Anna Maria Tosatti - (original) (raw)
Papers by Anna Maria Tosatti
Etude typologique de la ceramique et des industries, lithique, osseuse et de bronze, datees du Br... more Etude typologique de la ceramique et des industries, lithique, osseuse et de bronze, datees du Bronze moyen et final
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), May 16, 2023
Nuove scoperte e progressi nelle metodologie di rilievo e analisi dell'arte rupestre post-paleoli... more Nuove scoperte e progressi nelle metodologie di rilievo e analisi dell'arte rupestre post-paleolitica in Italia New discoveries and progress in the tracing and analysis methodologies of the post-palaeolithic rock art in Italy
Rassegna di Archeologia, 29, 2021
Resumé. Les A. analysent à nouveau des thèmes déjà examinés dans des travaux précédents, unifiant... more Resumé. Les A. analysent à nouveau des thèmes déjà examinés dans des travaux précédents, unifiant les données publiées, pour essayer d'établir un lien entre les gravures de l'art rupestre de la Toscane du nord et les parcours naturels, les mines de cuivre et d'autres minéraux dont la région est riche, et même avec les sources d'eau, les eaux thermales et celles de grotte. D'après ces données on peut bien voir l'évident lien des rochers avec gravures (il s'agit surtout de blocs isolés) avec les sentiers de montagne et surtout avec les ressources minières: ce lien est bien visible dans la Grotte de Diana d'où l'on peut aisément contrôler les parcours vers les cols et particulièrement celui où se trouve la plupart des statues stèles.Le lien avec les eaux est moins évident mais il y a beaucoup de rochers situés en proximité de fleuves, de sources ou à coté de grottes et d'abris riches en eau, encore aujourd'hui dédiés à des saints et objet de pèlerinages.
La donna nella Preistoria e nella Protostoria, 2021
In the archaeological studies of the last ten years, a current of thought focuses on the female r... more In the archaeological studies of the last ten years, a current of thought focuses on the female role in its various facets in ancient cultures. The Author, starting from three recent European works that provide the results of the analysis of prehistoric burials of women in Central Europe, takes into consideration the anthropological and archaeological data of the northern and southern Po Valley terramaric necropolis between Veneto and Emilia starting from that of the Olmo di Nogara (VR).
Anthropological studies show that the Bronze Age woman in the Po Valley was a great worker and shows a marked strength in the arms, a further indication of great physical effort: alterations from biomechanical stress have been identified in the upper limbs and shoulder girdle. due to the lifting of considerable weights or even to the use of agricultural tools such as the hoe. Occupational stresses were also noted in the upper limbs and hands. Archaeological data show that there were differences given by the social class.
L'arte rupestre dell'età dei metalli nella penisola italiana: localizzazione dei siti in rapporto al territorio, simbologie e possibilità interpretative, Atti della Tavola Rotonda Pisa 5 giugno 2015, a cura di R. Grifoni Cremonesi e A.M. Tosatti, Archaeopress Ltd. Oxford, pp. 55-92., 2017
In viaggio, sulla stessa strada. Scritti per Giuliano Cremonesi, a cura di G. Radi, L. Sarti, F. Martini, "MILLENNI", 25, Firenze pp. 319-332., 2022
L’A. presenta un gruppo omogeneo di attrezzi in materia dura animale (mda) dal sito palafitticolo... more L’A. presenta un gruppo omogeneo di attrezzi in materia dura animale (mda) dal sito palafitticolo di Barche di Solferino nell’anfiteatro morenico sud gardesano e conservato presso Palazzo Ducale di Mantova. I materiali erano funzionali per la vita quotidiana e le operazioni agricole: punte/punteruoli, asce/zappe, picconi, taglienti (coltelli e grattatoi). A questi si aggiungono alcuni elementi di adorno (un bottone conico con perforazione a V rovesciata e due tubetti di dentalium) databili alla prima fase del Bronzo Antico. Il cervo ha dato la quasi totalità degli oggetti sia in corno sia in osso. Seguono Bos t., Ovis/capra, Canis f., Sus. La datazione porta all’età del Bronzo Antico e Medio (BA A1-BM II).
The Author presents a homogeneous group of tools in hard animal matter from the pile-dwelling site of Barche di Solferino, formerly a lacustrin basin south of the Garda Lake, and now at at the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua. The artifacts were functional for everyday life and agricultural operations: spikes/awls, hoes, picks, cutting edges (knives and scrapers). To these are added some adorment elements (a conical button with inverted V-shaped perforation and two tubes of dentalium) datable to the Early Bronze Age. The deer gave almost all the objects both in horn and in bone, followed by Bos t., Ovis/capra, Canis f., Sus.
Rassegna di studi de civico museo archeologico e del gabinetto numismatico di milano, 1983 fasc. XXXI-XXXII, 1984
REVISTA ARKEOGAZTE / ARKEOGAZTE ALDIZKARIA N. 11., año 2021. urtea 11. Monográfico: D. Sigari, S. Garcês (Eds), Los animales en el arte prehistórico Monografikoa: Animaliak historiaurreko artean, 2021
This work examines animals’ representations of the post-Palaeolithic rock art that can be found o... more This work examines animals’ representations of the post-Palaeolithic rock art that can be found on walls of caves and shelters located in the Italian peninsula, along the Apennine ridge, and in the main islands. The rare represented animals are Neolithic cervids in hunting scenes and very schematic figures of quadrupeds, few birds and fishes, datable between Chalcolithic and Bronze Age. Representations of anthropomorphic and abstract figures are dominant. Images of horses and
riders, dogs and cervids, depicted more realistically and in motion, can be surely related to the Iron Age. After an analysis of evidence identified from Liguria to Sicily and the islands, attention is directed to the opposition of this lack of images in rock art, which are often located in places with a high symbolic and sacral value in addition to their function of controlling routes and territories, to the abundant frequency of domestic and wild animals’ remains observable in several cave and outdoor
sites surely related to cults and ritual offers. The sacred significance of deers, bulls (represented with protomes), canids, horses, can be observed too: as their presence in many mythologies and in Christian symbologies demonstrate, their symbolic meaning has been perpetuated until historical periods
Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi - LA LEZIONE DELLA CULTURA E DEL RIGORE Studi di preistoria e protostoria dedicati a Renata Grifoni Cremonesi, 2021
Neolithic materials from San Fermo della Battaglia (Como), via Rigamonti. The Authors present som... more Neolithic materials from San Fermo della Battaglia (Como), via Rigamonti. The Authors present some Neolitihic materials coming from a pit dug in 1979 during an archaeological excavation in the protohistoric settlement of the Golasecca culture, which best known phase is datable to the 5th century BC.
The pit was located near a wall structure of the Iron Age settlement, but during the excavation its belonging to the ancient Neolithic of the Po Valley was highlighted. Lithic, including Ripabianca burins, pottery and a fragment of red ocher are discussed
Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi - LA LEZIONE DELLA CULTURA E DEL RIGORE Studi di preistoria e protostoria dedicati a Renata Grifoni Cremonesi, 2021
The so-called Omino del Sillara (Bagnone in Lunigiana, MS) among the engraved anthropomorphic fig... more The so-called Omino del Sillara (Bagnone in Lunigiana, MS) among the engraved anthropomorphic figures in the Apuan Alps. The Author presents an anthropomorphic petroglyph located in the upper Bagnone Valley (MS), in Lunigiana, engraved on an erratic boulder, which stands on a plateau at an altitude of mt 1516 above sea level, at the base of the steep wall of Mount Losanna, on the road that from the bottom of the valley in locality Jera goes up to the Compione pass. It consists of three overwritten figures: of the first (A) the lower limbs remain at an angle ending with the feet facing outwards; the second (B) is an anthropomorphic with inverted U-shaped lower limbs and open arms ending with long incised fingers; the third (C) is obtained by secondary hammer with a wide straight body and keeps the same open arms engraved for the B figure.
L'Arte rupestre nella penisola e nelle isole italiane: rapporti tra rocce incise e dipinte, simboli, aree montane e viabilità, 2021
During the study and survey of the engraved elements inside Diana cave (Mulazzo - MS, loc. Canoss... more During the study and survey of the engraved elements inside Diana cave (Mulazzo - MS, loc. Canossa) some engraved lines were found at the base of natural openings overlooking the Magra valley. These signs, 30 to 40 cm long and reciprocally oblique, are distributed in groups of 5 to 6. One of the Authors has observed that the lines appear to be aligned with places where statue-stelae have been found (Sorano, Groppoli, Gigliana, Malgrate, Filetto, Mocrone, Venelia, Treschietto). This research on the visibility of sites indicates the intention of those using the cave of controlling over the territory in pre-protohistoric times. But this doesn’t exclude other possible uses related to
commercial, productive or ritual activities. The authors take into consideration the above-mentioned sites in context of the published archaeological data, the mineral resources, and the geographic data (roads, trails and waterways). The lines in the Diana cave appear to be not only physical but also ideological directrixes which continue beyond the Parma Apennines between Mount Sillara and Mount Aquila. For this purpose, the research is restricted to the Magra valley, from Pontremoli to the Taverone valley, up to the Parma Apennines’ ridge and the Tuscan-Aemilian Appennines.
Carrera FMP, Grifoni Cremonesi R., Tosatti AM (Eds), L’arte rupestre nella penisola e nelle isole italiane: rapporti tra rocce incise e dipinte, simboli, aree montane e viabilità,, 2021
territory, in the Cardoso and Giardino valleys (Stazzema, LU) many cup marks and bowls have been ... more territory, in the Cardoso and Giardino valleys (Stazzema, LU) many cup marks and bowls have been identified along mountainside paths and on boulders near cliffs. An ancient path is known, which went from Basati to Terrinca through the valley floor. Along this path there was a boulder (Zingola Boulder), probably used as a ford in the Giardino stream, which has engraved figures on it, as a twelve-coils spiral and an anthropomorphic figure with orthogonal limbs and a probable horned helmet. There are also boulders engraved with cup marks and gutters on lithic tablelands in a
panoramic position on cliffs along mountainside paths in the Giardino valley (boulders of Terrinca, Furetto, Fordazzani). On the Terrinca boulder there are many cruciforms, some anthropomorphic figures and various signs, among which two tauriforms, now disappeared because of the fire that interested the left slope of the Giardino valley. The Fordazzani boulder has, in the middle, two series of cup marks united by a short 10 cm gutter; two oval signs are relevant as well as a big 20 cm wide
cup mark with two gutters symmetrically departing on the sides and ending in two more little cup marks. On the crag above Terrinca there is the Tanaccio cave, where couples of cup marks united by a gutter have been mapped. They are engraved on little boulders probably fallen from the entrance vault of the cave. The presence of iconographic elements and of some cruciform is recurring in high altitude sites, on which the presence of foot-shaped figures and of probable pruning hooks (billhooks) is remarkable, the geomorphological data and the exploitation of several mineral veins of the Apuan Alps are remarkable as important elements for the development of this
area: there are veins of copper, chalcopyrite, antimony, cinnabar, limonite, iron, mercury, lead, silver and many more in which men have been interested since ancient times
As a result of the researches that have been conducted in the territory of Massa and on the Apuan... more As a result of the researches that have been conducted in the territory of Massa and on the Apuan Alps, in the Frigido Valley and along its tributaries many engraved boulders have been found on visibility points placed on mountainside paths or on mountain peaks. It was noticed that these boulders, which are rich in petroglyphs (anthropomorphic figures, cup marks and carved lines) not only are in visual and mutual connection, but also, once mapped, suggest a system of mutual visibility in sequence: in fact, they seem placed at regular distances from each other, according to the extension of the human visual field. The Authors suppose a system of control over the territory aimed at supervising the ancient roads that linked the Tyrrhenian coast to the Padan Plain. The area of this communication system was used, since the Eneolithic period, by merchants or artisans interested in copper minerals before and iron ones after, which could be found in the chalcopyrite mines of Massa, or by groups of people moving in the territory. Therefore, this system was used in order to defend the area and the resources of its inhabitants, whose villages are supposed to be not so far from the observation points, both during Prehistory and the following periods as the Ligurian Apuan one, because of the belligerent relationship with the Romans.
Results of the researches conducted for ten years in three areas of the north-western Tuscany: L... more Results of the researches conducted for ten years in three areas of the north-western Tuscany: Lunigiana, Frigido river valley, Alta Versilia
The Authors present the data of the new survey carried out on the five walls in the Cave of Diana... more The Authors present the data of the new survey carried out on the five walls in the Cave of Diana (Mulazzo-MS) thickly covered with engravings. Starting from the west face (A), they have made orthophoto and detected stratigraphy of seven phases, digitized graffiti and made a sequence matrix considering both the execution order and the type of technology. The phase I and II correspond to the creation of the cups and descending grooving (some are arranged in a triangle, others, with the addition of segments on the pans or on the body, seem anthropomorphic with radial head), there are two networks with micro cups; phase III consists of the C.D. "Hands" to three, four and five fingers, in a praying position. Some of these seem to reflect symbolic items such as deer antlers (segment branched), the legs of a bird (three fingers), vegetable arboriformi (panels). The fourth stage sees add tools to the hands (ax or halberd) and phase V anthropomorphic, head of the pans with a view sideways or three quarters with short legs. The sixth stage sees an archer, bell-beaker type, with triangular body and arch, next to a probable construction or hut (segments horizontal, vertical and oblique); the VII finally, made in tapping, sees floats, wheels, plows. The proposed dating refers to the age of metals: from Eneolithic-Early Bronze Age and late Bronze Age /early Iron.
Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana, 9/2013, 2014
Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana, 8/2012, 2013
193 BORRA D. 2000, La modellazione virtuale per l'architettura antica. Un metodo verso l'isomorfi... more 193 BORRA D. 2000, La modellazione virtuale per l'architettura antica. Un metodo verso l'isomorfismo percettivo, in Archeologia e calcolatori 11, pp. 259-272. FORTE M., PESCARIN S., PUJOL TOST L. 2006, VR applications, new devices and museums: visitors' feedback and learning. A preliminary report.
Scoperta e segnalata alle autorità nel 1977 da Ruschi Pavesi (Anati 1977; Pucci 1977) e pubblicat... more Scoperta e segnalata alle autorità nel 1977 da Ruschi Pavesi (Anati 1977; Pucci 1977) e pubblicata nel 1994 da Priuli e Pucci, di cui resta un primo rilievo grafico, la cosiddetta grotta di Diana (localmente detta anche "delle forcine") è ubicata a circa 450 m/15° N dalla frazione di Canossa (Comune di Mulazzo, MS), alla quota di 447 m s.l.m., lungo un costone roccioso ricoperto da un fitto bosco di castagni e querce, che degrada ripidamente sino alla vallata fluviale del Magra all'altezza di Villafranca in Lunigiana.
Etude typologique de la ceramique et des industries, lithique, osseuse et de bronze, datees du Br... more Etude typologique de la ceramique et des industries, lithique, osseuse et de bronze, datees du Bronze moyen et final
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), May 16, 2023
Nuove scoperte e progressi nelle metodologie di rilievo e analisi dell'arte rupestre post-paleoli... more Nuove scoperte e progressi nelle metodologie di rilievo e analisi dell'arte rupestre post-paleolitica in Italia New discoveries and progress in the tracing and analysis methodologies of the post-palaeolithic rock art in Italy
Rassegna di Archeologia, 29, 2021
Resumé. Les A. analysent à nouveau des thèmes déjà examinés dans des travaux précédents, unifiant... more Resumé. Les A. analysent à nouveau des thèmes déjà examinés dans des travaux précédents, unifiant les données publiées, pour essayer d'établir un lien entre les gravures de l'art rupestre de la Toscane du nord et les parcours naturels, les mines de cuivre et d'autres minéraux dont la région est riche, et même avec les sources d'eau, les eaux thermales et celles de grotte. D'après ces données on peut bien voir l'évident lien des rochers avec gravures (il s'agit surtout de blocs isolés) avec les sentiers de montagne et surtout avec les ressources minières: ce lien est bien visible dans la Grotte de Diana d'où l'on peut aisément contrôler les parcours vers les cols et particulièrement celui où se trouve la plupart des statues stèles.Le lien avec les eaux est moins évident mais il y a beaucoup de rochers situés en proximité de fleuves, de sources ou à coté de grottes et d'abris riches en eau, encore aujourd'hui dédiés à des saints et objet de pèlerinages.
La donna nella Preistoria e nella Protostoria, 2021
In the archaeological studies of the last ten years, a current of thought focuses on the female r... more In the archaeological studies of the last ten years, a current of thought focuses on the female role in its various facets in ancient cultures. The Author, starting from three recent European works that provide the results of the analysis of prehistoric burials of women in Central Europe, takes into consideration the anthropological and archaeological data of the northern and southern Po Valley terramaric necropolis between Veneto and Emilia starting from that of the Olmo di Nogara (VR).
Anthropological studies show that the Bronze Age woman in the Po Valley was a great worker and shows a marked strength in the arms, a further indication of great physical effort: alterations from biomechanical stress have been identified in the upper limbs and shoulder girdle. due to the lifting of considerable weights or even to the use of agricultural tools such as the hoe. Occupational stresses were also noted in the upper limbs and hands. Archaeological data show that there were differences given by the social class.
L'arte rupestre dell'età dei metalli nella penisola italiana: localizzazione dei siti in rapporto al territorio, simbologie e possibilità interpretative, Atti della Tavola Rotonda Pisa 5 giugno 2015, a cura di R. Grifoni Cremonesi e A.M. Tosatti, Archaeopress Ltd. Oxford, pp. 55-92., 2017
In viaggio, sulla stessa strada. Scritti per Giuliano Cremonesi, a cura di G. Radi, L. Sarti, F. Martini, "MILLENNI", 25, Firenze pp. 319-332., 2022
L’A. presenta un gruppo omogeneo di attrezzi in materia dura animale (mda) dal sito palafitticolo... more L’A. presenta un gruppo omogeneo di attrezzi in materia dura animale (mda) dal sito palafitticolo di Barche di Solferino nell’anfiteatro morenico sud gardesano e conservato presso Palazzo Ducale di Mantova. I materiali erano funzionali per la vita quotidiana e le operazioni agricole: punte/punteruoli, asce/zappe, picconi, taglienti (coltelli e grattatoi). A questi si aggiungono alcuni elementi di adorno (un bottone conico con perforazione a V rovesciata e due tubetti di dentalium) databili alla prima fase del Bronzo Antico. Il cervo ha dato la quasi totalità degli oggetti sia in corno sia in osso. Seguono Bos t., Ovis/capra, Canis f., Sus. La datazione porta all’età del Bronzo Antico e Medio (BA A1-BM II).
The Author presents a homogeneous group of tools in hard animal matter from the pile-dwelling site of Barche di Solferino, formerly a lacustrin basin south of the Garda Lake, and now at at the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua. The artifacts were functional for everyday life and agricultural operations: spikes/awls, hoes, picks, cutting edges (knives and scrapers). To these are added some adorment elements (a conical button with inverted V-shaped perforation and two tubes of dentalium) datable to the Early Bronze Age. The deer gave almost all the objects both in horn and in bone, followed by Bos t., Ovis/capra, Canis f., Sus.
Rassegna di studi de civico museo archeologico e del gabinetto numismatico di milano, 1983 fasc. XXXI-XXXII, 1984
REVISTA ARKEOGAZTE / ARKEOGAZTE ALDIZKARIA N. 11., año 2021. urtea 11. Monográfico: D. Sigari, S. Garcês (Eds), Los animales en el arte prehistórico Monografikoa: Animaliak historiaurreko artean, 2021
This work examines animals’ representations of the post-Palaeolithic rock art that can be found o... more This work examines animals’ representations of the post-Palaeolithic rock art that can be found on walls of caves and shelters located in the Italian peninsula, along the Apennine ridge, and in the main islands. The rare represented animals are Neolithic cervids in hunting scenes and very schematic figures of quadrupeds, few birds and fishes, datable between Chalcolithic and Bronze Age. Representations of anthropomorphic and abstract figures are dominant. Images of horses and
riders, dogs and cervids, depicted more realistically and in motion, can be surely related to the Iron Age. After an analysis of evidence identified from Liguria to Sicily and the islands, attention is directed to the opposition of this lack of images in rock art, which are often located in places with a high symbolic and sacral value in addition to their function of controlling routes and territories, to the abundant frequency of domestic and wild animals’ remains observable in several cave and outdoor
sites surely related to cults and ritual offers. The sacred significance of deers, bulls (represented with protomes), canids, horses, can be observed too: as their presence in many mythologies and in Christian symbologies demonstrate, their symbolic meaning has been perpetuated until historical periods
Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi - LA LEZIONE DELLA CULTURA E DEL RIGORE Studi di preistoria e protostoria dedicati a Renata Grifoni Cremonesi, 2021
Neolithic materials from San Fermo della Battaglia (Como), via Rigamonti. The Authors present som... more Neolithic materials from San Fermo della Battaglia (Como), via Rigamonti. The Authors present some Neolitihic materials coming from a pit dug in 1979 during an archaeological excavation in the protohistoric settlement of the Golasecca culture, which best known phase is datable to the 5th century BC.
The pit was located near a wall structure of the Iron Age settlement, but during the excavation its belonging to the ancient Neolithic of the Po Valley was highlighted. Lithic, including Ripabianca burins, pottery and a fragment of red ocher are discussed
Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi - LA LEZIONE DELLA CULTURA E DEL RIGORE Studi di preistoria e protostoria dedicati a Renata Grifoni Cremonesi, 2021
The so-called Omino del Sillara (Bagnone in Lunigiana, MS) among the engraved anthropomorphic fig... more The so-called Omino del Sillara (Bagnone in Lunigiana, MS) among the engraved anthropomorphic figures in the Apuan Alps. The Author presents an anthropomorphic petroglyph located in the upper Bagnone Valley (MS), in Lunigiana, engraved on an erratic boulder, which stands on a plateau at an altitude of mt 1516 above sea level, at the base of the steep wall of Mount Losanna, on the road that from the bottom of the valley in locality Jera goes up to the Compione pass. It consists of three overwritten figures: of the first (A) the lower limbs remain at an angle ending with the feet facing outwards; the second (B) is an anthropomorphic with inverted U-shaped lower limbs and open arms ending with long incised fingers; the third (C) is obtained by secondary hammer with a wide straight body and keeps the same open arms engraved for the B figure.
L'Arte rupestre nella penisola e nelle isole italiane: rapporti tra rocce incise e dipinte, simboli, aree montane e viabilità, 2021
During the study and survey of the engraved elements inside Diana cave (Mulazzo - MS, loc. Canoss... more During the study and survey of the engraved elements inside Diana cave (Mulazzo - MS, loc. Canossa) some engraved lines were found at the base of natural openings overlooking the Magra valley. These signs, 30 to 40 cm long and reciprocally oblique, are distributed in groups of 5 to 6. One of the Authors has observed that the lines appear to be aligned with places where statue-stelae have been found (Sorano, Groppoli, Gigliana, Malgrate, Filetto, Mocrone, Venelia, Treschietto). This research on the visibility of sites indicates the intention of those using the cave of controlling over the territory in pre-protohistoric times. But this doesn’t exclude other possible uses related to
commercial, productive or ritual activities. The authors take into consideration the above-mentioned sites in context of the published archaeological data, the mineral resources, and the geographic data (roads, trails and waterways). The lines in the Diana cave appear to be not only physical but also ideological directrixes which continue beyond the Parma Apennines between Mount Sillara and Mount Aquila. For this purpose, the research is restricted to the Magra valley, from Pontremoli to the Taverone valley, up to the Parma Apennines’ ridge and the Tuscan-Aemilian Appennines.
Carrera FMP, Grifoni Cremonesi R., Tosatti AM (Eds), L’arte rupestre nella penisola e nelle isole italiane: rapporti tra rocce incise e dipinte, simboli, aree montane e viabilità,, 2021
territory, in the Cardoso and Giardino valleys (Stazzema, LU) many cup marks and bowls have been ... more territory, in the Cardoso and Giardino valleys (Stazzema, LU) many cup marks and bowls have been identified along mountainside paths and on boulders near cliffs. An ancient path is known, which went from Basati to Terrinca through the valley floor. Along this path there was a boulder (Zingola Boulder), probably used as a ford in the Giardino stream, which has engraved figures on it, as a twelve-coils spiral and an anthropomorphic figure with orthogonal limbs and a probable horned helmet. There are also boulders engraved with cup marks and gutters on lithic tablelands in a
panoramic position on cliffs along mountainside paths in the Giardino valley (boulders of Terrinca, Furetto, Fordazzani). On the Terrinca boulder there are many cruciforms, some anthropomorphic figures and various signs, among which two tauriforms, now disappeared because of the fire that interested the left slope of the Giardino valley. The Fordazzani boulder has, in the middle, two series of cup marks united by a short 10 cm gutter; two oval signs are relevant as well as a big 20 cm wide
cup mark with two gutters symmetrically departing on the sides and ending in two more little cup marks. On the crag above Terrinca there is the Tanaccio cave, where couples of cup marks united by a gutter have been mapped. They are engraved on little boulders probably fallen from the entrance vault of the cave. The presence of iconographic elements and of some cruciform is recurring in high altitude sites, on which the presence of foot-shaped figures and of probable pruning hooks (billhooks) is remarkable, the geomorphological data and the exploitation of several mineral veins of the Apuan Alps are remarkable as important elements for the development of this
area: there are veins of copper, chalcopyrite, antimony, cinnabar, limonite, iron, mercury, lead, silver and many more in which men have been interested since ancient times
As a result of the researches that have been conducted in the territory of Massa and on the Apuan... more As a result of the researches that have been conducted in the territory of Massa and on the Apuan Alps, in the Frigido Valley and along its tributaries many engraved boulders have been found on visibility points placed on mountainside paths or on mountain peaks. It was noticed that these boulders, which are rich in petroglyphs (anthropomorphic figures, cup marks and carved lines) not only are in visual and mutual connection, but also, once mapped, suggest a system of mutual visibility in sequence: in fact, they seem placed at regular distances from each other, according to the extension of the human visual field. The Authors suppose a system of control over the territory aimed at supervising the ancient roads that linked the Tyrrhenian coast to the Padan Plain. The area of this communication system was used, since the Eneolithic period, by merchants or artisans interested in copper minerals before and iron ones after, which could be found in the chalcopyrite mines of Massa, or by groups of people moving in the territory. Therefore, this system was used in order to defend the area and the resources of its inhabitants, whose villages are supposed to be not so far from the observation points, both during Prehistory and the following periods as the Ligurian Apuan one, because of the belligerent relationship with the Romans.
Results of the researches conducted for ten years in three areas of the north-western Tuscany: L... more Results of the researches conducted for ten years in three areas of the north-western Tuscany: Lunigiana, Frigido river valley, Alta Versilia
The Authors present the data of the new survey carried out on the five walls in the Cave of Diana... more The Authors present the data of the new survey carried out on the five walls in the Cave of Diana (Mulazzo-MS) thickly covered with engravings. Starting from the west face (A), they have made orthophoto and detected stratigraphy of seven phases, digitized graffiti and made a sequence matrix considering both the execution order and the type of technology. The phase I and II correspond to the creation of the cups and descending grooving (some are arranged in a triangle, others, with the addition of segments on the pans or on the body, seem anthropomorphic with radial head), there are two networks with micro cups; phase III consists of the C.D. "Hands" to three, four and five fingers, in a praying position. Some of these seem to reflect symbolic items such as deer antlers (segment branched), the legs of a bird (three fingers), vegetable arboriformi (panels). The fourth stage sees add tools to the hands (ax or halberd) and phase V anthropomorphic, head of the pans with a view sideways or three quarters with short legs. The sixth stage sees an archer, bell-beaker type, with triangular body and arch, next to a probable construction or hut (segments horizontal, vertical and oblique); the VII finally, made in tapping, sees floats, wheels, plows. The proposed dating refers to the age of metals: from Eneolithic-Early Bronze Age and late Bronze Age /early Iron.
Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana, 9/2013, 2014
Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana, 8/2012, 2013
193 BORRA D. 2000, La modellazione virtuale per l'architettura antica. Un metodo verso l'isomorfi... more 193 BORRA D. 2000, La modellazione virtuale per l'architettura antica. Un metodo verso l'isomorfismo percettivo, in Archeologia e calcolatori 11, pp. 259-272. FORTE M., PESCARIN S., PUJOL TOST L. 2006, VR applications, new devices and museums: visitors' feedback and learning. A preliminary report.
Scoperta e segnalata alle autorità nel 1977 da Ruschi Pavesi (Anati 1977; Pucci 1977) e pubblicat... more Scoperta e segnalata alle autorità nel 1977 da Ruschi Pavesi (Anati 1977; Pucci 1977) e pubblicata nel 1994 da Priuli e Pucci, di cui resta un primo rilievo grafico, la cosiddetta grotta di Diana (localmente detta anche "delle forcine") è ubicata a circa 450 m/15° N dalla frazione di Canossa (Comune di Mulazzo, MS), alla quota di 447 m s.l.m., lungo un costone roccioso ricoperto da un fitto bosco di castagni e querce, che degrada ripidamente sino alla vallata fluviale del Magra all'altezza di Villafranca in Lunigiana.
XII INCONTRO ANNUALE DI PREISTORIA E PROTOSTORIA Nuove scoperte e progressi nelle metodologie di rilievo e analisi dell’arte rupestre post-paleolitica in Italia Museo Civico Archeologico di Camaiore (Lucca), Palazzo Tori Piazza Francigena, Camaiore (LU) 19-20 maggio 2023, 2023
Nuove scoperte e progressi nelle metodologie di rilievo e analisi dell'arte rupestre post-paleoli... more Nuove scoperte e progressi nelle metodologie di rilievo e analisi dell'arte rupestre post-paleolitica in Italia / New discoveries and progress in the tracing and analysis methodologies of the post-palaeolithic rock art in Italy
During the surveys in the territory of Massa and on the Apuan Alps, in the Frigido Valley and alo... more During the surveys in the territory of Massa and on the Apuan Alps, in the Frigido Valley and along its tributaries many engraved boulders have been found at high visibility points placed along mountain paths or ledges. These boluders, which are rich in petroglyps (anthropomorphic figures, cup marks and carved lines) are in visual connection hinting at communication capabilities; in fact, they seem placed at regular distances from each other, according to the extension of the human visual field. The Authors suppose a system of control over the territory aimed at supervising the ancient roads that linked the Tyrrhenian coast to the Padan Plain. The area covered by this communication system was used, since the Copper Age period, by merchants or artisans interested firstly in the copper mines of Massa, or by group of people moving in the territory. Therefore, this system was used in order to defend the area resources of its inhabitants, whose villages are supposed to be not far from the observation points, both during Phreistory and the following periods such as that of the Ligurian Apuan, because of the belligerent relationship with the Romans.
Il presente volume, a cura di Renata Grifoni Cremonesi e Anna Maria Tosatti, accoglie gli atti d... more Il presente volume, a cura di Renata Grifoni Cremonesi e Anna Maria Tosatti, accoglie gli atti del convegno “La donna nella Preistoria e nella Protostoria” tenutosi presso la sede della Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Antiche Provincie Modenesi, sezione di Massa e Carrara, il 25 maggio 2019. Argomento della manifestazione è stato il ruolo della figura femminile sotto diversi profili nella preistoria e nella protostoria. .
R. Grifoni Cremonesi, A.M. Tosatti (a cura di) Atti della giornata di studi 5 giugno 2015 - Pisa,... more R. Grifoni Cremonesi, A.M. Tosatti (a cura di)
Atti della giornata di studi 5 giugno 2015 - Pisa, Mibact, Cantiere delle Antiche Navi di Pisa
Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi, 2020
Atti della sessione H2 nel 20th International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018 "Standing on the shoul... more Atti della sessione H2 nel 20th International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018 "Standing on the shoulders of giants/Sulle spalle dei giganti" - Valcamonica 29 Agosto/2 settembre 2018
: Rock art in the Italian peninsula and islands: issues about the relation between engraved rocks and painted, symbols, mountain areas and paths/L’arte
rupestre della penisola italiana e delle isole: problemi relativi al rapporto tra rocce incise e dipinte, simboli, territori montani e viabilità.
Sono presentati i risultati delle ricerche lungo la dorsale appenninica e nelle isole, con particolare attenzione alla viabilità e alla lettura del territorio e dei simboli, oltre ad alcuni contributi di materie affini.