Zsuzsanna Fejes - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Zsuzsanna Fejes
Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management... more Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management elaborated within the framework of the project 'Legal accessibility among the V4 countries' funded by the Visegrad Fund Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management elaborated within the framework of the project 'Legal accessibility among the V4 countries' funded by the Visegrad Fund Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management elaborated within the framework of the project 'Legal accessibility among the V4 countries' funded by the Visegrad Fund Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management elaborated within the framework of the project 'Legal accessibility among the V4 countries' funded by the Visegrad Fund Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management elaborated within the framework of the project 'Legal accessibility among the V4 countries' funded by the Visegrad Fund 8 Similarly to the Benelux and Nordic cooperation, the project partners aim at laying the basis for permanent intergovernmental mechanisms enabling V4 governments to detect and eliminate those legal-administrative barriers hampering or making difficult to work, to study, to do business, to get married, to purchase goods, etc. in either countries of the V4 cooperation. As the second step of the project, the present proposal aims to analyse the existing government structures of the V4 countries and to elaborate the methodological and structural basis for the V4 intergovernmental structure responsible for legal accessibility within the region. To this end, in course of a desk research project partners and experts analysed the main legal documents of the four member countries, in addition interviews with the concerned members of the governments and representatives of the V4 cooperation were made. In order to get a more comprehensive picture, legal experts from the Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia were involved. 1.2 The European context: the ECBM Regulation 1.2.1 On the background of the ECBM instrument During the most recent years, more and more attention has been paid for still persisting legal and administrative obstacles that people face in their cross-border activities within the European Union. The first comprehensive action in the field was taken by the Council of Europe (CoE). In 2014, upon the request of the Directorate of Democratic Governance 2 , the Italian Istituto di Sociologia Internazionale di Gorizia (ISIG) 3 issued a comprehensive study and a handbook 4. Later on, ISIG has developed the so-called e-DEN portal 5 with the aim of collecting and sharing legal problems and options for solution from all over Europe. In August 2015, Corina Creţu, the European Union's Commissioner for Regional Policy launched the 'Cross-Border Review' project 6 to identify legal and administrative obstacles hindering the advancement of the Single Market and the enforcement of equal rights of EU citizens. The project itself lasted for a year and a half, and on the one hand, it included an expert study ('Easing legal and administrative obstacles in EU border regions') 7 which summarized and analysed the existing barriers as a result of a comprehensive review of European internal landborders;
Pólay Elemér Alapítvány, 2009
A könyv "A határ menti együttmûködések jogi és közigazgatási háttere, az együttmûködés továbbfejl... more A könyv "A határ menti együttmûködések jogi és közigazgatási háttere, az együttmûködés továbbfejlesztésének lehetséges irányai" T0 42892 sz. OTKA által támogatott ku-32 Az EUREGIO (D/NL) jelenleg 130 területi közigazgatási egységbõl áll a kezdeti 105 taghoz képest.
DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development, 2014
The lack of unified legal regulation of the cross-border cooperation originates from the diversit... more The lack of unified legal regulation of the cross-border cooperation originates from the diversity of the legal systems was absent from the legislation of the European Union for a long time. The aim of the study is to examine the Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006 on EGTC, which is a response to the lack of legal and institutional instruments, and ensures common cooperation facilities with legal personality for the local and regional authorities and member states. The study summarizes the advantages of EGTC, how to response a new alternative to increase the efficiency, legitimacy and transparency of the activities of territorial cooperation, and at the same time secures legal certainty. The revised EGTC Regulation (1302/2013/EU) contains the most important pieces of legislation related to the cohesion policy and most of the programmes funded by the EU in the period 2014-2020. Kulcsszavak: Európai integráció, területi irányítás, Európai kohéziós politika, Európai Területi Együttműködési Cs...
The aim of the study is to present the position and possibilities of Vojvodina in the European te... more The aim of the study is to present the position and possibilities of Vojvodina in the European territorial cooperation with special focus on the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Firstly, I examine the external relations of Vojvodina. I analyse the institutionalisation and the future of the DKMT Euroregion and the Banat-Triplex Confinium EGTC from the aspect Vojvodina, because these cooperations are significant component of the European integration process. The European territorial cohesion includes all the cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperations and democratic local and regional structures, forming under the identity of the EU Danube Strategy. This macro-regional strategy covers parts of 8 EU countries and 6 non EU countries (include Serbia) and faces numerous specific challenges: big socioeconomic disparities, underdeveloped potential of the Danube waterway, a unique environment threatened by pollution –to name just a few. Accordingly, there is a need for a str...
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Law and Political Sciences, 2016
This writing appeared on a wall at the corner of the Wesselényi and Kertész streets in 2012 and d... more This writing appeared on a wall at the corner of the Wesselényi and Kertész streets in 2012 and disappeared some days ago. It belonged to a piece of street art showing Empress Elisabeth of Austria (also known as Sisi) with a male head and the quote is a reference on Sisi’s last words and Gregor Samsa’s first words in Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis.1 The initial answer to Sisi’s question is simple; she was stabbed to death by Luigi Lucheni. The metamorphosis that occurred to Samsa is more complicated but also led to the end of his life; first as a human, and finally as a bug. Placing the actions of the Italian anarchist in a broader context also raise more questions about Sisi’s death. Some aspects of the metamorphosis of the Hungarian constitutional system remain mysterious and unknown despite the manifold of proposed framework of interpretation ranging from literature to empirical research. However, exceptional situations, like the battle for surgeons or the financial crisis for econo...
The intensity of the cooperation beyond borders in Central-Europe and South-East-Europe is lower ... more The intensity of the cooperation beyond borders in Central-Europe and South-East-Europe is lower than in Western-Europe because the nationalizing of the states and the homogenization processes are barriers in front of the developing of the border regions. European territorial cooperation is not possible without decentralisation. The European Union has established a new legal instrument, a new form of cooperation of the European territorial cooperation, namely European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (2007-13; Objective 3, Regulation 1082/2006/EC). It substantially contributes to European integration and to implementation of cross-border strategies. Furthermore, it brings EU policies closer to people; it means European, political, institutional and sociocultural added value. Successfully strengthened territorial cooperation needs an appropriate legislative framework in terms of local governance, local administrative reforms and capacity building. To overcome obstacles and barrie...
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
Aims: In the last decades, the number of infertile males increased worldwide which gained more fo... more Aims: In the last decades, the number of infertile males increased worldwide which gained more focus. The extent to which a person or a couple is able to cope adaptively with the problem of infertility depends on the combined effect of several variables. Our aim was to apply counselling among males suffering from infertility problems. During the therapybesides providing informationwe aim to elaborate the effects of the treatment and experiences, to process information, to develop adaptive coping strategies against stress and to indirectly or directly change health behaviours influencing reproduction. Methods: Only patients with male factor infertility were involved. They were divided into an observed group (n = 57) and a control (n = 51) group after a thorough physical examination and assessment of their reactions to, and awareness of, the disease. Results: The group that received the interventions had an intense awareness of the diagnosis and aims and nature of the indicated treatment. They employed purposeful problemsolving coping strategies, reported being satisfied with the infertility treatment. Conclusions: The counselling of clients with infertility problems a more favourable mental well-being can be established by the active participation of professional helpers. Patients might receive effective, targeted and problem-specific help.
A projekt celja az Europai Parlamentbe tortenő valasztasok komplex vizsgalata volt. A kutatas res... more A projekt celja az Europai Parlamentbe tortenő valasztasok komplex vizsgalata volt. A kutatas reszeredmenyeit konferenciakon es tanulmanyokban folyamatosan publikaltuk. A program vegeredmenye a Valasztasok az Europai Parlamentbe (1979?2004) cimű, kb. 16 ives tanulmanykotet, amely varhatoan 2006 vegen jelenik meg a JATEPress Kiadonal. A kotetben kozoljuk az eddigi hat valasztas teljes adatbazisat (szavazatok es mandatumok szama es aranya, reszveteli adatok, aranyossagi mutatok). Bemutatjuk az EP kozvetlen megvalasztasara vonatkozo koncepciokat, az egyseges valasztasi rendszerre iranyulo (vegul sikertelen) torekveseket, az Unio nemzeti szisztemakra vonatkozo iranyelveit, es az egyes orszagok valasztasi rendszereit, azok valtozasait. Kulon tanulmanyokban valasztasonkent elemezzuk az eredmenyeket. Reszletesen bemutatjuk az EP-valasztasok hazai rendszerenek letrejottet, a torvenyhozasban lefolytatott vitakat. Targyaljuk a velunk egyutt csatlakozott kilenc uj tagallam valasztasi szisztemait. Ket reprezentativ felmeresben, orszagos es szegedi mintan vizsgaltuk a magyarorszagi valasztasi rendszerre, az Europai Parlamentre, Magyarorszag ottani kepviseletere vonatkozo valasztoi velemenyeket. E kozvelemenykutatas szerkesztett adatbazisat es annak elemzeset szinten kozoljuk. A kutatas eredmenyeit osszefoglalo kotet igy atfogo kepet nyujt az EP-valasztasokrol; politologia es nemzetkozi tanulmanyok szakokon tankonyvkent is hasznalhato lesz. | The aim of the project was the complex research of the elections to the European Parliament. The final result of the project will be publishing by JATEPress Publishers at the end of the year in a volume of essays: Elections to the European Parliament (1979-2004). The book contains the complete data of the six European elections. The volume includes the concepts concerning the direct elections to the European Parliament, the unsuccessful efforts to make an uniform electoral procedure, the directives of the European Union concerning the national electoral regulations, the European electoral systems of the member-states and their changes. The separate studies examine the results of each elections. We show in detail the formation of the Hungarian system of the election to the European Parliament, the parliamentary debates about ?euroelection?s law?. The volume also contains the European electoral systems of the other nine newly accessing countries. We took two national and local samples about the opinions of electorate concerning the Hungarian electoral system, the European Parliament, the Hungary?s representation in the European Parliament. We publish the edited data of this opinion poll and the analysis of the poll as well. So the volume of essays summarizing the results of the research gives a comprehensive view about the European parliamentary elections; it will be used as a textbook by the students of the politology and international relations.
Pro Publico Bono - Magyar Közigazgatás
Christianity has played a crucial role in building and maintaining civilisation and cultures in E... more Christianity has played a crucial role in building and maintaining civilisation and cultures in Europe until this very day. People living on the continent share the legacy of antiquity and Christianity in balance, while respecting the values of religion and still maintaining neutrality in their constitutional systems. This causes the question to stand, whether Christianity still is a part of European culture, and if so, in what religious, political or cultural ways.All these questions are examined in the volume, which incorporates 16 studies of various authors. Essays show clearly that not only the merge of different cultures, disputes of interests, the connection between law and religion, but also and mainly the ideas of Christianity are all special legal theories and questions waiting to be examined.Even though the various academics contributing to this volume have their own individual concepts and different views, most of the studies concentrate on problems and questions of basic...
A kutatas soran vegzett vizsgalat azt tamasztja ala, hogy a hatar menti egyuttműkodes intezmenyes... more A kutatas soran vegzett vizsgalat azt tamasztja ala, hogy a hatar menti egyuttműkodes intezmenyesult formaja (euroregio) kereteben koordinalhato tarsadalmi-gazdasagi egyuttműkodes gyorsabb kohezios fejlődest tesz lehetőve, noveli a hatar menti versenykepesseget es foglalkoztatast. A keleti bővites a magyarorszagi euroregiok szamara is uj feladatokat es kihivasokat jelent a hatar menti teruletek fejlesztese es menedzselese teren. A keleti es deli hatarok menten megszerveződott euroregiok a jovőben felertekelődnek az EU szomszedsagpolitikajaban s Magyarorszag nemzetpolitikai szerepvallalasaban. A kutatasi program kereteben kerdőives felmeresre es melyinterjuk keszitesere kerult sor a Magyarorszag hatarain műkodő euroregiokban es munkakozossegekben. Az egyuttműkodesek sikere decentralizalt, helyi es regionalis partnersegek kiepitesevel erősithető. Az intezmenyek operativ szintű kapcsolatainak fejlődesehez elengedhetetlen, hogy a felek hasonlo jogkorokkel (politikai, penzugyi, jogi) legyenek felruhazva. A legtobb szomszedunknal a kozepszint vagy hianyzik, vagy ha letezik is, keves kompetenciaval rendelkezik, inkabb dekoncentralt jellegű, semmint onkormanyzati. Az EGTC onkentes jellegeből kovetkezően azonban az egysegesulő Europaban, illetve Magyarorszagon meg a belső hatarok menten sem garantalt a jogi szemelyiseggel felruhazott ?europai teruleti egyuttműkodesi csoportosulasok? alkalmazasaval a hatar menti regiok Europajanak letrejotte. | In summing up the ongoing processes on the external borders of Hungary, it can be stated that despite the need to improve their activities, financial support and information, these cross-border bodies are positive factors in the development of cross-border co-operation. The findings of the research show that a coordinated and integrated developmental strategy for cross-border areas can be achieved through fundamentally institutionalised Euroregions. This is the prerequisite for regular co-operation. In order to improve economic competitiveness and solve shared cross-border problems jointly on both the local and regional levels, Euroregional Strategies are indispensable. In the course of the research, we polled the leaders to elicit their views on how the changes of social characteristics and teritorial charasteristcs should be taken into account in the socio-political development of their Euroregion. The new legal instrument, the EGTC is an attempt to overcome the legal and administrative barriers often associated with territorial co-operation in Hungary. Having assessed the surveys we can state that it is essential that local and regional authorities have the necessary powers and administrative budgetary resources to play their natural role of promoting and managing competitiveness and innovation and cohesion policies for the benefit of regional and local development.
Drafts by Zsuzsanna Fejes
A felsőoktatási modellváltás eredményeképpen az addig állami fenntartású egyetemek a hatékonyabb ... more A felsőoktatási modellváltás eredményeképpen az addig állami fenntartású egyetemek a hatékonyabb működés reményében vagyonkezelő alapítványok fenntartásába kerültek át. Ebből következően a fejlesztési források elosztása is átalakult, háromcsatornás finanszírozás logikájára építve, a hallgatói létszám (1), kutatási tevékenység (2) és intézményi infrastruktúra (3) figyelembevételével.
Vizsgálataink a kutatási tevékenység finanszírozására fókuszálnak, amelynek indikátorai egymás részhalmazainak tekinthető és az MTMT-re alapuló publikációs teljesítményre épülnek, és az indikátorok között minden esetben szerepel a WoS vagy a Scopus azonosítóval rendelkező közlemények írásának a követelménye. Miközben az állam- és jogtudománnyal foglalkozó oktatók és kutatók tudományos közleményei 96% és 99% között nem WoS vagy Scopus indexáltságú közlemény.
Az állam- és jogtudományt a Scimagojr-ben három folyóiratlista – a Law, a Public Administration és a Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law – fedi le, amelyekben 1999 és 2022 között magyar szerzőséggel 1098 darab állam- és jogtudományi cikk jelent meg, amelyből a legtöbbet az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Karának oktatói és kutatói írták. A folyóiratcikkek 8%-a D1-es, 15%-a Q1-es, 20%-a Q2-es, 26%-a Q3-as és 31%-a Q4-es kvartilisú volt. A használt folyóiratok száma 228 volt az 1243-ból.
Due to changes in the model of higher education, universities previously operated by the state have been transferred to trust foundations in the hope of functioning more efficiently. As a result, the allocation of development funds has also changed, based on a three-channel funding logic that takes into account the intake of students (1), research activity (2), and institutional infrastructure (3). Our studies focus on the funding of research activity, with indicators that can be considered as subsets of each other and are founded on publication performance based on HSB, furthermore in all cases the indicators include the requirement to write a publication that has a WoS or Scopus identifier. Meanwhile, between 96% and 99% of scientific publications by academics and researchers in the field of political science and law are not indexed in WoS or Scopus. In Scimagojr, political science and law is covered by three journal lists—Law, Public Administration, and Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law—in which 1,098 articles on political science and law were published between 1999 and 2022, most of them by Hungarian authors and researchers from the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University. 8% of the journal articles were in D1, 15% in Q1, 20% in Q2, 26% in Q3, and 31% in Q4 quartile. The number of journals used was 228 out of 1,243.
Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management... more Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management elaborated within the framework of the project 'Legal accessibility among the V4 countries' funded by the Visegrad Fund Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management elaborated within the framework of the project 'Legal accessibility among the V4 countries' funded by the Visegrad Fund Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management elaborated within the framework of the project 'Legal accessibility among the V4 countries' funded by the Visegrad Fund Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management elaborated within the framework of the project 'Legal accessibility among the V4 countries' funded by the Visegrad Fund Proposal on the V4 Mobility Council as intergovernmental structure for border obstacle management elaborated within the framework of the project 'Legal accessibility among the V4 countries' funded by the Visegrad Fund 8 Similarly to the Benelux and Nordic cooperation, the project partners aim at laying the basis for permanent intergovernmental mechanisms enabling V4 governments to detect and eliminate those legal-administrative barriers hampering or making difficult to work, to study, to do business, to get married, to purchase goods, etc. in either countries of the V4 cooperation. As the second step of the project, the present proposal aims to analyse the existing government structures of the V4 countries and to elaborate the methodological and structural basis for the V4 intergovernmental structure responsible for legal accessibility within the region. To this end, in course of a desk research project partners and experts analysed the main legal documents of the four member countries, in addition interviews with the concerned members of the governments and representatives of the V4 cooperation were made. In order to get a more comprehensive picture, legal experts from the Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia were involved. 1.2 The European context: the ECBM Regulation 1.2.1 On the background of the ECBM instrument During the most recent years, more and more attention has been paid for still persisting legal and administrative obstacles that people face in their cross-border activities within the European Union. The first comprehensive action in the field was taken by the Council of Europe (CoE). In 2014, upon the request of the Directorate of Democratic Governance 2 , the Italian Istituto di Sociologia Internazionale di Gorizia (ISIG) 3 issued a comprehensive study and a handbook 4. Later on, ISIG has developed the so-called e-DEN portal 5 with the aim of collecting and sharing legal problems and options for solution from all over Europe. In August 2015, Corina Creţu, the European Union's Commissioner for Regional Policy launched the 'Cross-Border Review' project 6 to identify legal and administrative obstacles hindering the advancement of the Single Market and the enforcement of equal rights of EU citizens. The project itself lasted for a year and a half, and on the one hand, it included an expert study ('Easing legal and administrative obstacles in EU border regions') 7 which summarized and analysed the existing barriers as a result of a comprehensive review of European internal landborders;
Pólay Elemér Alapítvány, 2009
A könyv "A határ menti együttmûködések jogi és közigazgatási háttere, az együttmûködés továbbfejl... more A könyv "A határ menti együttmûködések jogi és közigazgatási háttere, az együttmûködés továbbfejlesztésének lehetséges irányai" T0 42892 sz. OTKA által támogatott ku-32 Az EUREGIO (D/NL) jelenleg 130 területi közigazgatási egységbõl áll a kezdeti 105 taghoz képest.
DETUROPE - The Central European Journal of Tourism and Regional Development, 2014
The lack of unified legal regulation of the cross-border cooperation originates from the diversit... more The lack of unified legal regulation of the cross-border cooperation originates from the diversity of the legal systems was absent from the legislation of the European Union for a long time. The aim of the study is to examine the Regulation (EC) No 1082/2006 on EGTC, which is a response to the lack of legal and institutional instruments, and ensures common cooperation facilities with legal personality for the local and regional authorities and member states. The study summarizes the advantages of EGTC, how to response a new alternative to increase the efficiency, legitimacy and transparency of the activities of territorial cooperation, and at the same time secures legal certainty. The revised EGTC Regulation (1302/2013/EU) contains the most important pieces of legislation related to the cohesion policy and most of the programmes funded by the EU in the period 2014-2020. Kulcsszavak: Európai integráció, területi irányítás, Európai kohéziós politika, Európai Területi Együttműködési Cs...
The aim of the study is to present the position and possibilities of Vojvodina in the European te... more The aim of the study is to present the position and possibilities of Vojvodina in the European territorial cooperation with special focus on the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. Firstly, I examine the external relations of Vojvodina. I analyse the institutionalisation and the future of the DKMT Euroregion and the Banat-Triplex Confinium EGTC from the aspect Vojvodina, because these cooperations are significant component of the European integration process. The European territorial cohesion includes all the cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperations and democratic local and regional structures, forming under the identity of the EU Danube Strategy. This macro-regional strategy covers parts of 8 EU countries and 6 non EU countries (include Serbia) and faces numerous specific challenges: big socioeconomic disparities, underdeveloped potential of the Danube waterway, a unique environment threatened by pollution –to name just a few. Accordingly, there is a need for a str...
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Law and Political Sciences, 2016
This writing appeared on a wall at the corner of the Wesselényi and Kertész streets in 2012 and d... more This writing appeared on a wall at the corner of the Wesselényi and Kertész streets in 2012 and disappeared some days ago. It belonged to a piece of street art showing Empress Elisabeth of Austria (also known as Sisi) with a male head and the quote is a reference on Sisi’s last words and Gregor Samsa’s first words in Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis.1 The initial answer to Sisi’s question is simple; she was stabbed to death by Luigi Lucheni. The metamorphosis that occurred to Samsa is more complicated but also led to the end of his life; first as a human, and finally as a bug. Placing the actions of the Italian anarchist in a broader context also raise more questions about Sisi’s death. Some aspects of the metamorphosis of the Hungarian constitutional system remain mysterious and unknown despite the manifold of proposed framework of interpretation ranging from literature to empirical research. However, exceptional situations, like the battle for surgeons or the financial crisis for econo...
The intensity of the cooperation beyond borders in Central-Europe and South-East-Europe is lower ... more The intensity of the cooperation beyond borders in Central-Europe and South-East-Europe is lower than in Western-Europe because the nationalizing of the states and the homogenization processes are barriers in front of the developing of the border regions. European territorial cooperation is not possible without decentralisation. The European Union has established a new legal instrument, a new form of cooperation of the European territorial cooperation, namely European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (2007-13; Objective 3, Regulation 1082/2006/EC). It substantially contributes to European integration and to implementation of cross-border strategies. Furthermore, it brings EU policies closer to people; it means European, political, institutional and sociocultural added value. Successfully strengthened territorial cooperation needs an appropriate legislative framework in terms of local governance, local administrative reforms and capacity building. To overcome obstacles and barrie...
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
Aims: In the last decades, the number of infertile males increased worldwide which gained more fo... more Aims: In the last decades, the number of infertile males increased worldwide which gained more focus. The extent to which a person or a couple is able to cope adaptively with the problem of infertility depends on the combined effect of several variables. Our aim was to apply counselling among males suffering from infertility problems. During the therapybesides providing informationwe aim to elaborate the effects of the treatment and experiences, to process information, to develop adaptive coping strategies against stress and to indirectly or directly change health behaviours influencing reproduction. Methods: Only patients with male factor infertility were involved. They were divided into an observed group (n = 57) and a control (n = 51) group after a thorough physical examination and assessment of their reactions to, and awareness of, the disease. Results: The group that received the interventions had an intense awareness of the diagnosis and aims and nature of the indicated treatment. They employed purposeful problemsolving coping strategies, reported being satisfied with the infertility treatment. Conclusions: The counselling of clients with infertility problems a more favourable mental well-being can be established by the active participation of professional helpers. Patients might receive effective, targeted and problem-specific help.
A projekt celja az Europai Parlamentbe tortenő valasztasok komplex vizsgalata volt. A kutatas res... more A projekt celja az Europai Parlamentbe tortenő valasztasok komplex vizsgalata volt. A kutatas reszeredmenyeit konferenciakon es tanulmanyokban folyamatosan publikaltuk. A program vegeredmenye a Valasztasok az Europai Parlamentbe (1979?2004) cimű, kb. 16 ives tanulmanykotet, amely varhatoan 2006 vegen jelenik meg a JATEPress Kiadonal. A kotetben kozoljuk az eddigi hat valasztas teljes adatbazisat (szavazatok es mandatumok szama es aranya, reszveteli adatok, aranyossagi mutatok). Bemutatjuk az EP kozvetlen megvalasztasara vonatkozo koncepciokat, az egyseges valasztasi rendszerre iranyulo (vegul sikertelen) torekveseket, az Unio nemzeti szisztemakra vonatkozo iranyelveit, es az egyes orszagok valasztasi rendszereit, azok valtozasait. Kulon tanulmanyokban valasztasonkent elemezzuk az eredmenyeket. Reszletesen bemutatjuk az EP-valasztasok hazai rendszerenek letrejottet, a torvenyhozasban lefolytatott vitakat. Targyaljuk a velunk egyutt csatlakozott kilenc uj tagallam valasztasi szisztemait. Ket reprezentativ felmeresben, orszagos es szegedi mintan vizsgaltuk a magyarorszagi valasztasi rendszerre, az Europai Parlamentre, Magyarorszag ottani kepviseletere vonatkozo valasztoi velemenyeket. E kozvelemenykutatas szerkesztett adatbazisat es annak elemzeset szinten kozoljuk. A kutatas eredmenyeit osszefoglalo kotet igy atfogo kepet nyujt az EP-valasztasokrol; politologia es nemzetkozi tanulmanyok szakokon tankonyvkent is hasznalhato lesz. | The aim of the project was the complex research of the elections to the European Parliament. The final result of the project will be publishing by JATEPress Publishers at the end of the year in a volume of essays: Elections to the European Parliament (1979-2004). The book contains the complete data of the six European elections. The volume includes the concepts concerning the direct elections to the European Parliament, the unsuccessful efforts to make an uniform electoral procedure, the directives of the European Union concerning the national electoral regulations, the European electoral systems of the member-states and their changes. The separate studies examine the results of each elections. We show in detail the formation of the Hungarian system of the election to the European Parliament, the parliamentary debates about ?euroelection?s law?. The volume also contains the European electoral systems of the other nine newly accessing countries. We took two national and local samples about the opinions of electorate concerning the Hungarian electoral system, the European Parliament, the Hungary?s representation in the European Parliament. We publish the edited data of this opinion poll and the analysis of the poll as well. So the volume of essays summarizing the results of the research gives a comprehensive view about the European parliamentary elections; it will be used as a textbook by the students of the politology and international relations.
Pro Publico Bono - Magyar Közigazgatás
Christianity has played a crucial role in building and maintaining civilisation and cultures in E... more Christianity has played a crucial role in building and maintaining civilisation and cultures in Europe until this very day. People living on the continent share the legacy of antiquity and Christianity in balance, while respecting the values of religion and still maintaining neutrality in their constitutional systems. This causes the question to stand, whether Christianity still is a part of European culture, and if so, in what religious, political or cultural ways.All these questions are examined in the volume, which incorporates 16 studies of various authors. Essays show clearly that not only the merge of different cultures, disputes of interests, the connection between law and religion, but also and mainly the ideas of Christianity are all special legal theories and questions waiting to be examined.Even though the various academics contributing to this volume have their own individual concepts and different views, most of the studies concentrate on problems and questions of basic...
A kutatas soran vegzett vizsgalat azt tamasztja ala, hogy a hatar menti egyuttműkodes intezmenyes... more A kutatas soran vegzett vizsgalat azt tamasztja ala, hogy a hatar menti egyuttműkodes intezmenyesult formaja (euroregio) kereteben koordinalhato tarsadalmi-gazdasagi egyuttműkodes gyorsabb kohezios fejlődest tesz lehetőve, noveli a hatar menti versenykepesseget es foglalkoztatast. A keleti bővites a magyarorszagi euroregiok szamara is uj feladatokat es kihivasokat jelent a hatar menti teruletek fejlesztese es menedzselese teren. A keleti es deli hatarok menten megszerveződott euroregiok a jovőben felertekelődnek az EU szomszedsagpolitikajaban s Magyarorszag nemzetpolitikai szerepvallalasaban. A kutatasi program kereteben kerdőives felmeresre es melyinterjuk keszitesere kerult sor a Magyarorszag hatarain műkodő euroregiokban es munkakozossegekben. Az egyuttműkodesek sikere decentralizalt, helyi es regionalis partnersegek kiepitesevel erősithető. Az intezmenyek operativ szintű kapcsolatainak fejlődesehez elengedhetetlen, hogy a felek hasonlo jogkorokkel (politikai, penzugyi, jogi) legyenek felruhazva. A legtobb szomszedunknal a kozepszint vagy hianyzik, vagy ha letezik is, keves kompetenciaval rendelkezik, inkabb dekoncentralt jellegű, semmint onkormanyzati. Az EGTC onkentes jellegeből kovetkezően azonban az egysegesulő Europaban, illetve Magyarorszagon meg a belső hatarok menten sem garantalt a jogi szemelyiseggel felruhazott ?europai teruleti egyuttműkodesi csoportosulasok? alkalmazasaval a hatar menti regiok Europajanak letrejotte. | In summing up the ongoing processes on the external borders of Hungary, it can be stated that despite the need to improve their activities, financial support and information, these cross-border bodies are positive factors in the development of cross-border co-operation. The findings of the research show that a coordinated and integrated developmental strategy for cross-border areas can be achieved through fundamentally institutionalised Euroregions. This is the prerequisite for regular co-operation. In order to improve economic competitiveness and solve shared cross-border problems jointly on both the local and regional levels, Euroregional Strategies are indispensable. In the course of the research, we polled the leaders to elicit their views on how the changes of social characteristics and teritorial charasteristcs should be taken into account in the socio-political development of their Euroregion. The new legal instrument, the EGTC is an attempt to overcome the legal and administrative barriers often associated with territorial co-operation in Hungary. Having assessed the surveys we can state that it is essential that local and regional authorities have the necessary powers and administrative budgetary resources to play their natural role of promoting and managing competitiveness and innovation and cohesion policies for the benefit of regional and local development.
A felsőoktatási modellváltás eredményeképpen az addig állami fenntartású egyetemek a hatékonyabb ... more A felsőoktatási modellváltás eredményeképpen az addig állami fenntartású egyetemek a hatékonyabb működés reményében vagyonkezelő alapítványok fenntartásába kerültek át. Ebből következően a fejlesztési források elosztása is átalakult, háromcsatornás finanszírozás logikájára építve, a hallgatói létszám (1), kutatási tevékenység (2) és intézményi infrastruktúra (3) figyelembevételével.
Vizsgálataink a kutatási tevékenység finanszírozására fókuszálnak, amelynek indikátorai egymás részhalmazainak tekinthető és az MTMT-re alapuló publikációs teljesítményre épülnek, és az indikátorok között minden esetben szerepel a WoS vagy a Scopus azonosítóval rendelkező közlemények írásának a követelménye. Miközben az állam- és jogtudománnyal foglalkozó oktatók és kutatók tudományos közleményei 96% és 99% között nem WoS vagy Scopus indexáltságú közlemény.
Az állam- és jogtudományt a Scimagojr-ben három folyóiratlista – a Law, a Public Administration és a Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law – fedi le, amelyekben 1999 és 2022 között magyar szerzőséggel 1098 darab állam- és jogtudományi cikk jelent meg, amelyből a legtöbbet az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Karának oktatói és kutatói írták. A folyóiratcikkek 8%-a D1-es, 15%-a Q1-es, 20%-a Q2-es, 26%-a Q3-as és 31%-a Q4-es kvartilisú volt. A használt folyóiratok száma 228 volt az 1243-ból.
Due to changes in the model of higher education, universities previously operated by the state have been transferred to trust foundations in the hope of functioning more efficiently. As a result, the allocation of development funds has also changed, based on a three-channel funding logic that takes into account the intake of students (1), research activity (2), and institutional infrastructure (3). Our studies focus on the funding of research activity, with indicators that can be considered as subsets of each other and are founded on publication performance based on HSB, furthermore in all cases the indicators include the requirement to write a publication that has a WoS or Scopus identifier. Meanwhile, between 96% and 99% of scientific publications by academics and researchers in the field of political science and law are not indexed in WoS or Scopus. In Scimagojr, political science and law is covered by three journal lists—Law, Public Administration, and Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law—in which 1,098 articles on political science and law were published between 1999 and 2022, most of them by Hungarian authors and researchers from the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University. 8% of the journal articles were in D1, 15% in Q1, 20% in Q2, 26% in Q3, and 31% in Q4 quartile. The number of journals used was 228 out of 1,243.