Zlatan Begić - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Zlatan Begić
Društvene i humanističke studije, Sep 4, 2023
Journal of politics and law, Jul 3, 2023
Journal of politics and law, Feb 28, 2016
The central part of this paper is concerned with the possibilities of the Dayton Constitution in ... more The central part of this paper is concerned with the possibilities of the Dayton Constitution in the process of accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to European Union. At the first place, this paper contains an analysis of the legal power of the general principles of international law in the constitutional system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular, the pacta sunt servanda principle which has significant importance, in legal sense, for implementation obligations deriving from the international agreements related to European integration. In this regard, it should be emphasized that Article III/3b of the BH Constitution implicitly refers to the obligatory implementation of the aforementioned principles. In terms of commitments deriving from the European integration process, this paper also includes an analysis of the other constitutional possibilities for harmonization entity legislation and establishment integrated state frame and functional unified single market on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Journal of Politics and Law, 2016
The central part of this paper is concerned with the possibilities of the Dayton Constitution in ... more The central part of this paper is concerned with the possibilities of the Dayton Constitution in the process of accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to European Union. At the first place, this paper contains an analysis of the legal power of the general principles of international law in the constitutional system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular, the pacta sunt servanda principle which has significant importance, in legal sense, for implementation obligations deriving from the international agreements related to European integration. In this regard, it should be emphasized that Article III/3b of the BH Constitution implicitly refers to the obligatory implementation of the aforementioned principles. In terms of commitments deriving from the European integration process, this paper also includes an analysis of the other constitutional possibilities for harmonization entity legislation and establishment integrated state frame and functional unified single market on the territory...
Reforma izbornog zakonodavstva Bosne i Hercegovine, 2021
Izborni sistem Bosne i Hercegovine (dalje: BiH) zasniva se na pozitivnim ustavnopravnim rješenjim... more Izborni sistem Bosne i Hercegovine (dalje: BiH) zasniva se na pozitivnim ustavnopravnim rješenjima koja u svom izvornom obliku, kako je poznato, ne omogućavaju konsekventno ostvarenje opšte-prihvaćenih međunarodnih demokratskih standarda u pogledu jednakosti biračkog prava građana. O tome je, u pojedinačnim slučajevima, Evropski sud za ljudska prava u Strazburu već zauzeo stav. Konstantno ignorisanje obaveza u vezi sa usaglašavanjem unutrašnjeg pravnog poretka BiH sa međunarodnim demokratskim standardima i presudama Evropskog suda za ljudska prava koje predstavljaju obaveze ustavno-pravne naravi dovelo je, ne samo do daljeg kršenja biračkih prava građana po etničkoj osnovi, nego i do daljeg razvoja nedemokratskih političkih koncepata koji teže za uvođenjem novih oblika diskriminacije u fazi izbora. Pri tome se pojmovni instrumentarij tumači i obrazlaže na do sada nepoznat i suštinski pogrešan način u teoriji i praksi ustavnog i javnog prava – poput „legitimnog predstavljanja konstit...
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 2017
Abstract The Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a part of the Washington... more Abstract The Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a part of the Washington Peace Agreement which was the first step in establishing the sustainable peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This Constitution established a complex constitutional arrangement of this entity, which consists of 10 federal units—cantons. In the post-war period it turned out that the Constitution of the Federation of BH contains a number of inconsistent, contradictory and vague solutions that seriously affect the functionality of the entire system of government. This is particularly evident in the European integration process, which requires the effective fulfillment of the commitments derived from this process. Given the above, the US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Patrick Moon formed an independent Expert Group consisting of local experts, with the aim to propose concrete recommendations to establish a more efficient, more functional and cheaper system of government in the interest of citizens. This paper provides analysis of the most important system problems in the functioning of government in the Federation of BH and the solutions that, within the Draft of the new Constitution of the Federation of BH, were offered by the Expert Group in the realization of the set project task.
Revus, 2009
Politična prihodnost mednarodne skupnosti usmerja razvojne tokove o odnosu med državljansko (indi... more Politična prihodnost mednarodne skupnosti usmerja razvojne tokove o odnosu med državljansko (individualno) in nacionalno (kolektivno) identiteto. Danes ni mogoče govoriti o demokraciji in demokratičnih načelih z vidika katerekoli družbeno-politične skupnosti, če ona, na kakršenkoli način in v kateremkoli obsegu zanika značaj individuuma v procesu ustvarjanja in oblikovanja sodobnih družbeno-političnih odnosov. Poleg številnih zahtev, ki jo nanjo naslavljajo kot na primarni subjekt mednarodnopravnega reda in ki so povezane z določenimi trajnimi procesi državno-pravnega prilagajanja sodobnim mednarodnim odnosom, se moderna država nacij sooča tudi z velikim izzivom notranje narave-s pojavom multikulturnih (pluralnih) družb, ki s seboj prinašajo tudi novo posledico. Namreč, vsaka sodobna država nacij predstavlja sočasno tudi skupnost državljanov in "skupnost skupnosti" (skupnost narodnih/etničnih skupnosti), ker se z oblikovanjem različnih družbenih organizacij in asociacij omogoča posamezniku, da laže uresničuje pravice in svoboščine. Po drugi strani pa se zaradi teh istih organizacij in asociacij posameznik srečuje z omejitvami svobodnega ravnanja. Članek mag. Dženete Miraščić in mag. Zlatana Begića s pravne fakultete v Tuzli objavljamo v izvirniku.
Kvaliteta usluge QoS (Quality of Service) predstavlja jedan od najvecih izazova za nadolazece usl... more Kvaliteta usluge QoS (Quality of Service) predstavlja jedan od najvecih izazova za nadolazece usluge isporuke visemedijskog sadržaja temeljene na
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism
Referendum je jedan od oblika neposredne demokratije koji podrazumijeva izjašnjavanje građana o k... more Referendum je jedan od oblika neposredne demokratije koji podrazumijeva izjašnjavanje građana o konkretnom pitanju koje mora biti postavljeno tako da se na njega može odgovoriti sa „da“ ili sa „ne“ („za“ ili „protiv“). Riječ je o demokratskom institutu koji se često upotrebljava u zemljama predstavničke demokratije. U uporednom pravu referendumi se najčešće provode kod izmjene ustava. Kako će se vidjeti u tekstu koji slijedi, ustavi savremenih demokratskih država, u najvećem broju slučajeva, sadrže odredbe kojima je regulisana oblast referendumskog izjašnjavanja građana prilikom izmjena ustava, ali i povodom drugih pitanja. Pri tome, svrha upotrebe referenduma, kao oblika neposredne demokratije, nije sadržana u namjeri da se oslabe
International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2013
The constituency of peoples as a collective political right of ethnic communities in Bosnia and H... more The constituency of peoples as a collective political right of ethnic communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnians, Serbs, and Croats) was provided as a constitutional category by the Washington and Dayton Peace Agreements. On the one hand, institutional guarantees for equal status of ethnic groups, which make the essence of constituency, can indeed help to decrease the insecurity and tensions among them and secure the removal of obstacles during the distribution of political power. On the other hand, it is difficult to foresee the consequences of institutionalized ethnic equality on the individual equality of the members of the different groups. In that sense, there is a real risk of identification of the collective ethnic identity with individual identity, and limitation of individual rights to collective political rights of ethnic groups, which is the case in Bosnia and Herzegovina in post-Dayton period. By its decision in the Sejdić-Finci case, the European Court of Human Rights confirmed that Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking into account all its specificity, should find a "lucky" combination of civil and ethnic constitutional model.
Društvene i humanističke studije, Sep 4, 2023
Journal of politics and law, Jul 3, 2023
Journal of politics and law, Feb 28, 2016
The central part of this paper is concerned with the possibilities of the Dayton Constitution in ... more The central part of this paper is concerned with the possibilities of the Dayton Constitution in the process of accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to European Union. At the first place, this paper contains an analysis of the legal power of the general principles of international law in the constitutional system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular, the pacta sunt servanda principle which has significant importance, in legal sense, for implementation obligations deriving from the international agreements related to European integration. In this regard, it should be emphasized that Article III/3b of the BH Constitution implicitly refers to the obligatory implementation of the aforementioned principles. In terms of commitments deriving from the European integration process, this paper also includes an analysis of the other constitutional possibilities for harmonization entity legislation and establishment integrated state frame and functional unified single market on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Journal of Politics and Law, 2016
The central part of this paper is concerned with the possibilities of the Dayton Constitution in ... more The central part of this paper is concerned with the possibilities of the Dayton Constitution in the process of accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to European Union. At the first place, this paper contains an analysis of the legal power of the general principles of international law in the constitutional system of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular, the pacta sunt servanda principle which has significant importance, in legal sense, for implementation obligations deriving from the international agreements related to European integration. In this regard, it should be emphasized that Article III/3b of the BH Constitution implicitly refers to the obligatory implementation of the aforementioned principles. In terms of commitments deriving from the European integration process, this paper also includes an analysis of the other constitutional possibilities for harmonization entity legislation and establishment integrated state frame and functional unified single market on the territory...
Reforma izbornog zakonodavstva Bosne i Hercegovine, 2021
Izborni sistem Bosne i Hercegovine (dalje: BiH) zasniva se na pozitivnim ustavnopravnim rješenjim... more Izborni sistem Bosne i Hercegovine (dalje: BiH) zasniva se na pozitivnim ustavnopravnim rješenjima koja u svom izvornom obliku, kako je poznato, ne omogućavaju konsekventno ostvarenje opšte-prihvaćenih međunarodnih demokratskih standarda u pogledu jednakosti biračkog prava građana. O tome je, u pojedinačnim slučajevima, Evropski sud za ljudska prava u Strazburu već zauzeo stav. Konstantno ignorisanje obaveza u vezi sa usaglašavanjem unutrašnjeg pravnog poretka BiH sa međunarodnim demokratskim standardima i presudama Evropskog suda za ljudska prava koje predstavljaju obaveze ustavno-pravne naravi dovelo je, ne samo do daljeg kršenja biračkih prava građana po etničkoj osnovi, nego i do daljeg razvoja nedemokratskih političkih koncepata koji teže za uvođenjem novih oblika diskriminacije u fazi izbora. Pri tome se pojmovni instrumentarij tumači i obrazlaže na do sada nepoznat i suštinski pogrešan način u teoriji i praksi ustavnog i javnog prava – poput „legitimnog predstavljanja konstit...
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 2017
Abstract The Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a part of the Washington... more Abstract The Constitution of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a part of the Washington Peace Agreement which was the first step in establishing the sustainable peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This Constitution established a complex constitutional arrangement of this entity, which consists of 10 federal units—cantons. In the post-war period it turned out that the Constitution of the Federation of BH contains a number of inconsistent, contradictory and vague solutions that seriously affect the functionality of the entire system of government. This is particularly evident in the European integration process, which requires the effective fulfillment of the commitments derived from this process. Given the above, the US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Patrick Moon formed an independent Expert Group consisting of local experts, with the aim to propose concrete recommendations to establish a more efficient, more functional and cheaper system of government in the interest of citizens. This paper provides analysis of the most important system problems in the functioning of government in the Federation of BH and the solutions that, within the Draft of the new Constitution of the Federation of BH, were offered by the Expert Group in the realization of the set project task.
Revus, 2009
Politična prihodnost mednarodne skupnosti usmerja razvojne tokove o odnosu med državljansko (indi... more Politična prihodnost mednarodne skupnosti usmerja razvojne tokove o odnosu med državljansko (individualno) in nacionalno (kolektivno) identiteto. Danes ni mogoče govoriti o demokraciji in demokratičnih načelih z vidika katerekoli družbeno-politične skupnosti, če ona, na kakršenkoli način in v kateremkoli obsegu zanika značaj individuuma v procesu ustvarjanja in oblikovanja sodobnih družbeno-političnih odnosov. Poleg številnih zahtev, ki jo nanjo naslavljajo kot na primarni subjekt mednarodnopravnega reda in ki so povezane z določenimi trajnimi procesi državno-pravnega prilagajanja sodobnim mednarodnim odnosom, se moderna država nacij sooča tudi z velikim izzivom notranje narave-s pojavom multikulturnih (pluralnih) družb, ki s seboj prinašajo tudi novo posledico. Namreč, vsaka sodobna država nacij predstavlja sočasno tudi skupnost državljanov in "skupnost skupnosti" (skupnost narodnih/etničnih skupnosti), ker se z oblikovanjem različnih družbenih organizacij in asociacij omogoča posamezniku, da laže uresničuje pravice in svoboščine. Po drugi strani pa se zaradi teh istih organizacij in asociacij posameznik srečuje z omejitvami svobodnega ravnanja. Članek mag. Dženete Miraščić in mag. Zlatana Begića s pravne fakultete v Tuzli objavljamo v izvirniku.
Kvaliteta usluge QoS (Quality of Service) predstavlja jedan od najvecih izazova za nadolazece usl... more Kvaliteta usluge QoS (Quality of Service) predstavlja jedan od najvecih izazova za nadolazece usluge isporuke visemedijskog sadržaja temeljene na
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism
Referendum je jedan od oblika neposredne demokratije koji podrazumijeva izjašnjavanje građana o k... more Referendum je jedan od oblika neposredne demokratije koji podrazumijeva izjašnjavanje građana o konkretnom pitanju koje mora biti postavljeno tako da se na njega može odgovoriti sa „da“ ili sa „ne“ („za“ ili „protiv“). Riječ je o demokratskom institutu koji se često upotrebljava u zemljama predstavničke demokratije. U uporednom pravu referendumi se najčešće provode kod izmjene ustava. Kako će se vidjeti u tekstu koji slijedi, ustavi savremenih demokratskih država, u najvećem broju slučajeva, sadrže odredbe kojima je regulisana oblast referendumskog izjašnjavanja građana prilikom izmjena ustava, ali i povodom drugih pitanja. Pri tome, svrha upotrebe referenduma, kao oblika neposredne demokratije, nije sadržana u namjeri da se oslabe
International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2013
The constituency of peoples as a collective political right of ethnic communities in Bosnia and H... more The constituency of peoples as a collective political right of ethnic communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnians, Serbs, and Croats) was provided as a constitutional category by the Washington and Dayton Peace Agreements. On the one hand, institutional guarantees for equal status of ethnic groups, which make the essence of constituency, can indeed help to decrease the insecurity and tensions among them and secure the removal of obstacles during the distribution of political power. On the other hand, it is difficult to foresee the consequences of institutionalized ethnic equality on the individual equality of the members of the different groups. In that sense, there is a real risk of identification of the collective ethnic identity with individual identity, and limitation of individual rights to collective political rights of ethnic groups, which is the case in Bosnia and Herzegovina in post-Dayton period. By its decision in the Sejdić-Finci case, the European Court of Human Rights confirmed that Bosnia and Herzegovina, taking into account all its specificity, should find a "lucky" combination of civil and ethnic constitutional model.