ZOIA MAXIM - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by ZOIA MAXIM

Research paper thumbnail of Case studies of archaeoastronomy in Romania

Research paper thumbnail of Absolute chronology of the Banat culture

Research paper thumbnail of Lichidul sacru – apa vie

Anuarul Muzeului Etnografic al Transilvaniei, Dec 20, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Some pivotal constellations in the Neolithic Era

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

Supravegherea și urmărirea trecerii timpului a fost esențială pentru primii agricultori care au t... more Supravegherea și urmărirea trecerii timpului a fost esențială pentru primii agricultori care au trăit aproape de natură și ciclurile pământului precum ale anotimpurilor. Strămoșii noștri au constatat că apariția ciclică a unor grupări de stele coincide cu trecerea de la un anotimp la alta. Aceste constatări au fost confirmate după observații sistematice ale cerului dealungul timpului. Mișcarea grupărilor de stele strălucitoare nu este fixă în timp, ci este cauzat de precesia echinocțiilor, adică a deplasării retrograde ale echinocțiilor (primăvara și toamna) datorat mișcării de precesie a axei de rotație a Pământului. În Neoliticul târziu (circa 4500 BC) a avut loc un fenomen ciudat, și anume la echinocțiul de primăvară și de toamnă Soarele se afla la intersecția a trei planuri cerești: ecliptica, ecuatorul ceresc și planul galactic. În jurul punctelor echinocțiale se aflau grupările de stele din constelațiile Gemeni, Taur, Auriga, Orion și Săgetător, Scorpia, Șarpele, Omul cu șarpe...

Research paper thumbnail of Complexul neolitic de la Parţa (III)

Research paper thumbnail of „Țara Țagăi” Și Tribul Lacurilor

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

Romanian Neolithic interdisciplinary research, cultural anthropology and ethno-archaeological com... more Romanian Neolithic interdisciplinary research, cultural anthropology and ethno-archaeological components, supported by new non-destructive scanning technology magnetometers sites, allowed us to issue some working hypotheses and look from a different perspective than the strictly archaeological human community life in the late Neolithic and early Copper Age. This work is an ethno-archaeological incursion into the world of mentalities and psychology of a closed Neolithic community that dominates and exploits a well-defined geographical area. The centre of this „Country” is the fortified settlement from Țaga in Fizeș Valley. Keywords: Cultural anthropology, ethno-archaeology, Neolithic, fortifications, country.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeoastronomical World from Romania

ABSTRACT In Romania many researchers have interdisciplinary preoccupations, tackling the studied ... more ABSTRACT In Romania many researchers have interdisciplinary preoccupations, tackling the studied matter from many points of view. Such an interdisciplinary research group was established in Cluj-Napoca. These arhaeoastronomical researches investigated the Romanian territory, by using the astronomical orientation. Some of the arhaeoastronomical studied places, like sanctuaries, fortresses, and necropolises of the Neolithic time are found in Banat, Transylvania, Moldova and Muntenia. We enlisted just the well-known and published historical monuments: the Neolithic sanctuary from Parta (Banat Culture), the Neolithic necropolises from Baia-Hamangia (Hamangia Culture), Cernica (Boian Culture, Dudeşti Culture), Grădiştea Ulmilor (Gumelniţa Culture), Iclod (Iclod Cultural Aspect), Cucuteni (Cucuteni Culture), and the Dacian world from Sarmizegetusa-Regia (Romanian Stonehenge). We presented these locations, culture and the arhaeoastronomical results obtained.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeoastronomical methodology to study skeletons' orientations

ABSTRACT In this paper we present the methodology for the study of the skeletons’ orientation. By... more ABSTRACT In this paper we present the methodology for the study of the skeletons’ orientation. By determining the Northern axis and the long axis of the skeleton (head-spin-legs), we can calculate the azimuth measured from North in a counter-clockwise direction. Accurate measurements (azimuth) are important for obtaining more accurate, precise skeletons’ alignments. These detailed measurements, along with other important information about the skeleton and grave, we collect in a database of the cemetery. In order to show some specific measurements, we will attach images of skeletons with established axis extracted from our database. The last phase would be the data processing, where we calculate the distribution of the skeletons for our orientation study. Accurate measurements of the horizon and of the skeletons are important for determining the accurate solar arc, and the exact position of the skeletons around the solar arc. Using this methodology one can establish if the population in the cemetery had practised the solar cult. It would be very useful, when we had an aerial image of the cemetery with the skeletons and their established axis.

Research paper thumbnail of Constelații cunoscute în neolitic

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei, 2019

We know that in ancient times, people were sky watchers, made observations, drew conclusions, and... more We know that in ancient times, people were sky watchers, made observations, drew conclusions, and their vision of Universe reflected the sky (macrocosm) into the ground (microcosm) and vice versa. Investigating deeply some symbols and signs from the Neolithic period, we find that the knowledge about the sky that some people had in the past represents much more than we’ve known so far. In this incursion into the Neolithic world, we will study two objects discovered in the tombs of the priestesses of Mostonga and Tărtăria.

Research paper thumbnail of Date radiocarbon pentru cultura Banatului

"Parţa - Tell I is the most important site of the Banat culture,... more "Parţa - Tell I is the most important site of the Banat culture, with a very largely investigated area, with a very interesting Architecture, that offers special results obtained in the field of Neolithic architecture and the Neolithic communities spiritual life, and last, but not least for the new and modern approach used with the exhaustive study of all the archaeological materials, that is both through physical and chemical analyses and through the use of Mathematics, Information Technology and Statistics. Throughout the archaeological excavations more samples for the radiocarbon dating were collected; the results of these samples were obtained in 1995 at Louvain Catholic University, the Science Faculty Department in the radiocarbon dating laboratory (INAN). The analyzed samples, Parţa P45-P59, have lab numbers Lv- 2138 - 2151. Only two of them, PAR-56 and PAR-59 could be treated in order to eliminate the possible humic contamination. The dating error is between ± 70 - ± 160, which show that the Louvain laboratory was not among the performing ones for radiocarbon dating at the time. Nor can it be compared to other European laboratories where the error limits are much lower. The analyzed data from Parţa are a very clear chronological sequence for the Banat culture phase I and II. These data will help us to understand better not only the chronology of the cultural events in the area, but also those from the Romanian prehistory. The stratigraphic sequence of the fifteen samples presented here is stretching from stages Ib/IIa to the stage IIc of the Banat culture. Stage I still belongs to the Early Neolithic when community life at Parţa begins, while the third stage belongs to the Late Neolithic. The Banat culture has been defined as part of the Developed Neolithic civilization with the first phase still belonging to the Early Neolithic and is contemporary with Starčevo-Criş IIIB-IVB and Vinča A1- A3; the end of this culture belongs to the Late Neolithic and is contemporary with Vinča C and Tisza I culture. From these resulting data, we can observe that the wood found at the upper levels is earlier. In this case we must admit that it could proceed from older trees (more than 100 years old). In this case, the resulting data appear to be convergent. We have to underline that most of the resulting data are related to the dwellings from the levels 7c - 6a, which are in fact a „block” of houses, connected with the flourishing period of the site, with a wonderful architecture. Each of the mentioned complexes had its previous inhabitance stage so that we must admit that some building materials could have been reused, but not longer than 20-40 years. The presented data show that most of the samples series were quite significant and concordant. Only one of the samples with a longer dating period disagrees with the others (PAR- 50, Lv-2143 = 6340  100 BP, house 42)."

Research paper thumbnail of Școala clujeană de astronomie culturală / The School of Cultural Astronomy from Cluj-Napoca

Analele Banatului XIX 2021

In 1952, Professor Gheorghe Chiş from the Astronomical Institute together with the academician Co... more In 1952, Professor Gheorghe Chiş from the Astronomical Institute together with the academician Constantin Daicoviciu initiated the idea of the existence of a Dacian calendar by deciphering the sanctuaries in the capital of Dacia at Sarmizegetusa Regia, and thus laying the foundations of Archaeoastronomy in Romania. This interdisciplinary branch has expanded over time due to new excavations, which have created to more detailed research, as it has led some researchers to think about the need to describe numerical calculation methods based on some huge databases. The School of Cultural Astronomy from Cluj-Napoca was founded by scientists from the Romanian Academy, the Institute and Astronomical Observatory of Cluj-Napoca, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, the History Museum and the Ethnographic Museum. These innovative researches from Cluj were supported and diversified within the “Tiberiu Popoviciu” Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory, where many ideas crystallized and working hypotheses w...

Research paper thumbnail of Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, VII, Iaşi, 2000 ALTARS FROM THE STARČEVO-CRIŞ AND VINČA CULTURES

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeoastronomy in Romania

Research paper thumbnail of Simbolistica „cununii” - între cer și pământ

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

From the cycle of the constellation symbolism we will approach the „Corona-Crown” constellation. ... more From the cycle of the constellation symbolism we will approach the „Corona-Crown” constellation. The origin of these dress accessories gets lost in the darkness of time, standing testimony of the „Prehistoric Art”. The "Corona- Crown" is the small constellation Corona Borealis, visible in early summer, its brightest stars form a semicircular arc. The "crown" is a symbol and sign of belonging to the celestial world bearer, supernatural, divine, being worn at rituals of passage; of magic; of gratitude to heroes, to victors, to geniuses and to wise; of martyrdom; of coronation of kings, being a sign of immortality, honor, victory, greatness and joy. Archaeological discoveries will complete the mythological and ritualistic picture of these hairy ornaments, represented by „Moon Goddess” from Turdaș and „Bride of Trușești”. The story behind these clothing accessories represented in the Prehistoric Art and in the stars makes that the man to be closer to sky (heaven, dei...

Research paper thumbnail of Un proiect etnoarheologic de un sfert de veac

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

The author makes a summary of the 24 National Seminars of Ethnoarchaeology in which the following... more The author makes a summary of the 24 National Seminars of Ethnoarchaeology in which the following topics were discussed: „Fortification. Type and function” (1991); „Home - symbol and language: foundation, building techniques, sanctification” (2006-2007); „Magic farm: house, yard and outbuildings” (2010-2011); „Funerary rite and ritual” (1992); „Rite and ritual burial. Funerary offerings in the tombs” (1994); „Fire, clay, gesture and sound” (1995-2000); „Fire, Water, Clay, gesture and sound” (2001-2002, 2005); „From Wheat to Bread” (2003); „Rite and ritual magic. Who, what, how and why” (2008-2009); „Revelation of metallurgy" (2012-2013) and „The clothes - between practical utility and message"(2014-2015).

Research paper thumbnail of Luna - zeița luminii nocturne

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

The Moon, the Night Owner, fascinated over time almost all civilizations on Earth; it is the one ... more The Moon, the Night Owner, fascinated over time almost all civilizations on Earth; it is the one that strongly shines in the night, driving back the darkness. The changing appearance of the Moon in its multitude of phases has raised the interest and imagination since ancient times and has influenced the perception of time and space. The Moon was the base of calendar making, of cosmological mythology, oral and visual artistic creation. Moon signs and symbols were preserved in the Romanian people’s traditions and customs. The work includes some heritage from the Neolithic and Copper Age, in conjunction with popular beliefs and customs, as well as the scientific aspects of the Moon that illuminates the Earth and the Romanian soul.

Research paper thumbnail of Șarpele Ceresc Și Calendarul Agrar

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

This study will try to find answers to the question "Why did our ancestors use the snake sym... more This study will try to find answers to the question "Why did our ancestors use the snake symbol and sign in their nonverbal communication?" When we observe the snake’s life and behaviour, we come to understand why Neolithic men used the snake symbol, and why it was important for our ancestors to represent the snake. The snake signs as revealed by archaeological finds enable us to deepen the research about these „famous reptiles”. During the Neolithic, the snake was a symbol for good, helping humankind, but also unknowable and unpredictable, so for the Neolithic men the snake became sacred. That is the reason why they represented the sacred snake on vases, bracelets, buildings, even more, the snake can be found on the sky as a unique constellation charting. In Romanian tradition the snake has many meanings, the best known is that of the guardian serpent (the snake of the house), which represents the protector of the household goods, or the foreteller of rain. Connections be...

Research paper thumbnail of Stele și mărgele

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

The story behind these clothing accessories represented in the Prehistoric Art and in the stars m... more The story behind these clothing accessories represented in the Prehistoric Art and in the stars makes that the man to be closer to sky (heaven, deity), the microcosmic Earth merging with the macrocosmic Universe. From the cycle of the clothing’s constellation symbolism we will approach the „Collier-Necklace” constellations. The "necklace (collier)" is meaningful myth-ritualistic clothing accessory and is represented on the sky by cluster of seven (nine) star forming the Pleiades in the constellation Taurus. Denomination of the "Necklace-Collier" is given in Romanian cosmogony for the Lira and Dolphin constellations. Necklace (collar, choker, lei, band, beads) has a rich sacred and ritualistic symbolism, being a sign of belonging to a certain age and social status, symbol of sentimental, or of gratitude and reward civil, or military, sealing the connection between the giver and the receiver. Moreover, it means the order (strings of beads), the respecting of custom...

Research paper thumbnail of Cerul – oglindă a Pământului. Spicuiri din mitoastronomia românească

Research paper thumbnail of The astronomical aspects of the orientation of the graves in the burial site of Iclod

Research paper thumbnail of Case studies of archaeoastronomy in Romania

Research paper thumbnail of Absolute chronology of the Banat culture

Research paper thumbnail of Lichidul sacru – apa vie

Anuarul Muzeului Etnografic al Transilvaniei, Dec 20, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Some pivotal constellations in the Neolithic Era

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

Supravegherea și urmărirea trecerii timpului a fost esențială pentru primii agricultori care au t... more Supravegherea și urmărirea trecerii timpului a fost esențială pentru primii agricultori care au trăit aproape de natură și ciclurile pământului precum ale anotimpurilor. Strămoșii noștri au constatat că apariția ciclică a unor grupări de stele coincide cu trecerea de la un anotimp la alta. Aceste constatări au fost confirmate după observații sistematice ale cerului dealungul timpului. Mișcarea grupărilor de stele strălucitoare nu este fixă în timp, ci este cauzat de precesia echinocțiilor, adică a deplasării retrograde ale echinocțiilor (primăvara și toamna) datorat mișcării de precesie a axei de rotație a Pământului. În Neoliticul târziu (circa 4500 BC) a avut loc un fenomen ciudat, și anume la echinocțiul de primăvară și de toamnă Soarele se afla la intersecția a trei planuri cerești: ecliptica, ecuatorul ceresc și planul galactic. În jurul punctelor echinocțiale se aflau grupările de stele din constelațiile Gemeni, Taur, Auriga, Orion și Săgetător, Scorpia, Șarpele, Omul cu șarpe...

Research paper thumbnail of Complexul neolitic de la Parţa (III)

Research paper thumbnail of „Țara Țagăi” Și Tribul Lacurilor

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

Romanian Neolithic interdisciplinary research, cultural anthropology and ethno-archaeological com... more Romanian Neolithic interdisciplinary research, cultural anthropology and ethno-archaeological components, supported by new non-destructive scanning technology magnetometers sites, allowed us to issue some working hypotheses and look from a different perspective than the strictly archaeological human community life in the late Neolithic and early Copper Age. This work is an ethno-archaeological incursion into the world of mentalities and psychology of a closed Neolithic community that dominates and exploits a well-defined geographical area. The centre of this „Country” is the fortified settlement from Țaga in Fizeș Valley. Keywords: Cultural anthropology, ethno-archaeology, Neolithic, fortifications, country.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeoastronomical World from Romania

ABSTRACT In Romania many researchers have interdisciplinary preoccupations, tackling the studied ... more ABSTRACT In Romania many researchers have interdisciplinary preoccupations, tackling the studied matter from many points of view. Such an interdisciplinary research group was established in Cluj-Napoca. These arhaeoastronomical researches investigated the Romanian territory, by using the astronomical orientation. Some of the arhaeoastronomical studied places, like sanctuaries, fortresses, and necropolises of the Neolithic time are found in Banat, Transylvania, Moldova and Muntenia. We enlisted just the well-known and published historical monuments: the Neolithic sanctuary from Parta (Banat Culture), the Neolithic necropolises from Baia-Hamangia (Hamangia Culture), Cernica (Boian Culture, Dudeşti Culture), Grădiştea Ulmilor (Gumelniţa Culture), Iclod (Iclod Cultural Aspect), Cucuteni (Cucuteni Culture), and the Dacian world from Sarmizegetusa-Regia (Romanian Stonehenge). We presented these locations, culture and the arhaeoastronomical results obtained.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeoastronomical methodology to study skeletons' orientations

ABSTRACT In this paper we present the methodology for the study of the skeletons’ orientation. By... more ABSTRACT In this paper we present the methodology for the study of the skeletons’ orientation. By determining the Northern axis and the long axis of the skeleton (head-spin-legs), we can calculate the azimuth measured from North in a counter-clockwise direction. Accurate measurements (azimuth) are important for obtaining more accurate, precise skeletons’ alignments. These detailed measurements, along with other important information about the skeleton and grave, we collect in a database of the cemetery. In order to show some specific measurements, we will attach images of skeletons with established axis extracted from our database. The last phase would be the data processing, where we calculate the distribution of the skeletons for our orientation study. Accurate measurements of the horizon and of the skeletons are important for determining the accurate solar arc, and the exact position of the skeletons around the solar arc. Using this methodology one can establish if the population in the cemetery had practised the solar cult. It would be very useful, when we had an aerial image of the cemetery with the skeletons and their established axis.

Research paper thumbnail of Constelații cunoscute în neolitic

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei, 2019

We know that in ancient times, people were sky watchers, made observations, drew conclusions, and... more We know that in ancient times, people were sky watchers, made observations, drew conclusions, and their vision of Universe reflected the sky (macrocosm) into the ground (microcosm) and vice versa. Investigating deeply some symbols and signs from the Neolithic period, we find that the knowledge about the sky that some people had in the past represents much more than we’ve known so far. In this incursion into the Neolithic world, we will study two objects discovered in the tombs of the priestesses of Mostonga and Tărtăria.

Research paper thumbnail of Date radiocarbon pentru cultura Banatului

"Parţa - Tell I is the most important site of the Banat culture,... more "Parţa - Tell I is the most important site of the Banat culture, with a very largely investigated area, with a very interesting Architecture, that offers special results obtained in the field of Neolithic architecture and the Neolithic communities spiritual life, and last, but not least for the new and modern approach used with the exhaustive study of all the archaeological materials, that is both through physical and chemical analyses and through the use of Mathematics, Information Technology and Statistics. Throughout the archaeological excavations more samples for the radiocarbon dating were collected; the results of these samples were obtained in 1995 at Louvain Catholic University, the Science Faculty Department in the radiocarbon dating laboratory (INAN). The analyzed samples, Parţa P45-P59, have lab numbers Lv- 2138 - 2151. Only two of them, PAR-56 and PAR-59 could be treated in order to eliminate the possible humic contamination. The dating error is between ± 70 - ± 160, which show that the Louvain laboratory was not among the performing ones for radiocarbon dating at the time. Nor can it be compared to other European laboratories where the error limits are much lower. The analyzed data from Parţa are a very clear chronological sequence for the Banat culture phase I and II. These data will help us to understand better not only the chronology of the cultural events in the area, but also those from the Romanian prehistory. The stratigraphic sequence of the fifteen samples presented here is stretching from stages Ib/IIa to the stage IIc of the Banat culture. Stage I still belongs to the Early Neolithic when community life at Parţa begins, while the third stage belongs to the Late Neolithic. The Banat culture has been defined as part of the Developed Neolithic civilization with the first phase still belonging to the Early Neolithic and is contemporary with Starčevo-Criş IIIB-IVB and Vinča A1- A3; the end of this culture belongs to the Late Neolithic and is contemporary with Vinča C and Tisza I culture. From these resulting data, we can observe that the wood found at the upper levels is earlier. In this case we must admit that it could proceed from older trees (more than 100 years old). In this case, the resulting data appear to be convergent. We have to underline that most of the resulting data are related to the dwellings from the levels 7c - 6a, which are in fact a „block” of houses, connected with the flourishing period of the site, with a wonderful architecture. Each of the mentioned complexes had its previous inhabitance stage so that we must admit that some building materials could have been reused, but not longer than 20-40 years. The presented data show that most of the samples series were quite significant and concordant. Only one of the samples with a longer dating period disagrees with the others (PAR- 50, Lv-2143 = 6340  100 BP, house 42)."

Research paper thumbnail of Școala clujeană de astronomie culturală / The School of Cultural Astronomy from Cluj-Napoca

Analele Banatului XIX 2021

In 1952, Professor Gheorghe Chiş from the Astronomical Institute together with the academician Co... more In 1952, Professor Gheorghe Chiş from the Astronomical Institute together with the academician Constantin Daicoviciu initiated the idea of the existence of a Dacian calendar by deciphering the sanctuaries in the capital of Dacia at Sarmizegetusa Regia, and thus laying the foundations of Archaeoastronomy in Romania. This interdisciplinary branch has expanded over time due to new excavations, which have created to more detailed research, as it has led some researchers to think about the need to describe numerical calculation methods based on some huge databases. The School of Cultural Astronomy from Cluj-Napoca was founded by scientists from the Romanian Academy, the Institute and Astronomical Observatory of Cluj-Napoca, “Babeș-Bolyai” University, the History Museum and the Ethnographic Museum. These innovative researches from Cluj were supported and diversified within the “Tiberiu Popoviciu” Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory, where many ideas crystallized and working hypotheses w...

Research paper thumbnail of Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica, VII, Iaşi, 2000 ALTARS FROM THE STARČEVO-CRIŞ AND VINČA CULTURES

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeoastronomy in Romania

Research paper thumbnail of Simbolistica „cununii” - între cer și pământ

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

From the cycle of the constellation symbolism we will approach the „Corona-Crown” constellation. ... more From the cycle of the constellation symbolism we will approach the „Corona-Crown” constellation. The origin of these dress accessories gets lost in the darkness of time, standing testimony of the „Prehistoric Art”. The "Corona- Crown" is the small constellation Corona Borealis, visible in early summer, its brightest stars form a semicircular arc. The "crown" is a symbol and sign of belonging to the celestial world bearer, supernatural, divine, being worn at rituals of passage; of magic; of gratitude to heroes, to victors, to geniuses and to wise; of martyrdom; of coronation of kings, being a sign of immortality, honor, victory, greatness and joy. Archaeological discoveries will complete the mythological and ritualistic picture of these hairy ornaments, represented by „Moon Goddess” from Turdaș and „Bride of Trușești”. The story behind these clothing accessories represented in the Prehistoric Art and in the stars makes that the man to be closer to sky (heaven, dei...

Research paper thumbnail of Un proiect etnoarheologic de un sfert de veac

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

The author makes a summary of the 24 National Seminars of Ethnoarchaeology in which the following... more The author makes a summary of the 24 National Seminars of Ethnoarchaeology in which the following topics were discussed: „Fortification. Type and function” (1991); „Home - symbol and language: foundation, building techniques, sanctification” (2006-2007); „Magic farm: house, yard and outbuildings” (2010-2011); „Funerary rite and ritual” (1992); „Rite and ritual burial. Funerary offerings in the tombs” (1994); „Fire, clay, gesture and sound” (1995-2000); „Fire, Water, Clay, gesture and sound” (2001-2002, 2005); „From Wheat to Bread” (2003); „Rite and ritual magic. Who, what, how and why” (2008-2009); „Revelation of metallurgy" (2012-2013) and „The clothes - between practical utility and message"(2014-2015).

Research paper thumbnail of Luna - zeița luminii nocturne

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

The Moon, the Night Owner, fascinated over time almost all civilizations on Earth; it is the one ... more The Moon, the Night Owner, fascinated over time almost all civilizations on Earth; it is the one that strongly shines in the night, driving back the darkness. The changing appearance of the Moon in its multitude of phases has raised the interest and imagination since ancient times and has influenced the perception of time and space. The Moon was the base of calendar making, of cosmological mythology, oral and visual artistic creation. Moon signs and symbols were preserved in the Romanian people’s traditions and customs. The work includes some heritage from the Neolithic and Copper Age, in conjunction with popular beliefs and customs, as well as the scientific aspects of the Moon that illuminates the Earth and the Romanian soul.

Research paper thumbnail of Șarpele Ceresc Și Calendarul Agrar

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

This study will try to find answers to the question "Why did our ancestors use the snake sym... more This study will try to find answers to the question "Why did our ancestors use the snake symbol and sign in their nonverbal communication?" When we observe the snake’s life and behaviour, we come to understand why Neolithic men used the snake symbol, and why it was important for our ancestors to represent the snake. The snake signs as revealed by archaeological finds enable us to deepen the research about these „famous reptiles”. During the Neolithic, the snake was a symbol for good, helping humankind, but also unknowable and unpredictable, so for the Neolithic men the snake became sacred. That is the reason why they represented the sacred snake on vases, bracelets, buildings, even more, the snake can be found on the sky as a unique constellation charting. In Romanian tradition the snake has many meanings, the best known is that of the guardian serpent (the snake of the house), which represents the protector of the household goods, or the foreteller of rain. Connections be...

Research paper thumbnail of Stele și mărgele

Anuarul Muzeului Etnograif al Transilvaniei

The story behind these clothing accessories represented in the Prehistoric Art and in the stars m... more The story behind these clothing accessories represented in the Prehistoric Art and in the stars makes that the man to be closer to sky (heaven, deity), the microcosmic Earth merging with the macrocosmic Universe. From the cycle of the clothing’s constellation symbolism we will approach the „Collier-Necklace” constellations. The "necklace (collier)" is meaningful myth-ritualistic clothing accessory and is represented on the sky by cluster of seven (nine) star forming the Pleiades in the constellation Taurus. Denomination of the "Necklace-Collier" is given in Romanian cosmogony for the Lira and Dolphin constellations. Necklace (collar, choker, lei, band, beads) has a rich sacred and ritualistic symbolism, being a sign of belonging to a certain age and social status, symbol of sentimental, or of gratitude and reward civil, or military, sealing the connection between the giver and the receiver. Moreover, it means the order (strings of beads), the respecting of custom...

Research paper thumbnail of Cerul – oglindă a Pământului. Spicuiri din mitoastronomia românească

Research paper thumbnail of The astronomical aspects of the orientation of the graves in the burial site of Iclod