agung mirasa - (original) (raw)

Papers by agung mirasa

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pernikahan Dini di Era Covid-19 : Literature Review

Malahayati Nursing Journal

Early marriage is an unresolved problem in Indonesia. The entry of the Covid-19 pandemic at the b... more Early marriage is an unresolved problem in Indonesia. The entry of the Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 was one of the causes of the increasing number of early childhood marriage dispensations. This literature study aims to determine the factors that influence early marriage in the Covid-19 pandemic era. The method used is literature review by searching for articles using pubmed and google schoolar databases. Articles searched using keywords that have been set in Indonesian and English. Then found 10 articles consisting of 5 international articles and 5 national articles. There are 4 influencing factors, namely pandemic factors, social factors, cultural factors and individual factors. Some of the efforts to prevent early marriage are improving the quality of education, increasing knowledge about sex education and reproductive health, and limiting association with a bad social environment. Keywords: Early Marriage, Adolecent Pregnancy, Child Marriage, Pandemic, Covid-19. A...

Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi Tepat Guna Portable Chlorinator Pada Sistem Penyediaan Air Komunal Pedesaan


Pemerintah telah mencanangkan Percepatan Target Program Sanitasi dan Air Minum Aman Tahun 2024 me... more Pemerintah telah mencanangkan Percepatan Target Program Sanitasi dan Air Minum Aman Tahun 2024 melalui Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) dan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2024–2030. Salah satu capaian SDGs 2030 yaitu meminimalisasi penyakit berbasis lingkungan. Dari total 21.829 Sarana Air Minum (SAM) di Indonesia, proporsi rumah tangga untuk keperluan minum menurut mata air tidak terlindungi adalah 2,5%. Kecamatan Karangrejo, Kabupaten Tulungagung memiliki satu mata air yang digunakan secara komunal dan berpotensi tercemar. Pencemaran air dapat berdampak pada kesehatan masyarakat, yaitu terjadinya penyakit bawaan air seperti diare. Penerapan teknologi tepat guna dapat menjadi salah satu teknik pengelolaan air untuk memenuhi standar mutu air bagi kebutuhan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna portable chlorinator pada sistem pengolahan air bersih komunal menjadi sehat dan aman bagi masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupa...

Research paper thumbnail of LAPORAN PEMERIKSAAN KEPADATAN LALAT Yudied Agung Mirasa

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Spasial Pengaruh House Index dengan Kasus DBD di Kecamatan Bangilan Kabupaten Tuban


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Tuban Regency was an important health problem. Bangilan sub-dis... more Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Tuban Regency was an important health problem. Bangilan sub-district is a sub-district in Tuban Regency which has high dengue cases. The Bangilan Health Center has not used mapping or spatial analysis in its surveillance activities for dengue cases. Disease mapping is useful in assisting surveillance activities and making it easier for us to find out the spread of the house index in each village area. The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial house index with dengue cases in Bangilan District, Tuban Regency. This type of research is descriptive analytic. The population in this study is a house around DHF patients with a radius of 100 m from the patient's house in Bangilan District, with a total sample of 774 houses. The research variables were cases of DHF and house index. DHF cases in 2020-2022 were obtained from secondary data from the Bangilan Health Center, while the house index was obtained from the larvae survey results. The data...

Research paper thumbnail of Screening Pelaksanaan Protokol Kesehatan Dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar DI Sekolah Dasar Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 DI Lombok Timur

Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat

Pemerintah Kabupaten Lombok Timur mengambil suatu kebijakan untuk membuka sekolah secara bertahap... more Pemerintah Kabupaten Lombok Timur mengambil suatu kebijakan untuk membuka sekolah secara bertahap khususnya pada daerah kecamatan dengan zona hijau termasuk SDN Sukaraja 02 sejak 16 November 2020. Namun, penerapan protokol kesehatan seperti perilaku PHBS termasuk pemakaian APD, cuci tangan, pengaturan jaga jarak, dan fasilitas untuk cuci tangan masih kurang penerapannya. Maka, diperlukan langkah strategis melalui pengabdian masyarakat berbasis penyuluhan kepada guru dan peserta didik. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan pada 18 sampai 21 November 2021, meliputi beberapa tahapan antara lain studi pendahuluan, observasi sarana prasarana pendukung penerapan protokol kesehatan, observasi perilaku penerapan protokol kesehatan, identifikasi permasalahan, penyuluhan kesehatan, dan penyuluhan terkait penerapan protokol kesehatan dalam masa pandemik COVID-19 di lingkungan sekolah. Hasil dari program ini menunjukkan selama masa penerapan tatap muka proses belajar mengajar, belum ditemukan kas...

Research paper thumbnail of Dengue Fever Dynamics in Bali, Indonesia 2010-2018: An Interplay of Population Density and Climatic Factors


Dengue Fever (DF) incidence in Bali has been the highest in Indonesia for decades. This study des... more Dengue Fever (DF) incidence in Bali has been the highest in Indonesia for decades. This study describes the annual distribution of DF and analyzes its association with population density, number of rainy days, and average humidity during 2010-2018 at the district level. The choropleth maps and Poisson regression were employed to provide geographical distribution and quantify the association. The P, 95% confidence interval (CI), and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) were adopted to assess the significance and the goodness of the association. During 2010-2018 there were 55 215 new DF cases notified. The annual incidence of dengue cases in Bali increased with IRR: 1.000186 (95% CI:1.0000183:1.000189) for every increment of population density per kilometers square and increased by IRR: 1.01043 (95% CI: 1.01019: 1.01078) for every additional one rainy day annually. The dengue cases also increased with IRR 1.0172 (95% CI: 1.0137: 1.0208) for every 1% increase in average humidity. Popula...

Research paper thumbnail of The chitosan cembrane cffectiveness of Anadara granosa clam shells to remove total coliform in greywater

International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)

Clam shell is a solid trash that has a rough texture, difficult to digest, and polluting the envi... more Clam shell is a solid trash that has a rough texture, difficult to digest, and polluting the environment. Blood clam shells (Anadara granosa) contain chitin, which is converted into antimicrobial chitosan. The purpose of this study was to see the effectiveness of chitosan membrane from blood clam shells in reducing total coliform bacteria in household greywater. This study was carried out using experimental research method design. This research focused on household greywater waste. The chitosan concentrations on the membrane varied between 2.5% and 3.5% with filtration times of 20 and 60 minutes. The Anova Quadratic model test was further used to examine the data. Chitosan was separated from the shell of the blood clam at peak angles of 19.66° and 26.04° according to X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization. It was obtained that chitosan membrane, with a concentration of 3.5% and a filtering duration of 60 minutes, provided the highest percentage of total coliform bacteria reduction...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Senam Lansia di Kelurahan Balowerti RW 6 Kota Kediri

Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara

Lansia merupakan individu yang rentan, karena lansia mengalami penurunan fungsi organ, sehingga k... more Lansia merupakan individu yang rentan, karena lansia mengalami penurunan fungsi organ, sehingga kesehatan lansia perlu ditingkatkan. Pengetahuan lansia tentang cara menjaga kesehatan juga perlu ditingkatkan. Salah satu cara peningkatan kesehatan lansia diantaranya adalah dengan Senam Lansia. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan lansia terhadap senam lansia sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesehatan lanjut usia. Metode pelaksanaan dalam pengabdian yaitu yang pertama melakukan persiapan yaitu melakukan koordinasi dengan mitra, tahap berikutnya adalah pelaksanaan kegiatan, yaitu melaksanakan penyuluhan dan simulasi senam lansia, dan tahap terakhir dalam proses pengabdian ini adalah evaluasi. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini di RW 6 Kelurahan balowerti tanggal 2-7 juni 202. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian masyarakat, yang diikuti oleh 38 lansia, didapatkan nilai pretest pada lansia yaitu hampir setengahnya (47,4%) lansia mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan kurang, dan...

Research paper thumbnail of Citizens’ health practices during the COVID -19 pandemic in Indonesia: Applying the health belief model

Belitung Nursing Journal

Background: Understanding the health practice of Indonesian residents and its related factors dur... more Background: Understanding the health practice of Indonesian residents and its related factors during the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial, but such association necessitates clarity. Objective: To examine the health practices of the Indonesian citizens and their correlations with knowledge and health belief model (perceived susceptibility, barriers, benefits, severity, and self-efficacy) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A community-based online cross-sectional design was employed. The study was conducted from 10 July to 30 August 2020 among 552 citizens selected using convenience sampling. Sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge, health belief model, and health practices, including wearing a mask, social distancing, and washing hands, were measured using validated questionnaires. Adjusted odds ratios (AORs) and logistic regression were employed for data analysis.Results: The adjusted AORs (95% CIs) of a good level of health practices—wearing the mask, social distancing, and was...

Research paper thumbnail of Climate and visitors as the influencing factors of dengue fever in Badung District of Bali, Indonesia

International Journal of Environmental Health Research

Badung district has recorded the highest dengue fever (DF) in Bali Province. This research presen... more Badung district has recorded the highest dengue fever (DF) in Bali Province. This research presents the distribution of DF in Badung district and analyses its association with climate and visitors. The monthly data of DF, climate and number of visitors during January 2013 to December 2017 were analysed using Poisson Regression. A total of 10,689 new DF cases were notified from January 2013 to December 2017. DF in 2016 was recorded as the heaviest incidence. Monthly DF cases have positive association with average temperature (0.59 (95% CI: 0.56-.62)), precipitation (5.7 x 10-4 (95% CI: 3.8 x 10-4 - 7.6 x 10-4)), humidity (.014 (95% CI: 0.003-.025)) and local visitors (7.40 x 10-6 95% CI: 5.88 x 10-6 : 8.91 x 10-6). Negative association was shown between DF cases with foreign visitors (-2.18 x 10-6 (95% CI: -2.50 x 10-6 : -1.87 x 10-6)). This study underlines the urgency to integrate climate and tourism for DF surveillance.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Adherences of Antiretroviral (ARV) Consumption with Viral Load in HIV/AIDS

Journal for Quality in Public Health, 2021

Viral load testing is an informative and sensitive method for successful HIV / AIDS therapy. This... more Viral load testing is an informative and sensitive method for successful HIV / AIDS therapy. This study aims to determine the relationship between adherence to viral antiretroviral consumption and viral load in people with HIV/AIDS. This research is a correlational analytic study using a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study was 34 people and, the number of samples was 32 using the purposive sampling technique. The research sample in this study was 32 respondents. The test results using the Spearman Rank obtained p-value 0,00 > 0,05. It was concluded that there was a relationship between adherence to antiretroviral drugs and viral load. Advice for people with HIV / AIDS is expected to increase adherence to ARV consumption so that viral load is low and undetectable so that CD4 cell count increases and disease prognosis improves.

Research paper thumbnail of Immunoinformatics Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Isolated from Karst of Bats in Malang, Indonesia

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 2021

In December 2019, cases of mysterious pneumonia were first reported in Wuhan, Initially, the dise... more In December 2019, cases of mysterious pneumonia were first reported in Wuhan, Initially, the disease was temporarily named as 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), then WHO announced a new name on February 11, 2020, namely Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) which is caused by a virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). This virus can be transmitted from person to person and has spread widely in China and more than 190 other countries and territories. Meanwhile in Indonesia, up to September 2020, 203 thousand cases of COVID-19 were found and 8336 deaths. Bats act as important disease reservoirs for various etiologic agents of disease that can be transmitted between species, infecting humans and mammals, both domestic and wild. The purpose of this study was to analyze SARS-CoV-2 immunoinformatics in bats in Karst Malang Indonesia as the basis for making SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. This research method is SARS-CoV-2 amino acid bats in Karst Malang, Indonesia analyzed by immunoinformatics. From the research results, it was found that SARS-CoV-2 protein from Malang Karst bats were antigen, non-allergen and non-toxin, so that they could be used as vaccine candidates, diagnostic kits and immunotherapy.

Research paper thumbnail of The Mapping and Analysis of Diphtheria Cases in Surabaya (2017-2018)

Diphtheria is an acute disease that attacks the airways and causes deaths. The risk factors for d... more Diphtheria is an acute disease that attacks the airways and causes deaths. The risk factors for diphtheria are low Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus (DPT) immunization coverage and an unhealthy home environment. One effort to control diphtheria is by providing information in the form of the patient's location that makes it easier to determine the target group of people intervened. The city of Surabaya experienced an increase of 50 diphtheria cases from 2017 to 2018. This study aimed to map and analyze diphtheria cases based on DPT immunization and healthy homes from 2017 to 2018 in the city of Surabaya. This study was classified descriptive analytic and used an ecological design. This study used the Pearson's correlation coefficient statistical test to analyze secondary data from the Surabaya City’s Health Profile of 2017 to 2018. This study employed the Health Mapper application and SPSS software version 23. The study variables were diphtheria cases, DPT immunization cov...

Research paper thumbnail of Preventive Behavior Towards Maya Index at DHF Endemic Area

Introduction: Primary health care Putat Jaya is an area with the highest number of DHF cases out ... more Introduction: Primary health care Putat Jaya is an area with the highest number of DHF cases out of the three primary health care in Sawahan District, Surabaya City. The number of breeding sites for mosquitoes and the density of larvae can be the risk factors that affect mosquitoes’ spread. Maya Index is an indicator to measure the number of water reservoirs used as breeding grounds for mosquitoes. This study aims to analyze behavioral factors towards virtual index in dengue-endemic areas in the Primary health care Putat Jaya Surabaya. Methods: The research used observational type with a cross-sectional design. The population of this study was all houses in the highest endemic. The sample consisted of 100 houses taken randomly, with research variables including mosquito nests eradication behavior and Maya Index status. Data collection used questionnaires and direct observation. The data were presented in the form of distribution tables and statistically analyzed with the chi-square ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Model Kerawanan Daerah Sebagaiindikator Kewaspadaan Dini Leptospirosisdi Dataran Tinggi

Leptospirosis adalah penyakit zoonosis berpotensi menimbulkan wabah dan endemis di beberapa wilay... more Leptospirosis adalah penyakit zoonosis berpotensi menimbulkan wabah dan endemis di beberapa wilayah Indonesia, terutama daerah yang sering banjir. Kasus leptospirosis tertinggi di Indonesia tahun 2013 adalah Jawa Timur. Ponorogo merupakan daerah kasus leptospirosis di daerah dataran tinggi. Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini sesuai Pedoman Kementerian Kesehatan tahun 2014 belum optimal dilaksanakan di daerah khsusnya pada kasus leptospirosis dataran tinggi. Tujuan Penelitian untuk pengembangan model kerawanan daerah sebagai indikator kewaspadaan dini leptospirosis di dataran tinggi. Jenis penelitian adalah analitik observational, desain case control membandingkan wilayah kasus dan wilayah belum ditemukan kasus. Populasi penelitian 50 desa tersebar di 4 kecamatan daerah dataran tinggi Kabupaten Ponorogo, dengan sampel: 10 Desa kasus dan 30 desa kontrol. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 6 jalur handal (CR>0,6), kemampuan prediksi baik (R20,681), konstruk baik (AVE>0,5). Analisis faktor risiko te...

Research paper thumbnail of Dengue Fever Distribution, Climate and Visitors: A Study from Badung District of Bali, Indonesia

ABSTRACTAs a national and international tourism destination, Badung district has recorded the hig... more ABSTRACTAs a national and international tourism destination, Badung district has recorded the highest dengue fever (DF) in Bali Province with multiple suspected influencing factors. This research presents the distribution of dengue fever (DF) incidence in Badung district and analyses its association with climate and visitors. The monthly data of DF surveillance, climate and reported number of visitors during January 2013 – December 2017 was analysed using Poisson Regression. 10689 new DF cases were notified from January 2013 to December 2017 while 2016 was recorded as the heaviest DF incidence. Monthly DF cases have positive association with average temperature, precipitation, humidity and local visitors. While negative association was shown between DF cases with foreign visitors. This study underlines the urgency to integrate climate and tourism for dengue fever control. Further study is recommended to take both factors together with population mobility at finer spatial and time un...

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors of Anthrax Transmission in Pacitan Regency


Introduction: Anthrax was a zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis in severa... more Introduction: Anthrax was a zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis in several regions of Indonesia. Transmission of anthrax in animals and humans occurred by direct contact with anthrax spores present in meat, soil, or plants. This study aimed to analyse the risk factors and recommend preventive action for anthrax transmission. Methods: This research used a descriptiveanalytic study to describing cases based on the case definition, primary data, and secondary data. The primary data were collected from the field observations and interviews with farmers and people in the community. The secondary data were obtained from the Pacitan District Health Office and Surabaya Technical Centre for Environmental Health and Disease Control. Data analysis of this study applied content analysis techniques that describe the actual situation of the community. Results and Discussion: Risk factors for anthrax transmission in Pacitan Regency included livestock traffic from endemic an...

Research paper thumbnail of Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis A outbreaks in two districts in Indonesia in 2018: Same subtype, but different strains

Biomedical Reports, 2019

The present study aimed to analyse molecular epidemiological data from hepatitis A virus (HAV) ou... more The present study aimed to analyse molecular epidemiological data from hepatitis A virus (HAV) outbreaks in two affected areas. The association between the knowledge of hepatitis A and incidence of infection was also determined. Serum samples were obtained from 88 individuals with clinical manifestations of acute hepatitis in Lamongan (n=54) in January 2018 and Bangkalan (n=34) in March 2018. The outbreak investigation was started one day after the outbreaks were reported by the Public Health Offices in Lamongan and Bangkalan. Anti-HAV immunoglobulin M (IgM) and PCR amplification products of the VP1 capsid protein-P2A protease and VP1-VP3 junctions were analysed. Positive PCR products were sequenced, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis X software. The control group comprised healthy students and staff members from the two affected areas. Thus, 172 responses from the control and hepatitis A case groups were analysed to assess the association between the students' knowledge level and the incidence of HAV infection. A total of 32 (59.25%) of the 54 individuals from Lamongan and 19 (55.9%) of the 34 participants from Bangkalan were positive for anti-HAV IgM; 26 PCR tests were positive in the VP3-VP1 and/or VP1-P2A junction, which were identified as HAV subgenotype IA. The subtype of HAV in the two areas was IA, similar to those identified previously, but the viruses did not originate from the same strain, as identified by multiple alignment. The knowledge level of the students and staff members in Lamongan studying and working at a half-day school exhibited a significant association with the incidence; however, no association was observed among the students in Bangkalan studying at a full-day school with a dormitory.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Hepatitis A Outbreak in High School X Lamongan District 2018

Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi, 2018

Background: Hepatitis A outbreaks were reported by the Lamongan District Health Office to the Sur... more Background: Hepatitis A outbreaks were reported by the Lamongan District Health Office to the Surabaya Center for Environmental Health and Disease Control Engineering on January 16, 2018, indicated by an increase in hepatitis A cases in of G and S areas, B village. One of initial sufferer was students in High School X.. Purpose: This study aims to identify the epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis A outbreaks that occur in High School X and the risk factors. Methods: The investigation was carried out in an observational manner with a cross sectional approach. Data were collected by structured interviews, hepatitis A antibodies in blood samples assay, environmental observation, and water samples assay. Data were collected with purposive determination of respondents. Results: Hepatitis A outbreaks at High School X in Lamongan District take place from November 2017 to january 2018, with a target group of 33 students. The epidemic cased tends to be extend common source. Risk fact...

Research paper thumbnail of The Overview of Malaria Cases in Trenggalek District based on The Epidemiological Triangle

Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi, 2019

Background: Indonesia is one of the countries where 35% of the population lives in areas with a h... more Background: Indonesia is one of the countries where 35% of the population lives in areas with a high risk of malaria infection. Trenggalek is one of the malaria-endemic regions in East Java. Purpose: This study aimed to identify the malaria cases in Trenggalek based on the epidemic triangle and identify the vulnerability status of Anopheles vagus mosquito against Permethrin 0.75% in Pandean Village, Trenggalek. Methods: This study is a type of descriptive observational study. The data used in this study is secondary data obtained from the The Center of Environmental Health and Disease Control Agency Surabaya. The data consists of characteristics of malaria cases in Trenggalek and Anopheles vagus resistance test data against Permethrin 0.75% in Pandean Village, Trenggalek. Results: Trenggalek is considered as low malaria endemicity area, with malaria incidence dominated by imported malaria cases, because recently there is no cases of autochthonous malaria have been found. Data on ma...

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pernikahan Dini di Era Covid-19 : Literature Review

Malahayati Nursing Journal

Early marriage is an unresolved problem in Indonesia. The entry of the Covid-19 pandemic at the b... more Early marriage is an unresolved problem in Indonesia. The entry of the Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 was one of the causes of the increasing number of early childhood marriage dispensations. This literature study aims to determine the factors that influence early marriage in the Covid-19 pandemic era. The method used is literature review by searching for articles using pubmed and google schoolar databases. Articles searched using keywords that have been set in Indonesian and English. Then found 10 articles consisting of 5 international articles and 5 national articles. There are 4 influencing factors, namely pandemic factors, social factors, cultural factors and individual factors. Some of the efforts to prevent early marriage are improving the quality of education, increasing knowledge about sex education and reproductive health, and limiting association with a bad social environment. Keywords: Early Marriage, Adolecent Pregnancy, Child Marriage, Pandemic, Covid-19. A...

Research paper thumbnail of Teknologi Tepat Guna Portable Chlorinator Pada Sistem Penyediaan Air Komunal Pedesaan


Pemerintah telah mencanangkan Percepatan Target Program Sanitasi dan Air Minum Aman Tahun 2024 me... more Pemerintah telah mencanangkan Percepatan Target Program Sanitasi dan Air Minum Aman Tahun 2024 melalui Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) dan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2024–2030. Salah satu capaian SDGs 2030 yaitu meminimalisasi penyakit berbasis lingkungan. Dari total 21.829 Sarana Air Minum (SAM) di Indonesia, proporsi rumah tangga untuk keperluan minum menurut mata air tidak terlindungi adalah 2,5%. Kecamatan Karangrejo, Kabupaten Tulungagung memiliki satu mata air yang digunakan secara komunal dan berpotensi tercemar. Pencemaran air dapat berdampak pada kesehatan masyarakat, yaitu terjadinya penyakit bawaan air seperti diare. Penerapan teknologi tepat guna dapat menjadi salah satu teknik pengelolaan air untuk memenuhi standar mutu air bagi kebutuhan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan pemanfaatan teknologi tepat guna portable chlorinator pada sistem pengolahan air bersih komunal menjadi sehat dan aman bagi masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupa...

Research paper thumbnail of LAPORAN PEMERIKSAAN KEPADATAN LALAT Yudied Agung Mirasa

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Spasial Pengaruh House Index dengan Kasus DBD di Kecamatan Bangilan Kabupaten Tuban


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Tuban Regency was an important health problem. Bangilan sub-dis... more Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Tuban Regency was an important health problem. Bangilan sub-district is a sub-district in Tuban Regency which has high dengue cases. The Bangilan Health Center has not used mapping or spatial analysis in its surveillance activities for dengue cases. Disease mapping is useful in assisting surveillance activities and making it easier for us to find out the spread of the house index in each village area. The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial house index with dengue cases in Bangilan District, Tuban Regency. This type of research is descriptive analytic. The population in this study is a house around DHF patients with a radius of 100 m from the patient's house in Bangilan District, with a total sample of 774 houses. The research variables were cases of DHF and house index. DHF cases in 2020-2022 were obtained from secondary data from the Bangilan Health Center, while the house index was obtained from the larvae survey results. The data...

Research paper thumbnail of Screening Pelaksanaan Protokol Kesehatan Dalam Proses Belajar Mengajar DI Sekolah Dasar Pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19 DI Lombok Timur

Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat

Pemerintah Kabupaten Lombok Timur mengambil suatu kebijakan untuk membuka sekolah secara bertahap... more Pemerintah Kabupaten Lombok Timur mengambil suatu kebijakan untuk membuka sekolah secara bertahap khususnya pada daerah kecamatan dengan zona hijau termasuk SDN Sukaraja 02 sejak 16 November 2020. Namun, penerapan protokol kesehatan seperti perilaku PHBS termasuk pemakaian APD, cuci tangan, pengaturan jaga jarak, dan fasilitas untuk cuci tangan masih kurang penerapannya. Maka, diperlukan langkah strategis melalui pengabdian masyarakat berbasis penyuluhan kepada guru dan peserta didik. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan pada 18 sampai 21 November 2021, meliputi beberapa tahapan antara lain studi pendahuluan, observasi sarana prasarana pendukung penerapan protokol kesehatan, observasi perilaku penerapan protokol kesehatan, identifikasi permasalahan, penyuluhan kesehatan, dan penyuluhan terkait penerapan protokol kesehatan dalam masa pandemik COVID-19 di lingkungan sekolah. Hasil dari program ini menunjukkan selama masa penerapan tatap muka proses belajar mengajar, belum ditemukan kas...

Research paper thumbnail of Dengue Fever Dynamics in Bali, Indonesia 2010-2018: An Interplay of Population Density and Climatic Factors


Dengue Fever (DF) incidence in Bali has been the highest in Indonesia for decades. This study des... more Dengue Fever (DF) incidence in Bali has been the highest in Indonesia for decades. This study describes the annual distribution of DF and analyzes its association with population density, number of rainy days, and average humidity during 2010-2018 at the district level. The choropleth maps and Poisson regression were employed to provide geographical distribution and quantify the association. The P, 95% confidence interval (CI), and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) were adopted to assess the significance and the goodness of the association. During 2010-2018 there were 55 215 new DF cases notified. The annual incidence of dengue cases in Bali increased with IRR: 1.000186 (95% CI:1.0000183:1.000189) for every increment of population density per kilometers square and increased by IRR: 1.01043 (95% CI: 1.01019: 1.01078) for every additional one rainy day annually. The dengue cases also increased with IRR 1.0172 (95% CI: 1.0137: 1.0208) for every 1% increase in average humidity. Popula...

Research paper thumbnail of The chitosan cembrane cffectiveness of Anadara granosa clam shells to remove total coliform in greywater

International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)

Clam shell is a solid trash that has a rough texture, difficult to digest, and polluting the envi... more Clam shell is a solid trash that has a rough texture, difficult to digest, and polluting the environment. Blood clam shells (Anadara granosa) contain chitin, which is converted into antimicrobial chitosan. The purpose of this study was to see the effectiveness of chitosan membrane from blood clam shells in reducing total coliform bacteria in household greywater. This study was carried out using experimental research method design. This research focused on household greywater waste. The chitosan concentrations on the membrane varied between 2.5% and 3.5% with filtration times of 20 and 60 minutes. The Anova Quadratic model test was further used to examine the data. Chitosan was separated from the shell of the blood clam at peak angles of 19.66° and 26.04° according to X-ray diffraction (XRD) characterization. It was obtained that chitosan membrane, with a concentration of 3.5% and a filtering duration of 60 minutes, provided the highest percentage of total coliform bacteria reduction...

Research paper thumbnail of Sosialisasi Senam Lansia di Kelurahan Balowerti RW 6 Kota Kediri

Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara

Lansia merupakan individu yang rentan, karena lansia mengalami penurunan fungsi organ, sehingga k... more Lansia merupakan individu yang rentan, karena lansia mengalami penurunan fungsi organ, sehingga kesehatan lansia perlu ditingkatkan. Pengetahuan lansia tentang cara menjaga kesehatan juga perlu ditingkatkan. Salah satu cara peningkatan kesehatan lansia diantaranya adalah dengan Senam Lansia. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan lansia terhadap senam lansia sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesehatan lanjut usia. Metode pelaksanaan dalam pengabdian yaitu yang pertama melakukan persiapan yaitu melakukan koordinasi dengan mitra, tahap berikutnya adalah pelaksanaan kegiatan, yaitu melaksanakan penyuluhan dan simulasi senam lansia, dan tahap terakhir dalam proses pengabdian ini adalah evaluasi. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini di RW 6 Kelurahan balowerti tanggal 2-7 juni 202. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian masyarakat, yang diikuti oleh 38 lansia, didapatkan nilai pretest pada lansia yaitu hampir setengahnya (47,4%) lansia mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan kurang, dan...

Research paper thumbnail of Citizens’ health practices during the COVID -19 pandemic in Indonesia: Applying the health belief model

Belitung Nursing Journal

Background: Understanding the health practice of Indonesian residents and its related factors dur... more Background: Understanding the health practice of Indonesian residents and its related factors during the COVID-19 pandemic is crucial, but such association necessitates clarity. Objective: To examine the health practices of the Indonesian citizens and their correlations with knowledge and health belief model (perceived susceptibility, barriers, benefits, severity, and self-efficacy) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A community-based online cross-sectional design was employed. The study was conducted from 10 July to 30 August 2020 among 552 citizens selected using convenience sampling. Sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge, health belief model, and health practices, including wearing a mask, social distancing, and washing hands, were measured using validated questionnaires. Adjusted odds ratios (AORs) and logistic regression were employed for data analysis.Results: The adjusted AORs (95% CIs) of a good level of health practices—wearing the mask, social distancing, and was...

Research paper thumbnail of Climate and visitors as the influencing factors of dengue fever in Badung District of Bali, Indonesia

International Journal of Environmental Health Research

Badung district has recorded the highest dengue fever (DF) in Bali Province. This research presen... more Badung district has recorded the highest dengue fever (DF) in Bali Province. This research presents the distribution of DF in Badung district and analyses its association with climate and visitors. The monthly data of DF, climate and number of visitors during January 2013 to December 2017 were analysed using Poisson Regression. A total of 10,689 new DF cases were notified from January 2013 to December 2017. DF in 2016 was recorded as the heaviest incidence. Monthly DF cases have positive association with average temperature (0.59 (95% CI: 0.56-.62)), precipitation (5.7 x 10-4 (95% CI: 3.8 x 10-4 - 7.6 x 10-4)), humidity (.014 (95% CI: 0.003-.025)) and local visitors (7.40 x 10-6 95% CI: 5.88 x 10-6 : 8.91 x 10-6). Negative association was shown between DF cases with foreign visitors (-2.18 x 10-6 (95% CI: -2.50 x 10-6 : -1.87 x 10-6)). This study underlines the urgency to integrate climate and tourism for DF surveillance.

Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Adherences of Antiretroviral (ARV) Consumption with Viral Load in HIV/AIDS

Journal for Quality in Public Health, 2021

Viral load testing is an informative and sensitive method for successful HIV / AIDS therapy. This... more Viral load testing is an informative and sensitive method for successful HIV / AIDS therapy. This study aims to determine the relationship between adherence to viral antiretroviral consumption and viral load in people with HIV/AIDS. This research is a correlational analytic study using a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study was 34 people and, the number of samples was 32 using the purposive sampling technique. The research sample in this study was 32 respondents. The test results using the Spearman Rank obtained p-value 0,00 > 0,05. It was concluded that there was a relationship between adherence to antiretroviral drugs and viral load. Advice for people with HIV / AIDS is expected to increase adherence to ARV consumption so that viral load is low and undetectable so that CD4 cell count increases and disease prognosis improves.

Research paper thumbnail of Immunoinformatics Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Isolated from Karst of Bats in Malang, Indonesia

Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 2021

In December 2019, cases of mysterious pneumonia were first reported in Wuhan, Initially, the dise... more In December 2019, cases of mysterious pneumonia were first reported in Wuhan, Initially, the disease was temporarily named as 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), then WHO announced a new name on February 11, 2020, namely Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) which is caused by a virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). This virus can be transmitted from person to person and has spread widely in China and more than 190 other countries and territories. Meanwhile in Indonesia, up to September 2020, 203 thousand cases of COVID-19 were found and 8336 deaths. Bats act as important disease reservoirs for various etiologic agents of disease that can be transmitted between species, infecting humans and mammals, both domestic and wild. The purpose of this study was to analyze SARS-CoV-2 immunoinformatics in bats in Karst Malang Indonesia as the basis for making SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. This research method is SARS-CoV-2 amino acid bats in Karst Malang, Indonesia analyzed by immunoinformatics. From the research results, it was found that SARS-CoV-2 protein from Malang Karst bats were antigen, non-allergen and non-toxin, so that they could be used as vaccine candidates, diagnostic kits and immunotherapy.

Research paper thumbnail of The Mapping and Analysis of Diphtheria Cases in Surabaya (2017-2018)

Diphtheria is an acute disease that attacks the airways and causes deaths. The risk factors for d... more Diphtheria is an acute disease that attacks the airways and causes deaths. The risk factors for diphtheria are low Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus (DPT) immunization coverage and an unhealthy home environment. One effort to control diphtheria is by providing information in the form of the patient's location that makes it easier to determine the target group of people intervened. The city of Surabaya experienced an increase of 50 diphtheria cases from 2017 to 2018. This study aimed to map and analyze diphtheria cases based on DPT immunization and healthy homes from 2017 to 2018 in the city of Surabaya. This study was classified descriptive analytic and used an ecological design. This study used the Pearson's correlation coefficient statistical test to analyze secondary data from the Surabaya City’s Health Profile of 2017 to 2018. This study employed the Health Mapper application and SPSS software version 23. The study variables were diphtheria cases, DPT immunization cov...

Research paper thumbnail of Preventive Behavior Towards Maya Index at DHF Endemic Area

Introduction: Primary health care Putat Jaya is an area with the highest number of DHF cases out ... more Introduction: Primary health care Putat Jaya is an area with the highest number of DHF cases out of the three primary health care in Sawahan District, Surabaya City. The number of breeding sites for mosquitoes and the density of larvae can be the risk factors that affect mosquitoes’ spread. Maya Index is an indicator to measure the number of water reservoirs used as breeding grounds for mosquitoes. This study aims to analyze behavioral factors towards virtual index in dengue-endemic areas in the Primary health care Putat Jaya Surabaya. Methods: The research used observational type with a cross-sectional design. The population of this study was all houses in the highest endemic. The sample consisted of 100 houses taken randomly, with research variables including mosquito nests eradication behavior and Maya Index status. Data collection used questionnaires and direct observation. The data were presented in the form of distribution tables and statistically analyzed with the chi-square ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Model Kerawanan Daerah Sebagaiindikator Kewaspadaan Dini Leptospirosisdi Dataran Tinggi

Leptospirosis adalah penyakit zoonosis berpotensi menimbulkan wabah dan endemis di beberapa wilay... more Leptospirosis adalah penyakit zoonosis berpotensi menimbulkan wabah dan endemis di beberapa wilayah Indonesia, terutama daerah yang sering banjir. Kasus leptospirosis tertinggi di Indonesia tahun 2013 adalah Jawa Timur. Ponorogo merupakan daerah kasus leptospirosis di daerah dataran tinggi. Sistem Kewaspadaan Dini sesuai Pedoman Kementerian Kesehatan tahun 2014 belum optimal dilaksanakan di daerah khsusnya pada kasus leptospirosis dataran tinggi. Tujuan Penelitian untuk pengembangan model kerawanan daerah sebagai indikator kewaspadaan dini leptospirosis di dataran tinggi. Jenis penelitian adalah analitik observational, desain case control membandingkan wilayah kasus dan wilayah belum ditemukan kasus. Populasi penelitian 50 desa tersebar di 4 kecamatan daerah dataran tinggi Kabupaten Ponorogo, dengan sampel: 10 Desa kasus dan 30 desa kontrol. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 6 jalur handal (CR>0,6), kemampuan prediksi baik (R20,681), konstruk baik (AVE>0,5). Analisis faktor risiko te...

Research paper thumbnail of Dengue Fever Distribution, Climate and Visitors: A Study from Badung District of Bali, Indonesia

ABSTRACTAs a national and international tourism destination, Badung district has recorded the hig... more ABSTRACTAs a national and international tourism destination, Badung district has recorded the highest dengue fever (DF) in Bali Province with multiple suspected influencing factors. This research presents the distribution of dengue fever (DF) incidence in Badung district and analyses its association with climate and visitors. The monthly data of DF surveillance, climate and reported number of visitors during January 2013 – December 2017 was analysed using Poisson Regression. 10689 new DF cases were notified from January 2013 to December 2017 while 2016 was recorded as the heaviest DF incidence. Monthly DF cases have positive association with average temperature, precipitation, humidity and local visitors. While negative association was shown between DF cases with foreign visitors. This study underlines the urgency to integrate climate and tourism for dengue fever control. Further study is recommended to take both factors together with population mobility at finer spatial and time un...

Research paper thumbnail of Risk Factors of Anthrax Transmission in Pacitan Regency


Introduction: Anthrax was a zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis in severa... more Introduction: Anthrax was a zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis in several regions of Indonesia. Transmission of anthrax in animals and humans occurred by direct contact with anthrax spores present in meat, soil, or plants. This study aimed to analyse the risk factors and recommend preventive action for anthrax transmission. Methods: This research used a descriptiveanalytic study to describing cases based on the case definition, primary data, and secondary data. The primary data were collected from the field observations and interviews with farmers and people in the community. The secondary data were obtained from the Pacitan District Health Office and Surabaya Technical Centre for Environmental Health and Disease Control. Data analysis of this study applied content analysis techniques that describe the actual situation of the community. Results and Discussion: Risk factors for anthrax transmission in Pacitan Regency included livestock traffic from endemic an...

Research paper thumbnail of Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis A outbreaks in two districts in Indonesia in 2018: Same subtype, but different strains

Biomedical Reports, 2019

The present study aimed to analyse molecular epidemiological data from hepatitis A virus (HAV) ou... more The present study aimed to analyse molecular epidemiological data from hepatitis A virus (HAV) outbreaks in two affected areas. The association between the knowledge of hepatitis A and incidence of infection was also determined. Serum samples were obtained from 88 individuals with clinical manifestations of acute hepatitis in Lamongan (n=54) in January 2018 and Bangkalan (n=34) in March 2018. The outbreak investigation was started one day after the outbreaks were reported by the Public Health Offices in Lamongan and Bangkalan. Anti-HAV immunoglobulin M (IgM) and PCR amplification products of the VP1 capsid protein-P2A protease and VP1-VP3 junctions were analysed. Positive PCR products were sequenced, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis X software. The control group comprised healthy students and staff members from the two affected areas. Thus, 172 responses from the control and hepatitis A case groups were analysed to assess the association between the students' knowledge level and the incidence of HAV infection. A total of 32 (59.25%) of the 54 individuals from Lamongan and 19 (55.9%) of the 34 participants from Bangkalan were positive for anti-HAV IgM; 26 PCR tests were positive in the VP3-VP1 and/or VP1-P2A junction, which were identified as HAV subgenotype IA. The subtype of HAV in the two areas was IA, similar to those identified previously, but the viruses did not originate from the same strain, as identified by multiple alignment. The knowledge level of the students and staff members in Lamongan studying and working at a half-day school exhibited a significant association with the incidence; however, no association was observed among the students in Bangkalan studying at a full-day school with a dormitory.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Hepatitis A Outbreak in High School X Lamongan District 2018

Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi, 2018

Background: Hepatitis A outbreaks were reported by the Lamongan District Health Office to the Sur... more Background: Hepatitis A outbreaks were reported by the Lamongan District Health Office to the Surabaya Center for Environmental Health and Disease Control Engineering on January 16, 2018, indicated by an increase in hepatitis A cases in of G and S areas, B village. One of initial sufferer was students in High School X.. Purpose: This study aims to identify the epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis A outbreaks that occur in High School X and the risk factors. Methods: The investigation was carried out in an observational manner with a cross sectional approach. Data were collected by structured interviews, hepatitis A antibodies in blood samples assay, environmental observation, and water samples assay. Data were collected with purposive determination of respondents. Results: Hepatitis A outbreaks at High School X in Lamongan District take place from November 2017 to january 2018, with a target group of 33 students. The epidemic cased tends to be extend common source. Risk fact...

Research paper thumbnail of The Overview of Malaria Cases in Trenggalek District based on The Epidemiological Triangle

Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi, 2019

Background: Indonesia is one of the countries where 35% of the population lives in areas with a h... more Background: Indonesia is one of the countries where 35% of the population lives in areas with a high risk of malaria infection. Trenggalek is one of the malaria-endemic regions in East Java. Purpose: This study aimed to identify the malaria cases in Trenggalek based on the epidemic triangle and identify the vulnerability status of Anopheles vagus mosquito against Permethrin 0.75% in Pandean Village, Trenggalek. Methods: This study is a type of descriptive observational study. The data used in this study is secondary data obtained from the The Center of Environmental Health and Disease Control Agency Surabaya. The data consists of characteristics of malaria cases in Trenggalek and Anopheles vagus resistance test data against Permethrin 0.75% in Pandean Village, Trenggalek. Results: Trenggalek is considered as low malaria endemicity area, with malaria incidence dominated by imported malaria cases, because recently there is no cases of autochthonous malaria have been found. Data on ma...