Zsófia Müller - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Zsófia Müller
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Jun 1, 2004
Monitoring of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum by molecular methods has become the standard f... more Monitoring of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum by molecular methods has become the standard for assessment of the replicative activity of HBV. Several molecular assays for the detection and quantification of HBV DNA have been described. However, they usually lack automated sample preparation. Moreover, those assays, which are based on PCR, are limited by a short dynamic range (2 to 3 log units). In the present study, the use of RealArt HBV LC PCR Reagents in conjunction with automated extraction on the COBAS AMPLI-PREP analyzer was evaluated. Members of an HBV proficiency program panel were tested; linearity, interassay, and intra-assay variations were determined. The performance of the assay in a routine clinical laboratory was evaluated with a total of 117 clinical specimens. When members of the HBV proficiency program panel were tested by the new molecular assay, the results were found to be within ؎0.5 log unit of the results obtained by reference laboratories. Determination of linearity resulted in a quasilinear curve over more than 6 log units. The interassay variation of the RealArt HBV LC PCR Reagents by use of the automated sample preparation protocol ranged from 16 to 73%, and the intra-assay variation ranged from 9 to 40%. When clinical samples were tested by the new assay with the automated sample preparation protocol and the results were compared with those obtained by the COBAS AMPLICOR HBV MONITOR Test with manual sample preparation, the results for 76% of all samples with positive results by both tests were found to be within ؎0.5 log unit and the results for another 18% were found to be within between 0.5 and 1.0 log unit. In conclusion, the real-time PCR assay with automated sample preparation proved to be suitable for the routine molecular laboratory and required less hands-on time.
Orvosi Hetilap, May 1, 2017
Bevezetés: A nyugat-nílusi vírus Magyarországon is elterjedt, éves rendszerességgel humán megbete... more Bevezetés: A nyugat-nílusi vírus Magyarországon is elterjedt, éves rendszerességgel humán megbetegedéseket okozó, szúnyogok által terjesztett virális zoonosis. Az akut infekciók laboratóriumi differenciáldiagnosztikája szerológiai vizsgálatokon alapul, de a molekuláris módszerek alkalmazhatósága is egyre inkább előtérbe kerül. Célkitűzés: Vizsgálatunk célja a 2015. évi akut fertőzöttek vér-, liquor-és vizeletmintáinak molekuláris vizsgálata volt, illetve a pozitív betegek nyomon követése annak megállapítása érdekében, hogy mennyi ideig detektálható a vírus. Módszer: Az akut fertőzött betegek mintáit indirekt immunfluoreszcens, hemagglutináció-gátlási, majd kétféle PCRmódszerrel vizsgáltuk. A pozitív mintákból a vírustörzseket Sanger-szekvenálással azonosítottuk és vírusizolálást végeztünk. Eredmények: Öt páciens esetén nyílt lehetőség a nyomon követést elvégezni, ennek során a betegek vizeletéből hoszszú ideig (a tünetek megjelenésétől számítva akár hetekig) és összehasonlítva más mintatípusokkal, magasabb koncentrációban volt kimutatható a vírus. Következtetések: Akut fertőzések fennállásakor a vizeletminták PCR-vizsgálata járványügyi és diagnosztikai szempontból is hasznos információt szolgáltathat, ezért vizeletminták beküldésével javasoljuk kiegészíteni a szerológiai diagnosztikát.
Orvosi Hetilap, Mar 1, 2009
The use of valeriana was underplayed at the beginning of the 20th century because of its addictiv... more The use of valeriana was underplayed at the beginning of the 20th century because of its addictive and side effects. The 38-year-old woman, mother of a 20-month-old child from Eastern Europe, was treated with liver insufficiency and vascular, parenchymal decompensated cirrhosis needing plasmaferesis for the first time in our hospital. In case history, abusus of aethyl-alcohol and valeriana was found to be as toxic agent which was treated as the etiologic factor of the liver disease and liver failure. After intensive and conservative treatment her status was stabilised, during the follow-up she had no signs and symptoms, the laboratory results tend to be in normal range. Half year after her hospitalization intensive care treatment was necessary abroad due to gastric bleeding. In the background the histology of gastric biopsy taken during gastroscopic examination showed gastric sigillocellular carcinoma in our hospital. Total gastrectomia, omentectomia, lymphadenectomia were performed, the tumor was removed and she received cytostatic treatment. The use of valeriana and aethyl-alcohol is supposed to have a potential effect on tumorgenesis and on the increase of toxicity.
Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The... more Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The prevalence of HCV infection varies from country to country and the natural history of hepatitis C infection is not well understood. Objectives: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary was determined. Potential risk factors of HCV transmission were investigated and compared to anti-HCV-negative blood donors. Furthermore, the rate of anti-HCV positivitv in children who had received one or more blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening was evaluated. Study design: A total of 45 719 blood donors and 120 children were tested for the presence of anti-HCV antibodies by second-and third-generation enzyme immunoassays. Positive results were confirmed by a recombinant immunoblot assay. Data on potential sources of HCV transmission were obtained by interviews. Results: Among blood donors, the rate of confirmed HCV antibody-positives was 0.4% (195 of 45 719 donors). Previous surgery, transfusion, more than three pregnancies, and tattoos were significantly correlated with confirmed anti-HCV positivity. Two of 120 children (1.7%) were confirmed anti-HCV positives. In both of them, serum HCV RNA could be detected. Conclusions: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary is low. Nosocomial infections and tattooing were found to be the most important risk factors for transmission of HCV. Because of the low prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors, only a small number of children, who received blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening, are infected with HCV.
Hematológia-transzfuziológia, Apr 4, 2023
Orvosi Hetilap
Bevezetés és célkitűzés: Az Európai Unióban a hepatitis C-vírussal (HCV) fertőzött betegek kéthar... more Bevezetés és célkitűzés: Az Európai Unióban a hepatitis C-vírussal (HCV) fertőzött betegek kétharmada nem tud a fertőzöttségéről. A WHO célja 2030-ra az új krónikus hepatitises esetek számának 90%-os csökkentése. A börtönökben a HCV-fertőzöttek aránya a lakosságénak a tízszeresét is elérheti. A cikk a magyar büntetés-végrehajtási intézetekben 2007 és 2017 között zajlott HCV-szűrő vizsgálat eredményeinek összefoglalása. Módszer: Az önkéntes alapú anti-HCV-szűrő vizsgálatot követően a pozitív eseteknél HCV-PCR- és -genotípus-meghatározás történt. A betegek írásos beleegyezése után kezdődött el az interferonalapú kezelés, mely a hepatológusok irányításával és a büntetés-végrehajtási intézetek egészségügyi személyzetének együttműködésével történt. Eredmények: A magyar börtönök 84%-ában folyik HCV-szűrő program és -kezelés. Összesen 25 384 betegnél történt meg ezen időszak alatt az anti-HCV-szűrő vizsgálat. A betegek 6,6%-ában anti-HCV-pozitivitást és 3,8%-ában HCV-PCR-pozitivitást talál...
Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The... more Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The prevalence of HCV infection varies from country to country and the natural history of hepatitis C infection is not well understood. Objectives: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary was determined. Potential risk factors of HCV transmission were investigated and compared to anti-HCV-negative blood donors. Furthermore, the rate of anti-HCV positivitv in children who had received one or more blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening was evaluated. Study design: A total of 45 719 blood donors and 120 children were tested for the presence of anti-HCV antibodies by second-and third-generation enzyme immunoassays. Positive results were confirmed by a recombinant immunoblot assay. Data on potential sources of HCV transmission were obtained by interviews. Results: Among blood donors, the rate of confirmed HCV antibody-positives was 0.4% (195 of 45 719 donors). Previous surgery, transfusion, more than three pregnancies, and tattoos were significantly correlated with confirmed anti-HCV positivity. Two of 120 children (1.7%) were confirmed anti-HCV positives. In both of them, serum HCV RNA could be detected. Conclusions: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary is low. Nosocomial infections and tattooing were found to be the most important risk factors for transmission of HCV. Because of the low prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors, only a small number of children, who received blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening, are infected with HCV.
BMC Infectious Diseases, 2021
Background West Nile virus (WNV) infections have become increasingly prevalent in certain Europea... more Background West Nile virus (WNV) infections have become increasingly prevalent in certain European countries, including Hungary. Although most human infections do not cause severe symptoms, in approximately 1% of cases WNV infections can lead to severe WNV neuroinvasive disease (WNND) and death. The goal of our study was to assess the neurological status changes of WNV –infected patients admitted to inpatient care and to identify potential risk factors as underlying reasons for severe neurological outcome. Methods We conducted a retrospective chart review of 66 WNV-infected patients from four Hungarian medical centers. Patients’ neurological status at hospital admission and at two follow-up intervals (1st follow-up, within 60–90 days and 2nd follow-up, within 150–180 days, after hospital discharge) were assessed. All of the 66 patients in the initial sample had some type of neurological symptoms and 56 patients were diagnosed with WNND. The modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and the West N...
Orvosi hetilap, 2017
West Nile virus, a mosquito-borne viral zoonosis is responsible for human infections in Hungary. ... more West Nile virus, a mosquito-borne viral zoonosis is responsible for human infections in Hungary. Laboratory diagnosis is based on serological tests, however the application of molecular methods has been appreciated. The aim of the study was to investigate blood, cerebrospinal-fluid and urine samples of acutely ill patients and to follow-up PCR positive cases to ascertain the length of virus excretion. Clinical specimens were examined by indirect-immunofluorescent, haemagglutination-inhibition, two PCR tests and Sanger-sequencing. Virus isolation in case of two patients was successful. A follow-up study could be carried out in case of 5 patients. Viral nucleic acid was detectable in urine even for several weeks after symptom onset and viral RNA was present at higher concentration compared with other samples. PCR analysis of urine could provide useful epidemiological and diagnostic information. Therefore, it is recommended to collect urine samples in order to supplement the serologica...
Orvosi Hetilap, 2016
Introduction: During 2011 and 2013, 155 Hungarian hepatitis C genotype 1 infected patients, mostl... more Introduction: During 2011 and 2013, 155 Hungarian hepatitis C genotype 1 infected patients, mostly with advanced liver fibrosis, who did not respond to prior peginterferon + ribavirin dual therapy, started boceprevir based triple therapy in an early access program. Aim and method: Efficacy and safety of the therapy was retrospectively assessed based on sustained virologic responses, as well as on frequency and type of serious adverse events and of those leading to therapy discontinuation. Results: In an intent-to-treat analysis 39.4% patients (61/155) reached sustained virologic response. Amongst pervious relapsers, partial responders and null-responders 59.5%, 41.4 % and 22.9% (p<0.05 compared to the other two categories) reached sustained virologic response, respectively, while amongst non-cirrhotics and cirrhotics 52.5% and 31.3% (p<0.05 compared to the non-cirrhotics) achieved sutained virologic response, respectively. Six out of the 33 most difficult to cure patients (pre...
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 2007
Interventional Medicine and Applied Science, 2011
Adult-onset Still's disease is a rare systemic non-infectious inflammatory disease of unknown... more Adult-onset Still's disease is a rare systemic non-infectious inflammatory disease of unknown aetiology. It is characterized by high spiking fever, sore throat, arthralgia, transient maculopapular rash, hepatosplenomegaly, liver cytolysis, weight loss, leukocytosis, neutrophilia, lymphadenopathy, myopathia and polyserositis. Mild or moderate liver involvement is common but fulminate liver failure is a rare manifestation. We report a 41-year-old male with undiagnosed adult Still's disease who underwent liver transplantation due to acute fulminate liver failure. He died 6 months after the liver transplantation in a septic condition. To date, six patients with adult Still's disease-related liver failure have been reported who required liver transplantation. We emphasize that adult Still's disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of fulminate liver failure, especially in young adults with fever of unknown aetiology or typical features in the history.
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 2013
Journal of Clinical Virology, 2001
Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The... more Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The prevalence of HCV infection varies from country to country and the natural history of hepatitis C infection is not well understood. Objecti6es: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary was determined. Potential risk factors of HCV transmission were investigated and compared to anti-HCV-negative blood donors. Furthermore, the rate of anti-HCV positivity in children who had received one or more blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening was evaluated. Study design: A total of 45 719 blood donors and 120 children were tested for the presence of anti-HCV antibodies by second-and third-generation enzyme immunoassays. Positive results were confirmed by a recombinant immunoblot assay. Data on potential sources of HCV transmission were obtained by interviews. Results: Among blood donors, the rate of confirmed HCV antibody-positives was 0.4% (195 of 45 719 donors). Previous surgery, transfusion, more than three pregnancies, and tattoos were significantly correlated with confirmed anti-HCV positivity. Two of 120 children (1.7%) were confirmed anti-HCV positives. In both of them, serum HCV RNA could be detected. Conclusions: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary is low. Nosocomial infections and tattooing were found to be the most important risk factors for transmission of HCV. Because of the low prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors, only a small number of children, who received blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening, are infected with HCV.
Journal of Clinical Virology, 2007
Background: The Abbott RealTime HCV assay for quantitative detection of HCV RNA has recently been... more Background: The Abbott RealTime HCV assay for quantitative detection of HCV RNA has recently been introduced. Objectives: In this study, the performance of the Abbott RealTime HCV assay was evaluated and compared to the COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HCV test. Study design: Accuracy, linearity, interassay and intra-assay variations were determined, and a total of 243 routine clinical samples were investigated. Results: When accuracy of the new assay was tested, the majority of results were found to be within ±0.5 log 10 unit of the results obtained by reference laboratories. Determination of linearity resulted in a quasilinear curve up to 1.0 × 10 6 IU/ml. The interassay variation ranged from 15% to 32%, and the intra-assay variation ranged from 5% to 8%. When clinical samples were tested by the Abbott RealTime HCV assay and the results were compared with those obtained by the COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HCV test, the results for 93% of all samples with positive results by both tests were found to be within ±1.0 log 10 unit. The viral loads for all patients measured by the Abbott and Roche assays showed a high correlation (R 2 = 0.93); quantitative results obtained by the Abbott assay were found to be lower than those obtained by the Roche assay. Conclusions: The Abbott RealTime HCV assay proved to be suitable for use in the routine diagnostic laboratory. The time to results was similar for both of the assays.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2004
Efforts have been made to achieve full automation of molecular assays for quantitative detection ... more Efforts have been made to achieve full automation of molecular assays for quantitative detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). In the present study, the Abbott LCx HIV RNA Quantitative assay was evaluated in conjunction with automated HIV-1 RNA extraction on the MagNA Pure LC instrument and compared to the conventional LCx HIV RNA Quantitative assay, which uses a manual nucleic acid extraction protocol. Accuracy, linearity, and interassay and intra-assay variations were determined. The performance of the assay in a routine clinical laboratory was tested with a total of 105 clinical specimens. When the accuracy of the LCx HIV RNA Quantitative assay with the automated sample preparation protocol was tested, all results were found to be within ±0.5 log unit of the expected results. Determination of linearity resulted in a quasilinear curve over 3.5 log units. For determination of interassay variation, coefficients of variation were found to be between 21 and 66% for t...
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2004
Monitoring of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum by molecular methods has become the standard f... more Monitoring of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum by molecular methods has become the standard for assessment of the replicative activity of HBV. Several molecular assays for the detection and quantification of HBV DNA have been described. However, they usually lack automated sample preparation. Moreover, those assays, which are based on PCR, are limited by a short dynamic range (2 to 3 log units). In the present study, the use of RealArt HBV LC PCR Reagents in conjunction with automated extraction on the COBAS AMPLIPREP analyzer was evaluated. Members of an HBV proficiency program panel were tested; linearity, interassay, and intra-assay variations were determined. The performance of the assay in a routine clinical laboratory was evaluated with a total of 117 clinical specimens. When members of the HBV proficiency program panel were tested by the new molecular assay, the results were found to be within ±0.5 log unit of the results obtained by reference laboratories. Determination ...
Orvosi Hetilap, 2009
The use of valeriana was underplayed at the beginning of the 20th century because of its addictiv... more The use of valeriana was underplayed at the beginning of the 20th century because of its addictive and side effects. The 38-year-old woman, mother of a 20-month-old child from Eastern Europe, was treated with liver insufficiency and vascular, parenchymal decompensated cirrhosis needing plasmaferesis for the first time in our hospital. In case history, abusus of aethyl-alcohol and valeriana was found to be as toxic agent which was treated as the etiologic factor of the liver disease and liver failure. After intensive and conservative treatment her status was stabilised, during the follow-up she had no signs and symptoms, the laboratory results tend to be in normal range. Half year after her hospitalization intensive care treatment was necessary abroad due to gastric bleeding. In the background the histology of gastric biopsy taken during gastroscopic examination showed gastric sigillocellular carcinoma in our hospital. Total gastrectomia, omentectomia, lymphadenectomia were performed...
Viruses, 2022
A hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening and treatment program was conducted in Hungarian prisons on a... more A hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening and treatment program was conducted in Hungarian prisons on a voluntary basis. After HCV-RNA testing and genotyping for anti-HCV positives, treatments with direct-acting antiviral agents were commenced by hepatologists who visited the institutions monthly. Patients were supervised by the prisons’ medical staff. Data were retrospectively collected from the Hungarian Hepatitis Treatment Registry, from the Health Registry of Prisons, and from participating hepatologists. Eighty-four percent of Hungarian prisons participated, meaning a total of 5779 individuals (28% of the inmate population) underwent screening. HCV-RNA positivity was confirmed in 317/5779 cases (5.49%); 261/317 (82.3%) started treatment. Ninety-nine percent of them admitted previous intravenous drug use. So far, 220 patients received full treatment and 41 patients are still on treatment. Based on the available end of treatment (EOT) + 24 weeks timepoint data, per protocol sustained v...
Journal of Clinical Virology, 2003
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Jun 1, 2004
Monitoring of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum by molecular methods has become the standard f... more Monitoring of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum by molecular methods has become the standard for assessment of the replicative activity of HBV. Several molecular assays for the detection and quantification of HBV DNA have been described. However, they usually lack automated sample preparation. Moreover, those assays, which are based on PCR, are limited by a short dynamic range (2 to 3 log units). In the present study, the use of RealArt HBV LC PCR Reagents in conjunction with automated extraction on the COBAS AMPLI-PREP analyzer was evaluated. Members of an HBV proficiency program panel were tested; linearity, interassay, and intra-assay variations were determined. The performance of the assay in a routine clinical laboratory was evaluated with a total of 117 clinical specimens. When members of the HBV proficiency program panel were tested by the new molecular assay, the results were found to be within ؎0.5 log unit of the results obtained by reference laboratories. Determination of linearity resulted in a quasilinear curve over more than 6 log units. The interassay variation of the RealArt HBV LC PCR Reagents by use of the automated sample preparation protocol ranged from 16 to 73%, and the intra-assay variation ranged from 9 to 40%. When clinical samples were tested by the new assay with the automated sample preparation protocol and the results were compared with those obtained by the COBAS AMPLICOR HBV MONITOR Test with manual sample preparation, the results for 76% of all samples with positive results by both tests were found to be within ؎0.5 log unit and the results for another 18% were found to be within between 0.5 and 1.0 log unit. In conclusion, the real-time PCR assay with automated sample preparation proved to be suitable for the routine molecular laboratory and required less hands-on time.
Orvosi Hetilap, May 1, 2017
Bevezetés: A nyugat-nílusi vírus Magyarországon is elterjedt, éves rendszerességgel humán megbete... more Bevezetés: A nyugat-nílusi vírus Magyarországon is elterjedt, éves rendszerességgel humán megbetegedéseket okozó, szúnyogok által terjesztett virális zoonosis. Az akut infekciók laboratóriumi differenciáldiagnosztikája szerológiai vizsgálatokon alapul, de a molekuláris módszerek alkalmazhatósága is egyre inkább előtérbe kerül. Célkitűzés: Vizsgálatunk célja a 2015. évi akut fertőzöttek vér-, liquor-és vizeletmintáinak molekuláris vizsgálata volt, illetve a pozitív betegek nyomon követése annak megállapítása érdekében, hogy mennyi ideig detektálható a vírus. Módszer: Az akut fertőzött betegek mintáit indirekt immunfluoreszcens, hemagglutináció-gátlási, majd kétféle PCRmódszerrel vizsgáltuk. A pozitív mintákból a vírustörzseket Sanger-szekvenálással azonosítottuk és vírusizolálást végeztünk. Eredmények: Öt páciens esetén nyílt lehetőség a nyomon követést elvégezni, ennek során a betegek vizeletéből hoszszú ideig (a tünetek megjelenésétől számítva akár hetekig) és összehasonlítva más mintatípusokkal, magasabb koncentrációban volt kimutatható a vírus. Következtetések: Akut fertőzések fennállásakor a vizeletminták PCR-vizsgálata járványügyi és diagnosztikai szempontból is hasznos információt szolgáltathat, ezért vizeletminták beküldésével javasoljuk kiegészíteni a szerológiai diagnosztikát.
Orvosi Hetilap, Mar 1, 2009
The use of valeriana was underplayed at the beginning of the 20th century because of its addictiv... more The use of valeriana was underplayed at the beginning of the 20th century because of its addictive and side effects. The 38-year-old woman, mother of a 20-month-old child from Eastern Europe, was treated with liver insufficiency and vascular, parenchymal decompensated cirrhosis needing plasmaferesis for the first time in our hospital. In case history, abusus of aethyl-alcohol and valeriana was found to be as toxic agent which was treated as the etiologic factor of the liver disease and liver failure. After intensive and conservative treatment her status was stabilised, during the follow-up she had no signs and symptoms, the laboratory results tend to be in normal range. Half year after her hospitalization intensive care treatment was necessary abroad due to gastric bleeding. In the background the histology of gastric biopsy taken during gastroscopic examination showed gastric sigillocellular carcinoma in our hospital. Total gastrectomia, omentectomia, lymphadenectomia were performed, the tumor was removed and she received cytostatic treatment. The use of valeriana and aethyl-alcohol is supposed to have a potential effect on tumorgenesis and on the increase of toxicity.
Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The... more Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The prevalence of HCV infection varies from country to country and the natural history of hepatitis C infection is not well understood. Objectives: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary was determined. Potential risk factors of HCV transmission were investigated and compared to anti-HCV-negative blood donors. Furthermore, the rate of anti-HCV positivitv in children who had received one or more blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening was evaluated. Study design: A total of 45 719 blood donors and 120 children were tested for the presence of anti-HCV antibodies by second-and third-generation enzyme immunoassays. Positive results were confirmed by a recombinant immunoblot assay. Data on potential sources of HCV transmission were obtained by interviews. Results: Among blood donors, the rate of confirmed HCV antibody-positives was 0.4% (195 of 45 719 donors). Previous surgery, transfusion, more than three pregnancies, and tattoos were significantly correlated with confirmed anti-HCV positivity. Two of 120 children (1.7%) were confirmed anti-HCV positives. In both of them, serum HCV RNA could be detected. Conclusions: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary is low. Nosocomial infections and tattooing were found to be the most important risk factors for transmission of HCV. Because of the low prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors, only a small number of children, who received blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening, are infected with HCV.
Hematológia-transzfuziológia, Apr 4, 2023
Orvosi Hetilap
Bevezetés és célkitűzés: Az Európai Unióban a hepatitis C-vírussal (HCV) fertőzött betegek kéthar... more Bevezetés és célkitűzés: Az Európai Unióban a hepatitis C-vírussal (HCV) fertőzött betegek kétharmada nem tud a fertőzöttségéről. A WHO célja 2030-ra az új krónikus hepatitises esetek számának 90%-os csökkentése. A börtönökben a HCV-fertőzöttek aránya a lakosságénak a tízszeresét is elérheti. A cikk a magyar büntetés-végrehajtási intézetekben 2007 és 2017 között zajlott HCV-szűrő vizsgálat eredményeinek összefoglalása. Módszer: Az önkéntes alapú anti-HCV-szűrő vizsgálatot követően a pozitív eseteknél HCV-PCR- és -genotípus-meghatározás történt. A betegek írásos beleegyezése után kezdődött el az interferonalapú kezelés, mely a hepatológusok irányításával és a büntetés-végrehajtási intézetek egészségügyi személyzetének együttműködésével történt. Eredmények: A magyar börtönök 84%-ában folyik HCV-szűrő program és -kezelés. Összesen 25 384 betegnél történt meg ezen időszak alatt az anti-HCV-szűrő vizsgálat. A betegek 6,6%-ában anti-HCV-pozitivitást és 3,8%-ában HCV-PCR-pozitivitást talál...
Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The... more Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The prevalence of HCV infection varies from country to country and the natural history of hepatitis C infection is not well understood. Objectives: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary was determined. Potential risk factors of HCV transmission were investigated and compared to anti-HCV-negative blood donors. Furthermore, the rate of anti-HCV positivitv in children who had received one or more blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening was evaluated. Study design: A total of 45 719 blood donors and 120 children were tested for the presence of anti-HCV antibodies by second-and third-generation enzyme immunoassays. Positive results were confirmed by a recombinant immunoblot assay. Data on potential sources of HCV transmission were obtained by interviews. Results: Among blood donors, the rate of confirmed HCV antibody-positives was 0.4% (195 of 45 719 donors). Previous surgery, transfusion, more than three pregnancies, and tattoos were significantly correlated with confirmed anti-HCV positivity. Two of 120 children (1.7%) were confirmed anti-HCV positives. In both of them, serum HCV RNA could be detected. Conclusions: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary is low. Nosocomial infections and tattooing were found to be the most important risk factors for transmission of HCV. Because of the low prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors, only a small number of children, who received blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening, are infected with HCV.
BMC Infectious Diseases, 2021
Background West Nile virus (WNV) infections have become increasingly prevalent in certain Europea... more Background West Nile virus (WNV) infections have become increasingly prevalent in certain European countries, including Hungary. Although most human infections do not cause severe symptoms, in approximately 1% of cases WNV infections can lead to severe WNV neuroinvasive disease (WNND) and death. The goal of our study was to assess the neurological status changes of WNV –infected patients admitted to inpatient care and to identify potential risk factors as underlying reasons for severe neurological outcome. Methods We conducted a retrospective chart review of 66 WNV-infected patients from four Hungarian medical centers. Patients’ neurological status at hospital admission and at two follow-up intervals (1st follow-up, within 60–90 days and 2nd follow-up, within 150–180 days, after hospital discharge) were assessed. All of the 66 patients in the initial sample had some type of neurological symptoms and 56 patients were diagnosed with WNND. The modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and the West N...
Orvosi hetilap, 2017
West Nile virus, a mosquito-borne viral zoonosis is responsible for human infections in Hungary. ... more West Nile virus, a mosquito-borne viral zoonosis is responsible for human infections in Hungary. Laboratory diagnosis is based on serological tests, however the application of molecular methods has been appreciated. The aim of the study was to investigate blood, cerebrospinal-fluid and urine samples of acutely ill patients and to follow-up PCR positive cases to ascertain the length of virus excretion. Clinical specimens were examined by indirect-immunofluorescent, haemagglutination-inhibition, two PCR tests and Sanger-sequencing. Virus isolation in case of two patients was successful. A follow-up study could be carried out in case of 5 patients. Viral nucleic acid was detectable in urine even for several weeks after symptom onset and viral RNA was present at higher concentration compared with other samples. PCR analysis of urine could provide useful epidemiological and diagnostic information. Therefore, it is recommended to collect urine samples in order to supplement the serologica...
Orvosi Hetilap, 2016
Introduction: During 2011 and 2013, 155 Hungarian hepatitis C genotype 1 infected patients, mostl... more Introduction: During 2011 and 2013, 155 Hungarian hepatitis C genotype 1 infected patients, mostly with advanced liver fibrosis, who did not respond to prior peginterferon + ribavirin dual therapy, started boceprevir based triple therapy in an early access program. Aim and method: Efficacy and safety of the therapy was retrospectively assessed based on sustained virologic responses, as well as on frequency and type of serious adverse events and of those leading to therapy discontinuation. Results: In an intent-to-treat analysis 39.4% patients (61/155) reached sustained virologic response. Amongst pervious relapsers, partial responders and null-responders 59.5%, 41.4 % and 22.9% (p<0.05 compared to the other two categories) reached sustained virologic response, respectively, while amongst non-cirrhotics and cirrhotics 52.5% and 31.3% (p<0.05 compared to the non-cirrhotics) achieved sutained virologic response, respectively. Six out of the 33 most difficult to cure patients (pre...
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 2007
Interventional Medicine and Applied Science, 2011
Adult-onset Still's disease is a rare systemic non-infectious inflammatory disease of unknown... more Adult-onset Still's disease is a rare systemic non-infectious inflammatory disease of unknown aetiology. It is characterized by high spiking fever, sore throat, arthralgia, transient maculopapular rash, hepatosplenomegaly, liver cytolysis, weight loss, leukocytosis, neutrophilia, lymphadenopathy, myopathia and polyserositis. Mild or moderate liver involvement is common but fulminate liver failure is a rare manifestation. We report a 41-year-old male with undiagnosed adult Still's disease who underwent liver transplantation due to acute fulminate liver failure. He died 6 months after the liver transplantation in a septic condition. To date, six patients with adult Still's disease-related liver failure have been reported who required liver transplantation. We emphasize that adult Still's disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of fulminate liver failure, especially in young adults with fever of unknown aetiology or typical features in the history.
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 2013
Journal of Clinical Virology, 2001
Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The... more Background: More than 100 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. The prevalence of HCV infection varies from country to country and the natural history of hepatitis C infection is not well understood. Objecti6es: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary was determined. Potential risk factors of HCV transmission were investigated and compared to anti-HCV-negative blood donors. Furthermore, the rate of anti-HCV positivity in children who had received one or more blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening was evaluated. Study design: A total of 45 719 blood donors and 120 children were tested for the presence of anti-HCV antibodies by second-and third-generation enzyme immunoassays. Positive results were confirmed by a recombinant immunoblot assay. Data on potential sources of HCV transmission were obtained by interviews. Results: Among blood donors, the rate of confirmed HCV antibody-positives was 0.4% (195 of 45 719 donors). Previous surgery, transfusion, more than three pregnancies, and tattoos were significantly correlated with confirmed anti-HCV positivity. Two of 120 children (1.7%) were confirmed anti-HCV positives. In both of them, serum HCV RNA could be detected. Conclusions: The prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors in South Hungary is low. Nosocomial infections and tattooing were found to be the most important risk factors for transmission of HCV. Because of the low prevalence of anti-HCV positive blood donors, only a small number of children, who received blood transfusions prior to the implementation of anti-HCV blood donor screening, are infected with HCV.
Journal of Clinical Virology, 2007
Background: The Abbott RealTime HCV assay for quantitative detection of HCV RNA has recently been... more Background: The Abbott RealTime HCV assay for quantitative detection of HCV RNA has recently been introduced. Objectives: In this study, the performance of the Abbott RealTime HCV assay was evaluated and compared to the COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HCV test. Study design: Accuracy, linearity, interassay and intra-assay variations were determined, and a total of 243 routine clinical samples were investigated. Results: When accuracy of the new assay was tested, the majority of results were found to be within ±0.5 log 10 unit of the results obtained by reference laboratories. Determination of linearity resulted in a quasilinear curve up to 1.0 × 10 6 IU/ml. The interassay variation ranged from 15% to 32%, and the intra-assay variation ranged from 5% to 8%. When clinical samples were tested by the Abbott RealTime HCV assay and the results were compared with those obtained by the COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HCV test, the results for 93% of all samples with positive results by both tests were found to be within ±1.0 log 10 unit. The viral loads for all patients measured by the Abbott and Roche assays showed a high correlation (R 2 = 0.93); quantitative results obtained by the Abbott assay were found to be lower than those obtained by the Roche assay. Conclusions: The Abbott RealTime HCV assay proved to be suitable for use in the routine diagnostic laboratory. The time to results was similar for both of the assays.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2004
Efforts have been made to achieve full automation of molecular assays for quantitative detection ... more Efforts have been made to achieve full automation of molecular assays for quantitative detection of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). In the present study, the Abbott LCx HIV RNA Quantitative assay was evaluated in conjunction with automated HIV-1 RNA extraction on the MagNA Pure LC instrument and compared to the conventional LCx HIV RNA Quantitative assay, which uses a manual nucleic acid extraction protocol. Accuracy, linearity, and interassay and intra-assay variations were determined. The performance of the assay in a routine clinical laboratory was tested with a total of 105 clinical specimens. When the accuracy of the LCx HIV RNA Quantitative assay with the automated sample preparation protocol was tested, all results were found to be within ±0.5 log unit of the expected results. Determination of linearity resulted in a quasilinear curve over 3.5 log units. For determination of interassay variation, coefficients of variation were found to be between 21 and 66% for t...
Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2004
Monitoring of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum by molecular methods has become the standard f... more Monitoring of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in serum by molecular methods has become the standard for assessment of the replicative activity of HBV. Several molecular assays for the detection and quantification of HBV DNA have been described. However, they usually lack automated sample preparation. Moreover, those assays, which are based on PCR, are limited by a short dynamic range (2 to 3 log units). In the present study, the use of RealArt HBV LC PCR Reagents in conjunction with automated extraction on the COBAS AMPLIPREP analyzer was evaluated. Members of an HBV proficiency program panel were tested; linearity, interassay, and intra-assay variations were determined. The performance of the assay in a routine clinical laboratory was evaluated with a total of 117 clinical specimens. When members of the HBV proficiency program panel were tested by the new molecular assay, the results were found to be within ±0.5 log unit of the results obtained by reference laboratories. Determination ...
Orvosi Hetilap, 2009
The use of valeriana was underplayed at the beginning of the 20th century because of its addictiv... more The use of valeriana was underplayed at the beginning of the 20th century because of its addictive and side effects. The 38-year-old woman, mother of a 20-month-old child from Eastern Europe, was treated with liver insufficiency and vascular, parenchymal decompensated cirrhosis needing plasmaferesis for the first time in our hospital. In case history, abusus of aethyl-alcohol and valeriana was found to be as toxic agent which was treated as the etiologic factor of the liver disease and liver failure. After intensive and conservative treatment her status was stabilised, during the follow-up she had no signs and symptoms, the laboratory results tend to be in normal range. Half year after her hospitalization intensive care treatment was necessary abroad due to gastric bleeding. In the background the histology of gastric biopsy taken during gastroscopic examination showed gastric sigillocellular carcinoma in our hospital. Total gastrectomia, omentectomia, lymphadenectomia were performed...
Viruses, 2022
A hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening and treatment program was conducted in Hungarian prisons on a... more A hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening and treatment program was conducted in Hungarian prisons on a voluntary basis. After HCV-RNA testing and genotyping for anti-HCV positives, treatments with direct-acting antiviral agents were commenced by hepatologists who visited the institutions monthly. Patients were supervised by the prisons’ medical staff. Data were retrospectively collected from the Hungarian Hepatitis Treatment Registry, from the Health Registry of Prisons, and from participating hepatologists. Eighty-four percent of Hungarian prisons participated, meaning a total of 5779 individuals (28% of the inmate population) underwent screening. HCV-RNA positivity was confirmed in 317/5779 cases (5.49%); 261/317 (82.3%) started treatment. Ninety-nine percent of them admitted previous intravenous drug use. So far, 220 patients received full treatment and 41 patients are still on treatment. Based on the available end of treatment (EOT) + 24 weeks timepoint data, per protocol sustained v...
Journal of Clinical Virology, 2003