anita idel - (original) (raw)

Papers by anita idel

Research paper thumbnail of Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Food Ethics: A new and necessary Academic Approach to Improve Food and Nutrition Security

students, Faculty and staff are collecting inputs and analytic expertise from different sources-i... more students, Faculty and staff are collecting inputs and analytic expertise from different sources-including non-university and partly also from non-scientific institutionsfor the formulation of a teaching concept to create a new academic course module on the "Ethics of Food and Nutrition Security". The present paper communicates the motivation, procedures and methods for the design and development of this module, its contents as well as the projected outputs and outlook of its implementation. Why Ethics matter? Although the number and proportion of hungry people in the world declines, the total number of 925 million people still estimated to be undernourished remains unacceptably high (FAO 2010). Malnutrition and hunger-related diseases cause 60 percent of the 10.9 million children under five dying in developing countries each year (UNICEF 2007). The commonly held view to achieving food security through boosting agricultural productivity, also by means of GMOs, has failed in the past and is now challenged as being simplified (IAASTD, 2008). This indicates a deeper structural problem that threatens the success of combating world hunger and malnutrition and working toward global food justice. This reflects on the general policy and academic discourse on the world's food systems, which has hitherto largely focused only on security and safety. It now emerges that another conceptfood sovereignty with its ethical claims for responsibility, generational justice and precautionary action-should be a core principle in achieving food security (GOTTWALD etal 2010). This underlines the importance of a

Research paper thumbnail of Animal husbandry true to nature and ecologically orientated agriculture

Research paper thumbnail of The role of humans in the management of organic herds

Animal health and welfare in organic agriculture, 2004

... They put this field into a broader perspective of knowl-edge, expectations and different perc... more ... They put this field into a broader perspective of knowl-edge, expectations and different perceptions of daily management © CAB International 2004. Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture (eds M. Vaarst, S. Roderick, V. Lund and W. Lockeretz) 205 Page 230. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Das gigantische Potenzial der Beweidung : blinde Flecken der Klima- und Bodenforschung

Research paper thumbnail of Rinderhaltende Nomaden und Halbnomaden im afrikanischen Sahel

Research paper thumbnail of Vom Sinn, Weidetiere zu halten

Research paper thumbnail of Auf dem Weg zur Turbo-Kuh : Rinderwachstumshormone

Research paper thumbnail of Zuchtziel Milch : wohin führen Fortpflanzungs- und Gentechniken bei Rindern?

Research paper thumbnail of Livestock production: A climate change and food security hot spot

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Trade and Environment Review, 2013

To optimize the interrelationship between the global climate and cattle and maximize the latter&#... more To optimize the interrelationship between the global climate and cattle and maximize the latter's contribution to global food security, the following steps need to be taken More research on grassland management aimed at optimizing its capacity to serve as a carbon sink. More support for grazing. Land-use change should be brought under strict control, including that related to imported animal feed. Livestock production should have a stronger link to the regional feed base.

Research paper thumbnail of Agrarökologische Aspekte – zum Wert nachhaltiger Beweidung

Die Bedeutung nachhaltiger Beweidung für die Welternährung könnte kaum größer sein: Ihre Potenzia... more Die Bedeutung nachhaltiger Beweidung für die Welternährung könnte kaum größer sein: Ihre Potenziale erstrecken sich auf das Klima und die Basisressourcen-Bodenfruchtbarkeit, Gewässerqualität, biologische Vielfalt-sowie die Tiergesundheit. Das betrifft die (weltweite Entstehung der) fruchtbaren Kornkammern ebenso wie Land, das nicht beackert werden kann, weil es zu steil, zu steinig oder zu nass ist. Die Entwicklung des Ökosystems Weide begann bereits vor 60 Millionen Jahren: eine Ko-Evolution zweier Lebenspartner-Grasland und weidende Tiere. Aber seine Potenziale für nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung und Klimaentlastung werden in Wissenschaft, Politik und (medialer) Öffentlichkeit dramatisch unterschätzt-und weitgehend ignoriert. Die Risiken für die Ernährung steigen; denn die landwirtschaftliche Produktion wird weiter auf Spezialisierung, Maximierung und Normierung ausgerichtet. Ob Pflanzen, Tiere oder Böden: So verkommt die Landwirtschaft-von Pestiziden über chemisch-synthetischen Stickstoffdünger bis zu Antibiotika-zunehmend zu einem Reparaturbetrieb, weshalb auch z. B. Bodenerosion und bedrohliche Resistenzen weiter zunehmen. Geld wird viel mehr an diesem kranken Agrar-und Ernährungssystem verdient und nicht innerhalb nachhaltiger Kreislaufsysteme. Aber die Lösung liegt in einer Landwirtschaft mit resilienten Ökosystemen einschließlich gesunder Doppelnutzungsrinder auf artenreichen Weiden.

Research paper thumbnail of Livestock production and food security in a context of climate change , and environmental and health challenges

Livestock production and food security in a context of climate change, and environmental and heal... more Livestock production and food security in a context of climate change, and environmental and health challenges GERMANWATCH With financial support from

Research paper thumbnail of Organic Livestock Production Sustainable increase of meat production on natural grasslands in Namibia- research methodology and preliminary results

Improvement in grazing systems are necessary to increase the productivity and sustainability of g... more Improvement in grazing systems are necessary to increase the productivity and sustainability of grassland utilisation in semi-arid Africa. Changes in stock density and stocking rate as described in the concept of “Holistic Management” can be an option of improvement. This management concept has not been tested scientifically yet, despite farmers report good success. “Holistic Management” is carried out on the farm is Springbockvley in Namibia since 1993. Since 2014, the grazing system has been changed to prove the concept. Approximately 800 head of cattle and 3,000 head of sheep are used in different herd densities have been introduced on a 9,500 ha farm. The vegetation and the stock productivity are assessed for the first experimental year. The designed methodology seems to be applicable for a scientific assessment of some “Holistic Management” tools.

Research paper thumbnail of Context, conceptual framework and sustainability indicators

Diversity of views and value systems represented in the IAASTD AKST is not an entity; it is a div... more Diversity of views and value systems represented in the IAASTD AKST is not an entity; it is a diverse field of knowledge and values. Achieving development and sustainability goals requires probing and experimentation, negotiation, and learning among diverse voices and interpretations, as well Table 1-1. Differences between a review and an assessment. Scientific Reviews Assessment Audience Undertaken for scientists Undertaken for decision-makers from a specified authorizing environment Conducted by One or a few scientists A larger and varied group based on relevant geographic and disciplinary representation Issues/Topics Often deal with a single topic Generally a broader and complex issue Identifies gaps in Research issues generally driven by scientific curiosity Knowledge for implementation of outcomes; problem-driven Uncertainty statements Not always required Essential Judgment Hidden; a more objective analysis Required and clearly flagged Synthesis Not required, but sometimes important Essential to reduce complexity Coverage Exhaustive, historical Sufficient to deal with main range of uncertainty associated with the identified issues Source: Watson and Gitay, 2004.

Research paper thumbnail of Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Food Ethics: A new and necessary Academic Approach to Improve Food and Nutrition Security

students, Faculty and staff are collecting inputs and analytic expertise from different sources-i... more students, Faculty and staff are collecting inputs and analytic expertise from different sources-including non-university and partly also from non-scientific institutionsfor the formulation of a teaching concept to create a new academic course module on the "Ethics of Food and Nutrition Security". The present paper communicates the motivation, procedures and methods for the design and development of this module, its contents as well as the projected outputs and outlook of its implementation. Why Ethics matter? Although the number and proportion of hungry people in the world declines, the total number of 925 million people still estimated to be undernourished remains unacceptably high (FAO 2010). Malnutrition and hunger-related diseases cause 60 percent of the 10.9 million children under five dying in developing countries each year (UNICEF 2007). The commonly held view to achieving food security through boosting agricultural productivity, also by means of GMOs, has failed in the past and is now challenged as being simplified (IAASTD, 2008). This indicates a deeper structural problem that threatens the success of combating world hunger and malnutrition and working toward global food justice. This reflects on the general policy and academic discourse on the world's food systems, which has hitherto largely focused only on security and safety. It now emerges that another conceptfood sovereignty with its ethical claims for responsibility, generational justice and precautionary action-should be a core principle in achieving food security (GOTTWALD etal 2010). This underlines the importance of a

Research paper thumbnail of Polen und Deutschland arbeiten in der ökologischen Tierzucht zusammen

Wie kann die okologische Tierzucht vorangebracht werden? Landerubergreifende Kooperationen bieten... more Wie kann die okologische Tierzucht vorangebracht werden? Landerubergreifende Kooperationen bieten die Moglichkeit, Synergien zugunsten der Erhaltung von Rassen und deren zuchterische Weiterentwicklung zu bilden.Ein neues deutsch-polnisches Projekt 1 nutzt diese Moglichkeiten. Aufgrund der gemeinsamen Geschichte Polens und Deutschlands bestehen bei einzelnen Nutztierrassen genetische Vermischungen bis hin zu engen Verwandtschaften.Um die Forschung im Bereich okologische Tierzucht in beiden Landern zu koordinieren, sollen deutsch-polnische Netzwerke gebildet werden. Sie erleichtern die Kooperation zwischen Forschungsinstitutionen, mit Zuchtung befassten landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben, Zuchtorganisationen, staatlichen Institutionen im Bereich Tierzucht,Verantwortlichen fur tiergenetische Ressourcen und okologischen Verbanden. Ein wichtiges Projektziel ist deshalb die Identifizierung aller Ebenen und Akteure, die fur die Entwicklung einer dem okologischen Landbau dienlichen Zucht notwen...

Research paper thumbnail of Das globale Huhn

PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 2004

The loss of agrobiodiversity is an upcoming field on international policy agendas. The case study... more The loss of agrobiodiversity is an upcoming field on international policy agendas. The case study “global chicken” reveals the causes of the loss of agrogenetic resources of chicken. This loss is caused by agricultural research linked with economic interests and property right systems as well as the enforcement of a fordist production model in the agricultural sector with immense distributional effects especially on agrogenetic resources. The hybrid chicken breeding industry destroys genetic resources by “outcompeting” traditional breeding systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Nachholbedarf �kologische Tierzucht - auch eine Geschlechterfrage

[Research paper thumbnail of [Animal welfare aspects of biotechnology]](

DTW. Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 1990

It's difficult to value the effects on animals caused by genetic engineering. Nowadays an eno... more It's difficult to value the effects on animals caused by genetic engineering. Nowadays an enormous increase on animal tests is taken place. The detrimental alterations of small number of living born gene altered animals are in literature explained by deficiencies in method and the increased growth is described with deficient mechanisms on regulation. Not only the intention to increase productivity by genetic engineering but also the method to improve by fragments (genes) not facing the animals totality is against prevention of cruelty to animals.

Research paper thumbnail of Nachholbedarf ökologische Tierzucht - auch eine Geschlechterfrage

Eine ökologische Tierzucht existiert bisher nicht - oder allenfalls in Ansätzen. So- mit hängen d... more Eine ökologische Tierzucht existiert bisher nicht - oder allenfalls in Ansätzen. So- mit hängen die züchterischen Entwicklungen auf den ökologisch bewirtschafteten Betrieben im Wesentlichen von den Entscheidungen der konventionellen/industriel- len Tierzucht ab und sind von deren - gesundheitlichen - Folgen betroffen. Ent- sprechend groß ist der Nachholbedarf an ökologischer Tierzucht und Tierzuchtfor- schung. Welche Tiere braucht der ökologische Landbau? Welche

Research paper thumbnail of Gentechnik in der Tierhaltung - Wie sehen die Nutztiere von morgen aus?

Artgemässe Nutztierhaltung und ökologisch orientierte Landwirtschaft, 1989

Vorrangiges Ziel mit absoluter Prioritat mus fur alle in der Landwirtschaft Verantwortlichen die ... more Vorrangiges Ziel mit absoluter Prioritat mus fur alle in der Landwirtschaft Verantwortlichen die Schaffung und Erhaltung der Gesundheit - hier der Tiergesundheit - sein. Dabei ist bekannt, das die Qualitat tierischer Lebensmittel von der Tiergesundheit abhangig ist.

Research paper thumbnail of Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Food Ethics: A new and necessary Academic Approach to Improve Food and Nutrition Security

students, Faculty and staff are collecting inputs and analytic expertise from different sources-i... more students, Faculty and staff are collecting inputs and analytic expertise from different sources-including non-university and partly also from non-scientific institutionsfor the formulation of a teaching concept to create a new academic course module on the "Ethics of Food and Nutrition Security". The present paper communicates the motivation, procedures and methods for the design and development of this module, its contents as well as the projected outputs and outlook of its implementation. Why Ethics matter? Although the number and proportion of hungry people in the world declines, the total number of 925 million people still estimated to be undernourished remains unacceptably high (FAO 2010). Malnutrition and hunger-related diseases cause 60 percent of the 10.9 million children under five dying in developing countries each year (UNICEF 2007). The commonly held view to achieving food security through boosting agricultural productivity, also by means of GMOs, has failed in the past and is now challenged as being simplified (IAASTD, 2008). This indicates a deeper structural problem that threatens the success of combating world hunger and malnutrition and working toward global food justice. This reflects on the general policy and academic discourse on the world's food systems, which has hitherto largely focused only on security and safety. It now emerges that another conceptfood sovereignty with its ethical claims for responsibility, generational justice and precautionary action-should be a core principle in achieving food security (GOTTWALD etal 2010). This underlines the importance of a

Research paper thumbnail of Animal husbandry true to nature and ecologically orientated agriculture

Research paper thumbnail of The role of humans in the management of organic herds

Animal health and welfare in organic agriculture, 2004

... They put this field into a broader perspective of knowl-edge, expectations and different perc... more ... They put this field into a broader perspective of knowl-edge, expectations and different perceptions of daily management © CAB International 2004. Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture (eds M. Vaarst, S. Roderick, V. Lund and W. Lockeretz) 205 Page 230. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Das gigantische Potenzial der Beweidung : blinde Flecken der Klima- und Bodenforschung

Research paper thumbnail of Rinderhaltende Nomaden und Halbnomaden im afrikanischen Sahel

Research paper thumbnail of Vom Sinn, Weidetiere zu halten

Research paper thumbnail of Auf dem Weg zur Turbo-Kuh : Rinderwachstumshormone

Research paper thumbnail of Zuchtziel Milch : wohin führen Fortpflanzungs- und Gentechniken bei Rindern?

Research paper thumbnail of Livestock production: A climate change and food security hot spot

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Trade and Environment Review, 2013

To optimize the interrelationship between the global climate and cattle and maximize the latter&#... more To optimize the interrelationship between the global climate and cattle and maximize the latter's contribution to global food security, the following steps need to be taken More research on grassland management aimed at optimizing its capacity to serve as a carbon sink. More support for grazing. Land-use change should be brought under strict control, including that related to imported animal feed. Livestock production should have a stronger link to the regional feed base.

Research paper thumbnail of Agrarökologische Aspekte – zum Wert nachhaltiger Beweidung

Die Bedeutung nachhaltiger Beweidung für die Welternährung könnte kaum größer sein: Ihre Potenzia... more Die Bedeutung nachhaltiger Beweidung für die Welternährung könnte kaum größer sein: Ihre Potenziale erstrecken sich auf das Klima und die Basisressourcen-Bodenfruchtbarkeit, Gewässerqualität, biologische Vielfalt-sowie die Tiergesundheit. Das betrifft die (weltweite Entstehung der) fruchtbaren Kornkammern ebenso wie Land, das nicht beackert werden kann, weil es zu steil, zu steinig oder zu nass ist. Die Entwicklung des Ökosystems Weide begann bereits vor 60 Millionen Jahren: eine Ko-Evolution zweier Lebenspartner-Grasland und weidende Tiere. Aber seine Potenziale für nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung und Klimaentlastung werden in Wissenschaft, Politik und (medialer) Öffentlichkeit dramatisch unterschätzt-und weitgehend ignoriert. Die Risiken für die Ernährung steigen; denn die landwirtschaftliche Produktion wird weiter auf Spezialisierung, Maximierung und Normierung ausgerichtet. Ob Pflanzen, Tiere oder Böden: So verkommt die Landwirtschaft-von Pestiziden über chemisch-synthetischen Stickstoffdünger bis zu Antibiotika-zunehmend zu einem Reparaturbetrieb, weshalb auch z. B. Bodenerosion und bedrohliche Resistenzen weiter zunehmen. Geld wird viel mehr an diesem kranken Agrar-und Ernährungssystem verdient und nicht innerhalb nachhaltiger Kreislaufsysteme. Aber die Lösung liegt in einer Landwirtschaft mit resilienten Ökosystemen einschließlich gesunder Doppelnutzungsrinder auf artenreichen Weiden.

Research paper thumbnail of Livestock production and food security in a context of climate change , and environmental and health challenges

Livestock production and food security in a context of climate change, and environmental and heal... more Livestock production and food security in a context of climate change, and environmental and health challenges GERMANWATCH With financial support from

Research paper thumbnail of Organic Livestock Production Sustainable increase of meat production on natural grasslands in Namibia- research methodology and preliminary results

Improvement in grazing systems are necessary to increase the productivity and sustainability of g... more Improvement in grazing systems are necessary to increase the productivity and sustainability of grassland utilisation in semi-arid Africa. Changes in stock density and stocking rate as described in the concept of “Holistic Management” can be an option of improvement. This management concept has not been tested scientifically yet, despite farmers report good success. “Holistic Management” is carried out on the farm is Springbockvley in Namibia since 1993. Since 2014, the grazing system has been changed to prove the concept. Approximately 800 head of cattle and 3,000 head of sheep are used in different herd densities have been introduced on a 9,500 ha farm. The vegetation and the stock productivity are assessed for the first experimental year. The designed methodology seems to be applicable for a scientific assessment of some “Holistic Management” tools.

Research paper thumbnail of Context, conceptual framework and sustainability indicators

Diversity of views and value systems represented in the IAASTD AKST is not an entity; it is a div... more Diversity of views and value systems represented in the IAASTD AKST is not an entity; it is a diverse field of knowledge and values. Achieving development and sustainability goals requires probing and experimentation, negotiation, and learning among diverse voices and interpretations, as well Table 1-1. Differences between a review and an assessment. Scientific Reviews Assessment Audience Undertaken for scientists Undertaken for decision-makers from a specified authorizing environment Conducted by One or a few scientists A larger and varied group based on relevant geographic and disciplinary representation Issues/Topics Often deal with a single topic Generally a broader and complex issue Identifies gaps in Research issues generally driven by scientific curiosity Knowledge for implementation of outcomes; problem-driven Uncertainty statements Not always required Essential Judgment Hidden; a more objective analysis Required and clearly flagged Synthesis Not required, but sometimes important Essential to reduce complexity Coverage Exhaustive, historical Sufficient to deal with main range of uncertainty associated with the identified issues Source: Watson and Gitay, 2004.

Research paper thumbnail of Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development Food Ethics: A new and necessary Academic Approach to Improve Food and Nutrition Security

students, Faculty and staff are collecting inputs and analytic expertise from different sources-i... more students, Faculty and staff are collecting inputs and analytic expertise from different sources-including non-university and partly also from non-scientific institutionsfor the formulation of a teaching concept to create a new academic course module on the "Ethics of Food and Nutrition Security". The present paper communicates the motivation, procedures and methods for the design and development of this module, its contents as well as the projected outputs and outlook of its implementation. Why Ethics matter? Although the number and proportion of hungry people in the world declines, the total number of 925 million people still estimated to be undernourished remains unacceptably high (FAO 2010). Malnutrition and hunger-related diseases cause 60 percent of the 10.9 million children under five dying in developing countries each year (UNICEF 2007). The commonly held view to achieving food security through boosting agricultural productivity, also by means of GMOs, has failed in the past and is now challenged as being simplified (IAASTD, 2008). This indicates a deeper structural problem that threatens the success of combating world hunger and malnutrition and working toward global food justice. This reflects on the general policy and academic discourse on the world's food systems, which has hitherto largely focused only on security and safety. It now emerges that another conceptfood sovereignty with its ethical claims for responsibility, generational justice and precautionary action-should be a core principle in achieving food security (GOTTWALD etal 2010). This underlines the importance of a

Research paper thumbnail of Polen und Deutschland arbeiten in der ökologischen Tierzucht zusammen

Wie kann die okologische Tierzucht vorangebracht werden? Landerubergreifende Kooperationen bieten... more Wie kann die okologische Tierzucht vorangebracht werden? Landerubergreifende Kooperationen bieten die Moglichkeit, Synergien zugunsten der Erhaltung von Rassen und deren zuchterische Weiterentwicklung zu bilden.Ein neues deutsch-polnisches Projekt 1 nutzt diese Moglichkeiten. Aufgrund der gemeinsamen Geschichte Polens und Deutschlands bestehen bei einzelnen Nutztierrassen genetische Vermischungen bis hin zu engen Verwandtschaften.Um die Forschung im Bereich okologische Tierzucht in beiden Landern zu koordinieren, sollen deutsch-polnische Netzwerke gebildet werden. Sie erleichtern die Kooperation zwischen Forschungsinstitutionen, mit Zuchtung befassten landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben, Zuchtorganisationen, staatlichen Institutionen im Bereich Tierzucht,Verantwortlichen fur tiergenetische Ressourcen und okologischen Verbanden. Ein wichtiges Projektziel ist deshalb die Identifizierung aller Ebenen und Akteure, die fur die Entwicklung einer dem okologischen Landbau dienlichen Zucht notwen...

Research paper thumbnail of Das globale Huhn

PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 2004

The loss of agrobiodiversity is an upcoming field on international policy agendas. The case study... more The loss of agrobiodiversity is an upcoming field on international policy agendas. The case study “global chicken” reveals the causes of the loss of agrogenetic resources of chicken. This loss is caused by agricultural research linked with economic interests and property right systems as well as the enforcement of a fordist production model in the agricultural sector with immense distributional effects especially on agrogenetic resources. The hybrid chicken breeding industry destroys genetic resources by “outcompeting” traditional breeding systems.

Research paper thumbnail of Nachholbedarf �kologische Tierzucht - auch eine Geschlechterfrage

[Research paper thumbnail of [Animal welfare aspects of biotechnology]](

DTW. Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift, 1990

It's difficult to value the effects on animals caused by genetic engineering. Nowadays an eno... more It's difficult to value the effects on animals caused by genetic engineering. Nowadays an enormous increase on animal tests is taken place. The detrimental alterations of small number of living born gene altered animals are in literature explained by deficiencies in method and the increased growth is described with deficient mechanisms on regulation. Not only the intention to increase productivity by genetic engineering but also the method to improve by fragments (genes) not facing the animals totality is against prevention of cruelty to animals.

Research paper thumbnail of Nachholbedarf ökologische Tierzucht - auch eine Geschlechterfrage

Eine ökologische Tierzucht existiert bisher nicht - oder allenfalls in Ansätzen. So- mit hängen d... more Eine ökologische Tierzucht existiert bisher nicht - oder allenfalls in Ansätzen. So- mit hängen die züchterischen Entwicklungen auf den ökologisch bewirtschafteten Betrieben im Wesentlichen von den Entscheidungen der konventionellen/industriel- len Tierzucht ab und sind von deren - gesundheitlichen - Folgen betroffen. Ent- sprechend groß ist der Nachholbedarf an ökologischer Tierzucht und Tierzuchtfor- schung. Welche Tiere braucht der ökologische Landbau? Welche

Research paper thumbnail of Gentechnik in der Tierhaltung - Wie sehen die Nutztiere von morgen aus?

Artgemässe Nutztierhaltung und ökologisch orientierte Landwirtschaft, 1989

Vorrangiges Ziel mit absoluter Prioritat mus fur alle in der Landwirtschaft Verantwortlichen die ... more Vorrangiges Ziel mit absoluter Prioritat mus fur alle in der Landwirtschaft Verantwortlichen die Schaffung und Erhaltung der Gesundheit - hier der Tiergesundheit - sein. Dabei ist bekannt, das die Qualitat tierischer Lebensmittel von der Tiergesundheit abhangig ist.