ana yuda - (original) (raw)
Papers by ana yuda
Elderly are those aged 60 years and over. There are special circumstances in the elderly such as ... more Elderly are those aged 60 years and over. There are special circumstances in the elderly such as multipathology, declining organ functio, vulnerable to disease and stress. The number of health problems experienced by elderly encouraging the increased use of drugs. It also increases the risk of drug related problems (DRPs). This study aims to explore the profile of drug management practice of elderly in Surabaya. Data were collected at several locations in the Surabaya region which had elderly activities from September to December 2013, using accidental sampling.Data were collected using structured interviews with the help of questions list, and answer sheet. Informed consent was also collected from the participants. The variables of this study were the use of drugs by the elderly including how to get, how to use, and how to dispose of medications. There were 199 respondents interviewed. Of these respondents, 170 (85.4 %) of them taking their own medicine from health care facilities....
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi pengetahuan dan pemilihan obat tradisional oleh i... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi pengetahuan dan pemilihan obat tradisional oleh ibu-ibu di Surabaya, menggunakan metode cross sectional dan instrumen berupa kuesioner. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 150 ibu-ibu yang sudah atau pernah berkeluarga, memiliki anak, dan sedang atau pernah mengkonsumsi obat tradisional dalam waktu 2 bulan terakhir. Teknik sampling dilakukan secara non random . Hasil yang didapat, 1.33% responden mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan rendah, 62,67% responden mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan sedang, dan 36% responden mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan tinggi. Masalah kesehatan yang pernah ditangani dengan obat tradisional paling banyak secara berturut-turut adalah pegal linu/nyeri, batuk pilek, dan demam. Sebanyak 86 responden memilih menggunakan obat tradisional sebagai upaya pencegahan, 48 responden menjadikan sebagai pilihan utama setiap mengalami gangguan kesehatan, dan 31 reponden menggunakan ketika penyakit tidak membaik dengan obat modern. Se...
Antacid is a medicine used to treat gastritis by neutralizing the excess of acid in stomach. It c... more Antacid is a medicine used to treat gastritis by neutralizing the excess of acid in stomach. It can be obtained on self-medication, however clear information is usually not well provided by the expert, hence causing patients to make errors in its use. The purpose of this study was to observe the profile of antacid medicine usage on selfmedication. The method used in collecting the data in this study was by interviewing. There were 42 patients who met the inclusion criteria, but only 31 patients agree to become respondent. The results showed, there were 23 respondents (n=31) who used tablet antacids and the remaining used suspension antacids. Respondents who used the tablet antacids without chewing beforehand were 56.52% (n=23). Respondents who used the suspension antacids without shake it beforehand were 25% (n=8) and 87.5% of the suspension antacid user who had been using tablespoon as the dosing device. Moreover water is highly recommended to be consumed after taking the antacid d...
Abstrak Lanjut usia (lansia) adalah mereka yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas. Pada lansia terdapat ko... more Abstrak Lanjut usia (lansia) adalah mereka yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas. Pada lansia terdapat kondisi-kondisi khusus seperti multipatologi, fungsi organ yang menurun serta rentan terhadap penyakit dan stres. Banyaknya gangguan kesehatan yang dialami mendorong meningkatnya penggunaan obat pada lansia. Hal tersebut juga meningkatkan resiko terjadinya drug related problems (DRPs). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil penggunaan obat lansia. Pengambilan data dilakukan di beberapa lokasi di wilayah Surabaya yang terdapat kegiatan lansia pada bulan September-Desember 2013 dengan accidental sampling. Metode pengambilan data dengan wawancara terstruktur menggunakan instrumen berupa lembar kesediaan menjadi responden, daftar pertanyaan, dan lembar jawaban. Variabel penelitian ini adalah penggunaan obat oleh lansia meliputi cara mendapatkan, cara menggunakan, dan cara membuang obat. Terdapat 199 responden yang diwawancarai. Dari responden tersebut, 170 (85,4%) orang diantaranya men...
This study was conducted to observe the effect of knowledge on the behavior to use NSAIDs in self... more This study was conducted to observe the effect of knowledge on the behavior to use NSAIDs in selfmedication on Arabic ethnic. This study use analytical survey research methods with cross sectional survey design. The samples in this study were some Arabic ethnic people in Ampel and surrounding areas in Surabaya. Sampling was done purposively, by giving questionnaire to 100 respondents. The NSAIDs widely used was oral mefenamic acid (82%) and symptom mostly treated by NSAIDs was pain (76%). Information about NSAIDs was mostly obtained from family (33%) and the place for obtaining NSAIDs was mostly in pharmacy (93%). Level of respondent’s knowledge in both self-medication and NSAIDs showed that 44% of the respondents were categorized as good and 44% were categorized as fair. Self-medication behavior of in most of respondent was considered as appropriate (97%). The relationship between knowledge and behavioral variables was low (r = 0.337) and knowledge had contribution about 11,4% to i...
The objective of this work was to determine patient knowledge regarding diabetes mellitusand oral... more The objective of this work was to determine patient knowledge regarding diabetes mellitusand oral antidiabetics drugs (OAD). Six pharmacies in Surabaya were chosen purposively inAugust 2009. The sample was DM patients who obtained OAD with prescription. Interviewswere conducted using validated questionnaires. Result showed that 95.8% (69/72) ofpatients knew the aim of DM therapy. More than 90% of patients knew that medicine,exercise and diet are the therapy for DM. The correct time of taking the medication wasknown by 57.9% (22), 43.3% (13) and 0% of patients who received 1, 2 and 3 OADrespectively. A total of 64 patients received insulin secretagogues or sulfonylureas whichhave side effects of hypoglycemia. Only 9.5% (6) of patients knew the definition ofhypoglycemia, and less than 21% of patients knew the signs of hypoglycemia. If forget totake medication, 95.8% (69/72) of patients knew that the OAD should not be taken double.To conclude, patients’ knowledge about diabetes and O...
Ketidakpatuhan penggunaan obat merupakan salah satu Drug Related Problems (DRPs) yang dapat mengg... more Ketidakpatuhan penggunaan obat merupakan salah satu Drug Related Problems (DRPs) yang dapat mengganggu pencapaian tujuan terapi. Ketidakmampuan atau ketidakinginan pasien untuk patuh tersebut harus mempertimbangkan aspek psikologi dari pasien. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada lanjut usia dengan hipertensi dengan menggunakan teori Health Belief Model (HBM) untuk melihat hubungan pengetahuan dan keyakinan responden tentang obat dengan kepatuhan menggunakan obat. Variabel pengetahuan dan keyakinan diukur dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara, sedangkan variabel kepatuhan diukur dengan pillcount. Terdapat 57 responden dalam penelitian ini dengan rentang usia 60-88 tahun, 54,4% adalah perempuan, 68,4% mempunyai pendapatan di bawah UMR kota Surabaya. Sebanyak 57,9% responden menggunakan minimal 2 macam obat anti antihipertensi, dan 54,4% responden mempunyai gangguan kesehatan lain selain hipertensi. Hasil analisis Pearson menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan responden tentang obat mempunyai hubungan...
Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology
Objectives Community pharmacist has been widely known as a health professional who can be easily ... more Objectives Community pharmacist has been widely known as a health professional who can be easily accessed to provide medicines and reliable medicine information. However, this was not always in the case of dispensing natural medicines. Several international studies revealed that community pharmacists were less likely to deliver natural medicines accompanied with detailed information. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate factors influencing Indonesian community pharmacists in the supply of, delivery of, and provision of information about natural medicines. Methods A qualitative study with purposively selected community pharmacists in four areas (district or municipality) in East Java Province was designed. In-depth, semi-structured interviewed were conducted using a Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behaviour approach. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed ad verbatim, and thematically analysed. Results Data saturation was reached after interviewing 14 community pharm...
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Objective: This study aimed to identify the relationship between knowledge and beliefs about dr... more Objective: This study aimed to identify the relationship between knowledge and beliefs about drugs with adherence of drug use based on the health belief model (HBM) theory.Methods: Respondents were elderly hypertensive patients who received their medicine by prescription in one pharmacy in Surabaya. Knowledge and belief variables were measured by a validated questionnaire, while medication adherence was measured by pill count.Results: There were 57 respondents aged 60-88 years, 54.4% of which are female. A total of 57.9% of respondents used at least two kinds of anti-hypertension drugs and 54.4% had health problems other than hypertension. The results of Pearson analysis show that respondents’ knowledge about the drug had a significant relationship with perceived threat, perceived benefit (p=0.043), and perceived self-efficacy (p=0.015), but no significant relationship with adherence, while the result of Spearman analysis shows that only perceived barrier had a significant relatio...
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Aug 1, 2017
Elderly are those aged 60 years and over. There are special circumstances in the elderly such as ... more Elderly are those aged 60 years and over. There are special circumstances in the elderly such as multipathology, declining organ functio, vulnerable to disease and stress. The number of health problems experienced by elderly encouraging the increased use of drugs. It also increases the risk of drug related problems (DRPs). This study aims to explore the profile of drug management practice of elderly in Surabaya. Data were collected at several locations in the Surabaya region which had elderly activities from September to December 2013, using accidental sampling.Data were collected using structured interviews with the help of questions list, and answer sheet. Informed consent was also collected from the participants. The variables of this study were the use of drugs by the elderly including how to get, how to use, and how to dispose of medications. There were 199 respondents interviewed. Of these respondents, 170 (85.4 %) of them taking their own medicine from health care facilities....
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi pengetahuan dan pemilihan obat tradisional oleh i... more Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi pengetahuan dan pemilihan obat tradisional oleh ibu-ibu di Surabaya, menggunakan metode cross sectional dan instrumen berupa kuesioner. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 150 ibu-ibu yang sudah atau pernah berkeluarga, memiliki anak, dan sedang atau pernah mengkonsumsi obat tradisional dalam waktu 2 bulan terakhir. Teknik sampling dilakukan secara non random . Hasil yang didapat, 1.33% responden mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan rendah, 62,67% responden mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan sedang, dan 36% responden mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan tinggi. Masalah kesehatan yang pernah ditangani dengan obat tradisional paling banyak secara berturut-turut adalah pegal linu/nyeri, batuk pilek, dan demam. Sebanyak 86 responden memilih menggunakan obat tradisional sebagai upaya pencegahan, 48 responden menjadikan sebagai pilihan utama setiap mengalami gangguan kesehatan, dan 31 reponden menggunakan ketika penyakit tidak membaik dengan obat modern. Se...
Antacid is a medicine used to treat gastritis by neutralizing the excess of acid in stomach. It c... more Antacid is a medicine used to treat gastritis by neutralizing the excess of acid in stomach. It can be obtained on self-medication, however clear information is usually not well provided by the expert, hence causing patients to make errors in its use. The purpose of this study was to observe the profile of antacid medicine usage on selfmedication. The method used in collecting the data in this study was by interviewing. There were 42 patients who met the inclusion criteria, but only 31 patients agree to become respondent. The results showed, there were 23 respondents (n=31) who used tablet antacids and the remaining used suspension antacids. Respondents who used the tablet antacids without chewing beforehand were 56.52% (n=23). Respondents who used the suspension antacids without shake it beforehand were 25% (n=8) and 87.5% of the suspension antacid user who had been using tablespoon as the dosing device. Moreover water is highly recommended to be consumed after taking the antacid d...
Abstrak Lanjut usia (lansia) adalah mereka yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas. Pada lansia terdapat ko... more Abstrak Lanjut usia (lansia) adalah mereka yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas. Pada lansia terdapat kondisi-kondisi khusus seperti multipatologi, fungsi organ yang menurun serta rentan terhadap penyakit dan stres. Banyaknya gangguan kesehatan yang dialami mendorong meningkatnya penggunaan obat pada lansia. Hal tersebut juga meningkatkan resiko terjadinya drug related problems (DRPs). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil penggunaan obat lansia. Pengambilan data dilakukan di beberapa lokasi di wilayah Surabaya yang terdapat kegiatan lansia pada bulan September-Desember 2013 dengan accidental sampling. Metode pengambilan data dengan wawancara terstruktur menggunakan instrumen berupa lembar kesediaan menjadi responden, daftar pertanyaan, dan lembar jawaban. Variabel penelitian ini adalah penggunaan obat oleh lansia meliputi cara mendapatkan, cara menggunakan, dan cara membuang obat. Terdapat 199 responden yang diwawancarai. Dari responden tersebut, 170 (85,4%) orang diantaranya men...
This study was conducted to observe the effect of knowledge on the behavior to use NSAIDs in self... more This study was conducted to observe the effect of knowledge on the behavior to use NSAIDs in selfmedication on Arabic ethnic. This study use analytical survey research methods with cross sectional survey design. The samples in this study were some Arabic ethnic people in Ampel and surrounding areas in Surabaya. Sampling was done purposively, by giving questionnaire to 100 respondents. The NSAIDs widely used was oral mefenamic acid (82%) and symptom mostly treated by NSAIDs was pain (76%). Information about NSAIDs was mostly obtained from family (33%) and the place for obtaining NSAIDs was mostly in pharmacy (93%). Level of respondent’s knowledge in both self-medication and NSAIDs showed that 44% of the respondents were categorized as good and 44% were categorized as fair. Self-medication behavior of in most of respondent was considered as appropriate (97%). The relationship between knowledge and behavioral variables was low (r = 0.337) and knowledge had contribution about 11,4% to i...
The objective of this work was to determine patient knowledge regarding diabetes mellitusand oral... more The objective of this work was to determine patient knowledge regarding diabetes mellitusand oral antidiabetics drugs (OAD). Six pharmacies in Surabaya were chosen purposively inAugust 2009. The sample was DM patients who obtained OAD with prescription. Interviewswere conducted using validated questionnaires. Result showed that 95.8% (69/72) ofpatients knew the aim of DM therapy. More than 90% of patients knew that medicine,exercise and diet are the therapy for DM. The correct time of taking the medication wasknown by 57.9% (22), 43.3% (13) and 0% of patients who received 1, 2 and 3 OADrespectively. A total of 64 patients received insulin secretagogues or sulfonylureas whichhave side effects of hypoglycemia. Only 9.5% (6) of patients knew the definition ofhypoglycemia, and less than 21% of patients knew the signs of hypoglycemia. If forget totake medication, 95.8% (69/72) of patients knew that the OAD should not be taken double.To conclude, patients’ knowledge about diabetes and O...
Ketidakpatuhan penggunaan obat merupakan salah satu Drug Related Problems (DRPs) yang dapat mengg... more Ketidakpatuhan penggunaan obat merupakan salah satu Drug Related Problems (DRPs) yang dapat mengganggu pencapaian tujuan terapi. Ketidakmampuan atau ketidakinginan pasien untuk patuh tersebut harus mempertimbangkan aspek psikologi dari pasien. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada lanjut usia dengan hipertensi dengan menggunakan teori Health Belief Model (HBM) untuk melihat hubungan pengetahuan dan keyakinan responden tentang obat dengan kepatuhan menggunakan obat. Variabel pengetahuan dan keyakinan diukur dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara, sedangkan variabel kepatuhan diukur dengan pillcount. Terdapat 57 responden dalam penelitian ini dengan rentang usia 60-88 tahun, 54,4% adalah perempuan, 68,4% mempunyai pendapatan di bawah UMR kota Surabaya. Sebanyak 57,9% responden menggunakan minimal 2 macam obat anti antihipertensi, dan 54,4% responden mempunyai gangguan kesehatan lain selain hipertensi. Hasil analisis Pearson menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan responden tentang obat mempunyai hubungan...
Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology
Objectives Community pharmacist has been widely known as a health professional who can be easily ... more Objectives Community pharmacist has been widely known as a health professional who can be easily accessed to provide medicines and reliable medicine information. However, this was not always in the case of dispensing natural medicines. Several international studies revealed that community pharmacists were less likely to deliver natural medicines accompanied with detailed information. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate factors influencing Indonesian community pharmacists in the supply of, delivery of, and provision of information about natural medicines. Methods A qualitative study with purposively selected community pharmacists in four areas (district or municipality) in East Java Province was designed. In-depth, semi-structured interviewed were conducted using a Capability-Opportunity-Motivation-Behaviour approach. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed ad verbatim, and thematically analysed. Results Data saturation was reached after interviewing 14 community pharm...
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Objective: This study aimed to identify the relationship between knowledge and beliefs about dr... more Objective: This study aimed to identify the relationship between knowledge and beliefs about drugs with adherence of drug use based on the health belief model (HBM) theory.Methods: Respondents were elderly hypertensive patients who received their medicine by prescription in one pharmacy in Surabaya. Knowledge and belief variables were measured by a validated questionnaire, while medication adherence was measured by pill count.Results: There were 57 respondents aged 60-88 years, 54.4% of which are female. A total of 57.9% of respondents used at least two kinds of anti-hypertension drugs and 54.4% had health problems other than hypertension. The results of Pearson analysis show that respondents’ knowledge about the drug had a significant relationship with perceived threat, perceived benefit (p=0.043), and perceived self-efficacy (p=0.015), but no significant relationship with adherence, while the result of Spearman analysis shows that only perceived barrier had a significant relatio...
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, Aug 1, 2017