Zaelani Alan - (original) (raw)
Papers by Zaelani Alan
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Oct 7, 2020
This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism ma... more This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism management in West Nusa Tenggara. The type of research used is normative legal research. This study is descriptive. The type of data used is secondary data. Secondary data collection techniques were obtained through literature review. The primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that, first, the most dominant impact occurred on trade and tourism. During January to March 2020, there was a decline in imports and exports from and to China. The number of Chinese tourists also dropped quite dramatically. Efforts that can be made to overcome this include diversification of export shares to other countries; increase domestic production and consumption; and increase domestic tourism and tourists from outside China. Second, the supply chain of halal tourism management through Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2016 on Halal Tourism has not solved the problems of regional tourism such as good environmental maintenance from the increasingly damaged biology resource crisis, the deforestation, the limited water resources, soil erosion, sedimentation, abrasion on the cost, coral reef damage, littering 53% or about 250 ton plastic waste every day. Even, this regional regulation is in contrary to the higher laws and religious nuances.
This research was motivated by the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 95 / PUU-XII / 201... more This research was motivated by the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 95 / PUU-XII / 2014 which states that granting the conditional constitutional petition for Article 50 paragraph (3) letter e and letter i of Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry where the article states constitutional as long as interpreted everyone is prohibited from cutting down trees or harvesting or collecting forest products in the forest without having the right or permission from the authorized official, except for people who have lived for generations in the forest and are not intended for commercial purposes and grazing cattle in forest areas that are not specifically designated for this purpose by the competent authority, except for people who have lived for generations in the forest and are not intended for commercial purposes. Although the Constitutional Court only grants the formulation of the article, rejects the formulation of several other articles in the law, and states that it canno...
AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial
Medical disputes in Indonesia are regulated by a host of laws. The important question that needs ... more Medical disputes in Indonesia are regulated by a host of laws. The important question that needs to be asked, however, is whether those laws have guaranteed justice for patients and doctors. This study aims to analyze the urgency of restorative justice in medical disputes. It explores secondary data and is normative legal research. The data was gathered through library research consisting of data collection activities based on several publications. This study focuses on legal principles with a doctrinal approach. It concludes that restorative justice is urgent to use in medical, criminal, and civil cases. This is evident in the will of the Health Law which prioritizes mediation as the first mechanism before being brought to trial. Furthermore, the use of restorative justice in medical dispute resolution is driven by the presence of three conditions: First is structural challenges among law enforcers and their limited capabilities in dealing with complex medical cases; Second is the ...
Faculty of Sharia, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura, Pamekasan, East Java, Indonesia in collaboration with The Islamic Law Researcher Association (APHI)., 2021
Medical disputes in Indonesia are regulated by a host of laws. The important question that needs ... more Medical disputes in Indonesia are regulated by a host of laws.
The important question that needs to be asked, however, is
whether those laws have guaranteed justice for patients and
doctors. This study aims to analyze the urgency of restorative
justice in medical disputes. It explores secondary data and is
normative legal research. The data was gathered through
library research consisting of data collection activities based onseveral publications. This study focuses on legal principles with
a doctrinal approach. It concludes that restorative justice is
urgent to use in medical, criminal, and civil cases. This is
evident in the will of the Health Law which prioritizes
mediation as the first mechanism before being brought to trial.
Furthermore, the use of restorative justice in medical dispute
resolution is driven by the presence of three conditions: First is
structural challenges among law enforcers and their limited
capabilities in dealing with complex medical cases; Second is the
condition of Indonesian correctional institutions which is
overburdened and unable to provide maximum output, and the
third is the relatively low number of Indonesian health workers.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Social Transformation, Community and Sustainable Development (ICSTCSD 2019), 2020
The background of this research is the diversity of cultures in Indonesian Government, cultural h... more The background of this research is the diversity of cultures in Indonesian Government, cultural heritage including tangible, and not physical (intangible) which occurs because of the long journey of the history of the Indonesian people. and is very important in shaping the values and pride of the nation through science, education and culture through the information contained in it. Efforts to preserve the heritage of Indonesian assets are a tiring process, the main cause of which is a lack of understanding and synchronous unity and harmonious legislation between the government and local government, there are also intentions, ignorance, related institutions / institutions, so that the perpetrators and also involving practitioners, academics, society do not understand about the meaning of preservation (protection, utilization,cultivation). This preservation is the realization of the mandate of the Pancasila-Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia four Amendment to safeguard the wealth stored on land, water and air. so it is the government's obligation to make efforts to protect, develop and use it for Indonesian nation identity.
Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 2020
This study aims to explain the regulation of inventions that are considered against the religion ... more This study aims to explain the regulation of inventions that are considered against the religion in Indonesia and analyze the patent policy on pharmaceutical fields after the enactment of the Patent Law and the Certified Halal Product Law in Indonesia. The research reveals that first, the context of the creation of the provisions of an innovation that is considered against the religion in Indonesia is a manifestation of the duty of the state in providing protection of people's rights to guarantee a safe and secure life in worship in accordance with their religious teachings as determined in the Basic Law Second, 1945. Secondly, it is appropriate to synchronize the provisions of an innovation considered against religion in Indonesia between Law No 13 of 2016 on patents and Law No 33 of 2016 on certified halal products, because the State is obliged to provide protection and assurances in respect of halal products consumed and used by the public. Certified Halal goods should be carried out in compliance with the values of security, fairness, legal certainty, accountability and openness, quality and effectiveness and professionalism, taking into account that all Indonesians are religious, with 207 million Muslims, 87.2%, Protestant Christians 6.9%, Catholic Christians 2.9%, Hindu 1.7%, Buddhists.
ExcelingTech Pub
This paper analyzes the application of norms concerning supply chain of business competition in c... more This paper analyzes the application of norms concerning supply chain of business competition in commission for business competition decisions. The case study in this paper is in the case of supply chain of business competition conducted by PT Forisa Nusapersada in Case Decision Number 14/ KPPU-L/2015. As a comparison, this study also compares the application of SCM in cases that are almost similar, namely the Decision of the Case KPPU Number 14/KPPU-L / 2015 with the Decision of the Case KPPU Number: 06 / KPPU-L / 2004. Differentiation strategy and agile supply chain strategy had a significant impact on the firm performance under the low uncertainty. In conclusion, the companies are supposed to use environmental uncertainty as a determinant of the perceptions in setting their strategies.
The core of the Special Economic Zone is an effort to increase investment by developing certain r... more The core of the Special Economic Zone is an effort to increase investment by developing certain regions/zones to spur economic growth. Through examples from the Middle East and South Asia I explain how the objectives of excellence in business performance and quality management have been attained without substantive investment by following the basic principles and concepts of Supply Chain Management and Quality Management. The effort to realize Special Economic Zones as an effort to increase investment in Indonesia is a choice now. Although these efforts may not be separated from the constraints faced with regard to services, facilities, and infrastructure as well as possible obstacles related to the response of investors in the framework of the realization of the Special Economic Zones. However, such efforts will accumulate capital with rapid growth or achieve social progress. This is in line with the tendency of the global economy to continue, which in turn makes economic activity between countries increase and also increasing foster regional economic activity.
ExcelingTech Pub
This paper analyzes the application of norms concerning supply chain of business competition in c... more This paper analyzes the application of norms concerning supply chain of business competition in commission for business competition decisions. The case study in this paper is in the case of supply chain of business competition conducted by PT Forisa Nusapersada in Case Decision Number 14/ KPPU-L/2015. As a comparison, this study also compares the application of SCM in cases that are almost similar, namely the Decision of the Case KPPU Number 14/KPPU-L / 2015 with the Decision of the Case KPPU Number: 06 / KPPU-L / 2004. Differentiation strategy and agile supply chain strategy had a significant impact on the firm performance under the low uncertainty. In conclusion, the companies are supposed to use environmental uncertainty as a determinant of the perceptions in setting their strategies.
This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism ma... more This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism management in West Nusa Tenggara. The type of research used is normative legal research. This study is descriptive. The type of data used is secondary data. Secondary data collection techniques were obtained through literature review. The primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that, first, the most dominant impact occurred on trade and tourism. During January to March 2020, there was a decline in imports and exports from and to China. The number of Chinese tourists also dropped quite dramatically. Efforts that can be made to overcome this include diversification of export shares to other countries; increase domestic production and consumption; and increase domestic tourism and tourists from outside China. Second, the supply chain of halal tourism management through Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2016 on Halal Tourism has not solved the problems of regional tourism such as good environmental maintenance from the increasingly damaged biology resource crisis, the deforestation, the limited water resources, soil erosion, sedimentation, abrasion on the cost, coral reef damage, littering 53% or about 250 ton plastic waste every day. Even, this regional regulation is in contrary to the higher laws and religious nuances.
ExcelingTech Pub, 2020
This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism ma... more This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism management in West Nusa Tenggara. The type of research used is normative legal research. This study is descriptive. The type of data used is secondary data. Secondary data collection techniques were obtained through literature review. The primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that, first, the most dominant impact occurred on trade and tourism. During January to March 2020, there was a decline in imports and exports from and to China. The number of Chinese tourists also dropped quite dramatically. Efforts that can be made to overcome this include diversification of export shares to other countries; increase domestic production and consumption; and increase domestic tourism and tourists from outside China. Second, the supply chain of halal tourism management through Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2016 on Halal Tourism has not solved the problems of regional tourism such as good environmental maintenance from the increasingly damaged biology resource crisis, the deforestation, the limited water resources, soil erosion, sedimentation, abrasion on the cost, coral reef damage, littering 53% or about 250 ton plastic waste every day. Even, this regional regulation is in contrary to the higher laws and religious nuances.
Program Doktor Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, 2020
Tanah merupakan sumber daya penting yang menyangkut kehidupan manusia yang sangat mendasar. Seper... more Tanah merupakan sumber daya penting yang menyangkut kehidupan manusia yang sangat mendasar. Seperti yang diketahui bahwa tanah tidak dapat dipisahkan dari manusia karena tanah merupakan salah satu faktor penting dari kehidupan manusia. Dalam kegiatannya manusia banyak berhubungan dengan tanah. Hubungan tersebut antara lain bahwa tanah merupakan sumber mata pencaharian contohnya seperti bercocok tanam (pertanian) sehingga Indonesia dijuluki sebagai negara agraris karena banyak dijumpai tanah pertanian. Tanah juga merupakan tempat mendirikan bangunan untuk tempat tinggal dan untuk memakamkan orang yang meninggal dunia. Tanah harus dijaga, dimanfaatkan dan dilestarikan dengan benar dan sebaik-baiknya agar dapat mewujudkan kesejahteraan, perlindungan dan kepastian hukum bagi seluruh masyarakat.
Program Doktor Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, 2020
Kebijaksanaan nasional di bidang pertanahan yang digariskan ketentuan-ketentuanpokoknya dalam Und... more Kebijaksanaan nasional di bidang pertanahan yang digariskan ketentuan-ketentuanpokoknya dalam Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 yang pada dasarnya merupakan penjabaran ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai pemanfaatan tanah dan sumber daya alam pada umumnya, sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, yang meletakkan landasan untuk mewujudkan tujuan nasional tersebut, kebijaksanaan pertanahan nasional dikembangkan berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 33 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 “Bumi dan air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya dikuasai oleh negara dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat” Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Pasal 2 ayat (2) sebagai peraturan pelaksana dari Pasal 33 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, menggariskan bahwa negara sebagai organisasi kekuasaan seluruh rakyat tidak perlu bertindak sebagai pemilik tanah, namun lebih tepat bertindak sebagi badan penguasa.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
Equity crowdfunding is one of the most popular financial technology (fintech) since it can be an ... more Equity crowdfunding is one of the most popular financial technology (fintech) since it can be an alternative investment for the community. However, existing regulations cannot provide legal protection for investors. Financial Services Body as a fintech regulator in Indonesia must be able to provide legal protection for equity crowdfunding investors. This study analyzes the equity crowdfunding practice in Indonesia and compares the application of regulatory sandboxes in other countries. Regulatory sandbox can be an effort to guarantee legal protection for equity crowdfunding investors. Equity crowdfunding companies will later be required to go through a trial period before being allowed to operate.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
This study aims to explain and demonstrate the role and influence of local government policy and ... more This study aims to explain and demonstrate the role and influence of local government policy and political law in protecting and developing Geographical Indications as regional superior products. This article is the writing of normative law using the legislative approach method. The results of the study show that the policy and political law of the local government greatly affect the protection and development of Geographical Indications as a regional superior product, this is clearly seen in two ways, namely: a. The Regional Government of Sleman Regency provided assistance, with assistance from the Regional Government and after being officially requested by the Pondoh Salak Farmers Community of Sleman District, finally the pondoh salak variety succeeded in obtaining a geographical indication certificate in August 2013, b. The protection and development of the Muntok White Pepper Geographical Indication product is inseparable from the role of the Regional Government of Bangka Belitung Province. H Eko Maulana Ali through the Governor Regulation of Bangka Belitung Province.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
This research was motivated by the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 95 / PUU-XII / 201... more This research was motivated by the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 95 / PUU-XII / 2014 which states that granting the conditional constitutional petition for Article 50 paragraph (3) letter e and letter i of Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry where the article states constitutional as long as interpreted everyone is prohibited from cutting down trees or harvesting or collecting forest products in the forest without having the right or permission from the authorized official, except for people who have lived for generations in the forest and are not intended for commercial purposes and grazing cattle in forest areas that are not specifically designated for this purpose by the competent authority, except for people who have lived for generations in the forest and are not intended for commercial purposes. Although the Constitutional Court only grants the formulation of the article, rejects the formulation of several other articles in the law, and states that it cannot be accepted by the articles contained in Law Number 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction, the Constitutional Court has make an affirmation of the existence of indigenous and tribal peoples around the forest area. The Constitutional Court sees that people who have very strong life relations with the forest must be exempt from criminal provisions.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
This research is entitled the role of the informant in solving medical crime in the Indonesian Na... more This research is entitled the role of the informant in solving medical crime in the Indonesian National Police. The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the role of informed consent in the resolution of medical criminal cases in the Indonesian National Police and analyze the ideal medical treatment standards in the Indonesian National Police. This type of research used in preparing this study is a combination of research on normative legal research and empirical legal research. This research is descriptive. The type of data used is primary data and secondary data. Primary collection techniques are through field research, while secondary data is obtained through library research. Primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the settlement of medical criminal cases in the Indonesian National Police without taking into account informed consent, even though its role was very strategic, namely protecting and increasing patient autonomy, protecting patients and preventing manipulative and coercive actions, increasing the introspective attitude of the medical team, even operational handling standards there is no medical crime in the Indonesian National Police, only using a general operational operational guideline as an alternative in the police investigation process.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
Basically, the regulation concerning the right to privacy of personal data is a manifestation of ... more Basically, the regulation concerning the right to privacy of personal data is a manifestation of the recognition and protection of basic human rights. Therefore, the drafting of the Personal Data Protection Bill has a strong philosophical foundation and can be accounted for. Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 006 / PUU-I / 2003 further emphasized that the regulation of Personal Data Protection must be in the form of a law. In the Constitutional Court's Decision, among other things, it was stated that the provisions concerning human rights must be in the form of laws. As a manifestation of the state's presence to protect as well as the welfare of its people, the government as the holder of the highest power as well as those who run the government is obliged to make efforts that they feel are needed. One way that the government can do to answer and minimize the problems faced is by implementing the Advance Data Protection System as a form of protection.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
This study aims to explain related existence of customary delict in Indonesian legislation. The r... more This study aims to explain related existence of customary delict in Indonesian legislation. The results of research show that the concept of customary offense law is not the same as western law as we can see in customary offense law does not make a separation between violations of the law required to improve the law in the field of criminal law and violations of law that can only be prosecuted in civil law. Therefore, the customary legal system only knows prosecutors both civil prosecutions and criminal prosecutions (criminal).
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Oct 7, 2020
This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism ma... more This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism management in West Nusa Tenggara. The type of research used is normative legal research. This study is descriptive. The type of data used is secondary data. Secondary data collection techniques were obtained through literature review. The primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that, first, the most dominant impact occurred on trade and tourism. During January to March 2020, there was a decline in imports and exports from and to China. The number of Chinese tourists also dropped quite dramatically. Efforts that can be made to overcome this include diversification of export shares to other countries; increase domestic production and consumption; and increase domestic tourism and tourists from outside China. Second, the supply chain of halal tourism management through Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2016 on Halal Tourism has not solved the problems of regional tourism such as good environmental maintenance from the increasingly damaged biology resource crisis, the deforestation, the limited water resources, soil erosion, sedimentation, abrasion on the cost, coral reef damage, littering 53% or about 250 ton plastic waste every day. Even, this regional regulation is in contrary to the higher laws and religious nuances.
This research was motivated by the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 95 / PUU-XII / 201... more This research was motivated by the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 95 / PUU-XII / 2014 which states that granting the conditional constitutional petition for Article 50 paragraph (3) letter e and letter i of Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry where the article states constitutional as long as interpreted everyone is prohibited from cutting down trees or harvesting or collecting forest products in the forest without having the right or permission from the authorized official, except for people who have lived for generations in the forest and are not intended for commercial purposes and grazing cattle in forest areas that are not specifically designated for this purpose by the competent authority, except for people who have lived for generations in the forest and are not intended for commercial purposes. Although the Constitutional Court only grants the formulation of the article, rejects the formulation of several other articles in the law, and states that it canno...
AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial
Medical disputes in Indonesia are regulated by a host of laws. The important question that needs ... more Medical disputes in Indonesia are regulated by a host of laws. The important question that needs to be asked, however, is whether those laws have guaranteed justice for patients and doctors. This study aims to analyze the urgency of restorative justice in medical disputes. It explores secondary data and is normative legal research. The data was gathered through library research consisting of data collection activities based on several publications. This study focuses on legal principles with a doctrinal approach. It concludes that restorative justice is urgent to use in medical, criminal, and civil cases. This is evident in the will of the Health Law which prioritizes mediation as the first mechanism before being brought to trial. Furthermore, the use of restorative justice in medical dispute resolution is driven by the presence of three conditions: First is structural challenges among law enforcers and their limited capabilities in dealing with complex medical cases; Second is the ...
Faculty of Sharia, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura, Pamekasan, East Java, Indonesia in collaboration with The Islamic Law Researcher Association (APHI)., 2021
Medical disputes in Indonesia are regulated by a host of laws. The important question that needs ... more Medical disputes in Indonesia are regulated by a host of laws.
The important question that needs to be asked, however, is
whether those laws have guaranteed justice for patients and
doctors. This study aims to analyze the urgency of restorative
justice in medical disputes. It explores secondary data and is
normative legal research. The data was gathered through
library research consisting of data collection activities based onseveral publications. This study focuses on legal principles with
a doctrinal approach. It concludes that restorative justice is
urgent to use in medical, criminal, and civil cases. This is
evident in the will of the Health Law which prioritizes
mediation as the first mechanism before being brought to trial.
Furthermore, the use of restorative justice in medical dispute
resolution is driven by the presence of three conditions: First is
structural challenges among law enforcers and their limited
capabilities in dealing with complex medical cases; Second is the
condition of Indonesian correctional institutions which is
overburdened and unable to provide maximum output, and the
third is the relatively low number of Indonesian health workers.
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Social Transformation, Community and Sustainable Development (ICSTCSD 2019), 2020
The background of this research is the diversity of cultures in Indonesian Government, cultural h... more The background of this research is the diversity of cultures in Indonesian Government, cultural heritage including tangible, and not physical (intangible) which occurs because of the long journey of the history of the Indonesian people. and is very important in shaping the values and pride of the nation through science, education and culture through the information contained in it. Efforts to preserve the heritage of Indonesian assets are a tiring process, the main cause of which is a lack of understanding and synchronous unity and harmonious legislation between the government and local government, there are also intentions, ignorance, related institutions / institutions, so that the perpetrators and also involving practitioners, academics, society do not understand about the meaning of preservation (protection, utilization,cultivation). This preservation is the realization of the mandate of the Pancasila-Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia four Amendment to safeguard the wealth stored on land, water and air. so it is the government's obligation to make efforts to protect, develop and use it for Indonesian nation identity.
Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 2020
This study aims to explain the regulation of inventions that are considered against the religion ... more This study aims to explain the regulation of inventions that are considered against the religion in Indonesia and analyze the patent policy on pharmaceutical fields after the enactment of the Patent Law and the Certified Halal Product Law in Indonesia. The research reveals that first, the context of the creation of the provisions of an innovation that is considered against the religion in Indonesia is a manifestation of the duty of the state in providing protection of people's rights to guarantee a safe and secure life in worship in accordance with their religious teachings as determined in the Basic Law Second, 1945. Secondly, it is appropriate to synchronize the provisions of an innovation considered against religion in Indonesia between Law No 13 of 2016 on patents and Law No 33 of 2016 on certified halal products, because the State is obliged to provide protection and assurances in respect of halal products consumed and used by the public. Certified Halal goods should be carried out in compliance with the values of security, fairness, legal certainty, accountability and openness, quality and effectiveness and professionalism, taking into account that all Indonesians are religious, with 207 million Muslims, 87.2%, Protestant Christians 6.9%, Catholic Christians 2.9%, Hindu 1.7%, Buddhists.
ExcelingTech Pub
This paper analyzes the application of norms concerning supply chain of business competition in c... more This paper analyzes the application of norms concerning supply chain of business competition in commission for business competition decisions. The case study in this paper is in the case of supply chain of business competition conducted by PT Forisa Nusapersada in Case Decision Number 14/ KPPU-L/2015. As a comparison, this study also compares the application of SCM in cases that are almost similar, namely the Decision of the Case KPPU Number 14/KPPU-L / 2015 with the Decision of the Case KPPU Number: 06 / KPPU-L / 2004. Differentiation strategy and agile supply chain strategy had a significant impact on the firm performance under the low uncertainty. In conclusion, the companies are supposed to use environmental uncertainty as a determinant of the perceptions in setting their strategies.
The core of the Special Economic Zone is an effort to increase investment by developing certain r... more The core of the Special Economic Zone is an effort to increase investment by developing certain regions/zones to spur economic growth. Through examples from the Middle East and South Asia I explain how the objectives of excellence in business performance and quality management have been attained without substantive investment by following the basic principles and concepts of Supply Chain Management and Quality Management. The effort to realize Special Economic Zones as an effort to increase investment in Indonesia is a choice now. Although these efforts may not be separated from the constraints faced with regard to services, facilities, and infrastructure as well as possible obstacles related to the response of investors in the framework of the realization of the Special Economic Zones. However, such efforts will accumulate capital with rapid growth or achieve social progress. This is in line with the tendency of the global economy to continue, which in turn makes economic activity between countries increase and also increasing foster regional economic activity.
ExcelingTech Pub
This paper analyzes the application of norms concerning supply chain of business competition in c... more This paper analyzes the application of norms concerning supply chain of business competition in commission for business competition decisions. The case study in this paper is in the case of supply chain of business competition conducted by PT Forisa Nusapersada in Case Decision Number 14/ KPPU-L/2015. As a comparison, this study also compares the application of SCM in cases that are almost similar, namely the Decision of the Case KPPU Number 14/KPPU-L / 2015 with the Decision of the Case KPPU Number: 06 / KPPU-L / 2004. Differentiation strategy and agile supply chain strategy had a significant impact on the firm performance under the low uncertainty. In conclusion, the companies are supposed to use environmental uncertainty as a determinant of the perceptions in setting their strategies.
This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism ma... more This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism management in West Nusa Tenggara. The type of research used is normative legal research. This study is descriptive. The type of data used is secondary data. Secondary data collection techniques were obtained through literature review. The primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that, first, the most dominant impact occurred on trade and tourism. During January to March 2020, there was a decline in imports and exports from and to China. The number of Chinese tourists also dropped quite dramatically. Efforts that can be made to overcome this include diversification of export shares to other countries; increase domestic production and consumption; and increase domestic tourism and tourists from outside China. Second, the supply chain of halal tourism management through Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2016 on Halal Tourism has not solved the problems of regional tourism such as good environmental maintenance from the increasingly damaged biology resource crisis, the deforestation, the limited water resources, soil erosion, sedimentation, abrasion on the cost, coral reef damage, littering 53% or about 250 ton plastic waste every day. Even, this regional regulation is in contrary to the higher laws and religious nuances.
ExcelingTech Pub, 2020
This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism ma... more This study aims to explain the impact of the corona virus on the supply chain of halal tourism management in West Nusa Tenggara. The type of research used is normative legal research. This study is descriptive. The type of data used is secondary data. Secondary data collection techniques were obtained through literature review. The primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that, first, the most dominant impact occurred on trade and tourism. During January to March 2020, there was a decline in imports and exports from and to China. The number of Chinese tourists also dropped quite dramatically. Efforts that can be made to overcome this include diversification of export shares to other countries; increase domestic production and consumption; and increase domestic tourism and tourists from outside China. Second, the supply chain of halal tourism management through Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2016 on Halal Tourism has not solved the problems of regional tourism such as good environmental maintenance from the increasingly damaged biology resource crisis, the deforestation, the limited water resources, soil erosion, sedimentation, abrasion on the cost, coral reef damage, littering 53% or about 250 ton plastic waste every day. Even, this regional regulation is in contrary to the higher laws and religious nuances.
Program Doktor Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, 2020
Tanah merupakan sumber daya penting yang menyangkut kehidupan manusia yang sangat mendasar. Seper... more Tanah merupakan sumber daya penting yang menyangkut kehidupan manusia yang sangat mendasar. Seperti yang diketahui bahwa tanah tidak dapat dipisahkan dari manusia karena tanah merupakan salah satu faktor penting dari kehidupan manusia. Dalam kegiatannya manusia banyak berhubungan dengan tanah. Hubungan tersebut antara lain bahwa tanah merupakan sumber mata pencaharian contohnya seperti bercocok tanam (pertanian) sehingga Indonesia dijuluki sebagai negara agraris karena banyak dijumpai tanah pertanian. Tanah juga merupakan tempat mendirikan bangunan untuk tempat tinggal dan untuk memakamkan orang yang meninggal dunia. Tanah harus dijaga, dimanfaatkan dan dilestarikan dengan benar dan sebaik-baiknya agar dapat mewujudkan kesejahteraan, perlindungan dan kepastian hukum bagi seluruh masyarakat.
Program Doktor Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, 2020
Kebijaksanaan nasional di bidang pertanahan yang digariskan ketentuan-ketentuanpokoknya dalam Und... more Kebijaksanaan nasional di bidang pertanahan yang digariskan ketentuan-ketentuanpokoknya dalam Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 yang pada dasarnya merupakan penjabaran ketentuan-ketentuan mengenai pemanfaatan tanah dan sumber daya alam pada umumnya, sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, yang meletakkan landasan untuk mewujudkan tujuan nasional tersebut, kebijaksanaan pertanahan nasional dikembangkan berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 33 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 “Bumi dan air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya dikuasai oleh negara dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat” Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Pasal 2 ayat (2) sebagai peraturan pelaksana dari Pasal 33 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945, menggariskan bahwa negara sebagai organisasi kekuasaan seluruh rakyat tidak perlu bertindak sebagai pemilik tanah, namun lebih tepat bertindak sebagi badan penguasa.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
Equity crowdfunding is one of the most popular financial technology (fintech) since it can be an ... more Equity crowdfunding is one of the most popular financial technology (fintech) since it can be an alternative investment for the community. However, existing regulations cannot provide legal protection for investors. Financial Services Body as a fintech regulator in Indonesia must be able to provide legal protection for equity crowdfunding investors. This study analyzes the equity crowdfunding practice in Indonesia and compares the application of regulatory sandboxes in other countries. Regulatory sandbox can be an effort to guarantee legal protection for equity crowdfunding investors. Equity crowdfunding companies will later be required to go through a trial period before being allowed to operate.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
This study aims to explain and demonstrate the role and influence of local government policy and ... more This study aims to explain and demonstrate the role and influence of local government policy and political law in protecting and developing Geographical Indications as regional superior products. This article is the writing of normative law using the legislative approach method. The results of the study show that the policy and political law of the local government greatly affect the protection and development of Geographical Indications as a regional superior product, this is clearly seen in two ways, namely: a. The Regional Government of Sleman Regency provided assistance, with assistance from the Regional Government and after being officially requested by the Pondoh Salak Farmers Community of Sleman District, finally the pondoh salak variety succeeded in obtaining a geographical indication certificate in August 2013, b. The protection and development of the Muntok White Pepper Geographical Indication product is inseparable from the role of the Regional Government of Bangka Belitung Province. H Eko Maulana Ali through the Governor Regulation of Bangka Belitung Province.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
This research was motivated by the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 95 / PUU-XII / 201... more This research was motivated by the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 95 / PUU-XII / 2014 which states that granting the conditional constitutional petition for Article 50 paragraph (3) letter e and letter i of Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry where the article states constitutional as long as interpreted everyone is prohibited from cutting down trees or harvesting or collecting forest products in the forest without having the right or permission from the authorized official, except for people who have lived for generations in the forest and are not intended for commercial purposes and grazing cattle in forest areas that are not specifically designated for this purpose by the competent authority, except for people who have lived for generations in the forest and are not intended for commercial purposes. Although the Constitutional Court only grants the formulation of the article, rejects the formulation of several other articles in the law, and states that it cannot be accepted by the articles contained in Law Number 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction, the Constitutional Court has make an affirmation of the existence of indigenous and tribal peoples around the forest area. The Constitutional Court sees that people who have very strong life relations with the forest must be exempt from criminal provisions.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
This research is entitled the role of the informant in solving medical crime in the Indonesian Na... more This research is entitled the role of the informant in solving medical crime in the Indonesian National Police. The purpose of this study is to analyze and determine the role of informed consent in the resolution of medical criminal cases in the Indonesian National Police and analyze the ideal medical treatment standards in the Indonesian National Police. This type of research used in preparing this study is a combination of research on normative legal research and empirical legal research. This research is descriptive. The type of data used is primary data and secondary data. Primary collection techniques are through field research, while secondary data is obtained through library research. Primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the settlement of medical criminal cases in the Indonesian National Police without taking into account informed consent, even though its role was very strategic, namely protecting and increasing patient autonomy, protecting patients and preventing manipulative and coercive actions, increasing the introspective attitude of the medical team, even operational handling standards there is no medical crime in the Indonesian National Police, only using a general operational operational guideline as an alternative in the police investigation process.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
Basically, the regulation concerning the right to privacy of personal data is a manifestation of ... more Basically, the regulation concerning the right to privacy of personal data is a manifestation of the recognition and protection of basic human rights. Therefore, the drafting of the Personal Data Protection Bill has a strong philosophical foundation and can be accounted for. Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 006 / PUU-I / 2003 further emphasized that the regulation of Personal Data Protection must be in the form of a law. In the Constitutional Court's Decision, among other things, it was stated that the provisions concerning human rights must be in the form of laws. As a manifestation of the state's presence to protect as well as the welfare of its people, the government as the holder of the highest power as well as those who run the government is obliged to make efforts that they feel are needed. One way that the government can do to answer and minimize the problems faced is by implementing the Advance Data Protection System as a form of protection.
Science and Engineering Research Support Society, 2020
This study aims to explain related existence of customary delict in Indonesian legislation. The r... more This study aims to explain related existence of customary delict in Indonesian legislation. The results of research show that the concept of customary offense law is not the same as western law as we can see in customary offense law does not make a separation between violations of the law required to improve the law in the field of criminal law and violations of law that can only be prosecuted in civil law. Therefore, the customary legal system only knows prosecutors both civil prosecutions and criminal prosecutions (criminal).
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2019
This study is initiated by many decisions of the Constitutional Court that are not implemented, e... more This study is initiated by many decisions of the Constitutional Court that are not implemented, even though the nature of the decisions of the Constitutional Court is final and binding. The type of research used is normative legal research. This study is descriptive. The type of data used is secondary data. Secondary data collection techniques were obtained through literature review. The primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study show that first, the Constitutional Court Decision is not implementative when the decision does not include a grace period for its implementation, whereas the Constitutional Court Decision which includes a grace period is followed up very quickly by the legislators. Second, the model of the Constitutional Court Decision which is executable in the future is the Constitutional Court Decision which includes a grace period and institutionalization of constitutional question through the addition of the authority of the Constitutional Court.