Zayafika Mareta - (original) (raw)
Papers by Zayafika Mareta
Chanos Chanos
The processing of rebon shrimp paste has been widely carried out by people in the coastal area of... more The processing of rebon shrimp paste has been widely carried out by people in the coastal area of Pacitan as a side activity in increasing family economic income and also participating in national development efforts in the fisheries sector. This study aims to measure the feasibility of rebon shrimp paste processing business based on financial (financial) aspects. This research was conducted during September 2022, in Sirnoboyo Village, Pacitan District, Pacitan Regency, East Java. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method. Descriptive quantitative research method is a method that aims to make pictures or descriptive of a situation objectively using numbers, starting from data collection, interpretation of the data and appearance and results. Sampling of the research was carried out on rebon shrimp shrimp paste entrepreneurs, members of Poklahsar Setya Bakti in Sirnoboyo Village. The feasibility of a business from the financial aspect is measured using the analysis o...
Chanos Chanos
Tingginya pertumbuhan pengguna internet tersebut berimbas pada nilai jual beli belanja online. Di... more Tingginya pertumbuhan pengguna internet tersebut berimbas pada nilai jual beli belanja online. Digital Marketing lantas kerap dimaknai sebagai satu cara promosi atau pemasaran sebuah produk maupun jasa melalui media digital. Terlepas dari semakin mudahnya pelaku bisnis dan konsumen melakukan hubungan jual beli sebagai akibat dari perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, ada risiko yang harus dihadapi khususnya dalam hal kepercayaan. Karena sifatnya yang tidak bertemu langsung antara pembeli dan penjual, dalam transaksi melalui media online akan memunculkan persepsi risiko yang berbeda-beda bagi setiap orang. Edumina Mart juga harus mampu mempertahankan eksistensinya melalui inovasi strategi pemasaran online ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepercayaan konsumen dan resiko yang dirasakan konsumen terhadap minat beli belanja online melalui media sosial di Edumina Mart Politeknik KP Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data kuantitatif dengan jumlah s...
Chanos chanos, Feb 13, 2021
The high growth of internet users has an impact on the buying and selling value of online shoppin... more The high growth of internet users has an impact on the buying and selling value of online shopping. Digital Marketing is often interpreted as a way of promoting or marketing a product or service through digital media. Apart from the ease with which businesses and consumers make buying and selling relationships as a result of developments in technology and information, there are risks that must be faced, especially in terms of trust. Due to its nature that does not meet directly between buyers and sellers, transactions through online media will create different perceptions of risk for each person. Edu Mina Mart must also be able to maintain its existence through this online marketing strategy innovation. This study aims to determine the effect of consumer trust and the risk felt by consumers on the interest in buying online shopping through social media at Edu Mina Mart, Polytechnic KP Sidoarjo. This study uses quantitative data analysis techniques with a sample size of 115 people. Based on the level of explanation of the position of the variables, this research is causal associative, which is research that looks for a causal relationship or effect between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The results showed that the value of the correlation coefficient of the trust variable and the risk perception variable simultaneously on consumer shopping interest was 0.513. This indicates a strong relationship or influence. Meanwhile, the simultaneous contribution or contribution of the variable level of trust and risk perception towards buying interest is 26% (0.263). This means that 74% of the contribution is determined by other variables not examined in this study.
Chanos Chanos
The processing of rebon shrimp paste has been widely carried out by people in the coastal area of... more The processing of rebon shrimp paste has been widely carried out by people in the coastal area of Pacitan as a side activity in increasing family economic income and also participating in national development efforts in the fisheries sector. This study aims to measure the feasibility of rebon shrimp paste processing business based on financial (financial) aspects. This research was conducted during September 2022, in Sirnoboyo Village, Pacitan District, Pacitan Regency, East Java. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method. Descriptive quantitative research method is a method that aims to make pictures or descriptive of a situation objectively using numbers, starting from data collection, interpretation of the data and appearance and results. Sampling of the research was carried out on rebon shrimp shrimp paste entrepreneurs, members of Poklahsar Setya Bakti in Sirnoboyo Village. The feasibility of a business from the financial aspect is measured using the analysis o...
Chanos Chanos
Tingginya pertumbuhan pengguna internet tersebut berimbas pada nilai jual beli belanja online. Di... more Tingginya pertumbuhan pengguna internet tersebut berimbas pada nilai jual beli belanja online. Digital Marketing lantas kerap dimaknai sebagai satu cara promosi atau pemasaran sebuah produk maupun jasa melalui media digital. Terlepas dari semakin mudahnya pelaku bisnis dan konsumen melakukan hubungan jual beli sebagai akibat dari perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, ada risiko yang harus dihadapi khususnya dalam hal kepercayaan. Karena sifatnya yang tidak bertemu langsung antara pembeli dan penjual, dalam transaksi melalui media online akan memunculkan persepsi risiko yang berbeda-beda bagi setiap orang. Edumina Mart juga harus mampu mempertahankan eksistensinya melalui inovasi strategi pemasaran online ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepercayaan konsumen dan resiko yang dirasakan konsumen terhadap minat beli belanja online melalui media sosial di Edumina Mart Politeknik KP Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data kuantitatif dengan jumlah s...
Chanos chanos, Feb 13, 2021
The high growth of internet users has an impact on the buying and selling value of online shoppin... more The high growth of internet users has an impact on the buying and selling value of online shopping. Digital Marketing is often interpreted as a way of promoting or marketing a product or service through digital media. Apart from the ease with which businesses and consumers make buying and selling relationships as a result of developments in technology and information, there are risks that must be faced, especially in terms of trust. Due to its nature that does not meet directly between buyers and sellers, transactions through online media will create different perceptions of risk for each person. Edu Mina Mart must also be able to maintain its existence through this online marketing strategy innovation. This study aims to determine the effect of consumer trust and the risk felt by consumers on the interest in buying online shopping through social media at Edu Mina Mart, Polytechnic KP Sidoarjo. This study uses quantitative data analysis techniques with a sample size of 115 people. Based on the level of explanation of the position of the variables, this research is causal associative, which is research that looks for a causal relationship or effect between the independent variable and the dependent variable. The results showed that the value of the correlation coefficient of the trust variable and the risk perception variable simultaneously on consumer shopping interest was 0.513. This indicates a strong relationship or influence. Meanwhile, the simultaneous contribution or contribution of the variable level of trust and risk perception towards buying interest is 26% (0.263). This means that 74% of the contribution is determined by other variables not examined in this study.