agus salim - (original) (raw)

Papers by agus salim

Research paper thumbnail of Spatiotemporal Evaluation of Water Resources in Citarum Watershed during Weak La Nina and Weak El Nino

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Terhadap Keaktifan Belajar Siswa Dalam Pendidikan Modern

Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Pembelajaran, Apr 30, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Business Incubators on Interest in Entrepreneurship with Entrepreneurial Attitudes as an Intervening Variable

Journal of Applied Business, Taxation and Economics Research, Apr 18, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Bangun Pengelolaan Bandwidth Internet Menggunakan Metode Queue Tree Dengan Router Mikrotik DI PT Xyz

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Automatic Tempat Sampah Pada Sistem Arduino Uno R3


Automatic Design of Trash Cans in the Arduino Uno R3 System is designed for waste management whic... more Automatic Design of Trash Cans in the Arduino Uno R3 System is designed for waste management which is often a problem in many cities. Waste management is currently one of the factors that always influences the creation of a clean and healthy environment. Garbage that is always left alone over time will accumulate and pile up so that no one takes care of it, irregular waste is a problem that often occurs. In the waste collection process, which will be carried out by checking the garbage collection sites one by one, the work will be ineffective and inefficient, because it will take a lot of wasted time, even time and money. Furthermore, to simplify the waste disposal process, this can be done at any time, because the process is very easy and can be done or done by anyone. The result is that the ultrasonic sensor is used to capture objects or objects in front of it, then there is a servo motor that can move when someone throws trash, after that there is an LCD display that will display...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Stabilitas Dinding Penahan Tanah Apartment Tower C Transpark

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Jenis Pendinginan Terhadap Tingkat Kerataan Baja ST 42 Pada Mesin Bubut

Research paper thumbnail of Scour around Exposed Pile Foundations

Stream Stability and Scour at Highway Bridges: Compendium of Stream Stability and Scour Papers Presented at Conferences Sponsored by the Water Resources Engineering (Hydraulics) Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996

Laboratory experiments were conducted to measure local scour around exposed pile groups for a var... more Laboratory experiments were conducted to measure local scour around exposed pile groups for a variety of conditions including different spacings, different skew angles, different patterns and different exposures of a pile cap in the flow field. Two existing methods, one from FHWA's HEC-18 (Richardson et al, 1993) and one from the Summary of Pier Scour Equations used by the People's Republic of China (Gao Donguang et al, 1994) were evaluated to the extent that they could be applied to the data. Since neither of these methods agreed well with the experimental data, a hybrid procedure based in part on concepts from these two methods was developed and is proposed for consideration.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kapasitas Dukung Pondasi Tiang Pada Proyek Gedung “K” Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto


Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS EFISIENSI PRODUKTIVITAS WAKTU KERJAALAT BERAT PADA PEMBANGUNAN JALAN(Studi Kasus : Ruas Jalan Tangkeh – Blang Luah Cs, Woyla Timur)

Research paper thumbnail of Studi komparatif tentang hukuman jarimah hirabah menurut jumhur fuqaha' dan Imam Malik

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Performansi Jaringan Seluler Indoor Coverage Pada Sistem Seluler GSM (Studi Lapangan DI Gedung Wisma Baja Jakarta) Performance Analysis of Indoor Cellular Network at GSM Cellular System (Field Study in Wisma Baja Building Jakarta)

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Dan Perancangan Perangkat Ajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Untuk Kelas Empat Sekolah Dasar Berbasiskan Multimedia

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap layanan unit pelaksana teknis bimbingan dan konseling IKIP MALANG oleh M. Agus Salim

Research paper thumbnail of Perubahan Fıtokımıa Kecambah Kembang Kol (Brassica oleraceae L., var. botrytis) sebagai Respons terhadap Cahaya Biru

BIOEDUSAINS:Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi dan Sains

The aim of this study was to observe the use of blue light on phytochemical changes during caulif... more The aim of this study was to observe the use of blue light on phytochemical changes during cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae L., var. botrytis) germination and the correlation between the parameters measured. The treatment was in the form of giving blue light and dark conditions as a control. Measurement of phytochemical compounds including ascorbic acid, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates and myrosinase enzymes was carried out every day for 5 days of germination. This research method is experimental research. Data obtained from measurements for all parameters are presented in the form of mean ± standard error. Furthermore, all data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). To determine differences between groups, Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT) was used at the 95% confidence level. All data analysis used SPSS software version 24.0 (IBM, Chicago, IL, USA). In addition, the measurement of the correlation between parameters is carried out using the Pearson rank correlation ...

Research paper thumbnail of Formulasi Hukum Keluarga Sebagai Positifisasi Hukum Islam Di Indonesia

Syariati: jurnal studi al-qur`an dan hukum, Apr 20, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Anti-Stres Jus Microgreens Ketumbar (Coriandrum sativum L.) Terhadap Lalat Buah (Drosophila melanogaster) yang Diinduksi Methotrexate

Al-Kauniyah: Jurnal Biologi

AbstrakSaat ini, masyarakat dihadapkan pada kondisi kehidupan yang selalu mengganggu metabolisme ... more AbstrakSaat ini, masyarakat dihadapkan pada kondisi kehidupan yang selalu mengganggu metabolisme normalnya dan mengurangi kebugaran tubuh yang dikenal dengan stres. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan jus microgreens ketumbar (Coriandrum sativum L.) (JMK) sebagai agen anti-stres pada Drosophila melanogaster (selanjutnya disebut Drosophila) jantan tipe liar yang diinduksi methotrexate (MTX). Disiapkan empat kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok pertama Drosophila yang tidak diberi perlakuan sebagai kontrol. Kelompok kedua, Drosophila yang mendapatkan perlakuan 10 ppm MTX, kelompok ketiga Drosophila yang mendapat perlakuan 10% JMK, dan kelompok keempat Drosophila yang mendapat perlakuan ganda 10 ppm MTX + 10% JMK. Setiap kelompok perlakuan diulang 4 botol kultur dan setiap botol kultur berisi 30 ekor Drosophila jantan tipe liar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 7 hari pengamatan. Beberapa parameter pengamatan diukur seperti kelulusan hidup dan kemampuan lokomotor (geo...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Celery (Apium graveolens L.) Microgreens on Drosophila melanogaster

Baghdad Science Journal

Celery (Apium graveolens L. ; family : Apiaceae) was often used as a spice in daily food. However... more Celery (Apium graveolens L. ; family : Apiaceae) was often used as a spice in daily food. However, this plant contains many antioxidant compounds useful for attenuating neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's disease. Planting celery in the form of microgreens harvested 15 days was expected to increase the content of bioactive compounds. In the current study, we intended to evaluate the neuromodulatory potential of methanol extract of celery microgreens on fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen : family Drosophilidae ; ordo : Diptera) which were exposed to paraquat. Neuroprotective capacity was assessed by survival rate, locomotor performance, lipid peroxidation and dopamine content after being treated with 120 µg/mL extract of celery microgreens and 3.5 mM paraquat for 4 days. Phytochemical constituents from extract of celery microgreens were measured including total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity using the radicals scavenging method. Exposure of adu...

Research paper thumbnail of Prediksi Kelulusan Mahasiswa Dengan Metode Naive Bayes

Technologia: Jurnal Ilmiah, Aug 4, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Model Iteratif pada Animasi Edukatif Pengenalan Aksara Mandailing sebagai Pelestarian Warisan Budaya Bangsa

SATIN - Sains dan Teknologi Informasi

Aksara etnis Mandailing merupakan warisan leluhur yang sangat berharga dalam kebudayaan bangsa ki... more Aksara etnis Mandailing merupakan warisan leluhur yang sangat berharga dalam kebudayaan bangsa kita, warisan leluhur ini semakin lama semakain punah dikarenakan kurangnya minat dari generasi milenial saat ini untuk mempelajari kembali aksara etnis Mandailing ini yang sering disebut “surat batak Mandailing”. Untuk menghindari warisan leluhur ini tergerus oleh zaman, yang dapat menyebabkan generasi berikutnya tidak mengenal lagi aksara mandailing serta demi melestarikan kembali budaya bangsa ini, penelitian ini mencoba memaparkan atau menyajikan apa yang didapat dari referensi yang ada. Penulisan ini dituangkan dalam karya animasi edukatif yang dirancang dengan Macromadia flash. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan Model Iteratif (Iterative model). Penerapan animasi interaktif ini diharapakan dapat membantu dalam mensosialisakan aksara etnis Mandailing ini kembali di lingkungan sekolah (dunia pendidikan) maupun kepada masyarakat khususnya masyarakat Ma...

Research paper thumbnail of Spatiotemporal Evaluation of Water Resources in Citarum Watershed during Weak La Nina and Weak El Nino

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Terhadap Keaktifan Belajar Siswa Dalam Pendidikan Modern

Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Pembelajaran, Apr 30, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Business Incubators on Interest in Entrepreneurship with Entrepreneurial Attitudes as an Intervening Variable

Journal of Applied Business, Taxation and Economics Research, Apr 18, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Rancang Bangun Pengelolaan Bandwidth Internet Menggunakan Metode Queue Tree Dengan Router Mikrotik DI PT Xyz

Research paper thumbnail of Perancangan Automatic Tempat Sampah Pada Sistem Arduino Uno R3


Automatic Design of Trash Cans in the Arduino Uno R3 System is designed for waste management whic... more Automatic Design of Trash Cans in the Arduino Uno R3 System is designed for waste management which is often a problem in many cities. Waste management is currently one of the factors that always influences the creation of a clean and healthy environment. Garbage that is always left alone over time will accumulate and pile up so that no one takes care of it, irregular waste is a problem that often occurs. In the waste collection process, which will be carried out by checking the garbage collection sites one by one, the work will be ineffective and inefficient, because it will take a lot of wasted time, even time and money. Furthermore, to simplify the waste disposal process, this can be done at any time, because the process is very easy and can be done or done by anyone. The result is that the ultrasonic sensor is used to capture objects or objects in front of it, then there is a servo motor that can move when someone throws trash, after that there is an LCD display that will display...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Stabilitas Dinding Penahan Tanah Apartment Tower C Transpark

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Jenis Pendinginan Terhadap Tingkat Kerataan Baja ST 42 Pada Mesin Bubut

Research paper thumbnail of Scour around Exposed Pile Foundations

Stream Stability and Scour at Highway Bridges: Compendium of Stream Stability and Scour Papers Presented at Conferences Sponsored by the Water Resources Engineering (Hydraulics) Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996

Laboratory experiments were conducted to measure local scour around exposed pile groups for a var... more Laboratory experiments were conducted to measure local scour around exposed pile groups for a variety of conditions including different spacings, different skew angles, different patterns and different exposures of a pile cap in the flow field. Two existing methods, one from FHWA's HEC-18 (Richardson et al, 1993) and one from the Summary of Pier Scour Equations used by the People's Republic of China (Gao Donguang et al, 1994) were evaluated to the extent that they could be applied to the data. Since neither of these methods agreed well with the experimental data, a hybrid procedure based in part on concepts from these two methods was developed and is proposed for consideration.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Kapasitas Dukung Pondasi Tiang Pada Proyek Gedung “K” Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto


Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS EFISIENSI PRODUKTIVITAS WAKTU KERJAALAT BERAT PADA PEMBANGUNAN JALAN(Studi Kasus : Ruas Jalan Tangkeh – Blang Luah Cs, Woyla Timur)

Research paper thumbnail of Studi komparatif tentang hukuman jarimah hirabah menurut jumhur fuqaha' dan Imam Malik

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Performansi Jaringan Seluler Indoor Coverage Pada Sistem Seluler GSM (Studi Lapangan DI Gedung Wisma Baja Jakarta) Performance Analysis of Indoor Cellular Network at GSM Cellular System (Field Study in Wisma Baja Building Jakarta)

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Dan Perancangan Perangkat Ajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Untuk Kelas Empat Sekolah Dasar Berbasiskan Multimedia

Research paper thumbnail of Persepsi mahasiswa terhadap layanan unit pelaksana teknis bimbingan dan konseling IKIP MALANG oleh M. Agus Salim

Research paper thumbnail of Perubahan Fıtokımıa Kecambah Kembang Kol (Brassica oleraceae L., var. botrytis) sebagai Respons terhadap Cahaya Biru

BIOEDUSAINS:Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi dan Sains

The aim of this study was to observe the use of blue light on phytochemical changes during caulif... more The aim of this study was to observe the use of blue light on phytochemical changes during cauliflower (Brassica oleraceae L., var. botrytis) germination and the correlation between the parameters measured. The treatment was in the form of giving blue light and dark conditions as a control. Measurement of phytochemical compounds including ascorbic acid, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates and myrosinase enzymes was carried out every day for 5 days of germination. This research method is experimental research. Data obtained from measurements for all parameters are presented in the form of mean ± standard error. Furthermore, all data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). To determine differences between groups, Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT) was used at the 95% confidence level. All data analysis used SPSS software version 24.0 (IBM, Chicago, IL, USA). In addition, the measurement of the correlation between parameters is carried out using the Pearson rank correlation ...

Research paper thumbnail of Formulasi Hukum Keluarga Sebagai Positifisasi Hukum Islam Di Indonesia

Syariati: jurnal studi al-qur`an dan hukum, Apr 20, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Anti-Stres Jus Microgreens Ketumbar (Coriandrum sativum L.) Terhadap Lalat Buah (Drosophila melanogaster) yang Diinduksi Methotrexate

Al-Kauniyah: Jurnal Biologi

AbstrakSaat ini, masyarakat dihadapkan pada kondisi kehidupan yang selalu mengganggu metabolisme ... more AbstrakSaat ini, masyarakat dihadapkan pada kondisi kehidupan yang selalu mengganggu metabolisme normalnya dan mengurangi kebugaran tubuh yang dikenal dengan stres. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan jus microgreens ketumbar (Coriandrum sativum L.) (JMK) sebagai agen anti-stres pada Drosophila melanogaster (selanjutnya disebut Drosophila) jantan tipe liar yang diinduksi methotrexate (MTX). Disiapkan empat kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok pertama Drosophila yang tidak diberi perlakuan sebagai kontrol. Kelompok kedua, Drosophila yang mendapatkan perlakuan 10 ppm MTX, kelompok ketiga Drosophila yang mendapat perlakuan 10% JMK, dan kelompok keempat Drosophila yang mendapat perlakuan ganda 10 ppm MTX + 10% JMK. Setiap kelompok perlakuan diulang 4 botol kultur dan setiap botol kultur berisi 30 ekor Drosophila jantan tipe liar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 7 hari pengamatan. Beberapa parameter pengamatan diukur seperti kelulusan hidup dan kemampuan lokomotor (geo...

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Celery (Apium graveolens L.) Microgreens on Drosophila melanogaster

Baghdad Science Journal

Celery (Apium graveolens L. ; family : Apiaceae) was often used as a spice in daily food. However... more Celery (Apium graveolens L. ; family : Apiaceae) was often used as a spice in daily food. However, this plant contains many antioxidant compounds useful for attenuating neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's disease. Planting celery in the form of microgreens harvested 15 days was expected to increase the content of bioactive compounds. In the current study, we intended to evaluate the neuromodulatory potential of methanol extract of celery microgreens on fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen : family Drosophilidae ; ordo : Diptera) which were exposed to paraquat. Neuroprotective capacity was assessed by survival rate, locomotor performance, lipid peroxidation and dopamine content after being treated with 120 µg/mL extract of celery microgreens and 3.5 mM paraquat for 4 days. Phytochemical constituents from extract of celery microgreens were measured including total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity using the radicals scavenging method. Exposure of adu...

Research paper thumbnail of Prediksi Kelulusan Mahasiswa Dengan Metode Naive Bayes

Technologia: Jurnal Ilmiah, Aug 4, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Model Iteratif pada Animasi Edukatif Pengenalan Aksara Mandailing sebagai Pelestarian Warisan Budaya Bangsa

SATIN - Sains dan Teknologi Informasi

Aksara etnis Mandailing merupakan warisan leluhur yang sangat berharga dalam kebudayaan bangsa ki... more Aksara etnis Mandailing merupakan warisan leluhur yang sangat berharga dalam kebudayaan bangsa kita, warisan leluhur ini semakin lama semakain punah dikarenakan kurangnya minat dari generasi milenial saat ini untuk mempelajari kembali aksara etnis Mandailing ini yang sering disebut “surat batak Mandailing”. Untuk menghindari warisan leluhur ini tergerus oleh zaman, yang dapat menyebabkan generasi berikutnya tidak mengenal lagi aksara mandailing serta demi melestarikan kembali budaya bangsa ini, penelitian ini mencoba memaparkan atau menyajikan apa yang didapat dari referensi yang ada. Penulisan ini dituangkan dalam karya animasi edukatif yang dirancang dengan Macromadia flash. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan Model Iteratif (Iterative model). Penerapan animasi interaktif ini diharapakan dapat membantu dalam mensosialisakan aksara etnis Mandailing ini kembali di lingkungan sekolah (dunia pendidikan) maupun kepada masyarakat khususnya masyarakat Ma...