Z. Németh - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Z. Németh

Research paper thumbnail of Allochthonous position of the Meliaticum in the North-Gemeric zone (Inner Western Carpathians) as demonstrated by paleopiezometric data

Article presents new paleopiezometric data of calcite marbles, contributing to solution of princi... more Article presents new paleopiezometric data of calcite marbles, contributing to solution of principal geological and tectonic problem of autochthonus (cover) vs. allochthonous position of carbonatic suite north of the village of Jaklovce in the eastern part of the North-Gemeric zone (Inner Western Carpathians). The Triassic-Jurassic sequences in the Kurtová skala hill are from the 1970s linked with Meliaticum - so-called Jaklovce Meliaticum, but direct tectonic and structural evidences about its allochthonous position were still missing. Moreover, due to the corresponding appearance of both - autochthonous and allochthonous carbonates, the dividing boudary between both complexes is not clearly determined, or even both sequence were put together into autochthonous position with primary lithological transitions. The dynamic recrystallization of the whole volume of allochthonous calcite marbles, being found by our recent research, caused the origin of deformation twins nearly in each ca...

Research paper thumbnail of Geodynamic background of the origin of Variscan and Paleo-Alpine metamorphic core complexes in the Western Carpathians and their metallogenetic importance

XXI International Congress of the CBGA, Salzburg, Austria, September 10–13, 2018, Abstracts, 2018

Abstract of the presentation during the XXI International Congress of the CBGA, Salzburg, Austria... more Abstract of the presentation during the XXI International Congress of the CBGA, Salzburg, Austria, September 10–13, 2018, lectured in Session GT7-3 Orogenic processes in the Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaric orogen:
The relationship between tectonics and basin formation.

Research paper thumbnail of Magnesite and talc origin in the sequence of geodynamic events in Veporicum, Inner Western Carpathians, Slovakia

Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2004

This paper summarizes recent data about magnesite and talc genesis in Carboniferous host rocks of... more This paper summarizes recent data about magnesite and talc genesis in Carboniferous host rocks of Western Carpathians (Slovakia) , which occur in two distinct belts in tectonic superunit Veporicum and its contact zone with Gemericum. The northern Sinec magnesite and talc belt (with main deposits Kokava, Sinec, Samo, Hnúšťa-Mútnik) contains economic accumulation of magnesite and talc, while in the southern Ochtiná belt (main deposits in Dúbrava massif-Dúbrava, Miková, Jedľovec; Lubeník, Ochtiná, Košice Bankov, Banisko, Medvedia) the magnesite is dominating. The magnesite genesis by successive replacement of Carboniferous calcíte to dolomíte and magnesite during metamorphíc process M1 (northern belt 280-400'C , southern belt 370-420'C ; Radvanec & Prochaska, 2001; Kodera & Radvanec, 2002) , being supplied by Mg from Permoscythian evaporitic bittern brines, relates to Variscan post-collísional (post-VD) evolution. The extensional conditions and deformational gradient in Ochtiná belt during AD2 and AD3 phases caused why no economic talc accumulations developed there. The results of presented study can be used as general criteria for magnesite and talc prospection in Alpine type terranes.

Research paper thumbnail of Allochthonous position of the Meliaticum in the North-Gemeric zone (Inner Western Carpathians) as demonstrated by paleopiezometric data

Mineralia Slovaca, 2012

Article presents new paleopiezometric data of calcite marbles, contributing to solution of princi... more Article presents new paleopiezometric data of calcite marbles, contributing to solution of
principal geological and tectonic problem of autochthonous (cover) vs. allochthonous position
of carbonatic suite north of the village of Jaklovce in the eastern part of the North-Gemeric
zone (Inner Western Carpathians). The Triassic-Jurassic sequences in the Kurtová skala hill are
from the 1970s linked with Meliaticum – so-called Jaklovce Meliaticum, but direct tectonic and
structural evidences about its allochthonous position were still missing. Moreover, due to the
corresponding appearance of both – autochthonous and allochthonous carbonates, the dividing
boundary between both complexes is not clearly determined, or even both sequences were put
together into autochthonous position with primary lithological transitions.
The dynamic recrystallization of the whole volume of allochthonous calcite marbles, being
found by our recent research, caused the origin of deformation twins nearly in each calcite
grain (Twinning incidence up to 100 %). The high number of deformation twins per 1 mm of
perpendicular diameter of the grain (D = 173.05–646.25) at the very small size of grains (23.7 to
42.7 μm) was caused by their recrystallization at high differential stresses σ = 347.49–429.55 MPa.
This differs the allochthonous bodies of Meliaticum from those of autochthonous Permo-Triassic
cover of the Northern Gemericum, which do not exhibit deformation twins and ductile overprint.
This difference simultaneously indicates that the total dynamic recrystallization of allochthonous
marbles should occur in conditions of subduction zone, but their post-exhumation transport
on autochthonous carbonates without their whole-volume plastic deformation should occur in
“could conditions”, corresponding with the transport of the superficial nappe. The exhumed suite
(besides carbonates also radiolarites, mafic and ultramafic rocks, etc.,) was overprinted by two
principal Alpine deformation phases AD1 and AD3 of tectonic imbrication and horizontal shearing,
causing the origin of brittle-ductile and brittle disjunctive structures. Despite the overprint, the
primary bedding (gen. 330/55) of allochthonous carbonates remained preserved, and contrasts
to general NW–SE trending bedding and secondary foliation of autochthonous sequences.

Research paper thumbnail of Variscan dismembered metaophiolite suite fragments of Paleo-Tethys in Gemeric unit, Western Carpathians

Mineralia Slovaca, 2017

The Variscan dismembered ophiolite suite is exhumed in the northern zone of Gemeric unit of the W... more The Variscan dismembered ophiolite suite is exhumed in the northern zone of Gemeric unit of the Western Carpathians (so-called North Gemeric zone). It consists of variegated lithology of former segment of Paleozoic mid-ocean ridge of Paleo-Tethys, occurring now in three traditional principal localities of the gneiss-amphibolite complex (GAC) in the Gemeric unit (Western Carpatians)-the Dobšiná, Rudňany and Klátov localities. Additional smaller occurrences at Jaklovce, Delava and Dobšiná (Cpx metagabbro) and the Strážny vrch hill (serpentinite) were recently also added to this suite. The Paleozoic ophiolite suite in Gemeric unit is built of six polymetamorphosed principal rock types: (1) gneiss with garnet (Alm+Pl+Bt+Ms+Qtz+Act+Chl) and graphite (occurrences at Dobšiná and Rudňany), (2) plagiogranite (Kfs+Ab+Pl+Ms+Bt-Qtz+Zo+Cal; 87 Sr/ 86 Sr=0.7033; age 374 Ma Rudňany), (3) gneiss with amphibole porphyroclasts (Cum-Hbl/Prg-Act) and graphite (Klátov), (4) amphibolite (Pl+Hbl+Tnt+Ap+Pmp+Ilm+Act+Ep+Chl; Klátov, Rudňany, Dobšiná); (5) serpentinite (Tlc+Tr+Chl+Act+Dol+Ctl+CrSpl+Hem; Klátov, Strážny vrch hill); (6) metagabbro (Di+Aug+CrSpl+Pl+Hbl/Prg-KPrg-Act+Ep+Qtz+Tnt+Chl+MnIlm+Tnt+Ap+Zrn+Png+Ab+Hyl, Jaklovce, Delava, Dobšiná). The suite of above listed rocks underwent a multi-stadial tectono-metamorphic overprint. First-Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous low-pressure amphibolite facies metamorphism M0 (deformation stage VD0) of ocean fl oor is documented by the hornblende cooling age 362 Ma. Later metamorphic recrystallization of the pumpellyite-actinolite facies is related to compressional Variscan orogenic stage M1a (VD1a) affecting the metaophiolite suite in Late Carboniferous (around 300 Ma). During Permian metamorphism M1b (VD1b), the tectonic blocks of metaophiolite suite underwent recrystallization in the epidote-amphibolite facies to amphibolite facies by the input of heat at medium pressure. This metamorphism on the hot line was accompanied with the origin od anatectic granite of S-type and corresponding volcanism on the surface. The youngest metamorphic overpring M2 (AD2) in the greenschist facies is the result of Alpine orogenic processes.

Research paper thumbnail of The relation of metallogeny to geodynamic processes - the natural prerequisite for the origin of mineral deposits of public importance (MDoPI): The case study in the Western Carpathians, Slovakia

Mineralia Slovaca, 2016

The review, based on binomial division of the Western Carpathians into Inner (Internal) and Outer... more The review, based on binomial division of the Western Carpathians into Inner (Internal) and Outer (External) ones, provides a chronological description of Paleozoic and Cenozoic multiple riftogenesis, subduction/ collision and post-collision evolution with their metallogenetic consequences, in earlier classifications designated as Paleo-, Meso-and Neo-Variscan/Hercynian, as well as Paleo-, Meso-and Neo-Alpine phases. The introductory remarks form the base on which new tectonometamorphic and metallogenetic re-interpretations are grounded. In the geological setting of the Inner Western Carpathians, the Cretaceous Paleo-Alpine crustal tectonic units (Tatric, Veporic, Gemeric and Zemplinic units) are the most conspicuous, the first three being covered by superficial nappes (Fatric, Hronic, Meliatic, Turnaic and Silicic units). Earlier, Variscan (Hercynian) basement units encompass the Paleozoic and older crystalline basement and its Paleozoic and Mesozoic cover. The remnants of the Cenozoic Meso-Alpine units crop out only at the boundary of the Outer and Inner Western Carpathians and are influenced by dominating Cenozoic-Quaternary Neo-Alpine overprint. Four principal metallogenetic periods in the Western Carpathians are defined in the paper. A principal role in geodynamic processes as well as metallogeny of the Western Carpathians is attributed to linear source of convection heat of equatorial direction (mantle plume; hot line s.l.) acting under this orogenic belt from the Early Paleozoic until Cenozoic. During this extended period, the linear heat source has caused a multiple divergence within the Pangea (Gondwana/Laurasia) and its metallogenetic consequences-stratabound and magmatogenic mineralization during the divergent origin of elongated basins, as well as metamorphic/magmatogenic mineralization after their convergent closure by the lithospheric plates/microplates collision. The first metallogenetic period is related to Early Paleozoic pre-and riftogeneous phases (Cambrian to Ordovician, and/or Devonian to Early Carboniferous), the second Late Paleozoic one is a consequence of Permian overheating during the Variscan post-collisional evolution, including regional extension, magmatic and metallogenetic processes, the third one is a product of Late Cretaceous overheating due to the Paleo-Alpine post-collisional phase, and the fourth one-the Neo-Alpine metallogenetic phase is a consequence of Miocene overheating and the magmatic/volcanic processes related with the heat from the asthenosphere upwelling. The review encompasses also a brief summary of produced mineralization types.

Research paper thumbnail of Lithotectonic units of the Western Carpathians: Suggestion of simple methodology for lithotectonic units defining, applicable for orogenic belts world-wide

Mineralia Slovaca, 2021

New methodology of XD labelling for defining of lithotectonic units, tested in the Western Carpat... more New methodology of XD labelling for defining of lithotectonic units, tested in the Western Carpathians at a general scale of 1 : 2 000 000, as well as in the innermost W. Carpathians (Gemericum and adjacent units) at the detail scale of 1 : 50 000, has a uniform applicability for orogenic belts worldwide. Lithotectonic classification is based on orogenic (Wilson) cycles, being indicated in XD designation by the prefix X (paper suggests the prefixes for the orogenic cycles known within Europe), as well as an affiliation of individual lithological unit to particular orogenic phases D of these cycles: D0-divergent process of riftogenesis, D1-convergent processes of subduction, obduction, closure of this elongated oceanic space by collision, D2-post-collisional thermal / deformation processes, unroofing and metamorphic core complex evolution; D3-intraplate consolidation (strikeslips, transpression, transtension, rotation of blocks, etc.) and D4-regional extension (pure shear-type regional faults, Basin and Range-type tectonics). Possible is even more detail classification applying the subphases-e.g. D1a, D1b, etc. Using extended set of prefixes for orogenic cycles besides Europe, makes proposed methodology universal. The W. Carpathians, as a segment of Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt, developed in Phanerozoic during multiple orogenic (Wilson) cycles of Intra-Pangea type. The Variscan (V; Paleozoic), Paleo-Alpine (Ap; Mesozoic) and Neo-Alpine (An; dominantly Cenozoic) orogenic cycles in this territory were proved by exact geological data, including revealed three suture zones (V; Ap; An) after elongated basins with oceanic crust in their axial zones and three generations of high-pressure rocks of subduction metamorphism (V; Ap; An). Two generations of dismembered ophiolite suites remains (V; Ap) and two proved metamorphic core complexes related to postcollisional evolution of Variscan and Paleo-Alpine orogenic cycles (V; Ap) complete the geodynamic interpretation of W. Carpathians. The youngest-Neo-Alpine (Cenozoic) orogenic cycle (An) has besides interpreted suture zone and accretionary prism also well-defined related volcano-sedimentary sequences.

Research paper thumbnail of Robinwood Project

... The rise of maximum levels proves eg also the comparison of maximum levels in the town Streda... more ... The rise of maximum levels proves eg also the comparison of maximum levels in the town Streda nad Bodrogom from 1924, when at flowage 1,160 m3.s-1 the water level was in the altitude 99.60 m asl, and recently it is 101.24 m nm (Šútor et al., 1975). This level ...

Research paper thumbnail of Allochthonous position of the Meliaticum in the North-Gemeric zone (Inner Western Carpathians) as demonstrated by paleopiezometric data

Article presents new paleopiezometric data of calcite marbles, contributing to solution of princi... more Article presents new paleopiezometric data of calcite marbles, contributing to solution of principal geological and tectonic problem of autochthonus (cover) vs. allochthonous position of carbonatic suite north of the village of Jaklovce in the eastern part of the North-Gemeric zone (Inner Western Carpathians). The Triassic-Jurassic sequences in the Kurtová skala hill are from the 1970s linked with Meliaticum - so-called Jaklovce Meliaticum, but direct tectonic and structural evidences about its allochthonous position were still missing. Moreover, due to the corresponding appearance of both - autochthonous and allochthonous carbonates, the dividing boudary between both complexes is not clearly determined, or even both sequence were put together into autochthonous position with primary lithological transitions. The dynamic recrystallization of the whole volume of allochthonous calcite marbles, being found by our recent research, caused the origin of deformation twins nearly in each ca...

Research paper thumbnail of Geodynamic background of the origin of Variscan and Paleo-Alpine metamorphic core complexes in the Western Carpathians and their metallogenetic importance

XXI International Congress of the CBGA, Salzburg, Austria, September 10–13, 2018, Abstracts, 2018

Abstract of the presentation during the XXI International Congress of the CBGA, Salzburg, Austria... more Abstract of the presentation during the XXI International Congress of the CBGA, Salzburg, Austria, September 10–13, 2018, lectured in Session GT7-3 Orogenic processes in the Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaric orogen:
The relationship between tectonics and basin formation.

Research paper thumbnail of Magnesite and talc origin in the sequence of geodynamic events in Veporicum, Inner Western Carpathians, Slovakia

Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2004

This paper summarizes recent data about magnesite and talc genesis in Carboniferous host rocks of... more This paper summarizes recent data about magnesite and talc genesis in Carboniferous host rocks of Western Carpathians (Slovakia) , which occur in two distinct belts in tectonic superunit Veporicum and its contact zone with Gemericum. The northern Sinec magnesite and talc belt (with main deposits Kokava, Sinec, Samo, Hnúšťa-Mútnik) contains economic accumulation of magnesite and talc, while in the southern Ochtiná belt (main deposits in Dúbrava massif-Dúbrava, Miková, Jedľovec; Lubeník, Ochtiná, Košice Bankov, Banisko, Medvedia) the magnesite is dominating. The magnesite genesis by successive replacement of Carboniferous calcíte to dolomíte and magnesite during metamorphíc process M1 (northern belt 280-400'C , southern belt 370-420'C ; Radvanec & Prochaska, 2001; Kodera & Radvanec, 2002) , being supplied by Mg from Permoscythian evaporitic bittern brines, relates to Variscan post-collísional (post-VD) evolution. The extensional conditions and deformational gradient in Ochtiná belt during AD2 and AD3 phases caused why no economic talc accumulations developed there. The results of presented study can be used as general criteria for magnesite and talc prospection in Alpine type terranes.

Research paper thumbnail of Allochthonous position of the Meliaticum in the North-Gemeric zone (Inner Western Carpathians) as demonstrated by paleopiezometric data

Mineralia Slovaca, 2012

Article presents new paleopiezometric data of calcite marbles, contributing to solution of princi... more Article presents new paleopiezometric data of calcite marbles, contributing to solution of
principal geological and tectonic problem of autochthonous (cover) vs. allochthonous position
of carbonatic suite north of the village of Jaklovce in the eastern part of the North-Gemeric
zone (Inner Western Carpathians). The Triassic-Jurassic sequences in the Kurtová skala hill are
from the 1970s linked with Meliaticum – so-called Jaklovce Meliaticum, but direct tectonic and
structural evidences about its allochthonous position were still missing. Moreover, due to the
corresponding appearance of both – autochthonous and allochthonous carbonates, the dividing
boundary between both complexes is not clearly determined, or even both sequences were put
together into autochthonous position with primary lithological transitions.
The dynamic recrystallization of the whole volume of allochthonous calcite marbles, being
found by our recent research, caused the origin of deformation twins nearly in each calcite
grain (Twinning incidence up to 100 %). The high number of deformation twins per 1 mm of
perpendicular diameter of the grain (D = 173.05–646.25) at the very small size of grains (23.7 to
42.7 μm) was caused by their recrystallization at high differential stresses σ = 347.49–429.55 MPa.
This differs the allochthonous bodies of Meliaticum from those of autochthonous Permo-Triassic
cover of the Northern Gemericum, which do not exhibit deformation twins and ductile overprint.
This difference simultaneously indicates that the total dynamic recrystallization of allochthonous
marbles should occur in conditions of subduction zone, but their post-exhumation transport
on autochthonous carbonates without their whole-volume plastic deformation should occur in
“could conditions”, corresponding with the transport of the superficial nappe. The exhumed suite
(besides carbonates also radiolarites, mafic and ultramafic rocks, etc.,) was overprinted by two
principal Alpine deformation phases AD1 and AD3 of tectonic imbrication and horizontal shearing,
causing the origin of brittle-ductile and brittle disjunctive structures. Despite the overprint, the
primary bedding (gen. 330/55) of allochthonous carbonates remained preserved, and contrasts
to general NW–SE trending bedding and secondary foliation of autochthonous sequences.

Research paper thumbnail of Variscan dismembered metaophiolite suite fragments of Paleo-Tethys in Gemeric unit, Western Carpathians

Mineralia Slovaca, 2017

The Variscan dismembered ophiolite suite is exhumed in the northern zone of Gemeric unit of the W... more The Variscan dismembered ophiolite suite is exhumed in the northern zone of Gemeric unit of the Western Carpathians (so-called North Gemeric zone). It consists of variegated lithology of former segment of Paleozoic mid-ocean ridge of Paleo-Tethys, occurring now in three traditional principal localities of the gneiss-amphibolite complex (GAC) in the Gemeric unit (Western Carpatians)-the Dobšiná, Rudňany and Klátov localities. Additional smaller occurrences at Jaklovce, Delava and Dobšiná (Cpx metagabbro) and the Strážny vrch hill (serpentinite) were recently also added to this suite. The Paleozoic ophiolite suite in Gemeric unit is built of six polymetamorphosed principal rock types: (1) gneiss with garnet (Alm+Pl+Bt+Ms+Qtz+Act+Chl) and graphite (occurrences at Dobšiná and Rudňany), (2) plagiogranite (Kfs+Ab+Pl+Ms+Bt-Qtz+Zo+Cal; 87 Sr/ 86 Sr=0.7033; age 374 Ma Rudňany), (3) gneiss with amphibole porphyroclasts (Cum-Hbl/Prg-Act) and graphite (Klátov), (4) amphibolite (Pl+Hbl+Tnt+Ap+Pmp+Ilm+Act+Ep+Chl; Klátov, Rudňany, Dobšiná); (5) serpentinite (Tlc+Tr+Chl+Act+Dol+Ctl+CrSpl+Hem; Klátov, Strážny vrch hill); (6) metagabbro (Di+Aug+CrSpl+Pl+Hbl/Prg-KPrg-Act+Ep+Qtz+Tnt+Chl+MnIlm+Tnt+Ap+Zrn+Png+Ab+Hyl, Jaklovce, Delava, Dobšiná). The suite of above listed rocks underwent a multi-stadial tectono-metamorphic overprint. First-Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous low-pressure amphibolite facies metamorphism M0 (deformation stage VD0) of ocean fl oor is documented by the hornblende cooling age 362 Ma. Later metamorphic recrystallization of the pumpellyite-actinolite facies is related to compressional Variscan orogenic stage M1a (VD1a) affecting the metaophiolite suite in Late Carboniferous (around 300 Ma). During Permian metamorphism M1b (VD1b), the tectonic blocks of metaophiolite suite underwent recrystallization in the epidote-amphibolite facies to amphibolite facies by the input of heat at medium pressure. This metamorphism on the hot line was accompanied with the origin od anatectic granite of S-type and corresponding volcanism on the surface. The youngest metamorphic overpring M2 (AD2) in the greenschist facies is the result of Alpine orogenic processes.

Research paper thumbnail of The relation of metallogeny to geodynamic processes - the natural prerequisite for the origin of mineral deposits of public importance (MDoPI): The case study in the Western Carpathians, Slovakia

Mineralia Slovaca, 2016

The review, based on binomial division of the Western Carpathians into Inner (Internal) and Outer... more The review, based on binomial division of the Western Carpathians into Inner (Internal) and Outer (External) ones, provides a chronological description of Paleozoic and Cenozoic multiple riftogenesis, subduction/ collision and post-collision evolution with their metallogenetic consequences, in earlier classifications designated as Paleo-, Meso-and Neo-Variscan/Hercynian, as well as Paleo-, Meso-and Neo-Alpine phases. The introductory remarks form the base on which new tectonometamorphic and metallogenetic re-interpretations are grounded. In the geological setting of the Inner Western Carpathians, the Cretaceous Paleo-Alpine crustal tectonic units (Tatric, Veporic, Gemeric and Zemplinic units) are the most conspicuous, the first three being covered by superficial nappes (Fatric, Hronic, Meliatic, Turnaic and Silicic units). Earlier, Variscan (Hercynian) basement units encompass the Paleozoic and older crystalline basement and its Paleozoic and Mesozoic cover. The remnants of the Cenozoic Meso-Alpine units crop out only at the boundary of the Outer and Inner Western Carpathians and are influenced by dominating Cenozoic-Quaternary Neo-Alpine overprint. Four principal metallogenetic periods in the Western Carpathians are defined in the paper. A principal role in geodynamic processes as well as metallogeny of the Western Carpathians is attributed to linear source of convection heat of equatorial direction (mantle plume; hot line s.l.) acting under this orogenic belt from the Early Paleozoic until Cenozoic. During this extended period, the linear heat source has caused a multiple divergence within the Pangea (Gondwana/Laurasia) and its metallogenetic consequences-stratabound and magmatogenic mineralization during the divergent origin of elongated basins, as well as metamorphic/magmatogenic mineralization after their convergent closure by the lithospheric plates/microplates collision. The first metallogenetic period is related to Early Paleozoic pre-and riftogeneous phases (Cambrian to Ordovician, and/or Devonian to Early Carboniferous), the second Late Paleozoic one is a consequence of Permian overheating during the Variscan post-collisional evolution, including regional extension, magmatic and metallogenetic processes, the third one is a product of Late Cretaceous overheating due to the Paleo-Alpine post-collisional phase, and the fourth one-the Neo-Alpine metallogenetic phase is a consequence of Miocene overheating and the magmatic/volcanic processes related with the heat from the asthenosphere upwelling. The review encompasses also a brief summary of produced mineralization types.

Research paper thumbnail of Lithotectonic units of the Western Carpathians: Suggestion of simple methodology for lithotectonic units defining, applicable for orogenic belts world-wide

Mineralia Slovaca, 2021

New methodology of XD labelling for defining of lithotectonic units, tested in the Western Carpat... more New methodology of XD labelling for defining of lithotectonic units, tested in the Western Carpathians at a general scale of 1 : 2 000 000, as well as in the innermost W. Carpathians (Gemericum and adjacent units) at the detail scale of 1 : 50 000, has a uniform applicability for orogenic belts worldwide. Lithotectonic classification is based on orogenic (Wilson) cycles, being indicated in XD designation by the prefix X (paper suggests the prefixes for the orogenic cycles known within Europe), as well as an affiliation of individual lithological unit to particular orogenic phases D of these cycles: D0-divergent process of riftogenesis, D1-convergent processes of subduction, obduction, closure of this elongated oceanic space by collision, D2-post-collisional thermal / deformation processes, unroofing and metamorphic core complex evolution; D3-intraplate consolidation (strikeslips, transpression, transtension, rotation of blocks, etc.) and D4-regional extension (pure shear-type regional faults, Basin and Range-type tectonics). Possible is even more detail classification applying the subphases-e.g. D1a, D1b, etc. Using extended set of prefixes for orogenic cycles besides Europe, makes proposed methodology universal. The W. Carpathians, as a segment of Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt, developed in Phanerozoic during multiple orogenic (Wilson) cycles of Intra-Pangea type. The Variscan (V; Paleozoic), Paleo-Alpine (Ap; Mesozoic) and Neo-Alpine (An; dominantly Cenozoic) orogenic cycles in this territory were proved by exact geological data, including revealed three suture zones (V; Ap; An) after elongated basins with oceanic crust in their axial zones and three generations of high-pressure rocks of subduction metamorphism (V; Ap; An). Two generations of dismembered ophiolite suites remains (V; Ap) and two proved metamorphic core complexes related to postcollisional evolution of Variscan and Paleo-Alpine orogenic cycles (V; Ap) complete the geodynamic interpretation of W. Carpathians. The youngest-Neo-Alpine (Cenozoic) orogenic cycle (An) has besides interpreted suture zone and accretionary prism also well-defined related volcano-sedimentary sequences.

Research paper thumbnail of Robinwood Project

... The rise of maximum levels proves eg also the comparison of maximum levels in the town Streda... more ... The rise of maximum levels proves eg also the comparison of maximum levels in the town Streda nad Bodrogom from 1924, when at flowage 1,160 m3.s-1 the water level was in the altitude 99.60 m asl, and recently it is 101.24 m nm (Šútor et al., 1975). This level ...