings, but to be concluded, it needs the absolute act of the society. This development causes the dialectic effect which takes on a shape between the individual and the society to affect the person. The development of the “ego” as an extension of the individualism, getting intensity of the feelings like being egoistic, society’s leaving the individual alone, leaving the individual with his/her fate alone, not caring for him/her are the main reasons cause to arise the concept of alienation. The person whose organic relation with the social life cut by being left alone becomes alienated for a while. Rather than the reasons which result from the individual, living the process of alienation by the effect of the society attracts the Classical Ottoman poets’ attention, and becomes the subject of their poetry.
Key Words: Individual, alienation, isolation, individualism, egoism.
Divan literature has an identity and a style which is peculiar to itself. The fact that it was w... more Divan literature has an identity and a style which is peculiar to itself. The
fact that it was written in certain forms and mods does not abstract from the
society. Every human being is the mirror of the society in which she lives, and
the society appears in the words, attitudes and behaviours of its members and in
its literature and in all the cultural characteristics. Alaaddin Sabit Ujiçevi, who
was born in Ujitse, Bosna Hersek -today a place in Serbia- with the original and
simple language he used in comparison with his contemporaries, is one of the
greatest poets of the oriental language of of our Classical Turkish poetry. In this
achievement, his clear style and his not being indifferent to the social subjects
plays a great role. Although he stayed in Sareyova for a long time, the matters
which he saw as a problem are wide range of social matters in Otoman land
outside Balkan borders. The fact that his not becoming a stranger to social
problems and the reality of life in his poems did not affect his art negatively,
and he does not violate the classical form of our classical poetry. While Sabit
was telling negative aspects of a person, he did not deal with only his
personality, he depicted the society by that person, his main concern is the
society. We can say that Sabit is a populist poet who comes from the inside of
the society by looking at his point of view to the people and the events in the
real life. He could have had the anxiety of making only art, or could not have
mentioned the subjects which were irrelevant for himself. However in the
poetry of Sabit, the society, the characteristics of the period, the people profiles
of the period lie one inside the other.
Poetry can bring to light, in a way that is a mixture of fantasy and reality, the ways in which ... more Poetry can bring to light, in a way that is a mixture of fantasy and reality, the
ways in which social life is lived, as it is experienced meaningfully by
individuals who are the sustainers of different life styles and perceived and
assimilated by all sense organs. However, poetry can stand back from the events
experienced by ordinary agents of daily life and critically examine the
perceptions and sensations they reach first hand in order to evoke in the mind of
the reader the unplanned consequences and the unimaginable meanings of the
actions of these ordinary agents.
Although it is not possible to see all forms of criticism in Divan poetry, many
types of criticism are used. Whether it is poems that target only one person as in
satire, poems that mock and humiliate while making people laugh, or poems
that touch on social flaws, there are a considerable number in Divan poetry.
While there is a wide terminology of criticism for these poems, it is a great
deficiency that there is no word to describe social criticism in Divan poetry,
where social criticism is also used.
Literature carries the verdict of “truth” in a different sense, which we can
define as its ability to transform daily experience and living into meaningful
intuition and understanding, and it can create a “network of meaningfulness”
among the objects of the world we live in.
Türk şiirinde, halk, eski, yeni veya çağdaş şiir diye kategorize edilen dönemlerin birbirinden b... more Türk şiirinde, halk, eski, yeni veya çağdaş şiir diye
kategorize edilen dönemlerin birbirinden bağımsız
olamayacakları, bu şekildeki ayrımların yapay olduğu tezini üç
ayrı asırda, üç ayrı şiir grubunda yer alan üç ayrı şair üzerinden
savundum. Bu üç şair, toplumsal ortak bir sosyal meseleye, üç
ayrı asırda ortak bir tepki vermişlerdir. Bu ortak ses üzerinden
şiirin yüzyıllara, yapay sınıflamalara hapsedilemeyecek evrensel
tarafına dikkat çekmeye çalıştım.
Edebiyat sosyolojisi ve özellikle sosyal eleştiri konusu,
Türk şiirinde yeterince işlenmiş bir konu değildir. Hatta bu alan,
çok bakirdir. Özellikle Divan şiirindeki sosyal eleştiri konusu çok
ihmal edilen, hatta yok sayılan bir taraftır. “Türk Divan Şiirinde
Sosyal Eleştiri” adlı doktora çalışmamda, sosyal eleştirinin Divan
şairleri tarafından ne denli fazla yapılmış olduğunu gördüm. İlgili
çalışmam, edebiyat sosyolojisi alanındaki büyük boşluğa hizmet
edecek bir çalışmadır.
Bir toplumun sosyolojisi, dönemden döneme farklılık arz
etse de toplum sosyolojisini etkileyen temel konular aynıdır. Bu,
evrensel, aynı konulardan hareketle sosyal bir sorun olan haramzadeleri, üç ayrı asırda, üç ayrı edebiyat topluluğunda
anılan ve üç ayrı dünya görüşüne sahip şair üzerinden inceledim.
Bu üç ayrı şairin aynı konuda söz birliği etmişçesine aynı tepkileri
vermiş olmaları, evrensel konuların yüzyıllara göre
değişmeyeceği sonucuna götürür bizleri.
Key words: Comparative literature, Epicurean philosophy, Philosophical style, Bâki, Nâbi. ABSTRAC... more Key words: Comparative literature, Epicurean philosophy, Philosophical style, Bâki, Nâbi. ABSTRACT Definitions that are far away from wholesome and deep observations as in “Literature which is distant from public, real life, social tradition, customs and worries…” that is uttered for the Classic Turkish poetry tend to lose their meaning in today’s time and interpretations with much realistic, suitable evaluations began to be made. Doing such interpretations both for sources of classic Turkish literature history and for knowledge that could not rid itself from being a matter of memorization is essential. For such lacking interpretations introduces lots of poets incompletely. According to this world-view known as Epicurean philosophy, one needs to make good use of his short life, needs to enjoy life by putting aside sorrow, grief and sadness. In philosophical style, it’s essential that social and political events stating advice and counsel should be uttered wisely, sayings and idioms reflecting the life style of society and some concepts should be told in an advice giving matter. In classic Turkish poetry, Bâki is accepted as the representative of one of the ode styles known as “Rint”, and Nâbi as philosophical style. Thinking that Bâki, who is the representative of Epicurean philosophy known as the life philosophy, which is suitable to “Rint”, in classic Turkish poetry, would write poems based on a single mood of his is contradictory to human psychology and sociological practices. While moods showing variances is a scientific reality, defining it as “Rint is a poet.” for Bâki would be an incomplete interpretation thus emphasizing the necessity of more realistic interpretations and definitions by carrying the main goal of this study beyond the boundaries of such classic, parrot fashion interpretations. The knowledge, which is Rint style odes of Bâki greatly aggregate, is not wrong but doesn’t mean that Bâki cannot write or may have not written in philosophical style (pulpy, wisely, erudite) – just as Nâbi, the representative of the philosophical style. Similarly, it’s not plausible to say that Nâbi may not have written in Rint style odes on the psychology of his scientifically presenting variability. For this, putting the info in literary history books stating that poets may write poems in different styles will serve better for poets to be understood completely.
Fırat Üniversitesi Doğu Araştırmaları Dergisi, Mar 30, 2008
e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, Apr 1, 2009
Humanities and sciences, Mar 1, 2009
Humanities and sciences, Mar 1, 2008
The Journal of International Social Research
ÖZET Yabancılaşma bir bakıma toplumsal ilişkilerin karmaşık bir hâle gelmesi ve büyümesi sonucu... more ÖZET
Yabancılaşma bir bakıma toplumsal ilişkilerin karmaşık bir hâle gelmesi ve büyümesi sonucunda ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu kavram, doğrudan doğruya insânın özgün etkinliğinden doğar ama sonuçlanması için toplumun kesin etkinliğine ihtiyaç duyar. Bu gelişim birey-toplum arasında şekillenen diyalektik etkinin insanı etkilemesine neden olur. Ferdiyetçiliğin uzantısı olarak “ben”in gelişmesi, bencillik gibi duyguların yoğunluk kazanması, toplumun bireyi yalnızlığa itmesi ve kişiyi kaderiyle baş başa bırakması, arayıp sormaması yabancılaşma olgusunu doğuran en büyük nedenlerdir. Sosyal hayatla organik bağı, yalnızlaştırılarak koparılan kişi, bir müddet sonra yabancılaşır. Bireyin kendisinden ziyade, toplumun etkisiyle yabancılaşma sürecine girmesi, Klâsik şairlerimizin de dikkatlerini çekmiş ve şiirlerine malzeme olmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Birey, yabancılaşma, yalnızlık, ferdiyetçilik, bencillik.
Alienation, in a way, results from the fact that the social relations become complex. The concept of alienation directly derives from the original activity of the human beings, but to be concluded, it needs the absolute act of the society. This development causes the dialectic effect which takes on a shape between the individual and the society to affect the person. The development of the “ego” as an extension of the individualism, getting intensity of the feelings like being egoistic, society’s leaving the individual alone, leaving the individual with his/her fate alone, not caring for him/her are the main reasons cause to arise the concept of alienation. The person whose organic relation with the social life cut by being left alone becomes alienated for a while. Rather than the reasons which result from the individual, living the process of alienation by the effect of the society attracts the Classical Ottoman poets’ attention, and becomes the subject of their poetry.
Key Words: Individual, alienation, isolation, individualism, egoism.
Divan literature has an identity and a style which is peculiar to itself. The fact that it was w... more Divan literature has an identity and a style which is peculiar to itself. The
fact that it was written in certain forms and mods does not abstract from the
society. Every human being is the mirror of the society in which she lives, and
the society appears in the words, attitudes and behaviours of its members and in
its literature and in all the cultural characteristics. Alaaddin Sabit Ujiçevi, who
was born in Ujitse, Bosna Hersek -today a place in Serbia- with the original and
simple language he used in comparison with his contemporaries, is one of the
greatest poets of the oriental language of of our Classical Turkish poetry. In this
achievement, his clear style and his not being indifferent to the social subjects
plays a great role. Although he stayed in Sareyova for a long time, the matters
which he saw as a problem are wide range of social matters in Otoman land
outside Balkan borders. The fact that his not becoming a stranger to social
problems and the reality of life in his poems did not affect his art negatively,
and he does not violate the classical form of our classical poetry. While Sabit
was telling negative aspects of a person, he did not deal with only his
personality, he depicted the society by that person, his main concern is the
society. We can say that Sabit is a populist poet who comes from the inside of
the society by looking at his point of view to the people and the events in the
real life. He could have had the anxiety of making only art, or could not have
mentioned the subjects which were irrelevant for himself. However in the
poetry of Sabit, the society, the characteristics of the period, the people profiles
of the period lie one inside the other.
Poetry can bring to light, in a way that is a mixture of fantasy and reality, the ways in which ... more Poetry can bring to light, in a way that is a mixture of fantasy and reality, the
ways in which social life is lived, as it is experienced meaningfully by
individuals who are the sustainers of different life styles and perceived and
assimilated by all sense organs. However, poetry can stand back from the events
experienced by ordinary agents of daily life and critically examine the
perceptions and sensations they reach first hand in order to evoke in the mind of
the reader the unplanned consequences and the unimaginable meanings of the
actions of these ordinary agents.
Although it is not possible to see all forms of criticism in Divan poetry, many
types of criticism are used. Whether it is poems that target only one person as in
satire, poems that mock and humiliate while making people laugh, or poems
that touch on social flaws, there are a considerable number in Divan poetry.
While there is a wide terminology of criticism for these poems, it is a great
deficiency that there is no word to describe social criticism in Divan poetry,
where social criticism is also used.
Literature carries the verdict of “truth” in a different sense, which we can
define as its ability to transform daily experience and living into meaningful
intuition and understanding, and it can create a “network of meaningfulness”
among the objects of the world we live in.
Türk şiirinde, halk, eski, yeni veya çağdaş şiir diye kategorize edilen dönemlerin birbirinden b... more Türk şiirinde, halk, eski, yeni veya çağdaş şiir diye
kategorize edilen dönemlerin birbirinden bağımsız
olamayacakları, bu şekildeki ayrımların yapay olduğu tezini üç
ayrı asırda, üç ayrı şiir grubunda yer alan üç ayrı şair üzerinden
savundum. Bu üç şair, toplumsal ortak bir sosyal meseleye, üç
ayrı asırda ortak bir tepki vermişlerdir. Bu ortak ses üzerinden
şiirin yüzyıllara, yapay sınıflamalara hapsedilemeyecek evrensel
tarafına dikkat çekmeye çalıştım.
Edebiyat sosyolojisi ve özellikle sosyal eleştiri konusu,
Türk şiirinde yeterince işlenmiş bir konu değildir. Hatta bu alan,
çok bakirdir. Özellikle Divan şiirindeki sosyal eleştiri konusu çok
ihmal edilen, hatta yok sayılan bir taraftır. “Türk Divan Şiirinde
Sosyal Eleştiri” adlı doktora çalışmamda, sosyal eleştirinin Divan
şairleri tarafından ne denli fazla yapılmış olduğunu gördüm. İlgili
çalışmam, edebiyat sosyolojisi alanındaki büyük boşluğa hizmet
edecek bir çalışmadır.
Bir toplumun sosyolojisi, dönemden döneme farklılık arz
etse de toplum sosyolojisini etkileyen temel konular aynıdır. Bu,
evrensel, aynı konulardan hareketle sosyal bir sorun olan haramzadeleri, üç ayrı asırda, üç ayrı edebiyat topluluğunda
anılan ve üç ayrı dünya görüşüne sahip şair üzerinden inceledim.
Bu üç ayrı şairin aynı konuda söz birliği etmişçesine aynı tepkileri
vermiş olmaları, evrensel konuların yüzyıllara göre
değişmeyeceği sonucuna götürür bizleri.
Key words: Comparative literature, Epicurean philosophy, Philosophical style, Bâki, Nâbi. ABSTRAC... more Key words: Comparative literature, Epicurean philosophy, Philosophical style, Bâki, Nâbi. ABSTRACT Definitions that are far away from wholesome and deep observations as in “Literature which is distant from public, real life, social tradition, customs and worries…” that is uttered for the Classic Turkish poetry tend to lose their meaning in today’s time and interpretations with much realistic, suitable evaluations began to be made. Doing such interpretations both for sources of classic Turkish literature history and for knowledge that could not rid itself from being a matter of memorization is essential. For such lacking interpretations introduces lots of poets incompletely. According to this world-view known as Epicurean philosophy, one needs to make good use of his short life, needs to enjoy life by putting aside sorrow, grief and sadness. In philosophical style, it’s essential that social and political events stating advice and counsel should be uttered wisely, sayings and idioms reflecting the life style of society and some concepts should be told in an advice giving matter. In classic Turkish poetry, Bâki is accepted as the representative of one of the ode styles known as “Rint”, and Nâbi as philosophical style. Thinking that Bâki, who is the representative of Epicurean philosophy known as the life philosophy, which is suitable to “Rint”, in classic Turkish poetry, would write poems based on a single mood of his is contradictory to human psychology and sociological practices. While moods showing variances is a scientific reality, defining it as “Rint is a poet.” for Bâki would be an incomplete interpretation thus emphasizing the necessity of more realistic interpretations and definitions by carrying the main goal of this study beyond the boundaries of such classic, parrot fashion interpretations. The knowledge, which is Rint style odes of Bâki greatly aggregate, is not wrong but doesn’t mean that Bâki cannot write or may have not written in philosophical style (pulpy, wisely, erudite) – just as Nâbi, the representative of the philosophical style. Similarly, it’s not plausible to say that Nâbi may not have written in Rint style odes on the psychology of his scientifically presenting variability. For this, putting the info in literary history books stating that poets may write poems in different styles will serve better for poets to be understood completely.
Fırat Üniversitesi Doğu Araştırmaları Dergisi, Mar 30, 2008
e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, Apr 1, 2009
Humanities and sciences, Mar 1, 2009
Humanities and sciences, Mar 1, 2008
The Journal of International Social Research, 2009
ÖZET Maddiyatı hep ön plânda tutan, hayata başka bir pencereden bakmasını bilmeyen, dostluk, ark... more ÖZET
Maddiyatı hep ön plânda tutan, hayata başka bir pencereden bakmasını bilmeyen, dostluk, arkadaşlık, vefâ, fedakârlık gibi, kısaca insanlığa dair öğeleri görmezden gelen bu insanları bir tip olarak değerlendirmemizin sebebi, bu insanların dar bir çevrede görülebilen, nicelik olarak az olmayan kişiler olmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu insanlar bir tiptir. Zira bu türden insanlara her zaman ve zeminde rastlama ihtimalimiz yüksektir. Elbette salt niceliklerine ve toplumda sık rastlanabilme oranlarına bakarak böyle bir kanıya varılamaz. En önemlisi, toplumun bu insanlara nasıl baktığı, bu insanları farklı bir yere oturtup oturtmaması yönünde olmalıdır. Toplumun dikkatini çeken bu tip, toplumun bir parçası olan Klâsik şairlerimizin gözlemci bakışlarından kurtulamamıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Türk, klâsik, şiir, tip, maddiyat.
The reason why we evaluate as a character the people who always regard material thins important, cannot see the other things in the life, do not consider the concepts concerning humanity such as friendship, loyalty, self-sacrifice, important is the fact that these kind of people are not few in number and we see them not in a limited environment. These people are a character. Our possibility to encounter the people like these is high. Surely, someone cannot think so only by looking their quantity and their rates which we encounter them in society. How the society evaluate these people, whether the soceity, appreciate them are important. This character who attracts the attention of the society couldn’t get rid of the reviews based on the observation of the Classical Otoman poets who were a part of the society.
Key Words: Turk, classical, poetry, character, material, things.