Zainal Said - (original) (raw)
Papers by Zainal Said
BANCO: Jurnal Manajemen dan Perbankan Syariah
This study discusses the Marketing Funding Strategy in Increasing the Number of Customers at BNI ... more This study discusses the Marketing Funding Strategy in Increasing the Number of Customers at BNI Syariah Parepare Bank. Strategy in a bank is very important because with a good strategy it will facilitate the main job for a marketing funder where a marketing funder is responsible for increasing the number of bank customers. Related to this, the purpose of this research is to find out the Marketing Funding Strategy in Increasing the Number of Customers at BNI Syariah Parepare Bank. The type of research used in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method, the source of research data, namely primary data is data obtained directly in the field based on interviews with informants, namely with customers and employees of funding Bank BNI Syariah Parepare and secondary data obtained from several supporting sources such as books, journals and other data sources related to the research title. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis...
In general most of the tribes in South Sulawesi has a relationship, both in terms of language, as... more In general most of the tribes in South Sulawesi has a relationship, both in terms of language, as well as culturally. Bugis Makassar in public life, customs is a factor that was crucial. Indigenous is a manifestation of the "philosophy of life" man Bugis Makassar in their social institutions and occupy the highest positions in the social norms that govern the behavior patterns of people's lives. Social system or societal values that were born under customary provisions have established patterns of behavior and views of human life Bugis Makassar. Adat is the key idea underlying all of his relationships, both with fellow human beings, social institutions, as well as with the natural surroundings, even with the macrocosm. As customs, rules accustomed, certainly can be called traditional, but not in the sense panngaderreng essential. Such a custom would be opposed by panngaderreng because panngaderreng actually build dignity and human dignity. Panngaderreng happenings incl...
This study explains that applications for marriage dispensation at the Sidenreng Rappang Religiou... more This study explains that applications for marriage dispensation at the Sidenreng Rappang Religious Court have increased from year to year, and in 2019 there were 222 cases. The purpose of this study is to describe the development of the marriage dispensation, analyze the reasons behind the application for a marriage dispensation, and reveal the judges' considerations regarding the intent of the Marriage Law in Article 7 paragraph 2 of Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, the research location is at the Sidenreng Rappang Religious Court, for primary data sources, namely copies of decisions, marriage laws, judges, clerks and justice seeking societies and secondary data sources. The results of this study indicate that 1) Marriage dispensation at the Sidenreng Rappang Religious Court, from year to year always increases and in 2019 experienced a very sharp increase; 2) Based on cultu...
The Phinisi Press Yogyakarta, 2019
The Phinisi Press Yogyakarta, Oct 1, 2016
International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 2021
Recommended Citation Pabbajah, Mustaqim; Abdullah, Irwan; Jubba, Hasse; Pabbajah, M.Taufiq Hidaya... more Recommended Citation Pabbajah, Mustaqim; Abdullah, Irwan; Jubba, Hasse; Pabbajah, M.Taufiq Hidayat; and Said, Zainal (2021) "Pilgrimage to Bawakaraeng Mountain Among the BugisMakassar in Indonesia: A Contestation between Islamic Identity and Local Tradition," International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage: Vol. 9: Iss. 1, Article 15. doi: Available at:
Tulisan ini mendiskusikan bagaiman a gerakan ke agama an Islam dalam kaitannya dengan konflik sos... more Tulisan ini mendiskusikan bagaiman a gerakan ke agama an Islam dalam kaitannya dengan konflik sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat di Indonesia khsususnya di wilayah Makassar , dengan menggacu pada kasus kelompok gerakan Islam non-maisntream seperti jamaah Ahmadiyah dan An-Nadzir. D i mana aktivitas keagamaan sekelompok masyarakat ini dapat memicu munculnya konflik sosial keagamaan yang dianggap menyimpang dari ajaran agama yang dominan . Dari konflik sosial tersebut, dapat menimbulkan aksi-aksi kekerasan dengan alasan penodaan agama, yang dipicu oleh adanya aktivitas sosial keagamaan komunitas atau penganut paham keagamaan tertentu yang agak berbeda atau dianggap menyempal (non-mainstream) dari ajaran agama yang dipraktikkan secara umum (mainstream) dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Konflik yang sering terjadi di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini sering mengandung muatan yang kompleks. Boleh dikatakan, muatan politis agaknya masih dominan mempengaruhi, di samping masalah kekecewaan dan p...
Raising public participation was very limited due to two things: frst, due to the limited ability... more Raising public participation was very limited due to two things: frst, due to the limited ability to control resources that enable participation in progress and the unavailability of mechanisms for participation due to a closed system. Second, the limited resources allocated to the public does not allow them to participate actively, both in the economic as well as social and political. Similarly, in the case of a social system that does not provide flexibility in accommodating community involvement. The approach used is a qualitative approach because it examines the meaning of economic businesses which have not yet received of various government policies. So small or marginalized position masyasrakat received less attention in the market rotation resulting inequality is so obvious. Community development should start from the siding, which is a way of life and express the preferences of the community itself to prioritize the planned changes will be made. Society has a world of cogniti...
ENGLISH : The title of this research-based community services is the role of higher education to ... more ENGLISH : The title of this research-based community services is the role of higher education to the issue of religious radicalism in the Islamic boarding school of Nurul Azhar Talawe in SIDRAP district, South Sulawesi. It explains the phenomenon of radicalism in Islamic boarding school. The main issues are that Islamic boarding school becomes the main basis for spreading radical doctrine through teaching Arabic literature and indoctrination. The purpose of this research-based community services is to map the potency of radicalism, and the way of higher education handle it. This research-based community service applies community-based research (CBR) approach. The findings are: 1) There is potency for radicalism in Islamic boarding school through a method of teaching and learning Arabic literature and indoctrination of students, 2) There is no connection between Islamic boarding school and community and 3) civic education subject does not work as a basis for counteracting radical tea...
BANCO: Jurnal Manajemen dan Perbankan Syariah, 2020
Masalah lingkungan akan timbul dari adanya interaksi antara aktivitas ekonomi manusia dan sumberd... more Masalah lingkungan akan timbul dari adanya interaksi antara aktivitas ekonomi manusia dan sumberdaya alam, yang berawal dari adanya permintaan penduduk akan barang dan jasa, selanjutnya mengakibatkan meningkatnya permintaan sumber daya alam. Melalui kegiatan ekonomi, sumber daya alam tersebut diekplotasi untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk berupa barang dan jasa. Pada daerah kelurahan padaidi eksplotasi sumber daya alam yang dihasilkan untuk menghasilkan barang atau jasa dilakukan melalui penambngan pasir, penambang pasir menjadi salahsatu faktor pertumbuhn ekonomi pada suatu daerah khususnya padaidi yang merupakan lokasi penambangan pasir. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Adapun teknik analisis datanya yaitu menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Implikasi dalam menentuka...
BANCO: Jurnal Manajemen dan Perbankan Syariah, 2020
The lack of understanding of the Islamic community in financial institutions often causes problem... more The lack of understanding of the Islamic community in financial institutions often causes problems in obtaining interest-free business capital solutions. Therefore it is necessary to understand people's perceptions of the capital of financial institutions. These problems can be identified by tracing the process of acquiring, interpreting, selecting, and organizing sensory information. The results of tracking people's perceptions of the capital of financial institutions will be analyzed using Islamic economic analysis.This research uses a qualitative approach and in collecting data using methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other materials, was compiled systematically so that it was easily understood and elaborated in the form of quotations to find out how people's perceptions of capital in financial institutions as well as knowing capital concepts in the Cempa community with Islamic economi...
Berdasarkan tuntutan bentuk hukum yang tertuang dalam UU No.10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan mengh... more Berdasarkan tuntutan bentuk hukum yang tertuang dalam UU No.10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan mengharuskan pengelolaan bisnis perbankan harus berbentuk Perseroan Terbatas (PT). Dalam PT dianut sistem penanaman modal yang berbentuk saham. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa sifat putusan oleh mayoritas dalam suatu RUPS tidak selamanya fair (adil) bagi pemegang saham minoritas, meskipun cara pengambilan putusan secara mayoritas tersebut dianggap yang paling demokratis. Adanya prinsip One Share One Vote yang berlaku pada PT telah menciptakan hubungan asimetris antar-pemegang saham. Secara sederhana, pemegang saham mayoritas di sini adalah pemegang yang mendominasi kepemilikan saham. Sedangkan pemegang saham minoritas adalah pemegang saham yang kurang kepemilikannya dalam jumlah saham. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada dasar pertimbangan serta muatan-muatan kepentingan yang terkadung dalam materi perundang-undangan perbankan. Beberapa pasal dalam undang-undang tersebut membuka ruang dalam penasirannya serta terbukanya peluang untuk dimiliki secara publik, baik pemilik modal dalam negeri maupun pihak asing. Bahkan pihak asing dapat memiliki saham sampai 99% yang artinya secara deviden dapat merugikan aset negara. Oleh karena itu, regulasi mengenai perbankan perlu ditinjau ulang agar undangundang perbankan dapat mengakumulasi kepentingan rakyat yang secara yuridis sebagai pemegang aset negara dalam bentuk Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Serta pemerintah seharus mengkaji dan mendengar apa yang menjadi aspirasi masyarakat dalam membangun ekonomi nasional dalam mencapai cita-cita negara. Penelitian ini menggunakan data yang bersifat kualitatif. Dengan demikian, peneliti lebih banyak mengarahkan analisis terhadap data kualitatif karena menyangkut dasar-dasar pertimbangan serta kepentingan-kepentingan yang terbangun dalam proses perumusan pembentukan undang-undang perbankan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi wawancara mendalam, studi dokumentasi. Data-data yang diperoleh dianalisis kemudian dituangkan dalam tulisan. Metode yang digunakan adalah komparati-korelasional dan interpretatif dalam proses perumusan. Desakan tentang perubahan regulasi perbankan itu mengubah bentuk lembaga tersebut dalam wujud perseroan terbatas (PT). Sehingga semua lembaga perbankan harus tunduk pada aturan PT, baik Badan usaha Milik Negara maupun pihak swasta. Sementara itu, sebagian diantara perundang-undangan yang menjadi kontradiksi dengan undang-undang perbankan itu sendiri. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses pembentukan undang-undang perbankan tidak mengakomodir aspirasi kepentingan masyarakat, terutama terkait dengan landasan filosofis, landasan yuridis serta landasan sosiologis yang memang merupakan dasar utama dalam proses pembentukan sebuah perundang-undangan. Based on the demand of law form presented in the Law Number 10 in 1998 about Banking obliges the management of the Banking business in the form of the Limited Liability Company (PT). In Limited Liability Company, it obeys the system of the capital permanent in the form of stock. As known that the characteristic of the provision by majority in a RUPS is not always fair for the minority stock stakeholder, eventhough the mechanism of taking decision of the majority way is assumed as the most democratic one. The existence of the One Share One Vote principle prevailing at Limited Liability Company has created the asymmetrical relation among the stock stakeholder. Modestly, the majority stock stakeholder here is the stakeholder dominating the stock possession. Whereas, the minority stock stakeholder is the stock stakeholder which has less possession in the stocl nominal. This research focusses on the comparison basis the contents of the interest implied in the subject of the banking law. some articles in the law opens space in its interpretation and also the openning of the opportunity to have publicly, either domestic capital owners or the foreigners. Even, the foreigner may has stock untill 99% which means can make lost the state&lsquo
Journal of Government and Politics, 2012
Legal and political system is a subsystem in the community. Each perform a specific function to m... more Legal and political system is a subsystem in the community. Each perform a specific function to move the social system as a whole. A rill, a national banking law norms contained in Law no. 7/1992 concerning Banking as amended by Law no. 10/1998 provide less public protection arrangements (social protection) than in community settings (social deregulation). The Law. 7/1992 on banking, as amended by Law No. 10/1998 which does not restrict the ownership of commercial banks. In a company where there are differences in ownership of company shares a number of very big difference, it will be found the majority shareholder in one hand and minority shareholders, on the other by differences in the number of voting rights is striking. Lessons of the past shows that the majority principle causes ¬'s minority shareholders are in a position of powerlessness and disadvantage in enforcing their interests. Legal position of minority shareholders who number more weak and unable to deal with actions that harm the directors or commissioners of the company, it is caused by the position of the majority shareholder of which is identical with the company's second organ, both physically and interests.
Kafalah is a guarantee given by a bank to certain parties, be it an individual, company, body or ... more Kafalah is a guarantee given by a bank to certain parties, be it an individual, company, body or other institution in the form of a guarantee letter. The purpose of providing the guarantee is that the bank guarantees that it will pay or accept the obligations of the party that is guaranteed to the party who received the guarantee, if in the future the guarantor does not fulfill the obligations of the other party in accordance with the agreement. In the services of Bank BTN Syariah using two contracts, namely kafalah and wadi'ah. In the kafalah (guarantee) contract, the bank becomes a kafil for the customer who becomes full to bear the obligations to a party. This study uses a qualitative method. The data in this study were obtained from primary data and secondary data. With data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and study documentation The results of this study indicate that several things have occurred: in the guarantee mechanism there are 3 (three) parties...
BANCO: Jurnal Manajemen dan Perbankan Syariah
This study discusses the Marketing Funding Strategy in Increasing the Number of Customers at BNI ... more This study discusses the Marketing Funding Strategy in Increasing the Number of Customers at BNI Syariah Parepare Bank. Strategy in a bank is very important because with a good strategy it will facilitate the main job for a marketing funder where a marketing funder is responsible for increasing the number of bank customers. Related to this, the purpose of this research is to find out the Marketing Funding Strategy in Increasing the Number of Customers at BNI Syariah Parepare Bank. The type of research used in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method, the source of research data, namely primary data is data obtained directly in the field based on interviews with informants, namely with customers and employees of funding Bank BNI Syariah Parepare and secondary data obtained from several supporting sources such as books, journals and other data sources related to the research title. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis...
In general most of the tribes in South Sulawesi has a relationship, both in terms of language, as... more In general most of the tribes in South Sulawesi has a relationship, both in terms of language, as well as culturally. Bugis Makassar in public life, customs is a factor that was crucial. Indigenous is a manifestation of the "philosophy of life" man Bugis Makassar in their social institutions and occupy the highest positions in the social norms that govern the behavior patterns of people's lives. Social system or societal values that were born under customary provisions have established patterns of behavior and views of human life Bugis Makassar. Adat is the key idea underlying all of his relationships, both with fellow human beings, social institutions, as well as with the natural surroundings, even with the macrocosm. As customs, rules accustomed, certainly can be called traditional, but not in the sense panngaderreng essential. Such a custom would be opposed by panngaderreng because panngaderreng actually build dignity and human dignity. Panngaderreng happenings incl...
This study explains that applications for marriage dispensation at the Sidenreng Rappang Religiou... more This study explains that applications for marriage dispensation at the Sidenreng Rappang Religious Court have increased from year to year, and in 2019 there were 222 cases. The purpose of this study is to describe the development of the marriage dispensation, analyze the reasons behind the application for a marriage dispensation, and reveal the judges' considerations regarding the intent of the Marriage Law in Article 7 paragraph 2 of Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, the research location is at the Sidenreng Rappang Religious Court, for primary data sources, namely copies of decisions, marriage laws, judges, clerks and justice seeking societies and secondary data sources. The results of this study indicate that 1) Marriage dispensation at the Sidenreng Rappang Religious Court, from year to year always increases and in 2019 experienced a very sharp increase; 2) Based on cultu...
The Phinisi Press Yogyakarta, 2019
The Phinisi Press Yogyakarta, Oct 1, 2016
International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage, 2021
Recommended Citation Pabbajah, Mustaqim; Abdullah, Irwan; Jubba, Hasse; Pabbajah, M.Taufiq Hidaya... more Recommended Citation Pabbajah, Mustaqim; Abdullah, Irwan; Jubba, Hasse; Pabbajah, M.Taufiq Hidayat; and Said, Zainal (2021) "Pilgrimage to Bawakaraeng Mountain Among the BugisMakassar in Indonesia: A Contestation between Islamic Identity and Local Tradition," International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage: Vol. 9: Iss. 1, Article 15. doi: Available at:
Tulisan ini mendiskusikan bagaiman a gerakan ke agama an Islam dalam kaitannya dengan konflik sos... more Tulisan ini mendiskusikan bagaiman a gerakan ke agama an Islam dalam kaitannya dengan konflik sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat di Indonesia khsususnya di wilayah Makassar , dengan menggacu pada kasus kelompok gerakan Islam non-maisntream seperti jamaah Ahmadiyah dan An-Nadzir. D i mana aktivitas keagamaan sekelompok masyarakat ini dapat memicu munculnya konflik sosial keagamaan yang dianggap menyimpang dari ajaran agama yang dominan . Dari konflik sosial tersebut, dapat menimbulkan aksi-aksi kekerasan dengan alasan penodaan agama, yang dipicu oleh adanya aktivitas sosial keagamaan komunitas atau penganut paham keagamaan tertentu yang agak berbeda atau dianggap menyempal (non-mainstream) dari ajaran agama yang dipraktikkan secara umum (mainstream) dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Konflik yang sering terjadi di Indonesia akhir-akhir ini sering mengandung muatan yang kompleks. Boleh dikatakan, muatan politis agaknya masih dominan mempengaruhi, di samping masalah kekecewaan dan p...
Raising public participation was very limited due to two things: frst, due to the limited ability... more Raising public participation was very limited due to two things: frst, due to the limited ability to control resources that enable participation in progress and the unavailability of mechanisms for participation due to a closed system. Second, the limited resources allocated to the public does not allow them to participate actively, both in the economic as well as social and political. Similarly, in the case of a social system that does not provide flexibility in accommodating community involvement. The approach used is a qualitative approach because it examines the meaning of economic businesses which have not yet received of various government policies. So small or marginalized position masyasrakat received less attention in the market rotation resulting inequality is so obvious. Community development should start from the siding, which is a way of life and express the preferences of the community itself to prioritize the planned changes will be made. Society has a world of cogniti...
ENGLISH : The title of this research-based community services is the role of higher education to ... more ENGLISH : The title of this research-based community services is the role of higher education to the issue of religious radicalism in the Islamic boarding school of Nurul Azhar Talawe in SIDRAP district, South Sulawesi. It explains the phenomenon of radicalism in Islamic boarding school. The main issues are that Islamic boarding school becomes the main basis for spreading radical doctrine through teaching Arabic literature and indoctrination. The purpose of this research-based community services is to map the potency of radicalism, and the way of higher education handle it. This research-based community service applies community-based research (CBR) approach. The findings are: 1) There is potency for radicalism in Islamic boarding school through a method of teaching and learning Arabic literature and indoctrination of students, 2) There is no connection between Islamic boarding school and community and 3) civic education subject does not work as a basis for counteracting radical tea...
BANCO: Jurnal Manajemen dan Perbankan Syariah, 2020
Masalah lingkungan akan timbul dari adanya interaksi antara aktivitas ekonomi manusia dan sumberd... more Masalah lingkungan akan timbul dari adanya interaksi antara aktivitas ekonomi manusia dan sumberdaya alam, yang berawal dari adanya permintaan penduduk akan barang dan jasa, selanjutnya mengakibatkan meningkatnya permintaan sumber daya alam. Melalui kegiatan ekonomi, sumber daya alam tersebut diekplotasi untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk berupa barang dan jasa. Pada daerah kelurahan padaidi eksplotasi sumber daya alam yang dihasilkan untuk menghasilkan barang atau jasa dilakukan melalui penambngan pasir, penambang pasir menjadi salahsatu faktor pertumbuhn ekonomi pada suatu daerah khususnya padaidi yang merupakan lokasi penambangan pasir. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Adapun teknik analisis datanya yaitu menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Implikasi dalam menentuka...
BANCO: Jurnal Manajemen dan Perbankan Syariah, 2020
The lack of understanding of the Islamic community in financial institutions often causes problem... more The lack of understanding of the Islamic community in financial institutions often causes problems in obtaining interest-free business capital solutions. Therefore it is necessary to understand people's perceptions of the capital of financial institutions. These problems can be identified by tracing the process of acquiring, interpreting, selecting, and organizing sensory information. The results of tracking people's perceptions of the capital of financial institutions will be analyzed using Islamic economic analysis.This research uses a qualitative approach and in collecting data using methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other materials, was compiled systematically so that it was easily understood and elaborated in the form of quotations to find out how people's perceptions of capital in financial institutions as well as knowing capital concepts in the Cempa community with Islamic economi...
Berdasarkan tuntutan bentuk hukum yang tertuang dalam UU No.10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan mengh... more Berdasarkan tuntutan bentuk hukum yang tertuang dalam UU No.10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan mengharuskan pengelolaan bisnis perbankan harus berbentuk Perseroan Terbatas (PT). Dalam PT dianut sistem penanaman modal yang berbentuk saham. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa sifat putusan oleh mayoritas dalam suatu RUPS tidak selamanya fair (adil) bagi pemegang saham minoritas, meskipun cara pengambilan putusan secara mayoritas tersebut dianggap yang paling demokratis. Adanya prinsip One Share One Vote yang berlaku pada PT telah menciptakan hubungan asimetris antar-pemegang saham. Secara sederhana, pemegang saham mayoritas di sini adalah pemegang yang mendominasi kepemilikan saham. Sedangkan pemegang saham minoritas adalah pemegang saham yang kurang kepemilikannya dalam jumlah saham. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada dasar pertimbangan serta muatan-muatan kepentingan yang terkadung dalam materi perundang-undangan perbankan. Beberapa pasal dalam undang-undang tersebut membuka ruang dalam penasirannya serta terbukanya peluang untuk dimiliki secara publik, baik pemilik modal dalam negeri maupun pihak asing. Bahkan pihak asing dapat memiliki saham sampai 99% yang artinya secara deviden dapat merugikan aset negara. Oleh karena itu, regulasi mengenai perbankan perlu ditinjau ulang agar undangundang perbankan dapat mengakumulasi kepentingan rakyat yang secara yuridis sebagai pemegang aset negara dalam bentuk Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). Serta pemerintah seharus mengkaji dan mendengar apa yang menjadi aspirasi masyarakat dalam membangun ekonomi nasional dalam mencapai cita-cita negara. Penelitian ini menggunakan data yang bersifat kualitatif. Dengan demikian, peneliti lebih banyak mengarahkan analisis terhadap data kualitatif karena menyangkut dasar-dasar pertimbangan serta kepentingan-kepentingan yang terbangun dalam proses perumusan pembentukan undang-undang perbankan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi wawancara mendalam, studi dokumentasi. Data-data yang diperoleh dianalisis kemudian dituangkan dalam tulisan. Metode yang digunakan adalah komparati-korelasional dan interpretatif dalam proses perumusan. Desakan tentang perubahan regulasi perbankan itu mengubah bentuk lembaga tersebut dalam wujud perseroan terbatas (PT). Sehingga semua lembaga perbankan harus tunduk pada aturan PT, baik Badan usaha Milik Negara maupun pihak swasta. Sementara itu, sebagian diantara perundang-undangan yang menjadi kontradiksi dengan undang-undang perbankan itu sendiri. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses pembentukan undang-undang perbankan tidak mengakomodir aspirasi kepentingan masyarakat, terutama terkait dengan landasan filosofis, landasan yuridis serta landasan sosiologis yang memang merupakan dasar utama dalam proses pembentukan sebuah perundang-undangan. Based on the demand of law form presented in the Law Number 10 in 1998 about Banking obliges the management of the Banking business in the form of the Limited Liability Company (PT). In Limited Liability Company, it obeys the system of the capital permanent in the form of stock. As known that the characteristic of the provision by majority in a RUPS is not always fair for the minority stock stakeholder, eventhough the mechanism of taking decision of the majority way is assumed as the most democratic one. The existence of the One Share One Vote principle prevailing at Limited Liability Company has created the asymmetrical relation among the stock stakeholder. Modestly, the majority stock stakeholder here is the stakeholder dominating the stock possession. Whereas, the minority stock stakeholder is the stock stakeholder which has less possession in the stocl nominal. This research focusses on the comparison basis the contents of the interest implied in the subject of the banking law. some articles in the law opens space in its interpretation and also the openning of the opportunity to have publicly, either domestic capital owners or the foreigners. Even, the foreigner may has stock untill 99% which means can make lost the state&lsquo
Journal of Government and Politics, 2012
Legal and political system is a subsystem in the community. Each perform a specific function to m... more Legal and political system is a subsystem in the community. Each perform a specific function to move the social system as a whole. A rill, a national banking law norms contained in Law no. 7/1992 concerning Banking as amended by Law no. 10/1998 provide less public protection arrangements (social protection) than in community settings (social deregulation). The Law. 7/1992 on banking, as amended by Law No. 10/1998 which does not restrict the ownership of commercial banks. In a company where there are differences in ownership of company shares a number of very big difference, it will be found the majority shareholder in one hand and minority shareholders, on the other by differences in the number of voting rights is striking. Lessons of the past shows that the majority principle causes ¬'s minority shareholders are in a position of powerlessness and disadvantage in enforcing their interests. Legal position of minority shareholders who number more weak and unable to deal with actions that harm the directors or commissioners of the company, it is caused by the position of the majority shareholder of which is identical with the company's second organ, both physically and interests.
Kafalah is a guarantee given by a bank to certain parties, be it an individual, company, body or ... more Kafalah is a guarantee given by a bank to certain parties, be it an individual, company, body or other institution in the form of a guarantee letter. The purpose of providing the guarantee is that the bank guarantees that it will pay or accept the obligations of the party that is guaranteed to the party who received the guarantee, if in the future the guarantor does not fulfill the obligations of the other party in accordance with the agreement. In the services of Bank BTN Syariah using two contracts, namely kafalah and wadi'ah. In the kafalah (guarantee) contract, the bank becomes a kafil for the customer who becomes full to bear the obligations to a party. This study uses a qualitative method. The data in this study were obtained from primary data and secondary data. With data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and study documentation The results of this study indicate that several things have occurred: in the guarantee mechanism there are 3 (three) parties...