antonius sudirman - (original) (raw)
Papers by antonius sudirman
Royal Publications, 2024
The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the dynamics of the development of the culture ... more The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the dynamics of the development of the culture of corruption in Indonesia and the efforts to overcome it. For this reason, the approach method is in the form of normative legal studies. Data were collected by reading and studying legal documents. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the discussion are that corruption has been considered a new "culture" in Indonesia. If the "culture" of corruption is allowed to develop, corruption will become an obstacle to the government's program to improve the welfare of all Indonesian people. To prevent the growth of the "culture" of corruption in Indonesia, the efforts made are: reforming the criminal law on corruption which includes the application of reversed proof, the application of the teaching of the nature of material unlawfulness in a positive function, the accumulation of criminal sanctions and special minimum criminal provisions are aggravated. This is intended so that people feel deterred from committing corruption; however, efforts to reform the law on corruption need to be supported by law enforcement officers who are clean, professional, and have strong moral courage.
International Journal of Law, Nov 1, 2017
The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation... more The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation in law of Republic of Indonesia on Corruption Eradication can be an effective means to prevent disparity? The data is analyzed descriptively qulaitative. Discussion results show that based on formulative policies, specific minimum criminal provisions in the Corruption Act are deemed ineffective in preventing criminal disparity, on the contrary as the cause of criminal disparity. Because the minimum criminal threat is too light compared to the maximum criminal threat. In addition, the Corruption Act is not regulated on criminal guidelines as the basis for judges in decision-making. Therefore, in the future there should be an effort to revise the minimum criminal provisions in the law so that the minimum criminal threat is proportional to the maximum threat. In addition, it needs to be regulated on the guidelines of punishment. Keywords: specific minimum criminal; disparity; corruption; corruption act; analysis; guidelines
PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, 2007
xxxvi, 262
International Journal of Law, 2020
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia, 2022
Di Indonesia korupsi dikategorikan sebagai extra ordinary crime atau kejahatan luar biasa, sebab ... more Di Indonesia korupsi dikategorikan sebagai extra ordinary crime atau kejahatan luar biasa, sebab korupsi bukan saja dilakukan secara individu. Namun, dilakukan secara terorganisir, sistematis dan terstruktur oleh kelompok atau istitusi yang menyebabkan kerugian besar bagi rakyat dan perekonomian bangsa. Untuk itu penting dilakukan berbagai upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan budaya korupsi dengan melibatkan berbagai elemen bangsa termasuk mahasiswa agar berpartisipasi secara aktif untuk mengawal berbagai isu-isu korupsi dan mengontrol berbagai kerja lembaga-lembaga negara dan aparat penegak hukum agar terhindar dari praktek korupsi. Dari sekian bannyak komunitas/ elemen masyarakat yang ada, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat kali ini kami fokuskan pada komunitas mahasiwa Asal Manggarai-Flores-Nusa Tenggara Timur yang sedang menempu pendidikan di Kota Makassar. Kegiatan yang telah kami lakukan berupa peyuluhan hukum anti korupsi dan membangun gerakan bersama melawan korupsi. Kegiatan yan...
Sejak beberapa dasawarsa terakhir kita selalu dikejutkan oleh berita-berita miring yang menimpa l... more Sejak beberapa dasawarsa terakhir kita selalu dikejutkan oleh berita-berita miring yang menimpa lembaga peradilan Berita tersebut meliputi kasus penyuapan halcim, kolusi dan intervensi penguasa terhadap keputusan pengadilan. Misalnya kasus kolusi di Mahkamah Agung dalam perkara buruh Marsinah, "Surat Sakti" Ketua Malikamah Agung dalam perkara tanah adat Ongge dan Ohee di Irian Jaya dan kasus peninjauan kembali putusan majelis hakim agung MA dalam perkara Muchtar Pakpahan. Kasus-kasus tersebut memunculkan inzage bahwa lembagaperadilan kita tidalc mandiri dan independen. Namun, di tengah-tengah krisis yang menimpa lembaga peradilan itu temyata masih ada hakim-hakim —meskipun jumlalmya langka antara lain: Prof Bismar Siregar, Prof Azilcin Kusumah Atmadja dan Benyamin Mangkudilaga-- yang menunjukkan identitasnya sebagai figur yang mandiri dan independen dalam pengambilan keputusan. Mereka tidak mengabdi pada rumusan undang-undang (letterknechten der wet) semata, kepentingan penguasa, kepentingan kaum powerfilll secara politik day: ekonomi clan kepentingan perutnya, tetapi merelca memiliki komitmen moral yang tinggi untudk mengabdi pada keadilan dan berempati dengan kelompok masyaralcat marginal. Munculnya beberapa hakim yang mengabdi pada keadilan clan menyttarakan hati nurani masyarakat memberikan segenggam harapan bahwa lenabaga peradilan kita belum hallow dan masih bahkan selalu berperan netral. Yang hancur dan tidak bersifat netral adalah oknum hakim yang hati nuraninya lemah yang selalu memanfaatkan lembaga yang suci itu untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan diri, kelompok dan golongan powerfitll tetapi mengorbankan kepentingan kaumpouvrless. Itulah sebabnya penulis menaruh minat untuk mengadakan penelitian. Namun penelitian ini terfokus pada pribadi Bismar Siregar, mantan hakim agung MA. Adapun permasalahan ytmg diteliti yakni, Bagaimana kecenderungan sikap-sikap dan pemikira Bismar Swegar? Falctor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi silcap-sikap dan pemilciran Bismar Siregar? Bagaimanakah pengaruh silcap-sikap dan pemikiran Bismar Siregar terhadap tingkah laku hukumnya? Serta bagaimanakah metode yang ditempuh Bismar Siregar dalam pengambilan keputusan? Menjawab pertanyaan tersebut penulis melalcukan penelitimi terhadap data sekunder dan data primer dengan teknik "snow ball" (bola salju). Janis penelitian yang digunakan yakni penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunalca.n pendekatan sosiologis khususnya behavioral jurisprudence (ilmu hukum perilaku). Sedangkan analisis data yang digunakan yakni analisis induktif dengan teknik analisis data berdasarkan analisis domain (domain analysis), analisis taksonomis (taxonomic analysis), mmlisis komponensial (componential analysis) dan analisis tema kultural (discovering cultural themes). Hasil penelitian menunjukICan beberapa hal sebagai berikut Pertama, Bismar Siregar adalah tipe pribadi sekaligus halcim yang memiliki kepribadian yang kuat dan tangguh. Hal itu tergambar dari kecenderungan sikap dan pemikirannya yang luhtw. Kecenderungan-kecenderungan silcapnya antara lain: badman dan taqwa, jujur clan polos, moralitas dan integritas pribadi yang tinggi, berani mengambil sikap, bertanggung jawab Berta bebas clan independen. Sedangkan kecenderungan-kecenderungan pemikirannya antara lain: memiliki otonomi pemikiran termasuk pemikiran tentang hukum dart keadilan, berwawasan Jura, visioner, kritis, kreatif dan progresif Kedua, kepribadian Bismar Siregar yang kuat dan tangguh itu tidalc taken for granted melainkan terbentuk melalui proses yang panjang, yakni pengaruh latar belakang keluarga yang baik, rumah tangga yang rukun, agama, pendidikan (informal), pengalaman kerja sebelum menjadi hakim clan lingltungan kerja yang kondusif pada masa awal karimya. Ketiga, raider yang dominan mempengaruhi perilaku hukum Bismar Siregar bukan sistem (politik), strata!' clan birokrasi peradilan dan bukan pula faktor perundang-undangan melainkan falctor kepribadiannya (sikap-sikap dan pemikiran). Sesuai dengan basil penelitian tersebut maka perlu diajukan beberapa rekomendasi sebagai berilott. Pertama, dalarn rangka menciptakan hakirn yang ideal, yang memililci lceberanian moril untuk menyuarakan hati nurani masyarakat yang marginal maka recruitment halcim harus bebas kolusi, korupsi dan nepotisme (KKN). Selain itu seleksi hakim tidak boleh hanya berdasarkan kemampuan alcademis (academic record) saja melainkan juga, terutama, harus memperhatikan moralitas dan integritas pribadinya Kedua, tugas menyiapkan calon hakim yang berkualitas tinggi, baik kualitas profesional maupun kualitas moral tersebut adalah menjadi tanggung jawab kita semua, terutama orang tua, lembaga pendidikan tinggi hukum dan para dosen. Kepacla orang tua diharapkan untuk menanamlcan nilai-nilai agama, moral, etika dan akhlak kepada anak-analc sejalc usia dini agar hati nurani merelca terbentuk sejak awal. Kepada lembaga pendidikan tinggi (hukum) dianjurkan agar pendidikan hukum di tanah air perlu penyempurnaaa Pendidikan hukum…
Preface Introduction 1. Chinese, American, and Russian Security Policies: The Response to Terrori... more Preface Introduction 1. Chinese, American, and Russian Security Policies: The Response to Terrorism Transnational Security Issues and Challenges 2. Nuclear Weapons in a Changing Threat Environment 3. Toward Building Cooperation in Energy Security 4. Chinas Growing Ecological Footprint: Global Threat or Opportunity for Collaboration? 5. Perspectives from the U.S., Russia, and China on Countering Ideological Support for Terrorism 6. Responses to Border/Internal Security Threats: "The Terror of Disease and the Disease of Terror" Regional Security Issues and Challenges 7. Europe-Russia-U.S.: Whither Are We Drifting? 8. Central Asian States and Policy Triangles: China, Russia and the United States 9. Contemporary Security Challenges in the Middle East 10. Managing Nuclear Proliferation: Chinese and American Approaches to North Korea Editors and Contributors
This writing speaks of strategic steps in eradicating the corruption in Indonesia. The out come o... more This writing speaks of strategic steps in eradicating the corruption in Indonesia. The out come of the discussions shows that there is a need for strategic steps to eradicate the corruption in Indonesia they are as follow: (1) There is the social movement to do ,t. (2) Po/Jt,cal networking to strengthen the ant1-corrupt1on movements; (3}The commitment of the P.Olfilcal party to eradicate the corruption; (4) To reform the anti-corruption law so that criminal sanctions are to prevent a person committing corruption; ( 5) Team working of law enforcer to investigate and prosecute for corruption; (6) People's supervision toward the apparatuses: (7) To increase the public service and to implement of good governance and clean government.
International Journal of Law, 2017
The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation... more The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation in law of Republic of Indonesia on Corruption Eradication can be an effective means to prevent disparity? The data is analyzed descriptively qulaitative. Discussion results show that based on formulative policies, specific minimum criminal provisions in the Corruption Act are deemed ineffective in preventing criminal disparity, on the contrary as the cause of criminal disparity. Because the minimum criminal threat is too light compared to the maximum criminal threat. In addition, the Corruption Act is not regulated on criminal guidelines as the basis for judges in decision-making. Therefore, in the future there should be an effort to revise the minimum criminal provisions in the law so that the minimum criminal threat is proportional to the maximum threat. In addition, it needs to be regulated on the guidelines of punishment.
Keywords: specific minimum criminal; disparity; corruption; corruption act; analysis; guidelines
Masalah-Masalah Hukum, 2015
The essence of the specific minimal criminal sanctions in the Anti-Corruption Act, as a means to... more The essence of the specific minimal criminal sanctions in the Anti-Corruption Act, as a means to prevent disparity in sentencing and as a deterrent effect for the corrupt. The formulation of a specific minimal criminal sanctions in the Anti-Corruption Act considered too small, so criminals are not afraid to do or repeat corruption. In the Anti-Corruption Act is not regulated on guidelines for the application of a specific minimal sentencing. Therefore, the Anti-Corruption Act needs to be reviewed with the aim to aggravate the minimal sentencing so can be a deterrent effect for the corrupt, and stipulate sentencing guidelines as a handle in the application of a minimal criminal sanctions.
Conference Presentations by antonius sudirman
International Journal of Law, 2017
The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation... more The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation in law of Republic of Indonesia on Corruption Eradication can be an effective means to prevent disparity? The data is analyzed descriptively qulaitative. Discussion results show that based on formulative policies, specific minimum criminal provisions in the Corruption Act are deemed ineffective in preventing criminal disparity, on the contrary as the cause of criminal disparity. Because the minimum criminal threat is too light compared to the maximum criminal threat. In addition, the Corruption Act is not regulated on criminal guidelines as the basis for judges in decision-making. Therefore, in the future there should be an effort to revise the minimum criminal provisions in the law so that the minimum criminal threat is proportional to the maximum threat. In addition, it needs to be regulated on the guidelines of punishment.
Royal Publications, 2024
The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the dynamics of the development of the culture ... more The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the dynamics of the development of the culture of corruption in Indonesia and the efforts to overcome it. For this reason, the approach method is in the form of normative legal studies. Data were collected by reading and studying legal documents. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the discussion are that corruption has been considered a new "culture" in Indonesia. If the "culture" of corruption is allowed to develop, corruption will become an obstacle to the government's program to improve the welfare of all Indonesian people. To prevent the growth of the "culture" of corruption in Indonesia, the efforts made are: reforming the criminal law on corruption which includes the application of reversed proof, the application of the teaching of the nature of material unlawfulness in a positive function, the accumulation of criminal sanctions and special minimum criminal provisions are aggravated. This is intended so that people feel deterred from committing corruption; however, efforts to reform the law on corruption need to be supported by law enforcement officers who are clean, professional, and have strong moral courage.
International Journal of Law, Nov 1, 2017
The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation... more The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation in law of Republic of Indonesia on Corruption Eradication can be an effective means to prevent disparity? The data is analyzed descriptively qulaitative. Discussion results show that based on formulative policies, specific minimum criminal provisions in the Corruption Act are deemed ineffective in preventing criminal disparity, on the contrary as the cause of criminal disparity. Because the minimum criminal threat is too light compared to the maximum criminal threat. In addition, the Corruption Act is not regulated on criminal guidelines as the basis for judges in decision-making. Therefore, in the future there should be an effort to revise the minimum criminal provisions in the law so that the minimum criminal threat is proportional to the maximum threat. In addition, it needs to be regulated on the guidelines of punishment. Keywords: specific minimum criminal; disparity; corruption; corruption act; analysis; guidelines
PT. Citra Aditya Bakti, 2007
xxxvi, 262
International Journal of Law, 2020
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia, 2022
Di Indonesia korupsi dikategorikan sebagai extra ordinary crime atau kejahatan luar biasa, sebab ... more Di Indonesia korupsi dikategorikan sebagai extra ordinary crime atau kejahatan luar biasa, sebab korupsi bukan saja dilakukan secara individu. Namun, dilakukan secara terorganisir, sistematis dan terstruktur oleh kelompok atau istitusi yang menyebabkan kerugian besar bagi rakyat dan perekonomian bangsa. Untuk itu penting dilakukan berbagai upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan budaya korupsi dengan melibatkan berbagai elemen bangsa termasuk mahasiswa agar berpartisipasi secara aktif untuk mengawal berbagai isu-isu korupsi dan mengontrol berbagai kerja lembaga-lembaga negara dan aparat penegak hukum agar terhindar dari praktek korupsi. Dari sekian bannyak komunitas/ elemen masyarakat yang ada, kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat kali ini kami fokuskan pada komunitas mahasiwa Asal Manggarai-Flores-Nusa Tenggara Timur yang sedang menempu pendidikan di Kota Makassar. Kegiatan yang telah kami lakukan berupa peyuluhan hukum anti korupsi dan membangun gerakan bersama melawan korupsi. Kegiatan yan...
Sejak beberapa dasawarsa terakhir kita selalu dikejutkan oleh berita-berita miring yang menimpa l... more Sejak beberapa dasawarsa terakhir kita selalu dikejutkan oleh berita-berita miring yang menimpa lembaga peradilan Berita tersebut meliputi kasus penyuapan halcim, kolusi dan intervensi penguasa terhadap keputusan pengadilan. Misalnya kasus kolusi di Mahkamah Agung dalam perkara buruh Marsinah, "Surat Sakti" Ketua Malikamah Agung dalam perkara tanah adat Ongge dan Ohee di Irian Jaya dan kasus peninjauan kembali putusan majelis hakim agung MA dalam perkara Muchtar Pakpahan. Kasus-kasus tersebut memunculkan inzage bahwa lembagaperadilan kita tidalc mandiri dan independen. Namun, di tengah-tengah krisis yang menimpa lembaga peradilan itu temyata masih ada hakim-hakim —meskipun jumlalmya langka antara lain: Prof Bismar Siregar, Prof Azilcin Kusumah Atmadja dan Benyamin Mangkudilaga-- yang menunjukkan identitasnya sebagai figur yang mandiri dan independen dalam pengambilan keputusan. Mereka tidak mengabdi pada rumusan undang-undang (letterknechten der wet) semata, kepentingan penguasa, kepentingan kaum powerfilll secara politik day: ekonomi clan kepentingan perutnya, tetapi merelca memiliki komitmen moral yang tinggi untudk mengabdi pada keadilan dan berempati dengan kelompok masyaralcat marginal. Munculnya beberapa hakim yang mengabdi pada keadilan clan menyttarakan hati nurani masyarakat memberikan segenggam harapan bahwa lenabaga peradilan kita belum hallow dan masih bahkan selalu berperan netral. Yang hancur dan tidak bersifat netral adalah oknum hakim yang hati nuraninya lemah yang selalu memanfaatkan lembaga yang suci itu untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan diri, kelompok dan golongan powerfitll tetapi mengorbankan kepentingan kaumpouvrless. Itulah sebabnya penulis menaruh minat untuk mengadakan penelitian. Namun penelitian ini terfokus pada pribadi Bismar Siregar, mantan hakim agung MA. Adapun permasalahan ytmg diteliti yakni, Bagaimana kecenderungan sikap-sikap dan pemikira Bismar Swegar? Falctor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi silcap-sikap dan pemilciran Bismar Siregar? Bagaimanakah pengaruh silcap-sikap dan pemikiran Bismar Siregar terhadap tingkah laku hukumnya? Serta bagaimanakah metode yang ditempuh Bismar Siregar dalam pengambilan keputusan? Menjawab pertanyaan tersebut penulis melalcukan penelitimi terhadap data sekunder dan data primer dengan teknik "snow ball" (bola salju). Janis penelitian yang digunakan yakni penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunalca.n pendekatan sosiologis khususnya behavioral jurisprudence (ilmu hukum perilaku). Sedangkan analisis data yang digunakan yakni analisis induktif dengan teknik analisis data berdasarkan analisis domain (domain analysis), analisis taksonomis (taxonomic analysis), mmlisis komponensial (componential analysis) dan analisis tema kultural (discovering cultural themes). Hasil penelitian menunjukICan beberapa hal sebagai berikut Pertama, Bismar Siregar adalah tipe pribadi sekaligus halcim yang memiliki kepribadian yang kuat dan tangguh. Hal itu tergambar dari kecenderungan sikap dan pemikirannya yang luhtw. Kecenderungan-kecenderungan silcapnya antara lain: badman dan taqwa, jujur clan polos, moralitas dan integritas pribadi yang tinggi, berani mengambil sikap, bertanggung jawab Berta bebas clan independen. Sedangkan kecenderungan-kecenderungan pemikirannya antara lain: memiliki otonomi pemikiran termasuk pemikiran tentang hukum dart keadilan, berwawasan Jura, visioner, kritis, kreatif dan progresif Kedua, kepribadian Bismar Siregar yang kuat dan tangguh itu tidalc taken for granted melainkan terbentuk melalui proses yang panjang, yakni pengaruh latar belakang keluarga yang baik, rumah tangga yang rukun, agama, pendidikan (informal), pengalaman kerja sebelum menjadi hakim clan lingltungan kerja yang kondusif pada masa awal karimya. Ketiga, raider yang dominan mempengaruhi perilaku hukum Bismar Siregar bukan sistem (politik), strata!' clan birokrasi peradilan dan bukan pula faktor perundang-undangan melainkan falctor kepribadiannya (sikap-sikap dan pemikiran). Sesuai dengan basil penelitian tersebut maka perlu diajukan beberapa rekomendasi sebagai berilott. Pertama, dalarn rangka menciptakan hakirn yang ideal, yang memililci lceberanian moril untuk menyuarakan hati nurani masyarakat yang marginal maka recruitment halcim harus bebas kolusi, korupsi dan nepotisme (KKN). Selain itu seleksi hakim tidak boleh hanya berdasarkan kemampuan alcademis (academic record) saja melainkan juga, terutama, harus memperhatikan moralitas dan integritas pribadinya Kedua, tugas menyiapkan calon hakim yang berkualitas tinggi, baik kualitas profesional maupun kualitas moral tersebut adalah menjadi tanggung jawab kita semua, terutama orang tua, lembaga pendidikan tinggi hukum dan para dosen. Kepacla orang tua diharapkan untuk menanamlcan nilai-nilai agama, moral, etika dan akhlak kepada anak-analc sejalc usia dini agar hati nurani merelca terbentuk sejak awal. Kepada lembaga pendidikan tinggi (hukum) dianjurkan agar pendidikan hukum di tanah air perlu penyempurnaaa Pendidikan hukum…
Preface Introduction 1. Chinese, American, and Russian Security Policies: The Response to Terrori... more Preface Introduction 1. Chinese, American, and Russian Security Policies: The Response to Terrorism Transnational Security Issues and Challenges 2. Nuclear Weapons in a Changing Threat Environment 3. Toward Building Cooperation in Energy Security 4. Chinas Growing Ecological Footprint: Global Threat or Opportunity for Collaboration? 5. Perspectives from the U.S., Russia, and China on Countering Ideological Support for Terrorism 6. Responses to Border/Internal Security Threats: "The Terror of Disease and the Disease of Terror" Regional Security Issues and Challenges 7. Europe-Russia-U.S.: Whither Are We Drifting? 8. Central Asian States and Policy Triangles: China, Russia and the United States 9. Contemporary Security Challenges in the Middle East 10. Managing Nuclear Proliferation: Chinese and American Approaches to North Korea Editors and Contributors
This writing speaks of strategic steps in eradicating the corruption in Indonesia. The out come o... more This writing speaks of strategic steps in eradicating the corruption in Indonesia. The out come of the discussions shows that there is a need for strategic steps to eradicate the corruption in Indonesia they are as follow: (1) There is the social movement to do ,t. (2) Po/Jt,cal networking to strengthen the ant1-corrupt1on movements; (3}The commitment of the P.Olfilcal party to eradicate the corruption; (4) To reform the anti-corruption law so that criminal sanctions are to prevent a person committing corruption; ( 5) Team working of law enforcer to investigate and prosecute for corruption; (6) People's supervision toward the apparatuses: (7) To increase the public service and to implement of good governance and clean government.
International Journal of Law, 2017
The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation... more The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation in law of Republic of Indonesia on Corruption Eradication can be an effective means to prevent disparity? The data is analyzed descriptively qulaitative. Discussion results show that based on formulative policies, specific minimum criminal provisions in the Corruption Act are deemed ineffective in preventing criminal disparity, on the contrary as the cause of criminal disparity. Because the minimum criminal threat is too light compared to the maximum criminal threat. In addition, the Corruption Act is not regulated on criminal guidelines as the basis for judges in decision-making. Therefore, in the future there should be an effort to revise the minimum criminal provisions in the law so that the minimum criminal threat is proportional to the maximum threat. In addition, it needs to be regulated on the guidelines of punishment.
Keywords: specific minimum criminal; disparity; corruption; corruption act; analysis; guidelines
Masalah-Masalah Hukum, 2015
The essence of the specific minimal criminal sanctions in the Anti-Corruption Act, as a means to... more The essence of the specific minimal criminal sanctions in the Anti-Corruption Act, as a means to prevent disparity in sentencing and as a deterrent effect for the corrupt. The formulation of a specific minimal criminal sanctions in the Anti-Corruption Act considered too small, so criminals are not afraid to do or repeat corruption. In the Anti-Corruption Act is not regulated on guidelines for the application of a specific minimal sentencing. Therefore, the Anti-Corruption Act needs to be reviewed with the aim to aggravate the minimal sentencing so can be a deterrent effect for the corrupt, and stipulate sentencing guidelines as a handle in the application of a minimal criminal sanctions.
International Journal of Law, 2017
The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation... more The focus of the discussion in this article is, what is the specific minimum criminal stipulation in law of Republic of Indonesia on Corruption Eradication can be an effective means to prevent disparity? The data is analyzed descriptively qulaitative. Discussion results show that based on formulative policies, specific minimum criminal provisions in the Corruption Act are deemed ineffective in preventing criminal disparity, on the contrary as the cause of criminal disparity. Because the minimum criminal threat is too light compared to the maximum criminal threat. In addition, the Corruption Act is not regulated on criminal guidelines as the basis for judges in decision-making. Therefore, in the future there should be an effort to revise the minimum criminal provisions in the law so that the minimum criminal threat is proportional to the maximum threat. In addition, it needs to be regulated on the guidelines of punishment.