alfi noviyana - (original) (raw)

Papers by alfi noviyana

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of differences in the timing of ferrous sulfate supplementation on lipid peroxidation and activation of p-NF-kB p65 in the placenta of pregnant rats

Clinical Nutrition Experimental, 2017

Objective: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the effects of ferrous sulfate in diff... more Objective: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the effects of ferrous sulfate in different trimesters of pregnancy on oxidative stress and p-NF-kB p65 in the placenta. Material and methods: Twenty-four female Wistar rats were divided into four groups: the control group (no treatment), the group treated with ferrous sulfate from the first trimester (the first day of pregnancy), the second trimester (the eighth day of pregnancy) and the third trimester (the fifteenth day of pregnancy). Malondialdehyde levels as a marker of oxidative stress in the placenta was analyzed by a spectrophotometer. Placental expression of p-NF-kB p65 was analyzed by western blotting. Results: Placental MDA levels were significantly higher for the three groups of ferrous sulfate administration relative to the group without ferrous sulfate administration (p < 0.05). Placental MDA levels increased significantly for the groups treated with ferrous sulfate in trimesters one and two relative to that in trimester tree (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in placental MDA levels between the groups treated with ferrous sulfate during the first and the second trimester (p > 0.05). Expression of p-NF-kB p65 decreased significantly for the groups treated with ferrous sulfate relative to that of controls (p < 0.05). There was a significant decreased in placental expression of p-NF-kB p65 for the group treated with ferrous sulfate in the first trimester relative to * Corresponding author. Jl. Raya Dukuhwaluh,

Research paper thumbnail of Keterlibatan Kader Posyandu Dalam Pemantauan Konsumsi Tablet Fe Pada Pencegahan Anemia Ibu Hamil DI Kabupaten Banyumas

Infokes: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekam Medis dan Informatika Kesehatan, 2018

Based on Riskesda 2013 the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia is still quite hig... more Based on Riskesda 2013 the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia is still quite high at 37.1%. Prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in Banyumas district in 2016 is still above the national incidence rate of 50.7%. Posyandu cadres are trained to be able to provide information, administer Fe tablets and monitor consumption of Fe tablets in pregnant women as an effort to prevent anemia in pregnant women. Purpose of this study was to analyze involvement of posyandu cadres in depth about monitoring compliance of consumption of Fe tablets in pregnant women as an effort to prevent anemia. This qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach, the location of research in the public health center work area of the Banyumas publich health office, the sampling technique using purposive sampling with the number of main informants as many as 3 posyandu cadres and 9 supporting informants, the validity of the data using method triangulation and data triangulation. The results showed that not all posyandu carry out the services of pregnant women so that the task of giving Fe and extension workers were not carried out, posyandu cadres also did not make home visits, so the involvement of cadres in preventing anemia was less optimal. Conclusion Cadre involvement in efforts to prevent anemia in pregnant women through monitoring consumption of Fe tablets is not optimal. Public health centre needs to hold pregnant women again, refresh knowledge for cadres, and puskesmas submit budgets for posyandu cadres, so that cadres are motivated again to monitor consumption of Fe tablets in pregnant women.

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi Cuci Tangan Sebagai Salah Satu Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi dalam Upaya Mawas Diri dari Covid-19

Bidan Prada : Jurnal Publikasi Kebidanan STIKes YLPP Purwokerto, Dec 25, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor- Faktor yang Menyebabkan Kejadian Postpartum Blues

About 70-80% of postpartum mothers experience mood or feeling disorders. In general, this conditi... more About 70-80% of postpartum mothers experience mood or feeling disorders. In general, this condition is still considered normal, felt from 2-3 days after delivery and normally disappears after 2 weeks post partum. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that cause the symptoms of postpartum blues to appear. This research method used qualitative through a phenomenological approach by taking the population by means of purposive sampling. The results showed that age and parity did not always trigger the symptoms of postpartum blues, the causes of postpartum blues were worrying about the baby, maternal fatigue, comments from people around the mother, husband's support and presence, adaptation to the baby's presence.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Buku Kia Dalam Deteksi Dini Tanda Bahaya Kehamilan

Salah satu faktor penyebab tidak langsung dari kematian ibu yaitu terlambat mengetahui tanda baha... more Salah satu faktor penyebab tidak langsung dari kematian ibu yaitu terlambat mengetahui tanda bahaya kehamilan. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut maka diperlukan suatu upaya salah satunya dengan pemanfaatan buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) yang didalamnya berisi informasi tentang tanda bahaya kehamilan. Mitra merupakan kelompok ibu hamil, anggota kelas ibu hamil desa Kasegeran wilayah kerja Puskesmas Cilongok II dimana cakupan buku KIA sudah memenuhi standar pelayanan minimal namun angka kejadian komplikasi kehamilan masih tinggi. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya memahami tanda bahaya kehamilan dengan memanfaatkan buku KIA, sehingga mitra mempunyai sikap yang positif terhadap kehamilannya dan mampu meneruskan informasi ini kepada suami, keluarga, sesama ibu hamil dan dapat melakukan tindakan yang tepat saat menemui tanda –tanda bahaya kehamilan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi buku KIA, pendidikan kesehatan serta pen...

Research paper thumbnail of Upaya Pengendalian Faktor Resiko PTM (Penyakit Tidak Menular)

Jurnal ABDIMAS-HIP : Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020

Problems in general in Banyumas district related to non-regular diseases are: lack of health educ... more Problems in general in Banyumas district related to non-regular diseases are: lack of health education, lack of knowledge and skills of cadres, lack of community support, and low visits by elderly / target groups. Posbindu in Pamijen village is implemented with integrated posyandu activities for toddlers where the activities are still limited to monitoring blood pressure and treating minor illnesses, while counseling activities from health workers are rarely carried out. This condition has made the mothers of the Asyiyah Pamijen branch not yet moved to join Posbindu. Apart from that, the Posbindu cadres were not ready and skilled. The method of solving problems implemented in this community service is by providing IEC (Communication, Information and Education) in the form of material about Non-Communicable Diseases (PTM) and risk factors and efforts to control PTM risk factors. PTM activities in Pamijen village involve Aisyiyah's organization as an organization that is active in...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Kecemasan dan Kejadian Pre Eklamsia di RSUD dr. R. Goeteng Tarunadibrata Purbalingga

Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan, 2020

The conditions of pregnancy can increase anxiety in women, therefore it can cause a negativeimpac... more The conditions of pregnancy can increase anxiety in women, therefore it can cause a negativeimpact on pregnant women themselves and on their fetuses. Anxiety is one of the risk factors ofthe incidence of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women. Pre-eclampsia is still the top three causes ofmaternal death in the field of obstetrics in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to know andanalyze the relationship of anxiety with the incidence of pre-eclampsia in RSUD Dr. R. GoetengTarunadibrata Purbalingga. This research is a quantitative study, with case control design,sampling technique with an accidental sampling approach. Data collection using a standardquestionnaire from Hamilton. Analysis in quantitative studies using the X2 test (chi square) Theresults of this study that there is no statistical relationship between anxiety and the incidence ofpre-eclampsia with a value of ρ = 0.732 but clinically found that mothers with anxiety have a riskof 1, 26 times higher experience pre-eclampsia ( v...

Research paper thumbnail of Deteksi Anemia dan Thalasemia di Panti Asuhan Putri Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Bakti, 2019

Anemia in adolescents is a public health problem because it can reduce the quality of human resou... more Anemia in adolescents is a public health problem because it can reduce the quality of human resources. The almost identical clinical picture of anemia and thalassemia makes thalassemia escape detection. The Objectives of this activity are increase partner knowledge about anemia in adolescents and screening for thalassemia, in addition to overcoming existing problems so that partners can maintain their health, can enter a family life with healthy reproduction. The method used by giving IEC (Communication, Information, Education) to partners regarding anemia and thalassemia. This IEC is in the form of counseling and health education as well as problem solving training. The result of this program activities are carried out in accordance with the plan and succeed with consistent participant indicators from the beginning to the end of the program, increased insight and knowledge of partners can be seen from the accuracy in understanding the material, modules and leaflets that provided. C...

Research paper thumbnail of Beban Kerja Perawat dengan Reseliensi di Rumah Sakit Islam Purwokerto

Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari

This study analyzes the relationship between nurse workload and resilience at the Islamic Hospita... more This study analyzes the relationship between nurse workload and resilience at the Islamic Hospital in Purwokerto. This research method is quantitative research using a correlation design with a cross-sectional approach. The results showed that the light workload was 56% and the heavy workload was 44%. Low resolution 73%, high resolution 27%. The test results obtained a p-value of 0.003 with an OR of 0.435. In conclusion, there is a strong relationship between nurse workload and resilience in the inpatient room of the Purwokerto Islamic Hospital Keywords: Workload, Nurses, Resilience

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Ibu Hamil terhadap Ketidakpatuhan dalam Mengkonsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah di Puskesmas Purwokerto Barat Banyumas

Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan, 2018

ABSTRAK Sampai saat ini anemia masih merupakan masalah gizi utama yang diderita oleh ibu hamil. N... more ABSTRAK Sampai saat ini anemia masih merupakan masalah gizi utama yang diderita oleh ibu hamil. Namun program pemberian tablet besi pada wanita hamil yang menderita anemia kurang menunjukan hasil yang nyata disebabkan oleh kepatuhan minum tablet besi yang tidak optimal dan status besi Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) sebelum hamil sangat rendah, Tujuan Penelitian mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku terhadap ketidakpatuhan ibu hamil dalam mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah di puskesmas Purwokerto Barat. Jenis Penelitian analitik observasional, Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional, Jumlah sampel 30 dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Purwokerto Barat Kabupaten Banyumas, analisis univariat untuk menghitung distribusi frekuensi, analisis bivariat untuk melihat apakah ada hubungan antara variabel dependen dengan variabel dengan analisis Fisher's Exact Test. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa 40% responden tidak patuh mengkonsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD), dua variabel yang terbukti secar...

Research paper thumbnail of Effects of differences in the timing of ferrous sulfate supplementation on lipid peroxidation and activation of p-NF-kB p65 in the placenta of pregnant rats

Clinical Nutrition Experimental, 2017

Objective: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the effects of ferrous sulfate in diff... more Objective: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the effects of ferrous sulfate in different trimesters of pregnancy on oxidative stress and p-NF-kB p65 in the placenta. Material and methods: Twenty-four female Wistar rats were divided into four groups: the control group (no treatment), the group treated with ferrous sulfate from the first trimester (the first day of pregnancy), the second trimester (the eighth day of pregnancy) and the third trimester (the fifteenth day of pregnancy). Malondialdehyde levels as a marker of oxidative stress in the placenta was analyzed by a spectrophotometer. Placental expression of p-NF-kB p65 was analyzed by western blotting. Results: Placental MDA levels were significantly higher for the three groups of ferrous sulfate administration relative to the group without ferrous sulfate administration (p < 0.05). Placental MDA levels increased significantly for the groups treated with ferrous sulfate in trimesters one and two relative to that in trimester tree (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in placental MDA levels between the groups treated with ferrous sulfate during the first and the second trimester (p > 0.05). Expression of p-NF-kB p65 decreased significantly for the groups treated with ferrous sulfate relative to that of controls (p < 0.05). There was a significant decreased in placental expression of p-NF-kB p65 for the group treated with ferrous sulfate in the first trimester relative to * Corresponding author. Jl. Raya Dukuhwaluh,

Research paper thumbnail of Keterlibatan Kader Posyandu Dalam Pemantauan Konsumsi Tablet Fe Pada Pencegahan Anemia Ibu Hamil DI Kabupaten Banyumas

Infokes: Jurnal Ilmiah Rekam Medis dan Informatika Kesehatan, 2018

Based on Riskesda 2013 the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia is still quite hig... more Based on Riskesda 2013 the prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in Indonesia is still quite high at 37.1%. Prevalence of anemia in pregnant women in Banyumas district in 2016 is still above the national incidence rate of 50.7%. Posyandu cadres are trained to be able to provide information, administer Fe tablets and monitor consumption of Fe tablets in pregnant women as an effort to prevent anemia in pregnant women. Purpose of this study was to analyze involvement of posyandu cadres in depth about monitoring compliance of consumption of Fe tablets in pregnant women as an effort to prevent anemia. This qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach, the location of research in the public health center work area of the Banyumas publich health office, the sampling technique using purposive sampling with the number of main informants as many as 3 posyandu cadres and 9 supporting informants, the validity of the data using method triangulation and data triangulation. The results showed that not all posyandu carry out the services of pregnant women so that the task of giving Fe and extension workers were not carried out, posyandu cadres also did not make home visits, so the involvement of cadres in preventing anemia was less optimal. Conclusion Cadre involvement in efforts to prevent anemia in pregnant women through monitoring consumption of Fe tablets is not optimal. Public health centre needs to hold pregnant women again, refresh knowledge for cadres, and puskesmas submit budgets for posyandu cadres, so that cadres are motivated again to monitor consumption of Fe tablets in pregnant women.

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi Cuci Tangan Sebagai Salah Satu Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi dalam Upaya Mawas Diri dari Covid-19

Bidan Prada : Jurnal Publikasi Kebidanan STIKes YLPP Purwokerto, Dec 25, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Faktor- Faktor yang Menyebabkan Kejadian Postpartum Blues

About 70-80% of postpartum mothers experience mood or feeling disorders. In general, this conditi... more About 70-80% of postpartum mothers experience mood or feeling disorders. In general, this condition is still considered normal, felt from 2-3 days after delivery and normally disappears after 2 weeks post partum. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that cause the symptoms of postpartum blues to appear. This research method used qualitative through a phenomenological approach by taking the population by means of purposive sampling. The results showed that age and parity did not always trigger the symptoms of postpartum blues, the causes of postpartum blues were worrying about the baby, maternal fatigue, comments from people around the mother, husband's support and presence, adaptation to the baby's presence.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemanfaatan Buku Kia Dalam Deteksi Dini Tanda Bahaya Kehamilan

Salah satu faktor penyebab tidak langsung dari kematian ibu yaitu terlambat mengetahui tanda baha... more Salah satu faktor penyebab tidak langsung dari kematian ibu yaitu terlambat mengetahui tanda bahaya kehamilan. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut maka diperlukan suatu upaya salah satunya dengan pemanfaatan buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) yang didalamnya berisi informasi tentang tanda bahaya kehamilan. Mitra merupakan kelompok ibu hamil, anggota kelas ibu hamil desa Kasegeran wilayah kerja Puskesmas Cilongok II dimana cakupan buku KIA sudah memenuhi standar pelayanan minimal namun angka kejadian komplikasi kehamilan masih tinggi. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya memahami tanda bahaya kehamilan dengan memanfaatkan buku KIA, sehingga mitra mempunyai sikap yang positif terhadap kehamilannya dan mampu meneruskan informasi ini kepada suami, keluarga, sesama ibu hamil dan dapat melakukan tindakan yang tepat saat menemui tanda –tanda bahaya kehamilan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi buku KIA, pendidikan kesehatan serta pen...

Research paper thumbnail of Upaya Pengendalian Faktor Resiko PTM (Penyakit Tidak Menular)

Jurnal ABDIMAS-HIP : Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020

Problems in general in Banyumas district related to non-regular diseases are: lack of health educ... more Problems in general in Banyumas district related to non-regular diseases are: lack of health education, lack of knowledge and skills of cadres, lack of community support, and low visits by elderly / target groups. Posbindu in Pamijen village is implemented with integrated posyandu activities for toddlers where the activities are still limited to monitoring blood pressure and treating minor illnesses, while counseling activities from health workers are rarely carried out. This condition has made the mothers of the Asyiyah Pamijen branch not yet moved to join Posbindu. Apart from that, the Posbindu cadres were not ready and skilled. The method of solving problems implemented in this community service is by providing IEC (Communication, Information and Education) in the form of material about Non-Communicable Diseases (PTM) and risk factors and efforts to control PTM risk factors. PTM activities in Pamijen village involve Aisyiyah's organization as an organization that is active in...

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Kecemasan dan Kejadian Pre Eklamsia di RSUD dr. R. Goeteng Tarunadibrata Purbalingga

Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan, 2020

The conditions of pregnancy can increase anxiety in women, therefore it can cause a negativeimpac... more The conditions of pregnancy can increase anxiety in women, therefore it can cause a negativeimpact on pregnant women themselves and on their fetuses. Anxiety is one of the risk factors ofthe incidence of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women. Pre-eclampsia is still the top three causes ofmaternal death in the field of obstetrics in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to know andanalyze the relationship of anxiety with the incidence of pre-eclampsia in RSUD Dr. R. GoetengTarunadibrata Purbalingga. This research is a quantitative study, with case control design,sampling technique with an accidental sampling approach. Data collection using a standardquestionnaire from Hamilton. Analysis in quantitative studies using the X2 test (chi square) Theresults of this study that there is no statistical relationship between anxiety and the incidence ofpre-eclampsia with a value of ρ = 0.732 but clinically found that mothers with anxiety have a riskof 1, 26 times higher experience pre-eclampsia ( v...

Research paper thumbnail of Deteksi Anemia dan Thalasemia di Panti Asuhan Putri Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Bakti, 2019

Anemia in adolescents is a public health problem because it can reduce the quality of human resou... more Anemia in adolescents is a public health problem because it can reduce the quality of human resources. The almost identical clinical picture of anemia and thalassemia makes thalassemia escape detection. The Objectives of this activity are increase partner knowledge about anemia in adolescents and screening for thalassemia, in addition to overcoming existing problems so that partners can maintain their health, can enter a family life with healthy reproduction. The method used by giving IEC (Communication, Information, Education) to partners regarding anemia and thalassemia. This IEC is in the form of counseling and health education as well as problem solving training. The result of this program activities are carried out in accordance with the plan and succeed with consistent participant indicators from the beginning to the end of the program, increased insight and knowledge of partners can be seen from the accuracy in understanding the material, modules and leaflets that provided. C...

Research paper thumbnail of Beban Kerja Perawat dengan Reseliensi di Rumah Sakit Islam Purwokerto

Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari

This study analyzes the relationship between nurse workload and resilience at the Islamic Hospita... more This study analyzes the relationship between nurse workload and resilience at the Islamic Hospital in Purwokerto. This research method is quantitative research using a correlation design with a cross-sectional approach. The results showed that the light workload was 56% and the heavy workload was 44%. Low resolution 73%, high resolution 27%. The test results obtained a p-value of 0.003 with an OR of 0.435. In conclusion, there is a strong relationship between nurse workload and resilience in the inpatient room of the Purwokerto Islamic Hospital Keywords: Workload, Nurses, Resilience

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Ibu Hamil terhadap Ketidakpatuhan dalam Mengkonsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah di Puskesmas Purwokerto Barat Banyumas

Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan, 2018

ABSTRAK Sampai saat ini anemia masih merupakan masalah gizi utama yang diderita oleh ibu hamil. N... more ABSTRAK Sampai saat ini anemia masih merupakan masalah gizi utama yang diderita oleh ibu hamil. Namun program pemberian tablet besi pada wanita hamil yang menderita anemia kurang menunjukan hasil yang nyata disebabkan oleh kepatuhan minum tablet besi yang tidak optimal dan status besi Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) sebelum hamil sangat rendah, Tujuan Penelitian mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku terhadap ketidakpatuhan ibu hamil dalam mengkonsumsi tablet tambah darah di puskesmas Purwokerto Barat. Jenis Penelitian analitik observasional, Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional, Jumlah sampel 30 dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Purwokerto Barat Kabupaten Banyumas, analisis univariat untuk menghitung distribusi frekuensi, analisis bivariat untuk melihat apakah ada hubungan antara variabel dependen dengan variabel dengan analisis Fisher's Exact Test. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa 40% responden tidak patuh mengkonsumsi Tablet Tambah Darah (TTD), dua variabel yang terbukti secar...