abd nasir - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by abd nasir
Bali Medical Journal, Nov 21, 2023
Advances in Medical Education and Practice
Student competence is an important topic of discussion during the implementation of counseling in... more Student competence is an important topic of discussion during the implementation of counseling in the clinic. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the Team-STEPPS-based preceptorship guidance model on student competency. Methods: A comparative study was used to analyze the quantitative data. Participants were clinical practice students at "Ngudi Waluyo" Public Hospital with a total of 92 registered students divided into treatment and control groups. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and the Mann-Whitney U-Test were used to assess differences between the intervention and control groups. Results: There were post-test differences between the intervention group and the control group, namely clinical competence p-value (0.003), nursing management p (0.000), technical competence p (0.008), self-management p (0.000), and care-oriented patients p (0.000). Conclusion: The Team-STEPPS-based preceptorship guidance model is very important in increasing student competency, not only in mastering clinical competence, but also in mastering technical skill competencies, nursing management, self-management, and patientoriented care skills, and therefore, can increase student independence.
Journal of Vocational Nursing
Introduction: The elderly is someone who experiences biological, psychological, social, and spiri... more Introduction: The elderly is someone who experiences biological, psychological, social, and spiritual decline which can affect mood and lead to depression. This study aims to identify the incidence of depression in the elderly. Methods: This study uses a quantitative design with a descriptive approach. The population is the elderly at the Gresik Alun-Alun Health Center in March 2022, taking samples using purposive sampling were obtained from 61 respondents. Data collection used the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) instrument. The research variable is the incidence of depression. Ethical Approval by the Faculty of Health, University of Muhammadiyah Gresik number 068/KET/II.3.UMG/KEP/A/2022. Data analysis using descriptive analysis. Results: Research shows that 49% of the elderly are not depressed, 24% are mildly depressed, 15% are moderately depressed, and very few are severely depressed 11%. Conclusions: Depression as one of the effects of the aging process is significant to be reco...
Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Hipertensi masih menjadi masalah utama gangguan kesehatan teruatama pada lansia. Prevalensi pende... more Hipertensi masih menjadi masalah utama gangguan kesehatan teruatama pada lansia. Prevalensi penderita hipertensi di Indonesia dan Jawa Timur semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Tekanan darah yang tidak terkontrol banyak diakibatkan karena tingginya konsumsi garam dan kurangnya pengetahuan. Penatalaksanaan hipertensi bisa dilakukan dengan terapi nonfarmakologi salah dengan hydrotherapy. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan berupa pengelolaan hipertensi, pengaturan menu rendah garam, serta terapi rendam kaki dengan air hangat. Sasaran pengabdian ini adalah lansia penderita hipertensi di Desa Dlanggu dengan 2 mitra yaitu Desa Dlanggu yang dikoordinatori oleh bidan desa dan Puskesmas Deket Kabupaten Lamongan. Metode pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan penyuluhan serta pelatihan, kemudian melakukan demonstrasi pengaturan menu rendah garam dan rendam kaki air hangat (hydrotherapy) dan evaluasi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan. Hasil pengabdian ini a...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 13, 2018
Kelainan yang dimiliki oleh anak berkebutuhan khusus menimbulkan berbagai reaksi dari ibu yang me... more Kelainan yang dimiliki oleh anak berkebutuhan khusus menimbulkan berbagai reaksi dari ibu yang memicu terjadinya kecemasan akibat tuntutan yang tinggi agar anaknya bisa hidup normal seperti anak-anak lain pada umumnya. Rentang respon yang dimiliki ibu mulai dari sangat mencemaskan akan keberadaan di lingkungan sekitar akibat kekurangan yang dimiliki hingga bersikap realistis dan objektif dalam menerima kondisi anaknya. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan tingkat kecemasan ibu dalam mendampingi anak berkebutuhan khusus di SLB Cerme Kabupaten Gresik. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif analitik observasional dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah 42 ibu dari anak berkebutuhan khusus yang sekolah di SLB Cerme. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil uji Korelasi Spermann Rank diketahui bahwa pengetahuan ibu mempunyai kontribusi kuat terhadap kecemasan dalam mendampingi anak berkebutuhan khusus dengan tingkat signifikasi (p= 0,00). Pemahaman tentang anak berkebutuhan khusus harus dimiliki oleh ibu dalam mendampingi anak berkebutuhan khusus agar tidak mudah mengalami kecemasan.
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan: Journal of Nursing Science, Nov 30, 2018
Shadow teacher in their profession are always dealing with special needs children who have intell... more Shadow teacher in their profession are always dealing with special needs children who have intellectual impairment, behavioral and emotional disorders and learning disorders. This is an exhausting job because shadow teachers should be able to ensure that the child is always adaptive during the lesson. Shadow teacher also must know how to adapt to the child's character, and this task also spends a lot of time. However, the existence of children in the class is not supported by good learning guidelines. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of shadow teachers with the child with special needed. This qualitative research used Interpretative phenomenology research design and data analysis used interpretative phenomenology analysis approach. Data collection process used in-depth interviews and observations, and this research involved six participants. This research produced 9 themes: (1) believe that this work is a blessing from Allah, (2) feel that there is a wisdom from helping each others (3) exhausting for mind and emotions, (4) feel not confident at the beginning of his profession, (5) have a feeling that this job is a meaningful job, (6) believe that the children can be disciplined with strict rules, (7) believe that visualization is the way to make children's focus increased, (8) feel that togetherness must be build together with the children, and (9) feel that government and society's concern to these children with special needs is still lacking. Guiding and leading children with special needs is hard to do, but if this job is done with a wholehearted feeling it can make an incredible effort and can make the children with special needs can live peacefully in the middle of society.
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, Sep 1, 2022
Psychological strength plays an important role in reducing stress due to leprosy because leprosy ... more Psychological strength plays an important role in reducing stress due to leprosy because leprosy can cause physical, psychological, and social problems. For that reason, this study aims to investigate the relationship between coping sources, coping strategies, and psychological well-being through leprosy stress. Methods: This research instrument uses a stress perception scale, coping sources, coping strategies, and psychological well-being scale to collect data from 125 participants consisting of women (33.60%) and men 66.40%. The test analysis in this study uses SmartPLS through structural equation modeling to prove the correlation. Results: The results of the SEM test indicate that there is a negative relationship between coping resources and leprosy stress, with a coefficient value of (−0.380), p-value of (0.000) <0.05, and a positive relationship is obtained with psychological well-being with the coefficient value of (0.427), p-value of (0.000) <0.05. Meanwhile, the SEM test shows a negative relationship between coping strategies and stress of leprosy, with the coefficient of (−0.566), p-value of (0.000) <0.05, and a positive relationship is obtained with psychological well-being (0.355), p-value of (0.000) < 0.05. Furthermore, on psychological well-being, stress shows a negative relationship, with the coefficient of (−0.212), p-value of (0.002). Discussion: Exploration of important coping sources is done to weaken the power of leprosy as a stressor and the use of effective coping strategies is needed to solve physical, psychological, and social problems for "People Affected by Leprosy", and simultaneously these two attributes are used to achieve prosperity. psychological. better.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Apr 8, 2022
Background Family involvement in overcoming the severity of leprosy is very important in the life... more Background Family involvement in overcoming the severity of leprosy is very important in the life of leprosy sufferers in communities who experience the clinical and, psychological, social and behavioral consequences of the disease. However, this need, psychosocial, is felt to be not optimal. This study is to identify how the experiences of family members as caregivers provide assistance to individuals with leprosy in improving healing and maintaining patterns of interaction in the family. Methods The design uses qualitative research with in-depth, face-to-face interviews with family members in a semi-structured manner with the hope of obtaining complete data. Using purposive sampling with Participatory Interpretative Phenomenology analysis, there are 12 families with 15 family members consisting of 4 men and 11 women. Results This study produced a family theme that tried to follow what would happen to individuals with leprosy, with four sub-categories: 1) Using various coping alternatives to recognize the disease, 2) Family members in the shadow of leprosy, 3) Trying to empathize with other family members. sick, 4) Caring for the emotional response of the family and seeking support. Conclusions This analysis shows that deficiency in cognitive aspects can be closed by maintaining a lifestyle in the family through efforts to understand, support, establish communication, increase maximum involvement in restoring self-confidence, especially in individuals with leprosy with psychosocial problems in the family. The results of this study can be used as PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, Sep 1, 2022
Research Square (Research Square), Dec 9, 2021
Background: Strengthening the argument for better problem solving can reduce excessive worry, so ... more Background: Strengthening the argument for better problem solving can reduce excessive worry, so as to reduce fear due to leprosy disability, because the impact arising from leprosy disability can affect the chosen coping strategy. Methods: The purpose of this study was to test the model of the relationship between resilience, coping resources, and coping through structural equation modeling to identify the role of disability fear as a mediator. The leprosy disability fear scale, coping resources scale, and coping scale have been used to collect data, with 125 participants involved in this study through convenience sampling, consisting of women (33.60%), men 66.40 %. Structural equation model is used to test through cross-sectional design. Results: The results of the study report that there is a negative relationship between coping resources and fear of leprosy disability, and it is known that there is a positive relationship with coping. Meanwhile, The test results showed a negative relationship between resilience and fear of leprosy disability, and a positive relationship with coping. Furthermore, to coping, fear of leprosy disability shows a negative relationship. Conclusion: Coping in seeking health assistance is strongly in uenced by resilience and coping resources, both directly and indirectly through the mediator of fear of leprosy disability. As a result, in seeking health assistance, individuals who have strong self-defense and have extensive coping resources, have adaptive coping, thereby reducing the fear of leprosy disability, and thus can maintain adaptive coping during the leprosy healing process.
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, Oct 1, 2021
Online learning during the COVID-19 outbreak, puts mental stress on parents and their children so... more Online learning during the COVID-19 outbreak, puts mental stress on parents and their children so that this requires extraordinary resilience when parents get additional tasks to accompany children in online learning that is done at home. The current study seeks to evaluate the resilience of parents accompanying schoolchildren in online learning. Besides, this study also examines independent socio-demographic predictors of parental resilience. Methods: This descriptive-analytic cross-sectional study was conducted on 392 parents of children participating in online learning at home. Data were collected through an online questionnaire survey in the provinces of Java and Bali. Demographic questionnaires and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis with p < 0.05. Results: Simultaneously the independent variables affect the resilience of parents as indicated by the value of F (9.010), p-value (0.000), and R (0.376). The predictors of parental resilience were the gender of the parents with the t-value (3.280), p-value (0.001), β (4.572), parent's employment status with the t-value (3.752), p-value (0.001), β (4,348), financial status with the t-value (4.754), p-value (0.000), β (5.087), and the gender of the children with the t-value (2.849), p-value (0.005), β (4.873). Conclusion: Predictor factors that affect the resilience of parents in providing online learning assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic need to get more serious attention, especially for mothers who have lower resilience than fathers. So that their children can still achieve better academic achievements
Background Nurse–client interaction when providing nursing services is limited to optimizing trea... more Background Nurse–client interaction when providing nursing services is limited to optimizing treatment and self-care, with limited focus on the psychological problems of people living with HIV-AIDS. However, psychological problems manifest more often than the health risks of the disease itself. This study aimed to determine the emotional response of people living with HIV-AIDS who received limited attention from nurses from the perspective of nurse–client relationship. Patients and methods A phenomenological qualitative design was used through in-depth face-to-face interviews in a semi-structured manner, in an effort to obtain complete data. This research used purposive sampling with Participatory Interpretative Phenomenology analysis, involving 22 participants (14 males and 8 females). Results This research produces several themes, with six subcategories: 1) Difficulty of social access, 2) Forcing to accept their situation and suppressing their will, 3) Wanting to be recognized lik...
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
Objective: To develop a spiritual nursing care model to improve the quality of life of heart fail... more Objective: To develop a spiritual nursing care model to improve the quality of life of heart failure patients. Method: The cross-sectional study was conducted at two government hospitals in East Java, Indonesia, from August to November 2019, and comprised patients of either gender aged 30 years or above having classic heart failure symptoms of weariness, ankle swelling and dyspnoea. Standardised questionnaires were used to collect data regarding disease, psychosocial, spiritual, demographic and environmental factors as well as stressors, formation of meaning, coping strategy, spiritual wellbeing, and quality of life. Data was analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling. Results: Of the 222 patients, 124(55.9%) were males and 98(44.1%) were females. The overall mean age was 57.7±9.96 years. Overall, 33(14.9) patients were suffering from heart failure for >5 years, 36(16.2) had been hospitalised >5 times, and 8(3.6%) had no health insurance cover. Psychoso...
Background Nurse–client interaction when providing nursing services is limited to optimizing trea... more Background Nurse–client interaction when providing nursing services is limited to optimizing treatment and self-care, with limited focus on the psychological problems of people living with HIV-AIDS. However, psychological problems manifest more often than the health risks of the disease itself. This study aimed to determine the emotional response of people living with HIV-AIDS who received limited attention from nurses from the perspective of nurse–client relationship. Patients and methods A phenomenological qualitative design was used through in-depth face-to-face interviews in a semi-structured manner, in an effort to obtain complete data. This research used purposive sampling with Participatory Interpretative Phenomenology analysis, involving 22 participants (14 males and 8 females). Results This research produces several themes, with six subcategories: 1) Difficulty of social access, 2) Forcing to accept their situation and suppressing their will, 3) Wanting to be recognized lik...
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)
The occurrence of COVID-19 has a psychological impact on the elderly which will affect mental hea... more The occurrence of COVID-19 has a psychological impact on the elderly which will affect mental health and quality of life. This study aimed to identify the relationship between depression, anxiety, coping strategies with the quality of life of the elderly. This cross sectional study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cluster sampling technique was used to select 232 sample. This study employed geriatric depression scale (GDS 15) to measure depression, the geriatric anxiety inventory (GAI) to measure anxiety, brief resilient coping skala (BRCS) to measure coping stratecgies, and the WHOQOOL-BRIEF questionnaire to measure quality of life among the elderly. Data analysis used Multiple Linear Regression statistical test. This study showed that there is a correlation between depression and quality of life (p=0.000), anxiety and quality of life (p=0.000) with coping strategies and quality of life (p=0.027). This study recommended the provision of appropriate psychological interve...
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health
Muha Medika, 2011
viii, 328 hl
Background: Strengthening the argument for better problem solving can reduce excessive worry, so ... more Background: Strengthening the argument for better problem solving can reduce excessive worry, so as to reduce fear due to leprosy disability, because the impact arising from leprosy disability can affect the chosen coping strategy. Methods: The purpose of this study was to test the model of the relationship between resilience, coping resources, and coping through structural equation modeling to identify the role of disability fear as a mediator. The leprosy disability fear scale, coping resources scale, and coping scale have been used to collect data, with 125 participants involved in this study through convenience sampling, consisting of women (33.60%), men 66.40 %. Structural equation model is used to test through cross-sectional design. Results: The results of the study report that there is a negative relationship between coping resources and fear of leprosy disability, and it is known that there is a positive relationship with coping. Meanwhile, The test results showed a negativ...
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Being treated in isolation rooms for people infected with COVID-19, creates various perceptions o... more Being treated in isolation rooms for people infected with COVID-19, creates various perceptions of uncertainty, especially when strict "health protocols" are applied. This study aims to determine the understanding patients with COVID in the intensive care unit from the perspective of care. Materials and Methods: The research design used phenomenological qualitative with in-depth interviews. Purposive sampling was used with interpretive phenomenological analysis. Participants were 25 patients who had been exposed to COVID-19, consisting of 10 men and 15 women. Results: This study resulted in the theme of the perception of COVID-19 sufferers while undergoing treatment in isolation rooms, with four themes, namely, 1) mental attacks, 2) feel like fighting alone, 3) expecting Concern, 4) positive attitude. Conclusion: This analysis shows that various perceptions of uncertainty that are felt while being treated in the isolation room due to suffering from COVID-19 disease can be anticipated by increasing the awareness of nurses to be closer to patients through caringbased nursing practices by emphasizing meaningful interpersonal relationships.
Bali Medical Journal, Nov 21, 2023
Advances in Medical Education and Practice
Student competence is an important topic of discussion during the implementation of counseling in... more Student competence is an important topic of discussion during the implementation of counseling in the clinic. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the Team-STEPPS-based preceptorship guidance model on student competency. Methods: A comparative study was used to analyze the quantitative data. Participants were clinical practice students at "Ngudi Waluyo" Public Hospital with a total of 92 registered students divided into treatment and control groups. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and the Mann-Whitney U-Test were used to assess differences between the intervention and control groups. Results: There were post-test differences between the intervention group and the control group, namely clinical competence p-value (0.003), nursing management p (0.000), technical competence p (0.008), self-management p (0.000), and care-oriented patients p (0.000). Conclusion: The Team-STEPPS-based preceptorship guidance model is very important in increasing student competency, not only in mastering clinical competence, but also in mastering technical skill competencies, nursing management, self-management, and patientoriented care skills, and therefore, can increase student independence.
Journal of Vocational Nursing
Introduction: The elderly is someone who experiences biological, psychological, social, and spiri... more Introduction: The elderly is someone who experiences biological, psychological, social, and spiritual decline which can affect mood and lead to depression. This study aims to identify the incidence of depression in the elderly. Methods: This study uses a quantitative design with a descriptive approach. The population is the elderly at the Gresik Alun-Alun Health Center in March 2022, taking samples using purposive sampling were obtained from 61 respondents. Data collection used the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) instrument. The research variable is the incidence of depression. Ethical Approval by the Faculty of Health, University of Muhammadiyah Gresik number 068/KET/II.3.UMG/KEP/A/2022. Data analysis using descriptive analysis. Results: Research shows that 49% of the elderly are not depressed, 24% are mildly depressed, 15% are moderately depressed, and very few are severely depressed 11%. Conclusions: Depression as one of the effects of the aging process is significant to be reco...
Lumbung Inovasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Hipertensi masih menjadi masalah utama gangguan kesehatan teruatama pada lansia. Prevalensi pende... more Hipertensi masih menjadi masalah utama gangguan kesehatan teruatama pada lansia. Prevalensi penderita hipertensi di Indonesia dan Jawa Timur semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Tekanan darah yang tidak terkontrol banyak diakibatkan karena tingginya konsumsi garam dan kurangnya pengetahuan. Penatalaksanaan hipertensi bisa dilakukan dengan terapi nonfarmakologi salah dengan hydrotherapy. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan berupa pengelolaan hipertensi, pengaturan menu rendah garam, serta terapi rendam kaki dengan air hangat. Sasaran pengabdian ini adalah lansia penderita hipertensi di Desa Dlanggu dengan 2 mitra yaitu Desa Dlanggu yang dikoordinatori oleh bidan desa dan Puskesmas Deket Kabupaten Lamongan. Metode pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan penyuluhan serta pelatihan, kemudian melakukan demonstrasi pengaturan menu rendah garam dan rendam kaki air hangat (hydrotherapy) dan evaluasi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan. Hasil pengabdian ini a...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 13, 2018
Kelainan yang dimiliki oleh anak berkebutuhan khusus menimbulkan berbagai reaksi dari ibu yang me... more Kelainan yang dimiliki oleh anak berkebutuhan khusus menimbulkan berbagai reaksi dari ibu yang memicu terjadinya kecemasan akibat tuntutan yang tinggi agar anaknya bisa hidup normal seperti anak-anak lain pada umumnya. Rentang respon yang dimiliki ibu mulai dari sangat mencemaskan akan keberadaan di lingkungan sekitar akibat kekurangan yang dimiliki hingga bersikap realistis dan objektif dalam menerima kondisi anaknya. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan tingkat kecemasan ibu dalam mendampingi anak berkebutuhan khusus di SLB Cerme Kabupaten Gresik. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif analitik observasional dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah 42 ibu dari anak berkebutuhan khusus yang sekolah di SLB Cerme. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Hasil uji Korelasi Spermann Rank diketahui bahwa pengetahuan ibu mempunyai kontribusi kuat terhadap kecemasan dalam mendampingi anak berkebutuhan khusus dengan tingkat signifikasi (p= 0,00). Pemahaman tentang anak berkebutuhan khusus harus dimiliki oleh ibu dalam mendampingi anak berkebutuhan khusus agar tidak mudah mengalami kecemasan.
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan: Journal of Nursing Science, Nov 30, 2018
Shadow teacher in their profession are always dealing with special needs children who have intell... more Shadow teacher in their profession are always dealing with special needs children who have intellectual impairment, behavioral and emotional disorders and learning disorders. This is an exhausting job because shadow teachers should be able to ensure that the child is always adaptive during the lesson. Shadow teacher also must know how to adapt to the child's character, and this task also spends a lot of time. However, the existence of children in the class is not supported by good learning guidelines. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of shadow teachers with the child with special needed. This qualitative research used Interpretative phenomenology research design and data analysis used interpretative phenomenology analysis approach. Data collection process used in-depth interviews and observations, and this research involved six participants. This research produced 9 themes: (1) believe that this work is a blessing from Allah, (2) feel that there is a wisdom from helping each others (3) exhausting for mind and emotions, (4) feel not confident at the beginning of his profession, (5) have a feeling that this job is a meaningful job, (6) believe that the children can be disciplined with strict rules, (7) believe that visualization is the way to make children's focus increased, (8) feel that togetherness must be build together with the children, and (9) feel that government and society's concern to these children with special needs is still lacking. Guiding and leading children with special needs is hard to do, but if this job is done with a wholehearted feeling it can make an incredible effort and can make the children with special needs can live peacefully in the middle of society.
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, Sep 1, 2022
Psychological strength plays an important role in reducing stress due to leprosy because leprosy ... more Psychological strength plays an important role in reducing stress due to leprosy because leprosy can cause physical, psychological, and social problems. For that reason, this study aims to investigate the relationship between coping sources, coping strategies, and psychological well-being through leprosy stress. Methods: This research instrument uses a stress perception scale, coping sources, coping strategies, and psychological well-being scale to collect data from 125 participants consisting of women (33.60%) and men 66.40%. The test analysis in this study uses SmartPLS through structural equation modeling to prove the correlation. Results: The results of the SEM test indicate that there is a negative relationship between coping resources and leprosy stress, with a coefficient value of (−0.380), p-value of (0.000) <0.05, and a positive relationship is obtained with psychological well-being with the coefficient value of (0.427), p-value of (0.000) <0.05. Meanwhile, the SEM test shows a negative relationship between coping strategies and stress of leprosy, with the coefficient of (−0.566), p-value of (0.000) <0.05, and a positive relationship is obtained with psychological well-being (0.355), p-value of (0.000) < 0.05. Furthermore, on psychological well-being, stress shows a negative relationship, with the coefficient of (−0.212), p-value of (0.002). Discussion: Exploration of important coping sources is done to weaken the power of leprosy as a stressor and the use of effective coping strategies is needed to solve physical, psychological, and social problems for "People Affected by Leprosy", and simultaneously these two attributes are used to achieve prosperity. psychological. better.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Apr 8, 2022
Background Family involvement in overcoming the severity of leprosy is very important in the life... more Background Family involvement in overcoming the severity of leprosy is very important in the life of leprosy sufferers in communities who experience the clinical and, psychological, social and behavioral consequences of the disease. However, this need, psychosocial, is felt to be not optimal. This study is to identify how the experiences of family members as caregivers provide assistance to individuals with leprosy in improving healing and maintaining patterns of interaction in the family. Methods The design uses qualitative research with in-depth, face-to-face interviews with family members in a semi-structured manner with the hope of obtaining complete data. Using purposive sampling with Participatory Interpretative Phenomenology analysis, there are 12 families with 15 family members consisting of 4 men and 11 women. Results This study produced a family theme that tried to follow what would happen to individuals with leprosy, with four sub-categories: 1) Using various coping alternatives to recognize the disease, 2) Family members in the shadow of leprosy, 3) Trying to empathize with other family members. sick, 4) Caring for the emotional response of the family and seeking support. Conclusions This analysis shows that deficiency in cognitive aspects can be closed by maintaining a lifestyle in the family through efforts to understand, support, establish communication, increase maximum involvement in restoring self-confidence, especially in individuals with leprosy with psychosocial problems in the family. The results of this study can be used as PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, Sep 1, 2022
Research Square (Research Square), Dec 9, 2021
Background: Strengthening the argument for better problem solving can reduce excessive worry, so ... more Background: Strengthening the argument for better problem solving can reduce excessive worry, so as to reduce fear due to leprosy disability, because the impact arising from leprosy disability can affect the chosen coping strategy. Methods: The purpose of this study was to test the model of the relationship between resilience, coping resources, and coping through structural equation modeling to identify the role of disability fear as a mediator. The leprosy disability fear scale, coping resources scale, and coping scale have been used to collect data, with 125 participants involved in this study through convenience sampling, consisting of women (33.60%), men 66.40 %. Structural equation model is used to test through cross-sectional design. Results: The results of the study report that there is a negative relationship between coping resources and fear of leprosy disability, and it is known that there is a positive relationship with coping. Meanwhile, The test results showed a negative relationship between resilience and fear of leprosy disability, and a positive relationship with coping. Furthermore, to coping, fear of leprosy disability shows a negative relationship. Conclusion: Coping in seeking health assistance is strongly in uenced by resilience and coping resources, both directly and indirectly through the mediator of fear of leprosy disability. As a result, in seeking health assistance, individuals who have strong self-defense and have extensive coping resources, have adaptive coping, thereby reducing the fear of leprosy disability, and thus can maintain adaptive coping during the leprosy healing process.
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health, Oct 1, 2021
Online learning during the COVID-19 outbreak, puts mental stress on parents and their children so... more Online learning during the COVID-19 outbreak, puts mental stress on parents and their children so that this requires extraordinary resilience when parents get additional tasks to accompany children in online learning that is done at home. The current study seeks to evaluate the resilience of parents accompanying schoolchildren in online learning. Besides, this study also examines independent socio-demographic predictors of parental resilience. Methods: This descriptive-analytic cross-sectional study was conducted on 392 parents of children participating in online learning at home. Data were collected through an online questionnaire survey in the provinces of Java and Bali. Demographic questionnaires and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analysis with p < 0.05. Results: Simultaneously the independent variables affect the resilience of parents as indicated by the value of F (9.010), p-value (0.000), and R (0.376). The predictors of parental resilience were the gender of the parents with the t-value (3.280), p-value (0.001), β (4.572), parent's employment status with the t-value (3.752), p-value (0.001), β (4,348), financial status with the t-value (4.754), p-value (0.000), β (5.087), and the gender of the children with the t-value (2.849), p-value (0.005), β (4.873). Conclusion: Predictor factors that affect the resilience of parents in providing online learning assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic need to get more serious attention, especially for mothers who have lower resilience than fathers. So that their children can still achieve better academic achievements
Background Nurse–client interaction when providing nursing services is limited to optimizing trea... more Background Nurse–client interaction when providing nursing services is limited to optimizing treatment and self-care, with limited focus on the psychological problems of people living with HIV-AIDS. However, psychological problems manifest more often than the health risks of the disease itself. This study aimed to determine the emotional response of people living with HIV-AIDS who received limited attention from nurses from the perspective of nurse–client relationship. Patients and methods A phenomenological qualitative design was used through in-depth face-to-face interviews in a semi-structured manner, in an effort to obtain complete data. This research used purposive sampling with Participatory Interpretative Phenomenology analysis, involving 22 participants (14 males and 8 females). Results This research produces several themes, with six subcategories: 1) Difficulty of social access, 2) Forcing to accept their situation and suppressing their will, 3) Wanting to be recognized lik...
Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
Objective: To develop a spiritual nursing care model to improve the quality of life of heart fail... more Objective: To develop a spiritual nursing care model to improve the quality of life of heart failure patients. Method: The cross-sectional study was conducted at two government hospitals in East Java, Indonesia, from August to November 2019, and comprised patients of either gender aged 30 years or above having classic heart failure symptoms of weariness, ankle swelling and dyspnoea. Standardised questionnaires were used to collect data regarding disease, psychosocial, spiritual, demographic and environmental factors as well as stressors, formation of meaning, coping strategy, spiritual wellbeing, and quality of life. Data was analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling. Results: Of the 222 patients, 124(55.9%) were males and 98(44.1%) were females. The overall mean age was 57.7±9.96 years. Overall, 33(14.9) patients were suffering from heart failure for >5 years, 36(16.2) had been hospitalised >5 times, and 8(3.6%) had no health insurance cover. Psychoso...
Background Nurse–client interaction when providing nursing services is limited to optimizing trea... more Background Nurse–client interaction when providing nursing services is limited to optimizing treatment and self-care, with limited focus on the psychological problems of people living with HIV-AIDS. However, psychological problems manifest more often than the health risks of the disease itself. This study aimed to determine the emotional response of people living with HIV-AIDS who received limited attention from nurses from the perspective of nurse–client relationship. Patients and methods A phenomenological qualitative design was used through in-depth face-to-face interviews in a semi-structured manner, in an effort to obtain complete data. This research used purposive sampling with Participatory Interpretative Phenomenology analysis, involving 22 participants (14 males and 8 females). Results This research produces several themes, with six subcategories: 1) Difficulty of social access, 2) Forcing to accept their situation and suppressing their will, 3) Wanting to be recognized lik...
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)
The occurrence of COVID-19 has a psychological impact on the elderly which will affect mental hea... more The occurrence of COVID-19 has a psychological impact on the elderly which will affect mental health and quality of life. This study aimed to identify the relationship between depression, anxiety, coping strategies with the quality of life of the elderly. This cross sectional study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cluster sampling technique was used to select 232 sample. This study employed geriatric depression scale (GDS 15) to measure depression, the geriatric anxiety inventory (GAI) to measure anxiety, brief resilient coping skala (BRCS) to measure coping stratecgies, and the WHOQOOL-BRIEF questionnaire to measure quality of life among the elderly. Data analysis used Multiple Linear Regression statistical test. This study showed that there is a correlation between depression and quality of life (p=0.000), anxiety and quality of life (p=0.000) with coping strategies and quality of life (p=0.027). This study recommended the provision of appropriate psychological interve...
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health
Muha Medika, 2011
viii, 328 hl
Background: Strengthening the argument for better problem solving can reduce excessive worry, so ... more Background: Strengthening the argument for better problem solving can reduce excessive worry, so as to reduce fear due to leprosy disability, because the impact arising from leprosy disability can affect the chosen coping strategy. Methods: The purpose of this study was to test the model of the relationship between resilience, coping resources, and coping through structural equation modeling to identify the role of disability fear as a mediator. The leprosy disability fear scale, coping resources scale, and coping scale have been used to collect data, with 125 participants involved in this study through convenience sampling, consisting of women (33.60%), men 66.40 %. Structural equation model is used to test through cross-sectional design. Results: The results of the study report that there is a negative relationship between coping resources and fear of leprosy disability, and it is known that there is a positive relationship with coping. Meanwhile, The test results showed a negativ...
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Being treated in isolation rooms for people infected with COVID-19, creates various perceptions o... more Being treated in isolation rooms for people infected with COVID-19, creates various perceptions of uncertainty, especially when strict "health protocols" are applied. This study aims to determine the understanding patients with COVID in the intensive care unit from the perspective of care. Materials and Methods: The research design used phenomenological qualitative with in-depth interviews. Purposive sampling was used with interpretive phenomenological analysis. Participants were 25 patients who had been exposed to COVID-19, consisting of 10 men and 15 women. Results: This study resulted in the theme of the perception of COVID-19 sufferers while undergoing treatment in isolation rooms, with four themes, namely, 1) mental attacks, 2) feel like fighting alone, 3) expecting Concern, 4) positive attitude. Conclusion: This analysis shows that various perceptions of uncertainty that are felt while being treated in the isolation room due to suffering from COVID-19 disease can be anticipated by increasing the awareness of nurses to be closer to patients through caringbased nursing practices by emphasizing meaningful interpersonal relationships.