ainul hayat - (original) (raw)
Papers by ainul hayat
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology
The article addresses the pioneer of policy transformation in emergency management system at sub ... more The article addresses the pioneer of policy transformation in emergency management system at sub national government of Indonesia by comparing two situation from previous starting condition and after the disaster flash flood. The Kota Batu Flash Flood in November 2021 helped to uncover problems with the Indonesia emergency management system. This study also analyses the importance of decentralized commitment and its relation of implementing cluster collaboration during emergency response. The paper also supported with a tool of geospatial aspect in disaster events of Indonesia to provide better understanding and trend of disaster, combined with the strength’s empirical practice of Kota Batu will upscale the benchmark on the cluster based implementation of disaster emergency management for national level policy in Indonesia. Policy learning and administrative reforms, including changes in the local disaster response organizations and practices in the Kota Batu Flash flood were highli...
Pujon Kidul Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency, is an area with tourism potential that has b... more Pujon Kidul Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency, is an area with tourism potential that has been developed since 2017 with the concept of agricultural tourism. Throughout the development of tourism villages, Pujon Kidul Village has succeeded in accelerating economic growth and providing jobs for the community. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism villages have been severely affected, leading to the temporary closure of tourist attractions and community businesses. This research aimed to identify what indicators form social capital variables and the relationship between social capital variables and community adaptation patterns in dealing with pandemics in the study location. This was quantitative research with confirmatory factor analysis to determine the indicators of forming social capital and structural equation modeling analysis to determine the relationship between the variables. Based on the findings, it is known that trust in forming a social network is 0.468. F...
The issue of food security is important since it affects the region’s economic cycle. The agricul... more The issue of food security is important since it affects the region’s economic cycle. The agricultural sector, which serves as a safety net for Indonesia’s food availability and must be optimized to prevent a crisis, is the crucial sector in terms of food security issues. Lamongan Regency is one of the regencies in East Java with the agricultural sector contributing to positive growth and support for sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agriculture demonstrates the existence of a long-term, integrated system linked to various aspects of life quality. This study aims to identify social capital and its relation to quality of life (QoL) in supporting sustainable agriculture. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis to determine the condition of sustainable agriculture and the characteristics of social capital in Sedayulawas Village. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) followed by a Structural Equation Model (SEM) Analysis approach is used to determine the relationship ...
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Pujon Kidul, Malang is a village tourism that offers agricultural potential as a tourist attracti... more Pujon Kidul, Malang is a village tourism that offers agricultural potential as a tourist attraction to prosper the communities. Pandemic Covid-19 has caused instability in all sectors, including agricultural sector. The agricultural sector is the last line of defense, but that does not mean the pandemic has no impact on farming activities. On the contrary, the pandemic has slowed global economic growth and social growth, particularly in agriculture; as a result, social capital and local wisdom must be strengthened. As a result, this study was carried out to support Covid-19's Resilience Area in the tourism village of Pujon Kidul by investigating the role of social capital and resilience. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the Structural Equation Model (SEM) were used in this study. We employed structural equation model using AMOS program which the result of the study shows that the residents of Pujon Kidul Village Tourism already have favorable social capital circumstances, ...
Gugatan terhadap pendidikan nasional saat ini banyak berkisar pada kualitas para lulusan yang tid... more Gugatan terhadap pendidikan nasional saat ini banyak berkisar pada kualitas para lulusan yang tidak cocok dengan kebutuhan dunia usaha. Ketidaksesuaian (mismacth) ini menjadi isu utama dalam polemik antara dunia pendidian dan dunia usaha. Penyelengaraan pendidikan belum berorientasi ke dunia luar dan belum dapat mengantisipasi perkembangan kebutuhan pasar kerja, sehingga tingkat pengangguran menjadi meningkat. Dalam sebuah konteks sosial politik yang makin demokratis, pembangunan bidang pendidikan di daerah dan hasil-hasilnya harus bisa bersifat inklusif dalam arti mampu menjadikan dirinya “milik” semua segmen masyarakat, tanpa kecuali. Dengan kata lain, dengan adanya otonomi daerah yang landasan berpikirnya mengacu pada good governance, maka dalam menyusun perencanaan pembangunan bidang pendidikan di daerah kini tidak perlu dituntun oleh pusat dan dengan model yang ditetapkan berdasarkan preferensi pusat. Oleh karena itu, mau tak mau pendidikan harus dikelola secara desentralisasi ...
The activity reported in this journal was aimed to empower the traditional education institutions... more The activity reported in this journal was aimed to empower the traditional education institutions commonly found and not formally financed by government of Indonesia. Empowering was carried out through the implementation of an action plan to ensure the potable water provision. Clean as well as potable water is indispensable for daily life and activities of students and teachers, especially those who were living and boarding in the school complex. The action was also potential to improve the financial independence of organization and to develop the entrepreneurship skills of students. The obtained tangible results of the action were in the form of production facility with ready-to-drink water quality of less than 10 ppm (parts per million) of total dissolved solids
Wacana Journal of Social and Humanity Studies, Feb 18, 2021
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021
This research aims to analyze the effect of learning, training, and mentoring on leadership style... more This research aims to analyze the effect of learning, training, and mentoring on leadership style and leadership style impact on the predictive character in the Indonesian police context. Due to the ontological and sociological levels, this research is significant to improving police leadership. The problem is very interesting to analyze by conducting quantitative research based on public policy and leadership perspectives. Data were collected through a questionnaire. PLS models were used to analyze the data. It was found that learning, training, and mentoring provide a positive direct effect on the leadership style. Furthermore, the leadership style also provides a positive direct effect on the predictive character of the police. In addition, the leadership style mediates the effect of training and mentoring on predictive character, but it does not mediate the effect of learning on predictive character. This result provides a recommendation for state agencies, public officials, and...
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021
This research aims to understand the police education policy and its implementation in Indonesia ... more This research aims to understand the police education policy and its implementation in Indonesia at the ontological and sociological levels that are significant for improving the subsequent police education. The problem is very interesting to be analyzed by conducting qualitative research based on public policy theory. Managing police education policy and its implementation are needed for providing information to stakeholders related to the policy and regulations in police education. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation related to police education cases in Indonesia. The data were analyzed using an interactive model supported by data reduction, display, verification, and triangulation. The results were based on ontological and sociological levels using public policy perspective to improve police education policy and its implementation practice. This result provides inputs for making better regulation on police education in Indonesia, for st...
Matra Pembaruan, 2020
Library policy is currently not a development priority in Malang Regency. The size of the area, l... more Library policy is currently not a development priority in Malang Regency. The size of the area, lack of budget, and other problems limit the community in accessing libraries. Related to this, the purpose of this study is to include a "new formula" or policy recommendations related to libraries for the Malang Regency Government, ideally, effectively and efficiently. This research method uses policy analysis research with existing statistical data or analyzes using secondary data. This research examines several districts / cities that have succeeded in equitable literacy accessibility in their regions through several programs such as mobile libraries, regional libraries, district libraries, and village libraries. The results of this study, an alternative policy for equal distribution of library accessibility is an increase in the quality and quantity (number) of Village/Sub-district Libraries, and the quality of regional libraries.
HOLISTICA – Journal of Business and Public Administration, 2019
This research investigated the implementation of policy for the appointment of lecturers and educ... more This research investigated the implementation of policy for the appointment of lecturers and education staffs in Borneo Tarakan University as government employees based on work contract. One of the attempt made by the government to evenly provide higher education access throughout Indonesia was by converting several private-owned universities into new state-owned universities. The policy explained that all properties, students, rights and obligation which had been under private institutions’ responsibility were then transferred to the government. However, this policy excludes the transfer of employees who work in the universities. The policy also mentions that all staffs are required to carry out their regular works until new regulations are released. Unfortunately, this policy often led to issues regarding the certainty of employee’s status at work as. After going through a complex process, Presidential Regulation Number 10 of 2016 has been released, in which it is stated that all ...
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2022
Well-implement social capital can affect the bounce-up rate to improve the quality of life. Curre... more Well-implement social capital can affect the bounce-up rate to improve the quality of life. Currently, Pujon Kidul Village is being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently community social capital has been seen as the main component to strengthen and function a community, particularly in supporting the COVID-19 Resilience Villages. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the influence of social capital on decisions to take collective action and identify the condition of community social capital in supporting the development of the COVID-19 Resilience Villages. The approach used is a quantitative-qualitative approach by conducting questionnaires to 275 respondents and interviews with ten informants to dig deeper into the conditions of Pujon Kidul Village during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the questionnaires and interviews were then processed using CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis), SEM (Structural Equation Modeling), and descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis show that the social capital of the Pujon Kidul Village community has a direct influence on decisions to take collective action. In addition, the community's social capital already has a good condition and is based on a high sense of trust, involvement, and cooperation of the society. This is then considered to contribute to the success of the COVID-19 Resilience Village program.
Students satisfaction index was the purpose of research and to measure the satisfaction index on ... more Students satisfaction index was the purpose of research and to measure the satisfaction index on the service of Bachelor in Midwifery Study Program, researcher engaged students for respondents. This study was conducted quantitatively employing the survey method. The subjects of this study included 65 active students of the Bachelor in Midwifery Study Program, class of 2016, 2017, 2018. The aspects reviewed to determine student satisfaction on the service of the Bachelor in Midwifery Study Program were based on five satisfaction index dimensions (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy). This results indicated, that the student satisfaction index on the service of the department, with regard to the aforementioned 5 dimensions, identified as “quite satisfied”. The service provided to the students was concluded as "good".
At present, the Covid-19 contagious disease outbreak can spread rapidly throughout the world, inc... more At present, the Covid-19 contagious disease outbreak can spread rapidly throughout the world, including Indonesia. Apart from having a negative impact on the health sector, it also impacts the economic, social, cultural, resilience, tourism and other sectors. This can threaten people in rural areas who have gaps in health accessibility and high levels of poverty compared to urban areas. So it is necessary to carry out village economic development, but still protect the health of rural communities from the Covid-19 disaster. This cannot be done by the government alone. Interdisciplinary and field cooperation is required by referring to the principles of collaborative governance. The research objective was to determine the ideal collaborative governance model in village development during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. This method can be studied comprehensively and deeply. The results of this study indicate that in South Lamp...
Social and Economy Impact on Market Relocation Policy (Case Study on Relocation of Dinoyo Traditi... more Social and Economy Impact on Market Relocation Policy (Case Study on Relocation of Dinoyo Traditional Market Kota Malang). Purpose of the relocation policy at Dinoyo Traditional Market to Merjosai Temporary Market is to revitalize Dinoyo Traditional Market to be more modern. This policy is temporary until revitalizing old market is done. On the implementation of this policy, there will be social and economic impacts occur that influence stakeholders Dinoyo Traditional Market. Research type is descriptive with qualitative approach, this research aim to describe the implementation of relocation policy Dinoyo Market to Merjosari Market before implementation on progress, during implementation progress, and after the implementation finish also describing social and economic impacts that happen in this implementation of relocation policy.
Higher education management program is required to optimize the services. Implementation of this ... more Higher education management program is required to optimize the services. Implementation of this service requires management that can use programs that are created in accordance with the stated objectives. Management needs in Educational Institutions Therefore, it is necessary to change service programs from conventional to online applicationbased programs in their application. This study discusses about supporting system for services optimizing in higher education through management programs that utilize online application-based technology. Qualitatively related is applied in this study to obtain data more related to the management program through observation, interviews with key informants and documentation. The results of the study show how to use information technology that is sustainable in implementing programs in the field of education that facilitate information management, supporting business processes and optimizing the services. This needs to be supported by efforts to em...
This article aimed to analyze the Government Policy in the process of implementing education to i... more This article aimed to analyze the Government Policy in the process of implementing education to improve National Security at the Sebatik Island of Nunukan Regency . The author analyzed using Bardach’s Eightfold path to more effective problem solving which consists of defining the problem, assembling the evidence, constructing the alternatives, selecting the criteria, projecting the outcomes, confronting the trade-offs, deciding, and telling the story. This is a descriptive-type study with a qualitative approach. Study results shows that in Nunukan Regency, especially Sebatik Island that is considered as a Frontier, Outermost, and Underdeveloped region, which also lies at the border between Malaysia and Indonesia—haven’t been optimally carrying out policies on education implementation for improving national security. This was also proven by the number of schools that lack the necessary facilities and infrastructures, in addition to the curriculum that has yet to instil national secur...
The existence of nonformal education, is intended to develop human resources and the environment ... more The existence of nonformal education, is intended to develop human resources and the environment that is based on cultural values and utilization of local potential. Through this nonformal education, is expected to form regions that will be the center of a variety of vocational, and the formation of business groups that exploit the potential of resources and local knowledge. People can learn and practice the skills that can be used for work or create jobs in accordance with existing resources in the region, thus increasing people's lives. For the reason, the role of the community with cultural diversity and indigenous in the realization of regional autonomy, democratic and accountable local governance is very strategic. Local autonomy essentially, make the local government services to the public is better, and it is very reasonable if communities participate in policy-making. This condition has to be a priority for all of regency/city in Indonesia. Keywords—policy; nonformal edu...
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Public and Business Administration (AICoBPA 2020)
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology
The article addresses the pioneer of policy transformation in emergency management system at sub ... more The article addresses the pioneer of policy transformation in emergency management system at sub national government of Indonesia by comparing two situation from previous starting condition and after the disaster flash flood. The Kota Batu Flash Flood in November 2021 helped to uncover problems with the Indonesia emergency management system. This study also analyses the importance of decentralized commitment and its relation of implementing cluster collaboration during emergency response. The paper also supported with a tool of geospatial aspect in disaster events of Indonesia to provide better understanding and trend of disaster, combined with the strength’s empirical practice of Kota Batu will upscale the benchmark on the cluster based implementation of disaster emergency management for national level policy in Indonesia. Policy learning and administrative reforms, including changes in the local disaster response organizations and practices in the Kota Batu Flash flood were highli...
Pujon Kidul Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency, is an area with tourism potential that has b... more Pujon Kidul Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency, is an area with tourism potential that has been developed since 2017 with the concept of agricultural tourism. Throughout the development of tourism villages, Pujon Kidul Village has succeeded in accelerating economic growth and providing jobs for the community. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism villages have been severely affected, leading to the temporary closure of tourist attractions and community businesses. This research aimed to identify what indicators form social capital variables and the relationship between social capital variables and community adaptation patterns in dealing with pandemics in the study location. This was quantitative research with confirmatory factor analysis to determine the indicators of forming social capital and structural equation modeling analysis to determine the relationship between the variables. Based on the findings, it is known that trust in forming a social network is 0.468. F...
The issue of food security is important since it affects the region’s economic cycle. The agricul... more The issue of food security is important since it affects the region’s economic cycle. The agricultural sector, which serves as a safety net for Indonesia’s food availability and must be optimized to prevent a crisis, is the crucial sector in terms of food security issues. Lamongan Regency is one of the regencies in East Java with the agricultural sector contributing to positive growth and support for sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agriculture demonstrates the existence of a long-term, integrated system linked to various aspects of life quality. This study aims to identify social capital and its relation to quality of life (QoL) in supporting sustainable agriculture. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis to determine the condition of sustainable agriculture and the characteristics of social capital in Sedayulawas Village. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) followed by a Structural Equation Model (SEM) Analysis approach is used to determine the relationship ...
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Pujon Kidul, Malang is a village tourism that offers agricultural potential as a tourist attracti... more Pujon Kidul, Malang is a village tourism that offers agricultural potential as a tourist attraction to prosper the communities. Pandemic Covid-19 has caused instability in all sectors, including agricultural sector. The agricultural sector is the last line of defense, but that does not mean the pandemic has no impact on farming activities. On the contrary, the pandemic has slowed global economic growth and social growth, particularly in agriculture; as a result, social capital and local wisdom must be strengthened. As a result, this study was carried out to support Covid-19's Resilience Area in the tourism village of Pujon Kidul by investigating the role of social capital and resilience. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and the Structural Equation Model (SEM) were used in this study. We employed structural equation model using AMOS program which the result of the study shows that the residents of Pujon Kidul Village Tourism already have favorable social capital circumstances, ...
Gugatan terhadap pendidikan nasional saat ini banyak berkisar pada kualitas para lulusan yang tid... more Gugatan terhadap pendidikan nasional saat ini banyak berkisar pada kualitas para lulusan yang tidak cocok dengan kebutuhan dunia usaha. Ketidaksesuaian (mismacth) ini menjadi isu utama dalam polemik antara dunia pendidian dan dunia usaha. Penyelengaraan pendidikan belum berorientasi ke dunia luar dan belum dapat mengantisipasi perkembangan kebutuhan pasar kerja, sehingga tingkat pengangguran menjadi meningkat. Dalam sebuah konteks sosial politik yang makin demokratis, pembangunan bidang pendidikan di daerah dan hasil-hasilnya harus bisa bersifat inklusif dalam arti mampu menjadikan dirinya “milik” semua segmen masyarakat, tanpa kecuali. Dengan kata lain, dengan adanya otonomi daerah yang landasan berpikirnya mengacu pada good governance, maka dalam menyusun perencanaan pembangunan bidang pendidikan di daerah kini tidak perlu dituntun oleh pusat dan dengan model yang ditetapkan berdasarkan preferensi pusat. Oleh karena itu, mau tak mau pendidikan harus dikelola secara desentralisasi ...
The activity reported in this journal was aimed to empower the traditional education institutions... more The activity reported in this journal was aimed to empower the traditional education institutions commonly found and not formally financed by government of Indonesia. Empowering was carried out through the implementation of an action plan to ensure the potable water provision. Clean as well as potable water is indispensable for daily life and activities of students and teachers, especially those who were living and boarding in the school complex. The action was also potential to improve the financial independence of organization and to develop the entrepreneurship skills of students. The obtained tangible results of the action were in the form of production facility with ready-to-drink water quality of less than 10 ppm (parts per million) of total dissolved solids
Wacana Journal of Social and Humanity Studies, Feb 18, 2021
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021
This research aims to analyze the effect of learning, training, and mentoring on leadership style... more This research aims to analyze the effect of learning, training, and mentoring on leadership style and leadership style impact on the predictive character in the Indonesian police context. Due to the ontological and sociological levels, this research is significant to improving police leadership. The problem is very interesting to analyze by conducting quantitative research based on public policy and leadership perspectives. Data were collected through a questionnaire. PLS models were used to analyze the data. It was found that learning, training, and mentoring provide a positive direct effect on the leadership style. Furthermore, the leadership style also provides a positive direct effect on the predictive character of the police. In addition, the leadership style mediates the effect of training and mentoring on predictive character, but it does not mediate the effect of learning on predictive character. This result provides a recommendation for state agencies, public officials, and...
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021
This research aims to understand the police education policy and its implementation in Indonesia ... more This research aims to understand the police education policy and its implementation in Indonesia at the ontological and sociological levels that are significant for improving the subsequent police education. The problem is very interesting to be analyzed by conducting qualitative research based on public policy theory. Managing police education policy and its implementation are needed for providing information to stakeholders related to the policy and regulations in police education. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation related to police education cases in Indonesia. The data were analyzed using an interactive model supported by data reduction, display, verification, and triangulation. The results were based on ontological and sociological levels using public policy perspective to improve police education policy and its implementation practice. This result provides inputs for making better regulation on police education in Indonesia, for st...
Matra Pembaruan, 2020
Library policy is currently not a development priority in Malang Regency. The size of the area, l... more Library policy is currently not a development priority in Malang Regency. The size of the area, lack of budget, and other problems limit the community in accessing libraries. Related to this, the purpose of this study is to include a "new formula" or policy recommendations related to libraries for the Malang Regency Government, ideally, effectively and efficiently. This research method uses policy analysis research with existing statistical data or analyzes using secondary data. This research examines several districts / cities that have succeeded in equitable literacy accessibility in their regions through several programs such as mobile libraries, regional libraries, district libraries, and village libraries. The results of this study, an alternative policy for equal distribution of library accessibility is an increase in the quality and quantity (number) of Village/Sub-district Libraries, and the quality of regional libraries.
HOLISTICA – Journal of Business and Public Administration, 2019
This research investigated the implementation of policy for the appointment of lecturers and educ... more This research investigated the implementation of policy for the appointment of lecturers and education staffs in Borneo Tarakan University as government employees based on work contract. One of the attempt made by the government to evenly provide higher education access throughout Indonesia was by converting several private-owned universities into new state-owned universities. The policy explained that all properties, students, rights and obligation which had been under private institutions’ responsibility were then transferred to the government. However, this policy excludes the transfer of employees who work in the universities. The policy also mentions that all staffs are required to carry out their regular works until new regulations are released. Unfortunately, this policy often led to issues regarding the certainty of employee’s status at work as. After going through a complex process, Presidential Regulation Number 10 of 2016 has been released, in which it is stated that all ...
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 2022
Well-implement social capital can affect the bounce-up rate to improve the quality of life. Curre... more Well-implement social capital can affect the bounce-up rate to improve the quality of life. Currently, Pujon Kidul Village is being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recently community social capital has been seen as the main component to strengthen and function a community, particularly in supporting the COVID-19 Resilience Villages. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the influence of social capital on decisions to take collective action and identify the condition of community social capital in supporting the development of the COVID-19 Resilience Villages. The approach used is a quantitative-qualitative approach by conducting questionnaires to 275 respondents and interviews with ten informants to dig deeper into the conditions of Pujon Kidul Village during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the questionnaires and interviews were then processed using CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis), SEM (Structural Equation Modeling), and descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis show that the social capital of the Pujon Kidul Village community has a direct influence on decisions to take collective action. In addition, the community's social capital already has a good condition and is based on a high sense of trust, involvement, and cooperation of the society. This is then considered to contribute to the success of the COVID-19 Resilience Village program.
Students satisfaction index was the purpose of research and to measure the satisfaction index on ... more Students satisfaction index was the purpose of research and to measure the satisfaction index on the service of Bachelor in Midwifery Study Program, researcher engaged students for respondents. This study was conducted quantitatively employing the survey method. The subjects of this study included 65 active students of the Bachelor in Midwifery Study Program, class of 2016, 2017, 2018. The aspects reviewed to determine student satisfaction on the service of the Bachelor in Midwifery Study Program were based on five satisfaction index dimensions (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy). This results indicated, that the student satisfaction index on the service of the department, with regard to the aforementioned 5 dimensions, identified as “quite satisfied”. The service provided to the students was concluded as "good".
At present, the Covid-19 contagious disease outbreak can spread rapidly throughout the world, inc... more At present, the Covid-19 contagious disease outbreak can spread rapidly throughout the world, including Indonesia. Apart from having a negative impact on the health sector, it also impacts the economic, social, cultural, resilience, tourism and other sectors. This can threaten people in rural areas who have gaps in health accessibility and high levels of poverty compared to urban areas. So it is necessary to carry out village economic development, but still protect the health of rural communities from the Covid-19 disaster. This cannot be done by the government alone. Interdisciplinary and field cooperation is required by referring to the principles of collaborative governance. The research objective was to determine the ideal collaborative governance model in village development during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. This method can be studied comprehensively and deeply. The results of this study indicate that in South Lamp...
Social and Economy Impact on Market Relocation Policy (Case Study on Relocation of Dinoyo Traditi... more Social and Economy Impact on Market Relocation Policy (Case Study on Relocation of Dinoyo Traditional Market Kota Malang). Purpose of the relocation policy at Dinoyo Traditional Market to Merjosai Temporary Market is to revitalize Dinoyo Traditional Market to be more modern. This policy is temporary until revitalizing old market is done. On the implementation of this policy, there will be social and economic impacts occur that influence stakeholders Dinoyo Traditional Market. Research type is descriptive with qualitative approach, this research aim to describe the implementation of relocation policy Dinoyo Market to Merjosari Market before implementation on progress, during implementation progress, and after the implementation finish also describing social and economic impacts that happen in this implementation of relocation policy.
Higher education management program is required to optimize the services. Implementation of this ... more Higher education management program is required to optimize the services. Implementation of this service requires management that can use programs that are created in accordance with the stated objectives. Management needs in Educational Institutions Therefore, it is necessary to change service programs from conventional to online applicationbased programs in their application. This study discusses about supporting system for services optimizing in higher education through management programs that utilize online application-based technology. Qualitatively related is applied in this study to obtain data more related to the management program through observation, interviews with key informants and documentation. The results of the study show how to use information technology that is sustainable in implementing programs in the field of education that facilitate information management, supporting business processes and optimizing the services. This needs to be supported by efforts to em...
This article aimed to analyze the Government Policy in the process of implementing education to i... more This article aimed to analyze the Government Policy in the process of implementing education to improve National Security at the Sebatik Island of Nunukan Regency . The author analyzed using Bardach’s Eightfold path to more effective problem solving which consists of defining the problem, assembling the evidence, constructing the alternatives, selecting the criteria, projecting the outcomes, confronting the trade-offs, deciding, and telling the story. This is a descriptive-type study with a qualitative approach. Study results shows that in Nunukan Regency, especially Sebatik Island that is considered as a Frontier, Outermost, and Underdeveloped region, which also lies at the border between Malaysia and Indonesia—haven’t been optimally carrying out policies on education implementation for improving national security. This was also proven by the number of schools that lack the necessary facilities and infrastructures, in addition to the curriculum that has yet to instil national secur...
The existence of nonformal education, is intended to develop human resources and the environment ... more The existence of nonformal education, is intended to develop human resources and the environment that is based on cultural values and utilization of local potential. Through this nonformal education, is expected to form regions that will be the center of a variety of vocational, and the formation of business groups that exploit the potential of resources and local knowledge. People can learn and practice the skills that can be used for work or create jobs in accordance with existing resources in the region, thus increasing people's lives. For the reason, the role of the community with cultural diversity and indigenous in the realization of regional autonomy, democratic and accountable local governance is very strategic. Local autonomy essentially, make the local government services to the public is better, and it is very reasonable if communities participate in policy-making. This condition has to be a priority for all of regency/city in Indonesia. Keywords—policy; nonformal edu...
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Public and Business Administration (AICoBPA 2020)