Zhakhangir Nurmatov - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Zhakhangir Nurmatov
Edeb erkan/Edeb Erkan, May 20, 2024
Adam a̋lemì, Mar 31, 2024
Throughout the research it has been demonstrated that the Jadidism as a religious-cultural and po... more Throughout the research it has been demonstrated that the Jadidism as a religious-cultural and political movement has managed to succeed in reestablishing the state order of Central Asia by contesting with the conservative system and the traditional ulema in battling the ignorance through new-method schools, meanwhile retaining the Islamic religion. This study has found out that the cultural transformation and the modernization of the indigenous community through the transformation of the societal order attained via the reformation of the conventional patterns of education was aspired by the Jadids. In this sense, the Jadids have pursued the new Muslim intellectual cohort who would be more inclined towards the secular sciences than with religious studies. In this revivalist sense, the Jadids called for a reform that was entrenched in a rigorist discourse on correcting Muslim practice. The first chapter of this work will be dedicated to reviewing the Qadimist (conservative Islam) movement by answering questions such as what was the Qadimist, traditional Islam movement, and why did they oppose the reform ideas proposed by Jadids? Subsequently, the second chapter will examine the formation of 'new-method' schools and their proliferation across Central Asia and corroborate with archival documents. The final chapter will explore the methodological content of the new-method schools by dealing with the question of what kind of subjects their curriculum and programs contained.
The paper examines the national press activities of Jadids that marked a turning point in the enl... more The paper examines the national press activities of Jadids that marked a turning point in the enlightenment process. Then, the role of printing culture and press in raising awareness and national consciousness among the Central Asian people is analysed. Following this, the political movement of Jadidism is examined, and concludes by arguing that Jadidism was formed not only as a cultural and political movement, but also as a religious-cultural and anti-colonial movement resisting against the Soviet regime. Furthermore, this research argues that if the Jadids had not awoken the mass people by enlightenment, reform and national press, independence or national identity would not have been attained. This thesis argues that Jadidism emerged as a reactionary movement against Soviet exploitation, freedom from which, Jadids believed, could be achieved via education and national consciousness. Throughout the research, the considerable efforts of Jadids in enlightening the people through new-...
Alʹ-Farabi, Dec 15, 2021
This article intends to investigate this issue objectively and honestly without bias from the com... more This article intends to investigate this issue objectively and honestly without bias from the comparative viewpoint between Islam and Christianity. The methodology of the article is to have a comparative analysis of the concept of salvation in both Islam and Christianity by presenting the similarities and differences. This article utilises passages from the Qur'an and the Gospel as primary sources, which will be complemented with journal articles as a secondary source. The first section looks at the terminology of 'salvation' within Islam and Christianity from the viewpoints of sin, repentance and forgiveness, as salvation in both Christianity and Islam means saving from the consequences of sin, and in both religions this involves repentance by humans and forgiveness by God. The second part of this article will examine how Muslims and Christians view Jesus in relation to salvation. This is tied to salvation because the death and resurrection of Jesus is how Christians believe salvation has been accomplished. The final section of this article analyses the God doctrine of Christianity and the God concept of Islam from the comparative perspective with regards to the topic of salvation. This comparative analysis will be important in highlighting the similarities between the two Abrahamic faiths, and that such commonalities can be used as a basis for respect and peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims.
Adam a̋lemì, Mar 30, 2022
This study intends to explore the salience of national identity for young people from the perspec... more This study intends to explore the salience of national identity for young people from the perspective of 'commitment and loyalty' to their nation. The uniqueness of this study is that it provides the opportunity to observe the salience of civic, ethnic, and cultural features of national identity in Kazakhstan. This article has examined the importance of national identity theoretically and critically reviewed the literature on this theme. For the case study, a small survey was conducted in order to evaluate the salience of membership to national identity among young students. An academic implication of this research entails further research on the salience of belonging and sense of attachment to national identity among young people in other cosmopolitan cities of Kazakhstan, such as Almaty, Astana, and Atyrau, where the effect of globalisation is more prevalent and the Kazakh customs and traditions less noticeable in order to make a comparative evaluation. In this context, this research will consider the importance of national identity for young individuals by analysing the theories on nations and nationalism, specifically emphasising the relation between individuals and their nations. This will then be complemented by a primary source in the form of a short survey on the subject of national identity, which will be carried out among students of the Kazakh-Turkish International University in Turkestan, Kazakhstan. Subsequently, the findings will be evaluated and discussed to address the research question. Finally, the results of the survey will be summarised in the conclusion.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2021
ҚазҰУ хабаршысы, Mar 1, 2022
Мақалада Ислам дінінің сенімдік мазхабы ретінде белгілі Орта Азия өлкелеріне кең таралған Матурид... more Мақалада Ислам дінінің сенімдік мазхабы ретінде белгілі Орта Азия өлкелеріне кең таралған Матуридия мазхабының құрушысы Имам Әбу Мансұр әл-Матуриди мен оның кәламдық және теологиялық көзқарастары туралы сөз қозғалады. Имам Матуриди, Әһлі Сүннә уә әл-жамаға жолының амалдағы басты мазхабы Имам Ағзам Әбу Ханифаның дәстүрін ұстана отырып, өзінің мектебін дамытқандығы көрсетіледі. Матуридидің өз көзқарастарында ақылға баса мән беріп, оның Алланы танудағы ролін егжей-тегжейлі сипаттауына қатысты деректер мен мәліметтер беріледі. Ғұламаның мектебін жалғастырған шәкірттерінің оған қатысты пайымдары келтіріледі. Сонымен қатар оның бүгінге жеткен қос бірдей еңбегі «Тәуилату-л Құран» мен «Китабу-т таухид» кітаптарының кәламдық тұрғыдан мәні мен маңызына, қолданған әдіс-тәсілдеріне орын беріледі. Имам Матуриди еңбектеріндегі «улухият», «адамның еркі мен қалауы», «тағдыр», «нубууат», «иман және үлкен күнә» сияқты кәламдық тақырыптар талданады. Сондай-ақ, Имам Матуридидің теологиялық көзқарастарының ішінен «Алланы тану», «көркемдік пен ұсқынсыздық», «адамның еркіндігі», «күш жетпейтін міндетті жүктеу», «тәкуин», «хикмет пен себеп», «Алланың сөзін есту», «пайғамбарлардың ер немесе әйел болу мәселесі» тақырыптары қарастырылып, Әшәрия мазхабындағы кәламдық ой-пікірлермен салыстырыла зерделенеді.
Adam alemi
This article examines the employability of the hijab wearing women in Kazakhstan. The aim of this... more This article examines the employability of the hijab wearing women in Kazakhstan. The aim of this investigation is to analyze how hijab wearing and religious identity influence on women’s work prospects and the negotiation around her appearance as a symbol of culture and religion. Despite the plethora of research exploring the meanings and functions of hijab in society, very little research on discrimination towards hijabis in the workplace could be found. The importance of this topic is revealed by the fact that many Kazakh hijabis encounter difficulties finding a job in Kazakhstan owing to their appearance, despite the general understanding that work discrimination based on religion is unfair. The first section of the study is dedicated to the theoretical framework discussing the hijab and its relation to employment from relational demography theory of Ghumman and the concept of Hebl in identifying what kind of discrimination hijabis encounter. This will be complemented by a surve...
This study examines the history of the Jadid movement starting from socio-cultural conditions to ... more This study examines the history of the Jadid movement starting from socio-cultural conditions to the emergence of the jadid movement in Central Asia between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. In order to reach the conclusion about the Jadid movement that it has been formed as the religious-cultural and anti-colonial movement against the Soviet regime, this paper analyses the contest between the traditional Islam scholars and reform-minded intellectuals on the reform ideas. While Khalid argues that the Jadid movement emerged as a cultural and political movement, this paper by examining the Jadidist movement in Central Asia, suggests by adding to the argument of Khalid, that it was formed as a religious-cultural movement. This is because Islam was embedded in the socio-cultural and political life of Central Asian Muslims, and Islam played an integral part in the national identity matter which is inseparable. In other words, Islam was a key ma...
Astra Salvensis, 2019
This article is devoted to the peculiarities of formation of religious beliefs as a preventive me... more This article is devoted to the peculiarities of formation of religious beliefs as a preventive measure against extremism and radicalism. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and recent events in the US, Asia, and Europe, the author argues that the rapid growth of religious extremism threatens the preservation of established religious traditions. Active secular and civil resistance and countermeasures against extremism and radicalism can guarantee pluralism and preserve the ethnic and religious harmony. The author examines the requirements for the successful formation and development of religious consciousness in society in general and each individual in particular.
Iasaýı ýnıversıtetіnіń habarshysy, Mar 30, 2021
This study intends to explore the salience of national identity for young people from the perspec... more This study intends to explore the salience of national identity for young people from the perspective of 'commitment and loyalty' to their nation. The uniqueness of this study is that it provides the opportunity to observe the salience of civic, ethnic, and cultural features of national identity in Kazakhstan. This article has examined the importance of national identity theoretically and critically reviewed the literature on this theme. For the case study, a small survey was conducted in order to evaluate the role of inclusion in shaping national identity among young students. An academic implication of this research entails further research on the salience of belonging and sense of attachment to national identity among young people in other cosmopolitan cities of Kazakhstan, such as Almaty, Nur-Sultan and Atyrau, where the effect of globalisation is more prevalent and the Kazakh customs and traditions less noticeable in order to make a comparative evaluation. In this context, the authors consider the importance of national identity for young individuals by analysing the theories on nations and nationalism, specifically emphasising the relation between individuals and their nations. Analysis is complemented by a short survey on the subject of national identity, which was carried out among students of the
Islam consists of three parts – first, faith; second, practice; and finally, Ihsan or ahlak, that... more Islam consists of three parts – first, faith; second, practice; and finally, Ihsan or ahlak, that is, ethics or morals. Sufism profoundly engages with the third part of Islam. In other words, it deals with the inner part of human beings. The goal of this research is to demonstrate that the persistence of Islam in Central Asia is due to the incredible, though nearly invisible, work of Sufi brotherhoods. Therefore, the role of Sufism in preserving Islam will be examined by analysing how Sufis resisted the communist regime. This research will utilise the historical method in analysing the role of Sufi brotherhoods. The first section will deal with the role of underground mosques and sacred sites in preserving Islam by illustrating the case studies of Keller and the analysis of Bennigsen. The second part will examine Islamic education and the role of mullahs who have undertaken the main responsibility in keeping Islamic education alive. The final section will focus on the moral qualitie...
Social Sciences Studies Journal
Kazak halkı tarih boyunca İslam dinine ciddi bir şekilde bağlı olarak yaşamışlardır. İslama olan ... more Kazak halkı tarih boyunca İslam dinine ciddi bir şekilde bağlı olarak yaşamışlardır. İslama olan ilgi ve teveccühlerini hayatın her alanında, gerek edebiyatı gerekse tarihi ve kültüründe görmek mümkündür. Sovyet ideolojisi hâkim olana kadar Kazaklarda din, onların dünya görüşü ve kültürünün ayrılmaz bir parçası olmuştur. Bilindiği gibi Kazak halkı için XX. yüzyıl hayati önem taşıyan bir süreç olmuştur. Kazak halkı varlığını yitirmemesi ve hayatta kalabilmesi için güç sarfetmiş var gücüyle bu uğurda mücadele etmiştir. Makalede öncelikle Kazak jırları ve ozanları hakkında bilgi verilecek ve Kazak hanlığı dönemindeki şiir ve jırşılık geleneğinin İslam ile ilişkisi hakkında kısaca bahsedilecektir. Kazak halkının Hz. Peygambere olan sevgisi şiir ve jırlardan örnek gösterilerek sunulacak ve jırşıların eserlerindeki iman, ibadet ve ahlak konularına ilişkin görüşlerine yer verilecektir. Bunun yanı sıra Kazak toplumundaki İslami uygulamaların Hanefilik-Maturidilik çizgisinde şekillendiği üzerinde durulacaktır. Kazak din düşünürleri ve ozanların eserlerindeki İslami motifler tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Makale "Orta Asyadaki Hanefi Gelenek ve Kazak Maneviyatının Temelleri" projesi kapsamında hazırlanmıştır.
Öz Türkler, bilindiği üzere, Dinler Tarihinde " Gök Tanrı " denilen geleneksel ... more Öz Türkler, bilindiği üzere, Dinler Tarihinde " Gök Tanrı " denilen geleneksel dinleri olmasına rağmen, değişik yer ve zamanlarda Budizm, Konfüçyüsçülük, Maniheizm, Yahudilik, Hıristiyanlık ve İslam gibi farklı dinleri kabul etmişler, ancak bütün bu dinlerde geleneksel birçok inanç ve uygulamalar, örf ve adetlerini devam ettirmesini bilmişlerdir. Bu gelenekler arasında günlük yaşam yanında devlet ve siyaset ile ilgili birçok anlayış bulunmaktadır. Türklerin İslam'ı kabul etmelerinde Hoca Ahmet Yesevi'nin önemli bir yeri bulunmaktadır. O, derslerinde ve kitaplarında hep Türk dili ile kültürünü, kurmuş olduğu tarikat ile özdeşleştirmiştir. Türklük böylece, bu tarikat dairesinde varlığını sürdürmüş ve dolayısıyla Türk devletlerinin duygu ve düşünce birliği etrafında yücelmesi ve güçlenmesini sağlamıştır. Türklerin manevi-kültürel varlığının yeniden inşa etmesini Müslüman Arap çevresi ve Harizm beyleri pek hoş karşılamamışlar ve Yesevi'yi ve kareketini engelleyip yok etmek için çok uğraşmışlardır. XIV. yüzyılın ortasından itibaren Yesevi tarikatına karşı Altın Ordu hükümdarları tarafından siyasi mücadele başlatılmıştır. Bu olaylar Altın Ordu devletinin çöküşüyle sonuçlanmış ve Yesevilik unutulmuş ve sonuçta Türk devletlerinin yardımcı unsuru olmaktan çıkmıştır. Buna bağlı olarak da Avrasya ve Orta Doğu'daki Türk devletleri bilimde ve teknikte geri kalmışlar ve felsefelerini değiştirmişlerdir.
Edeb erkan/Edeb Erkan, May 20, 2024
Adam a̋lemì, Mar 31, 2024
Throughout the research it has been demonstrated that the Jadidism as a religious-cultural and po... more Throughout the research it has been demonstrated that the Jadidism as a religious-cultural and political movement has managed to succeed in reestablishing the state order of Central Asia by contesting with the conservative system and the traditional ulema in battling the ignorance through new-method schools, meanwhile retaining the Islamic religion. This study has found out that the cultural transformation and the modernization of the indigenous community through the transformation of the societal order attained via the reformation of the conventional patterns of education was aspired by the Jadids. In this sense, the Jadids have pursued the new Muslim intellectual cohort who would be more inclined towards the secular sciences than with religious studies. In this revivalist sense, the Jadids called for a reform that was entrenched in a rigorist discourse on correcting Muslim practice. The first chapter of this work will be dedicated to reviewing the Qadimist (conservative Islam) movement by answering questions such as what was the Qadimist, traditional Islam movement, and why did they oppose the reform ideas proposed by Jadids? Subsequently, the second chapter will examine the formation of 'new-method' schools and their proliferation across Central Asia and corroborate with archival documents. The final chapter will explore the methodological content of the new-method schools by dealing with the question of what kind of subjects their curriculum and programs contained.
The paper examines the national press activities of Jadids that marked a turning point in the enl... more The paper examines the national press activities of Jadids that marked a turning point in the enlightenment process. Then, the role of printing culture and press in raising awareness and national consciousness among the Central Asian people is analysed. Following this, the political movement of Jadidism is examined, and concludes by arguing that Jadidism was formed not only as a cultural and political movement, but also as a religious-cultural and anti-colonial movement resisting against the Soviet regime. Furthermore, this research argues that if the Jadids had not awoken the mass people by enlightenment, reform and national press, independence or national identity would not have been attained. This thesis argues that Jadidism emerged as a reactionary movement against Soviet exploitation, freedom from which, Jadids believed, could be achieved via education and national consciousness. Throughout the research, the considerable efforts of Jadids in enlightening the people through new-...
Alʹ-Farabi, Dec 15, 2021
This article intends to investigate this issue objectively and honestly without bias from the com... more This article intends to investigate this issue objectively and honestly without bias from the comparative viewpoint between Islam and Christianity. The methodology of the article is to have a comparative analysis of the concept of salvation in both Islam and Christianity by presenting the similarities and differences. This article utilises passages from the Qur'an and the Gospel as primary sources, which will be complemented with journal articles as a secondary source. The first section looks at the terminology of 'salvation' within Islam and Christianity from the viewpoints of sin, repentance and forgiveness, as salvation in both Christianity and Islam means saving from the consequences of sin, and in both religions this involves repentance by humans and forgiveness by God. The second part of this article will examine how Muslims and Christians view Jesus in relation to salvation. This is tied to salvation because the death and resurrection of Jesus is how Christians believe salvation has been accomplished. The final section of this article analyses the God doctrine of Christianity and the God concept of Islam from the comparative perspective with regards to the topic of salvation. This comparative analysis will be important in highlighting the similarities between the two Abrahamic faiths, and that such commonalities can be used as a basis for respect and peaceful coexistence between Christians and Muslims.
Adam a̋lemì, Mar 30, 2022
This study intends to explore the salience of national identity for young people from the perspec... more This study intends to explore the salience of national identity for young people from the perspective of 'commitment and loyalty' to their nation. The uniqueness of this study is that it provides the opportunity to observe the salience of civic, ethnic, and cultural features of national identity in Kazakhstan. This article has examined the importance of national identity theoretically and critically reviewed the literature on this theme. For the case study, a small survey was conducted in order to evaluate the salience of membership to national identity among young students. An academic implication of this research entails further research on the salience of belonging and sense of attachment to national identity among young people in other cosmopolitan cities of Kazakhstan, such as Almaty, Astana, and Atyrau, where the effect of globalisation is more prevalent and the Kazakh customs and traditions less noticeable in order to make a comparative evaluation. In this context, this research will consider the importance of national identity for young individuals by analysing the theories on nations and nationalism, specifically emphasising the relation between individuals and their nations. This will then be complemented by a primary source in the form of a short survey on the subject of national identity, which will be carried out among students of the Kazakh-Turkish International University in Turkestan, Kazakhstan. Subsequently, the findings will be evaluated and discussed to address the research question. Finally, the results of the survey will be summarised in the conclusion.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2021
ҚазҰУ хабаршысы, Mar 1, 2022
Мақалада Ислам дінінің сенімдік мазхабы ретінде белгілі Орта Азия өлкелеріне кең таралған Матурид... more Мақалада Ислам дінінің сенімдік мазхабы ретінде белгілі Орта Азия өлкелеріне кең таралған Матуридия мазхабының құрушысы Имам Әбу Мансұр әл-Матуриди мен оның кәламдық және теологиялық көзқарастары туралы сөз қозғалады. Имам Матуриди, Әһлі Сүннә уә әл-жамаға жолының амалдағы басты мазхабы Имам Ағзам Әбу Ханифаның дәстүрін ұстана отырып, өзінің мектебін дамытқандығы көрсетіледі. Матуридидің өз көзқарастарында ақылға баса мән беріп, оның Алланы танудағы ролін егжей-тегжейлі сипаттауына қатысты деректер мен мәліметтер беріледі. Ғұламаның мектебін жалғастырған шәкірттерінің оған қатысты пайымдары келтіріледі. Сонымен қатар оның бүгінге жеткен қос бірдей еңбегі «Тәуилату-л Құран» мен «Китабу-т таухид» кітаптарының кәламдық тұрғыдан мәні мен маңызына, қолданған әдіс-тәсілдеріне орын беріледі. Имам Матуриди еңбектеріндегі «улухият», «адамның еркі мен қалауы», «тағдыр», «нубууат», «иман және үлкен күнә» сияқты кәламдық тақырыптар талданады. Сондай-ақ, Имам Матуридидің теологиялық көзқарастарының ішінен «Алланы тану», «көркемдік пен ұсқынсыздық», «адамның еркіндігі», «күш жетпейтін міндетті жүктеу», «тәкуин», «хикмет пен себеп», «Алланың сөзін есту», «пайғамбарлардың ер немесе әйел болу мәселесі» тақырыптары қарастырылып, Әшәрия мазхабындағы кәламдық ой-пікірлермен салыстырыла зерделенеді.
Adam alemi
This article examines the employability of the hijab wearing women in Kazakhstan. The aim of this... more This article examines the employability of the hijab wearing women in Kazakhstan. The aim of this investigation is to analyze how hijab wearing and religious identity influence on women’s work prospects and the negotiation around her appearance as a symbol of culture and religion. Despite the plethora of research exploring the meanings and functions of hijab in society, very little research on discrimination towards hijabis in the workplace could be found. The importance of this topic is revealed by the fact that many Kazakh hijabis encounter difficulties finding a job in Kazakhstan owing to their appearance, despite the general understanding that work discrimination based on religion is unfair. The first section of the study is dedicated to the theoretical framework discussing the hijab and its relation to employment from relational demography theory of Ghumman and the concept of Hebl in identifying what kind of discrimination hijabis encounter. This will be complemented by a surve...
This study examines the history of the Jadid movement starting from socio-cultural conditions to ... more This study examines the history of the Jadid movement starting from socio-cultural conditions to the emergence of the jadid movement in Central Asia between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. In order to reach the conclusion about the Jadid movement that it has been formed as the religious-cultural and anti-colonial movement against the Soviet regime, this paper analyses the contest between the traditional Islam scholars and reform-minded intellectuals on the reform ideas. While Khalid argues that the Jadid movement emerged as a cultural and political movement, this paper by examining the Jadidist movement in Central Asia, suggests by adding to the argument of Khalid, that it was formed as a religious-cultural movement. This is because Islam was embedded in the socio-cultural and political life of Central Asian Muslims, and Islam played an integral part in the national identity matter which is inseparable. In other words, Islam was a key ma...
Astra Salvensis, 2019
This article is devoted to the peculiarities of formation of religious beliefs as a preventive me... more This article is devoted to the peculiarities of formation of religious beliefs as a preventive measure against extremism and radicalism. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and recent events in the US, Asia, and Europe, the author argues that the rapid growth of religious extremism threatens the preservation of established religious traditions. Active secular and civil resistance and countermeasures against extremism and radicalism can guarantee pluralism and preserve the ethnic and religious harmony. The author examines the requirements for the successful formation and development of religious consciousness in society in general and each individual in particular.
Iasaýı ýnıversıtetіnіń habarshysy, Mar 30, 2021
This study intends to explore the salience of national identity for young people from the perspec... more This study intends to explore the salience of national identity for young people from the perspective of 'commitment and loyalty' to their nation. The uniqueness of this study is that it provides the opportunity to observe the salience of civic, ethnic, and cultural features of national identity in Kazakhstan. This article has examined the importance of national identity theoretically and critically reviewed the literature on this theme. For the case study, a small survey was conducted in order to evaluate the role of inclusion in shaping national identity among young students. An academic implication of this research entails further research on the salience of belonging and sense of attachment to national identity among young people in other cosmopolitan cities of Kazakhstan, such as Almaty, Nur-Sultan and Atyrau, where the effect of globalisation is more prevalent and the Kazakh customs and traditions less noticeable in order to make a comparative evaluation. In this context, the authors consider the importance of national identity for young individuals by analysing the theories on nations and nationalism, specifically emphasising the relation between individuals and their nations. Analysis is complemented by a short survey on the subject of national identity, which was carried out among students of the
Islam consists of three parts – first, faith; second, practice; and finally, Ihsan or ahlak, that... more Islam consists of three parts – first, faith; second, practice; and finally, Ihsan or ahlak, that is, ethics or morals. Sufism profoundly engages with the third part of Islam. In other words, it deals with the inner part of human beings. The goal of this research is to demonstrate that the persistence of Islam in Central Asia is due to the incredible, though nearly invisible, work of Sufi brotherhoods. Therefore, the role of Sufism in preserving Islam will be examined by analysing how Sufis resisted the communist regime. This research will utilise the historical method in analysing the role of Sufi brotherhoods. The first section will deal with the role of underground mosques and sacred sites in preserving Islam by illustrating the case studies of Keller and the analysis of Bennigsen. The second part will examine Islamic education and the role of mullahs who have undertaken the main responsibility in keeping Islamic education alive. The final section will focus on the moral qualitie...
Social Sciences Studies Journal
Kazak halkı tarih boyunca İslam dinine ciddi bir şekilde bağlı olarak yaşamışlardır. İslama olan ... more Kazak halkı tarih boyunca İslam dinine ciddi bir şekilde bağlı olarak yaşamışlardır. İslama olan ilgi ve teveccühlerini hayatın her alanında, gerek edebiyatı gerekse tarihi ve kültüründe görmek mümkündür. Sovyet ideolojisi hâkim olana kadar Kazaklarda din, onların dünya görüşü ve kültürünün ayrılmaz bir parçası olmuştur. Bilindiği gibi Kazak halkı için XX. yüzyıl hayati önem taşıyan bir süreç olmuştur. Kazak halkı varlığını yitirmemesi ve hayatta kalabilmesi için güç sarfetmiş var gücüyle bu uğurda mücadele etmiştir. Makalede öncelikle Kazak jırları ve ozanları hakkında bilgi verilecek ve Kazak hanlığı dönemindeki şiir ve jırşılık geleneğinin İslam ile ilişkisi hakkında kısaca bahsedilecektir. Kazak halkının Hz. Peygambere olan sevgisi şiir ve jırlardan örnek gösterilerek sunulacak ve jırşıların eserlerindeki iman, ibadet ve ahlak konularına ilişkin görüşlerine yer verilecektir. Bunun yanı sıra Kazak toplumundaki İslami uygulamaların Hanefilik-Maturidilik çizgisinde şekillendiği üzerinde durulacaktır. Kazak din düşünürleri ve ozanların eserlerindeki İslami motifler tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Makale "Orta Asyadaki Hanefi Gelenek ve Kazak Maneviyatının Temelleri" projesi kapsamında hazırlanmıştır.
Öz Türkler, bilindiği üzere, Dinler Tarihinde " Gök Tanrı " denilen geleneksel ... more Öz Türkler, bilindiği üzere, Dinler Tarihinde " Gök Tanrı " denilen geleneksel dinleri olmasına rağmen, değişik yer ve zamanlarda Budizm, Konfüçyüsçülük, Maniheizm, Yahudilik, Hıristiyanlık ve İslam gibi farklı dinleri kabul etmişler, ancak bütün bu dinlerde geleneksel birçok inanç ve uygulamalar, örf ve adetlerini devam ettirmesini bilmişlerdir. Bu gelenekler arasında günlük yaşam yanında devlet ve siyaset ile ilgili birçok anlayış bulunmaktadır. Türklerin İslam'ı kabul etmelerinde Hoca Ahmet Yesevi'nin önemli bir yeri bulunmaktadır. O, derslerinde ve kitaplarında hep Türk dili ile kültürünü, kurmuş olduğu tarikat ile özdeşleştirmiştir. Türklük böylece, bu tarikat dairesinde varlığını sürdürmüş ve dolayısıyla Türk devletlerinin duygu ve düşünce birliği etrafında yücelmesi ve güçlenmesini sağlamıştır. Türklerin manevi-kültürel varlığının yeniden inşa etmesini Müslüman Arap çevresi ve Harizm beyleri pek hoş karşılamamışlar ve Yesevi'yi ve kareketini engelleyip yok etmek için çok uğraşmışlardır. XIV. yüzyılın ortasından itibaren Yesevi tarikatına karşı Altın Ordu hükümdarları tarafından siyasi mücadele başlatılmıştır. Bu olaylar Altın Ordu devletinin çöküşüyle sonuçlanmış ve Yesevilik unutulmuş ve sonuçta Türk devletlerinin yardımcı unsuru olmaktan çıkmıştır. Buna bağlı olarak da Avrasya ve Orta Doğu'daki Türk devletleri bilimde ve teknikte geri kalmışlar ve felsefelerini değiştirmişlerdir.