Zvonimir Užarević - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Zvonimir Užarević
Abstracts of the 105th FDI World Dental Congress. U: International Dental Journal 2017 ; 67 (Suppl. 1):46, 2017
Sažeci kongresa Hrvatski parodontološki dani 2013. U: Acta Stomatol Croat 2013 ; 47(2):181-189 (Glavni urednik časopisa Brkić, Hrvoje), 2013
Analiziranjem postojeceg stanja nastavnih planova i programa uciteljskih fakulteta uvidjeli smo d... more Analiziranjem postojeceg stanja nastavnih planova i programa uciteljskih fakulteta uvidjeli smo da je pristup prirodoslovnom obrazovanju ucitelja razredne nastave vrlo heterogen te da postoje razliciti pristupi njegovom obrazovanju u Hrvatskoj, Europi i izvan nje. Prirodoslovne znanosti obuhvacaju vrlo siroko podrucje ljudskih djelatnosti, pa je od velike važnosti njihovo klasificiranje i određivanje razina pojedinih znanja potrebnih ucitelju. Ovjde zato izlažemo Katalog specificnih znanja, vjestina i sposobnosti te razina osposobljenosti koje ce doprinjeti uravnoteženju obrazovanja u prirodoslovnom podrucju za ucitelje razredne nastave...
Zahvaljujuci porastu standarda i napretku zdravstvene zastite, u razvijenim se zemljama produljio... more Zahvaljujuci porastu standarda i napretku zdravstvene zastite, u razvijenim se zemljama produljio životni vijek i porastao udio starijih osoba u cjelokupnoj populaciji. Osobe životne dobi između 75. i 84. godine prema funkcionalnom statusu svrstavaju se u osobe srednje starosti. Iako gubitak zubi nije normalan dio starenja, bitna je nužnost individualnog gerontoloskog pristupa te je potrebna prilagodba dijagnostike, lijecenja i rehabilitacije u starijoj životnoj dobi. U nasem slucaju prikazana je pacijentica stara 79 godina, dobrog zdravstvenog stanja obzirom na dob, a koja nije mogla nositi unilateralnu parcijalnu protezu. Kako je cilj terapije sto brže i efikasnije rjesavanje problema u sto manje kirurskih zahvata, plan terapije uvijek mora biti jasan i svakako treba voditi racuna o izboru i redoslijedu tehnika koji su osnovna predpostavka uspjesne terapije. U nasem slucaju zbog kostanog defekta nakon uklanjanja korijena ocnjaka te zbog nemogucnosti imedijatne ugradnje implantata,...
Poznato je da se nastava iz predmeta Priroda i drustvo u osnovnoj skoli ne može odvijati iskljuci... more Poznato je da se nastava iz predmeta Priroda i drustvo u osnovnoj skoli ne može odvijati iskljucivo unutar zatvorenih prostora ucionice. Mnogi ucitelji u praksi izbegavaju izvanucionicku nastavu upravo zbog slabog poznavanja pojava u prirodi, organizama i njihove međuovisnosti. Zato se na Uciteljskom fakultetu u Osijeku poklanja velika pozornost upravo terenskom radu studenata u prirodi. Terenska nastava je predmet povezan s Prirodoslovljem 1 i 2 s kojima cini cjelinu. Usvajanjem prirodoslovnih sadržaja u izvornoj situaciji u prirodi osiguravaju se kvalitativne perceptivne, misaone i prakticne djelatnosti potrebne za buduci samostalni rad ucitelja...
Nepovoljan položaj retiniranog ocnjaka u gornjoj celjusti može imati za posljedicu nemogucnost ad... more Nepovoljan položaj retiniranog ocnjaka u gornjoj celjusti može imati za posljedicu nemogucnost adekvatne ortodontske terapije. Kirursko odstranjivanje ocnjaka može dovesti do masivnog gubitka alveolarne kosti te svakako kompromitirati daljnju kirursko-protetsku rehabilitaciju. Cilj je sto brža i efikasnija terapija, odnosno rjesavanje problema u sto manje kirurskih zahvata, sto ponekad može biti kontraproduktivno i kompromitirajuce za konacan rezultat lijecenja. Plan terapije uvijek mora biti jasan i svakako treba voditi racuna o izboru i redoslijedu tehnika koji su osnovna pretpostavka uspjesne terapije. U nasem slucaju zbog velikog kostanog defekta nakon uklanjanja ocnjaka te zbog nemogucnosti imedijatne ugradnje implantata, koristena je klasicna tehnika vođene kostane regeneracije (GBR) prije same implantacije. U tu svrhu koristili smo kombiniranu tehniku regeneracije kosti upotrebom autogenog transplantata i ksenotransplantata Bio-Oss® te prirodne resorbirajuce membrane Bio-Gide®.
Cilj: Glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi u kojoj mjeri detaljan usmeni naputak o post... more Cilj: Glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi u kojoj mjeri detaljan usmeni naputak o postupanju nakon kirurskog odstranjenja donjeg umnjaka, iskustvo operatera, indeks tjelesne mase i pozicija zuba utjecu na poslijeoperacijsku kvalitetu života pacijenta. Ispitanici i postupci: Provedeno je istraživanje kvalitete života nakon odstranjenja donjeg umnjaka kod 108 ispitanika. Ovisno o tipu informacije dane svakom ispitaniku posebice, ispitanici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine: ispitnu u kojoj su pacijenti dobili detaljan pismeni i usmeni naputak te kontrolnu skupinu u kojoj su dobili samo pismeni naputak o postupanju nakon operativnoga zahvata. U prvom dijelu istraživanja istražen je utjecaj spola, indeksa tjelesne mase, iskustva operatera i pozicije zuba na intenzitet boli prvih sedam poslijeoperacijskih dana. U drugom dijelu istraživanja ispitana je kvaliteta života koristenjem modificiranoga OHIP-14 kriterija cetvrti, sedmi i trideseti poslijeoperacijski dan ovisno o tipu rani...
Didactica Slovenica-pedagoska Obzorja, 2018
Very young and preschool children show great interest in natural science subjects. In the curricu... more Very young and preschool children show great interest in natural science subjects. In the curriculum of early and preschool education, it is necessary to include more resources/activities for the development of the child's competencies in natural sciences. The freedom of choosing the methodological approach in the introduction of natural science content to children of early and preschool age contributes to the dynamics and comprehensiveness of education. This emphasizes the importance of educators' creative efforts in curriculum design, particularly in linking methods and implicit methodological culture to create a successful modern educator's practice. Relying on theoretical approaches to modern forms of education, theoretical analysis and the results of respective authors, the paper emphasizes the importance of the experiment method in an integrated curriculum of early and preschool education. We consider the experiment method as a way of experiential learning and an i...
Istraživanjem je utvrđeno jesu li studenti uciteljskog studija koji su prirodoslovne kolegije slu... more Istraživanjem je utvrđeno jesu li studenti uciteljskog studija koji su prirodoslovne kolegije slusali i položili prije primjene nacela Bolonjske deklaracije bili uspjesniji od studenata Integriranog preddiplomskog i diplomskog sveucilisnog uciteljskog studija koji su slusali i položili prirodoslovne kolegije nakon uvođenja bolonjskih programa. Istraživanjem su obuhvacene cetiri generacije studenata ili ukupno 947 ispitanika. Podatci su prikupljeni iz dokumentacije Uciteljskoga fakulteta u Osijeku i Informacijskog sustava visokih ucilista, a primijenjena je neeksperimentalna metoda komparativne analize podataka. Utvrđena je frekvencija pojavljivanja pojedinih ocjena obveznih prirodoslovnih kolegija, a razlike između skupina su testirane neparametrijskim statistickim postupcima. Statisticki znacajno veca uspjesnost studiranja iz obveznih prirodoslovnih kolegija utvrđena je kod studenata koji su studirali nakon uvođenja nacela Bolonjske deklaracije. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na važnos...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
The aim of this study was to determine the values of DMFT/DMFS and dft/dfs in the examined groups... more The aim of this study was to determine the values of DMFT/DMFS and dft/dfs in the examined groups of children and the assessment of the mothers of the examined groups of children related to the oral health of their children. The research included children from the SOS Children’s Village in Croatia as well as children from biological families from rural and urban areas. The children were examined by the visual–tactile method according to the standardized World Health Organization criteria. dft/DMFT and dfs/DMFS indices were calculated. An analysis of completed questionnaires was made. The children from the SOS Children’s Village demonstrated the lowest mean values of the dft/dfs (2.42/3.31) and DMFT/DMFS (1.61/2.23) indices compared to children from rural and urban areas. The Kruskal–Wallis test showed a significant difference (p = 0.01) in SiC index values between the examined children. In the groups of children from the SOS Children’s Village and from the rural area compared to the...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2017
Background/Aim. Oral health is an integral part of general health and an important factor in the ... more Background/Aim. Oral health is an integral part of general health and an important factor in the overall quality of life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of dental caries among the children from the SOS Children?s Village in Croatia. Methods. The dental examinations based on the World Health Organization criteria were performed on 88 children from SOS Children?s Village in Croatia. The teeth were clinically examined with standard dental instruments using the visual-tactile method under standard light. The clinical indexes of decayed, missed, and filled (dmft and DMFT, for primary and permantnt teeth, respectively) and decayed, missed, and filled surfaces (DMFS), as well as the significant caries index (SiC) were recorded. Results. Among the children from the SOS Children?s Village caries incidence were 57.94%. The mean dmft, DMFT and DMFS of all children was 1.82, 1.90 and 2.82, respectively. The highest mean dmft and DMFT score of 4.24 and 2.56 was found...
Skolski Vjesnik Casopis Za Pedagoska I Skolska Pitanja, Mar 26, 2013
Acta Clinica Croatica, 2013
The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which the intensity of postoperative pain in... more The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which the intensity of postoperative pain in the first seven days after lower wisdom tooth extraction is affected by operator experience, patient level of information and patient sex. Postoperative pain intensity after lower wisdom tooth extraction was assessed in 108 patients. Depending on the type of information given to each patient individually, the patients were divided into two groups: test group in which patients were provided with detailed standard written and verbal instructions and control group where patients only received detailed standard written instructions about treatment after surgery. Each of these two groups was divided into three subgroups depending on operator experience. Results of this study showed that the type of information irrespective of being given verbally or not had no effects on postoperative pain intensity, whereas operator experience and patient sex influenced postoperative pain intensity.
Periodicum Biologorum, 2005
Background and purpose: The sulfur dioxide emitted from Plomin thermal power plant, Croatia, has ... more Background and purpose: The sulfur dioxide emitted from Plomin thermal power plant, Croatia, has been shown to have great influence on sulfur concentration in Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) needles. Since 1999 the emission of SO2 has been significantly lowered. Previous investigation revealed that the lowering of S-concentrations in Black pine needles started about two years after the drop of SO2 concentrations in air. The aim of this study was to examine the appearance of epicuticular waxes around stomata of previous- season Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) needles. Also, we tried to correlate S-concentration in the needles with the S-deposition on needle surface.Materials and Methods: previous -year needles were collected from the upper crown of Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) trees grown at different distances from the Plomin thermal power plant: zone I - less than 10 km, zone II - 10-20 km and zone III - 20-30 km. Chemical analysis included determination of total sulfur concentration. S-deposition on needle surface was determined by the energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX). The investigation of epicuticular wax micromorphology was done by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A hundred stomata per zone were counted and tge degree of epicuticular wax degradation was assesed. Results: Sulfur concentrations in the previous-season Black pine needles were the same for all three zones. S- deposition was also practicaly the same for all zones. Although the highest value was recorded in zonr III, there was no statistical significance in respect to other two zones. Epicuticular wax structure revealed that all analyzed stomata could be classified either as stage 4 (51-80% covered by amorphous wax) or stage 5 (81-100% covered by amorphous wax) of injury. Stages 1, 2 and 3 were totaly absent. Stages 4 and 5 were differentally represented in each particular zone: the increase in the proportion of stage 5 in respect to the stage 4 was significant when zones I and III were compared. Conclusions: Despite the absence of any significant differences between the trees grown at different distances from the emission source, with regard to needle S content as well as the S deposition on needle surfaces, changes in epicuticular wax micromorphology were observed. higher percentage of stage 5 of wax injury in zone I than in zone III indicates higher environmental pressure that was present in zone I over the time of needle exposure.
Metodicki Ogledi, Sep 2, 2014
Rad donosi prikaz pedagoške radionice »Darwin danas« provedene u sklopu izrade diplomskoga rada n... more Rad donosi prikaz pedagoške radionice »Darwin danas« provedene u sklopu izrade diplomskoga rada na Fakultetu za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku. Cilj radionice bio je jednostavnim i uzrastu prila gođenim zadatcima upoznati učenike četvrtih razreda osnovne škole sa životom i djelom Charlesa Darwina, ali i potaknuti ih na daljnje istraživanje i razmišljanje o prirodnim procesima i postupnom nastan ku i razvoju živoga svijeta te ih uvesti u prirodoslovne sadržaje viših razreda osnovne i srednje škole. Pedagoška radionica, koja promiče suradničko učenje, pomaknula je učenje iz okvira tradicionalne nasta ve, kako oblikom rada tako i temom.
Objective: The main objective of this study was to determine to what extent a detailed oral instr... more Objective: The main objective of this study was to determine to what extent a detailed oral instruction about treatment after surgical removal of a lower wisdom tooth affect postoperative quality of life (QoL). Method: The research on QoL after removal of a lower wisdom tooth was conducted with 108 patients. Depending on the type of information given to each respondent individually, the examinees were divided into two groups: a test group which was given detailed written and oral instructions, and a control group which received only written instructions about treatment after the surgery. In this research were examined the QoL using modified OHIP-14 criterion four, seven and thirty days after the operation depending on the type of information previously provided to the respondents. In order to reduce the dimensionality of the obtained data sets, as well as in order to explain the relationship between the examined variables that are interrelated we applied a principal component analys...
This article follows the work of Branko Cvjetanović (1918.-2002.) and Branimir Richter (1920.-201... more This article follows the work of Branko Cvjetanović (1918.-2002.) and Branimir Richter (1920.-2012.), who left a brilliant mark in the science and medical education in the scientific and teaching career at the School of Public Health “Andrija Štampar” Zagreb School of Medicine. They were invited to the missions as experts of the World health Organization. Branko Cvjetanović became an assistant of the Department of Social Medicine and Hygiene, Epidemiology. He was the first specialist in Croatia who introduced the concept of controlled field trials in epidemiology. Cvjetanović spent a large part of his career in Geneva where he was leading Department of Bacterial Diseases of the World Health Organization. He was working on simulation models of the dynamics of infectious diseases. Branimir Richter, the most famous Croatian parasitologist, started his career with a mission to eradicate malaria. Later he led antimalarial campaign in Croatia till malaria was eradicated in 1954. Working a...
Abstracts of the 105th FDI World Dental Congress. U: International Dental Journal 2017 ; 67 (Suppl. 1):46, 2017
Sažeci kongresa Hrvatski parodontološki dani 2013. U: Acta Stomatol Croat 2013 ; 47(2):181-189 (Glavni urednik časopisa Brkić, Hrvoje), 2013
Analiziranjem postojeceg stanja nastavnih planova i programa uciteljskih fakulteta uvidjeli smo d... more Analiziranjem postojeceg stanja nastavnih planova i programa uciteljskih fakulteta uvidjeli smo da je pristup prirodoslovnom obrazovanju ucitelja razredne nastave vrlo heterogen te da postoje razliciti pristupi njegovom obrazovanju u Hrvatskoj, Europi i izvan nje. Prirodoslovne znanosti obuhvacaju vrlo siroko podrucje ljudskih djelatnosti, pa je od velike važnosti njihovo klasificiranje i određivanje razina pojedinih znanja potrebnih ucitelju. Ovjde zato izlažemo Katalog specificnih znanja, vjestina i sposobnosti te razina osposobljenosti koje ce doprinjeti uravnoteženju obrazovanja u prirodoslovnom podrucju za ucitelje razredne nastave...
Zahvaljujuci porastu standarda i napretku zdravstvene zastite, u razvijenim se zemljama produljio... more Zahvaljujuci porastu standarda i napretku zdravstvene zastite, u razvijenim se zemljama produljio životni vijek i porastao udio starijih osoba u cjelokupnoj populaciji. Osobe životne dobi između 75. i 84. godine prema funkcionalnom statusu svrstavaju se u osobe srednje starosti. Iako gubitak zubi nije normalan dio starenja, bitna je nužnost individualnog gerontoloskog pristupa te je potrebna prilagodba dijagnostike, lijecenja i rehabilitacije u starijoj životnoj dobi. U nasem slucaju prikazana je pacijentica stara 79 godina, dobrog zdravstvenog stanja obzirom na dob, a koja nije mogla nositi unilateralnu parcijalnu protezu. Kako je cilj terapije sto brže i efikasnije rjesavanje problema u sto manje kirurskih zahvata, plan terapije uvijek mora biti jasan i svakako treba voditi racuna o izboru i redoslijedu tehnika koji su osnovna predpostavka uspjesne terapije. U nasem slucaju zbog kostanog defekta nakon uklanjanja korijena ocnjaka te zbog nemogucnosti imedijatne ugradnje implantata,...
Poznato je da se nastava iz predmeta Priroda i drustvo u osnovnoj skoli ne može odvijati iskljuci... more Poznato je da se nastava iz predmeta Priroda i drustvo u osnovnoj skoli ne može odvijati iskljucivo unutar zatvorenih prostora ucionice. Mnogi ucitelji u praksi izbegavaju izvanucionicku nastavu upravo zbog slabog poznavanja pojava u prirodi, organizama i njihove međuovisnosti. Zato se na Uciteljskom fakultetu u Osijeku poklanja velika pozornost upravo terenskom radu studenata u prirodi. Terenska nastava je predmet povezan s Prirodoslovljem 1 i 2 s kojima cini cjelinu. Usvajanjem prirodoslovnih sadržaja u izvornoj situaciji u prirodi osiguravaju se kvalitativne perceptivne, misaone i prakticne djelatnosti potrebne za buduci samostalni rad ucitelja...
Nepovoljan položaj retiniranog ocnjaka u gornjoj celjusti može imati za posljedicu nemogucnost ad... more Nepovoljan položaj retiniranog ocnjaka u gornjoj celjusti može imati za posljedicu nemogucnost adekvatne ortodontske terapije. Kirursko odstranjivanje ocnjaka može dovesti do masivnog gubitka alveolarne kosti te svakako kompromitirati daljnju kirursko-protetsku rehabilitaciju. Cilj je sto brža i efikasnija terapija, odnosno rjesavanje problema u sto manje kirurskih zahvata, sto ponekad može biti kontraproduktivno i kompromitirajuce za konacan rezultat lijecenja. Plan terapije uvijek mora biti jasan i svakako treba voditi racuna o izboru i redoslijedu tehnika koji su osnovna pretpostavka uspjesne terapije. U nasem slucaju zbog velikog kostanog defekta nakon uklanjanja ocnjaka te zbog nemogucnosti imedijatne ugradnje implantata, koristena je klasicna tehnika vođene kostane regeneracije (GBR) prije same implantacije. U tu svrhu koristili smo kombiniranu tehniku regeneracije kosti upotrebom autogenog transplantata i ksenotransplantata Bio-Oss® te prirodne resorbirajuce membrane Bio-Gide®.
Cilj: Glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi u kojoj mjeri detaljan usmeni naputak o post... more Cilj: Glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi u kojoj mjeri detaljan usmeni naputak o postupanju nakon kirurskog odstranjenja donjeg umnjaka, iskustvo operatera, indeks tjelesne mase i pozicija zuba utjecu na poslijeoperacijsku kvalitetu života pacijenta. Ispitanici i postupci: Provedeno je istraživanje kvalitete života nakon odstranjenja donjeg umnjaka kod 108 ispitanika. Ovisno o tipu informacije dane svakom ispitaniku posebice, ispitanici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine: ispitnu u kojoj su pacijenti dobili detaljan pismeni i usmeni naputak te kontrolnu skupinu u kojoj su dobili samo pismeni naputak o postupanju nakon operativnoga zahvata. U prvom dijelu istraživanja istražen je utjecaj spola, indeksa tjelesne mase, iskustva operatera i pozicije zuba na intenzitet boli prvih sedam poslijeoperacijskih dana. U drugom dijelu istraživanja ispitana je kvaliteta života koristenjem modificiranoga OHIP-14 kriterija cetvrti, sedmi i trideseti poslijeoperacijski dan ovisno o tipu rani...
Didactica Slovenica-pedagoska Obzorja, 2018
Very young and preschool children show great interest in natural science subjects. In the curricu... more Very young and preschool children show great interest in natural science subjects. In the curriculum of early and preschool education, it is necessary to include more resources/activities for the development of the child's competencies in natural sciences. The freedom of choosing the methodological approach in the introduction of natural science content to children of early and preschool age contributes to the dynamics and comprehensiveness of education. This emphasizes the importance of educators' creative efforts in curriculum design, particularly in linking methods and implicit methodological culture to create a successful modern educator's practice. Relying on theoretical approaches to modern forms of education, theoretical analysis and the results of respective authors, the paper emphasizes the importance of the experiment method in an integrated curriculum of early and preschool education. We consider the experiment method as a way of experiential learning and an i...
Istraživanjem je utvrđeno jesu li studenti uciteljskog studija koji su prirodoslovne kolegije slu... more Istraživanjem je utvrđeno jesu li studenti uciteljskog studija koji su prirodoslovne kolegije slusali i položili prije primjene nacela Bolonjske deklaracije bili uspjesniji od studenata Integriranog preddiplomskog i diplomskog sveucilisnog uciteljskog studija koji su slusali i položili prirodoslovne kolegije nakon uvođenja bolonjskih programa. Istraživanjem su obuhvacene cetiri generacije studenata ili ukupno 947 ispitanika. Podatci su prikupljeni iz dokumentacije Uciteljskoga fakulteta u Osijeku i Informacijskog sustava visokih ucilista, a primijenjena je neeksperimentalna metoda komparativne analize podataka. Utvrđena je frekvencija pojavljivanja pojedinih ocjena obveznih prirodoslovnih kolegija, a razlike između skupina su testirane neparametrijskim statistickim postupcima. Statisticki znacajno veca uspjesnost studiranja iz obveznih prirodoslovnih kolegija utvrđena je kod studenata koji su studirali nakon uvođenja nacela Bolonjske deklaracije. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na važnos...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
The aim of this study was to determine the values of DMFT/DMFS and dft/dfs in the examined groups... more The aim of this study was to determine the values of DMFT/DMFS and dft/dfs in the examined groups of children and the assessment of the mothers of the examined groups of children related to the oral health of their children. The research included children from the SOS Children’s Village in Croatia as well as children from biological families from rural and urban areas. The children were examined by the visual–tactile method according to the standardized World Health Organization criteria. dft/DMFT and dfs/DMFS indices were calculated. An analysis of completed questionnaires was made. The children from the SOS Children’s Village demonstrated the lowest mean values of the dft/dfs (2.42/3.31) and DMFT/DMFS (1.61/2.23) indices compared to children from rural and urban areas. The Kruskal–Wallis test showed a significant difference (p = 0.01) in SiC index values between the examined children. In the groups of children from the SOS Children’s Village and from the rural area compared to the...
Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2017
Background/Aim. Oral health is an integral part of general health and an important factor in the ... more Background/Aim. Oral health is an integral part of general health and an important factor in the overall quality of life. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of dental caries among the children from the SOS Children?s Village in Croatia. Methods. The dental examinations based on the World Health Organization criteria were performed on 88 children from SOS Children?s Village in Croatia. The teeth were clinically examined with standard dental instruments using the visual-tactile method under standard light. The clinical indexes of decayed, missed, and filled (dmft and DMFT, for primary and permantnt teeth, respectively) and decayed, missed, and filled surfaces (DMFS), as well as the significant caries index (SiC) were recorded. Results. Among the children from the SOS Children?s Village caries incidence were 57.94%. The mean dmft, DMFT and DMFS of all children was 1.82, 1.90 and 2.82, respectively. The highest mean dmft and DMFT score of 4.24 and 2.56 was found...
Skolski Vjesnik Casopis Za Pedagoska I Skolska Pitanja, Mar 26, 2013
Acta Clinica Croatica, 2013
The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which the intensity of postoperative pain in... more The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which the intensity of postoperative pain in the first seven days after lower wisdom tooth extraction is affected by operator experience, patient level of information and patient sex. Postoperative pain intensity after lower wisdom tooth extraction was assessed in 108 patients. Depending on the type of information given to each patient individually, the patients were divided into two groups: test group in which patients were provided with detailed standard written and verbal instructions and control group where patients only received detailed standard written instructions about treatment after surgery. Each of these two groups was divided into three subgroups depending on operator experience. Results of this study showed that the type of information irrespective of being given verbally or not had no effects on postoperative pain intensity, whereas operator experience and patient sex influenced postoperative pain intensity.
Periodicum Biologorum, 2005
Background and purpose: The sulfur dioxide emitted from Plomin thermal power plant, Croatia, has ... more Background and purpose: The sulfur dioxide emitted from Plomin thermal power plant, Croatia, has been shown to have great influence on sulfur concentration in Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) needles. Since 1999 the emission of SO2 has been significantly lowered. Previous investigation revealed that the lowering of S-concentrations in Black pine needles started about two years after the drop of SO2 concentrations in air. The aim of this study was to examine the appearance of epicuticular waxes around stomata of previous- season Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) needles. Also, we tried to correlate S-concentration in the needles with the S-deposition on needle surface.Materials and Methods: previous -year needles were collected from the upper crown of Black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) trees grown at different distances from the Plomin thermal power plant: zone I - less than 10 km, zone II - 10-20 km and zone III - 20-30 km. Chemical analysis included determination of total sulfur concentration. S-deposition on needle surface was determined by the energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX). The investigation of epicuticular wax micromorphology was done by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A hundred stomata per zone were counted and tge degree of epicuticular wax degradation was assesed. Results: Sulfur concentrations in the previous-season Black pine needles were the same for all three zones. S- deposition was also practicaly the same for all zones. Although the highest value was recorded in zonr III, there was no statistical significance in respect to other two zones. Epicuticular wax structure revealed that all analyzed stomata could be classified either as stage 4 (51-80% covered by amorphous wax) or stage 5 (81-100% covered by amorphous wax) of injury. Stages 1, 2 and 3 were totaly absent. Stages 4 and 5 were differentally represented in each particular zone: the increase in the proportion of stage 5 in respect to the stage 4 was significant when zones I and III were compared. Conclusions: Despite the absence of any significant differences between the trees grown at different distances from the emission source, with regard to needle S content as well as the S deposition on needle surfaces, changes in epicuticular wax micromorphology were observed. higher percentage of stage 5 of wax injury in zone I than in zone III indicates higher environmental pressure that was present in zone I over the time of needle exposure.
Metodicki Ogledi, Sep 2, 2014
Rad donosi prikaz pedagoške radionice »Darwin danas« provedene u sklopu izrade diplomskoga rada n... more Rad donosi prikaz pedagoške radionice »Darwin danas« provedene u sklopu izrade diplomskoga rada na Fakultetu za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku. Cilj radionice bio je jednostavnim i uzrastu prila gođenim zadatcima upoznati učenike četvrtih razreda osnovne škole sa životom i djelom Charlesa Darwina, ali i potaknuti ih na daljnje istraživanje i razmišljanje o prirodnim procesima i postupnom nastan ku i razvoju živoga svijeta te ih uvesti u prirodoslovne sadržaje viših razreda osnovne i srednje škole. Pedagoška radionica, koja promiče suradničko učenje, pomaknula je učenje iz okvira tradicionalne nasta ve, kako oblikom rada tako i temom.
Objective: The main objective of this study was to determine to what extent a detailed oral instr... more Objective: The main objective of this study was to determine to what extent a detailed oral instruction about treatment after surgical removal of a lower wisdom tooth affect postoperative quality of life (QoL). Method: The research on QoL after removal of a lower wisdom tooth was conducted with 108 patients. Depending on the type of information given to each respondent individually, the examinees were divided into two groups: a test group which was given detailed written and oral instructions, and a control group which received only written instructions about treatment after the surgery. In this research were examined the QoL using modified OHIP-14 criterion four, seven and thirty days after the operation depending on the type of information previously provided to the respondents. In order to reduce the dimensionality of the obtained data sets, as well as in order to explain the relationship between the examined variables that are interrelated we applied a principal component analys...
This article follows the work of Branko Cvjetanović (1918.-2002.) and Branimir Richter (1920.-201... more This article follows the work of Branko Cvjetanović (1918.-2002.) and Branimir Richter (1920.-2012.), who left a brilliant mark in the science and medical education in the scientific and teaching career at the School of Public Health “Andrija Štampar” Zagreb School of Medicine. They were invited to the missions as experts of the World health Organization. Branko Cvjetanović became an assistant of the Department of Social Medicine and Hygiene, Epidemiology. He was the first specialist in Croatia who introduced the concept of controlled field trials in epidemiology. Cvjetanović spent a large part of his career in Geneva where he was leading Department of Bacterial Diseases of the World Health Organization. He was working on simulation models of the dynamics of infectious diseases. Branimir Richter, the most famous Croatian parasitologist, started his career with a mission to eradicate malaria. Later he led antimalarial campaign in Croatia till malaria was eradicated in 1954. Working a...