Mirsada Zukorlić - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by Mirsada Zukorlić

Research paper thumbnail of Global Changes and Internationally-oriented Education

Društvene i Humanističke Studije, 2017

The paper discusses the issue of globalization, namely the creation of a unique economic, politic... more The paper discusses the issue of globalization, namely the creation of a unique economic, political and cultural environment on our planet and the reflections of this process on education. The wave of changes in the world brings with it the rule of a ruthless competition of inventiveness and knowledge: the onset of the battle of the brains, i.e. by the brains. The winners of this war will be those whose education, specialization and specialties include a greater and better knowledge about the development and utilization of productive forces and whose most significant factor certainly is science. If education is necessary for the development of science, then science is not only necessary for the development of productive forces, but it is also their most important factor. Therefore each country, through the development of education, also provides for the development of science, the technology which is based on it, as the material basis of economic prosperity and political independenc...

Research paper thumbnail of Education theory and practice

Research paper thumbnail of Education theory and practice

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of the efficient pedagogical communication

The process of pedagogical work and education is developing through pedagogical communication, an... more The process of pedagogical work and education is developing through pedagogical communication, and it has specific characteristics and it is present in many functions. Pedagogical communication is a delicate and complex phenomenon which has not been sufficiently researched. Pedagogical communication has many weak points and the consequence is dissatisfaction of students, teachers, parents and other participants of the teaching process. This paper is on the characteristics of the efficient pedagogical communication, the pedagogical style, continents of communication, communication between the students.

Research paper thumbnail of Education for a civil society

Зборник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини, 2018

Democracy presupposes an active participation of citizens who are conscious of their importance a... more Democracy presupposes an active participation of citizens who are conscious of their importance and responsible for their decisions. The contemporary democratic society can hardly function without a developed civic consciousness. There are no other, more reliable ways, to ensure such participation of people in the democratic processes than the system of education and upbringing. Therefore, democracy can be developed only by people who are convinced of its validity, who are familiar with its meaning and the modalities of its implementation. The main task of the educational system is to create average and responsible citizens. Without a doubt, the school does not possess an exclusive and monopolistic role in this matter. In this field, there is room for a variety of institutions that comprise a democratic society. Here, first of all, we consider political parties, syndicates, the church, as well as numerous non-governmental organizations, professional associations, and civil and democratic initiatives. Still, the role of the school and its educational system is indispensable. Education for life in a civil society must involve the adoption of its values. However, at the same time, reducing this adoption to unfounded coercion must be avoided. Certainly, such an action would only protect ignorance and hinder the freedom of choice, thus leading to more ignorance. This means that education for democracy must be democratic itself, it must be free, accepted without fear, and not imposed. Democratic decision-making depends on the reasonableness of conclusions in which everybody participates equally. Everyone's voice is respected but not worth the same, the decision is an expression of the will of the majority.

Research paper thumbnail of Achyla flavicornis in West Cornwall

Entomologist's Gazette, 2001

Seven hundred and twenty squabs raised from 180 couples of domestic pigeon were used to study the... more Seven hundred and twenty squabs raised from 180 couples of domestic pigeon were used to study the heritability, phenotypic and genetic correlations of body and egg traits. Body weight at hatch, 1-week, 2-weeks, 3-weeks, 4-weeks and at maturity were measured. Age at first egg and weight of first egg were the egg traits considered. The mean mature bodyweight, Age at first egg and weight of first egg were 416.39±1.77 g, 147.26±0.44 days and 18.06±0.10 g, respectively. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.24±0.03 to 0.57±0.07. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between bodyweights at different ages were positive and significant (P<0.05). It was concluded that the body and egg traits evaluated could be improved by mass selection method and any improvement in the bodyweight could lead to a concomitant increase in the associated trait.

Research paper thumbnail of Correlation between school climate and student autonomy

Inovacije u nastavi, 2017

Мирсада С. Зукорлић 1 Наставно одељење у Новом Пазару, Учитељски факултет, Универзитет у Београду... more Мирсада С. Зукорлић 1 Наставно одељење у Новом Пазару, Учитељски факултет, Универзитет у Београду Далиборка Р. Поповић Природно-математички факултет, Универзитет у Крагујевцу Повезаност школске климе и аутономије ученика Резиме: Задовољство ученика школом детерминисано је његовим положајем, то јест укупним психосоцијалним статусом у школи. Ученик може бити у позицији објекта-партиципирати у активностима које одређује наставник или имати аутономију-равноправно партиципирати у школским активностима, при чему његов интегритет долази до изражаја. Уважавањем ученичке аутономије и усклађивањем програмских садржаја са интересовањима ученика, доприноси се развијању мотивације за учење и позитивном доживљавању школе. Циљ рада је усмерен на сагледавање утицаја школске климе на јачање аутономије ученика, са посебним освртом на утицај димензије одељењске климе на положај ученика, односно однос наставника и ученика, који најснажније одређује степен остварености његове аутономије. Закључцима су апострофиране препоруке за деловање школе као система, у функцији јачања аутономије ученика у школској пракси. Оне су усмерене на обезбеђивање позитивне психосоцијалне климе у школи и подразумевају укључивање свих актера васпитно-образовног рада школе (наставници, ученици, директор школе, родитељи). Такође, препоруке иду у правцу проширивања облика ученичке партиципације у наставном процесу на ваннаставне активности и свеукупност школског живота-школе као целине процеса. Кључне речи: школа као систем, школска клима, партиципација ученика, аутономија ученика.

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogical competencies functioning development of social competencies of students

Inovacije u nastavi, 2016

In the paper, we have presented results of the theoretical analysis of mutual conditioning of ped... more In the paper, we have presented results of the theoretical analysis of mutual conditioning of pedagogical communication and social competence of students with special review on the fact in which way application of pedagogical communication, including its aspects, factors, pedagogical principles and activities, influences development of skills of social competencies of students. The research keeps pace with new understanding of the pedagogical process, which started to be treated transcendentally-philosophically as "communication" between a teacher and a student from the second half of the 20 th century. Initiation and minting this research are significant for clear conceptualization of social skills and social competence, because teaching is based on the forms of social interaction and pedagogical effects (value system, attitudes, interests...) which all depend on social experience of students. The issue or question, which is heading this research, is does the application-procesuality of pedagogical communication, including its aspects, factors, pedagogical principles and activities influence and in what way development of social competencies of students? The aim of the research is defined in the following way: observe and describe directions and scope of influence and usefulness of pedagogical communication in the process of development of social competencies of students. In relation to the stated problem and aim of the thesis, our approach was qualitative research of the topic. In this respect, theoretical basis, on which postulates we have contemplated the stated problems, is communicative pedagogy, whereas epistemological assumptions of the research were positioned within interpretative paradigm. Methodological assumptions of the research have been realized within the plan of fundamental (basic) pedagogical research, of the

Research paper thumbnail of Educating Future Teachers in Order to Foster the Development of Students' Social Competence

Društvene i Humanističke Studije, 2018

The modern trend of education also implies new teacher roles. One of the very important aspects o... more The modern trend of education also implies new teacher roles. One of the very important aspects ofeducating future teachers is their training in encouraging the development of students' social competence.The paper deals with this problem through the application of the method of theoretical analysis andmodeling. Firstly, the social competence of students in the context of educational work is considered.The second part offers and analyzes key fields of training of future teachers of teachers in order toencourage students' social competence, which include: processing pedagogical communication(including all its dimensions); designing the teaching curriculum and preparing students for cohabitation.Also, appropriate incentive strategies for which future teachers need to be established should be offered,which should form an integral part of educational work with pupils of school age, as well asrecommendations for the selection of teachers and assessment of the quality of their work...

Research paper thumbnail of Global Changes and Internationally-oriented Education

Društvene i Humanističke Studije, 2017

The paper discusses the issue of globalization, namely the creation of a unique economic, politic... more The paper discusses the issue of globalization, namely the creation of a unique economic, political and cultural environment on our planet and the reflections of this process on education. The wave of changes in the world brings with it the rule of a ruthless competition of inventiveness and knowledge: the onset of the battle of the brains, i.e. by the brains. The winners of this war will be those whose education, specialization and specialties include a greater and better knowledge about the development and utilization of productive forces and whose most significant factor certainly is science. If education is necessary for the development of science, then science is not only necessary for the development of productive forces, but it is also their most important factor. Therefore each country, through the development of education, also provides for the development of science, the technology which is based on it, as the material basis of economic prosperity and political independenc...

Research paper thumbnail of Education theory and practice

Research paper thumbnail of Education theory and practice

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of the efficient pedagogical communication

The process of pedagogical work and education is developing through pedagogical communication, an... more The process of pedagogical work and education is developing through pedagogical communication, and it has specific characteristics and it is present in many functions. Pedagogical communication is a delicate and complex phenomenon which has not been sufficiently researched. Pedagogical communication has many weak points and the consequence is dissatisfaction of students, teachers, parents and other participants of the teaching process. This paper is on the characteristics of the efficient pedagogical communication, the pedagogical style, continents of communication, communication between the students.

Research paper thumbnail of Education for a civil society

Зборник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини, 2018

Democracy presupposes an active participation of citizens who are conscious of their importance a... more Democracy presupposes an active participation of citizens who are conscious of their importance and responsible for their decisions. The contemporary democratic society can hardly function without a developed civic consciousness. There are no other, more reliable ways, to ensure such participation of people in the democratic processes than the system of education and upbringing. Therefore, democracy can be developed only by people who are convinced of its validity, who are familiar with its meaning and the modalities of its implementation. The main task of the educational system is to create average and responsible citizens. Without a doubt, the school does not possess an exclusive and monopolistic role in this matter. In this field, there is room for a variety of institutions that comprise a democratic society. Here, first of all, we consider political parties, syndicates, the church, as well as numerous non-governmental organizations, professional associations, and civil and democratic initiatives. Still, the role of the school and its educational system is indispensable. Education for life in a civil society must involve the adoption of its values. However, at the same time, reducing this adoption to unfounded coercion must be avoided. Certainly, such an action would only protect ignorance and hinder the freedom of choice, thus leading to more ignorance. This means that education for democracy must be democratic itself, it must be free, accepted without fear, and not imposed. Democratic decision-making depends on the reasonableness of conclusions in which everybody participates equally. Everyone's voice is respected but not worth the same, the decision is an expression of the will of the majority.

Research paper thumbnail of Achyla flavicornis in West Cornwall

Entomologist's Gazette, 2001

Seven hundred and twenty squabs raised from 180 couples of domestic pigeon were used to study the... more Seven hundred and twenty squabs raised from 180 couples of domestic pigeon were used to study the heritability, phenotypic and genetic correlations of body and egg traits. Body weight at hatch, 1-week, 2-weeks, 3-weeks, 4-weeks and at maturity were measured. Age at first egg and weight of first egg were the egg traits considered. The mean mature bodyweight, Age at first egg and weight of first egg were 416.39±1.77 g, 147.26±0.44 days and 18.06±0.10 g, respectively. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.24±0.03 to 0.57±0.07. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between bodyweights at different ages were positive and significant (P<0.05). It was concluded that the body and egg traits evaluated could be improved by mass selection method and any improvement in the bodyweight could lead to a concomitant increase in the associated trait.

Research paper thumbnail of Correlation between school climate and student autonomy

Inovacije u nastavi, 2017

Мирсада С. Зукорлић 1 Наставно одељење у Новом Пазару, Учитељски факултет, Универзитет у Београду... more Мирсада С. Зукорлић 1 Наставно одељење у Новом Пазару, Учитељски факултет, Универзитет у Београду Далиборка Р. Поповић Природно-математички факултет, Универзитет у Крагујевцу Повезаност школске климе и аутономије ученика Резиме: Задовољство ученика школом детерминисано је његовим положајем, то јест укупним психосоцијалним статусом у школи. Ученик може бити у позицији објекта-партиципирати у активностима које одређује наставник или имати аутономију-равноправно партиципирати у школским активностима, при чему његов интегритет долази до изражаја. Уважавањем ученичке аутономије и усклађивањем програмских садржаја са интересовањима ученика, доприноси се развијању мотивације за учење и позитивном доживљавању школе. Циљ рада је усмерен на сагледавање утицаја школске климе на јачање аутономије ученика, са посебним освртом на утицај димензије одељењске климе на положај ученика, односно однос наставника и ученика, који најснажније одређује степен остварености његове аутономије. Закључцима су апострофиране препоруке за деловање школе као система, у функцији јачања аутономије ученика у школској пракси. Оне су усмерене на обезбеђивање позитивне психосоцијалне климе у школи и подразумевају укључивање свих актера васпитно-образовног рада школе (наставници, ученици, директор школе, родитељи). Такође, препоруке иду у правцу проширивања облика ученичке партиципације у наставном процесу на ваннаставне активности и свеукупност школског живота-школе као целине процеса. Кључне речи: школа као систем, школска клима, партиципација ученика, аутономија ученика.

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogical competencies functioning development of social competencies of students

Inovacije u nastavi, 2016

In the paper, we have presented results of the theoretical analysis of mutual conditioning of ped... more In the paper, we have presented results of the theoretical analysis of mutual conditioning of pedagogical communication and social competence of students with special review on the fact in which way application of pedagogical communication, including its aspects, factors, pedagogical principles and activities, influences development of skills of social competencies of students. The research keeps pace with new understanding of the pedagogical process, which started to be treated transcendentally-philosophically as "communication" between a teacher and a student from the second half of the 20 th century. Initiation and minting this research are significant for clear conceptualization of social skills and social competence, because teaching is based on the forms of social interaction and pedagogical effects (value system, attitudes, interests...) which all depend on social experience of students. The issue or question, which is heading this research, is does the application-procesuality of pedagogical communication, including its aspects, factors, pedagogical principles and activities influence and in what way development of social competencies of students? The aim of the research is defined in the following way: observe and describe directions and scope of influence and usefulness of pedagogical communication in the process of development of social competencies of students. In relation to the stated problem and aim of the thesis, our approach was qualitative research of the topic. In this respect, theoretical basis, on which postulates we have contemplated the stated problems, is communicative pedagogy, whereas epistemological assumptions of the research were positioned within interpretative paradigm. Methodological assumptions of the research have been realized within the plan of fundamental (basic) pedagogical research, of the

Research paper thumbnail of Educating Future Teachers in Order to Foster the Development of Students' Social Competence

Društvene i Humanističke Studije, 2018

The modern trend of education also implies new teacher roles. One of the very important aspects o... more The modern trend of education also implies new teacher roles. One of the very important aspects ofeducating future teachers is their training in encouraging the development of students' social competence.The paper deals with this problem through the application of the method of theoretical analysis andmodeling. Firstly, the social competence of students in the context of educational work is considered.The second part offers and analyzes key fields of training of future teachers of teachers in order toencourage students' social competence, which include: processing pedagogical communication(including all its dimensions); designing the teaching curriculum and preparing students for cohabitation.Also, appropriate incentive strategies for which future teachers need to be established should be offered,which should form an integral part of educational work with pupils of school age, as well asrecommendations for the selection of teachers and assessment of the quality of their work...