Zeynep Şahin - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Zeynep Şahin
Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi
İnsan haklarının vazgeçilmez değerler şeklinde kabul edildiği ülkelere bakıldığında, kadınların s... more İnsan haklarının vazgeçilmez değerler şeklinde kabul edildiği ülkelere bakıldığında, kadınların siyasal, ekonomik, kültürel ve sosyal alana katılımını mümkün kılacak tüm haklardan yararlanma konusunda erkeklerle eşit olması gerektiği anlayışı hâkimdir. Bu anlayış, insan hakları belgeleri, uluslararası sözleşme hatta ülkelerin mevzuatında olmasına rağmen, gelişmişlik düzeyleri ne düzeyde olursa olsun pek çoğunda hâlen, yaşamın temel alanlarını teşkil eden çalışma hayatı, sağlık, eğitim ve siyasal yaşamda temsil hususunda toplumsal cinsiyet bağlamında eşitliğin yakalanamadığı görülmektedir. Bu problem siyasal alanda, özellikle yerel siyasette temsil bağlamında kendini çok daha fazla hissettirmektedir. Bu doğrultuda çalışmanın amacı, ülkemizde "kadının yerel siyasette temsilinin yetersizliği" sorunsalının 31 Mart 2019 Mahalli İdareler Seçimleri ölçeğinde Trabzon İli özelindeki durumunun incelenmesidir. Betimsel analiz yönteminin kullanıldığı çalışmada, Trabzon İline ait 31 Mart 2019 Mahalli İdareler Seçimleri aday listeleri/sonuçları, Yüksek Seçim Kurulu (YSK)"nun ilân ettiği verilerden yararlanılmak suretiyle sunulmaktadır. Büyükşehir belediye başkanlığı başta olmak üzere, il sınırlarındaki merkez ile diğer belde belediye başkanı, belediye meclis, il genel meclisi üyeliğine ""aday olma"" ve ""seçilme"" ölçütleri bağlamında kadın temsil oranları incelenmektedir. Çalışmanın sonucunda büyükşehir ve belde belediye başkanlığına ""aday olma"" düzeyinde kadın temsili sırasıyla %22.2 ile %1 oranında gerçekleştiği; fakat ""seçilme"" bağlamında temsile rastlanmadığı görülmektedir. İlçe belediye meclis ve il genel meclisi üyeliğine ""aday olma"" %11.72, % 7.05; ""seçilme"" düzeyinde kadın temsilinin % 7,05, %4.35"lik seviyede olduğu tespit edilmektedir. Türkiye"de kadınların yerel siyasette temsil konusunda "görünmezliği/yokluk durumu" yaşadığı ve ona "sembolik değer" yüklendiği savı, Trabzon İli örneğindeki verilerle doğrulanmaktadır. "Biçimsel ve niteliksel" olarak kadın temsilini değiştirecek mekanizmaların varlığıyla söz konusu sorunsalın aşılacağı önerilmektedir.
Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, mesleki ve eş tükenmişliğinin bilişsel duygu düzenleme stratejileri ve... more Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, mesleki ve eş tükenmişliğinin bilişsel duygu düzenleme stratejileri ve çift uyumu açısından incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya 206’sı kadın ve 146’sı erkek olmak üzere toplam 352 çalışan evli birey katılmıştır. Araştırmada Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Tükenmişlik Ölçeği, Eş Tükenmişlik Ölçeği, Bilişsel Duygu Düzenleme Ölçeği ve Çift Uyum Ölçeğinden oluşturulan anket formuyla veri toplanmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amacı ile yapılan korelasyon analizinde mesleki tükenmişliğin eş tükenmişliği, BDD-Kendini suçlama, BDD-Kabul etme, BDD-Düşünceye odaklanma, BDD-Yıkım ve BDD-Diğerlerini suçlama alt boyutlarıyla pozitif yönde ilişki gösterdiği; BDD-Plana tekrar odaklanma, BDD-Pozitif tekrar gözden geçirmek alt boyutları ve evlilik uyumu ile negatif yönde ilişkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Eş tükenmişliğinin ise BDD-Kabul etme, BDD-Düşünceye odaklanma, BDD-Yıkım ve BDD-Diğerlerini suçlama alt boyutlarıyla pozitif yönde ve evlilik uyumu ile negatif yönde ilişkili old...
The internet environment, which transforms/changes our definitions of the concept of communicatio... more The internet environment, which transforms/changes our definitions of the concept of communication and our social life, and the new media order it brings, requires new and different legal regulations. The validity of social morality and legal rules that regulate the rules of living together in societies living in the unity of space and time, in an environment where space and time become meaningless, and people become anonymous with virtual identities apart from their real identities is debatable. The new media needs its own ethical and legal regulations that are compatible with the constantly changing conditions with the developments in technology. In this respect, it is essential that both states and international organizations can balance freedoms, especially personal rights and freedom of expression, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is essential to bring applicable rules in this area, which has a complex structure to control, independent of international borders. Freedom of...
Türkiye, savaşın başladığı 2011 yılından beri ülkelerindeki savaştan kaçarak sınırlarımızdan giri... more Türkiye, savaşın başladığı 2011 yılından beri ülkelerindeki savaştan kaçarak sınırlarımızdan giriş yapan 3,6 milyonun üzerinde Suriyeliye ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Ülkemize gelen Suriyeliler, Türkiye’nin özel olarak oluşturduğu geçici barınma merkezlerinde ve ülke genelindeki pek çok ilde geçici koruma statüsü ile bulunmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Trakya’daki Tekirdağ, Edirne ve Kırklareli illerinde Geçici Koruma statüsündeki Suriyelilere ilişkin genel görünümünü ortaya koymak, eğitim, sağlık, istihdam ve sosyal yardımlar bakımından sunulan hizmetlerden yararlanma ve bu hizmetler sonucunda ortaya çıkan ekonomik ve sosyal maliyeti değerlendirmektir. Ayrıca Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye arasında imzalanan “Geri Kabul Anlaşması” çerçevesinde kabul ve barınma merkezleri ile ilgili bilgi verilecektir. --------------------Turkey has been hosting over 3.6 million Syrians who fled their country since the beginning of the war in 2011. They are provided accommodation in temporary refugee cen...
In today's business world, in which it is difficult to survive, the economic life of products... more In today's business world, in which it is difficult to survive, the economic life of products, services or knowledge is considerably reduced. Competitors produce similar products or extra-featured ones instantly. In this environment, the contribution of companies to the social and economic environment is a preferred criterion by consumers alongside products or services. Therefore, consumers need to obtain more detailed information about companies. Besides, this drastic change in the market encourages companies to become sustainable. Sustainable business means the company puts consumed products back. Corporate sustainability, corresponds to sustainability at the level of the company, and gives equal importance to company growth and profitability together with environmental and social issues. The BIST Sustainability Index started to be calculated by the Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) in 2014 to evaluate the sustainability performance of companies in Turkey. The main objective of t...
Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application, 2019
In the 1980s, voluntary and compulsory social and environmental reports began to be prepared. Thu... more In the 1980s, voluntary and compulsory social and environmental reports began to be prepared. Thus, it was understood that the global market needed reports that included not only financial information but also non-financial information. The economic and technological contributions of business have been criticized for causing social and environmental problems over time. Issues such as environmental pollution, resource consumption, waste materials, product quality and safety, employee rights, and social responsibility have gained importance. The necessity of establishing sustainability culture in the businesses was born. Following the business scandals, corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability have become important along with corporate governance principles. The concept of corporate social responsibility has gradually been replaced by the concept of sustainability, and instead of corporate social responsibility reports, sustainability reports have been published. In the sense of sustainability, business activities need to be reported with social, economic, and environmental consequences. Corporate sustainability, which is called business sustainability, deals with economic, environmental, social, and managerial issues. Developments related to corporate sustainability are also followed by sustainability reports. The episode consists of two subheads. In the first subhead of the study, information was given on the concepts of sustainability, sustainable development, and corporate sustainability. Under these heads, the dimensions of sustainable development, the elements and theories that contributing to corporate sustainability and the principles of corporate sustainability are explained. In the second subhead of the study, information was This study was adapted from a Ph.D. thesis which was named as "Sustainability Reports In Turkey's GRI Scope And Proposal For Reporting For SMEs". In addition, it has been supported by TÜBİTAK, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, under project number 215K361 within the TÜBİTAK 3001 Program as the project output of the study named as "Current State of Sustainability Reports in Turkey and Sustainability in SMEs". We are grateful to the TÜBİTAK unit and its employees who provided scientific and financial support for the evaluation of the project application, its worth to be supported and during the realization of the project.
Bu calismada programlama egitiminin ogretmen adaylarinin hayat boyu ogrenme yeterliliklerinin gel... more Bu calismada programlama egitiminin ogretmen adaylarinin hayat boyu ogrenme yeterliliklerinin gelistirmesine katkisinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Karma yontem ile desenlenen bu calisma, Bati Karadeniz’de bulunan bir devlet universitesinde okuyan 1. Sinif ogrencileriyle gerceklestirilmistir. Mevcut calisma, Psikolojik Danisma ve Rehberlik (PDR) ve Sosyal Bilgiler Ogretmenligi 1. Sinifinda okuyan 70 gonullu katilimci ile 2017-2018 egitim-ogretim yili bahar doneminde yurutulmustur. Bu calismada kisisel bilgi formu, yasam boyu ogrenme yeterlikleri olcegi ve yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formu kullanilmistir. Arastirmada elde edilen bulgulara gore katilimcilarin yasam boyu ogrenme yeterlilik puanlarinin kodlama egitimi sureci sonunda arttigi bulunmustur. En cok dijital yeterlik boyutunda artis gerceklesmistir. Ogrencilerin programlama ogretim sureci sonrasinda elde edilen hayat boyu ogrenme yeterlikleri cinsiyete ve bolume gore anlamli farklilik gostermemistir. Nitel boyuttan elde edile...
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between cognitive emotion regula... more Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies, self-perception and psychopathology in women exposed to violence. Women who were exposed to violence and women in the control group who were not exposed to violence were also assessed for cognitive emotional regulation strategies, self-perception and mental health differences. Methods: A total of 207 women of which 121 were exposed to domestic violence and 86 were not exposed to domestic violence, were included. The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), the Social Comparison Scale (SCS), the Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R), the Severity of Violence Against Women (SVAW), a survey including verbal and economic violence experiences and a sociodemographic characteristics and information form were given to all participants. Results: The average age of the participants were 32,34±10,82; 46,6% were married and 59,9% were university graduates. The scores of SCL-90-R s...
Drilling wells are classified upon the purpose, depth, location, and the matter of material to be... more Drilling wells are classified upon the purpose, depth, location, and the matter of material to be explored. Drilling methods also vary. One of which is rotary drilling method. The aim of this study is to outline the processes during the rotary drilling utilized for the extraction of CO2 gas. The problems encountered during and after drilling were identified and solution schemes were proposed. As a practical application, the drilling activities in Kemerhisar district were chosen. The drilling operations through the CO2 bearing formation of Kemerhisar district was followed in a particular borehole, down to the depth of 220 m, and the fragments coming from the bottom of the hole were logged on a one- meter basis detail. During drilling operation, the performance of equipment were monitored and such properties as drilling speed, drilling fluid properties, gas emissions and water intakes were recorded. Upon those, well design and development were carried out. An appropriate drilling rig ...
Olum, insanlik tarihi boyunca bir bilinmezlik ve merak konusu olmustur. Bu sebeple pek cok alanda... more Olum, insanlik tarihi boyunca bir bilinmezlik ve merak konusu olmustur. Bu sebeple pek cok alanda arastirmacilar olumle ilgili calismalar yapmistir. Bireylerin olum algisinin yasamlarina etkisini ele almislardir. Bu arastirmada, bir devlet universitesinde okuyan, ogrenciler uzerinde olum algisinin “yasam doyumuna” ne yonde etkisi olur sorusuna cevap bulunmasi amaclanmistir. Arastirmada nicel arastirma yontemi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini universite ogrencileri olusturmustur. Veriler anket teknigi ile elde edilmistir. Calismada farkli demografik ozellikteki 402 universite ogrenci grubuna anket uygulanmistir. Anket calismasi sonucunda elde edilen veriler faktor analizi sonrasinda gerekli analizlere tabii tutulmustur. Faktor analizi sonuclarina gore, ogrencilerin olume yonelik algilarini sekiz farkli boyutta olcebilen bir olcek kullanilmistir.
Her ulkenin gerek tarihi gecmisinden gerekse toplumsal yapisindan kaynakli kendine ozgu sosyal v... more Her ulkenin gerek tarihi gecmisinden gerekse toplumsal yapisindan kaynakli kendine ozgu sosyal ve kulturel bir yapisi vardir. Bu yapi her alanda yansimalarini gosterdigi gibi ticaret hayatinda ve dolayisiyla muhasebe uygulamalarinda da etkisini gostermistir. Ancak kuresellesme ile birlikte gelen gereksinimler sonucunda ulkelerin muhasebe uygulamalarindaki farkliliklarin standartlastirilmasi ve boylece finansal raporlarda guvenilir, karsilastirilabilir, seffaf ve kolay anlasilabilir bilginin sunulmasi amaclanmistir. Bu amactan yola cikilarak uluslararasi finansal raporlama standartlari dunyanin pek cok ulkesinde kabul edilerek uygulanmaya baslanmistir. Bu calismanin amaci dunya ve Turkiye literaturunde muhasebe-kultur iliskisinin arastirildigi calismalari incelemek ve uluslararasi finansal raporlama standartlarinin pek cok ulkede yayginlasmasinin muhasebe-kultur iliskisinin incelendigi calismalardaki yansimalarinin tespit edilmesidir. Arastirma sonucunda literaturdeki cok a...
Web 2.0 teknolojilerinin yayginlasmasi ile bireyler cevrimici ortamlarda daha aktif katilim sagla... more Web 2.0 teknolojilerinin yayginlasmasi ile bireyler cevrimici ortamlarda daha aktif katilim saglayarak sadece bilgiye erisim saglayan degil, icerik olusturan ve paylasimda bulunan bir rol edinmislerdir. Bu calismada hayat boyu ogrenme becerilerinin gelistirilmesinde Web 2.0 teknolojilerinin kullanimiyla ilgili son on iki yil icerisinde (2006-2018) yapilan arastirmalardaki guncel egilimlerin belirlenmesi amaclanmaktadir. Bu amacla; alanla ilgili olan ERIC ve SSCI'de dizinlenen dergilerde, "Lifelong learning skills and Web 2.0, Web 2.0 in lifelong learning skills ve Web 2.0 and adults" anahtar kelimelerini iceren 11 makale amacli ornekleme yontemi ile secilerek analiz edilmistir. Bu kapsamda belirlenen makalelerin analizi icin arastirmacilar tarafindan hazirlanan bir "Siniflama Formu" kullanilmistir. Makaleler, betimsel tarama yapilarak, makalenin konusu, yontemi, veri toplama araclari, orneklemi, veri analiz yontemlerini kapsayacak sekilde ayrintili olarak inc...
Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2005
Drilling wells are classified upon the purpose, depth, location, and the matter of material to be... more Drilling wells are classified upon the purpose, depth, location, and the matter of material to be explored. Drilling methods also vary. One of which is rotary drilling method. The aim of this study is to outline the processes during the rotary drilling utilized for the extraction of CO2 gas. The problems encountered during and after drilling were identified and solution schemes were proposed. As a practical application, the drilling activities in Kemerhisar district were chosen. The drilling operations through the CO2 bearing formation of Kemerhisar district was followed in a particular borehole, down to the depth of 220 m, and the fragments coming from the bottom of the hole were logged on a one-meter basis detail. During drilling operation, the performance of equipment were monitored and such properties as drilling speed, drilling fluid properties, gas emissions and water intakes were recorded. Upon those, well design and development were carried out. An appropriate drilling rig w...
Debonding from the denture base, poor resistance to tearing, and increase in hardness are some of... more Debonding from the denture base, poor resistance to tearing, and increase in hardness are some of the problems with denture liners. This research purposed to analyze the changes in mechanical characteristics of the tissue conditioner and the denture liner concerning the interaction of the material with the zirconium oxide nanoparticles (ZrO2-NPs). The surface functionalization of ZrO2-NPs was done using a silane coupling agent as a modifier for better integration of them into the denture liners. Then, they were added into acrylic- and silicone-based denture liner in two different percentages (0.5% and 1% by weight; respectively). The performed tests were tear strength, tensile bond strength, and hardness (Shore A). 0.5% and 1% of ZrO2-NPs added tissue conditioner test groups displayed statistically significantly lower tensile bond strength values than tissue conditioners without ZrO2-NPs (p < 0.001). However, the tensile bond strength results of all subgroups for soft denture lin...
The Journal of Social Sciences, 2018
Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2018
It is possible to institutionalize the sustainability of SMEs with indispensable prescriptions fo... more It is possible to institutionalize the sustainability of SMEs with indispensable prescriptions for the economies of the countries. Sustainability of businesses is measured by economic, environmental and social criteria as well as corporate and financial management performance. Since SMEs have a very important place in the country's economy, the short life span leads to the question of sustainability. In the study, the explanations in the sustainability reports of SMEs and large-scale enterprises were compared and the reasons why SMEs could not achieve sustainability were investigated. In this direction, sustainability reports of SMEs and largescale enterprises, which prepared reports in Turkey until 2015, were reviewed according to the GRI Guidelines of sustainability guidelines. The Mann Whitney U Test was used to determine the differences between the data obtained from the sustainability reports and the size of the enterprises, if any. When the sustainability reports of SMEs and large-scale enterprises are compared, it has been found that the disclosures differ according to the size of the enterprises. It has been seen that largescale businesses have more explanations in sustainability reports than in SME sustainability reports.
Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi
İnsan haklarının vazgeçilmez değerler şeklinde kabul edildiği ülkelere bakıldığında, kadınların s... more İnsan haklarının vazgeçilmez değerler şeklinde kabul edildiği ülkelere bakıldığında, kadınların siyasal, ekonomik, kültürel ve sosyal alana katılımını mümkün kılacak tüm haklardan yararlanma konusunda erkeklerle eşit olması gerektiği anlayışı hâkimdir. Bu anlayış, insan hakları belgeleri, uluslararası sözleşme hatta ülkelerin mevzuatında olmasına rağmen, gelişmişlik düzeyleri ne düzeyde olursa olsun pek çoğunda hâlen, yaşamın temel alanlarını teşkil eden çalışma hayatı, sağlık, eğitim ve siyasal yaşamda temsil hususunda toplumsal cinsiyet bağlamında eşitliğin yakalanamadığı görülmektedir. Bu problem siyasal alanda, özellikle yerel siyasette temsil bağlamında kendini çok daha fazla hissettirmektedir. Bu doğrultuda çalışmanın amacı, ülkemizde "kadının yerel siyasette temsilinin yetersizliği" sorunsalının 31 Mart 2019 Mahalli İdareler Seçimleri ölçeğinde Trabzon İli özelindeki durumunun incelenmesidir. Betimsel analiz yönteminin kullanıldığı çalışmada, Trabzon İline ait 31 Mart 2019 Mahalli İdareler Seçimleri aday listeleri/sonuçları, Yüksek Seçim Kurulu (YSK)"nun ilân ettiği verilerden yararlanılmak suretiyle sunulmaktadır. Büyükşehir belediye başkanlığı başta olmak üzere, il sınırlarındaki merkez ile diğer belde belediye başkanı, belediye meclis, il genel meclisi üyeliğine ""aday olma"" ve ""seçilme"" ölçütleri bağlamında kadın temsil oranları incelenmektedir. Çalışmanın sonucunda büyükşehir ve belde belediye başkanlığına ""aday olma"" düzeyinde kadın temsili sırasıyla %22.2 ile %1 oranında gerçekleştiği; fakat ""seçilme"" bağlamında temsile rastlanmadığı görülmektedir. İlçe belediye meclis ve il genel meclisi üyeliğine ""aday olma"" %11.72, % 7.05; ""seçilme"" düzeyinde kadın temsilinin % 7,05, %4.35"lik seviyede olduğu tespit edilmektedir. Türkiye"de kadınların yerel siyasette temsil konusunda "görünmezliği/yokluk durumu" yaşadığı ve ona "sembolik değer" yüklendiği savı, Trabzon İli örneğindeki verilerle doğrulanmaktadır. "Biçimsel ve niteliksel" olarak kadın temsilini değiştirecek mekanizmaların varlığıyla söz konusu sorunsalın aşılacağı önerilmektedir.
Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, mesleki ve eş tükenmişliğinin bilişsel duygu düzenleme stratejileri ve... more Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, mesleki ve eş tükenmişliğinin bilişsel duygu düzenleme stratejileri ve çift uyumu açısından incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya 206’sı kadın ve 146’sı erkek olmak üzere toplam 352 çalışan evli birey katılmıştır. Araştırmada Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Tükenmişlik Ölçeği, Eş Tükenmişlik Ölçeği, Bilişsel Duygu Düzenleme Ölçeği ve Çift Uyum Ölçeğinden oluşturulan anket formuyla veri toplanmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amacı ile yapılan korelasyon analizinde mesleki tükenmişliğin eş tükenmişliği, BDD-Kendini suçlama, BDD-Kabul etme, BDD-Düşünceye odaklanma, BDD-Yıkım ve BDD-Diğerlerini suçlama alt boyutlarıyla pozitif yönde ilişki gösterdiği; BDD-Plana tekrar odaklanma, BDD-Pozitif tekrar gözden geçirmek alt boyutları ve evlilik uyumu ile negatif yönde ilişkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Eş tükenmişliğinin ise BDD-Kabul etme, BDD-Düşünceye odaklanma, BDD-Yıkım ve BDD-Diğerlerini suçlama alt boyutlarıyla pozitif yönde ve evlilik uyumu ile negatif yönde ilişkili old...
The internet environment, which transforms/changes our definitions of the concept of communicatio... more The internet environment, which transforms/changes our definitions of the concept of communication and our social life, and the new media order it brings, requires new and different legal regulations. The validity of social morality and legal rules that regulate the rules of living together in societies living in the unity of space and time, in an environment where space and time become meaningless, and people become anonymous with virtual identities apart from their real identities is debatable. The new media needs its own ethical and legal regulations that are compatible with the constantly changing conditions with the developments in technology. In this respect, it is essential that both states and international organizations can balance freedoms, especially personal rights and freedom of expression, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is essential to bring applicable rules in this area, which has a complex structure to control, independent of international borders. Freedom of...
Türkiye, savaşın başladığı 2011 yılından beri ülkelerindeki savaştan kaçarak sınırlarımızdan giri... more Türkiye, savaşın başladığı 2011 yılından beri ülkelerindeki savaştan kaçarak sınırlarımızdan giriş yapan 3,6 milyonun üzerinde Suriyeliye ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Ülkemize gelen Suriyeliler, Türkiye’nin özel olarak oluşturduğu geçici barınma merkezlerinde ve ülke genelindeki pek çok ilde geçici koruma statüsü ile bulunmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Trakya’daki Tekirdağ, Edirne ve Kırklareli illerinde Geçici Koruma statüsündeki Suriyelilere ilişkin genel görünümünü ortaya koymak, eğitim, sağlık, istihdam ve sosyal yardımlar bakımından sunulan hizmetlerden yararlanma ve bu hizmetler sonucunda ortaya çıkan ekonomik ve sosyal maliyeti değerlendirmektir. Ayrıca Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye arasında imzalanan “Geri Kabul Anlaşması” çerçevesinde kabul ve barınma merkezleri ile ilgili bilgi verilecektir. --------------------Turkey has been hosting over 3.6 million Syrians who fled their country since the beginning of the war in 2011. They are provided accommodation in temporary refugee cen...
In today's business world, in which it is difficult to survive, the economic life of products... more In today's business world, in which it is difficult to survive, the economic life of products, services or knowledge is considerably reduced. Competitors produce similar products or extra-featured ones instantly. In this environment, the contribution of companies to the social and economic environment is a preferred criterion by consumers alongside products or services. Therefore, consumers need to obtain more detailed information about companies. Besides, this drastic change in the market encourages companies to become sustainable. Sustainable business means the company puts consumed products back. Corporate sustainability, corresponds to sustainability at the level of the company, and gives equal importance to company growth and profitability together with environmental and social issues. The BIST Sustainability Index started to be calculated by the Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) in 2014 to evaluate the sustainability performance of companies in Turkey. The main objective of t...
Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application, 2019
In the 1980s, voluntary and compulsory social and environmental reports began to be prepared. Thu... more In the 1980s, voluntary and compulsory social and environmental reports began to be prepared. Thus, it was understood that the global market needed reports that included not only financial information but also non-financial information. The economic and technological contributions of business have been criticized for causing social and environmental problems over time. Issues such as environmental pollution, resource consumption, waste materials, product quality and safety, employee rights, and social responsibility have gained importance. The necessity of establishing sustainability culture in the businesses was born. Following the business scandals, corporate social responsibility and corporate sustainability have become important along with corporate governance principles. The concept of corporate social responsibility has gradually been replaced by the concept of sustainability, and instead of corporate social responsibility reports, sustainability reports have been published. In the sense of sustainability, business activities need to be reported with social, economic, and environmental consequences. Corporate sustainability, which is called business sustainability, deals with economic, environmental, social, and managerial issues. Developments related to corporate sustainability are also followed by sustainability reports. The episode consists of two subheads. In the first subhead of the study, information was given on the concepts of sustainability, sustainable development, and corporate sustainability. Under these heads, the dimensions of sustainable development, the elements and theories that contributing to corporate sustainability and the principles of corporate sustainability are explained. In the second subhead of the study, information was This study was adapted from a Ph.D. thesis which was named as "Sustainability Reports In Turkey's GRI Scope And Proposal For Reporting For SMEs". In addition, it has been supported by TÜBİTAK, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, under project number 215K361 within the TÜBİTAK 3001 Program as the project output of the study named as "Current State of Sustainability Reports in Turkey and Sustainability in SMEs". We are grateful to the TÜBİTAK unit and its employees who provided scientific and financial support for the evaluation of the project application, its worth to be supported and during the realization of the project.
Bu calismada programlama egitiminin ogretmen adaylarinin hayat boyu ogrenme yeterliliklerinin gel... more Bu calismada programlama egitiminin ogretmen adaylarinin hayat boyu ogrenme yeterliliklerinin gelistirmesine katkisinin belirlenmesi amaclanmistir. Karma yontem ile desenlenen bu calisma, Bati Karadeniz’de bulunan bir devlet universitesinde okuyan 1. Sinif ogrencileriyle gerceklestirilmistir. Mevcut calisma, Psikolojik Danisma ve Rehberlik (PDR) ve Sosyal Bilgiler Ogretmenligi 1. Sinifinda okuyan 70 gonullu katilimci ile 2017-2018 egitim-ogretim yili bahar doneminde yurutulmustur. Bu calismada kisisel bilgi formu, yasam boyu ogrenme yeterlikleri olcegi ve yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formu kullanilmistir. Arastirmada elde edilen bulgulara gore katilimcilarin yasam boyu ogrenme yeterlilik puanlarinin kodlama egitimi sureci sonunda arttigi bulunmustur. En cok dijital yeterlik boyutunda artis gerceklesmistir. Ogrencilerin programlama ogretim sureci sonrasinda elde edilen hayat boyu ogrenme yeterlikleri cinsiyete ve bolume gore anlamli farklilik gostermemistir. Nitel boyuttan elde edile...
Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between cognitive emotion regula... more Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies, self-perception and psychopathology in women exposed to violence. Women who were exposed to violence and women in the control group who were not exposed to violence were also assessed for cognitive emotional regulation strategies, self-perception and mental health differences. Methods: A total of 207 women of which 121 were exposed to domestic violence and 86 were not exposed to domestic violence, were included. The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), the Social Comparison Scale (SCS), the Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R), the Severity of Violence Against Women (SVAW), a survey including verbal and economic violence experiences and a sociodemographic characteristics and information form were given to all participants. Results: The average age of the participants were 32,34±10,82; 46,6% were married and 59,9% were university graduates. The scores of SCL-90-R s...
Drilling wells are classified upon the purpose, depth, location, and the matter of material to be... more Drilling wells are classified upon the purpose, depth, location, and the matter of material to be explored. Drilling methods also vary. One of which is rotary drilling method. The aim of this study is to outline the processes during the rotary drilling utilized for the extraction of CO2 gas. The problems encountered during and after drilling were identified and solution schemes were proposed. As a practical application, the drilling activities in Kemerhisar district were chosen. The drilling operations through the CO2 bearing formation of Kemerhisar district was followed in a particular borehole, down to the depth of 220 m, and the fragments coming from the bottom of the hole were logged on a one- meter basis detail. During drilling operation, the performance of equipment were monitored and such properties as drilling speed, drilling fluid properties, gas emissions and water intakes were recorded. Upon those, well design and development were carried out. An appropriate drilling rig ...
Olum, insanlik tarihi boyunca bir bilinmezlik ve merak konusu olmustur. Bu sebeple pek cok alanda... more Olum, insanlik tarihi boyunca bir bilinmezlik ve merak konusu olmustur. Bu sebeple pek cok alanda arastirmacilar olumle ilgili calismalar yapmistir. Bireylerin olum algisinin yasamlarina etkisini ele almislardir. Bu arastirmada, bir devlet universitesinde okuyan, ogrenciler uzerinde olum algisinin “yasam doyumuna” ne yonde etkisi olur sorusuna cevap bulunmasi amaclanmistir. Arastirmada nicel arastirma yontemi kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin orneklemini universite ogrencileri olusturmustur. Veriler anket teknigi ile elde edilmistir. Calismada farkli demografik ozellikteki 402 universite ogrenci grubuna anket uygulanmistir. Anket calismasi sonucunda elde edilen veriler faktor analizi sonrasinda gerekli analizlere tabii tutulmustur. Faktor analizi sonuclarina gore, ogrencilerin olume yonelik algilarini sekiz farkli boyutta olcebilen bir olcek kullanilmistir.
Her ulkenin gerek tarihi gecmisinden gerekse toplumsal yapisindan kaynakli kendine ozgu sosyal v... more Her ulkenin gerek tarihi gecmisinden gerekse toplumsal yapisindan kaynakli kendine ozgu sosyal ve kulturel bir yapisi vardir. Bu yapi her alanda yansimalarini gosterdigi gibi ticaret hayatinda ve dolayisiyla muhasebe uygulamalarinda da etkisini gostermistir. Ancak kuresellesme ile birlikte gelen gereksinimler sonucunda ulkelerin muhasebe uygulamalarindaki farkliliklarin standartlastirilmasi ve boylece finansal raporlarda guvenilir, karsilastirilabilir, seffaf ve kolay anlasilabilir bilginin sunulmasi amaclanmistir. Bu amactan yola cikilarak uluslararasi finansal raporlama standartlari dunyanin pek cok ulkesinde kabul edilerek uygulanmaya baslanmistir. Bu calismanin amaci dunya ve Turkiye literaturunde muhasebe-kultur iliskisinin arastirildigi calismalari incelemek ve uluslararasi finansal raporlama standartlarinin pek cok ulkede yayginlasmasinin muhasebe-kultur iliskisinin incelendigi calismalardaki yansimalarinin tespit edilmesidir. Arastirma sonucunda literaturdeki cok a...
Web 2.0 teknolojilerinin yayginlasmasi ile bireyler cevrimici ortamlarda daha aktif katilim sagla... more Web 2.0 teknolojilerinin yayginlasmasi ile bireyler cevrimici ortamlarda daha aktif katilim saglayarak sadece bilgiye erisim saglayan degil, icerik olusturan ve paylasimda bulunan bir rol edinmislerdir. Bu calismada hayat boyu ogrenme becerilerinin gelistirilmesinde Web 2.0 teknolojilerinin kullanimiyla ilgili son on iki yil icerisinde (2006-2018) yapilan arastirmalardaki guncel egilimlerin belirlenmesi amaclanmaktadir. Bu amacla; alanla ilgili olan ERIC ve SSCI'de dizinlenen dergilerde, "Lifelong learning skills and Web 2.0, Web 2.0 in lifelong learning skills ve Web 2.0 and adults" anahtar kelimelerini iceren 11 makale amacli ornekleme yontemi ile secilerek analiz edilmistir. Bu kapsamda belirlenen makalelerin analizi icin arastirmacilar tarafindan hazirlanan bir "Siniflama Formu" kullanilmistir. Makaleler, betimsel tarama yapilarak, makalenin konusu, yontemi, veri toplama araclari, orneklemi, veri analiz yontemlerini kapsayacak sekilde ayrintili olarak inc...
Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, 2005
Drilling wells are classified upon the purpose, depth, location, and the matter of material to be... more Drilling wells are classified upon the purpose, depth, location, and the matter of material to be explored. Drilling methods also vary. One of which is rotary drilling method. The aim of this study is to outline the processes during the rotary drilling utilized for the extraction of CO2 gas. The problems encountered during and after drilling were identified and solution schemes were proposed. As a practical application, the drilling activities in Kemerhisar district were chosen. The drilling operations through the CO2 bearing formation of Kemerhisar district was followed in a particular borehole, down to the depth of 220 m, and the fragments coming from the bottom of the hole were logged on a one-meter basis detail. During drilling operation, the performance of equipment were monitored and such properties as drilling speed, drilling fluid properties, gas emissions and water intakes were recorded. Upon those, well design and development were carried out. An appropriate drilling rig w...
Debonding from the denture base, poor resistance to tearing, and increase in hardness are some of... more Debonding from the denture base, poor resistance to tearing, and increase in hardness are some of the problems with denture liners. This research purposed to analyze the changes in mechanical characteristics of the tissue conditioner and the denture liner concerning the interaction of the material with the zirconium oxide nanoparticles (ZrO2-NPs). The surface functionalization of ZrO2-NPs was done using a silane coupling agent as a modifier for better integration of them into the denture liners. Then, they were added into acrylic- and silicone-based denture liner in two different percentages (0.5% and 1% by weight; respectively). The performed tests were tear strength, tensile bond strength, and hardness (Shore A). 0.5% and 1% of ZrO2-NPs added tissue conditioner test groups displayed statistically significantly lower tensile bond strength values than tissue conditioners without ZrO2-NPs (p < 0.001). However, the tensile bond strength results of all subgroups for soft denture lin...
The Journal of Social Sciences, 2018
Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2018
It is possible to institutionalize the sustainability of SMEs with indispensable prescriptions fo... more It is possible to institutionalize the sustainability of SMEs with indispensable prescriptions for the economies of the countries. Sustainability of businesses is measured by economic, environmental and social criteria as well as corporate and financial management performance. Since SMEs have a very important place in the country's economy, the short life span leads to the question of sustainability. In the study, the explanations in the sustainability reports of SMEs and large-scale enterprises were compared and the reasons why SMEs could not achieve sustainability were investigated. In this direction, sustainability reports of SMEs and largescale enterprises, which prepared reports in Turkey until 2015, were reviewed according to the GRI Guidelines of sustainability guidelines. The Mann Whitney U Test was used to determine the differences between the data obtained from the sustainability reports and the size of the enterprises, if any. When the sustainability reports of SMEs and large-scale enterprises are compared, it has been found that the disclosures differ according to the size of the enterprises. It has been seen that largescale businesses have more explanations in sustainability reports than in SME sustainability reports.