Zairin Zain - (original) (raw)
Papers by Zairin Zain
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur
Pontianak city has tropical climate and crossed by the equator. This phenomenon has an impact on ... more Pontianak city has tropical climate and crossed by the equator. This phenomenon has an impact on the level of thermal comfort in a room, especially in North Pontianak District which is close to 0˚ latitude. library of the Public Elementary School (SDN) 27 North Pontianak is one of the examples. This library is located on the equator with coordinates 0˚00˚07N 109˚20'02E which has high temperature and high humidity levels. This condition impact on bad thermal comfort. bad thermal comfort can affect the health of indoor activities. Therefore, the thermal comfort level needs to be research and provide a room's solution to achieve a neutral thermal comfort condition. This research measures the thermal comfort's variables on PMV (Predicted Mean Vote). The variables measured were air temperature, radiation temperature, humidity and wind speed, the observed variables were metabolic values and clothing insulation. The thermal comfort level will be calculated using the Center of B...
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur
According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2010, the forms of cultural herita... more According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2010, the forms of cultural heritage are very diverse and one of them is in the form of buildings. Sambas is one of the areas that have a long-standing cultural heritage building, namely the Jami Mosque of the Sambas Sultanate. This building has been standing since 1727 and is one of the witnesses to the history of the sultanate government in Sambas in the past. The age of the mosque is now more than 100 years and attention to the condition of the building is needed, especially to the slope or difference in elevation. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the condition of the historic building of the Jami Mosque of the Sultanate of Sambas on the slope or difference in elevation. This research was conducted by quantitative descriptive with field observation data collection methods and literature review. Field observations were carried out through manual measurements. The measurement data will be processed to eva...
International Journal of Environment, Architecture, and Societies
Preserving damaged memorial buildings are vital to maintain a cultural identity to be reused and ... more Preserving damaged memorial buildings are vital to maintain a cultural identity to be reused and inherited by future generations. Buildings established in the past will overlook that they will be aging and weathering. Wooden construction in Malay traditional houses built more than 100 years ago faces durability issues. Environmental conditions equally make its structure unusable. In addition, its surrounding environment has changed, and the demands for new functions for improving the structure’s condition have become challenges in retrofitting the traditional roles into the current contemporary activities needs. The traditional Malay house in Kampung Bangka, Pontianak, which experienced a transfer of ownership from the original owner to the city government, altered its function from a residential house to a cultural house. Buildings having experienced weathering requires a well-planned reconstruction and re-functioning efforts from the city government. The reconstruction stages and ...
RUANG-SPACE, Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan (Space : Journal of the Built Environment)
Ayani Megamall memiliki jumlah pengunjung yang lebih banyak daripada Matahari Mall. Kedua mal ini... more Ayani Megamall memiliki jumlah pengunjung yang lebih banyak daripada Matahari Mall. Kedua mal ini juga memiliki bentuk konfigurasi ruang yang berbeda. Kondisi ini memunculkan hipotesis penelitian yaitu Ayani Megamall memiliki jumlah pengunjung yang lebih banyak karena konfigurasi ruang Ayani Megamall lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh konfigurasi ruang mal terhadap jumlah pengunjungnya dari dua studi kasus mal yang memiliki kondisi yang berbeda. Secara teori, konfigurasi ruang mempengaruhi perilaku manusia dalam menggunakan ruang. Perilaku tersebut dapat dianalisis dalam analisis connectivity, integration, dan intelligibility yang dirumuskan dalam metode space syntax. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode space syntax dengan model representasi convex map. Nilai analisis space syntax kedua mal dikomparasikan untuk mengetahui konfigurasi ruang mal yang lebih baik. Jumlah pengunjung antara dua mal dikomparasi berdasarkan rumus okupansi pengunjung yang tidak han...
DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment)
The COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia caused transition of the education process to online in ... more The COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia caused transition of the education process to online in 2020. The government seeks to improve the quality of student education in this pandemic era by preparing limited face-to-face learning. It is crucial to conduct a study on air because it is one of the mediums used to transfer viruses. This research took one sample of a classroom at SDN 27 North Pontianak. This research uses a Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation to display the air flow conditions of a room. The results showed that the fastest wind speed in the class ranged from 0.12 m/s to 0.44 m/s with green, yellow and red parameter color. The slowest wind speed was 0.01 m/s to 0.12 m/s with blue and green parameter color. The parameter shows levels are within limits suggested by ASHRAE and the effect of the availability of smooth air circulation for the classroom and stable air change. They were limiting the virus ability to spread by improving airflow. Rapid air exchange in the c...
Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies
Malays are one of several local ethnicities who inhabit the island of Kalimantan. Malay architect... more Malays are one of several local ethnicities who inhabit the island of Kalimantan. Malay architecture can be linked to elements of customs, culture, and tradition that develop within the growth of ethnicity toward community development. Furthermore, many reports found that the characteristics of the environment and the settlements' location make a difference in the Malay house's traditional architecture on the island of Kalimantan. The study identifies some differentiation by the effects of cultural factors in each area of traditional architecture, affecting the architectural elements. The influences to Malay architecture are found differences by each region's customs, culture, and tradition. The Malays' customs, culture, and tradition greatly influence Malays houses' architecture because the culture is robust. This influence has made the customs, culture, and tradition become an obligation embedded in every Malay society. The embedded influences to the traditiona...
ABSTRAK. Fungsi rumah secara fisik untuk mempertahankan hidup mereka dari ancaman lingkungan sepe... more ABSTRAK. Fungsi rumah secara fisik untuk mempertahankan hidup mereka dari ancaman lingkungan seperti iklim dan cuaca atau hewan liar, sementara rumah juga sebagai diperuntukkan untuk kebutuhan rohani mereka dengan memfasilitasi interaksi antara penghuni di rumah atau interaksi dengan orang di luar rumah. Kebutuhan rohani di sini juga berarti bahwa rumah adalah tempat penampungan untuk mencapai kebahagiaan keluarga. Sebuah rumah memiliki fungsi sebagai tempat tinggal bagi penghuni dari pengaruh langsung fisik dari perubahan lingkungan seperti iklim atau cuaca. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 3 (tiga) kasus rumah tradisional di kota Sambas yang dijadikan sebagai kasus penelitian. Lokasi ketiga kasus tersebut terletak di kampung Dalam Kaum sebanyak 1 (satu) rumah Potong Kawat (kasus II) dan kampung Tanjung Mekar sebanyak 2 (dua) buah rumah yaitu potong Limas (kasus I) dan Potong Godang (kasus III). Rumah Melayu tradisional di kota Sambas telah dirancang menyesuaikan dengan persyarata...
Nalars, Jan 31, 2012
Arsitektur rumah Melayu tradisional di kota Sambas juga merupakan unsur kebudayaan nasional yang ... more Arsitektur rumah Melayu tradisional di kota Sambas juga merupakan unsur kebudayaan nasional yang mempunyai struktur, fungsi dan style dengan bentuk fisik dalam proses pembuatannya senantiasa memberikan karakteristik tersendiri. Arsitektur tradisional sebagai hasil karya, cipta, karsa dan rasa manusia sebagai unsur kebudayaan manusia, yang tidak lepas dari interaksi dan pemahaman antara lingkungan fisik alam sekitar dengan keahlian atau kemampuan masyarakat dalam membentuk suatu kognisi. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 3 (tiga) kasus rumah tradisional yang dijadikan sebagai kasus penelitian. Lokasi ketiga kasus tersebut terletak di kampung Dalam Kaum sebanyak 1 (satu) rumah Potong Kawat (kasus II) dan kampung Tanjung Mekar sebanyak 2 (dua) buah rumah yaitu potong Limas (kasus I) dan Potong Godang (kasus III). Kedominanan bentuk yang diberikan pada rumah tinggal Melayu tradisional baik secara vertikal maupun horizontal pada elemen pembentuk fasad disusun untuk memberikan perlindungan total dan kebebasan bagi anggota keluarga; sedangkan susunan ruang pada rumah Melayu tradisional di kota Sambas diarahkan pada penggunaan ruang secara bersamaan agar dapat menampung orang dalam jumlah yang banyak.
Natural and environmental conditions were the main factor that caused people make adjustments to ... more Natural and environmental conditions were the main factor that caused people make adjustments to their residences. People need houses with the reasons are usually to meet the needs of privacy, comfort, storage of possessions, acquisition, storage and preparation of food, shelter from the weather, protection from insects and/or pests, safety, kinship and social, gathering and travel, and movement. The condition of balance is achieved by the design adjustments made so that the buildings cause the least amount of impact on the surrounding environment. The advantages of the stage house for a hot and humid climate area of West Kalimantan is done to responds the ecological advantages of surrounding environment. The raised floor feature has been the best mitigation feature not only to keep dry from constant flood but also to built into the nature whilst living near riverside area. The stage house with modern concept can be designed to allow for cross ventilation, natural lighting, thermal comfort, privacy (visual and social), functionality and the effective cost for house handling.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Nov 6, 2014
Pola permukiman di Kota Sekadau telah menunjukkan adanya perkembangan yang menyebar dan kurang te... more Pola permukiman di Kota Sekadau telah menunjukkan adanya perkembangan yang menyebar dan kurang terkendali. Tingkat perkembangan permukiman yang tidak terkendali dan tidak sesuai dengan fungsi lahan akan mengakibatkan dampak negatif yang menimbulkan kerugian jangka panjang seperti bencana alam. Diperlukan suatu analisis untuk menghasilkan arahan bagi pengembangan permukiman yang berbasis kesesuaian lahan dengan keseimbangan ekologis di Kota Sekadau. Evaluasi juga diperlukan terhadap perkembangan penggunaan lahan permukiman dan rencana pengembangan permukiman berdasarkan RDTRK/RUTRK Sekadau sehingga terjadi keselarasan dengan lingkungan. Hasil analisis arahan pengembangan permukiman menunjukkan bahwa wilayah Kota Sekadau terdiri atas 67,94 % zona sesuai permukiman, 15,43 % zona agak sesuai permukiman, zona budidaya nonpermukiman sebesar 15,13 % dan zona lindung seluas 1,5 %. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan permukiman e x isting Kota Sekadau belum selaras dengan arahan pengembangan hasil analisis. Hanya 59,16 % permukiman existing yang sudah berada pada zona permukiman. Kesesuaian lahan untuk permukiman terhadap zona pengembangan permukiman RDTRK/RUTRK Sekadau menunjukkan keselarasan yang cukup baik dengan zona pengembangan permukiman 74,42 % sudah sesuai. Perlu dilakukan perbaikan terhadap RDTRK/RUTRK Sekadau dalam rangka mencapai keseimbangan ekologis dalam penataan ruang serta arahan pengembangan permukiman di Kota Sekadau. Kata-kata kunci: arahan pengembangan permukiman, kesesuaian lahan, keseimbangan ekologis
Gelagar, 2008
Sei Jawi Luar Village West Pontianak Sub-district as an urban community settlement experiences so... more Sei Jawi Luar Village West Pontianak Sub-district as an urban community settlement experiences society development problem in the effort of improving settlement quality. The attempts are managed well either personally or all together to develop and increase the quality settlement. This ...
ABSTRAK. Efisiensi dalam penggunaan lahan di perkotaan dan perlunya penataan permukiman menjadika... more ABSTRAK. Efisiensi dalam penggunaan lahan di perkotaan dan perlunya penataan permukiman menjadikan pembangunan rumah susun menjadi pilihan bagi penentu kebijakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan perumahan. Rusunawa di kelurahan Sungai Beliung Kecamatan Pontianak Barat dihuni oleh masyarakat dengan latar belakang dan karakteristik yang beragam.Perbedaan unit hunian terletak pada ketinggian lantai, posisi dan orientasi dalam blok massa bangunan.Hal ini menyebabkan penghuni melakukan penyesuaian (adjusment) terhadap tipe hunian vertikal dengan memanfaatkan ruang-ruang yang tersedia.penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menelusuri karakteristik unit hunian dan penghuni yang mempengaruhi pola pemanfaatan ruang unit hunian pada Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (rusunawa) di Kelurahan Sungai Beliung, Kota Pontianak. Penelitian in termasuk ke dalam klasifikasi basic research (penelitian dasar). Penelitian dasar tidak ditujuan untuk memberikan efek langsung terhadap pemecahan masalah sehari-hari namun un...
A house has function as a shelter for the occupants from directly physical influence of the envir... more A house has function as a shelter for the occupants from directly physical influence of the environmental changes such as climate or weather. Each object of traditional Malay dwellings which taken as case study represent the type of traditional Malay dwellings in each city across West Kalimantan. According to the indentifications on the space, researcher have found the definitions of respective rooms within The Traditional Malay Dwellings of West Kalimantan which is related to the religious belief of the Malays. The teaching of Islam is manifested in the design of house's form and elements that support the space inside the dwellings.
EMARA: Indonesian Journal of Architecture
Kajian ini menggambarkan pengaruh budaya dan adat istiadat suku bangsa Melayu di semenanjung Mala... more Kajian ini menggambarkan pengaruh budaya dan adat istiadat suku bangsa Melayu di semenanjung Malaysia terhadap wujud arsitektur rumah tinggal dan masjid. Pembahasan beberapa elemen rumah tradisional Melayu dan masjid dalam memahami pengaruh budaya dan adat istiadat suku bangsa Melayu di arsitektur bangunan. Artikel ini disusun dengan melakukan komparasi substansi dari temuan yang telah dipublikasikan dalam literatur-literatur terkait dengan arsitektur bangunan dan bangsa Melayu di Malaysia. Pembahasan dilakukan terhadap elemen arsitektur dengan objek pembahasan rumah tinggal dan Masjid. Rumah Tradisional Melayu memiliki tipologi rumah panggung dengan tiang-tiang tinggi, karakteristik atap berlapis, material utama kayu, dan banyak bukaan (ventilasi) yang menggambarkan adaptasi terhadap iklim tropis. Rumah Tradisional Melayu di Malaysia dapat dibedakan dari bentuk atap (jenis bubungan) yakni Bumbung Panjang, Bumbung Limas, Bumbung Perak, dan Bumbung Perak Bumbung Limas. Di sisi lain, ...
There have been many attempts by cultural actors to promote and preserve Malay Culture in West Ka... more There have been many attempts by cultural actors to promote and preserve Malay Culture in West Kalimantan, but they still face obstacles that make everything hampered. As the interest of the next generation to study and preserve Malay Culture is decreasing, cultural promotion activities are modest, marketing of typical handicrafts that are difficult to market, and the Malay Culture community does not yet have a suitable place to work. Anticipating this, a forum is needed to preserve, demonstrate, maintain and develop West Kalimantan Malay Culture. The final project of the Malay Cultural Center aims to create a center for the preservation of Malay Culture in West Kalimantan. The design method of the West Kalimantan Malay Cultural Center was carried out in several stages, namely ideas, theoretical review, data collection, analysis, synthesis, pre-design, and design. The design concept of the Malay Cultural Center is based on the design elements of the Malay settlement area. The design...
Rumah itu dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fisik dan spiritual bagi penghuni. Ini berarti bahwa ... more Rumah itu dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fisik dan spiritual bagi penghuni. Ini berarti bahwa fungsi rumah secara fisik dibangun untuk mempertahankan hidup mereka dari ancaman lingkungan seperti iklim,cuacaatau hewan liar, sementara rumah juga diperuntukkan untuk kebutuhan rohani mereka dengan memfasilitasi interaksi antara penghuni di rumah atau interaksi dengan orang di luar rumah.Untuk itu, menarik untuk mendalami kearifan lokalyang hidup dimasyarakat tradisional di Kota Sambas Kalimantan Barat, melalui pemahaman disain struktural darielemen-elemen tempat tinggal tersebut. Disain struktural bangunan dikerjakan dalammemenuhi tujuan-tujuan untuk safety , values,fitness , compatibility dan flexibility . Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwadisain struktural rumah tradisional Melayu di kota Sambas dibangun dengan Tujuan Safety diperoleh dari keadaan yang memperhatikan kedominanan, proporsi dan keseimbangan; Tujuan Value diperoleh dari perhatian terhadap konstruksi ruang, keter...
Museums in general are used to store, maintain, secure and utilize museum collections in the form... more Museums in general are used to store, maintain, secure and utilize museum collections in the form of cultural heritage objects. Fine arts museums are appreciated through visions with visible media and have a physical form or simply presented as a show. The city of Pontianak does not yet have a place to carry out the function of this fine art museum. The museum collection focuses on modern fine art with long-term loans to the museum. There are some art enthusiasts in Pontianak but there is no place to channel this interest. The design method uses three stages. The first stage, data collection by classifying data as information and facts on a problem. The second stage, the analysis aims to analyze the data that has been obtained. The third stage is systematic and systematic by using images in the form of stages with product results, namely, planning drawings and design reports. The design of the Modern Art Museum in Pontianak uses a green architectural approach, namely building planni...
Floating houses or Rumah Lanting are one of the settlement cultures found in most river streams i... more Floating houses or Rumah Lanting are one of the settlement cultures found in most river streams in Kalimantan and are observed to be different from several other houses in the area. They are mitigationproof houses designed to respond to the risk of disasters usually experienced in the traditional settlements of West Kalimantan. Their structures have the ability to adapt to environmental conditions including natural disasters such as the river tides routinely experienced as a flood during the rainy season and as ebb in the dry season. This study aimed to identify the human-adaptation process existing in these floating houses through direct observation for two years during the dry and rainy seasons as well as in-depth interviews conducted with occupants of these buildings. The adaptation processes identified include the active and passive adaptation of the dwellers. The active aspect was observed from the behavior of occupants in accommodating the occurrence of disaster in the surroun...
Technological developments that continue to evolve changes in various activities such as industri... more Technological developments that continue to evolve changes in various activities such as industries that rely heavily on computers and robot technology to increase industrial production. From this industrial development, it requires competent human resources who can compete in the industrial world. One way to improve human resources in the field of technology is to build a Computer Engineering and Informatics Vocational High School. Improvement and additional facilities are needed to support education in Kubu Raya Regency. The design stages of the Computer and Informatics Engineering Vocational High School in Kubu Raya Regency start from the preparation stage, the analysis stage, the synthesis stage and the design stage. Application of understanding tropical architecture with consideration of the principle of spatial comfort in buildings related to aspects of the body size of the building user, aspects of human space based on human activities in it, audio comfort, visual comfort, an...
The architecture of the Sambas traditional dwellings in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, one of the na... more The architecture of the Sambas traditional dwellings in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, one of the national heritage, has contributed particular characteristic structures. This study mainly focuses on these structural systems. A detailed investigation will be done on three type of Malay dwelling roof styles: Potong Limas (Limas style), Potong Kawat (Kawat style) and Potong Godang (Godang style). Analyzing the types of the structural systems used in the research objects, the author found an amazing endurance of these dwellings to toward the environmental conditions. This research is performed using the positivistic method and the data used were verified on the field and analyzed qualitatively. The utilization of local structures, such as the type of foundation, the wall construction and the roof slopes were built in unison with the nature.
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur
Pontianak city has tropical climate and crossed by the equator. This phenomenon has an impact on ... more Pontianak city has tropical climate and crossed by the equator. This phenomenon has an impact on the level of thermal comfort in a room, especially in North Pontianak District which is close to 0˚ latitude. library of the Public Elementary School (SDN) 27 North Pontianak is one of the examples. This library is located on the equator with coordinates 0˚00˚07N 109˚20'02E which has high temperature and high humidity levels. This condition impact on bad thermal comfort. bad thermal comfort can affect the health of indoor activities. Therefore, the thermal comfort level needs to be research and provide a room's solution to achieve a neutral thermal comfort condition. This research measures the thermal comfort's variables on PMV (Predicted Mean Vote). The variables measured were air temperature, radiation temperature, humidity and wind speed, the observed variables were metabolic values and clothing insulation. The thermal comfort level will be calculated using the Center of B...
JMARS: Jurnal Mosaik Arsitektur
According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2010, the forms of cultural herita... more According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2010, the forms of cultural heritage are very diverse and one of them is in the form of buildings. Sambas is one of the areas that have a long-standing cultural heritage building, namely the Jami Mosque of the Sambas Sultanate. This building has been standing since 1727 and is one of the witnesses to the history of the sultanate government in Sambas in the past. The age of the mosque is now more than 100 years and attention to the condition of the building is needed, especially to the slope or difference in elevation. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the condition of the historic building of the Jami Mosque of the Sultanate of Sambas on the slope or difference in elevation. This research was conducted by quantitative descriptive with field observation data collection methods and literature review. Field observations were carried out through manual measurements. The measurement data will be processed to eva...
International Journal of Environment, Architecture, and Societies
Preserving damaged memorial buildings are vital to maintain a cultural identity to be reused and ... more Preserving damaged memorial buildings are vital to maintain a cultural identity to be reused and inherited by future generations. Buildings established in the past will overlook that they will be aging and weathering. Wooden construction in Malay traditional houses built more than 100 years ago faces durability issues. Environmental conditions equally make its structure unusable. In addition, its surrounding environment has changed, and the demands for new functions for improving the structure’s condition have become challenges in retrofitting the traditional roles into the current contemporary activities needs. The traditional Malay house in Kampung Bangka, Pontianak, which experienced a transfer of ownership from the original owner to the city government, altered its function from a residential house to a cultural house. Buildings having experienced weathering requires a well-planned reconstruction and re-functioning efforts from the city government. The reconstruction stages and ...
RUANG-SPACE, Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan (Space : Journal of the Built Environment)
Ayani Megamall memiliki jumlah pengunjung yang lebih banyak daripada Matahari Mall. Kedua mal ini... more Ayani Megamall memiliki jumlah pengunjung yang lebih banyak daripada Matahari Mall. Kedua mal ini juga memiliki bentuk konfigurasi ruang yang berbeda. Kondisi ini memunculkan hipotesis penelitian yaitu Ayani Megamall memiliki jumlah pengunjung yang lebih banyak karena konfigurasi ruang Ayani Megamall lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh konfigurasi ruang mal terhadap jumlah pengunjungnya dari dua studi kasus mal yang memiliki kondisi yang berbeda. Secara teori, konfigurasi ruang mempengaruhi perilaku manusia dalam menggunakan ruang. Perilaku tersebut dapat dianalisis dalam analisis connectivity, integration, dan intelligibility yang dirumuskan dalam metode space syntax. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode space syntax dengan model representasi convex map. Nilai analisis space syntax kedua mal dikomparasikan untuk mengetahui konfigurasi ruang mal yang lebih baik. Jumlah pengunjung antara dua mal dikomparasi berdasarkan rumus okupansi pengunjung yang tidak han...
DIMENSI (Journal of Architecture and Built Environment)
The COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia caused transition of the education process to online in ... more The COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia caused transition of the education process to online in 2020. The government seeks to improve the quality of student education in this pandemic era by preparing limited face-to-face learning. It is crucial to conduct a study on air because it is one of the mediums used to transfer viruses. This research took one sample of a classroom at SDN 27 North Pontianak. This research uses a Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation to display the air flow conditions of a room. The results showed that the fastest wind speed in the class ranged from 0.12 m/s to 0.44 m/s with green, yellow and red parameter color. The slowest wind speed was 0.01 m/s to 0.12 m/s with blue and green parameter color. The parameter shows levels are within limits suggested by ASHRAE and the effect of the availability of smooth air circulation for the classroom and stable air change. They were limiting the virus ability to spread by improving airflow. Rapid air exchange in the c...
Review of Urbanism and Architectural Studies
Malays are one of several local ethnicities who inhabit the island of Kalimantan. Malay architect... more Malays are one of several local ethnicities who inhabit the island of Kalimantan. Malay architecture can be linked to elements of customs, culture, and tradition that develop within the growth of ethnicity toward community development. Furthermore, many reports found that the characteristics of the environment and the settlements' location make a difference in the Malay house's traditional architecture on the island of Kalimantan. The study identifies some differentiation by the effects of cultural factors in each area of traditional architecture, affecting the architectural elements. The influences to Malay architecture are found differences by each region's customs, culture, and tradition. The Malays' customs, culture, and tradition greatly influence Malays houses' architecture because the culture is robust. This influence has made the customs, culture, and tradition become an obligation embedded in every Malay society. The embedded influences to the traditiona...
ABSTRAK. Fungsi rumah secara fisik untuk mempertahankan hidup mereka dari ancaman lingkungan sepe... more ABSTRAK. Fungsi rumah secara fisik untuk mempertahankan hidup mereka dari ancaman lingkungan seperti iklim dan cuaca atau hewan liar, sementara rumah juga sebagai diperuntukkan untuk kebutuhan rohani mereka dengan memfasilitasi interaksi antara penghuni di rumah atau interaksi dengan orang di luar rumah. Kebutuhan rohani di sini juga berarti bahwa rumah adalah tempat penampungan untuk mencapai kebahagiaan keluarga. Sebuah rumah memiliki fungsi sebagai tempat tinggal bagi penghuni dari pengaruh langsung fisik dari perubahan lingkungan seperti iklim atau cuaca. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 3 (tiga) kasus rumah tradisional di kota Sambas yang dijadikan sebagai kasus penelitian. Lokasi ketiga kasus tersebut terletak di kampung Dalam Kaum sebanyak 1 (satu) rumah Potong Kawat (kasus II) dan kampung Tanjung Mekar sebanyak 2 (dua) buah rumah yaitu potong Limas (kasus I) dan Potong Godang (kasus III). Rumah Melayu tradisional di kota Sambas telah dirancang menyesuaikan dengan persyarata...
Nalars, Jan 31, 2012
Arsitektur rumah Melayu tradisional di kota Sambas juga merupakan unsur kebudayaan nasional yang ... more Arsitektur rumah Melayu tradisional di kota Sambas juga merupakan unsur kebudayaan nasional yang mempunyai struktur, fungsi dan style dengan bentuk fisik dalam proses pembuatannya senantiasa memberikan karakteristik tersendiri. Arsitektur tradisional sebagai hasil karya, cipta, karsa dan rasa manusia sebagai unsur kebudayaan manusia, yang tidak lepas dari interaksi dan pemahaman antara lingkungan fisik alam sekitar dengan keahlian atau kemampuan masyarakat dalam membentuk suatu kognisi. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 3 (tiga) kasus rumah tradisional yang dijadikan sebagai kasus penelitian. Lokasi ketiga kasus tersebut terletak di kampung Dalam Kaum sebanyak 1 (satu) rumah Potong Kawat (kasus II) dan kampung Tanjung Mekar sebanyak 2 (dua) buah rumah yaitu potong Limas (kasus I) dan Potong Godang (kasus III). Kedominanan bentuk yang diberikan pada rumah tinggal Melayu tradisional baik secara vertikal maupun horizontal pada elemen pembentuk fasad disusun untuk memberikan perlindungan total dan kebebasan bagi anggota keluarga; sedangkan susunan ruang pada rumah Melayu tradisional di kota Sambas diarahkan pada penggunaan ruang secara bersamaan agar dapat menampung orang dalam jumlah yang banyak.
Natural and environmental conditions were the main factor that caused people make adjustments to ... more Natural and environmental conditions were the main factor that caused people make adjustments to their residences. People need houses with the reasons are usually to meet the needs of privacy, comfort, storage of possessions, acquisition, storage and preparation of food, shelter from the weather, protection from insects and/or pests, safety, kinship and social, gathering and travel, and movement. The condition of balance is achieved by the design adjustments made so that the buildings cause the least amount of impact on the surrounding environment. The advantages of the stage house for a hot and humid climate area of West Kalimantan is done to responds the ecological advantages of surrounding environment. The raised floor feature has been the best mitigation feature not only to keep dry from constant flood but also to built into the nature whilst living near riverside area. The stage house with modern concept can be designed to allow for cross ventilation, natural lighting, thermal comfort, privacy (visual and social), functionality and the effective cost for house handling.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Nov 6, 2014
Pola permukiman di Kota Sekadau telah menunjukkan adanya perkembangan yang menyebar dan kurang te... more Pola permukiman di Kota Sekadau telah menunjukkan adanya perkembangan yang menyebar dan kurang terkendali. Tingkat perkembangan permukiman yang tidak terkendali dan tidak sesuai dengan fungsi lahan akan mengakibatkan dampak negatif yang menimbulkan kerugian jangka panjang seperti bencana alam. Diperlukan suatu analisis untuk menghasilkan arahan bagi pengembangan permukiman yang berbasis kesesuaian lahan dengan keseimbangan ekologis di Kota Sekadau. Evaluasi juga diperlukan terhadap perkembangan penggunaan lahan permukiman dan rencana pengembangan permukiman berdasarkan RDTRK/RUTRK Sekadau sehingga terjadi keselarasan dengan lingkungan. Hasil analisis arahan pengembangan permukiman menunjukkan bahwa wilayah Kota Sekadau terdiri atas 67,94 % zona sesuai permukiman, 15,43 % zona agak sesuai permukiman, zona budidaya nonpermukiman sebesar 15,13 % dan zona lindung seluas 1,5 %. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan permukiman e x isting Kota Sekadau belum selaras dengan arahan pengembangan hasil analisis. Hanya 59,16 % permukiman existing yang sudah berada pada zona permukiman. Kesesuaian lahan untuk permukiman terhadap zona pengembangan permukiman RDTRK/RUTRK Sekadau menunjukkan keselarasan yang cukup baik dengan zona pengembangan permukiman 74,42 % sudah sesuai. Perlu dilakukan perbaikan terhadap RDTRK/RUTRK Sekadau dalam rangka mencapai keseimbangan ekologis dalam penataan ruang serta arahan pengembangan permukiman di Kota Sekadau. Kata-kata kunci: arahan pengembangan permukiman, kesesuaian lahan, keseimbangan ekologis
Gelagar, 2008
Sei Jawi Luar Village West Pontianak Sub-district as an urban community settlement experiences so... more Sei Jawi Luar Village West Pontianak Sub-district as an urban community settlement experiences society development problem in the effort of improving settlement quality. The attempts are managed well either personally or all together to develop and increase the quality settlement. This ...
ABSTRAK. Efisiensi dalam penggunaan lahan di perkotaan dan perlunya penataan permukiman menjadika... more ABSTRAK. Efisiensi dalam penggunaan lahan di perkotaan dan perlunya penataan permukiman menjadikan pembangunan rumah susun menjadi pilihan bagi penentu kebijakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan perumahan. Rusunawa di kelurahan Sungai Beliung Kecamatan Pontianak Barat dihuni oleh masyarakat dengan latar belakang dan karakteristik yang beragam.Perbedaan unit hunian terletak pada ketinggian lantai, posisi dan orientasi dalam blok massa bangunan.Hal ini menyebabkan penghuni melakukan penyesuaian (adjusment) terhadap tipe hunian vertikal dengan memanfaatkan ruang-ruang yang tersedia.penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menelusuri karakteristik unit hunian dan penghuni yang mempengaruhi pola pemanfaatan ruang unit hunian pada Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa (rusunawa) di Kelurahan Sungai Beliung, Kota Pontianak. Penelitian in termasuk ke dalam klasifikasi basic research (penelitian dasar). Penelitian dasar tidak ditujuan untuk memberikan efek langsung terhadap pemecahan masalah sehari-hari namun un...
A house has function as a shelter for the occupants from directly physical influence of the envir... more A house has function as a shelter for the occupants from directly physical influence of the environmental changes such as climate or weather. Each object of traditional Malay dwellings which taken as case study represent the type of traditional Malay dwellings in each city across West Kalimantan. According to the indentifications on the space, researcher have found the definitions of respective rooms within The Traditional Malay Dwellings of West Kalimantan which is related to the religious belief of the Malays. The teaching of Islam is manifested in the design of house's form and elements that support the space inside the dwellings.
EMARA: Indonesian Journal of Architecture
Kajian ini menggambarkan pengaruh budaya dan adat istiadat suku bangsa Melayu di semenanjung Mala... more Kajian ini menggambarkan pengaruh budaya dan adat istiadat suku bangsa Melayu di semenanjung Malaysia terhadap wujud arsitektur rumah tinggal dan masjid. Pembahasan beberapa elemen rumah tradisional Melayu dan masjid dalam memahami pengaruh budaya dan adat istiadat suku bangsa Melayu di arsitektur bangunan. Artikel ini disusun dengan melakukan komparasi substansi dari temuan yang telah dipublikasikan dalam literatur-literatur terkait dengan arsitektur bangunan dan bangsa Melayu di Malaysia. Pembahasan dilakukan terhadap elemen arsitektur dengan objek pembahasan rumah tinggal dan Masjid. Rumah Tradisional Melayu memiliki tipologi rumah panggung dengan tiang-tiang tinggi, karakteristik atap berlapis, material utama kayu, dan banyak bukaan (ventilasi) yang menggambarkan adaptasi terhadap iklim tropis. Rumah Tradisional Melayu di Malaysia dapat dibedakan dari bentuk atap (jenis bubungan) yakni Bumbung Panjang, Bumbung Limas, Bumbung Perak, dan Bumbung Perak Bumbung Limas. Di sisi lain, ...
There have been many attempts by cultural actors to promote and preserve Malay Culture in West Ka... more There have been many attempts by cultural actors to promote and preserve Malay Culture in West Kalimantan, but they still face obstacles that make everything hampered. As the interest of the next generation to study and preserve Malay Culture is decreasing, cultural promotion activities are modest, marketing of typical handicrafts that are difficult to market, and the Malay Culture community does not yet have a suitable place to work. Anticipating this, a forum is needed to preserve, demonstrate, maintain and develop West Kalimantan Malay Culture. The final project of the Malay Cultural Center aims to create a center for the preservation of Malay Culture in West Kalimantan. The design method of the West Kalimantan Malay Cultural Center was carried out in several stages, namely ideas, theoretical review, data collection, analysis, synthesis, pre-design, and design. The design concept of the Malay Cultural Center is based on the design elements of the Malay settlement area. The design...
Rumah itu dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fisik dan spiritual bagi penghuni. Ini berarti bahwa ... more Rumah itu dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan fisik dan spiritual bagi penghuni. Ini berarti bahwa fungsi rumah secara fisik dibangun untuk mempertahankan hidup mereka dari ancaman lingkungan seperti iklim,cuacaatau hewan liar, sementara rumah juga diperuntukkan untuk kebutuhan rohani mereka dengan memfasilitasi interaksi antara penghuni di rumah atau interaksi dengan orang di luar rumah.Untuk itu, menarik untuk mendalami kearifan lokalyang hidup dimasyarakat tradisional di Kota Sambas Kalimantan Barat, melalui pemahaman disain struktural darielemen-elemen tempat tinggal tersebut. Disain struktural bangunan dikerjakan dalammemenuhi tujuan-tujuan untuk safety , values,fitness , compatibility dan flexibility . Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwadisain struktural rumah tradisional Melayu di kota Sambas dibangun dengan Tujuan Safety diperoleh dari keadaan yang memperhatikan kedominanan, proporsi dan keseimbangan; Tujuan Value diperoleh dari perhatian terhadap konstruksi ruang, keter...
Museums in general are used to store, maintain, secure and utilize museum collections in the form... more Museums in general are used to store, maintain, secure and utilize museum collections in the form of cultural heritage objects. Fine arts museums are appreciated through visions with visible media and have a physical form or simply presented as a show. The city of Pontianak does not yet have a place to carry out the function of this fine art museum. The museum collection focuses on modern fine art with long-term loans to the museum. There are some art enthusiasts in Pontianak but there is no place to channel this interest. The design method uses three stages. The first stage, data collection by classifying data as information and facts on a problem. The second stage, the analysis aims to analyze the data that has been obtained. The third stage is systematic and systematic by using images in the form of stages with product results, namely, planning drawings and design reports. The design of the Modern Art Museum in Pontianak uses a green architectural approach, namely building planni...
Floating houses or Rumah Lanting are one of the settlement cultures found in most river streams i... more Floating houses or Rumah Lanting are one of the settlement cultures found in most river streams in Kalimantan and are observed to be different from several other houses in the area. They are mitigationproof houses designed to respond to the risk of disasters usually experienced in the traditional settlements of West Kalimantan. Their structures have the ability to adapt to environmental conditions including natural disasters such as the river tides routinely experienced as a flood during the rainy season and as ebb in the dry season. This study aimed to identify the human-adaptation process existing in these floating houses through direct observation for two years during the dry and rainy seasons as well as in-depth interviews conducted with occupants of these buildings. The adaptation processes identified include the active and passive adaptation of the dwellers. The active aspect was observed from the behavior of occupants in accommodating the occurrence of disaster in the surroun...
Technological developments that continue to evolve changes in various activities such as industri... more Technological developments that continue to evolve changes in various activities such as industries that rely heavily on computers and robot technology to increase industrial production. From this industrial development, it requires competent human resources who can compete in the industrial world. One way to improve human resources in the field of technology is to build a Computer Engineering and Informatics Vocational High School. Improvement and additional facilities are needed to support education in Kubu Raya Regency. The design stages of the Computer and Informatics Engineering Vocational High School in Kubu Raya Regency start from the preparation stage, the analysis stage, the synthesis stage and the design stage. Application of understanding tropical architecture with consideration of the principle of spatial comfort in buildings related to aspects of the body size of the building user, aspects of human space based on human activities in it, audio comfort, visual comfort, an...
The architecture of the Sambas traditional dwellings in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, one of the na... more The architecture of the Sambas traditional dwellings in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, one of the national heritage, has contributed particular characteristic structures. This study mainly focuses on these structural systems. A detailed investigation will be done on three type of Malay dwelling roof styles: Potong Limas (Limas style), Potong Kawat (Kawat style) and Potong Godang (Godang style). Analyzing the types of the structural systems used in the research objects, the author found an amazing endurance of these dwellings to toward the environmental conditions. This research is performed using the positivistic method and the data used were verified on the field and analyzed qualitatively. The utilization of local structures, such as the type of foundation, the wall construction and the roof slopes were built in unison with the nature.