anya van wijk - (original) (raw)

3 EARTH (HEALTH / HISTORY / SOCIETY) by anya van wijk

Research paper thumbnail of 6-81(2013A1) De hydrologische cyclus in relatie met de klassieke monumenten in Turkije.

Commentaar op de RSD reis van 21 – 28 November 2013 geheten "In de voetsporen van Alexander de Gr... more Commentaar op de RSD reis van 21 – 28 November 2013 geheten "In de voetsporen van Alexander de Grote – tussen Middellandse en Egeïsche Zee".....Immers alle ogen zijn nog steeds gericht op een temperatuur verhoging. Dat er inderdaad een klimaatsverandering gaande is in de vorm van een verstoring van de hydrologische cyclus lijkt aan een ieder voorbij te gaan. Het is alsof de moderne mens met oogkleppen op loopt. Bent u echter geïnteresseerd in ondermeer de historische "Vergeten Dimensies" neem dan contact met ons op

Research paper thumbnail of 6-78(2014ZA) DE POLYTHELIA BOOG

Artemis van Efeze of de Vrouwe van Efeze, zie figuur 1, was de belangrijkste moedergodin in de An... more Artemis van Efeze of de Vrouwe van Efeze, zie figuur 1, was de belangrijkste moedergodin in de Anatolische mythologie. Opvallend is het aantal borsten van Artemis, vergeleken met de ons bekende meisjes en vrouwen. Toch bezitten ook deze een veelvoud van, niet ontwikkelde tepels (polythelia) en borsten (polymastia). Deze, veelal rudimentaire borsten en hun onderlinge verbinding dateert uit de embryonale fase....

7 Traditional Chinese Medicine by anya van wijk

Research paper thumbnail of 6-78(2007ZB) THE USE OF THE CHINESE TDP MOXA LAMP (French)

Historical Hot and Cold: Shen Han Lun ca. 200 AD, the 5 elements Cold Syndrome. Solution is the ... more Historical Hot and Cold:
Shen Han Lun ca. 200 AD, the 5 elements Cold Syndrome. Solution is the use of Moxa treatment with a similar importance as Acupuncture. However it is difficult to produce in that way a large and stable quantity of heat over a long period. Also the smell of moxa can be a problem to either the patient or the practionner. The latter has also to deal with the smoke of the arthemis used in the moxa. In spite of the fact that it reduces allergens, it is never the less a combustion, producing positively charged particles behaving as radicals to their surroundings.

Modern Hot and Cold:
The TDP lamp radiates in the THz and IR region, the lower part of the Moxa emission. A radiation that penetrates deeply into the body compared with UVA and UVB emission. The 33 elements of the TDP lamp produces each an individual emission, producing so a bar code like spectrum.

This wide band stimulation gives good results on quite a number of illnesses if the right protocol is followed. The classic 5 element configuration has been altered into a 6 element system including the Three Warmer. This makes that 1/3 of the body heats up and 2/3 of it cools down. This introduces stagnations and unnecessary pain. This can be overcome by using a light, well controlled hyperthermia on the patient.

These are very positive. Observations of the body temperature at hundreds of patients showed that the therapy is very usefull because thermal equilibrium remains for a long time giving much comfort to the patient. It is for this reason that the treatment is named Equithermia.

Research paper thumbnail of 6-78(2007ZA) Qi Gong de 100 jours, à pratiquer le matin au lit.

Les exercices de Qi Gong sont connus depuis fort longtemps puisque l'Empereur Jaune – Huang Di – ... more Les exercices de Qi Gong sont connus depuis fort longtemps puisque l'Empereur Jaune – Huang Di – faisait référence à ces méthodes pour expliquer que « Les sages atteignent l'age de cent ans sans que leur activité ne se laisse » On trouve également dans une tombe à Ma Wang, datant de 200 ans avant J.-C., un touleau de soie sur lequel sont brodés plus de quarante personnages dans des postures diverses accompagnées d'explications. Cela prove bien que deux siècles avant Jésus – Christ il existait des exercices complexes avec emission de sons, élaborés dans le but de préserver la santé et d'accroitre l'énergie vitale. (ABC du Qi Gong, Dr. Liu Dong)

Research paper thumbnail of 6-78(2013ZA) FIBROMYALGIA: THE QI GONG OF THE GREEN DRAGON PROGRAM

Objective To test the research program "The Qi Gong of the Green Dragon" on a number of women to... more Objective
To test the research program "The Qi Gong of the Green Dragon" on a number of women to check its influence on their complaints related to fribromyalgie ( fibromyalgia ) and the different other forms of similar diseases that carry the « psychosomatic » label.
Goal through special monitoring :
- Better understanding of the mechanisms influencing the path of the meridians involved and their influence on these diseases
-Increase of the auto estimation of the patient by active participation in the process of treatment
-To study the possibility of the reduction of the often used drugs with a high level of adverse reactions


Objective To test the research program "The Qi Gong of the Green Dragon" on a number of women t... more Objective
To test the research program "The Qi Gong of the Green Dragon" on a number of women to check its influence on their complaints related to fribromyalgie ( fibromyalgia ) and the different other forms of similar diseases that carry the « psychosomatic » label.
Goal through special monitoring :
- Better understanding of the mechanisms influencing the path of the meridians involved and their influence on these diseases
-Increase of the auto estimation of the patient by active participation in the process of treatment
-To study the possibility of the reduction of the often used drugs with a high level of adverse reaction

6 Earth Electric Quint-essence, Ch 75-81 by anya van wijk

Research paper thumbnail of 6-81dk(2015A) Quintessence and Proto History in Jutland 1

A recent visit a the small viking museum in the center of Aarhus showed that the DOM church was b... more A recent visit a the small viking museum in the center of Aarhus showed that the DOM church was built of a prehistoric monument, a situation predictable when Quintessence is combined with history. This museum is run by the far more important Moesgaard Museum (MOMU) which was visited the next day and which confirmed the observed conjunction of both monuments, without giving more details. One of the expositions there was that of the Alken Enge Battle (200-500 AD) of which only is known that a great number of Roman weapons and artifacts were found. By applying the Hallstatt cycle to the battle, illustrated with observations of Tacitus and from the MOMU, points out that epidemic conditions at the time of the battle is a possibility. Also exposed is the Grauballe Man, characterized by the silvery shine of his body, something that corresponds very well with the chemistry in the Earth surface as described by Walter Schauberger. The three bodies from the Borum Eshøj burial mound in Jutland are interesting because of the relationship with their oak " coffins " and the preservation of the bodies. Also here the biokondensator action of Schauberger seems to play a role. Recent scientific observations shows a 40 days relationship between sunspots and lightning activity, a time slot also used in proto historical ceremonies. The key is here the figure 20, which is still part of the French as well the Danish language. The Church under the Church After the highly motivating IWONE 2015 conference in Höör .se, where we came in close contact with the works of Victor Schauberger and his sun Walter Schauberger, we went to Aarhus .dk, where we spend together with our friends a couple of very nice inspiring days. The active part consisted of visits to the principle points of the city, the churches and museums. Here was shown that the major DOM church was in fact build over a prehistoric stone monument, which was situated in the center of the city in Viking times.


1 Kanker is een psycho somatisch proces 2 Beter snappen wat de oorzaken kunnen zijn 3 Verdediging... more 1 Kanker is een psycho somatisch proces
2 Beter snappen wat de oorzaken kunnen zijn
3 Verdediging verbeteren
4 Betere detectie
5 Indien er toch moet worden ingegrepen
6 Betere ondersteuning chemotherapie / bestraling
7 Hulp bij borst reconstructie
8 Herstel van de polythelia lijnen

Research paper thumbnail of 6-78nl(2015) Erfelijke borstkanker en Traditionele Chineese Geneeskunde (Dutch)

1 Kanker is een psycho somatisch proces 2 Beter snappen wat de oorzaken kunnen zijn 3 Verdedigi... more 1 Kanker is een psycho somatisch proces
2 Beter snappen wat de oorzaken kunnen zijn
3 Verdediging verbeteren (speciaal BRCA patientes)
4 Betere detectie
5 Indien er toch moet worden ingegrepen
6 Betere ondersteuning chemotherapie / bestraling
7 Hulp bij borst reconstructie
8 Herstel van de polythelia lijnen

Papers by anya van wijk


The traditional view of the defense system is indeed a military one, with armed skin and Lung bas... more The traditional view of the defense system is indeed a military one, with armed skin and Lung based guards. They protect only, when nourished correctly. Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg relates respiration to enzyme action. Réné Jacquier promotes this by electrostatic induced turpentine oxygenation of the Lung reinforcing these guards. Weiburg noticed also that tumor cells prefer food, fermented sugars, over oxygen as energy source. Jacqier's device, called " bol d'air " used initially a hydrogen flame which was replaced by an electrostatic spark approach. Research confirmed the oxygenation increase and points also in the nutritional direction, as a new avenue of research.


During the 20 th century attempts have been made to explain the origin of life on Earth in a chem... more During the 20 th century attempts have been made to explain the origin of life on Earth in a chemical way, leaving aside electrostatic dimensions like the presence of plasma's and charge separation as takes place in for example electrophoresis. When, almost by accident, electrostatics was taken into account, as it was the case with the Urey – Miller experiment, the results were almost miraculous. Under electrical stimulated conditions a wide range of amino acids, the building blocks of life were produced at a high school student level.


An interesting article concerning a type of forgotten pollution appeared in a major Dutch journ... more An interesting article concerning a type of forgotten pollution appeared in a major Dutch journal De Telegraaf on the 9th February 2017. It concerns a stewardess who was initially summarily dismissed, but still looses her job at the KLM, the major Dutch airline company, because she suffers from a non recognized professional illness named “aerotoxic syndrome”

[Research paper thumbnail of IVF[2016]E=M1 DE MAN IN HET REPRODUCTIE PROCES (1)](

After discussions with the woman of couples confronted with infertility, it is the man's turn. He... more After discussions with the woman of couples confronted with infertility, it is the man's turn. He is confronted with a formula even more simplistic then the one of Einstein's relativity theory. This time it is: 1E = 1M, meaning from an energy point of view, one ejaculation is equal to one menstruation. From this assumption and by using the 2500 years old theory of the mythic Yellow Emperor, it becomes clear that the man tends to dissipate substantially more energy then the modern woman, this in spite of her numerous other energy sinks. The assumption is supported by population statistics, but probably influenced by nutrition habits like the use of cereals like corn-flakes. In fact real interesting information on male behavior concerning reproduction comes once again from the Oriënt, but it is not the only one. Even here in Western Europe interesting approaches concerning natural fertility control have existed with success for a long time. This will be discussed in a next paper.

[Research paper thumbnail of CHA[2016]RON1 Charcot and the Electrical Treatment of Illnesses](

A recent French broadcast discussed the relationship that existed between the student Sigmund Fre... more A recent French broadcast discussed the relationship that existed between the student Sigmund Freud and Professor Jean-Martin Charcot. The name Charcot awakened immediately the dramatic experiences related to the treatment of patients having the Charcot illness. So upon arrival in the Low Lands, more information was collected on Charcot's treatment of " hysterical " patients, which is since years a subject of study in our Independent University. This action proved to extremely fruitful because of the large number of patients treated by Charcot's version of the electrical bath and the results he obtained. Although all the results seems to be quite random, a number of them pointed in the direction of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This was confirmed by the work of Maciochi which related the " electrospray " observation of Abbé Nollet and Charcot to the behavior of the organic liquids, the Jin Ye, in the body. This could mean that it must be possible to carry out electrically a cleaning and reactivation of the body. Therefore further investigation into this electrical treatment should be given high priority.


At the 2016 conference of the French Society of Electrostatics in Poitiers, France the Independen... more At the 2016 conference of the French Society of Electrostatics in Poitiers, France the Independent Academia Re(c)entre and the Holiste Laboratory & Development will present there a new project. Research by Charcot in the 19th century showed the importance of electric fields in the treatment of illnesses by using the phenomenon of electrospray. Electric fields are known to be produced by thunderstorms, but are bipolar, causing nervosity. The electric field produced worldwide by the distribution of electricity is the bi-polar 50/60 Hz field. Since then the " civilized " world has been increasingly filled by numerous sources producing a great number of bi-polar fields with various frequencies The " normal " natural field, for which we are " programmed " is unipolar. The body connected to the Earth is the negative pole with over it the electrosphere, which is ceated by sunspots and solar wind. The fair weather values of this field are 100~300 V/m. These values increases by a factor 10 in case of fog or haze layers. Disappearance or inversion of the field is caused by " mainstream cleaning " of the air. This is done on a very large scale because we do not want to " see " air pollution. Utility plants use ESP's producing Polar haze, melting the ice and exterminating the polar bear. A negative point for the electric car users. Clean gasoline cars use bio additives spreading so the radioactive 14C in the surroundings. The diesel soot filters produces negatively charged space charges causing haze layers. Not only the electric field is affected by this " mainstream cleaning " also meteorological changes have been observed. So gradually the dense fog disappeared, to be replaced nowadays by the " thinner " haze. On the other hand heavy rainfall increased in the Netherlands at a sudden since the year 2000. Both observations have in common an increase in Condensation Nuclei. It are these nuclei that are at the origin of precipitation, rain, fog, haze, snow, hail etc. The nuclei increase is caused by the " cleaning up ". This because the larger visible particles are easily " trapped " making it possible for the invisible ultra-fine particles to dominate the atmosphere. They filter the UV part of the sunlight causing directly a vitamin D deficiency, and indirectly numerous health problems. But also the vegetation is affected by this mainstream " cleaning ". The field increase caused by haze formation empties the trees from their liquids making them sensitive to various forms of illnesses. The increase in Condensation Nuclei will also end up in the vegetation causing a reemission into the environment by cars. If the plants are used for food, the CN will end up in the body. So we should study how to clean up the atmosphere in the right way. Nature shows us how it is possible to make heavy pollen float in the atmosphere, and how they intercept ultra fine air pollution acting like micro drones. However pollen are also causing allergy, thus should be replaced by materials with a proven health record and an equipment making the drone to carry the right amount of electrostatics on the moment of launching.

[Research paper thumbnail of TdA[2016]RON1 MARAICHINAGE EN TAOISTISCHE EROTIEK](

Before taking holidays in the Alps, we have planned to visit our friend and professor in Chinese ... more Before taking holidays in the Alps, we have planned to visit our friend and professor in Chinese Traditional medicine who lives in the capital of quenelles and who did visit us before in Amsterdam with his children and his, now, ex-wife. Together well known places were visited and memories were revived. After making an agreement with our friend that he would visit us in a fortnight in the Perche in Normandy, we continued our trip towards the Alps. Both of us wondered about the reaction of our friend in relation to his partners, so it was decided to come back on the subject the next time we should see him. That took place in the Perche where we learned that his new partner lived close to the lac of Annecy. Then we should look this evening to the slightly erotic film " le genou de Claire " , which is shot in that region. We did so but it did not have the expected effect. This was the case when a book on maraichinage in France was shown and details of erotic relations were discussed from an energetic point of view. The similarity with traditional Chinese sexuality as described by van Gulik is striking. However how to incorporate an ejaculation discipline in the to days very stressed society. Our experience is that the book of Jolan Chang on th Tao of Love and Sex is on that point very useful, a reason to keep it constantly on stock. The encounter with our friend ended by looking at the film " Un baiser s'il vous plaît " , which shows the consequences of a case of maraichinage in our " modern " western society.

[Research paper thumbnail of RON[2016]RE(1: RE(C)ENTRE'S VISIE OP WELZIJN](

The solar system behaves as a gong, it is a cymatic system. It are the sunspots that are activati... more The solar system behaves as a gong, it is a cymatic system. It are the sunspots that are activating the gong and warming the Earth. Their absence, that Maunder's minimum produced the little ice age. The Sun is a rotating plasma where the equator with the highest speed produces the sunspots. Seen from the Earth, their period is the same as that of the moon and the menstruation cycle of woman, thus 27 days, thus linking the Sun with the Moon and the Earth. Re(c)entre Research is convinced that this link is caused by electricity. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) department uses the know how to improve the prevention by working on the different phases of human life. However these are modulated by another cycle, that of te seasons, which in its turn is related also to pregnancy. Because of the unifying approach of TCM critical and psychosomatic illnesses are much easier to understand than when presented in the Occidental way, it can therefore be of great relief to consult a TCM practitioner. In order to help you overcome your fear and take this important step of consulting boldly, we added the 100 days Qi Gong exercises to this text. They are done in the morning, lying in bed and they are taking only 10 minutes.

[Research paper thumbnail of RON[2016]ANN1_ALS OMA HET OP DE HEUPEN HEEFT](

Accumulation of matter in the reproduction region in menopausal woman has been described by Alber... more Accumulation of matter in the reproduction region in menopausal woman has been described by Albertus Magnus in 1245 and is a major source of backpain. The woman has it " on the hips " when cut-up by: Cesarean sections, breast enlargement, reduction, amputation or reconstruction. In a small voice Corry asks if she can come over. Crippled entering cabinet, finally seated she describes the terrible pain that hospitalized her for several days, without "finding" anything but prescribing morphine.

[Research paper thumbnail of MTC [2016]01 VIDEO From Geocentric to Polycentric in Traditional Chinese Medecine, (French](

In this video (Français) is shown the evolution of a 5000 years old cosmological, geocentric syst... more In this video (Français) is shown the evolution of a 5000 years old cosmological, geocentric system based on the four seasons. It changed 2500 years later in a highly versatile polycentric, five movement system. Highlighted is the psychological part of the system making it possible to understand bipolar behavior and its relationship to PTSD. Also the differences between qi gong and yoga are discussed In this speech will be shown that this polycentric system is able to adapt itself if new insights like the hormone functions are established some 1000 years ago. So it remains a riddle why modern science still uses the method of Descartes by cutting every thing in small pieces and " solving " them. It is done with the idea that the problem has been solved it that way, instead of understanding that it is the best way to transform a problem into a scientific hamburger, fortunately peer reviewed.

Research paper thumbnail of SIL 01 2016 ELECTROSPRAY NOBLE METALS

[ABS] A recent Keiser Report discussed a Dutch art project, linking urban farming (mushrooms) and... more [ABS] A recent Keiser Report discussed a Dutch art project, linking urban farming (mushrooms) and money through the heat produced by a bitcoin mining computer, shown in the " Glazen Huis " and related to a workshop and a discussion. This approach triggered questions about the handling of precipitation by the fungi. Another Keiser report links Real Food to Real Money: gold. Modern agriculture produces negative interest rates therefore President Putin wants Russia to become " the largest world supplier of healthy, ecologically clean and high quality food. But how can it be done? ‐ Real Money, copper, silver and gold are powerful germ killers, as is the Sun's ultraviolet light, but both are in retreat, paving the way for epidemics. A situation also present in the healthcare where 10 – 20% become infected with another illness then the one for which they entered. Using copper there, reduces these figures considerably. So do also silver and gold. The way from Real Money via Real Food to Real Health is through Electroculture, which has been discredited for almost a century. Its actualized version, Farming Electric is discussed as example.

Research paper thumbnail of 6-81(2013A1) De hydrologische cyclus in relatie met de klassieke monumenten in Turkije.

Commentaar op de RSD reis van 21 – 28 November 2013 geheten "In de voetsporen van Alexander de Gr... more Commentaar op de RSD reis van 21 – 28 November 2013 geheten "In de voetsporen van Alexander de Grote – tussen Middellandse en Egeïsche Zee".....Immers alle ogen zijn nog steeds gericht op een temperatuur verhoging. Dat er inderdaad een klimaatsverandering gaande is in de vorm van een verstoring van de hydrologische cyclus lijkt aan een ieder voorbij te gaan. Het is alsof de moderne mens met oogkleppen op loopt. Bent u echter geïnteresseerd in ondermeer de historische "Vergeten Dimensies" neem dan contact met ons op

Research paper thumbnail of 6-78(2014ZA) DE POLYTHELIA BOOG

Artemis van Efeze of de Vrouwe van Efeze, zie figuur 1, was de belangrijkste moedergodin in de An... more Artemis van Efeze of de Vrouwe van Efeze, zie figuur 1, was de belangrijkste moedergodin in de Anatolische mythologie. Opvallend is het aantal borsten van Artemis, vergeleken met de ons bekende meisjes en vrouwen. Toch bezitten ook deze een veelvoud van, niet ontwikkelde tepels (polythelia) en borsten (polymastia). Deze, veelal rudimentaire borsten en hun onderlinge verbinding dateert uit de embryonale fase....

Research paper thumbnail of 6-78(2007ZB) THE USE OF THE CHINESE TDP MOXA LAMP (French)

Historical Hot and Cold: Shen Han Lun ca. 200 AD, the 5 elements Cold Syndrome. Solution is the ... more Historical Hot and Cold:
Shen Han Lun ca. 200 AD, the 5 elements Cold Syndrome. Solution is the use of Moxa treatment with a similar importance as Acupuncture. However it is difficult to produce in that way a large and stable quantity of heat over a long period. Also the smell of moxa can be a problem to either the patient or the practionner. The latter has also to deal with the smoke of the arthemis used in the moxa. In spite of the fact that it reduces allergens, it is never the less a combustion, producing positively charged particles behaving as radicals to their surroundings.

Modern Hot and Cold:
The TDP lamp radiates in the THz and IR region, the lower part of the Moxa emission. A radiation that penetrates deeply into the body compared with UVA and UVB emission. The 33 elements of the TDP lamp produces each an individual emission, producing so a bar code like spectrum.

This wide band stimulation gives good results on quite a number of illnesses if the right protocol is followed. The classic 5 element configuration has been altered into a 6 element system including the Three Warmer. This makes that 1/3 of the body heats up and 2/3 of it cools down. This introduces stagnations and unnecessary pain. This can be overcome by using a light, well controlled hyperthermia on the patient.

These are very positive. Observations of the body temperature at hundreds of patients showed that the therapy is very usefull because thermal equilibrium remains for a long time giving much comfort to the patient. It is for this reason that the treatment is named Equithermia.

Research paper thumbnail of 6-78(2007ZA) Qi Gong de 100 jours, à pratiquer le matin au lit.

Les exercices de Qi Gong sont connus depuis fort longtemps puisque l'Empereur Jaune – Huang Di – ... more Les exercices de Qi Gong sont connus depuis fort longtemps puisque l'Empereur Jaune – Huang Di – faisait référence à ces méthodes pour expliquer que « Les sages atteignent l'age de cent ans sans que leur activité ne se laisse » On trouve également dans une tombe à Ma Wang, datant de 200 ans avant J.-C., un touleau de soie sur lequel sont brodés plus de quarante personnages dans des postures diverses accompagnées d'explications. Cela prove bien que deux siècles avant Jésus – Christ il existait des exercices complexes avec emission de sons, élaborés dans le but de préserver la santé et d'accroitre l'énergie vitale. (ABC du Qi Gong, Dr. Liu Dong)

Research paper thumbnail of 6-78(2013ZA) FIBROMYALGIA: THE QI GONG OF THE GREEN DRAGON PROGRAM

Objective To test the research program "The Qi Gong of the Green Dragon" on a number of women to... more Objective
To test the research program "The Qi Gong of the Green Dragon" on a number of women to check its influence on their complaints related to fribromyalgie ( fibromyalgia ) and the different other forms of similar diseases that carry the « psychosomatic » label.
Goal through special monitoring :
- Better understanding of the mechanisms influencing the path of the meridians involved and their influence on these diseases
-Increase of the auto estimation of the patient by active participation in the process of treatment
-To study the possibility of the reduction of the often used drugs with a high level of adverse reactions


Objective To test the research program "The Qi Gong of the Green Dragon" on a number of women t... more Objective
To test the research program "The Qi Gong of the Green Dragon" on a number of women to check its influence on their complaints related to fribromyalgie ( fibromyalgia ) and the different other forms of similar diseases that carry the « psychosomatic » label.
Goal through special monitoring :
- Better understanding of the mechanisms influencing the path of the meridians involved and their influence on these diseases
-Increase of the auto estimation of the patient by active participation in the process of treatment
-To study the possibility of the reduction of the often used drugs with a high level of adverse reaction

Research paper thumbnail of 6-81dk(2015A) Quintessence and Proto History in Jutland 1

A recent visit a the small viking museum in the center of Aarhus showed that the DOM church was b... more A recent visit a the small viking museum in the center of Aarhus showed that the DOM church was built of a prehistoric monument, a situation predictable when Quintessence is combined with history. This museum is run by the far more important Moesgaard Museum (MOMU) which was visited the next day and which confirmed the observed conjunction of both monuments, without giving more details. One of the expositions there was that of the Alken Enge Battle (200-500 AD) of which only is known that a great number of Roman weapons and artifacts were found. By applying the Hallstatt cycle to the battle, illustrated with observations of Tacitus and from the MOMU, points out that epidemic conditions at the time of the battle is a possibility. Also exposed is the Grauballe Man, characterized by the silvery shine of his body, something that corresponds very well with the chemistry in the Earth surface as described by Walter Schauberger. The three bodies from the Borum Eshøj burial mound in Jutland are interesting because of the relationship with their oak " coffins " and the preservation of the bodies. Also here the biokondensator action of Schauberger seems to play a role. Recent scientific observations shows a 40 days relationship between sunspots and lightning activity, a time slot also used in proto historical ceremonies. The key is here the figure 20, which is still part of the French as well the Danish language. The Church under the Church After the highly motivating IWONE 2015 conference in Höör .se, where we came in close contact with the works of Victor Schauberger and his sun Walter Schauberger, we went to Aarhus .dk, where we spend together with our friends a couple of very nice inspiring days. The active part consisted of visits to the principle points of the city, the churches and museums. Here was shown that the major DOM church was in fact build over a prehistoric stone monument, which was situated in the center of the city in Viking times.


1 Kanker is een psycho somatisch proces 2 Beter snappen wat de oorzaken kunnen zijn 3 Verdediging... more 1 Kanker is een psycho somatisch proces
2 Beter snappen wat de oorzaken kunnen zijn
3 Verdediging verbeteren
4 Betere detectie
5 Indien er toch moet worden ingegrepen
6 Betere ondersteuning chemotherapie / bestraling
7 Hulp bij borst reconstructie
8 Herstel van de polythelia lijnen

Research paper thumbnail of 6-78nl(2015) Erfelijke borstkanker en Traditionele Chineese Geneeskunde (Dutch)

1 Kanker is een psycho somatisch proces 2 Beter snappen wat de oorzaken kunnen zijn 3 Verdedigi... more 1 Kanker is een psycho somatisch proces
2 Beter snappen wat de oorzaken kunnen zijn
3 Verdediging verbeteren (speciaal BRCA patientes)
4 Betere detectie
5 Indien er toch moet worden ingegrepen
6 Betere ondersteuning chemotherapie / bestraling
7 Hulp bij borst reconstructie
8 Herstel van de polythelia lijnen


The traditional view of the defense system is indeed a military one, with armed skin and Lung bas... more The traditional view of the defense system is indeed a military one, with armed skin and Lung based guards. They protect only, when nourished correctly. Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg relates respiration to enzyme action. Réné Jacquier promotes this by electrostatic induced turpentine oxygenation of the Lung reinforcing these guards. Weiburg noticed also that tumor cells prefer food, fermented sugars, over oxygen as energy source. Jacqier's device, called " bol d'air " used initially a hydrogen flame which was replaced by an electrostatic spark approach. Research confirmed the oxygenation increase and points also in the nutritional direction, as a new avenue of research.


During the 20 th century attempts have been made to explain the origin of life on Earth in a chem... more During the 20 th century attempts have been made to explain the origin of life on Earth in a chemical way, leaving aside electrostatic dimensions like the presence of plasma's and charge separation as takes place in for example electrophoresis. When, almost by accident, electrostatics was taken into account, as it was the case with the Urey – Miller experiment, the results were almost miraculous. Under electrical stimulated conditions a wide range of amino acids, the building blocks of life were produced at a high school student level.


An interesting article concerning a type of forgotten pollution appeared in a major Dutch journ... more An interesting article concerning a type of forgotten pollution appeared in a major Dutch journal De Telegraaf on the 9th February 2017. It concerns a stewardess who was initially summarily dismissed, but still looses her job at the KLM, the major Dutch airline company, because she suffers from a non recognized professional illness named “aerotoxic syndrome”

[Research paper thumbnail of IVF[2016]E=M1 DE MAN IN HET REPRODUCTIE PROCES (1)](

After discussions with the woman of couples confronted with infertility, it is the man's turn. He... more After discussions with the woman of couples confronted with infertility, it is the man's turn. He is confronted with a formula even more simplistic then the one of Einstein's relativity theory. This time it is: 1E = 1M, meaning from an energy point of view, one ejaculation is equal to one menstruation. From this assumption and by using the 2500 years old theory of the mythic Yellow Emperor, it becomes clear that the man tends to dissipate substantially more energy then the modern woman, this in spite of her numerous other energy sinks. The assumption is supported by population statistics, but probably influenced by nutrition habits like the use of cereals like corn-flakes. In fact real interesting information on male behavior concerning reproduction comes once again from the Oriënt, but it is not the only one. Even here in Western Europe interesting approaches concerning natural fertility control have existed with success for a long time. This will be discussed in a next paper.

[Research paper thumbnail of CHA[2016]RON1 Charcot and the Electrical Treatment of Illnesses](

A recent French broadcast discussed the relationship that existed between the student Sigmund Fre... more A recent French broadcast discussed the relationship that existed between the student Sigmund Freud and Professor Jean-Martin Charcot. The name Charcot awakened immediately the dramatic experiences related to the treatment of patients having the Charcot illness. So upon arrival in the Low Lands, more information was collected on Charcot's treatment of " hysterical " patients, which is since years a subject of study in our Independent University. This action proved to extremely fruitful because of the large number of patients treated by Charcot's version of the electrical bath and the results he obtained. Although all the results seems to be quite random, a number of them pointed in the direction of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This was confirmed by the work of Maciochi which related the " electrospray " observation of Abbé Nollet and Charcot to the behavior of the organic liquids, the Jin Ye, in the body. This could mean that it must be possible to carry out electrically a cleaning and reactivation of the body. Therefore further investigation into this electrical treatment should be given high priority.


At the 2016 conference of the French Society of Electrostatics in Poitiers, France the Independen... more At the 2016 conference of the French Society of Electrostatics in Poitiers, France the Independent Academia Re(c)entre and the Holiste Laboratory & Development will present there a new project. Research by Charcot in the 19th century showed the importance of electric fields in the treatment of illnesses by using the phenomenon of electrospray. Electric fields are known to be produced by thunderstorms, but are bipolar, causing nervosity. The electric field produced worldwide by the distribution of electricity is the bi-polar 50/60 Hz field. Since then the " civilized " world has been increasingly filled by numerous sources producing a great number of bi-polar fields with various frequencies The " normal " natural field, for which we are " programmed " is unipolar. The body connected to the Earth is the negative pole with over it the electrosphere, which is ceated by sunspots and solar wind. The fair weather values of this field are 100~300 V/m. These values increases by a factor 10 in case of fog or haze layers. Disappearance or inversion of the field is caused by " mainstream cleaning " of the air. This is done on a very large scale because we do not want to " see " air pollution. Utility plants use ESP's producing Polar haze, melting the ice and exterminating the polar bear. A negative point for the electric car users. Clean gasoline cars use bio additives spreading so the radioactive 14C in the surroundings. The diesel soot filters produces negatively charged space charges causing haze layers. Not only the electric field is affected by this " mainstream cleaning " also meteorological changes have been observed. So gradually the dense fog disappeared, to be replaced nowadays by the " thinner " haze. On the other hand heavy rainfall increased in the Netherlands at a sudden since the year 2000. Both observations have in common an increase in Condensation Nuclei. It are these nuclei that are at the origin of precipitation, rain, fog, haze, snow, hail etc. The nuclei increase is caused by the " cleaning up ". This because the larger visible particles are easily " trapped " making it possible for the invisible ultra-fine particles to dominate the atmosphere. They filter the UV part of the sunlight causing directly a vitamin D deficiency, and indirectly numerous health problems. But also the vegetation is affected by this mainstream " cleaning ". The field increase caused by haze formation empties the trees from their liquids making them sensitive to various forms of illnesses. The increase in Condensation Nuclei will also end up in the vegetation causing a reemission into the environment by cars. If the plants are used for food, the CN will end up in the body. So we should study how to clean up the atmosphere in the right way. Nature shows us how it is possible to make heavy pollen float in the atmosphere, and how they intercept ultra fine air pollution acting like micro drones. However pollen are also causing allergy, thus should be replaced by materials with a proven health record and an equipment making the drone to carry the right amount of electrostatics on the moment of launching.

[Research paper thumbnail of TdA[2016]RON1 MARAICHINAGE EN TAOISTISCHE EROTIEK](

Before taking holidays in the Alps, we have planned to visit our friend and professor in Chinese ... more Before taking holidays in the Alps, we have planned to visit our friend and professor in Chinese Traditional medicine who lives in the capital of quenelles and who did visit us before in Amsterdam with his children and his, now, ex-wife. Together well known places were visited and memories were revived. After making an agreement with our friend that he would visit us in a fortnight in the Perche in Normandy, we continued our trip towards the Alps. Both of us wondered about the reaction of our friend in relation to his partners, so it was decided to come back on the subject the next time we should see him. That took place in the Perche where we learned that his new partner lived close to the lac of Annecy. Then we should look this evening to the slightly erotic film " le genou de Claire " , which is shot in that region. We did so but it did not have the expected effect. This was the case when a book on maraichinage in France was shown and details of erotic relations were discussed from an energetic point of view. The similarity with traditional Chinese sexuality as described by van Gulik is striking. However how to incorporate an ejaculation discipline in the to days very stressed society. Our experience is that the book of Jolan Chang on th Tao of Love and Sex is on that point very useful, a reason to keep it constantly on stock. The encounter with our friend ended by looking at the film " Un baiser s'il vous plaît " , which shows the consequences of a case of maraichinage in our " modern " western society.

[Research paper thumbnail of RON[2016]RE(1: RE(C)ENTRE'S VISIE OP WELZIJN](

The solar system behaves as a gong, it is a cymatic system. It are the sunspots that are activati... more The solar system behaves as a gong, it is a cymatic system. It are the sunspots that are activating the gong and warming the Earth. Their absence, that Maunder's minimum produced the little ice age. The Sun is a rotating plasma where the equator with the highest speed produces the sunspots. Seen from the Earth, their period is the same as that of the moon and the menstruation cycle of woman, thus 27 days, thus linking the Sun with the Moon and the Earth. Re(c)entre Research is convinced that this link is caused by electricity. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) department uses the know how to improve the prevention by working on the different phases of human life. However these are modulated by another cycle, that of te seasons, which in its turn is related also to pregnancy. Because of the unifying approach of TCM critical and psychosomatic illnesses are much easier to understand than when presented in the Occidental way, it can therefore be of great relief to consult a TCM practitioner. In order to help you overcome your fear and take this important step of consulting boldly, we added the 100 days Qi Gong exercises to this text. They are done in the morning, lying in bed and they are taking only 10 minutes.

[Research paper thumbnail of RON[2016]ANN1_ALS OMA HET OP DE HEUPEN HEEFT](

Accumulation of matter in the reproduction region in menopausal woman has been described by Alber... more Accumulation of matter in the reproduction region in menopausal woman has been described by Albertus Magnus in 1245 and is a major source of backpain. The woman has it " on the hips " when cut-up by: Cesarean sections, breast enlargement, reduction, amputation or reconstruction. In a small voice Corry asks if she can come over. Crippled entering cabinet, finally seated she describes the terrible pain that hospitalized her for several days, without "finding" anything but prescribing morphine.

[Research paper thumbnail of MTC [2016]01 VIDEO From Geocentric to Polycentric in Traditional Chinese Medecine, (French](

In this video (Français) is shown the evolution of a 5000 years old cosmological, geocentric syst... more In this video (Français) is shown the evolution of a 5000 years old cosmological, geocentric system based on the four seasons. It changed 2500 years later in a highly versatile polycentric, five movement system. Highlighted is the psychological part of the system making it possible to understand bipolar behavior and its relationship to PTSD. Also the differences between qi gong and yoga are discussed In this speech will be shown that this polycentric system is able to adapt itself if new insights like the hormone functions are established some 1000 years ago. So it remains a riddle why modern science still uses the method of Descartes by cutting every thing in small pieces and " solving " them. It is done with the idea that the problem has been solved it that way, instead of understanding that it is the best way to transform a problem into a scientific hamburger, fortunately peer reviewed.

Research paper thumbnail of SIL 01 2016 ELECTROSPRAY NOBLE METALS

[ABS] A recent Keiser Report discussed a Dutch art project, linking urban farming (mushrooms) and... more [ABS] A recent Keiser Report discussed a Dutch art project, linking urban farming (mushrooms) and money through the heat produced by a bitcoin mining computer, shown in the " Glazen Huis " and related to a workshop and a discussion. This approach triggered questions about the handling of precipitation by the fungi. Another Keiser report links Real Food to Real Money: gold. Modern agriculture produces negative interest rates therefore President Putin wants Russia to become " the largest world supplier of healthy, ecologically clean and high quality food. But how can it be done? ‐ Real Money, copper, silver and gold are powerful germ killers, as is the Sun's ultraviolet light, but both are in retreat, paving the way for epidemics. A situation also present in the healthcare where 10 – 20% become infected with another illness then the one for which they entered. Using copper there, reduces these figures considerably. So do also silver and gold. The way from Real Money via Real Food to Real Health is through Electroculture, which has been discredited for almost a century. Its actualized version, Farming Electric is discussed as example.


1 Kanker is een psycho somatisch proces 2 Beter snappen wat de oorzaken kunnen zijn 3 Verdediging... more 1 Kanker is een psycho somatisch proces
2 Beter snappen wat de oorzaken kunnen zijn
3 Verdediging verbeteren
4 Betere detectie
5 Indien er toch moet worden ingegrepen
6 Betere ondersteuning chemotherapie / bestraling
7 Hulp bij borst reconstructie
8 Herstel van de polythelia lijnen


[ABS] 1 Geocentricity is characteristic for the Middle Ages, its configuration is that of the TO ... more [ABS] 1 Geocentricity is characteristic for the Middle Ages, its configuration is that of the TO map and its consequences are dominating daily life. It concerns a flat round earth, the rim is called ocean and has the shape of the letter O. The circular continent is divided in three by water ways with the form of the letter T. Details of the map are related to five colors, black, red, green, yellow and white. 2 Ephesus was the center of the Antique world but also of the start-up of Christianity. Therefore the basilica of St. John the Theologian is of great importance, also because it is situated side by side with one of the seven wonders of the world, the temple of Artemis. The floor-plan of the basilica is constructed in accordance with the TO map. Why this unexpected link? 3 The answer comes from China through the Silk Road in a digital format. This is caused by the shift register like way of operation for philosophical information of this transport line. This makes that only the Geocentric prototype version reached Europe instead of the very successful Polycentric or 5 movements system. That is used in traditional medicine, music, architecture and geomancy, astronomy and astrology, meditation, gymnastics and sports. It is the base of Sun Zi's military strategy. 4 The colors and orientations of the 5 movement system coming from the Silk Road, are also found in the Antique and Christian center of Europe. This statement is underlined by the fact that Turkish people address the Mediterranean with the color " white " : Akdeniz. 5 Because the 5 movement system has a powerful philosophical and spiritual dimension, it is interested to see if this is also the case with its TO counterpart. This however is axed around the existence of peoples walking with their feet upwards, the Antipodes. Belief in their existence as well the possibility to study through observatories is prohibited. Life is determined by the stays of the TO map. 6 Once the New World was found the real intention of the TO philosophy came alight with the Indians and the scientists who opposed its Geocentric view. This find was made possible by adopting Viking navigation. 7 Even the so called " Enlightenment " is polluted by parts of the wreckage of the Geocentric view washing regularly ashore in scientific Europe. This process ends quite suddenly when it is observed that even the sea can change its state and becomes frozen. 8 This, together with the possibility for mankind to leave the surface of the Earth by balloons and zeppelins. The stays of Geocentricity fades away and science fiction of Jules Verne takes its place in the spirits of mankind. Scientifically this movement is called cosmical physics, but it is in fact a dynamic form of Polycentricity. 9 In the 20 th century, Geocentricity, now in various forms, let's name them Neocentriciy, is back on track. The Big Bang doctrine places the Earth now in the center of the Universe. It is supported by modern ways of propaganda. They do this by depriving the interested public from a coherent context. It is replaced by a constant bombardment of their minds with loose " facts ". This goes on until the public is convinced that they have seen the " light " , making them converts to the case. 10 The phenomenon of scientific indoctrination is not only the case with the Big Bang doctrine, largely sponsored by religious institutions. The military is another institution that is


Abstract: The first of a series of articles related to treatments based on the principles of trad... more Abstract: The first of a series of articles related to treatments based on the principles of traditional chinese medicine and concerns the basics of Penta (5) therapy for cancer. Therefore five different approaches to treat cancer are highlighted. They are the Coley bacteria treament, the Dr. John Beard trophoblast theory, the radio therapy proposed by Marie Curie, the steamship John Harvey chemo therapy and the Pauling – Cameron approach. These therapies easely fit in the classic Wu Xing schematic, which points out that they are likely to be complementary. This should mean that cancer treatment should not be as it now is a mono- or bi-therapy, neither a tri(3)therapy, nor a tetra(4)therapy, but a penta(5)therapy. The work that has been carried out in this, quintessence, direction, will be the subject of future articles. (in Dutch)



When the air streams meet there are electrical discharges able to decompose the oils and greases ... more When the air streams meet there are electrical discharges able to decompose the oils and greases used in the turbine in such a way that they manifest themselves as a toxic cloud in the cabin: the "fume event". The mechanism involved is called cold plasma pyrolysis. The main application of this is used in waste management. Pyrolysis is the process of heating materials to temperatures between 400°C and 650°C in a low oxygen environment. This decomposes organic materials without incinerating them. Adding cold plasma to the process can help recover other chemicals and materials, especially from plastic waste. This is far from the "Fresh High Altitude" air promised by the airline industry. The consequences for crew and passengers are discussed by Bearnairdine
Beaumont in her Teaching Document: "Cabin Air Contamination Events - A Diagnostic Workup" and Prof. Johannes Ludwig, "Underreporting Fume Events: Perception Trap and Safety in Aviation".

Research paper thumbnail of A) Is there or is there not aerosol transmission of Covid

J. Terrestrial Electrostatics and Hydroactivity, 2020

Could the airborne virus infiltrate ventilation ducts and infect people in offices, supermarkets... more Could the airborne virus infiltrate ventilation ducts and infect people in offices, supermarkets or means of transport? This is a fear that has been circulating quietly since the beginning of the epidemic and that comes up very regularly, is SARS-CoV2 airborne? That is to say, can it be transmitted or not via the droplets that we talk about all the time, which are basically sputters, which are fairly large, but via smaller particles, less than 5 microns in size? Aerosols, therefore, which would remain suspended in the air for a longer period of time, could infiltrate ventilation ducts and infect people in offices, supermarkets or means of transport. Well, a new study (1) has just come out on this subject, and confirms what was more or less a consensus among researchers. If viral DNA is indeed found in the air, suspended in collective spaces, it is probably in much too small quantities to be contaminating, except in very cramped, un-ventilated premises, or in large concentrations of infected people.

[Research paper thumbnail of JAM[2016]01A DE KEIZERLIJKE UITSPRAAK EN DE PRINSELIJKE KELK.](

Een galante maar hachelijke situatie van Prins Gemaal Hendrik van Oranje opgelost door het vernuf... more Een galante maar hachelijke situatie van Prins Gemaal Hendrik van Oranje opgelost door het vernuft van Kornuit. Weer en Kornuit historie. Uitgeverij Ridder Jan, Breda.

Research paper thumbnail of AN 00 TODAYS HYDRA

Forgotten Pollution Series Vol. I, 2020

, Terrible Taiga, Australian and Californian wildfires, collapsing bridges due to torrential rain... more , Terrible Taiga, Australian and Californian wildfires, collapsing bridges due to torrential rains, melting poles. Today’s mainstream information links it all to “Global Warming” and “Greenhouse Gases”. Too simple, because items like the global lack of vitamin D and even the Corona virus spreading, are also part of it. This paper shows that the problems are caused by the obsession of mankind’s to ‘clean’ the air. These attempts failed. Often the situation even got worse, in fact it became ’Bad air’.
It looks like fighting with a Hydra. You cut off a head, another replaces it.
So we have to find the underlying system. By linking seemingly unrelated events. In this paper we start with a primitive atmosphere test, which is compared with the more then 2500 year old Five Elements System of Chinese civilization. This fusion is applied to the Earth by taking into account its Terrestrial Electrostatics and Hydro activity.
This approach gives a surprisingly sharp picture of problems related to the “clean air” actions. Many people will remain stuck in the thick fog caused by a mixture of CO2, global warming and greenhouse gases. But for some, this work will give a new insight in this complex matter.

Research paper thumbnail of Industrial Approach and Alternative Corona COVID-19 Virus Treatments

J. Terrestrial Electrostatics and Hydroactivity, 2020

In this Newsletter attention is payed to industrial inventions and applications often created wit... more In this Newsletter attention is payed to industrial inventions and applications often created with a limited view concerning the virus problem. The lack of the verification of the efficiency of their treatment is striking. Also the short and the long term impact on the environment is little addressed. In fact there is a certain lack of a holistic view. Therefore some control methods related to Aerosol Technology and Electrostatics are discussed here. Attention is also paid to an alternative method of virus treatment based on the targeted use of Artemisia Annua.

Research paper thumbnail of La pollution oubliée : "L'air pur" donne libre cours aux virus

J. Terrestrial Electrostatics and Hydroactivity, 2020

La voiture moderne avec filtre, en tant qu'aspirateur, ainsi que la circulation aérienne et les f... more La voiture moderne avec filtre, en tant qu'aspirateur, ainsi que la circulation aérienne et les feux de forêt allumés intentionnellement ou non, sont la cause de notre manque de vitamine D. Mais aussi de l'abondance des virus. Les avions chargés électriquement assurent la formation d'oxydes d'azote extra actifs semblables à ceux provoqués par les orages à grande échelle. Cependant, ce sont les agriculteurs qui sont accusés de produire ces oxydes d'azote. Pendant ce temps, l'industrie suit tranquillement son cours avec la fonte du Pôle Nord. Les pluies acides sont-elles la solution ? Bonjour à tous. En voici une, en langage simple, une (co) cause de l'épidémie et de la propagation du virus Corona.

Research paper thumbnail of Newsletter 20 103 De Vergeten Verontreiniging: "Schone Lucht" geeft vrij spel aan Virussen

J. Terrestrial Electrostatics and Hydroactivity, 2020

Abstract. De moderne auto met filter, als stofzuiger te samen met het vlieg verkeer en de al of ... more Abstract. De moderne auto met filter, als stofzuiger te samen met het vlieg verkeer en de al of niet moedwillig aangestoken bosbranden, zijn de oorzaak van ons gebrek aan Vitamine D. Maar ook voor de overdaad aan virussen .Elektrisch geladen vliegtuigen zorgen voor de formatie van extra active stikstof oxides vergelijkbaar met die veroorzaakt worden door grootschalig onweer. Het zijn echter de boeren die van de productie van deze stikstof oxides worden beschuldigd. Industrie gaat ondertussen rustig zijn gang met het smelten van de Noordpool. Is zure regen de oplossing?

Research paper thumbnail of FORGOTTEN POLLUTION SOCIETY NEWSLETTER 2020-081

J. Terrestrial Electrostatics and Hydroactivity, 2020

Electrostatics and photoionisation runs like a red wire through the recent catastrophes: forest ... more Electrostatics and photoionisation runs like a red wire through the recent catastrophes: forest fires, torrential rains, corona pandemic and the likely impact of the 5D network. All this is caused by our obsession for “Clean Air”, the removal of large visible particles PM2.5 and PM10. However the remaining, large quantity of invisible particles, behave like radioactivity. Which means that even when you can’t see them, they are there and are highly dangerous like the virus. Our hypothesis is that these invisible particles are the real origin of the catastrophes. This because they are blocking the UV rays coming from the Sun. It are these UV rays that are able to kill the virus. Their absence also causes a serious lack of vitamin D in the population, thus a severely reduced resistance especially by the older. The virus, on the other hand, has become more virulent caused by this new environment. The 5D system likely enhances this doom scenario even more.

Research paper thumbnail of AN N° 02 Mars and the Vanishing Water Mystery

Forgotten Pollution Series, 2020

Recent investigations concerning the planet Mars show that the loss of water is much higher then ... more Recent investigations concerning the planet Mars show that the loss of water is much higher then expected. The question of this paper is: Can this be caused by the presence of electrical effects in the Martian atmosphere. We start with the Earth. There we see that climate depends on the height of the clouds and the presence of haze. Both are affected by the received electricity from the Solar wind. This wind makes the Earth carries a negative charge, whilst the planet Mars is likely to be positive. This charge changes the condensation of water and the different spheres around the Earth as well the planet Mars.

Research paper thumbnail of AN 01 AMAZON FIRES, Some forgotten aspects of Forest Fires

J. uf Environmental Electrostatics and Hydroactivity, 2019

Political tensions between France and Brazil were putting the Amazon fires on the G7 agenda. Few ... more Political tensions between France and Brazil were putting the Amazon fires on the G7 agenda. Few people is known that also in Brazil these fires are a hot item. This because the São Paulo residents where confronted by the fores, thousands of kilometers away. Panic came because of the black water that suddenly came from the tap. This was a day after the city was covered by a curious dark cloud that took away all sunlight. It became night! If we consider the problem large scale forest combustion on a global scale, then we discover new aspects. It turns out that in Indonesia the forest is cut down for palm oil to be used Western countries to comply with the Paris Agreement. If we look at the problem of products released during the combustion, climate cooling is the likely consequence of large-scale forest fires


IJPEST, 2017

Abstract — Real climate related progress is impossible as long as electrostatics is not taken in... more Abstract — Real climate related progress is impossible as long as electrostatics is not taken into account. This
statement is easy understood by looking into its toolbox which contains items like: the charge of the Earth, fair weather behavior, influences of fog and haze and the daily electric field variations. When assembled like a meccano set, in the right way by taking in account the vegetation, we understand the naturally and artificially generated particles, and by using historic and actual data, we discover that climate behaves in an astonishing logic way. Also becomes clear that the real danger for the planet does not come from gaseous greenhouse activities, but by the “cleaning up” of the air in an
inadequate way. But most greenhouse adepts will prefer to continue their way by sitting in Steinbeck's The Wayward Bus, taking the old bumpy dirt road highly recommended by a succession of IPCC drivers . But a small, increasing number of more curious people have understood that there is an electrostatic highway that runs in parallel with this old dirt road.
Keywords—Climate,environment, greenhouse, electrostatic, hydrometeors, precipitation, nuclei, aerosol.

Research paper thumbnail of MUD PLAYS A MAJOR ROLE IN TODAY'S FLOODS, BUT HOW?GAZETTE N°006-235$

Cold plasma Gazette , 2021

German television reporter Susanna Ohlen was caught on video apparently trying to muddy herself b... more German television reporter Susanna Ohlen was caught on video apparently trying to muddy herself before going on camera to report from a town devastated by last week’s deadly flooding, prompting her suspension by news outlet RTL. Videos posted Thursday on social media showed Ohlen in the town of Bad Munstereifel, appearing to wipe mud on herself as her camera crew stood by. An online RTL report, which has since been deleted, said, “Numerous prominent helpers also lend a hand and actively support local people, one of them is Susanna Ohlen.”

Research paper thumbnail of FLOODS ARE LINKED TO CONDENSATION NUCLEI , GAZETTE N°005-215D$

Plasma Gazette 5, 2021

The death toll in Europe shot past 180 on Sunday, while more parts of the continent wer... more The death toll in Europe shot past 180 on Sunday, while more parts of the continent were hit by disastrous floods caused by heavy rainfall. At least 155 people were killed in Germany’s western Rhineland - Palatinate region and neighboring North Rhine-Westphalia. The military was deployed to help rescue workers save people from rooftops and recover vehicles trapped in the floodwater. Another 27 died in Belgium, where around 11,000 families were left without power in the Liege area. In Wallonia, some 20 villages were left without drinking water and rail infrastructure was damaged



Did you escape this and and still interested? Then download a free copy of Rein A. Roos's book "T... more Did you escape this and and still interested? Then download a free copy of Rein A. Roos's book "The Forgotten Pollution" (1996).
In this book Roos shows clearly and in an often entertaining way, how many of these"unexpected" side effects of pollution by exhaust gases and particles can be explained: by paying attention to the ELECTRICAL activity of the atmosphere and the Earth



Abstrakt Das Virus kommt immer näher. Wenn Sie auf dem Land leben, machen Sie sich weniger Sorge... more Abstrakt
Das Virus kommt immer näher. Wenn Sie auf dem Land leben, machen Sie sich weniger Sorgen über Berichte von überfüllten Krankenhäusern. Dies ist keine ungewöhnliche Reaktion. So reagierte die Politik auch, als die Epidemie in Wuhan/China noch wütete. Als aus der Epidemie eine Pandemie wurde, entpuppten sich plötzlich viele Menschen als „Spezialisten“ für virales Verhalten.

Besonders die Masken waren Gegenstand intensiver Diskussionen in den Massenmedien. Leider ist das Virus für diese Argumente unempfänglich. Es folgt seiner eigenen schnellen Entwicklung und ignoriert Tests und Impfungen, indem es mutiert.

Plötzlich ist ein Kind in Ihrer Gemeinde infiziert, woraufhin die gesamte Familie und die Insassen getestet werden müssen. Dann stellt sich die Frage: Wie schützt sich Ihr Hausarzt? Und, was sollten Sie tun, um sich beim Friseur sicher die Haare schneiden zu lassen?

Untersuchungen haben eindeutig gezeigt, dass das Risiko einer Verunreinigung steigt, wenn die Luft sauberer wird. Das liegt nicht nur an der Schwerkraft, sondern auch an der Anzahl der ein- und ausatmenden Personen. Durch das ruhige Zusammensitzen wird die Anzahl der PM2,5-Partikel durch Filterung reduziert und somit die Verbreitung des Virus erhöht.

In diesem "Lehrpapier" werden wir die verschiedenen Formen von Räumlichkeiten besprechen: eine Schule; ein Künstleratelier; ein Ort, an dem Musik gespielt wird; und ein Passagierflugzeug.
Zum besseren Verständnis für jeden, der sich für das Thema interessiert, wurden Illustrationen hinzugefügt.


J. Terrestrial Electrostatics & Hydroactivity, 2021

The virus is getting closer. If you live in rural areas, you are less concerned with reports abou... more The virus is getting closer. If you live in rural areas, you are less concerned with reports about overcrowded hospitals. This is not a strange reaction. After all, politicians had the same reaction when the epidemic was still in Wuhan/ China. And even when the epidemic turned into a pandemic, many people suddenly appeared to be specialists in virus behavior. Especially the masks were the subject of intensive discussions in the mass media. Unfortunately, the virus is insensitive to these arguments. It follows its own rapid progress, ignoring tests and vaccinations, by mutating. Suddenly, a child in your community is contaminated, after which the whole family and co-residents have to be tested. Next is the question: how does your family doctor protect her or him self? And, what to do to have your hair cut safely at your hairdresser's? Research has clearly shown that the chance of infection increases as the air becomes cleaner. This is not only the result of gravity but also of the number of people breathing in and out. Quietly sitting together reduces the number of PM2.5 particles through filtration and increases so the spread of the virus. In this "Teaching Paper," we will discuss the different forms of confinement: a school; a painter's studio; a music performance place; and a passenger plane. For better comprehension for everyone interested in the subject, illustrations are added.


J. Terrestrial Electrostatics & Hydroactivity, 2020

Le virus se rapproche. Si vous vivez à la campagne, les rapports sur les hôpitaux surpeuplés semb... more Le virus se rapproche. Si vous vivez à la campagne, les rapports sur les hôpitaux surpeuplés semblent sortir de nulle part. Ce n'est pas une réaction étrange. Après tout, la politique a eu une réaction similaire lorsque l'épidémie était encore proche de Wuhan en Chine. Et même lorsque l'épidémie s'est transformée en pandémie, beaucoup se sont révélés être des spécialistes du comportement du virus. Et les masques buccaux ont même été déclarés superflus. Malheureusement, le virus ne semble pas tenir compte de ces hypothèses. Ça se rapproche de plus en plus... Au début, un enfant d'une commune, dont les habitants doivent être testés. Puis vient la question de savoir comment votre médecin se protège ? Et puis, que devez-vous faire pour vous faire couper les cheveux en toute sécurité chez votre coiffeur ? Nous savons que le virus est sensible à l'humidité relative (HR) et à ses variations. Les relevés d'Alençon et un super ordinateur japonais les confirment. En prenant le RH comme guide, nous arrivons à des recommandations pratiques, même pour l'industrie de l'aviation !



Het virus komt dichterbij. Woon je op het platteland dan leken de berichten over overvolle zieken... more Het virus komt dichterbij. Woon je op het platteland dan leken de berichten over overvolle ziekenhuizen uit de lucht gegrepen. Dit is geen vreemde reactie. Immers, de politiek had een zelfde reactie toen de epidemie zich nog in de buurt van Wuhan in China bevond. En zelfs toen de epidemie veranderde in een pandemie, bleken velen opeens gespecialiseerd in het gedrag van het virus. En verklaarden mond maskers zelfs overbodig. Helaas blijkt het virus niet aan deze veronderstellingen te beantwoorden. Het komt steeds dichterbij… Eerst een kind uit een woongroep, waarvan de bewoners zich daarna moeten laten testen. Vervolgens komt de vraag hoe beveiligt je huisarts zich ? En dan, wat moet je doen om veilig bij je kapster je haar te laten knippen. We weten dat het virus wel gevoelig is voor de Relatieve Vochtigheid (RH) en de variaties ervan, Alençon metingen en een Japanse super computer bevestiging. Nemen we dit als leidraad dan komen we tot praktische aanbevelingen, zelfs voor de luchtvaart industrie! 1.

Research paper thumbnail of Les CHASSEURS DU VIRUS : Avec le Brandaris lutter contre les aérosols de COVID-19


"L'air pur", comme nous l'expliquons depuis des années, est la cause de nombreux problèmes auxque... more "L'air pur", comme nous l'expliquons depuis des années, est la cause de nombreux problèmes auxquels nous sommes confrontés aujourd'hui. Le virus utilise également cette "l'air pur" pour se propager à grande échelle. L'un des grands coupables est votre voiture moderne. Les catalyseurs ont fait disparaître les
panaches de suie. Mais en fait, ils se sont transformés en particules invisibles qui restent dans l'atmosphère, “l'air pur". Depuis l'an 2000, il en va de même pour les voitures diesel. En fait, votre voiture se comporte comme un aspirateur qui transforme les particules visibles en particules invisibles. Cela a d'énormes conséquences. Après tout, les grandes particules visibles font place à de petites particules invisibles.
La caractéristique des grandes particules est qu'elles sont attirées par l'attraction gravitationnelle de la Terre et sur leur chemin elles entraînent les petites particules également. Sans ces grosses particules, les petites particules invisibles restent flottantes tant qu'il y a un manque d'humidité. Les particules invisibles ont des dimensions telles qu'elles absorbent la partie ultraviolette (UV) de la lumière du Soleil. Cela entraîne le manque grave et "inexplicable" de vitamine D dont souffre aujourd'hui la population mondiale.Les particules invisibles sont beaucoup plus petites que les cellules de notre corps et pénètrent dans notre corps où elles activent notre mécanisme de défense selon la Médicine Traditionelle Chinoise. Cela met le pancréas à rude épreuve. Pas étonnant que le diabète 2 soit en hausse. Ces particules invisibles sont à l'origine des sécheresses actuelles. Combinées aux vapeurs
aromatiques des arbres, elles provoquent des incendies qui ne peuvent plus être éteints comme ceux que connaissent l'Australie et la Californie. En présence de vapeur d'eau, ces particules invisibles se comportent soudainement comme des noyaux de condensation. C'est la cause des pluies torrentielles d'aujourd'hui...
Que faire ? L'équilibre de l'atmosphère doit être rétabli : il doit y avoir beaucoup plus de grosses et beaucoup moins de petites particules dans notre air ambiant, l’air Naturelle! Sur la base de ce point de vue, nous avons développé pour l'atelier de Cas Waterman un équipement destiné à prévenir la propagation du virus par des gros particules. Contrairement à de nombreux autres systèmes de contrôle des virus, nous utilisons les
propriétés physiques des aérosols et donc des virus.
Pour nous, cela signifie l'utilisation de la lumière comme celle du Soleil, la coagulation connue depuis plus de 3000 ans avec l'encens et l'eau embrumée. Les substances chimiques ou les ions de n’emporte quel polarité qui sont dangereux pour le virus, mais aussi pour votre propre santé, ne sont évidemment pas utilisés. Vous êtes curieux ? Vous trouverez plus de détails des plans du prototype actuel ci-dessous.

Research paper thumbnail of VIRUS VECHTERS: De Brandaris: Een prototype voor de bestrijding van COVID-19 aerosolen

J Terrestrial Electrostatics & Hydroactivity , 2029

"De zogenaamde Schone Lucht" zoals wij al jarenlang, aan een ieder die het horen wilde, hebben ui... more "De zogenaamde Schone Lucht" zoals wij al jarenlang, aan een ieder die het horen wilde, hebben uitgelegd, is de mede oorzaak van veel van de tegenwoordige problemen. Ook het virus maakt gebruik van die "Schone Lucht" om zich op grote schaal te verspreiden. Een van de grootste boosdoeners in dit proces is de moderne auto. Katalysatoren maakten dat de roetpluimen verdwenen. Maar in feite veranderden zij die in onzichtbare deeltjes die in de atmosfeer blijven hangen, de "Schone Lucht". Sinds het jaar 2000 geldt voor de diesel auto's het zelfde. In feite gedraagt de auto zich als een stofzuiger die zichtbare deeltjes omvormt tot onzichtbare deeltjes. Dat heeft enorme consequenties. Immers daardoor maken de grote, zichtbare, deeltjes plaats voor kleine, onzichtbare, deeltjes. De karakteristiek van grote deeltjes is dat zij worden aangetrokken door de gravitatie van de Aarde en op de weg daaheen ook de kleine deeltjes meenemen. Zonder deze grote deeltjes blijven de kleine onzichtbare deeltjes zweven zo lang er een gebrek is aan vochtigheid is. De onzichtbare deeltjes hebben zodanige afmetingen dat ze het Ultra Violette (UV) deel van het Zon licht absorberen. Hierdoor ontstaat het "onverklaarbare" ernstige gebrek aan Vitamine D waaraan de wereld bevolking tegenwoordig lijdt. De onzichtbare deeltjes zijn veel kleiner dan de cellen van ons lichaam en dringen door in ons lichaam waar ze op grote schaal het verdediging mechanisme activeren. Volgens Traditionelle Chineese geneeskunst belast dat in sterke mate de pancreas. Geen wonder dat diabetes 2 in opmars is. Deze onzichtbare deeltjes veroorzaken de tegenwoordige droogtes, want ze zijn als het plastic van een serre onzichtbaar maar efficient. In combinatie met de aromatische dampen van bomen veroorzaaken ze branden die niet meer te blussen zijn zoals die in Australie en California. Is waterdamp wèl aanwezig, dan gedragen deze onzichtbare deeltjes zich plotsling als zogenaamde condensatie kernen. Dit is de oorzaak van de stortregens van tegenwoordig.. Wat te doen? Het evenwicht in de atmosfeer moet weer worden hersteld: er moeten veel meer grote en veel minder kleine deeltjes aanwezig zijn in onze omgevingslucht. Op grond van deze zienswijze hebben we voor het atelier van Cas Waterman apparatuur ontwikkeld die bedoeld om op deze wijze de verspreiding van het virus tegen te gaan. In tegenstelling tot vele andere ontwerpen van virus bestrijding wordt hier gebruik gemaakt van de fysische eigenschappen van aerosolen en dus ook virussen. Dat betekent bij ons het gebruik van licht zoals dat van de Zon, de meer dan 3000 jaar bekende coagulatie met wierook en tot mist gevormd water. Dit zijn de ingredienten van Natuurlijke Lucht. Chemische stoffen of ionen van welke polariteit dan ook, dus alles wat gevaarlijk is voor het virus, is dat ook voor uw eigen gezondheid, en worden daarom uiteraard niet door ons gebruikt.

Research paper thumbnail of Corona Virus Impact on Cas Waterman's Artistic Paint Lessons

J. Terrestrial Electrostatics and Hydroactivity, 2020

A sad thing, no more lesson from Cas because of that wretched virus. Hence this proposal for the ... more A sad thing, no more lesson from Cas because of that wretched virus. Hence this proposal for the Weesperzijde in Amstrdam based on years of experience with visible and invisible aerosols.

Research paper thumbnail of Some remarks on ionizers

J. Terr Elstat & Hydroact, 2020

Modern ionizers have a very small scientific base. They produce with a high voltage, large amount... more Modern ionizers have a very small scientific base. They produce with a high voltage, large amounts of "healthy" negative ions who act as condensation nuclei, and the droplets give this "fresh" feeling. However they have a large chemical impact,. Products like NOx, O3 and H2O2 are produced by the electrical discharge. Therefore after some time the positive air cleaning effects disappear and irritation increases. A danger in closed situations, like hospital wards and aircraft cabins. Dr. Krueger, the promotor of negative ions and health, used therefore as alternative radioactive ionic sources. An output control of the ionizer is absolutely necessary. Research is urgently needed to establish the possible relationship between the discharges and the production of amino-acids and DNA.