Zeynel DALKILIC - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by Zeynel DALKILIC

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of a sex-related RAPD marker in Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.)

Molecular markers are used in the characterization and breeding of organisms. Carob (Ceratonia si... more Molecular markers are used in the characterization and breeding of organisms. Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is a species with both dioecious and hermaphrodite flower forms. The determination of sex at an early stage of growth in this species, whose juvenility period is long, is important in breeding studies. The objective of this study was to identify the sex-related markers using RAPD method. Ten genotypes were obtained from natural F1 hybrids between a naturally grown a female and a male carob tree. DNA was extracted from the leaves of 12 carob plants. Using BSA, the female and male bulks were formed from five female and five male plants, respectively, using equal amounts of DNA from each plant. In this study, 130 RAPD primers were tested. That of 21 primers tested showed polymorphisms between male and female bulks. While the fragment of 750 bp from the OPA17 RAPD primer was not detected in the female parent, female bulk, and female F1 hybrids; it was observed in the male parent an...

Research paper thumbnail of Üç Yapraklı Portakal Çöğürlerinin Büyümesi Üzerine Mikoriza ve Solucan Gübresinin Etkisi, Nagami Kamkatı Aşı Kalemlerinin Kobalt-60 Işınlamasına Dayanımının Belirlenmesi ve Farklı Genotiplerin RAPD Belirteçleri ile Tanımlanması

Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of genetic relationship among some walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes and their early-bearing progenies using RAPD markers

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among ... more Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among eight walnut genotypes grown in Turkey. A total of 45 10-mer primers were tested with the RAPD technique. Thirty-seven primers showed reproducible polymorphic pattern. These primers produced 513 bands, out of which 340 were polymorphic. The molecular size varied between 200-5000 bp. The dendrogram realized from the RAPD markers grouped the eight genotypes into three major clusters. The highest similarity was found between NO-2 and NO-8 genotypes (0.779). The cophenetic correlation coefficient between the similarity matrix and the cophenetic matrix of the dendrogram was very high (r = 0.9131), supporting the validity of the dendrogram. Based on these results, RAPD analysis can be used for the characterization and grouping of walnut genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Bitkilerde Hareket, Davranış ve Zeka

Cevreye uyum saglama ve esneklik kavramlarinda bitkilerin davranisi konusunda gelismekte olan bit... more Cevreye uyum saglama ve esneklik kavramlarinda bitkilerin davranisi konusunda gelismekte olan bitki norobiyolojisi alaninda yapilan calismalar bitki biyokimyasi, hucre biyolojisi ve molekuler biyoloji uzmanliklarinin otesine gecmistir. Davranis, bir bireyin yasami suresince cevresel degisikliklere ya da olaylara verdigi goreceli olarak hizli ve potansiyel olarak geri donusumlu tepki olarak tanimlanabilir. Zekâ ise problem cozebilme yetenegidir. Bitkilerin davranisi mekânsal olarak heterojen olan ve surekli degisen bir cevrede besin kaynaklarini bulmaya, uremeye ve savunmaya en etkili sekilde olanak tanimaktadir. Davranis, bitkilerin genlerini sonraki nesle aktarmak icin mucadele etmesinde kritik derecede oneme sahiptir. Bitkilerdeki binlerce kok ucunun hareketi, suru icindeki hayvanlarin birbirlerine belirli bir mesafeyi koruyarak belirlenen hedefe dogru gitmesine benzetilebilir. Bitkiler cevreden gelen uyaranlara tepki vererek, bireysel olarak hareket eder gibi gozlense de tum popu...

Research paper thumbnail of Pollen characteristics of blood oranges and determination of hybrids with SRAP markers

Anther numbers, pollen numbers, the ratios of pollen viability and germination tests were perform... more Anther numbers, pollen numbers, the ratios of pollen viability and germination tests were performed in 11 parent blood orange parents in 2011. Hybridizations between ‘Clementine’ mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and different blood oranges (C. sinensis Osbeck), namely ‘Moro’, ‘Sanguinello’, ‘Tarocco’ cultivars, and A1, A2, A3, H1, H2, H3, K1, K2 local genotypes, were conducted in 2010 and 2011. The highest pollen viability was found in H3 blood orange genotype with 43.38% in TTC (2, 3, 5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) test. The highest pollen germination was obtained at H3 blood orange genotype on 1% agar+ 25% sucrose. While the highest anther count was found in ‘Tarocco’ with 22.17, the highest total pollen count/flower was found in A1 with 139421 on the hemacytometer. At hybridization experiments, 1397 and 580 flowers were crossed, and 27 and 43 fruit, and 86 and 348 seeds were obtained in 2010 and, 2011, respectively. From these seeds, 42 and 161 hybrid plants were grown. The...

Research paper thumbnail of İncir (Bursa Siyahı), Ters Dut, Kırmızı Dut, Ceviz (Kaplan-86) Odun Çeliklerinin Köklenmesi Üzerine Mikrobiyel Sıvı Gübrenin Etkisi

Bursa Siyahi inciri (Ficus carica), ters dut (Morus alba Pendula), kirmizi dut (Morus rubra) ve K... more Bursa Siyahi inciri (Ficus carica), ters dut (Morus alba Pendula), kirmizi dut (Morus rubra) ve Kaplan-86 ceviz (Juglans regia) agacindan kis dinlenme mevsiminde iki farkli doneminde odun celikleri alinmistir. Her tekerrurde 10’ar celik olacak sekilde 3 tekerrurlu, her donemde toplam 480’er odun celigi kullanilmistir. Deneme tesaduf bloklari deneme desenine gore iki faktorlu olarak kurulmustur. Hazirlanan celiklerin dip bolumu 10×104 (w/w) yararli mikroorganizma iceren mikrobiyel organik sivi gubrenin 0, 25, 50 ve 100 ml/L cozeltisinde bir gece bekletildikten sonra dikilmistir. Koklendirme icin icerisinde perlit bulunan plastik siyah saksilar kullanilmistir. En yuksek koklenme Bursa Siyahi’nda 25 ml/L organik sivi gubre uygulamasindan Sonbahar 2018 doneminde %90.0 ve Ilkbahar 2019 doneminde %76.7 ile elde edilmistir. En yuksek koklenme genotipler dikkate alindiginda Sonbahar 2018’de %61.7 ve Ilkbahar 2019’da %57.5 ile Bursa Siyahi’ndan; uygulamalar dikkate alindiginda Sonbahar 2018’...

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of genetic relationship among some walnut ( Juglans regia L . ) genotypes and their early-bearing progenies using RAPD markers

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among ... more Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among eight walnut genotypes grown in Turkey. A total of 45 10-mer primers were tested with the RAPD technique. Thirty-seven primers showed reproducible polymorphic pattern. These primers produced 513 bands, out of which 340 were polymorphic. The molecular size varied between 200 – 5000 bp. The dendrogram realized from the RAPD markers grouped the eight genotypes into three major clusters. The highest similarity was found between NO-2 and NO-8 genotypes (0.779). The cophenetic correlation coefficient between the similarity matrix and the cophenetic matrix of the dendrogram was very high (r = 0.9131), supporting the validity of the dendrogram. Based on these results, RAPD analysis can be used for the characterization and grouping of walnut genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Memecik Zeytin Çeliklerinin Köklenmesi Üzerine Etilenin Etkisi

Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi

Bu çalışmada, Memecik zeytin çeliklerinin köklenmesi üzerine etilenin etkisinin belirlenmesi amaç... more Bu çalışmada, Memecik zeytin çeliklerinin köklenmesi üzerine etilenin etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada 10 farklı bitki büyüme düzenleyici madde kombinasyonu uygulamasında her uygulamada 3 tekerrür, her tekerrürde 30'ar adet olmak üzere toplam 900 adet zeytin yarı odun çeliği kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda en yüksek köklenme oranı %44.4 ile 0 etilen+6000 ppm IBA uygulamasından elde edilirken, bunu %42.2 ile 0 etilen+8000 ppm IBA uygulaması izlemiştir. En düşük köklenme oranı %2.2 ile 0 etilen+0 ppm IBA (kontrol) ve 150 etilen+4000 ppm IBA (dikimden 10 gün sonra) uygulamalarında gözlenmiştir. Çeliklerin dikimden itibaren farklı günlerde yapılan bitki büyümeyi düzenleyici maddeleri uygulamalarında en yüksek kallus oranı (% 44.7) 150 etilen+4000 ppm IBA (20.gün)'da, en fazla kök sayısı (13.3 adet) 0 etilen+6000 ppm IBA'da, en fazla kök uzunluğu (7.0 cm) 50 etilen+4000 ppm IBA (10.gün)'da ve en fazla kök çapı (3.0 mm) 150 etilen+4000 ppm IBA (10.gün)'da elde edilmiştir. Sürgün uzunluğu, çapı ve sayısı bakımından uygulamalar arasındaki farklılık önemli bulunmamıştır. Artan etilen dozları Memecik yarı odun çeliklerinin köklenmesini azalttığı için 50 ppm'den daha düşük etilen dozlarının denenmesi tavsiye edilmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Bitkilerdeki Fitokrom Işık Algılayıcıları

Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi

Öz: Canlılar ışığı algılar ve tepki verir. Işık fotosentez için enerji kaynağı sağlamasının yanın... more Öz: Canlılar ışığı algılar ve tepki verir. Işık fotosentez için enerji kaynağı sağlamasının yanında, bitkilere çevrelerindeki durum hakkında da bilgi verir. Bitkilerde diğer pigmentlere ek olarak kromofor ismi verilen ışığa duyarlı pigmentler de bulunur. Günümüzde bitkilerde keşfedilen ışık algılayıcılarının sayısı 16'ya ulaşmıştır. Bunlar arasında fitokromlar, kriptokromlar, fototropinler ve UVR8 sayılabilir. Bunlardan kırmızı (R) ve kırmızı ötesi (FR) ışığı algılayan fitokromlar hem ilk keşfedilenlerdir hem de bitki büyüme ve gelişmesinde etkilidir. Fitokromlar bitkilerde tohum dinlenmesi, çimlenmesi, fide büyümesi, çiçeklenme ve yaşlanma gibi safhalarda önemli rol oynarlar. Fitokromlar öncelikle Pr formunda oluşur. Biyolojik olarak aktif olmayan Pr, gündüz kırmızı ışığı absorbe ettikten sonra aktif olan Pfr'ye dönüşür. Gündüz birikerek yüksek seviyeye ulaşan Pfr formu, dönüşüm ve parçalanma yoluyla gece azalır. Pr/Pfr oranı, bitkinin fotoperiyodun uzunluğunu algılayabilmesini sağlar. Fitokromlar ışığa göre değişken olan Tip I ve ışığa karşı göreceli olarak kararlı olan Tip II şeklinde 2 grupta incelenebilir. Diğer bir görüşe göre fitokromlarda düşük ışık şiddetine tepki veren LFR formu, çok düşük ışık şiddetine tepki veren VLFR formu, yüksek ışık şiddetine tepki veren HIR formu ve kırmızı/kırmızı ötesi oranına tepki veren R/FR formu olarak 4 grup tepki modu bulunur. Bitki fitokromunun yapısının çözülmesi, fitokromların haberleşme mekanizmasının anlaşılmasını sağlayabilecektir. Daha ekonomik, yüksek çıktılı yeni generasyon baz dizileme teknolojileri, ChIP-seq ve RNA-seq yöntemlerinin kullanımı yoluyla fitokromun genom seviyesinde tanımlanmasına yardım edebilecektir.

Research paper thumbnail of N Vitro Pollen Quantity, Viability and Germination Tests in Quince


Quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) cvs. Ekmek, Eşme, Limon, Ege 2, Ege 22, Ege 25 and Quince-A rootst... more Quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) cvs. Ekmek, Eşme, Limon, Ege 2, Ege 22, Ege 25 and Quince-A rootstock pollens were collected in April from the unopened pink balloon-stage flowers on mature trees. The pollen amount was between 20063 pollen/flower ('Ege 25') and 11906 pollen/flower ('Limon') with hemacytometer. The lowest and highest pollen viability were determined from 79.8 (Quince A in day 14) to 97.8% ('Ege 2' in day 0) by IKI. The germination rates in different sucrose and boric acid concentrations in 1% agar changed from 0 ('Limon' in 0% sucrose) to 91.7% ('Ege 2' in 20% sucrose) and from 32.7 (Quince A in 0 mg/L boric acid) to 94.9% ('Ege 22' in 100 mg/L boric acid), respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of ECOLOGY AND POPULATION BIOLOGY Genetic Relationships Among Florida Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Populations

Annals of the Entomological Society of America

Genetic differentiation among six Florida populations of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) was determine... more Genetic differentiation among six Florida populations of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) was determined using protein and random ampliÞed polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) markers. Proteins were separated by electrophoresis and stained with silver stain and for ␣-naphthylacetate esterase activity. No differentiation was observed among populations when egg proteins were silver stained: ␣-naphthylacetate esterase activity differentiated Þve of the six populations. RAPD-PCR data showed signiÞcant differentiation among populations, consistent with the hypothesis of three independent introductions of D. abbreviatus into Florida. Our data indicate that D. abbreviatus populations, once introduced, have generally remained in one locality with limited dispersal to new areas. KEY WORDS Diaprepes, esterase, population differentiation, random ampliÞed polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction ADULT AND LARVAL stages of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) feed on leaves, roots, and fruit of...

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Blooming, Pollen and Fruit Set Characteristics in Punica granatum

Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca

The objective of this study was to investigate flowering, pollen, and fruit set characteristics o... more The objective of this study was to investigate flowering, pollen, and fruit set characteristics of locally registered pomegranate cultivars between two consecutive years. ‘Dr. Ercan 35’, ‘Efenar 35’, ‘Kamilbey 35’, and ‘Tezeren 35’ cultivars have been developed by cross-breeding programs. Open-, cross-, and self-pollination studies were performed with these cultivars using three trees in each replicate in the field. Number of anthers per flower, number of pollen grains per anther, viability, and germination tests were conducted in the laboratory. Fruit set ratio of self-pollinated combinations were lower than open-pollination. The fruit set ratio from self-pollination was obtained from ‘Dr. Ercan’ (60.3%), ‘Efenar 35’ (62.4%), ‘Kamilbey 35’ (50.5%), and ‘Tezeren 35’ (25.2%). The highest fruit set ratio (49.7%) was obtained from ‘Kamilbey 35’ × ‘Dr. Ercan 35’ combination. The highest number of characteristics was as follows: ‘Tezeren 35’ (402 anthers/hermaphrodite flowers), ‘Kamilbey...

Research paper thumbnail of DNA content estimation of Fig and Black Mulberry using flow cytometry

Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura

In this study, fig and black mulberry DNA contents were estimated using DAPI fluorescence stain i... more In this study, fig and black mulberry DNA contents were estimated using DAPI fluorescence stain in flow cytometry. The 2C DNA contents of the fig and black mulberry were found as 0.82 pg and 8.34 pg, respectively. The calculated 1C value of genome size of fig is 401.8 Mbp and that of black mulberry is 4086.6 Mbp. The ratio of 2C DNA content and 1C genome of the black mulberry was 10.17 times that of the fig although fig is diploid and black mulberry is decosaploid.

Research paper thumbnail of Cracked fruit ratio in fig (Ficus carica L. cv. Sarilop) plantations of the lowland of Aydın, Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Pikan Tohumlarının Çimlenme Hızının Belirlenmesi

Adnan Menderes Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi, Jan 27, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of genetic relationship among some walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes and their early-bearing progenies using RAPD markers

Romanian Biotechnological Letters

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among ... more Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among eight walnut genotypes grown in Turkey. A total of 45 10-mer primers were tested with the RAPD technique. Thirty-seven primers showed reproducible polymorphic pattern. These primers produced 513 bands, out of which 340 were polymorphic. The molecular size varied between 200 – 5000 bp. The dendrogram realized from the RAPD markers grouped the eight genotypes into three major clusters. The highest similarity was found between NO-2 and NO-8 genotypes (0.779). The cophenetic correlation coefficient between the similarity matrix and the cophenetic matrix of the dendrogram was very high (r = 0.9131), supporting the validity of the dendrogram. Based on these results, RAPD analysis can be used for the characterization and grouping of walnut genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of A research on the selection of cornel

Developments in Plant Breeding, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic Relationships Among Florida <I>Diaprepes abbreviatus</I> (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Populations

Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 2000

Genetic differentiation among six Florida populations of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) was determine... more Genetic differentiation among six Florida populations of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) was determined using protein and random ampliÞed polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) markers. Proteins were separated by electrophoresis and stained with silver stain and for ␣-naphthylacetate esterase activity. No differentiation was observed among populations when egg proteins were silver stained: ␣-naphthylacetate esterase activity differentiated Þve of the six populations. RAPD-PCR data showed signiÞcant differentiation among populations, consistent with the hypothesis of three independent introductions of D. abbreviatus into Florida. Our data indicate that D. abbreviatus populations, once introduced, have generally remained in one locality with limited dispersal to new areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Linkage of an Alternaria Disease Resistance Gene in Mandarin Hybrids with RAPD Fragments

Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science

The inheritance of resistance to a host-specific isolate (Shinn) of Alternaria alternata (Fr.:Fr.... more The inheritance of resistance to a host-specific isolate (Shinn) of Alternaria alternata (Fr.:Fr.) Keissl. from `Minneola' tangelo (a cross between Citrus paradisi Macf. `Duncan' and C. reticulata Blanco `Dancy') was shown to be controlled by a single recessive allele, aaM1, within the citrus genome. A backcross between resistant `Clementine' mandarin (C. reticulata) and susceptible LB#8-10 (a hybrid of `Clementine' mandarin and `Minneola' tangelo) resulted in 61 resistant (R) and 58 susceptible (S) plants (χ2 = 0.0756, P ≥ 0.05), but the reciprocal cross deviated from the expected 1R:1S ratio (87 R and 36 S plants (χ2 = 21.1463, P ≥ 0.05). A dominant allele, AaM1, of this resistance gene was found in a loose coupling phase linkage with two RAPD markers, P12850 (15.3 cM) and AL31250 (36.7 cM), after JOINMAP computer analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of a sex-related RAPD marker in Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.)

Molecular markers are used in the characterization and breeding of organisms. Carob (Ceratonia si... more Molecular markers are used in the characterization and breeding of organisms. Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is a species with both dioecious and hermaphrodite flower forms. The determination of sex at an early stage of growth in this species, whose juvenility period is long, is important in breeding studies. The objective of this study was to identify the sex-related markers using RAPD method. Ten genotypes were obtained from natural F1 hybrids between a naturally grown a female and a male carob tree. DNA was extracted from the leaves of 12 carob plants. Using BSA, the female and male bulks were formed from five female and five male plants, respectively, using equal amounts of DNA from each plant. In this study, 130 RAPD primers were tested. That of 21 primers tested showed polymorphisms between male and female bulks. While the fragment of 750 bp from the OPA17 RAPD primer was not detected in the female parent, female bulk, and female F1 hybrids; it was observed in the male parent an...

Research paper thumbnail of Üç Yapraklı Portakal Çöğürlerinin Büyümesi Üzerine Mikoriza ve Solucan Gübresinin Etkisi, Nagami Kamkatı Aşı Kalemlerinin Kobalt-60 Işınlamasına Dayanımının Belirlenmesi ve Farklı Genotiplerin RAPD Belirteçleri ile Tanımlanması

Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of genetic relationship among some walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes and their early-bearing progenies using RAPD markers

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among ... more Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among eight walnut genotypes grown in Turkey. A total of 45 10-mer primers were tested with the RAPD technique. Thirty-seven primers showed reproducible polymorphic pattern. These primers produced 513 bands, out of which 340 were polymorphic. The molecular size varied between 200-5000 bp. The dendrogram realized from the RAPD markers grouped the eight genotypes into three major clusters. The highest similarity was found between NO-2 and NO-8 genotypes (0.779). The cophenetic correlation coefficient between the similarity matrix and the cophenetic matrix of the dendrogram was very high (r = 0.9131), supporting the validity of the dendrogram. Based on these results, RAPD analysis can be used for the characterization and grouping of walnut genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Bitkilerde Hareket, Davranış ve Zeka

Cevreye uyum saglama ve esneklik kavramlarinda bitkilerin davranisi konusunda gelismekte olan bit... more Cevreye uyum saglama ve esneklik kavramlarinda bitkilerin davranisi konusunda gelismekte olan bitki norobiyolojisi alaninda yapilan calismalar bitki biyokimyasi, hucre biyolojisi ve molekuler biyoloji uzmanliklarinin otesine gecmistir. Davranis, bir bireyin yasami suresince cevresel degisikliklere ya da olaylara verdigi goreceli olarak hizli ve potansiyel olarak geri donusumlu tepki olarak tanimlanabilir. Zekâ ise problem cozebilme yetenegidir. Bitkilerin davranisi mekânsal olarak heterojen olan ve surekli degisen bir cevrede besin kaynaklarini bulmaya, uremeye ve savunmaya en etkili sekilde olanak tanimaktadir. Davranis, bitkilerin genlerini sonraki nesle aktarmak icin mucadele etmesinde kritik derecede oneme sahiptir. Bitkilerdeki binlerce kok ucunun hareketi, suru icindeki hayvanlarin birbirlerine belirli bir mesafeyi koruyarak belirlenen hedefe dogru gitmesine benzetilebilir. Bitkiler cevreden gelen uyaranlara tepki vererek, bireysel olarak hareket eder gibi gozlense de tum popu...

Research paper thumbnail of Pollen characteristics of blood oranges and determination of hybrids with SRAP markers

Anther numbers, pollen numbers, the ratios of pollen viability and germination tests were perform... more Anther numbers, pollen numbers, the ratios of pollen viability and germination tests were performed in 11 parent blood orange parents in 2011. Hybridizations between ‘Clementine’ mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and different blood oranges (C. sinensis Osbeck), namely ‘Moro’, ‘Sanguinello’, ‘Tarocco’ cultivars, and A1, A2, A3, H1, H2, H3, K1, K2 local genotypes, were conducted in 2010 and 2011. The highest pollen viability was found in H3 blood orange genotype with 43.38% in TTC (2, 3, 5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) test. The highest pollen germination was obtained at H3 blood orange genotype on 1% agar+ 25% sucrose. While the highest anther count was found in ‘Tarocco’ with 22.17, the highest total pollen count/flower was found in A1 with 139421 on the hemacytometer. At hybridization experiments, 1397 and 580 flowers were crossed, and 27 and 43 fruit, and 86 and 348 seeds were obtained in 2010 and, 2011, respectively. From these seeds, 42 and 161 hybrid plants were grown. The...

Research paper thumbnail of İncir (Bursa Siyahı), Ters Dut, Kırmızı Dut, Ceviz (Kaplan-86) Odun Çeliklerinin Köklenmesi Üzerine Mikrobiyel Sıvı Gübrenin Etkisi

Bursa Siyahi inciri (Ficus carica), ters dut (Morus alba Pendula), kirmizi dut (Morus rubra) ve K... more Bursa Siyahi inciri (Ficus carica), ters dut (Morus alba Pendula), kirmizi dut (Morus rubra) ve Kaplan-86 ceviz (Juglans regia) agacindan kis dinlenme mevsiminde iki farkli doneminde odun celikleri alinmistir. Her tekerrurde 10’ar celik olacak sekilde 3 tekerrurlu, her donemde toplam 480’er odun celigi kullanilmistir. Deneme tesaduf bloklari deneme desenine gore iki faktorlu olarak kurulmustur. Hazirlanan celiklerin dip bolumu 10×104 (w/w) yararli mikroorganizma iceren mikrobiyel organik sivi gubrenin 0, 25, 50 ve 100 ml/L cozeltisinde bir gece bekletildikten sonra dikilmistir. Koklendirme icin icerisinde perlit bulunan plastik siyah saksilar kullanilmistir. En yuksek koklenme Bursa Siyahi’nda 25 ml/L organik sivi gubre uygulamasindan Sonbahar 2018 doneminde %90.0 ve Ilkbahar 2019 doneminde %76.7 ile elde edilmistir. En yuksek koklenme genotipler dikkate alindiginda Sonbahar 2018’de %61.7 ve Ilkbahar 2019’da %57.5 ile Bursa Siyahi’ndan; uygulamalar dikkate alindiginda Sonbahar 2018’...

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of genetic relationship among some walnut ( Juglans regia L . ) genotypes and their early-bearing progenies using RAPD markers

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among ... more Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among eight walnut genotypes grown in Turkey. A total of 45 10-mer primers were tested with the RAPD technique. Thirty-seven primers showed reproducible polymorphic pattern. These primers produced 513 bands, out of which 340 were polymorphic. The molecular size varied between 200 – 5000 bp. The dendrogram realized from the RAPD markers grouped the eight genotypes into three major clusters. The highest similarity was found between NO-2 and NO-8 genotypes (0.779). The cophenetic correlation coefficient between the similarity matrix and the cophenetic matrix of the dendrogram was very high (r = 0.9131), supporting the validity of the dendrogram. Based on these results, RAPD analysis can be used for the characterization and grouping of walnut genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of Memecik Zeytin Çeliklerinin Köklenmesi Üzerine Etilenin Etkisi

Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi

Bu çalışmada, Memecik zeytin çeliklerinin köklenmesi üzerine etilenin etkisinin belirlenmesi amaç... more Bu çalışmada, Memecik zeytin çeliklerinin köklenmesi üzerine etilenin etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada 10 farklı bitki büyüme düzenleyici madde kombinasyonu uygulamasında her uygulamada 3 tekerrür, her tekerrürde 30'ar adet olmak üzere toplam 900 adet zeytin yarı odun çeliği kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda en yüksek köklenme oranı %44.4 ile 0 etilen+6000 ppm IBA uygulamasından elde edilirken, bunu %42.2 ile 0 etilen+8000 ppm IBA uygulaması izlemiştir. En düşük köklenme oranı %2.2 ile 0 etilen+0 ppm IBA (kontrol) ve 150 etilen+4000 ppm IBA (dikimden 10 gün sonra) uygulamalarında gözlenmiştir. Çeliklerin dikimden itibaren farklı günlerde yapılan bitki büyümeyi düzenleyici maddeleri uygulamalarında en yüksek kallus oranı (% 44.7) 150 etilen+4000 ppm IBA (20.gün)'da, en fazla kök sayısı (13.3 adet) 0 etilen+6000 ppm IBA'da, en fazla kök uzunluğu (7.0 cm) 50 etilen+4000 ppm IBA (10.gün)'da ve en fazla kök çapı (3.0 mm) 150 etilen+4000 ppm IBA (10.gün)'da elde edilmiştir. Sürgün uzunluğu, çapı ve sayısı bakımından uygulamalar arasındaki farklılık önemli bulunmamıştır. Artan etilen dozları Memecik yarı odun çeliklerinin köklenmesini azalttığı için 50 ppm'den daha düşük etilen dozlarının denenmesi tavsiye edilmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Bitkilerdeki Fitokrom Işık Algılayıcıları

Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi

Öz: Canlılar ışığı algılar ve tepki verir. Işık fotosentez için enerji kaynağı sağlamasının yanın... more Öz: Canlılar ışığı algılar ve tepki verir. Işık fotosentez için enerji kaynağı sağlamasının yanında, bitkilere çevrelerindeki durum hakkında da bilgi verir. Bitkilerde diğer pigmentlere ek olarak kromofor ismi verilen ışığa duyarlı pigmentler de bulunur. Günümüzde bitkilerde keşfedilen ışık algılayıcılarının sayısı 16'ya ulaşmıştır. Bunlar arasında fitokromlar, kriptokromlar, fototropinler ve UVR8 sayılabilir. Bunlardan kırmızı (R) ve kırmızı ötesi (FR) ışığı algılayan fitokromlar hem ilk keşfedilenlerdir hem de bitki büyüme ve gelişmesinde etkilidir. Fitokromlar bitkilerde tohum dinlenmesi, çimlenmesi, fide büyümesi, çiçeklenme ve yaşlanma gibi safhalarda önemli rol oynarlar. Fitokromlar öncelikle Pr formunda oluşur. Biyolojik olarak aktif olmayan Pr, gündüz kırmızı ışığı absorbe ettikten sonra aktif olan Pfr'ye dönüşür. Gündüz birikerek yüksek seviyeye ulaşan Pfr formu, dönüşüm ve parçalanma yoluyla gece azalır. Pr/Pfr oranı, bitkinin fotoperiyodun uzunluğunu algılayabilmesini sağlar. Fitokromlar ışığa göre değişken olan Tip I ve ışığa karşı göreceli olarak kararlı olan Tip II şeklinde 2 grupta incelenebilir. Diğer bir görüşe göre fitokromlarda düşük ışık şiddetine tepki veren LFR formu, çok düşük ışık şiddetine tepki veren VLFR formu, yüksek ışık şiddetine tepki veren HIR formu ve kırmızı/kırmızı ötesi oranına tepki veren R/FR formu olarak 4 grup tepki modu bulunur. Bitki fitokromunun yapısının çözülmesi, fitokromların haberleşme mekanizmasının anlaşılmasını sağlayabilecektir. Daha ekonomik, yüksek çıktılı yeni generasyon baz dizileme teknolojileri, ChIP-seq ve RNA-seq yöntemlerinin kullanımı yoluyla fitokromun genom seviyesinde tanımlanmasına yardım edebilecektir.

Research paper thumbnail of N Vitro Pollen Quantity, Viability and Germination Tests in Quince


Quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) cvs. Ekmek, Eşme, Limon, Ege 2, Ege 22, Ege 25 and Quince-A rootst... more Quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) cvs. Ekmek, Eşme, Limon, Ege 2, Ege 22, Ege 25 and Quince-A rootstock pollens were collected in April from the unopened pink balloon-stage flowers on mature trees. The pollen amount was between 20063 pollen/flower ('Ege 25') and 11906 pollen/flower ('Limon') with hemacytometer. The lowest and highest pollen viability were determined from 79.8 (Quince A in day 14) to 97.8% ('Ege 2' in day 0) by IKI. The germination rates in different sucrose and boric acid concentrations in 1% agar changed from 0 ('Limon' in 0% sucrose) to 91.7% ('Ege 2' in 20% sucrose) and from 32.7 (Quince A in 0 mg/L boric acid) to 94.9% ('Ege 22' in 100 mg/L boric acid), respectively.

Research paper thumbnail of ECOLOGY AND POPULATION BIOLOGY Genetic Relationships Among Florida Diaprepes abbreviatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Populations

Annals of the Entomological Society of America

Genetic differentiation among six Florida populations of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) was determine... more Genetic differentiation among six Florida populations of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) was determined using protein and random ampliÞed polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) markers. Proteins were separated by electrophoresis and stained with silver stain and for ␣-naphthylacetate esterase activity. No differentiation was observed among populations when egg proteins were silver stained: ␣-naphthylacetate esterase activity differentiated Þve of the six populations. RAPD-PCR data showed signiÞcant differentiation among populations, consistent with the hypothesis of three independent introductions of D. abbreviatus into Florida. Our data indicate that D. abbreviatus populations, once introduced, have generally remained in one locality with limited dispersal to new areas. KEY WORDS Diaprepes, esterase, population differentiation, random ampliÞed polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction ADULT AND LARVAL stages of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) feed on leaves, roots, and fruit of...

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of Blooming, Pollen and Fruit Set Characteristics in Punica granatum

Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca

The objective of this study was to investigate flowering, pollen, and fruit set characteristics o... more The objective of this study was to investigate flowering, pollen, and fruit set characteristics of locally registered pomegranate cultivars between two consecutive years. ‘Dr. Ercan 35’, ‘Efenar 35’, ‘Kamilbey 35’, and ‘Tezeren 35’ cultivars have been developed by cross-breeding programs. Open-, cross-, and self-pollination studies were performed with these cultivars using three trees in each replicate in the field. Number of anthers per flower, number of pollen grains per anther, viability, and germination tests were conducted in the laboratory. Fruit set ratio of self-pollinated combinations were lower than open-pollination. The fruit set ratio from self-pollination was obtained from ‘Dr. Ercan’ (60.3%), ‘Efenar 35’ (62.4%), ‘Kamilbey 35’ (50.5%), and ‘Tezeren 35’ (25.2%). The highest fruit set ratio (49.7%) was obtained from ‘Kamilbey 35’ × ‘Dr. Ercan 35’ combination. The highest number of characteristics was as follows: ‘Tezeren 35’ (402 anthers/hermaphrodite flowers), ‘Kamilbey...

Research paper thumbnail of DNA content estimation of Fig and Black Mulberry using flow cytometry

Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura

In this study, fig and black mulberry DNA contents were estimated using DAPI fluorescence stain i... more In this study, fig and black mulberry DNA contents were estimated using DAPI fluorescence stain in flow cytometry. The 2C DNA contents of the fig and black mulberry were found as 0.82 pg and 8.34 pg, respectively. The calculated 1C value of genome size of fig is 401.8 Mbp and that of black mulberry is 4086.6 Mbp. The ratio of 2C DNA content and 1C genome of the black mulberry was 10.17 times that of the fig although fig is diploid and black mulberry is decosaploid.

Research paper thumbnail of Cracked fruit ratio in fig (Ficus carica L. cv. Sarilop) plantations of the lowland of Aydın, Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Pikan Tohumlarının Çimlenme Hızının Belirlenmesi

Adnan Menderes Universitesi Ziraat Fakultesi Dergisi, Jan 27, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Determination of genetic relationship among some walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes and their early-bearing progenies using RAPD markers

Romanian Biotechnological Letters

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among ... more Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method was used to study the genetic relationships among eight walnut genotypes grown in Turkey. A total of 45 10-mer primers were tested with the RAPD technique. Thirty-seven primers showed reproducible polymorphic pattern. These primers produced 513 bands, out of which 340 were polymorphic. The molecular size varied between 200 – 5000 bp. The dendrogram realized from the RAPD markers grouped the eight genotypes into three major clusters. The highest similarity was found between NO-2 and NO-8 genotypes (0.779). The cophenetic correlation coefficient between the similarity matrix and the cophenetic matrix of the dendrogram was very high (r = 0.9131), supporting the validity of the dendrogram. Based on these results, RAPD analysis can be used for the characterization and grouping of walnut genotypes.

Research paper thumbnail of A research on the selection of cornel

Developments in Plant Breeding, 1994

Research paper thumbnail of Genetic Relationships Among Florida <I>Diaprepes abbreviatus</I> (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Populations

Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 2000

Genetic differentiation among six Florida populations of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) was determine... more Genetic differentiation among six Florida populations of Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) was determined using protein and random ampliÞed polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) markers. Proteins were separated by electrophoresis and stained with silver stain and for ␣-naphthylacetate esterase activity. No differentiation was observed among populations when egg proteins were silver stained: ␣-naphthylacetate esterase activity differentiated Þve of the six populations. RAPD-PCR data showed signiÞcant differentiation among populations, consistent with the hypothesis of three independent introductions of D. abbreviatus into Florida. Our data indicate that D. abbreviatus populations, once introduced, have generally remained in one locality with limited dispersal to new areas.

Research paper thumbnail of Linkage of an Alternaria Disease Resistance Gene in Mandarin Hybrids with RAPD Fragments

Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science

The inheritance of resistance to a host-specific isolate (Shinn) of Alternaria alternata (Fr.:Fr.... more The inheritance of resistance to a host-specific isolate (Shinn) of Alternaria alternata (Fr.:Fr.) Keissl. from `Minneola' tangelo (a cross between Citrus paradisi Macf. `Duncan' and C. reticulata Blanco `Dancy') was shown to be controlled by a single recessive allele, aaM1, within the citrus genome. A backcross between resistant `Clementine' mandarin (C. reticulata) and susceptible LB#8-10 (a hybrid of `Clementine' mandarin and `Minneola' tangelo) resulted in 61 resistant (R) and 58 susceptible (S) plants (χ2 = 0.0756, P ≥ 0.05), but the reciprocal cross deviated from the expected 1R:1S ratio (87 R and 36 S plants (χ2 = 21.1463, P ≥ 0.05). A dominant allele, AaM1, of this resistance gene was found in a loose coupling phase linkage with two RAPD markers, P12850 (15.3 cM) and AL31250 (36.7 cM), after JOINMAP computer analysis.