alejandra moron - (original) (raw)
Papers by alejandra moron
Introduccion: Las enfermedades gingivo-periodontales comprenden un conjunto de entidades que afec... more Introduccion: Las enfermedades gingivo-periodontales comprenden un conjunto de entidades que afectan a cualquier organo del periodonto, iniciado por bacterias periodontopatogenas, pero el determinante de la progresion de la enfermedad es la respuesta inmunitaria del huesped. Las toxinas bacterianas estimulan a celulas defensivas de los tejidos periodontales a que secreten mediadores inflamatorios y productos endogenos como las proteinas de choque termico (Hsp). Objetivo: Comparar los niveles de Hsp60 en pacientes con gingivitis y periodontitis cronica en muestras de saliva y fluido crevicular gingival. Materiales y Metodos: La poblacion de estudio estuvo constituida por 20 pacientes que acudieron al servicio de periodoncia del Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo; 10 pacientes presentaron gingivitis y 10 periodontitis cronica, a los cuales se les tomaron muestras de fluido crevicular gingival y saliva total no estimulada. La Hsp60 se determino a traves del ensayo de ELISA. Resultados...
The purpose of this project was to conduct a retrospective effectiveness evaluation study on thre... more The purpose of this project was to conduct a retrospective effectiveness evaluation study on three commonly deployed onboard safety system (OBSS) types using previous data acquired directly from participating motor carriers. These OBSS technologies included lane departure warning (LDW), roll stability control (RSC), and forward collision warning (FCW) systems. The current study assessed the effectiveness of these three different OBSS types installed on Class 7 and 8 trucks as they operated in their normal revenue-producing routes. Although the crash data were acquired from 14 carriers representing small, medium, and large carriers hauling a variety of commodities (including a total of 88,112 carrier crash records—United States Department of Transportation-reportable accidents as well as minor incidents—and 151,624 truck-years of operation that represented 13 billion miles traveled), the dataset in the current study was skewed toward larger, for-hire carriers and may not fully repres...
La periodontitis cronica es una enfermedad infecciosa que causa dano tisular de las estructuras d... more La periodontitis cronica es una enfermedad infecciosa que causa dano tisular de las estructuras de soporte del diente, constituyendose, en una de las causas mas significativas de perdida de piezas dentarias en adultos. El proposito de la presente investigacion fue determinar los niveles de Interleucina-6 en pacientes con periodontitis cronica tratados con melatonina. La muestra estuvo conformada por 8 pacientes con periodontitis cronica tratados con 20 mg diarios de melatonina durante 5 dias y 8 sujetos sanos. Para cuantificar los niveles de Interleucina-6 se tomaron muestras de fluido crevicular gingival antes y despues del tratamiento con Melatonina, de igual manera el registro de los parametros clinicos se realizo antes y despues del tratamiento con el farmaco. En los sujetos sanos se realizo la toma de muestra y el registro de los parametros clinicos en un solo tiempo. La Interleucina-6 fue determinada a traves del ensayo inmunoenzimatico indirecto. Se encontraron diferencias en...
Proceedings of the 6th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design : driving assessment 2011, 2011
Simulator-based training provides the opportunity to train drivers in a potentially lower cost an... more Simulator-based training provides the opportunity to train drivers in a potentially lower cost and safer environment than traditional, behind-the-wheel, training methods. Thus, many motor carriers have begun adopting simulators for use during in-house driver training. This report presents the result of focus groups with drivers who experienced truck simulator-based training at two large motor carriers. In general, drivers at both carriers had positive opinions of simulatorbased training. Most suggestions to improve the program were directed towards modification of how the program was implemented and/or creating a more realistic simulation of the driving environment.
Educacion Handbook T Iv Congreso Interdisciplinario De Cuerpos Academicos 2014 Isbn 978 607 8324 22 4 Pags 196 207, 2014
Presents the description of the educational model: "Dual system of learning", initially designed ... more Presents the description of the educational model: "Dual system of learning", initially designed for two careers offered by the Superior Technological Institute in Puerto Vallarta. Purpose; contribute to the improvement of the processes of educational training with the alternation of teaching and learning in the institution-company. It was determined feasibility and requirements: academic, administrative and operational for the construction of the model. Implemented a pilot test and parallel to the design of a specialty (programs of study and practice guides to perform in the company), resting with the use of technologies for its follow-up. Qualitative Research, exploratorydescriptive, using method inductive method, with a population composed of a group of students of two educational programs. By highlighting the importance of insert students that link theory with practice in the corporate sector, at the same time that perform higher studies as part of their training and professional development. The activities carried out in the company involve the students in their learning, the development of skills that makes you feel responsible and motivated. Fostering the development of social skills and in short time an insertion in the labor field. 20 Introducción Los sistemas educativos, afrontan dos grandes retos íntimamente relacionados: por un lado, consolidar una escuela comprensiva que permita el máximo desarrollo de las capacidades de cada persona, respetando la diversidad y asegurando la equidad de acceso a la educación. Compensando las desigualdades, favoreciendo la formación de sujetos autónomos, capaces de tomar decisiones informadas sobre su propia vida. Participando de manera relativamente autónoma en la vida profesional y social. Sin embargo, sobre esto siguen trabajando las instituciones educativas de muchos países, ejemplo de esto es la Unión Europea.
Ciencia Odontologica, 2013
La Lengua Lugar De Encuentro Recurso Electronico Actas Del Xvi Congreso Internacional De La Alfal 2011 Isbn 978 84 8138 771 1 Pags 1161 1168, 2011
Revista Unimar, Apr 3, 2014
Desde mediados del siglo anterior la Programación de computadores se ha convertido en un campo de... more Desde mediados del siglo anterior la Programación de computadores se ha convertido en un campo de interés científico e industrial, componente fundamental en la formación actual de Ingenieros de Sistemas, Ingenieros en Computación e Ingenieros Informáticos, y componente complementario en muchos otros programas de ingeniería. No obstante su importancia en la enseñanza y aprendizaje, y según diversas investigaciones, aún hay muchas dificultades, entre las cuales sobresalen por su recurrencia: dificultad para el diseño, verificación y análisis
Gestion Y Politica Publica, 2010
Reseña de "Corrupción y transparencia: Debatiendo las fronteras entre Estado, mercado y sociedad"... more Reseña de "Corrupción y transparencia: Debatiendo las fronteras entre Estado, mercado y sociedad" de Irma Eréndira Sandoval (coord.
Otra Economía, 2015
Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0... more Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0), sendo permitidas reprodução, adaptação e distribuição desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados.
Revista Cubana De Estomatologia, Sep 1, 2011
En la actualidad se ha mostrado interes en el empleo de la saliva para ser utilizada como una alt... more En la actualidad se ha mostrado interes en el empleo de la saliva para ser utilizada como una alternativa de diagnostico, prediccion y progresion de diversas enfermedades con relacion a otros fluidos corporales. Los objetivos trazados para la realizacion de este trabajo fueron: correlacionar las concentraciones en saliva y sangre de IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico y O2 - de ninos y adolescentes sistemicamente sanos. Se realizo un estudio de corte transversal en 23 ninos y adolescentes sanos, entre 4 y 17 anos de edad. Se les realizaron evaluaciones clinicas para determinar las condiciones bucales y estudios inmunologicos con el proposito de identificar los niveles de citosinas, a traves del ensayo inmunoenzimatico indirecto, el O2 por metodo citoquimico y las sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico, a traves del ensayo colorimetrico. Hubo diferencia significativa entre las muestras de saliva y las de sangre periferica respecto a las citosinas y sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico estudiadas. Los resultados fueron: IL-1 en sangre= 1,646 ± 0,13 pg/mL y de IL-1 en saliva= 552,36 ± 75,7 pg/mL; IL-6 en sangre= 3,506 ± 1,85 pg/mL, e IL-6 en saliva= 26,89 ± 9,97 pg/mL. Al analizar el TNF-α en sangre fue de 12,91 ± 3,05 pg/mL y en saliva= 43,56 ± 6,44 pg/mL, las sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico en sangre= 9,46 ± 3,26 nmol/mL y en saliva= 1,26 ± 0,03 nmol/mL. No se observo correlacion estadisticamente significativa entre las muestras de sangre y saliva para los valores de IL-1, IL-6 y sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico. En cuanto al TNF-α se evidencio una correlacion significativa, rs= 0,78. No se evidenciaron celulas positivas para el O2 en las muestras estudiadas. Los resultados del analisis de correlacion obtenido entre las muestras salivales y sericas, no aportaron evidencias suficientes para sugerir que la saliva pueda ser utilizada como fluido corporal que permita sustituir la determinacion serica de IL-1, IL-6 y sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico. En cuanto al TNF-α se evidencio una correlacion significativa, lo cual podria plantear la posible sustitucion de muestras sericas por salivales.
Investigación clínica, 2014
Methotrexate (MTX), a drug commonly used in childhood cancer, has also been indicated as a cytoto... more Methotrexate (MTX), a drug commonly used in childhood cancer, has also been indicated as a cytotoxic agent of the oral mucosa, which can trigger the inflammatory process and increase the vascularity of epithelial tissues during the early stages of oral mucositis. The aim of this study was to determine the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1beta, IL-6 y TNF-alpha in epithelial cell cultures treated with MTX. Epithelial cells of human larynx, obtained from the cell line Hep-2, were cultured with different doses of MTX during different incubation times. The drug cytotoxicity was analyzed by means of the colorimetric test, which is based on the metabolic reduction of the bromide of 3-(4, 5-dimetiltiazol-2-ilo)-2,5-difeniltetrazol (MTT); and the proinflammatory cytokines production by the test enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Cultures of HEp-2 cells showed increased production of proinflammatory cytokines at 72 hours with 0.32 microM of MTX. These results suggest that ...
Revista alergia Mexico (Tecamachalco, Puebla, Mexico : 1993)
Polyarteritis nodosa is a diffuse vasculitis of small- and medium-sized muscular arteries that ca... more Polyarteritis nodosa is a diffuse vasculitis of small- and medium-sized muscular arteries that can involve the vessels of one or several organ systems. We report an 11-year-old boy with severe atopic dermatitis further complicated with erythroderma and cerebellar symptoms. Laboratory studies showed negative antinuclear antibodies and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; increased serum complement, IgG cryoglobulins 96.8 mg/dL (0-80) and serum IgG 2,160 mg/dL (613-1,295), and positive alpha-cardiolipin test. The IgE value was high. Skin prick tests and RAST were positive for dust mites and casein. The viral profile was negative. Imaging studies disclosed tortuousity in the vessels and ischemic infarction in the cerebellum and thalamus. A diagnosis of polyarteritis nodosa with central nervous system involvement was made. The patient improved with immunosuppressive therapy and thalidomide. Currently, the patient is controlled and in a rehabilitation program. Other cases of polyarteri...
Journal of Safety Research, 2015
Proceedings Title: Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2012
This paper presents a research effort aimed at modeling normal and safety-critical driving behavi... more This paper presents a research effort aimed at modeling normal and safety-critical driving behavior in traffic under naturalistic driving data using agent based modeling techniques. Neuro-fuzzy reinforcement learning was used to train the agents. The developed agents were implemented in the VISSIM simulation platform and were evaluated by comparing the behavior of vehicles with and without agent behavior activation. The results showed very close resemblance of the behavior of agents to driver data.
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 2011
The aim of the study was to compare the production of proinflammatory cytokines during the initia... more The aim of the study was to compare the production of proinflammatory cytokines during the initial phase of mucositis in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. A randomized, controlled clinical trial was carried out. Cytokine levels were determined in blood and saliva using ELISA, three times after the administration of methotrexate and only once in the control group. Comparison of the results showed significant differences for IL-6 and TNF-α in blood and IL-6 in saliva. It would seem that 96 h is an ideal time for determining the parameters evaluated both in blood and in saliva.
Transportation Research Record, 2004
During the course of an FHWA-sponsored research project, driver errors in crashes and near-crashe... more During the course of an FHWA-sponsored research project, driver errors in crashes and near-crashes (i.e., critical incidents) were investigated, and an analysis approach was developed with which to identify infrastructure-related and non-infrastructure-related problems at intersections and other roadway sites. Referred to as a specific site critical incident analysis, this analysis approach consisted of four general steps: ( a) selection of a site, ( b) careful review of the site's critical-incident data, ( c) determination of the potential critical-incident contributing factors, and ( d) identification of incident clusters. An incident cluster is a group of critical incidents with similar characteristics that occur at the same location. From these incident clusters, researchers gained insight into potential infrastructure-related and non-infrastructure-related causal factors associated with critical incidents and, subsequently, could redesign solutions. An overview is presented...
Respiratory Medicine, 2006
Introduccion: Las enfermedades gingivo-periodontales comprenden un conjunto de entidades que afec... more Introduccion: Las enfermedades gingivo-periodontales comprenden un conjunto de entidades que afectan a cualquier organo del periodonto, iniciado por bacterias periodontopatogenas, pero el determinante de la progresion de la enfermedad es la respuesta inmunitaria del huesped. Las toxinas bacterianas estimulan a celulas defensivas de los tejidos periodontales a que secreten mediadores inflamatorios y productos endogenos como las proteinas de choque termico (Hsp). Objetivo: Comparar los niveles de Hsp60 en pacientes con gingivitis y periodontitis cronica en muestras de saliva y fluido crevicular gingival. Materiales y Metodos: La poblacion de estudio estuvo constituida por 20 pacientes que acudieron al servicio de periodoncia del Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo; 10 pacientes presentaron gingivitis y 10 periodontitis cronica, a los cuales se les tomaron muestras de fluido crevicular gingival y saliva total no estimulada. La Hsp60 se determino a traves del ensayo de ELISA. Resultados...
The purpose of this project was to conduct a retrospective effectiveness evaluation study on thre... more The purpose of this project was to conduct a retrospective effectiveness evaluation study on three commonly deployed onboard safety system (OBSS) types using previous data acquired directly from participating motor carriers. These OBSS technologies included lane departure warning (LDW), roll stability control (RSC), and forward collision warning (FCW) systems. The current study assessed the effectiveness of these three different OBSS types installed on Class 7 and 8 trucks as they operated in their normal revenue-producing routes. Although the crash data were acquired from 14 carriers representing small, medium, and large carriers hauling a variety of commodities (including a total of 88,112 carrier crash records—United States Department of Transportation-reportable accidents as well as minor incidents—and 151,624 truck-years of operation that represented 13 billion miles traveled), the dataset in the current study was skewed toward larger, for-hire carriers and may not fully repres...
La periodontitis cronica es una enfermedad infecciosa que causa dano tisular de las estructuras d... more La periodontitis cronica es una enfermedad infecciosa que causa dano tisular de las estructuras de soporte del diente, constituyendose, en una de las causas mas significativas de perdida de piezas dentarias en adultos. El proposito de la presente investigacion fue determinar los niveles de Interleucina-6 en pacientes con periodontitis cronica tratados con melatonina. La muestra estuvo conformada por 8 pacientes con periodontitis cronica tratados con 20 mg diarios de melatonina durante 5 dias y 8 sujetos sanos. Para cuantificar los niveles de Interleucina-6 se tomaron muestras de fluido crevicular gingival antes y despues del tratamiento con Melatonina, de igual manera el registro de los parametros clinicos se realizo antes y despues del tratamiento con el farmaco. En los sujetos sanos se realizo la toma de muestra y el registro de los parametros clinicos en un solo tiempo. La Interleucina-6 fue determinada a traves del ensayo inmunoenzimatico indirecto. Se encontraron diferencias en...
Proceedings of the 6th International Driving Symposium on Human Factors in Driver Assessment, Training, and Vehicle Design : driving assessment 2011, 2011
Simulator-based training provides the opportunity to train drivers in a potentially lower cost an... more Simulator-based training provides the opportunity to train drivers in a potentially lower cost and safer environment than traditional, behind-the-wheel, training methods. Thus, many motor carriers have begun adopting simulators for use during in-house driver training. This report presents the result of focus groups with drivers who experienced truck simulator-based training at two large motor carriers. In general, drivers at both carriers had positive opinions of simulatorbased training. Most suggestions to improve the program were directed towards modification of how the program was implemented and/or creating a more realistic simulation of the driving environment.
Educacion Handbook T Iv Congreso Interdisciplinario De Cuerpos Academicos 2014 Isbn 978 607 8324 22 4 Pags 196 207, 2014
Presents the description of the educational model: "Dual system of learning", initially designed ... more Presents the description of the educational model: "Dual system of learning", initially designed for two careers offered by the Superior Technological Institute in Puerto Vallarta. Purpose; contribute to the improvement of the processes of educational training with the alternation of teaching and learning in the institution-company. It was determined feasibility and requirements: academic, administrative and operational for the construction of the model. Implemented a pilot test and parallel to the design of a specialty (programs of study and practice guides to perform in the company), resting with the use of technologies for its follow-up. Qualitative Research, exploratorydescriptive, using method inductive method, with a population composed of a group of students of two educational programs. By highlighting the importance of insert students that link theory with practice in the corporate sector, at the same time that perform higher studies as part of their training and professional development. The activities carried out in the company involve the students in their learning, the development of skills that makes you feel responsible and motivated. Fostering the development of social skills and in short time an insertion in the labor field. 20 Introducción Los sistemas educativos, afrontan dos grandes retos íntimamente relacionados: por un lado, consolidar una escuela comprensiva que permita el máximo desarrollo de las capacidades de cada persona, respetando la diversidad y asegurando la equidad de acceso a la educación. Compensando las desigualdades, favoreciendo la formación de sujetos autónomos, capaces de tomar decisiones informadas sobre su propia vida. Participando de manera relativamente autónoma en la vida profesional y social. Sin embargo, sobre esto siguen trabajando las instituciones educativas de muchos países, ejemplo de esto es la Unión Europea.
Ciencia Odontologica, 2013
La Lengua Lugar De Encuentro Recurso Electronico Actas Del Xvi Congreso Internacional De La Alfal 2011 Isbn 978 84 8138 771 1 Pags 1161 1168, 2011
Revista Unimar, Apr 3, 2014
Desde mediados del siglo anterior la Programación de computadores se ha convertido en un campo de... more Desde mediados del siglo anterior la Programación de computadores se ha convertido en un campo de interés científico e industrial, componente fundamental en la formación actual de Ingenieros de Sistemas, Ingenieros en Computación e Ingenieros Informáticos, y componente complementario en muchos otros programas de ingeniería. No obstante su importancia en la enseñanza y aprendizaje, y según diversas investigaciones, aún hay muchas dificultades, entre las cuales sobresalen por su recurrencia: dificultad para el diseño, verificación y análisis
Gestion Y Politica Publica, 2010
Reseña de "Corrupción y transparencia: Debatiendo las fronteras entre Estado, mercado y sociedad"... more Reseña de "Corrupción y transparencia: Debatiendo las fronteras entre Estado, mercado y sociedad" de Irma Eréndira Sandoval (coord.
Otra Economía, 2015
Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0... more Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0), sendo permitidas reprodução, adaptação e distribuição desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados.
Revista Cubana De Estomatologia, Sep 1, 2011
En la actualidad se ha mostrado interes en el empleo de la saliva para ser utilizada como una alt... more En la actualidad se ha mostrado interes en el empleo de la saliva para ser utilizada como una alternativa de diagnostico, prediccion y progresion de diversas enfermedades con relacion a otros fluidos corporales. Los objetivos trazados para la realizacion de este trabajo fueron: correlacionar las concentraciones en saliva y sangre de IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico y O2 - de ninos y adolescentes sistemicamente sanos. Se realizo un estudio de corte transversal en 23 ninos y adolescentes sanos, entre 4 y 17 anos de edad. Se les realizaron evaluaciones clinicas para determinar las condiciones bucales y estudios inmunologicos con el proposito de identificar los niveles de citosinas, a traves del ensayo inmunoenzimatico indirecto, el O2 por metodo citoquimico y las sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico, a traves del ensayo colorimetrico. Hubo diferencia significativa entre las muestras de saliva y las de sangre periferica respecto a las citosinas y sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico estudiadas. Los resultados fueron: IL-1 en sangre= 1,646 ± 0,13 pg/mL y de IL-1 en saliva= 552,36 ± 75,7 pg/mL; IL-6 en sangre= 3,506 ± 1,85 pg/mL, e IL-6 en saliva= 26,89 ± 9,97 pg/mL. Al analizar el TNF-α en sangre fue de 12,91 ± 3,05 pg/mL y en saliva= 43,56 ± 6,44 pg/mL, las sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico en sangre= 9,46 ± 3,26 nmol/mL y en saliva= 1,26 ± 0,03 nmol/mL. No se observo correlacion estadisticamente significativa entre las muestras de sangre y saliva para los valores de IL-1, IL-6 y sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico. En cuanto al TNF-α se evidencio una correlacion significativa, rs= 0,78. No se evidenciaron celulas positivas para el O2 en las muestras estudiadas. Los resultados del analisis de correlacion obtenido entre las muestras salivales y sericas, no aportaron evidencias suficientes para sugerir que la saliva pueda ser utilizada como fluido corporal que permita sustituir la determinacion serica de IL-1, IL-6 y sustancias reactivas al acido tiobarbiturico. En cuanto al TNF-α se evidencio una correlacion significativa, lo cual podria plantear la posible sustitucion de muestras sericas por salivales.
Investigación clínica, 2014
Methotrexate (MTX), a drug commonly used in childhood cancer, has also been indicated as a cytoto... more Methotrexate (MTX), a drug commonly used in childhood cancer, has also been indicated as a cytotoxic agent of the oral mucosa, which can trigger the inflammatory process and increase the vascularity of epithelial tissues during the early stages of oral mucositis. The aim of this study was to determine the production of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1beta, IL-6 y TNF-alpha in epithelial cell cultures treated with MTX. Epithelial cells of human larynx, obtained from the cell line Hep-2, were cultured with different doses of MTX during different incubation times. The drug cytotoxicity was analyzed by means of the colorimetric test, which is based on the metabolic reduction of the bromide of 3-(4, 5-dimetiltiazol-2-ilo)-2,5-difeniltetrazol (MTT); and the proinflammatory cytokines production by the test enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Cultures of HEp-2 cells showed increased production of proinflammatory cytokines at 72 hours with 0.32 microM of MTX. These results suggest that ...
Revista alergia Mexico (Tecamachalco, Puebla, Mexico : 1993)
Polyarteritis nodosa is a diffuse vasculitis of small- and medium-sized muscular arteries that ca... more Polyarteritis nodosa is a diffuse vasculitis of small- and medium-sized muscular arteries that can involve the vessels of one or several organ systems. We report an 11-year-old boy with severe atopic dermatitis further complicated with erythroderma and cerebellar symptoms. Laboratory studies showed negative antinuclear antibodies and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; increased serum complement, IgG cryoglobulins 96.8 mg/dL (0-80) and serum IgG 2,160 mg/dL (613-1,295), and positive alpha-cardiolipin test. The IgE value was high. Skin prick tests and RAST were positive for dust mites and casein. The viral profile was negative. Imaging studies disclosed tortuousity in the vessels and ischemic infarction in the cerebellum and thalamus. A diagnosis of polyarteritis nodosa with central nervous system involvement was made. The patient improved with immunosuppressive therapy and thalidomide. Currently, the patient is controlled and in a rehabilitation program. Other cases of polyarteri...
Journal of Safety Research, 2015
Proceedings Title: Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2012
This paper presents a research effort aimed at modeling normal and safety-critical driving behavi... more This paper presents a research effort aimed at modeling normal and safety-critical driving behavior in traffic under naturalistic driving data using agent based modeling techniques. Neuro-fuzzy reinforcement learning was used to train the agents. The developed agents were implemented in the VISSIM simulation platform and were evaluated by comparing the behavior of vehicles with and without agent behavior activation. The results showed very close resemblance of the behavior of agents to driver data.
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 2011
The aim of the study was to compare the production of proinflammatory cytokines during the initia... more The aim of the study was to compare the production of proinflammatory cytokines during the initial phase of mucositis in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. A randomized, controlled clinical trial was carried out. Cytokine levels were determined in blood and saliva using ELISA, three times after the administration of methotrexate and only once in the control group. Comparison of the results showed significant differences for IL-6 and TNF-α in blood and IL-6 in saliva. It would seem that 96 h is an ideal time for determining the parameters evaluated both in blood and in saliva.
Transportation Research Record, 2004
During the course of an FHWA-sponsored research project, driver errors in crashes and near-crashe... more During the course of an FHWA-sponsored research project, driver errors in crashes and near-crashes (i.e., critical incidents) were investigated, and an analysis approach was developed with which to identify infrastructure-related and non-infrastructure-related problems at intersections and other roadway sites. Referred to as a specific site critical incident analysis, this analysis approach consisted of four general steps: ( a) selection of a site, ( b) careful review of the site's critical-incident data, ( c) determination of the potential critical-incident contributing factors, and ( d) identification of incident clusters. An incident cluster is a group of critical incidents with similar characteristics that occur at the same location. From these incident clusters, researchers gained insight into potential infrastructure-related and non-infrastructure-related causal factors associated with critical incidents and, subsequently, could redesign solutions. An overview is presented...
Respiratory Medicine, 2006