Zakaria Zakaria Fms-0302-18 - (original) (raw)
Papers by Zakaria Zakaria Fms-0302-18
Dirasah : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Dasar Islam, Jan 21, 2019
Media Gizi Pangan, 2020
Background : Moringa leaf is a food of vegetables group whose utilization is still low, even thou... more Background : Moringa leaf is a food of vegetables group whose utilization is still low, even though this plant has nutritional content that almost meets the nutritional needs of humans and is useful as a nutritional improvement. Objective: This study aims to determine the physical characteristics, acceptability, and chemical composition (protein and water) of wet noodles with the addition of moringa flour.Method: This research type is laboratory research with randomized block design, treatment with addition of 0%, 3%, 6%, 9% and 12% moringa flour. Implemented in Food Technology and Nutrition Laboratory of Makassar Health Polytechnic and Health Laboratory of Makassar. Parameter analysis is physical characteristics (rendemen, elasticity and brightness), panelist acceptance and chemical characteristics (water and protein content).Results: Physically wet noodles with the addition of Moringa leaf powder has randemen average above 95%, lower than the elasticity of the wet nood...
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi, 2021
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Kompetensi Pemimpin Kristen Bagi Efektivitas... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Kompetensi Pemimpin Kristen Bagi Efektivitas Pelayanan Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Daerah Melawi Hilir Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena adanya pemimpin yang sudah melayani di Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Daerah Melawi Hilir Kalimantan Barat tetapi belum memiliki kompetensi sebagai pemimpin Kristen. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kuantitatif dengan subyek penelitian 60 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara eksperimen yang bertujuan meneliti hubungan sebab dan akibat. Data setiap variabel dianalisis mengunakan distribusi frekuensi skor data dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis uji Linieritas. Sebelum dianalisis regresi linier ganda dengan SPSS, dilakukan analisis uji Normalitas; Uji normalitas dilakukan untuk menguji apakah data yang diperoleh berasal dari sampel yang berdistribusi normal. Hasil dari Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa ternyata Pengaruh Kompetensi Pemimpin Kristen Gereja Kemah I...
Tujuan bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran secara komprehensif tentang pembelajaran literasi yang... more Tujuan bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran secara komprehensif tentang pembelajaran literasi yang terkandung dalam tradisi palang pintu pada etnis Betawi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kualitatif melalui analisis deksriptif berupa kajian literature, observasi serta wawancara kepada para ahli. Adapun ruang lingkup yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini meliputi asal-usul, bentuk, kegiatan serta nilai pembelajaran literasi yang terdapat dalam tradisi palang pintu pada etnis Betawi. Nilai guna dari artikel ini sebagai gambaran tentang pembelajaran literasi yang terkandung dalam tradisi palang pintu, bentuk literasi tersebut bukan hanya dari segi membaca namun menjadikan anak paham terhadap budaya dan kewargaan, membentuk insan yang religius dan sebagai model pengembangan pembelajaran literasi berbasis kearifan etnik bagi anak.
Abstrak: This research was conducted in Private Junior high school cottage of modern boarding Bab... more Abstrak: This research was conducted in Private Junior high school cottage of modern boarding Babussalam district Langkat Regency. This type of research is quantitative research. The problem raised in this research is the influence of Role playing method on the motivation and student learning outcomes in Private Junior high school cottage of modern boarding Babussalam district Langkat Regency. This study aims to determine whether the Role playing method has a positive and significant influence with the Motivational Learning Jurisprudence in MTs. Pondok Pesantren Modern Babussalam Langkat Regency. To know the method of Role playing has a positive and significant influence with Fikih Learning Outcomes in MTs.Pondok Pesantren Modern Babussalam Langkat Regency, and to know whether Role playing has a positive and significant influence with Fikih Learning Outcomes in MTs. Pondok Pesantren Modern Babussalam Langkat Regency. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta Pondok P...
ABSTRAK MANAJEMEN KELAS PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN JASMANI OLAH RAGA DAN KESEHATAN (PENJASORKES) DI ... more ABSTRAK MANAJEMEN KELAS PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN JASMANI OLAH RAGA DAN KESEHATAN (PENJASORKES) DI SMPN 1 KABUPATEN BENGKULU TENGAH (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Nomor 3 di Kabupaten Seluma) Oleh: Dody Aryanto Program Studi Tesis Gelar Manajemen Pendidikan Pasca Sarjana Universitas Bengkulu, 2017: 123 halaman Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan manajemen kelas mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani, olah raga, dan kesehatan (Penjasorkes) di SMPN 1 Bengkulu Tengah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, dan guru penjasorkes di sekolah tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan teknik dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian dalam bentuk kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan manajemen kelas pembelajaran penjasorkes yang dilakukan oleh guru penjasorkes di SMPN 1 Bengkulu Tengah dilandasi ada pemikiran mereka bahwa pembelajaran penjasorkes akan berhas...
The objective of the research is to describe " system study of builder country nursery schoo... more The objective of the research is to describe " system study of builder country nursery school 2 bengkulu city. this Research method use descriptive qualitative, Technique data collecting by: observation, documentation and interview. Technique analyse its steps data is (1) data discount; (2) displayed by data; (3) verification; and take conclusion. Result of research, first all teacher make program in TK Country Builder 2 Town Bengkulu not yet made planning better; both, organization in TK Country Builder 2 Bengkulu akota require to be improved, because uncommitting better is; third, evaluation have been executed by after solution one topic by mouth and also article; and is fourth of supplementary factor is equipment teach media and learn resource, while barricade have been found that there no effort show by all teacher to use available of source learn available.
The purpose of this research to describe the website performance in Senior High School Number 1 K... more The purpose of this research to describe the website performance in Senior High School Number 1 Kepahiang Regency. And describe the web hosting domain, program language, website design, publication website, and maintenance website. The method used was descriptive qualitative because the data collected and analysis is qualitative. Data collected by using observation, interview, and documentation. It considered more right for use method descriptive qualitative because researcher only describe website performance of Senior High School Number 1 Kepahiang Regency which has already been owned now is already good and innovative or not yet and already coressponding with criteria website school. The result from this research is that website performance already enough good. Start URL or domain of an existing website and already is known by residents school for teachers, staff, and students. Web hosting obtained from way rent on company school internet management with big hosting 1 GB of progr...
Tujuan dilakukannya pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi ... more Tujuan dilakukannya pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi mengenai optimalisasi anggaran keuangan di masa pandemi pada Desa Cicalengka Kabupaten Pagedangan Tangerang. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dengan tahap sosialisasi, tahap observasi, dan tahap pelaksanaan. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini membantu perangkat desa dalam memahami dan menggunakan dana desa sesuai dengan program kemitraan masyarakat yang di tetapkan oleh pemerintah pusat. Perangkat desa sebagian besar belum mampu mengelola dana anggaran sesuai rencana di sebabkan oleh keterbatasan pengetahuan dan sosialisasi mengenai fungsi dari Anggaran dana desa ini. Perangkat desa termasuk Kepala Desa dan jajarannya harus mampu secara pasti dalam pengelolaan sehingga manfaat dana desa ini dapat membangun masyarakat sekitar. Dengan adanya penyaluran Dana desa oleh pemerintah pusat juga dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja baru untuk masyarakat seperti pemb...
Kompartemen: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi, 2020
Dividend policy is a decision taken by a company related to dividends, whether profits will be di... more Dividend policy is a decision taken by a company related to dividends, whether profits will be distributed to shareholders or investors in the form of dividends or profits will be retained as retained earnings for investment financing in the future. Factors that can influence dividend policy include current ratio, debt to equity ratio, net profit margin, investment opportunity set. The population in this study are banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2015-2018 period. The samples obtained are based on purposive sampling techniques and obtained by 9 companies. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis shows that the debt to equity ratio, investment opportunity set has a positive effect and net profit margin has a negative effect on the dividend policy. However, the current ratio has no effect on the dividend policy.
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 2020
Kawasan hutan maupun sungai-sungai di Kalimantan Tengah, telah terdampak akibat kegiatan penamban... more Kawasan hutan maupun sungai-sungai di Kalimantan Tengah, telah terdampak akibat kegiatan penambangan emas skala kecil (ilegal) selama puluhan tahun. Para penambang menggunakan merkuri sebagai bahan kimia utama dalam prosesekstraksi emas, dan setiap tahun melepaskan tidak kurang dari 1.000ton bahan berbahaya ini ke lingkungan, baik udara maupun air. Pencemaran merkuri di lingkungan perairan, dapat dikurangi atau dihilangkan dengan menggunakan sekelompok mikroorganisme yang mampu untuk mereduksi merkuri yang disebut dengan bioremediasi. Metode bioremediasi lebih ekonomis, karena mikroorganisme memiliki kemampuan untuk mendegradasi kontaminan ke dalam bentuk yang tidak berbahaya. Bakteri dan alga yang hidup di perairan sekitar tambang emas diduga memiliki kemampuan resistensi terhadap kontaminan logam berat merkuri. Sampel bakteri dan alga yang diambil dari sekitar tambang diseleksi dengan perlakuan merkuri (Hg) untuk mengetahui potensinya sebagai bioremediator logam berat. Penelitian ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2018), 2019
This study aims at describing the efforts to improve teacher performance. The method used in this... more This study aims at describing the efforts to improve teacher performance. The method used in this research is a quantitative, descriptive and verification approach. The type of investigation is kausalitas and Path Analysis techniques with the help of SPSS. The component that becomes a benchmark is the improvement in teacher competency and teacher performance assessment. These two things are called teacher performance inherent in the teacher's functional position in carrying out the main tasks, functions and responsibilities. Early Competency Test is the initial forum for involvement in teacher performance management. Teacher performance management can be seen from Early Competency as a national recognition database, teacher performance appraisal institutions such as Institution of Education Quality Assurance, Universities collaboration on achieving the improvement of teacher performance. The results of this study discuss two programs that influence the organizational culture as an effort to improve the performance of Madrasah Aliyah (Religious Senior High School) teachers in Bengkulu province. The results show that the Madrasah organizational culture has a positive and direct significant effect on teacher performance. Therefore, it can be suggested that if we want to improve teacher performance, we have to improve the work culture organization.
Media Gizi Pangan, 2019
One of the causes of malnutrition in children is a habitual pattern of complementary feeding of b... more One of the causes of malnutrition in children is a habitual pattern of complementary feeding of breast milk is inappropriate, the ignorance about the ways of feeding in infants and the low quantity and quality of the complementary food that given to children. The purpose of the research is to find out the characteristics of quality of chemical (nutrient), physical, acceptability of complementary food by using local uses instant Brown rice flour and moringa leaf flour. The research method is postest only, formulations namely F1 (75: 5), F2 (72.5: 7.5), F3 (70:10), and F4 (67, 5: 12,5) to supply per 100 g of ingredients and complete the nutritional content using full cream powder 15 g and sugar 5 g. The nutrient content of the raw material of brown rice and moringa leaf flour was analyzed proximate in the laboratory, full cream milk powder and sugar using the nutrient composition of the literature source. The best product analysis uses the De Garmo effectiveness method. The results s...
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 2003
In the process of planning the landuse of an area, town planners require basic information such a... more In the process of planning the landuse of an area, town planners require basic information such as the geology, topography, landform and zones which are potentially unstable. Terrain Classification Map and its derivative thematic maps such as Landform, Erosion, Physical Constraints, Engineering Geology and Construction Suitability Maps serve as useful tools for such a purpose. Geological terrain mapping is carried out based on the evaluation of four attributes, namely, slope gradient attribute, terrain or morphology attribute, activity attribute and the erosion and instability attribute. To prepare the various derivative maps, a GIS system (using Arc Info or Arc View software) is used to analyse data from the four attributes. Geological terrain mapping was conducted in the Cameron Highlands and the various derivative maps produced from the mapping programme are used in the planning and approval of development projects in the area. Abstrak: Dalam proses perancangan gunatanah bagi sesuatu kawasan, perancang bandar memerlukan maklumat asas seperti geologi, topografi, bentuk muka bumi and zon-zon yang tidak stabil. Peta pengelasan terain and peta-peta tematik seperti bentuk muka bumi, hakisan, kekangan fizikal, geologi kejuruteraan dan kesesuaian pembangunan dapat berfungsi sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuan berkenaan. Pemetaan geologi terain yang dijalankan adalah berasaskan kepada penilaian empat atribut iaitu kecerunan cerun, terain atau morfologi, aktiviti yang dijalankan serta hakisan dan ketidakstabilan cerun. Untuk menyediakan berbagai peta tematik, sistem GIS (menggunakan perisian 'Arc Info' atau 'Arc View') digunakan untuk menganalisa data dari keempat-empat atribut tersebut. Pemetaan geologi terain telah dilakukan di Cameron Highlands dan berbagai peta tematik yang telah dihasilkan dari program pemetaan ini sedang digunakan dalam perancangan dan kelulusan projek-projek pembangunan di kawasan berkenaan.
JPPUMA Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik Universitas Medan Area, 2019
Tulisan ini membahas persoalan yang dialami oleh istri-istri nelayan di Desa Sei Nagalawan yang m... more Tulisan ini membahas persoalan yang dialami oleh istri-istri nelayan di Desa Sei Nagalawan yang mengalami bias sosial. Bias sosial dalam pengertian situasi paradox, dimana perempuan mengalami situasi paradoks yaitu ketika suami mereka pergi melaut untuk menangkap ikan. Secara otomatis tanggung jawab di keluarga dipegang oleh istri mereka. Tidak hanya itu, para istri nelayan tersebut juga setiap hari rutin menangkap ikan dipinggir pantai. Namun, sampai saat ini para perempuan tersebut tidak dianggap sebagai nelayan yang mengakibatkan mereka tidak bisa mendapatkan asuransi kesehatan dan akses untuk meminjam uang ke Bank. Tidak hanya peran perempuan nelayan dalam bidang sosial, ekonomi maupun lingkungan dalam aktivitas melawan kemiskinan. Penulis menggabungkan perspektif Marxis, Fenomenologis dan Etnometodologis dalam melawan fenomena diskriminasi dalam kedudukannya sebagai perempuan nelayan ditengah beban kerjanya yang bisa mencapai 18 jam perhari. Pada akhir tulisan ini penulis memaparkan bagaimana strategi perempuan nelayan di Desa Sei Nagalawan melawan kemiskinan dengan ikut aktif menangkap ikan dipinggir pantai, mengengembangkan ekowisata Kampung Nipah melaui Koperasi Serba Usaha Muara Maimbai, pengembangan UMKM dengan menjual makanan ringan berbahan baku mangrove (bakau) dan aktif melakukan aktivitas perjuangan demi memenuhi pengakuan perempuan sebagai nelayan. Sebab, menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 7 tahun 2016 tentang Perlindungan dan Pemberdayaan Nelayan,Pembudi Daya Ikan, dan Petambak Garam bahwa nelayan merupakan jenis pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan menangkap ikan.
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan, 2017
Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr. (Cempedak) is a plant with a kind of Moraceae family that is wi... more Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr. (Cempedak) is a plant with a kind of Moraceae family that is widely cultivated in Luwu, South Sulawesi. Extraction and antibacterial bioactivity test of Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr. Heartwood have been done. Preparation of heartwood conducted by shaved, dried, crushed and macerated with methanol to obtain a crude extract of methanol. The methanol extract then partitioned successively in n-hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate to obtain the fraction of n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and methanol. Antibacterial activity test using agar diffusion method on two types of gram-negative bacteria (E. coli and S. typhi) and two types of gram-positive bacteria (S. aureus and S. pneumonia) has been performed. The inhibition zone obtained on each fraction are the nhexane fraction of 12.80 mm in the bacterium S. pneumonia, chloroform fractions of 13.80 mm in the bacterium S. pneumoniae, ethyl acetate fraction of 9.80 mm in bacteria S. typhi, and the methanol fraction at 12.90 on S. pneumonia bacteria. The chloroform fraction has potential as antibacterial caused by the highest of inhibition ability toward S. pneumonia.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2015
Objectives: Low-dose valganciclovir prophylaxis is still under investigation in renal transplant ... more Objectives: Low-dose valganciclovir prophylaxis is still under investigation in renal transplant procedures. Our aim was to assess the cost effectiveness of 450 mg versus 900 mg valganciclovir prophylaxis in kidney transplant recipients. Materials and Methods: In this prospective trial, 201 kidney transplant patients were randomized (1:1) to receive 450 mg/d (group 1, n = 100) or 900 mg/d (group 2, n = 101) valganciclovir prophylaxis for the first 6 months after transplant. Patients were studied for incidence of cytomegalovirus disease, leukopenia episodes, rejection episodes, and graft outcomes along with associated costs over 1 year. Costs (in US dollars) of treatment of rejection were also analyzed. Results: Demographic features of the studied groups were comparable. We found that the cost of cytomegalovirus care in group 1 patients was significantly lower (by 50% at 6 months; P < .001), with less leukopenia episodes (P = .04), lower doses of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (by 30% at 6 months; P = .03), higher doses of mycophenolate mofetil (P = .04), and less rejection episodes (P = .01) compared with group 2. In group 2, there were more episodes of cytomegalovirus infection (P = .052) and BK virus nephropathy (P = .04). Graft and patient outcomes were satisfactory in both groups. Conclusions: Low-dose valganciclovir for cytomegalovirus prophylaxis after renal transplant is safer, effective and without breakthrough infection, and less costly than using the usual dose.
The purpose of this study is how to describe the school development planning strategic in SMA 2 L... more The purpose of this study is how to describe the school development planning strategic in SMA 2 Lubuklinggau city. This research used the descriptive quality method. The data were gathered from the school principal, the teacher’s, the staff and the student’s. Three instrument were applied in collecting the data interview, observation and documentation. The data were gathered to analized by inductive techniques such as: reductive data, display data, and closed. The result of this research found that SMA 2 Lubuklinggau city has done the school development planning to develop the teacher’s quality. The factors to support and protect the development strategic of teacher’s quality, the development have to have professional ability, religious training so headmaster’s can become an expert in thinking with “IMTAQ” spirit that is followed by wealth support.
Dirasah : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Dasar Islam, Jan 21, 2019
Media Gizi Pangan, 2020
Background : Moringa leaf is a food of vegetables group whose utilization is still low, even thou... more Background : Moringa leaf is a food of vegetables group whose utilization is still low, even though this plant has nutritional content that almost meets the nutritional needs of humans and is useful as a nutritional improvement. Objective: This study aims to determine the physical characteristics, acceptability, and chemical composition (protein and water) of wet noodles with the addition of moringa flour.Method: This research type is laboratory research with randomized block design, treatment with addition of 0%, 3%, 6%, 9% and 12% moringa flour. Implemented in Food Technology and Nutrition Laboratory of Makassar Health Polytechnic and Health Laboratory of Makassar. Parameter analysis is physical characteristics (rendemen, elasticity and brightness), panelist acceptance and chemical characteristics (water and protein content).Results: Physically wet noodles with the addition of Moringa leaf powder has randemen average above 95%, lower than the elasticity of the wet nood...
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi, 2021
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Kompetensi Pemimpin Kristen Bagi Efektivitas... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Kompetensi Pemimpin Kristen Bagi Efektivitas Pelayanan Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Daerah Melawi Hilir Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena adanya pemimpin yang sudah melayani di Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Daerah Melawi Hilir Kalimantan Barat tetapi belum memiliki kompetensi sebagai pemimpin Kristen. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kuantitatif dengan subyek penelitian 60 responden. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara eksperimen yang bertujuan meneliti hubungan sebab dan akibat. Data setiap variabel dianalisis mengunakan distribusi frekuensi skor data dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis uji Linieritas. Sebelum dianalisis regresi linier ganda dengan SPSS, dilakukan analisis uji Normalitas; Uji normalitas dilakukan untuk menguji apakah data yang diperoleh berasal dari sampel yang berdistribusi normal. Hasil dari Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa ternyata Pengaruh Kompetensi Pemimpin Kristen Gereja Kemah I...
Tujuan bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran secara komprehensif tentang pembelajaran literasi yang... more Tujuan bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran secara komprehensif tentang pembelajaran literasi yang terkandung dalam tradisi palang pintu pada etnis Betawi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan kualitatif melalui analisis deksriptif berupa kajian literature, observasi serta wawancara kepada para ahli. Adapun ruang lingkup yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini meliputi asal-usul, bentuk, kegiatan serta nilai pembelajaran literasi yang terdapat dalam tradisi palang pintu pada etnis Betawi. Nilai guna dari artikel ini sebagai gambaran tentang pembelajaran literasi yang terkandung dalam tradisi palang pintu, bentuk literasi tersebut bukan hanya dari segi membaca namun menjadikan anak paham terhadap budaya dan kewargaan, membentuk insan yang religius dan sebagai model pengembangan pembelajaran literasi berbasis kearifan etnik bagi anak.
Abstrak: This research was conducted in Private Junior high school cottage of modern boarding Bab... more Abstrak: This research was conducted in Private Junior high school cottage of modern boarding Babussalam district Langkat Regency. This type of research is quantitative research. The problem raised in this research is the influence of Role playing method on the motivation and student learning outcomes in Private Junior high school cottage of modern boarding Babussalam district Langkat Regency. This study aims to determine whether the Role playing method has a positive and significant influence with the Motivational Learning Jurisprudence in MTs. Pondok Pesantren Modern Babussalam Langkat Regency. To know the method of Role playing has a positive and significant influence with Fikih Learning Outcomes in MTs.Pondok Pesantren Modern Babussalam Langkat Regency, and to know whether Role playing has a positive and significant influence with Fikih Learning Outcomes in MTs. Pondok Pesantren Modern Babussalam Langkat Regency. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta Pondok P...
ABSTRAK MANAJEMEN KELAS PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN JASMANI OLAH RAGA DAN KESEHATAN (PENJASORKES) DI ... more ABSTRAK MANAJEMEN KELAS PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN JASMANI OLAH RAGA DAN KESEHATAN (PENJASORKES) DI SMPN 1 KABUPATEN BENGKULU TENGAH (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Nomor 3 di Kabupaten Seluma) Oleh: Dody Aryanto Program Studi Tesis Gelar Manajemen Pendidikan Pasca Sarjana Universitas Bengkulu, 2017: 123 halaman Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan manajemen kelas mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani, olah raga, dan kesehatan (Penjasorkes) di SMPN 1 Bengkulu Tengah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, dan guru penjasorkes di sekolah tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan teknik dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian dalam bentuk kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan manajemen kelas pembelajaran penjasorkes yang dilakukan oleh guru penjasorkes di SMPN 1 Bengkulu Tengah dilandasi ada pemikiran mereka bahwa pembelajaran penjasorkes akan berhas...
The objective of the research is to describe " system study of builder country nursery schoo... more The objective of the research is to describe " system study of builder country nursery school 2 bengkulu city. this Research method use descriptive qualitative, Technique data collecting by: observation, documentation and interview. Technique analyse its steps data is (1) data discount; (2) displayed by data; (3) verification; and take conclusion. Result of research, first all teacher make program in TK Country Builder 2 Town Bengkulu not yet made planning better; both, organization in TK Country Builder 2 Bengkulu akota require to be improved, because uncommitting better is; third, evaluation have been executed by after solution one topic by mouth and also article; and is fourth of supplementary factor is equipment teach media and learn resource, while barricade have been found that there no effort show by all teacher to use available of source learn available.
The purpose of this research to describe the website performance in Senior High School Number 1 K... more The purpose of this research to describe the website performance in Senior High School Number 1 Kepahiang Regency. And describe the web hosting domain, program language, website design, publication website, and maintenance website. The method used was descriptive qualitative because the data collected and analysis is qualitative. Data collected by using observation, interview, and documentation. It considered more right for use method descriptive qualitative because researcher only describe website performance of Senior High School Number 1 Kepahiang Regency which has already been owned now is already good and innovative or not yet and already coressponding with criteria website school. The result from this research is that website performance already enough good. Start URL or domain of an existing website and already is known by residents school for teachers, staff, and students. Web hosting obtained from way rent on company school internet management with big hosting 1 GB of progr...
Tujuan dilakukannya pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi ... more Tujuan dilakukannya pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan penyuluhan dan sosialisasi mengenai optimalisasi anggaran keuangan di masa pandemi pada Desa Cicalengka Kabupaten Pagedangan Tangerang. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dengan tahap sosialisasi, tahap observasi, dan tahap pelaksanaan. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini membantu perangkat desa dalam memahami dan menggunakan dana desa sesuai dengan program kemitraan masyarakat yang di tetapkan oleh pemerintah pusat. Perangkat desa sebagian besar belum mampu mengelola dana anggaran sesuai rencana di sebabkan oleh keterbatasan pengetahuan dan sosialisasi mengenai fungsi dari Anggaran dana desa ini. Perangkat desa termasuk Kepala Desa dan jajarannya harus mampu secara pasti dalam pengelolaan sehingga manfaat dana desa ini dapat membangun masyarakat sekitar. Dengan adanya penyaluran Dana desa oleh pemerintah pusat juga dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja baru untuk masyarakat seperti pemb...
Kompartemen: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi, 2020
Dividend policy is a decision taken by a company related to dividends, whether profits will be di... more Dividend policy is a decision taken by a company related to dividends, whether profits will be distributed to shareholders or investors in the form of dividends or profits will be retained as retained earnings for investment financing in the future. Factors that can influence dividend policy include current ratio, debt to equity ratio, net profit margin, investment opportunity set. The population in this study are banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2015-2018 period. The samples obtained are based on purposive sampling techniques and obtained by 9 companies. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The analysis shows that the debt to equity ratio, investment opportunity set has a positive effect and net profit margin has a negative effect on the dividend policy. However, the current ratio has no effect on the dividend policy.
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 2020
Kawasan hutan maupun sungai-sungai di Kalimantan Tengah, telah terdampak akibat kegiatan penamban... more Kawasan hutan maupun sungai-sungai di Kalimantan Tengah, telah terdampak akibat kegiatan penambangan emas skala kecil (ilegal) selama puluhan tahun. Para penambang menggunakan merkuri sebagai bahan kimia utama dalam prosesekstraksi emas, dan setiap tahun melepaskan tidak kurang dari 1.000ton bahan berbahaya ini ke lingkungan, baik udara maupun air. Pencemaran merkuri di lingkungan perairan, dapat dikurangi atau dihilangkan dengan menggunakan sekelompok mikroorganisme yang mampu untuk mereduksi merkuri yang disebut dengan bioremediasi. Metode bioremediasi lebih ekonomis, karena mikroorganisme memiliki kemampuan untuk mendegradasi kontaminan ke dalam bentuk yang tidak berbahaya. Bakteri dan alga yang hidup di perairan sekitar tambang emas diduga memiliki kemampuan resistensi terhadap kontaminan logam berat merkuri. Sampel bakteri dan alga yang diambil dari sekitar tambang diseleksi dengan perlakuan merkuri (Hg) untuk mengetahui potensinya sebagai bioremediator logam berat. Penelitian ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Sciences and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2018), 2019
This study aims at describing the efforts to improve teacher performance. The method used in this... more This study aims at describing the efforts to improve teacher performance. The method used in this research is a quantitative, descriptive and verification approach. The type of investigation is kausalitas and Path Analysis techniques with the help of SPSS. The component that becomes a benchmark is the improvement in teacher competency and teacher performance assessment. These two things are called teacher performance inherent in the teacher's functional position in carrying out the main tasks, functions and responsibilities. Early Competency Test is the initial forum for involvement in teacher performance management. Teacher performance management can be seen from Early Competency as a national recognition database, teacher performance appraisal institutions such as Institution of Education Quality Assurance, Universities collaboration on achieving the improvement of teacher performance. The results of this study discuss two programs that influence the organizational culture as an effort to improve the performance of Madrasah Aliyah (Religious Senior High School) teachers in Bengkulu province. The results show that the Madrasah organizational culture has a positive and direct significant effect on teacher performance. Therefore, it can be suggested that if we want to improve teacher performance, we have to improve the work culture organization.
Media Gizi Pangan, 2019
One of the causes of malnutrition in children is a habitual pattern of complementary feeding of b... more One of the causes of malnutrition in children is a habitual pattern of complementary feeding of breast milk is inappropriate, the ignorance about the ways of feeding in infants and the low quantity and quality of the complementary food that given to children. The purpose of the research is to find out the characteristics of quality of chemical (nutrient), physical, acceptability of complementary food by using local uses instant Brown rice flour and moringa leaf flour. The research method is postest only, formulations namely F1 (75: 5), F2 (72.5: 7.5), F3 (70:10), and F4 (67, 5: 12,5) to supply per 100 g of ingredients and complete the nutritional content using full cream powder 15 g and sugar 5 g. The nutrient content of the raw material of brown rice and moringa leaf flour was analyzed proximate in the laboratory, full cream milk powder and sugar using the nutrient composition of the literature source. The best product analysis uses the De Garmo effectiveness method. The results s...
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia, 2003
In the process of planning the landuse of an area, town planners require basic information such a... more In the process of planning the landuse of an area, town planners require basic information such as the geology, topography, landform and zones which are potentially unstable. Terrain Classification Map and its derivative thematic maps such as Landform, Erosion, Physical Constraints, Engineering Geology and Construction Suitability Maps serve as useful tools for such a purpose. Geological terrain mapping is carried out based on the evaluation of four attributes, namely, slope gradient attribute, terrain or morphology attribute, activity attribute and the erosion and instability attribute. To prepare the various derivative maps, a GIS system (using Arc Info or Arc View software) is used to analyse data from the four attributes. Geological terrain mapping was conducted in the Cameron Highlands and the various derivative maps produced from the mapping programme are used in the planning and approval of development projects in the area. Abstrak: Dalam proses perancangan gunatanah bagi sesuatu kawasan, perancang bandar memerlukan maklumat asas seperti geologi, topografi, bentuk muka bumi and zon-zon yang tidak stabil. Peta pengelasan terain and peta-peta tematik seperti bentuk muka bumi, hakisan, kekangan fizikal, geologi kejuruteraan dan kesesuaian pembangunan dapat berfungsi sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuan berkenaan. Pemetaan geologi terain yang dijalankan adalah berasaskan kepada penilaian empat atribut iaitu kecerunan cerun, terain atau morfologi, aktiviti yang dijalankan serta hakisan dan ketidakstabilan cerun. Untuk menyediakan berbagai peta tematik, sistem GIS (menggunakan perisian 'Arc Info' atau 'Arc View') digunakan untuk menganalisa data dari keempat-empat atribut tersebut. Pemetaan geologi terain telah dilakukan di Cameron Highlands dan berbagai peta tematik yang telah dihasilkan dari program pemetaan ini sedang digunakan dalam perancangan dan kelulusan projek-projek pembangunan di kawasan berkenaan.
JPPUMA Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Sosial Politik Universitas Medan Area, 2019
Tulisan ini membahas persoalan yang dialami oleh istri-istri nelayan di Desa Sei Nagalawan yang m... more Tulisan ini membahas persoalan yang dialami oleh istri-istri nelayan di Desa Sei Nagalawan yang mengalami bias sosial. Bias sosial dalam pengertian situasi paradox, dimana perempuan mengalami situasi paradoks yaitu ketika suami mereka pergi melaut untuk menangkap ikan. Secara otomatis tanggung jawab di keluarga dipegang oleh istri mereka. Tidak hanya itu, para istri nelayan tersebut juga setiap hari rutin menangkap ikan dipinggir pantai. Namun, sampai saat ini para perempuan tersebut tidak dianggap sebagai nelayan yang mengakibatkan mereka tidak bisa mendapatkan asuransi kesehatan dan akses untuk meminjam uang ke Bank. Tidak hanya peran perempuan nelayan dalam bidang sosial, ekonomi maupun lingkungan dalam aktivitas melawan kemiskinan. Penulis menggabungkan perspektif Marxis, Fenomenologis dan Etnometodologis dalam melawan fenomena diskriminasi dalam kedudukannya sebagai perempuan nelayan ditengah beban kerjanya yang bisa mencapai 18 jam perhari. Pada akhir tulisan ini penulis memaparkan bagaimana strategi perempuan nelayan di Desa Sei Nagalawan melawan kemiskinan dengan ikut aktif menangkap ikan dipinggir pantai, mengengembangkan ekowisata Kampung Nipah melaui Koperasi Serba Usaha Muara Maimbai, pengembangan UMKM dengan menjual makanan ringan berbahan baku mangrove (bakau) dan aktif melakukan aktivitas perjuangan demi memenuhi pengakuan perempuan sebagai nelayan. Sebab, menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 7 tahun 2016 tentang Perlindungan dan Pemberdayaan Nelayan,Pembudi Daya Ikan, dan Petambak Garam bahwa nelayan merupakan jenis pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan menangkap ikan.
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan, 2017
Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr. (Cempedak) is a plant with a kind of Moraceae family that is wi... more Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr. (Cempedak) is a plant with a kind of Moraceae family that is widely cultivated in Luwu, South Sulawesi. Extraction and antibacterial bioactivity test of Artocarpus integer (Thunb.) Merr. Heartwood have been done. Preparation of heartwood conducted by shaved, dried, crushed and macerated with methanol to obtain a crude extract of methanol. The methanol extract then partitioned successively in n-hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate to obtain the fraction of n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, and methanol. Antibacterial activity test using agar diffusion method on two types of gram-negative bacteria (E. coli and S. typhi) and two types of gram-positive bacteria (S. aureus and S. pneumonia) has been performed. The inhibition zone obtained on each fraction are the nhexane fraction of 12.80 mm in the bacterium S. pneumonia, chloroform fractions of 13.80 mm in the bacterium S. pneumoniae, ethyl acetate fraction of 9.80 mm in bacteria S. typhi, and the methanol fraction at 12.90 on S. pneumonia bacteria. The chloroform fraction has potential as antibacterial caused by the highest of inhibition ability toward S. pneumonia.
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2015
Objectives: Low-dose valganciclovir prophylaxis is still under investigation in renal transplant ... more Objectives: Low-dose valganciclovir prophylaxis is still under investigation in renal transplant procedures. Our aim was to assess the cost effectiveness of 450 mg versus 900 mg valganciclovir prophylaxis in kidney transplant recipients. Materials and Methods: In this prospective trial, 201 kidney transplant patients were randomized (1:1) to receive 450 mg/d (group 1, n = 100) or 900 mg/d (group 2, n = 101) valganciclovir prophylaxis for the first 6 months after transplant. Patients were studied for incidence of cytomegalovirus disease, leukopenia episodes, rejection episodes, and graft outcomes along with associated costs over 1 year. Costs (in US dollars) of treatment of rejection were also analyzed. Results: Demographic features of the studied groups were comparable. We found that the cost of cytomegalovirus care in group 1 patients was significantly lower (by 50% at 6 months; P < .001), with less leukopenia episodes (P = .04), lower doses of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (by 30% at 6 months; P = .03), higher doses of mycophenolate mofetil (P = .04), and less rejection episodes (P = .01) compared with group 2. In group 2, there were more episodes of cytomegalovirus infection (P = .052) and BK virus nephropathy (P = .04). Graft and patient outcomes were satisfactory in both groups. Conclusions: Low-dose valganciclovir for cytomegalovirus prophylaxis after renal transplant is safer, effective and without breakthrough infection, and less costly than using the usual dose.
The purpose of this study is how to describe the school development planning strategic in SMA 2 L... more The purpose of this study is how to describe the school development planning strategic in SMA 2 Lubuklinggau city. This research used the descriptive quality method. The data were gathered from the school principal, the teacher’s, the staff and the student’s. Three instrument were applied in collecting the data interview, observation and documentation. The data were gathered to analized by inductive techniques such as: reductive data, display data, and closed. The result of this research found that SMA 2 Lubuklinggau city has done the school development planning to develop the teacher’s quality. The factors to support and protect the development strategic of teacher’s quality, the development have to have professional ability, religious training so headmaster’s can become an expert in thinking with “IMTAQ” spirit that is followed by wealth support.