mehmet aktekin - (original) (raw)

Papers by mehmet aktekin

Research paper thumbnail of Dünyada COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecine Genel Bakış

Türkiye Klinikleri COVID - 19, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mesleksel Beceri Uygulamaları Hakkındaki Öğrenci Geri Bildirimleri”, Tıp Eğitim Dünyası

Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde eğitim programı içersinde yer alan mesleksel beceri uygulam... more Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde eğitim programı içersinde yer alan mesleksel beceri uygulamalarını tanıtmak ve öğrencilerden uygulama ile ilgili alınan geribildirim sonuçlarını sunmaktır. Yöntem: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde öğrenciler küçük gruplar halinde tüm eğitim süreleri boyunca toplam 40 adet temel mesleksel beceri uygulaması yapmaktadırlar. Yapılan her uygulamanın hemen sonunda öğrencilerden uygulama ile ilgili olarak, beş puanlı Likert ölçeği kullanılarak oluşturulmuş bir geribildirim formunu doldurmaları istenmektedir. Bu araştırmada 2004-2005 eğitim öğretim döneminde Mesleksel beceri laboratuvarında eğitim alan öğrencilerin geribildirim formları değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Bulgular: Öğrencilerin büyük çoğunluğunun mesleksel beceri uygulamalarına, ortalama beş üzerinden genel olarak 4.5'in üzerinde puan verdikleri ve Dönem I ve III'te en yüksek puanı kan basıncı ölçümünün aldığı saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Mesleksel beceri laboratuvarında temel klinik becerilerin öğretilmesi ile öğrencilerin meslek yaşamına daha iyi hazırlanacağı açıktır. Öğrencilerin genel olarak mesleksel beceri uygulamalarından memnun olduklarının saptanması da bunun bir göstergesi olarak kabul edilebilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Internet addiction prevalence in last-year medical students and related factors

European Journal of Public Health, 2017

Both current and past smokers have lack of knowledge on smoking-cessation methods. Smokers are mo... more Both current and past smokers have lack of knowledge on smoking-cessation methods. Smokers are more likely to quit in case their life is threatened because of smoking. Not all smokers (both current and past) believe that physicians can help patients to give up smoking.

Research paper thumbnail of Tip Fakültesi̇ Dönem VI Kadin Öğrenci̇lerde Premenstruel Sendrom Görülme Sikliği Ve İli̇şki̇li̇ Faktörler

GIRIŞ: Menstruel dongunun luteal evresinde ortaya cikan bedensel, bilissel, duygusal ve davraniss... more GIRIŞ: Menstruel dongunun luteal evresinde ortaya cikan bedensel, bilissel, duygusal ve davranissal degisiklikler premenstruel sendrom (PMS) olarak tanimlanmaktadir. PMS, kadinin ruh sagligini bozan, is gucu kaybina neden olan ve yasam kalitesini dusuren onemli bir sorundur. Calismamizda bir tip fakultesindeki intorn kadinlarin PMS’sinin degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. GEREC VE YONTEM: Ekim 2018’de yapilan kesitsel tipte bir arastirmadir. Evreni bir tip fakultesinde 2018-2019 yilinda egitim goren donem VI ogrencisi 140 kadin olusturmaktadir. Orneklem secilmemis olup tum evrene ulasmak istenmis ve 132’sine (%94,3) ulasilmistir. Ogrenciler arastirma hakkinda bilgilendirilmis, sozlu onamlari alinmistir. Veriler sosyodemografik ozellikler, yasam tarzi ile ilgili sorular ve Premenstruel Sendrom Olcegini (PMSO) iceren anket ile toplanmistir. PMSO; Gencdogan tarafindan gelistirilmis, premenstruel belirtilerin siddetini olcen, 44 maddelik bes dereceli (hic, cok az, bazen, sik sik, surekli)...

Research paper thumbnail of Antalya Konyaalti İlçesi̇’Ndeki̇ 15-64 Yaş Kadinlarin Osteoporoz Bi̇lgi̇ Düzeyi̇ni̇n Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇

G iris ve Amac: Osteoporoz, kemik mineralizasyonunun azalmasi sonucunda kemik yapisinda bozulmayl... more G iris ve Amac: Osteoporoz, kemik mineralizasyonunun azalmasi sonucunda kemik yapisinda bozulmayla karakterize olan sistemik bir hastaliktir. Osteoporoz hastaligiyla mucadelede ilk yapilmasi gereken, osteoporoz bilgisi duzeyi ile ilgili mevcut durumunun saptanmasidir. Bu arastirma, Antalya Konyaalti Ilcesi’nde yasayan 15-64 yas kadinlarin osteoporoz bilgisini ve etkileyen bazi faktorleri belirlemek amaciyla planlanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Arastirma, evreni temsil eden bir ornekleme ulasilarak yapilmis olan kesitsel tipte bir calismadir. Arastirma evrenini Antalya ili Konyaalti Ilcesi’nde yasayan 15-64 yas arasi 63.607 kadin olusturmaktadir. Orneklem buyuklugu saptama formulu kullanilarak ulasilmasi gereken orneklem buyuklugu 619 kadin olarak hesaplanmistir. Kume ornekleme yontemi ile katilimcilar belirlenecegi icin bu sayi desen etkisi nedeniyle iki ile carpilmistir. Sonuc olarak 15-64 yas 1240 kadina ulasilmasi kararlastirilmistir. Katilimcilara Haziran 2018’de bilgi formu, Turkce...

Research paper thumbnail of Tip Fakültesi̇ Dönem IV Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Organ Bağişiyla İlgi̇li̇ Tutum Ve Davranişlari

Giris ve Amac: Organ nakli, vucutta gorevini yapamayan bir organin yerine canli bir vericiden vey... more Giris ve Amac: Organ nakli, vucutta gorevini yapamayan bir organin yerine canli bir vericiden veya kadavradan alinan saglam doku veya organin nakledilmesi islemidir ve gunumuzde bircok kronik organ hastaliklarinda uygulanan gecerli bir tedavi yontemi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Kadavradan organ nakli yillardir basari ile gerceklestirilmekle beraber ulkemizde yeterli duzeyde organ bagisinda bulunulmamaktadir. Arastirmada tip fakultesi donem IV ogrencilerinin organ bagisi konusundaki tutum ve davranislarinin degerlendirilmesi ve iliskili faktorlerin incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Arastirmamiz kesitsel tiptedir ve Haziran 2016’da gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma evrenini tip fakultesinde ogrenim goren 4. sinif ogrencileri olusturmustur. Orneklem secilmeden evrenin tamamina ulasilmasi hedeflenmistir. Toplam 230 Donem IV ogrencisinden 188’ine (%81,7) ulasilmistir. Veriler arastirmacilar tarafindan literatur taranarak ogrencilerin sosyodemografik ozellikleri ve organ bagisina ili...

Research paper thumbnail of Üni̇versi̇te Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Sosyal Ve Psi̇koloji̇k Özelli̇kleri̇: Bi̇r İzleme Araştirmasinin Durum Saptama Sonuçlari

Giris: Universite yasantisi ogrenci uzerinde olumlu ya da olumsuz etkiler yaratabilen uzun bir su... more Giris: Universite yasantisi ogrenci uzerinde olumlu ya da olumsuz etkiler yaratabilen uzun bir surectir. Tip Fakultesinde bu surec daha uzun surerken etkilenimin de daha siddetli oldugunu gosteren calismalar bulunmaktadir. Tip Fakultesi ogrencilerinin universiteye basladiklari andaki sosyal ve psikolojik ozelliklerinin saptanmasi ve egitim sureci ile universite ortaminin bu ozelliklere etkisinin incelenmesi amaciyla alti yil sureli izleme arastirmasi planlanmis olup bu calismada durum saptama sonuclarinin sunulmasi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Bu arastirma alti yil surecek olan izleme arastirmasinin Eylul-Ekim 2017’de yapilan ilk durum saptama arastirmasidir. Evreni 2017-2018 egitim-ogretim doneminde bir universitenin Tip Fakultesi, Iktisadi Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Isletme Bolumu, Guzel Sanatlar Fakultesi ve Spor Bilimleri Fakultesine kayit yaptiran 667 donem I ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Ornekleme yontemi kullanilmamis, tum ogrencilere ulasmak hedeflenmistir. Tip Fakultesi ogre...

Research paper thumbnail of in sedentary rats but not exercise-trained rats Exercise-induced oxidative stress affects erythrocytes

Research paper thumbnail of Depression and Psychological Distress in Medical Students, A Prospective Study

Archives of Neuropsychiatry, 2021

Medical education is a long and challenging process that has various inevitable psychological eff... more Medical education is a long and challenging process that has various inevitable psychological effects on individuals. There are many studies reporting that medical students develop higher rates of depression and other psychological disorders at different stages of their education than students in other domains (1-3). Recent meta-analyses and systematic reviews show that the prevalence of depression among medical students is around 30% (2-4) Aktekin et al. found that Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) score averages increased from 6.9 at the beginning of the first semester to 11.1 in the second year among medical students in Antalya (1). Additionally, in the same study, General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ) score averages increased from 9.3 to 14.3 during the first year (1). Moffat et al. found that mean GHQ-12 scores increased significantly between the first and third term in medical students, 9.5 to 13.3 respectively (5). The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) has been widely used in students groups. It is used to detect psychological distress and non-psychotic psychiatric disorders (6). The dramatic deterioration in students' psychological test scores such as BDI and GHQ-12, especially in the first year, can negatively affect medical education, which is a challenging, long, and intricate process. Psychological pressure that occurs during this difficult phase may result in unfavorable experiences and even mental health problems during both the education period and postgraduate medical practice (7). It can be argued that depression is a phenomenon that develops in the medical school and is carried into the professional medicine process (8). Results: The GHQ-12 score average increased from 11.19 to 13.7 in medical students (p<0.001). The prevalence of psychological distress increased from 53.8% to 61.8%. The BDI score average was 8.04 in the beginning and reached 10.1 in the second year (p<0.001). Depressive symptom prevalence increased from 8.8% to 19.5%. No significant increase was observed in the GHQ-12, BDI score average, depressive symptoms, and psychological distress prevalence of other faculty students. The incidence of depressive symptoms in medical students was 15.9%. As a result of multivariate analysis, "dissatisfaction with social activities" and "exposure to psychological pressure and violence" which were stressful life events were statistically associated with both GHQ-12 and BDI. Conclusion: It was determined that the mental health of the students was negatively affected in the first year of medical school education. It is recommended to raise awareness for medical students at risk of mental illness and to plan interventions that will protect their mental health.

Research paper thumbnail of Frequency of depression in last-year medical students and affecting factors

European Journal of Public Health, Oct 20, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Exercise-induced oxidative stress affects erythrocytes in sedentary rats but not exercise-trained rats

Journal of Applied Physiology, 2001

Oxidant stress is one of the factors proposed to be responsible for damaged erythrocytes observed... more Oxidant stress is one of the factors proposed to be responsible for damaged erythrocytes observed during and after exercise. The impact of exertional oxidant stress after acute exhaustive treadmill running on erythrocyte damage was investigated in sedentary (Sed) and exercise-trained (ET) rats treated with or without antioxidant vitamins C and E. Exhaustive exercise led to statistically significant increments in the levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) and H2O2-induced TBARS in Sed rats and resulted in functional and structural alterations in erythrocytes (plasma hemoglobin concentrations, methemoglobin levels, and rise in osmotic fragility of erythrocytes with decrease in erythrocyte deformability). Administration of antioxidant vitamin for 1 mo before exhaustive exercises prevented lipid peroxidation (TBARS, H2O2-induced TBARS) in Sed rats without any functional or structural alterations in erythrocytes. Parameters indicating erythrocyte lipid peroxidation and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Propuštene prilike za dijagnosticiranje koronarne srčane bolesti u primarnoj zaštiti

Aim To investigate missed opportunities to reveal existing but not formerly diagnosed coronary he... more Aim To investigate missed opportunities to reveal existing but not formerly diagnosed coronary heart disease cases and related risk factors in primary health care. Methods The study comprised 850 people aged over 30 years with no known history of coronary heart disease, receiving health services from a primary care center located in a suburban area of Antalya, Turkey. Data on their age, gender, education level, health insurance status, income, smoking behavior, and physical activities were collected. Undiagnosed coronary heart disease patients were determined by the Rose questionnaire, physical examination, and electrocardiogram. Height and weight, blood pressure, serum glucose and cholesterol levels were measured, and body-mass index and waist-hip ratio calculated. Each patient was given a risk score regarding age, smoking behavior, tolic blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Estimated risk ratio of each person for developing coronary heart disease in the next decade was determin...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of one year's swimming exercise on oxidant stress and antioxidant capacity in aged rats

Physiological research / Academia Scientiarum Bohemoslovaca, 2004

The effect of exercise on oxidant stress and on alterations in antioxidant defense in elderly has... more The effect of exercise on oxidant stress and on alterations in antioxidant defense in elderly has been investigated extensively. However, the impact of regularly performed long-term physical activity starting from adulthood and prolonged up to the old age is not yet clear. We have investigated the changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes - superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) - and lipid peroxidation in various tissues of rats which had performed (old-trained) or had not performed (old-control) regular swimming exercise for one year. These animals were compared with young-sedentary rats. Increased lipid peroxidation was observed with ageing in all tissues (heart, liver, kidney, striated muscle) and swimming had no additional effect on this elevation of lipid peroxidation. Heart and striated muscle SOD activites, and striated muscle CAT activity increased as a consequence of ageing, whereas kidney and liver CAT activities, as well as GPx...

Research paper thumbnail of Tıp Öğrencileri Gerçek Hastalarda Uygulamadıkları Klinik Becerilerindeki Yeterliliklerini Kaybedebilirler: İki Yıllık Kohort Çalışması Sonuçları

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2011

In ves ti ga ting loss of com pe ten ce (LoC) in cli ni cal skills of me di cal stu dents over ti... more In ves ti ga ting loss of com pe ten ce (LoC) in cli ni cal skills of me di cal stu dents over ti me, pre dic ti ve fac tors on com pe tency loss, and de ter mi ning ef fi ci ency of ref res her tra i ning on skill re ten ti on. M Ma a t te e r ri i a al l a an nd d M Me et t h ho od ds s: : The se cond and third-ye ar stu dents (n=170 and 160 respec ti vely), who ga i ned skills of blo od pres su re me a su re ment, ta king pul se and body tem pe ra tu re in the first ye ar of the ir me di cal edu ca ti on, we re in vi ted to vo ca ti o nal skills la bo ra tory to per form the se skills. The ir per for man ce for each skill was sco red over 100 using stan dar di zed as sess ment forms. So ci ode mog rap hic cha rac te ris tics and va ri ab les pos sibly ef fec ti ve on LoC we re de ter mi ned by a qu es ti on na i re. Next aca de mic ye ar, 159 third-ye ar (for mer se cond-ye ar) stu dents re ce i ved ref res her tra i ning and per for med the skills on re al pa ti ents un der ob ser va ti on. They sat for an ob jecti ve struc tu red cli ni cal exa mi na ti on (OS CE) at the end of the third ye ar. OS CE sco res we re used to exp lo re ef fi ci ency of ref res her tra i ning com bi ned with re al ali fe app li ca ti ons. R Re e s su ul lt ts s: : LoC was signi fi cant in all skills. Mul tip le reg res si on analy sis re ve a led that "per for ming the skills in re al li fe " was the uni qu e pre dic tor of LoC for all skills. "Ga i ning the skill be fo re me di cal scho o l" pre dic ted LoC in blo od pres su re me a su re ment and ta king body tem pe ra tu re. "Ti me " and "gen de r" we re pre dic tors for loss of blo od me a su re ment skills. "Res tud ying the sa me ye a r" pre dic ted LoC in ta king body tempe ra tu re. Third-ye ar stu dents' OS CE sco res we re hig her than the ir per for man ce sco res at ta i ned one ye ar ago. C Co on nc c l lu u s si i o on n: : In ti me, LoC oc curs in cli ni cal skills of me di cal stu dents if not per for med after tra i ning. This can be com pen sa ted by ref res her tra i ning and re al li fe app li ca ti ons.

Research paper thumbnail of ABS93: Parental anxiety about croup syndrome

Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 2006

Age, sex, BMI.-Diagnostics criteria: OMS definition of smoker, History of smoker included CMDF (S... more Age, sex, BMI.-Diagnostics criteria: OMS definition of smoker, History of smoker included CMDF (SEPAR), Richmond test, Fagerström test, Charlson Index (co morbidity; co morbidity-age) and Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) including 4 subscales A (somatic symptoms), B (anxiety and insomnia), C (social dysfunction) and D (severe depression).-Statistical Method: The data obtained were treated statistically whit the SPSS statistical Package (version 12.0). Discussion: These results may be attributable to tobacco consumption because the Charlson Index are very low in the two groups compared and no differences we observed in BMI. Results: The characteristics of smoker group are intense degree of tobaccoism, variable degree of physics dependence, precontemplation phase of abandon, High risk, Richmond test (4'55 ± 1'39), Fagerström test (4'37 ± 2'86), Charlson Index (co morbidity; co morbidity-age) very low, BMI (25'42 ± 4'85). Conclusion:

Research paper thumbnail of A randomized, controlled and blinded study of papulopustular lesions in Turkish Behçet’s patients

International Journal of Dermatology, 1998

Papulopustular lesions (PPL), the commonest presentation of skin lesions in Behcet&amp;amp;#3... more Papulopustular lesions (PPL), the commonest presentation of skin lesions in Behcet&amp;amp;#39;s disease (BD) are cutaneous, sterile folliculitis or acne-like lesions on erythematous base. Our purpose was to determine the true frequency and anatomic location of the PPL and compare this with controls. We also sought to determine whether or not there was any relationship between PPL and either disease activity or other manifestations of BD. Fifty patients with BD, diagnosed according to the criteria of the International Study Group for Behcet&amp;amp;#39;s Disease, were enrolled in the study. The control group consisted of 100 patients with other dermatologic diseases (21 acne and 79 non-acne patients), selected randomly. A dermatologist counted the lesions, in a blind protocol, on seven anatomic locations: scalp, face, neck, trunk, upper and lower extremities and genitalia. The frequency of PPL in patients with BD was 96% and the most common location was the trunk, whereas in the control group the frequency was 89% and the most common location was the face. In acne and non-acne patients, the frequency was 100% and 86.1% respectively. The total mean number, and mean numbers of PPL on the location of trunk, upper and lower extremities, and genitalia were higher in patients with BD than in controls. When the PPL in BD patients with a positive pathergy test was compared with that in patients with a negative pathergy test, the difference was significantly higher. Our results indicate that PPL appear to be non-specific. In the diagnosis of BD the mean number and anatomic location of the lesions are of more importance than the frequency.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Long-Term Swimming Exercise on Zinc, Magnesium, and Copper Distribution in Aged Rats

Biological Trace Element Research, 2003

Trace element content of different tissues might be altered by both age and exercise training. We... more Trace element content of different tissues might be altered by both age and exercise training. We aimed to determine the effects of a 1-yr swimming protocol (60 min/d, 5 day/wk) on tissue levels and the distribution of zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg), and copper (Cu) in aging rats. Three groups were formed: sedentary and trained old groups and a young control group. Tissue Zn, Mg, and Cu concentrations were measured in the kidney, heart, liver, lungs, and gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Kidney zinc concentration significantly decreased in the sedentary old group compared to the young control group (p<0.01) and was significantly higher in the trained old group compared to the sedentary old group (p<0.01), whereas Zn levels in the soleus muscle significantly increased in the sedentary old group in comparison to young controls (p<0.05). Tissue Mg concentrations remained unchanged. The sedentary old group exhibited a significant decrease in kidney Cu concentration compared to the young control group (p<0.01). Although kidney Cu levels also decreased in trained old rats in comparison to young controls (p<0.05), they were significantly higher than in sedentary old rats (p<0.01). The decrease in kidney Zn and Cu content as a result of aging was partly prevented by long-term swimming exercise.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk factors for overall and persistent diarrhoea in infancy in Antalya, Turkey: a cohort study

Public Health, 2004

The aim of this study was to identify factors that influence the incidence of diarrhoea in infanc... more The aim of this study was to identify factors that influence the incidence of diarrhoea in infancy. The study was a prospective cohort study conducted in two primary healthcare unit areas in Antalya, Turkey. A total of 204 infants were followed until they were aged 1 year. Morbidity surveillance and anthropometric measurements were carried out by home visits every 2 months. The average incidences were found to be 2.76 episodes per child-year for overall diarrhoea and 18.56 episodes per 100 childyears for persistent diarrhoea. Relative risks, confidence intervals and logistic regression analyses were used to assess the associations. For both overall diarrhoea and persistent episodes, increased risks were associated with having an uneducated mother (RR ¼ 1.89 and 5.33, respectively) and a self-employed father (RR ¼ 1.89 and 3.77, respectively). Among environmental factors, living in a slum was associated with both overall (RR ¼ 1.68) and persistent (RR ¼ 2.69) diarrhoea, whereas living in a crowded house (RR ¼ 1.70), having no kitchen (RR ¼ 2.27) or having an unhygienic toilet (RR ¼ 1.93) were found to be significant for overall episodes alone. Factors related to the infant were preterm birth (RR ¼ 1.64), low birth weight (RR ¼ 2.05), and first breastfeed given more than 1 h after birth (RR ¼ 1.64). Nutritional status was also associated with overall or persistent diarrhoea: underweight children (RR ¼ 2.15, persistent diarrhoea only), stunted children (RR ¼ 1.67 and 2.14, respectively) or wasted children (RR ¼ 1.54 and 3.20, respectively). By logistic regression analysis, both overall and persistent diarrhoea were found to be associated with mother's education.

Research paper thumbnail of Anxiety, depression and stressful life events among medical students: a prospective study in Antalya, Turkey

Medical Education, 2008

Objective To assess psychological changes in medical students in Antalya, Turkey during their und... more Objective To assess psychological changes in medical students in Antalya, Turkey during their undergraduate education. The ®rst-year follow-up outcomes are presented in this article. Design All ®rst-year undergraduate students were given a detailed, self-report questionnaire and another in the second year. They were asked to complete the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), the Spielberger State± Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).

Research paper thumbnail of Circulating microRNAs as potential non-invasive biomarkers for the early detection of hypertension-related stroke

Journal of Human Hypertension, 2013

Hypertension is one of the most important risk and modifiable factors for stroke. Crucial in mana... more Hypertension is one of the most important risk and modifiable factors for stroke. Crucial in managing the cerebrovascular damage caused by long-lasting and inadequately treated hypertension is not only lowering arterial blood pressure but also early predicting subtypes of hypertension-related stroke and applying more effective interventions. Accumulating evidence suggested that circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) could be developed as biomarkers for early recognition of the onset of a variety of diseases. The role of miRNAs has been extensively reviewed, involving cardiac hypertrophy, hypertensive heart failure, kidney failure and renal fibrosis. miRNA research in stroke is still in its infancy, although there are few literatures reviewing the role of miRNAs in the processes of hypertension-related stroke. This review summarizes current advances in miRNAs regulation of critical pathogenic process underlying hypertension, ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke, and highlights the potential of using circulating miRNAs as noninvasive biomarkers for the early detection of hypertension-related stroke.

Research paper thumbnail of Dünyada COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecine Genel Bakış

Türkiye Klinikleri COVID - 19, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mesleksel Beceri Uygulamaları Hakkındaki Öğrenci Geri Bildirimleri”, Tıp Eğitim Dünyası

Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde eğitim programı içersinde yer alan mesleksel beceri uygulam... more Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde eğitim programı içersinde yer alan mesleksel beceri uygulamalarını tanıtmak ve öğrencilerden uygulama ile ilgili alınan geribildirim sonuçlarını sunmaktır. Yöntem: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinde öğrenciler küçük gruplar halinde tüm eğitim süreleri boyunca toplam 40 adet temel mesleksel beceri uygulaması yapmaktadırlar. Yapılan her uygulamanın hemen sonunda öğrencilerden uygulama ile ilgili olarak, beş puanlı Likert ölçeği kullanılarak oluşturulmuş bir geribildirim formunu doldurmaları istenmektedir. Bu araştırmada 2004-2005 eğitim öğretim döneminde Mesleksel beceri laboratuvarında eğitim alan öğrencilerin geribildirim formları değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Bulgular: Öğrencilerin büyük çoğunluğunun mesleksel beceri uygulamalarına, ortalama beş üzerinden genel olarak 4.5'in üzerinde puan verdikleri ve Dönem I ve III'te en yüksek puanı kan basıncı ölçümünün aldığı saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Mesleksel beceri laboratuvarında temel klinik becerilerin öğretilmesi ile öğrencilerin meslek yaşamına daha iyi hazırlanacağı açıktır. Öğrencilerin genel olarak mesleksel beceri uygulamalarından memnun olduklarının saptanması da bunun bir göstergesi olarak kabul edilebilir.

Research paper thumbnail of Internet addiction prevalence in last-year medical students and related factors

European Journal of Public Health, 2017

Both current and past smokers have lack of knowledge on smoking-cessation methods. Smokers are mo... more Both current and past smokers have lack of knowledge on smoking-cessation methods. Smokers are more likely to quit in case their life is threatened because of smoking. Not all smokers (both current and past) believe that physicians can help patients to give up smoking.

Research paper thumbnail of Tip Fakültesi̇ Dönem VI Kadin Öğrenci̇lerde Premenstruel Sendrom Görülme Sikliği Ve İli̇şki̇li̇ Faktörler

GIRIŞ: Menstruel dongunun luteal evresinde ortaya cikan bedensel, bilissel, duygusal ve davraniss... more GIRIŞ: Menstruel dongunun luteal evresinde ortaya cikan bedensel, bilissel, duygusal ve davranissal degisiklikler premenstruel sendrom (PMS) olarak tanimlanmaktadir. PMS, kadinin ruh sagligini bozan, is gucu kaybina neden olan ve yasam kalitesini dusuren onemli bir sorundur. Calismamizda bir tip fakultesindeki intorn kadinlarin PMS’sinin degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. GEREC VE YONTEM: Ekim 2018’de yapilan kesitsel tipte bir arastirmadir. Evreni bir tip fakultesinde 2018-2019 yilinda egitim goren donem VI ogrencisi 140 kadin olusturmaktadir. Orneklem secilmemis olup tum evrene ulasmak istenmis ve 132’sine (%94,3) ulasilmistir. Ogrenciler arastirma hakkinda bilgilendirilmis, sozlu onamlari alinmistir. Veriler sosyodemografik ozellikler, yasam tarzi ile ilgili sorular ve Premenstruel Sendrom Olcegini (PMSO) iceren anket ile toplanmistir. PMSO; Gencdogan tarafindan gelistirilmis, premenstruel belirtilerin siddetini olcen, 44 maddelik bes dereceli (hic, cok az, bazen, sik sik, surekli)...

Research paper thumbnail of Antalya Konyaalti İlçesi̇’Ndeki̇ 15-64 Yaş Kadinlarin Osteoporoz Bi̇lgi̇ Düzeyi̇ni̇n Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇

G iris ve Amac: Osteoporoz, kemik mineralizasyonunun azalmasi sonucunda kemik yapisinda bozulmayl... more G iris ve Amac: Osteoporoz, kemik mineralizasyonunun azalmasi sonucunda kemik yapisinda bozulmayla karakterize olan sistemik bir hastaliktir. Osteoporoz hastaligiyla mucadelede ilk yapilmasi gereken, osteoporoz bilgisi duzeyi ile ilgili mevcut durumunun saptanmasidir. Bu arastirma, Antalya Konyaalti Ilcesi’nde yasayan 15-64 yas kadinlarin osteoporoz bilgisini ve etkileyen bazi faktorleri belirlemek amaciyla planlanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Arastirma, evreni temsil eden bir ornekleme ulasilarak yapilmis olan kesitsel tipte bir calismadir. Arastirma evrenini Antalya ili Konyaalti Ilcesi’nde yasayan 15-64 yas arasi 63.607 kadin olusturmaktadir. Orneklem buyuklugu saptama formulu kullanilarak ulasilmasi gereken orneklem buyuklugu 619 kadin olarak hesaplanmistir. Kume ornekleme yontemi ile katilimcilar belirlenecegi icin bu sayi desen etkisi nedeniyle iki ile carpilmistir. Sonuc olarak 15-64 yas 1240 kadina ulasilmasi kararlastirilmistir. Katilimcilara Haziran 2018’de bilgi formu, Turkce...

Research paper thumbnail of Tip Fakültesi̇ Dönem IV Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Organ Bağişiyla İlgi̇li̇ Tutum Ve Davranişlari

Giris ve Amac: Organ nakli, vucutta gorevini yapamayan bir organin yerine canli bir vericiden vey... more Giris ve Amac: Organ nakli, vucutta gorevini yapamayan bir organin yerine canli bir vericiden veya kadavradan alinan saglam doku veya organin nakledilmesi islemidir ve gunumuzde bircok kronik organ hastaliklarinda uygulanan gecerli bir tedavi yontemi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Kadavradan organ nakli yillardir basari ile gerceklestirilmekle beraber ulkemizde yeterli duzeyde organ bagisinda bulunulmamaktadir. Arastirmada tip fakultesi donem IV ogrencilerinin organ bagisi konusundaki tutum ve davranislarinin degerlendirilmesi ve iliskili faktorlerin incelenmesi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Arastirmamiz kesitsel tiptedir ve Haziran 2016’da gerceklestirilmistir. Calisma evrenini tip fakultesinde ogrenim goren 4. sinif ogrencileri olusturmustur. Orneklem secilmeden evrenin tamamina ulasilmasi hedeflenmistir. Toplam 230 Donem IV ogrencisinden 188’ine (%81,7) ulasilmistir. Veriler arastirmacilar tarafindan literatur taranarak ogrencilerin sosyodemografik ozellikleri ve organ bagisina ili...

Research paper thumbnail of Üni̇versi̇te Öğrenci̇leri̇ni̇n Sosyal Ve Psi̇koloji̇k Özelli̇kleri̇: Bi̇r İzleme Araştirmasinin Durum Saptama Sonuçlari

Giris: Universite yasantisi ogrenci uzerinde olumlu ya da olumsuz etkiler yaratabilen uzun bir su... more Giris: Universite yasantisi ogrenci uzerinde olumlu ya da olumsuz etkiler yaratabilen uzun bir surectir. Tip Fakultesinde bu surec daha uzun surerken etkilenimin de daha siddetli oldugunu gosteren calismalar bulunmaktadir. Tip Fakultesi ogrencilerinin universiteye basladiklari andaki sosyal ve psikolojik ozelliklerinin saptanmasi ve egitim sureci ile universite ortaminin bu ozelliklere etkisinin incelenmesi amaciyla alti yil sureli izleme arastirmasi planlanmis olup bu calismada durum saptama sonuclarinin sunulmasi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontem: Bu arastirma alti yil surecek olan izleme arastirmasinin Eylul-Ekim 2017’de yapilan ilk durum saptama arastirmasidir. Evreni 2017-2018 egitim-ogretim doneminde bir universitenin Tip Fakultesi, Iktisadi Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Isletme Bolumu, Guzel Sanatlar Fakultesi ve Spor Bilimleri Fakultesine kayit yaptiran 667 donem I ogrencisi olusturmaktadir. Ornekleme yontemi kullanilmamis, tum ogrencilere ulasmak hedeflenmistir. Tip Fakultesi ogre...

Research paper thumbnail of in sedentary rats but not exercise-trained rats Exercise-induced oxidative stress affects erythrocytes

Research paper thumbnail of Depression and Psychological Distress in Medical Students, A Prospective Study

Archives of Neuropsychiatry, 2021

Medical education is a long and challenging process that has various inevitable psychological eff... more Medical education is a long and challenging process that has various inevitable psychological effects on individuals. There are many studies reporting that medical students develop higher rates of depression and other psychological disorders at different stages of their education than students in other domains (1-3). Recent meta-analyses and systematic reviews show that the prevalence of depression among medical students is around 30% (2-4) Aktekin et al. found that Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) score averages increased from 6.9 at the beginning of the first semester to 11.1 in the second year among medical students in Antalya (1). Additionally, in the same study, General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ) score averages increased from 9.3 to 14.3 during the first year (1). Moffat et al. found that mean GHQ-12 scores increased significantly between the first and third term in medical students, 9.5 to 13.3 respectively (5). The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) has been widely used in students groups. It is used to detect psychological distress and non-psychotic psychiatric disorders (6). The dramatic deterioration in students' psychological test scores such as BDI and GHQ-12, especially in the first year, can negatively affect medical education, which is a challenging, long, and intricate process. Psychological pressure that occurs during this difficult phase may result in unfavorable experiences and even mental health problems during both the education period and postgraduate medical practice (7). It can be argued that depression is a phenomenon that develops in the medical school and is carried into the professional medicine process (8). Results: The GHQ-12 score average increased from 11.19 to 13.7 in medical students (p<0.001). The prevalence of psychological distress increased from 53.8% to 61.8%. The BDI score average was 8.04 in the beginning and reached 10.1 in the second year (p<0.001). Depressive symptom prevalence increased from 8.8% to 19.5%. No significant increase was observed in the GHQ-12, BDI score average, depressive symptoms, and psychological distress prevalence of other faculty students. The incidence of depressive symptoms in medical students was 15.9%. As a result of multivariate analysis, "dissatisfaction with social activities" and "exposure to psychological pressure and violence" which were stressful life events were statistically associated with both GHQ-12 and BDI. Conclusion: It was determined that the mental health of the students was negatively affected in the first year of medical school education. It is recommended to raise awareness for medical students at risk of mental illness and to plan interventions that will protect their mental health.

Research paper thumbnail of Frequency of depression in last-year medical students and affecting factors

European Journal of Public Health, Oct 20, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Exercise-induced oxidative stress affects erythrocytes in sedentary rats but not exercise-trained rats

Journal of Applied Physiology, 2001

Oxidant stress is one of the factors proposed to be responsible for damaged erythrocytes observed... more Oxidant stress is one of the factors proposed to be responsible for damaged erythrocytes observed during and after exercise. The impact of exertional oxidant stress after acute exhaustive treadmill running on erythrocyte damage was investigated in sedentary (Sed) and exercise-trained (ET) rats treated with or without antioxidant vitamins C and E. Exhaustive exercise led to statistically significant increments in the levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) and H2O2-induced TBARS in Sed rats and resulted in functional and structural alterations in erythrocytes (plasma hemoglobin concentrations, methemoglobin levels, and rise in osmotic fragility of erythrocytes with decrease in erythrocyte deformability). Administration of antioxidant vitamin for 1 mo before exhaustive exercises prevented lipid peroxidation (TBARS, H2O2-induced TBARS) in Sed rats without any functional or structural alterations in erythrocytes. Parameters indicating erythrocyte lipid peroxidation and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Propuštene prilike za dijagnosticiranje koronarne srčane bolesti u primarnoj zaštiti

Aim To investigate missed opportunities to reveal existing but not formerly diagnosed coronary he... more Aim To investigate missed opportunities to reveal existing but not formerly diagnosed coronary heart disease cases and related risk factors in primary health care. Methods The study comprised 850 people aged over 30 years with no known history of coronary heart disease, receiving health services from a primary care center located in a suburban area of Antalya, Turkey. Data on their age, gender, education level, health insurance status, income, smoking behavior, and physical activities were collected. Undiagnosed coronary heart disease patients were determined by the Rose questionnaire, physical examination, and electrocardiogram. Height and weight, blood pressure, serum glucose and cholesterol levels were measured, and body-mass index and waist-hip ratio calculated. Each patient was given a risk score regarding age, smoking behavior, tolic blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Estimated risk ratio of each person for developing coronary heart disease in the next decade was determin...

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of one year's swimming exercise on oxidant stress and antioxidant capacity in aged rats

Physiological research / Academia Scientiarum Bohemoslovaca, 2004

The effect of exercise on oxidant stress and on alterations in antioxidant defense in elderly has... more The effect of exercise on oxidant stress and on alterations in antioxidant defense in elderly has been investigated extensively. However, the impact of regularly performed long-term physical activity starting from adulthood and prolonged up to the old age is not yet clear. We have investigated the changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes - superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) - and lipid peroxidation in various tissues of rats which had performed (old-trained) or had not performed (old-control) regular swimming exercise for one year. These animals were compared with young-sedentary rats. Increased lipid peroxidation was observed with ageing in all tissues (heart, liver, kidney, striated muscle) and swimming had no additional effect on this elevation of lipid peroxidation. Heart and striated muscle SOD activites, and striated muscle CAT activity increased as a consequence of ageing, whereas kidney and liver CAT activities, as well as GPx...

Research paper thumbnail of Tıp Öğrencileri Gerçek Hastalarda Uygulamadıkları Klinik Becerilerindeki Yeterliliklerini Kaybedebilirler: İki Yıllık Kohort Çalışması Sonuçları

Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2011

In ves ti ga ting loss of com pe ten ce (LoC) in cli ni cal skills of me di cal stu dents over ti... more In ves ti ga ting loss of com pe ten ce (LoC) in cli ni cal skills of me di cal stu dents over ti me, pre dic ti ve fac tors on com pe tency loss, and de ter mi ning ef fi ci ency of ref res her tra i ning on skill re ten ti on. M Ma a t te e r ri i a al l a an nd d M Me et t h ho od ds s: : The se cond and third-ye ar stu dents (n=170 and 160 respec ti vely), who ga i ned skills of blo od pres su re me a su re ment, ta king pul se and body tem pe ra tu re in the first ye ar of the ir me di cal edu ca ti on, we re in vi ted to vo ca ti o nal skills la bo ra tory to per form the se skills. The ir per for man ce for each skill was sco red over 100 using stan dar di zed as sess ment forms. So ci ode mog rap hic cha rac te ris tics and va ri ab les pos sibly ef fec ti ve on LoC we re de ter mi ned by a qu es ti on na i re. Next aca de mic ye ar, 159 third-ye ar (for mer se cond-ye ar) stu dents re ce i ved ref res her tra i ning and per for med the skills on re al pa ti ents un der ob ser va ti on. They sat for an ob jecti ve struc tu red cli ni cal exa mi na ti on (OS CE) at the end of the third ye ar. OS CE sco res we re used to exp lo re ef fi ci ency of ref res her tra i ning com bi ned with re al ali fe app li ca ti ons. R Re e s su ul lt ts s: : LoC was signi fi cant in all skills. Mul tip le reg res si on analy sis re ve a led that "per for ming the skills in re al li fe " was the uni qu e pre dic tor of LoC for all skills. "Ga i ning the skill be fo re me di cal scho o l" pre dic ted LoC in blo od pres su re me a su re ment and ta king body tem pe ra tu re. "Ti me " and "gen de r" we re pre dic tors for loss of blo od me a su re ment skills. "Res tud ying the sa me ye a r" pre dic ted LoC in ta king body tempe ra tu re. Third-ye ar stu dents' OS CE sco res we re hig her than the ir per for man ce sco res at ta i ned one ye ar ago. C Co on nc c l lu u s si i o on n: : In ti me, LoC oc curs in cli ni cal skills of me di cal stu dents if not per for med after tra i ning. This can be com pen sa ted by ref res her tra i ning and re al li fe app li ca ti ons.

Research paper thumbnail of ABS93: Parental anxiety about croup syndrome

Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 2006

Age, sex, BMI.-Diagnostics criteria: OMS definition of smoker, History of smoker included CMDF (S... more Age, sex, BMI.-Diagnostics criteria: OMS definition of smoker, History of smoker included CMDF (SEPAR), Richmond test, Fagerström test, Charlson Index (co morbidity; co morbidity-age) and Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) including 4 subscales A (somatic symptoms), B (anxiety and insomnia), C (social dysfunction) and D (severe depression).-Statistical Method: The data obtained were treated statistically whit the SPSS statistical Package (version 12.0). Discussion: These results may be attributable to tobacco consumption because the Charlson Index are very low in the two groups compared and no differences we observed in BMI. Results: The characteristics of smoker group are intense degree of tobaccoism, variable degree of physics dependence, precontemplation phase of abandon, High risk, Richmond test (4'55 ± 1'39), Fagerström test (4'37 ± 2'86), Charlson Index (co morbidity; co morbidity-age) very low, BMI (25'42 ± 4'85). Conclusion:

Research paper thumbnail of A randomized, controlled and blinded study of papulopustular lesions in Turkish Behçet’s patients

International Journal of Dermatology, 1998

Papulopustular lesions (PPL), the commonest presentation of skin lesions in Behcet&amp;amp;#3... more Papulopustular lesions (PPL), the commonest presentation of skin lesions in Behcet&amp;amp;#39;s disease (BD) are cutaneous, sterile folliculitis or acne-like lesions on erythematous base. Our purpose was to determine the true frequency and anatomic location of the PPL and compare this with controls. We also sought to determine whether or not there was any relationship between PPL and either disease activity or other manifestations of BD. Fifty patients with BD, diagnosed according to the criteria of the International Study Group for Behcet&amp;amp;#39;s Disease, were enrolled in the study. The control group consisted of 100 patients with other dermatologic diseases (21 acne and 79 non-acne patients), selected randomly. A dermatologist counted the lesions, in a blind protocol, on seven anatomic locations: scalp, face, neck, trunk, upper and lower extremities and genitalia. The frequency of PPL in patients with BD was 96% and the most common location was the trunk, whereas in the control group the frequency was 89% and the most common location was the face. In acne and non-acne patients, the frequency was 100% and 86.1% respectively. The total mean number, and mean numbers of PPL on the location of trunk, upper and lower extremities, and genitalia were higher in patients with BD than in controls. When the PPL in BD patients with a positive pathergy test was compared with that in patients with a negative pathergy test, the difference was significantly higher. Our results indicate that PPL appear to be non-specific. In the diagnosis of BD the mean number and anatomic location of the lesions are of more importance than the frequency.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Long-Term Swimming Exercise on Zinc, Magnesium, and Copper Distribution in Aged Rats

Biological Trace Element Research, 2003

Trace element content of different tissues might be altered by both age and exercise training. We... more Trace element content of different tissues might be altered by both age and exercise training. We aimed to determine the effects of a 1-yr swimming protocol (60 min/d, 5 day/wk) on tissue levels and the distribution of zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg), and copper (Cu) in aging rats. Three groups were formed: sedentary and trained old groups and a young control group. Tissue Zn, Mg, and Cu concentrations were measured in the kidney, heart, liver, lungs, and gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Kidney zinc concentration significantly decreased in the sedentary old group compared to the young control group (p<0.01) and was significantly higher in the trained old group compared to the sedentary old group (p<0.01), whereas Zn levels in the soleus muscle significantly increased in the sedentary old group in comparison to young controls (p<0.05). Tissue Mg concentrations remained unchanged. The sedentary old group exhibited a significant decrease in kidney Cu concentration compared to the young control group (p<0.01). Although kidney Cu levels also decreased in trained old rats in comparison to young controls (p<0.05), they were significantly higher than in sedentary old rats (p<0.01). The decrease in kidney Zn and Cu content as a result of aging was partly prevented by long-term swimming exercise.

Research paper thumbnail of Risk factors for overall and persistent diarrhoea in infancy in Antalya, Turkey: a cohort study

Public Health, 2004

The aim of this study was to identify factors that influence the incidence of diarrhoea in infanc... more The aim of this study was to identify factors that influence the incidence of diarrhoea in infancy. The study was a prospective cohort study conducted in two primary healthcare unit areas in Antalya, Turkey. A total of 204 infants were followed until they were aged 1 year. Morbidity surveillance and anthropometric measurements were carried out by home visits every 2 months. The average incidences were found to be 2.76 episodes per child-year for overall diarrhoea and 18.56 episodes per 100 childyears for persistent diarrhoea. Relative risks, confidence intervals and logistic regression analyses were used to assess the associations. For both overall diarrhoea and persistent episodes, increased risks were associated with having an uneducated mother (RR ¼ 1.89 and 5.33, respectively) and a self-employed father (RR ¼ 1.89 and 3.77, respectively). Among environmental factors, living in a slum was associated with both overall (RR ¼ 1.68) and persistent (RR ¼ 2.69) diarrhoea, whereas living in a crowded house (RR ¼ 1.70), having no kitchen (RR ¼ 2.27) or having an unhygienic toilet (RR ¼ 1.93) were found to be significant for overall episodes alone. Factors related to the infant were preterm birth (RR ¼ 1.64), low birth weight (RR ¼ 2.05), and first breastfeed given more than 1 h after birth (RR ¼ 1.64). Nutritional status was also associated with overall or persistent diarrhoea: underweight children (RR ¼ 2.15, persistent diarrhoea only), stunted children (RR ¼ 1.67 and 2.14, respectively) or wasted children (RR ¼ 1.54 and 3.20, respectively). By logistic regression analysis, both overall and persistent diarrhoea were found to be associated with mother's education.

Research paper thumbnail of Anxiety, depression and stressful life events among medical students: a prospective study in Antalya, Turkey

Medical Education, 2008

Objective To assess psychological changes in medical students in Antalya, Turkey during their und... more Objective To assess psychological changes in medical students in Antalya, Turkey during their undergraduate education. The ®rst-year follow-up outcomes are presented in this article. Design All ®rst-year undergraduate students were given a detailed, self-report questionnaire and another in the second year. They were asked to complete the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), the Spielberger State± Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).

Research paper thumbnail of Circulating microRNAs as potential non-invasive biomarkers for the early detection of hypertension-related stroke

Journal of Human Hypertension, 2013

Hypertension is one of the most important risk and modifiable factors for stroke. Crucial in mana... more Hypertension is one of the most important risk and modifiable factors for stroke. Crucial in managing the cerebrovascular damage caused by long-lasting and inadequately treated hypertension is not only lowering arterial blood pressure but also early predicting subtypes of hypertension-related stroke and applying more effective interventions. Accumulating evidence suggested that circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) could be developed as biomarkers for early recognition of the onset of a variety of diseases. The role of miRNAs has been extensively reviewed, involving cardiac hypertrophy, hypertensive heart failure, kidney failure and renal fibrosis. miRNA research in stroke is still in its infancy, although there are few literatures reviewing the role of miRNAs in the processes of hypertension-related stroke. This review summarizes current advances in miRNAs regulation of critical pathogenic process underlying hypertension, ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke, and highlights the potential of using circulating miRNAs as noninvasive biomarkers for the early detection of hypertension-related stroke.