Hadži Živorad Milenović - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Hadži Živorad Milenović
Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, 2024
Problem istraživanja formulisan je u vidu istraživačkog pitanja da li vaspitači mogu da prepoznaj... more Problem istraživanja formulisan je u vidu istraživačkog pitanja da li vaspitači mogu da prepoznaju probleme u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta i da li su u dovoljnoj meri kompetentni da preduzimaju planske akcije u vezi sa prevencijom i suzbijanjem eksternalizovanih i internalizovanih problema u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi da li vaspitači mogu da prepoznaju probleme u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta i da preduzmu mere u prevazilaženju ovih problema. Metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno u januaru 2023. na uzorku od 124 vaspitača sa područja Bačke i Banata. Procena vaspitača o prepoznavanju problema u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta ispitana je Skalerom-PPPDPU-UV konstruisanim za potrebe ovog istraživanja (α = 0.822), koji se sastoji od tri subtesta: 1) prepoznavanje problema u ponašanju kod dece predškolskog uzrasta; 2) informisanje roditelja i stručnih saradnika o zapaženim problemima u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta i 3) preduzimanje akcija za suzbijanje problema u ponašanju. Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da problemi u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta mogu biti prediktorski faktori koji ukazuju na poremećaje u ponašanju u adolescenciji. Zaključak: Zaključuje se da je, uz primarnu ulogu vaspitača, neophodno preduzeti niz planskih akcija kako bi predškolske ustanove pružile optimalnu podršku deci sa problemima u ponašanju i njihovim porodicama.
Zbornik radova, 2023
Апстракт: У раду се истражују компетенције учитеља за реализацију наставе предмета Музичка култур... more Апстракт: У раду се истражују компетенције учитеља за реализацију наставе предмета Музичка култура на даљину. У истраживању се пошло од опште претпоставке да нису сви учитељи подједнако компетентни за ефикасну реализацију наставе Музичка култура на даљину и од посебних претпоставки да ће истраживањем бити утврђено да не постоји значајна разликa у проценама учитеља о сопственим дигиталним компетенцијама на основу упознатости с ИКТ и њиховог стручног усавршавања за оснаживање постојећих компетенција и стицања нових дигиталних компетенција за реализацију наставе предмета Музичка култура на даљину. Да би се то утврдило, у
Naučnyj rezulʹtat, Oct 1, 2023
Introduction. Starting from the subject of research focused on the quality of students' free time... more Introduction. Starting from the subject of research focused on the quality of students' free time, the goal of the research is: To examine to what extent and in what way students of pedagogical faculties practice physical activities in their free time. The following scientific research tasks were determined: a) to examine the positioning of physical and sports activities in students' free time. time in a range of other activities; b) determine the frequency and nature of physical activities in students' free time; c) examine how students perceive predictors and distractors of their own physical activity in free time; d) determine whether independent variables (year of study, study program, age, playing sports) affect the final results of the research. Methodology and methods. The first part of the paper addresses the question of young people's leisure time through theoretical analysis, both within the framework of educational institutions and in other fields of life and work. Leisure activities are diverse and differ in content, forms, and manifestations. The second part of the paper presents the methodological concept of the research. The sample consists of 210 students (first and fourth year of undergraduate studies) from pedagogical faculties in Užice and Vranje (Serbia). The research is of a transversal nature and aims to examine and analyze physical activities in free time using descriptive methods, survey techniques, and relevant statistical analysis (χ², X). Results of the study and their discussion. The research results showed that students have the same preferences for leisure activities, ranking them in the same order (socializing with friends and social media, listening to music, outings, and walks). A statistically significant difference was observed in the preference for activities among students who actively engage in sports compared to others. It was found that these students position sports activities highly, while gambling and social media are placed at the bottom of the list. The obtained results indicate the need for greater awareness of the role and importance of engaging in physical activities in students' free time for the balanced development of their personality, with environmental factors playing a significant predictive role (peers, family, educational institutions, etc.). There is a particular responsibility on pedagogical faculties as they indirectly influence the formation of a positive attitude towards physical activities in the leisure time of young children by shaping the personality of teachers and caregivers.
This paper describes the content related to cultural heritage which exists in e-textbooks on natu... more This paper describes the content related to cultural heritage which exists in e-textbooks on nature and society for the first cycle of education. The research aim is to identify the cultural heritage content through the analysis of e-textbooks "World around us" for the first and second grade, and "Nature and society" for the third and fourth grade. E-textbooks are accessible to all and serve as a media promotion of educational content within them. The research was conducted in June 2023 on a sample of e-textbooks for nature and society published by Klett Publishing House (N = 8). The methods used include theoretical analysis and content analysis. Units of analysis include sentences from the main text and visual content such as images, photographs, and drawings within the didactic-methodological toolkit for various subjects, grades, and teaching topics. The research results have shown that as students progress to higher grades, the volume of content related to cultural heritage increases. However, the analyzed e-textbooks, however, do not sufficiently aid in the development and reinforcement of students' concepts of cultural heritage. Based on the results, conclusions have been drawn, and pedagogical implications have been provided. It is recommended that the content in e-textbooks on nature and society be modified to explicitly address the etymology of cultural heritage content according to the students' age. This would contribute to a stronger knowledge base among students regarding cultural heritage, serving as a foundation for further learning at higher educational levels.
Science International Journal, May 27, 2024
This paper explores the theological and didactic works of St. Augustine of Hippo. He is considere... more This paper explores the theological and didactic works of St. Augustine of Hippo. He is considered one of the greatest founders of Christianity, combating the Donatist and Pelagian heresies, preaching the Christian faith to his flock, and addressing topics concerning the relationship between man and God, the relationship between God and the world, the existence of evil in the world, and the dichotomy in the understanding of God and the world by the Manicheans. In addition to his theological work, St. Augustine of Hippo is also remembered for his sermons, which bear the characteristics of didactic work and are based on the understanding of human nature, upon which the extent to which it is possible to educate a person depends. From his teachings, some didactic principles can be derived: 1) if you are silent, be silent out of love; 2) if you speak, speak out of love; 3) if you admonish, admonish out of love; and 4) if you forgive, forgive out of love. It is concluded that from the theological and didactic work of St. Augustine of Hippo, it follows that what is primal and blessed, instructive and didactic, is only that which is done willingly and out of love. Recommendations for employing St. Augustine of Hippo's theological and didactic works in instructing pupils in the modern educational setting are made in light of these conclusions.
Savremeno predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje – tendencije, izazovi i mogućnosti
The paper presents a comparative analysis of integrated learning in preschool institutions in Swe... more The paper presents a comparative analysis of integrated learning in preschool institutions in Sweden and Serbia. In addition to supporting cognitive development, an integrated approach to learning also supports the full development of preschool children. In Serbia, integrated learning started in 2018 with the adoption of the Rulebook on the new foundations of the preschool education program. The results of integrated learning in Serbia have not indicated the expected effects so far, since it was started systemically and without creating optimal conditions for its implementation, with still insufficiently trained educators. Integrated learning in Sweden has been in use since 1998. It was revised in 2019 with the adoption of the Preschool Curriculum - LPFÖ 18. Based on the results of the comparative analysis, conclusions and a proposal for the improvement of integrated learning in preschool education in Serbia are given.
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees all children the right to an education,... more The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees all children the right to an education, and this paper focuses on Roma children and that right. The extent of Serbia’s strategy documents was reviewed, particularly in light of their responsibility for guaranteeing equity, accessibility, and equal educational opportunities for all children. The study’s objective is to assess how content related to the Roma is portrayed in current curricula (N = 16) and textbooks (N = 93) for the 2022–2023 academic year. It was discovered that despite the objectives in each of the analyzed courses (Serbian language, The World around Us, Nature and Society, Music Education, and Civic Education) clearly promote equality, diversity, and mutual appreciation, democratic values, inclusion, and anti-discrimination, none of them explicitly mention the words Roma or the Roma people. Only a few times do the Roma people explicitly appear in textbooks on nature, society, and music, and then only as a nume...
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta, 2023
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini
The goal of learning in physical and health education (PHE) is for the student to improve physica... more The goal of learning in physical and health education (PHE) is for the student to improve physical abilities, motor skills and knowledge in physical and health culture, in order to preserve health and apply proper and regular physical exercise in modern living conditions and work. On the basis of the goal of the PHE teaching, the biological, pedagogical, and educational tasks are determined, the realization of which leads to the outcome of the PHE teaching. The biological tasks of physical education imply that a positive influence on students' proper growth and development is possible if the teacher is familiar with the structure and functions of the most important organic systems, the biological laws of development, and the impact of physical exercises on the organism. Pedagogical tasks include educational and learning tasks that intertwine and complement each other. Learning tasks should primarily contribute to the acquisition of motor skills and habits (sports-technical educa...
Баштина, 2022
Conflicts and violence are the worldwide spread phenomena, causes of which are saught both within... more Conflicts and violence are the worldwide spread phenomena, causes of which are saught both within the child`s character and the social settings. Various social interactionsencompass a higherpossibilityof contradistinction of different interests, by which conflicts become an expressive type of social exchange. Violence is in close relation to conflicts in school, which is a complex phenomenon and a state characterized as the use of someforce against someone. It is manifested as an urge, anger, hostility, when one wants to control the other person by using power. Taking into accountthe fact, that there is an increasingnumber ofconflictingandviolentbehaviors in schools in Serbia, the paper treats the current topicwith a focus on the studies of phenomena of conflicts and violence in schools, theircauses, forms, consequences, as well as on prevention and social programs of school violence control.
Društvene i humanističke studije (Online)
The paper presents the results of research conducted with the aim of determining the contribution... more The paper presents the results of research conducted with the aim of determining the contribution of textbooks on nature and society of the first cycle of education in the countries of the Western Balkans to the formation of the concept of national symbols and features. In the theoretical part of the paper, a description of the etymology of the official national symbols and features (flag, coat of arms and anthem) of the countries of the Western Balkan region is given. The theoretical analysis method and content analysis method were used. The units of analysis are sentences of the basic textbook content, visual content - pictures, photographs, drawings and questions and assignments in the domain of didactics and methodology instruments. The research included nature and society textbooks for younger elementary school students (N = 23). The results of the research showed that nature and society textbooks insufficiently affect the formation and strengthening of the concept of national ...
Research in Pedagogy
The goal of this study is identification of teachers assessment about digital literacy the have f... more The goal of this study is identification of teachers assessment about digital literacy the have for using electronic textbooks in the teaching class of Nature and society. In this research, we work from general assumption that electronic textbooks are important in teaching Nature and society, but not all teachers are equally digitally competent for using electronic textbooks, then also effects of their usage in Nature and society are different. It also deals with special assumptions that in the research will reveal that there are differences in teachers assessments of the digital competence they have for usage of electronic in Nature and society depending on their years in service in school, their educational level and the ways they improve their knowledge. Research has been conducted in the first half of 2022/2023. school year, in the area of Zlatibor district. Data collected by Scalar - DCT-UeTCNS ( = .924) and processed with descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and Man-V...
Društvene i humanističke studije (Online)
In contrast to classical teaching, innovative teaching about nature and society is based on innov... more In contrast to classical teaching, innovative teaching about nature and society is based on innovative teaching systems and innovative didactic-methodical systems by which teaching is planned, implemented, and evaluated in reverse design. The goal of this conducted research is to identify teachers' assessments of their familiarity with innovative teaching systems and of their participation in the nature and society lessons that they implement. The research was based on the assumptions that teachers estimate that innovative teaching systems are important for the effective implementation of teaching content in teaching about nature and society, but that they use them insufficiently in teaching about nature and society for various reasons: it takes a lot of time to prepare the lesson, insufficient professional training, lack of material resources, children's lack of interest in work, etc. To determine this, in the first half of the 2022/2023 school year, on a sample of 109 teac...
Metodički ogledi
Partnerstvo odgojitelja i roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju važno je za ranu intervenciju, ko... more Partnerstvo odgojitelja i roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju važno je za ranu intervenciju, koja predstavlja integrirani i interdisciplinarni sustav stručnih usluga namijenjenih djeci rane dobi s teškoćama u razvoju, kao i djeci koja zbog različitih razloga (kronične bolesti, biološki i okolišni čimbenici, itd.) mogu kasniti u polasku u školu. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati procjene odgojitelja i roditelja o uključenosti obitelji djece s teškoćama u razvoju u aktivnosti vrtića. Polazna pretpostavka istraživanja je da postoji razlika u procjenama odgojitelja i roditelja o uključenosti obitelji u aktivnosti vrtića. Istraživanje provedeno u listopadu 2022. godine obuhvatilo je 167 odgojitelja i 167 roditelja na području Kikinde i Sombora (Srbija), koji su procjenjivali sudjelovanje obitelji u vrtićkim aktivnostima za 167 djece u dobi od pet do sedam godina. Kvaliteta suradnje ispitana je podtestom Uključenost roditelja u aktivnosti vrtića. Ovaj podtest čini dio Upitnika roditeljske u...
Društvene i humanističke studije (Online)
The term represents an integral element of each subject and forms the basis for the development o... more The term represents an integral element of each subject and forms the basis for the development of knowledge and mastery of knowledge acquired through the development of science. The school and the course book should enable students to adopt a system of scientific concepts from a certain field. This work deals with the analysis of the concepts of nature in the coursebooks of Nature and Society for the fourth grade of primary school, published by the publishers: Klett, New logos, and Bigz schooling. The research provides answers to the following questions: Are the concepts of nature explicitly represented in coursebooks? Do complete and incomplete logical definitions of the concepts of nature dominate in the coursebooks of Nature and Society? Is there a dominance of complete and incomplete logical definitions of different publishers and by the dominance of complete and incomplete logical definitions of the concepts of nature? Based on the results of research on the definitions of the...
Pri kvalifikaciji stila vodstva nastavnika, polazi se od načina korištenja autoriteta. U tradicio... more Pri kvalifikaciji stila vodstva nastavnika, polazi se od načina korištenja autoriteta. U tradicionalnoj nastavi uglavnom su dominantna dva stila vodstva: autoritarni i demokratski. Oni se nalaze između dviju krajnosti i svaki odgovara određenoj nastavnoj situaciji. Kao treći, zastupljen je Laissez-faire stil vodstva, koji zbog pretjerane stihijnosti nije našao širu primjenu u suvremenoj školi. Inkluzivna je nastava nova didaktička koncepcija, didaktički sustav ili didaktički model organiziranog učenja i poučavanja djece s posebnim obrazovnim potrebama. U inkluzivnoj nastavi nastavnik ima drukčije uloge, funkcije i stil vodstva. Nastavnik inkluzivne nastave stil vodstva prilagođava individualizaciji cilja odgoja i posebnim obrazovnim potrebama učenika. Zato se i govori o prilagodljivom stilu vodstva nastavnika u inkluzivnoj nastavi.The classification of the leadership style of the teacher is based on the way of using the authority. In traditional education two styles leadership domin...
Zbornik radova Učiteljskog fakulteta, Užice, 2011
Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija, 2024
Problem istraživanja formulisan je u vidu istraživačkog pitanja da li vaspitači mogu da prepoznaj... more Problem istraživanja formulisan je u vidu istraživačkog pitanja da li vaspitači mogu da prepoznaju probleme u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta i da li su u dovoljnoj meri kompetentni da preduzimaju planske akcije u vezi sa prevencijom i suzbijanjem eksternalizovanih i internalizovanih problema u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta. Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi da li vaspitači mogu da prepoznaju probleme u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta i da preduzmu mere u prevazilaženju ovih problema. Metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno u januaru 2023. na uzorku od 124 vaspitača sa područja Bačke i Banata. Procena vaspitača o prepoznavanju problema u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta ispitana je Skalerom-PPPDPU-UV konstruisanim za potrebe ovog istraživanja (α = 0.822), koji se sastoji od tri subtesta: 1) prepoznavanje problema u ponašanju kod dece predškolskog uzrasta; 2) informisanje roditelja i stručnih saradnika o zapaženim problemima u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta i 3) preduzimanje akcija za suzbijanje problema u ponašanju. Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da problemi u ponašanju dece predškolskog uzrasta mogu biti prediktorski faktori koji ukazuju na poremećaje u ponašanju u adolescenciji. Zaključak: Zaključuje se da je, uz primarnu ulogu vaspitača, neophodno preduzeti niz planskih akcija kako bi predškolske ustanove pružile optimalnu podršku deci sa problemima u ponašanju i njihovim porodicama.
Zbornik radova, 2023
Апстракт: У раду се истражују компетенције учитеља за реализацију наставе предмета Музичка култур... more Апстракт: У раду се истражују компетенције учитеља за реализацију наставе предмета Музичка култура на даљину. У истраживању се пошло од опште претпоставке да нису сви учитељи подједнако компетентни за ефикасну реализацију наставе Музичка култура на даљину и од посебних претпоставки да ће истраживањем бити утврђено да не постоји значајна разликa у проценама учитеља о сопственим дигиталним компетенцијама на основу упознатости с ИКТ и њиховог стручног усавршавања за оснаживање постојећих компетенција и стицања нових дигиталних компетенција за реализацију наставе предмета Музичка култура на даљину. Да би се то утврдило, у
Naučnyj rezulʹtat, Oct 1, 2023
Introduction. Starting from the subject of research focused on the quality of students' free time... more Introduction. Starting from the subject of research focused on the quality of students' free time, the goal of the research is: To examine to what extent and in what way students of pedagogical faculties practice physical activities in their free time. The following scientific research tasks were determined: a) to examine the positioning of physical and sports activities in students' free time. time in a range of other activities; b) determine the frequency and nature of physical activities in students' free time; c) examine how students perceive predictors and distractors of their own physical activity in free time; d) determine whether independent variables (year of study, study program, age, playing sports) affect the final results of the research. Methodology and methods. The first part of the paper addresses the question of young people's leisure time through theoretical analysis, both within the framework of educational institutions and in other fields of life and work. Leisure activities are diverse and differ in content, forms, and manifestations. The second part of the paper presents the methodological concept of the research. The sample consists of 210 students (first and fourth year of undergraduate studies) from pedagogical faculties in Užice and Vranje (Serbia). The research is of a transversal nature and aims to examine and analyze physical activities in free time using descriptive methods, survey techniques, and relevant statistical analysis (χ², X). Results of the study and their discussion. The research results showed that students have the same preferences for leisure activities, ranking them in the same order (socializing with friends and social media, listening to music, outings, and walks). A statistically significant difference was observed in the preference for activities among students who actively engage in sports compared to others. It was found that these students position sports activities highly, while gambling and social media are placed at the bottom of the list. The obtained results indicate the need for greater awareness of the role and importance of engaging in physical activities in students' free time for the balanced development of their personality, with environmental factors playing a significant predictive role (peers, family, educational institutions, etc.). There is a particular responsibility on pedagogical faculties as they indirectly influence the formation of a positive attitude towards physical activities in the leisure time of young children by shaping the personality of teachers and caregivers.
This paper describes the content related to cultural heritage which exists in e-textbooks on natu... more This paper describes the content related to cultural heritage which exists in e-textbooks on nature and society for the first cycle of education. The research aim is to identify the cultural heritage content through the analysis of e-textbooks "World around us" for the first and second grade, and "Nature and society" for the third and fourth grade. E-textbooks are accessible to all and serve as a media promotion of educational content within them. The research was conducted in June 2023 on a sample of e-textbooks for nature and society published by Klett Publishing House (N = 8). The methods used include theoretical analysis and content analysis. Units of analysis include sentences from the main text and visual content such as images, photographs, and drawings within the didactic-methodological toolkit for various subjects, grades, and teaching topics. The research results have shown that as students progress to higher grades, the volume of content related to cultural heritage increases. However, the analyzed e-textbooks, however, do not sufficiently aid in the development and reinforcement of students' concepts of cultural heritage. Based on the results, conclusions have been drawn, and pedagogical implications have been provided. It is recommended that the content in e-textbooks on nature and society be modified to explicitly address the etymology of cultural heritage content according to the students' age. This would contribute to a stronger knowledge base among students regarding cultural heritage, serving as a foundation for further learning at higher educational levels.
Science International Journal, May 27, 2024
This paper explores the theological and didactic works of St. Augustine of Hippo. He is considere... more This paper explores the theological and didactic works of St. Augustine of Hippo. He is considered one of the greatest founders of Christianity, combating the Donatist and Pelagian heresies, preaching the Christian faith to his flock, and addressing topics concerning the relationship between man and God, the relationship between God and the world, the existence of evil in the world, and the dichotomy in the understanding of God and the world by the Manicheans. In addition to his theological work, St. Augustine of Hippo is also remembered for his sermons, which bear the characteristics of didactic work and are based on the understanding of human nature, upon which the extent to which it is possible to educate a person depends. From his teachings, some didactic principles can be derived: 1) if you are silent, be silent out of love; 2) if you speak, speak out of love; 3) if you admonish, admonish out of love; and 4) if you forgive, forgive out of love. It is concluded that from the theological and didactic work of St. Augustine of Hippo, it follows that what is primal and blessed, instructive and didactic, is only that which is done willingly and out of love. Recommendations for employing St. Augustine of Hippo's theological and didactic works in instructing pupils in the modern educational setting are made in light of these conclusions.
Savremeno predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje – tendencije, izazovi i mogućnosti
The paper presents a comparative analysis of integrated learning in preschool institutions in Swe... more The paper presents a comparative analysis of integrated learning in preschool institutions in Sweden and Serbia. In addition to supporting cognitive development, an integrated approach to learning also supports the full development of preschool children. In Serbia, integrated learning started in 2018 with the adoption of the Rulebook on the new foundations of the preschool education program. The results of integrated learning in Serbia have not indicated the expected effects so far, since it was started systemically and without creating optimal conditions for its implementation, with still insufficiently trained educators. Integrated learning in Sweden has been in use since 1998. It was revised in 2019 with the adoption of the Preschool Curriculum - LPFÖ 18. Based on the results of the comparative analysis, conclusions and a proposal for the improvement of integrated learning in preschool education in Serbia are given.
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees all children the right to an education,... more The 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child guarantees all children the right to an education, and this paper focuses on Roma children and that right. The extent of Serbia’s strategy documents was reviewed, particularly in light of their responsibility for guaranteeing equity, accessibility, and equal educational opportunities for all children. The study’s objective is to assess how content related to the Roma is portrayed in current curricula (N = 16) and textbooks (N = 93) for the 2022–2023 academic year. It was discovered that despite the objectives in each of the analyzed courses (Serbian language, The World around Us, Nature and Society, Music Education, and Civic Education) clearly promote equality, diversity, and mutual appreciation, democratic values, inclusion, and anti-discrimination, none of them explicitly mention the words Roma or the Roma people. Only a few times do the Roma people explicitly appear in textbooks on nature, society, and music, and then only as a nume...
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta, 2023
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini
The goal of learning in physical and health education (PHE) is for the student to improve physica... more The goal of learning in physical and health education (PHE) is for the student to improve physical abilities, motor skills and knowledge in physical and health culture, in order to preserve health and apply proper and regular physical exercise in modern living conditions and work. On the basis of the goal of the PHE teaching, the biological, pedagogical, and educational tasks are determined, the realization of which leads to the outcome of the PHE teaching. The biological tasks of physical education imply that a positive influence on students' proper growth and development is possible if the teacher is familiar with the structure and functions of the most important organic systems, the biological laws of development, and the impact of physical exercises on the organism. Pedagogical tasks include educational and learning tasks that intertwine and complement each other. Learning tasks should primarily contribute to the acquisition of motor skills and habits (sports-technical educa...
Баштина, 2022
Conflicts and violence are the worldwide spread phenomena, causes of which are saught both within... more Conflicts and violence are the worldwide spread phenomena, causes of which are saught both within the child`s character and the social settings. Various social interactionsencompass a higherpossibilityof contradistinction of different interests, by which conflicts become an expressive type of social exchange. Violence is in close relation to conflicts in school, which is a complex phenomenon and a state characterized as the use of someforce against someone. It is manifested as an urge, anger, hostility, when one wants to control the other person by using power. Taking into accountthe fact, that there is an increasingnumber ofconflictingandviolentbehaviors in schools in Serbia, the paper treats the current topicwith a focus on the studies of phenomena of conflicts and violence in schools, theircauses, forms, consequences, as well as on prevention and social programs of school violence control.
Društvene i humanističke studije (Online)
The paper presents the results of research conducted with the aim of determining the contribution... more The paper presents the results of research conducted with the aim of determining the contribution of textbooks on nature and society of the first cycle of education in the countries of the Western Balkans to the formation of the concept of national symbols and features. In the theoretical part of the paper, a description of the etymology of the official national symbols and features (flag, coat of arms and anthem) of the countries of the Western Balkan region is given. The theoretical analysis method and content analysis method were used. The units of analysis are sentences of the basic textbook content, visual content - pictures, photographs, drawings and questions and assignments in the domain of didactics and methodology instruments. The research included nature and society textbooks for younger elementary school students (N = 23). The results of the research showed that nature and society textbooks insufficiently affect the formation and strengthening of the concept of national ...
Research in Pedagogy
The goal of this study is identification of teachers assessment about digital literacy the have f... more The goal of this study is identification of teachers assessment about digital literacy the have for using electronic textbooks in the teaching class of Nature and society. In this research, we work from general assumption that electronic textbooks are important in teaching Nature and society, but not all teachers are equally digitally competent for using electronic textbooks, then also effects of their usage in Nature and society are different. It also deals with special assumptions that in the research will reveal that there are differences in teachers assessments of the digital competence they have for usage of electronic in Nature and society depending on their years in service in school, their educational level and the ways they improve their knowledge. Research has been conducted in the first half of 2022/2023. school year, in the area of Zlatibor district. Data collected by Scalar - DCT-UeTCNS ( = .924) and processed with descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and Man-V...
Društvene i humanističke studije (Online)
In contrast to classical teaching, innovative teaching about nature and society is based on innov... more In contrast to classical teaching, innovative teaching about nature and society is based on innovative teaching systems and innovative didactic-methodical systems by which teaching is planned, implemented, and evaluated in reverse design. The goal of this conducted research is to identify teachers' assessments of their familiarity with innovative teaching systems and of their participation in the nature and society lessons that they implement. The research was based on the assumptions that teachers estimate that innovative teaching systems are important for the effective implementation of teaching content in teaching about nature and society, but that they use them insufficiently in teaching about nature and society for various reasons: it takes a lot of time to prepare the lesson, insufficient professional training, lack of material resources, children's lack of interest in work, etc. To determine this, in the first half of the 2022/2023 school year, on a sample of 109 teac...
Metodički ogledi
Partnerstvo odgojitelja i roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju važno je za ranu intervenciju, ko... more Partnerstvo odgojitelja i roditelja djece s teškoćama u razvoju važno je za ranu intervenciju, koja predstavlja integrirani i interdisciplinarni sustav stručnih usluga namijenjenih djeci rane dobi s teškoćama u razvoju, kao i djeci koja zbog različitih razloga (kronične bolesti, biološki i okolišni čimbenici, itd.) mogu kasniti u polasku u školu. Cilj istraživanja je ispitati procjene odgojitelja i roditelja o uključenosti obitelji djece s teškoćama u razvoju u aktivnosti vrtića. Polazna pretpostavka istraživanja je da postoji razlika u procjenama odgojitelja i roditelja o uključenosti obitelji u aktivnosti vrtića. Istraživanje provedeno u listopadu 2022. godine obuhvatilo je 167 odgojitelja i 167 roditelja na području Kikinde i Sombora (Srbija), koji su procjenjivali sudjelovanje obitelji u vrtićkim aktivnostima za 167 djece u dobi od pet do sedam godina. Kvaliteta suradnje ispitana je podtestom Uključenost roditelja u aktivnosti vrtića. Ovaj podtest čini dio Upitnika roditeljske u...
Društvene i humanističke studije (Online)
The term represents an integral element of each subject and forms the basis for the development o... more The term represents an integral element of each subject and forms the basis for the development of knowledge and mastery of knowledge acquired through the development of science. The school and the course book should enable students to adopt a system of scientific concepts from a certain field. This work deals with the analysis of the concepts of nature in the coursebooks of Nature and Society for the fourth grade of primary school, published by the publishers: Klett, New logos, and Bigz schooling. The research provides answers to the following questions: Are the concepts of nature explicitly represented in coursebooks? Do complete and incomplete logical definitions of the concepts of nature dominate in the coursebooks of Nature and Society? Is there a dominance of complete and incomplete logical definitions of different publishers and by the dominance of complete and incomplete logical definitions of the concepts of nature? Based on the results of research on the definitions of the...
Pri kvalifikaciji stila vodstva nastavnika, polazi se od načina korištenja autoriteta. U tradicio... more Pri kvalifikaciji stila vodstva nastavnika, polazi se od načina korištenja autoriteta. U tradicionalnoj nastavi uglavnom su dominantna dva stila vodstva: autoritarni i demokratski. Oni se nalaze između dviju krajnosti i svaki odgovara određenoj nastavnoj situaciji. Kao treći, zastupljen je Laissez-faire stil vodstva, koji zbog pretjerane stihijnosti nije našao širu primjenu u suvremenoj školi. Inkluzivna je nastava nova didaktička koncepcija, didaktički sustav ili didaktički model organiziranog učenja i poučavanja djece s posebnim obrazovnim potrebama. U inkluzivnoj nastavi nastavnik ima drukčije uloge, funkcije i stil vodstva. Nastavnik inkluzivne nastave stil vodstva prilagođava individualizaciji cilja odgoja i posebnim obrazovnim potrebama učenika. Zato se i govori o prilagodljivom stilu vodstva nastavnika u inkluzivnoj nastavi.The classification of the leadership style of the teacher is based on the way of using the authority. In traditional education two styles leadership domin...
Zbornik radova Učiteljskog fakulteta, Užice, 2011