ardiansyah mt - (original) (raw)

Papers by ardiansyah mt


Jurnal Janata, 2024

The issue of household waste management in urban areas, including Amarapura Kademangan Housing, ... more The issue of household waste management in urban areas, including Amarapura Kademangan Housing,
Setu Subdistrict, South Tangerang City, causes environmental pollution adversely affecting public health.
This community service program aims to apply composting technology based on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
(3R) to enhance community awareness and participation in waste management. The implementation
methods involve education, training, mentoring, and evaluation. The results show increased public
knowledge, reduced waste volume by up to 40%, and the formation of self-sufficient businesses based on
compost products. The program successfully improved environmental quality and public health, despite
challenges such as raw material availability and product marketing

Research paper thumbnail of Strategy for Development of Infrastructure and Supporting Facilities in Tourism Villages : Study at Wewengkon Citorek

International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences, 2024

Proposes a comprehensive strategy for sustainable tourism infrastructure development in Wewengkon... more Proposes a comprehensive strategy for sustainable tourism infrastructure development in Wewengkon Citorek, Indonesia. The strategy prioritizes community empowerment, cultural heritage preservation, environmental conservation, and market access to promote sustainable tourism practices. The recommends the development of green infrastructure, sustainable transportation options, eco-friendly accommodation and recreational facilities, and education and training programs for local communities. The implementation plan outlines a 5-year plan for the development of sustainable tourism infrastructure in Wewengkon Citorek, with a focus on community-based tourism and green infrastructure. The strategy is consistent with the principles of sustainable tourism development and is expected to contribute to the economic growth and development of Wewengkon Citorek. The study's findings and recommendations are based on a thorough analysis of the current state of tourism infrastructure in Wewengkon Citorek, as well as a review of best practices in sustainable tourism development

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pengembangan Bata Hias Cangkang

IPLBI, 2016

Hanya segelintir pelaku usaha kecil yang ingin berkecimpung dalam upaya pemanfaatan limbah hasil ... more Hanya segelintir pelaku usaha kecil yang ingin berkecimpung dalam upaya pemanfaatan limbah hasil pengolahan CPO, padahal limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses pengolahan CPO ini sangat berlimpah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merumuskan strategi yang tepat dalam upaya peningkatan nilai bata hias cangkang sebagai material ramah lingkungan dalam khazanah arsitektur hijau. Metode pendekatan penelitian yang dilakukan pada prinsipnya merupakan pendekatan kualitatif. Namun Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa faktor material baku, teknik dan teknologi pengolahan, pendistribusian dan pemasaran, kelembagaan, peruntukan dalam desain arsitektur, serta prinsip Arsitektur hijau, merupakan hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam merumuskan strategi peningkatan nilai bata hias cangkang sebagai komoditi.


Jurnal Arsitektur, 2013

The use of natural stone floor and wall permeability can cause the impact natural building of bui... more The use of natural stone floor and wall permeability can cause the impact natural building of buildings architecture. Concrete finishing comb is the use of small natural stone the comb after begin tobe dry stir up the surface in the form of small natural stone (krikil). Because the concrete comb is one of many types of natural stone used in buildings, especially in the assembly to the floor, but lets also be assembly on the wall. Installation on the wall is difficult job and should be done by an experienced person, stir mixture 1 pc : 2 sand : 3.5-4 krikil comb concrete is adequate in comparison to concrete employment comb. But the results of the experiment it was found that the installation of the concrete wall comb the sand influential role for successful employment comb concrete wall influential role enough sand to concrete employment outcomes comb. From the test results it was found that the greatest impact of sand for concrete up the comb , the sands of time are not suitable for the job Translucent concrete comb mounted on the wall , whereas sand Mount Sugih and Cape of Star has good properties for the installation of concrete brush on the floor and on the wall.

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH SISTEM PEMBAYARAN TERHADAP KEUNTUNGAN PROYEK Studi Kasus Pembangunan Masjid Al Ukhuwah, BSD

Rustic, 2021

The implementation of construction development is strongly influenced by the payment sistem imple... more The implementation of construction development is strongly influenced by the payment sistem implemented. The contractor as the executor of construction activities with predetermined costs, will definitely suppress the implementation costs that will be issued in various ways through financial management, including based on the payment sistem carried out. The research was conducted on the Al Ukhuwah Mosque construction project, which is located in the Avany complex, BSD, Banten. The study was conducted by an experimental cash flow analysis with a 25% and 50% down payment sistem, using the PDM method with EST conditions. The results obtained from the 2 experiments show that a job with a 50% down payment will provide a profit of 12,01% or an overdraft value of Rp. 79.250.000,- .



Sudah banyak penelitian yang memanfaatkan limbah kelapa sawit sebagai bahan pengisi batako, dan h... more Sudah banyak penelitian yang memanfaatkan limbah kelapa sawit sebagai bahan pengisi batako, dan hasilnya cukup memuaskan. Namun dalam proses nyata, usaha ini terbilang rumit, baik dari segi minimnya pemahaman tentang alur produksi, peraturan tentang batasan bahan baku, hingga upaya peningkatan nilai batako menjadi komoditi yang bisa diandalkan dalam dunia konstruksi selain batu bata. Akibatnya hanya segelintir pelaku usaha kecil yang ingin berkecimpung dalam upaya pemanfaatan limbah hasil pengolahan CPO, padahal limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses pengolahan CPO ini sangat berlimpah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merumuskan strategi yang tepat dalam upaya peningkatan nilai bata hias cangkang sebagai material ramah lingkungan dalam khazanah arsitektur hijau. Metode pendekatan penelitian yang dilakukan pada prinsipnya merupakan pendekatan kualitatif. Namun Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa faktor material baku, teknik dan teknologi pengolahan, pendistribusian dan pemasaran, kelembagaan, peruntukan dalam desain arsitektur, serta prinsip Arsitektur hijau, merupakan hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam merumuskan strategi peningkatan nilai bata hias cangkang sebagai komoditi.

Research paper thumbnail of Conditions Untidiness Fisherman Village City Bengkulu Prosperous And Prevention Efforts In Improving The Quality Of Slum

JAILCD, 2017

Fishing village Prosperous city of Bengkulu grow and develop into slums because of natural popula... more Fishing village Prosperous city of Bengkulu grow and develop into slums because of natural population growth, urbanization and land tenure issues. The research objective was to assess the condition of slums by slum assessment criteria as a basis for formulating preventative treatment needs and improving the quality of the slums. In principle, qualitative research methods are described descriptively. However, in assessing the condition of untidiness done quantitatively based on the assessment criteria rundown by the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 14 Year 2016 on the Implementation of the Housing and Settlement Region. These results indicate that the condition of untidiness is 65, which means an area of research that are in a rundown condition medium (middle). Consideration of the legality of the land illegal but has clear ownership status (HPL PT. Pelindo) make a positive contribution as well as challenges in formulating preventive treatment needs and improving the quality of the slums at Fishing village Peace in the city of Bengkulu.

Research paper thumbnail of Rencana Pengembangan Lanskap Ekowisata Kawasan Penyangga Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon (TNUK) Provinsi Banten

Rustic, 2021

Ekowisata diyakini dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan kelestarian sumberdaya alam. P... more Ekowisata diyakini dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan kelestarian sumberdaya alam. Pengembangan ekowisata di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon (TNUK) harus terintegrasi dengan kawasan penyangga yang menghubungkan antara aktivitas masyarakat dan konservasi, untuk itu, dilakukan penelitian agar diketahui karakteristik dan potensi obyek dan daya tarik wisata alam (ODTWA) di dalamnya.Metode yang dilakukandalampenelitianiniadalahdenganmenggunakananalisisdeskriptifkualitatifterhadap potensi obyek dan daya tarik wisata guna menghasilkan rencana lanskap ekowisata. Hasil analisis bahwa kawasan penyangga TNUK memiliki potensi obyek dan daya tarik wisata alam yang layak untuk dikembangkan. Potensi objek dan atraksi wisata tersebar di 10 desa penyangga yang memiliki kategori sangat potensial dan potensial dari 15 desa yang menjadi fokus penelitian dengan berbagai jenis keragaman objek dan atraksi wisata. Daya dukung efektif (ECC) Daerah Penyangga TNUK untuk ekowisata adalah sebesar 31.090 orang/hari, dengan faktor koreksi kelerengan, kepekaan erosi tanah, potensi lanskap, dan iklim. Berdasarkan analisis kawasan menghasilkan konsep rencana pengembangan ekowisata wisata, ruang, aktifitas dan fasilitasnya. Zona pengembangan meliputi zona intensif, semi intensif dan ektensif. Sedangkan ruang wisata yang dihasilkan adalah ruang utama meliputi ruang wisata akuatik dan ruang wisata terestrial dan ruang penunjang meliputi ruang penerimaan, ruang transisi dan ruang pendukung.

Research paper thumbnail of Start-Up of Creative Industry of Additives Onggok Charcoal Additives

JAILCD, 2018

Analyze the start-up industry program plan in the production of green architectural construction ... more Analyze the start-up industry program plan in the production of green architectural construction materials. With the additive product of charcoal onggok, charcoal utilization (98% organic carbon) of tapioca solid waste processing, by inceneration method (burning). Start-up industry analysis program in small and medium scale is the solution offered in downstream of research product for handling management in solid waste treatment of tapioca industry, and socialization of 0% waste cassava program in Lampung, Indonesia. In accordance with government policy on waste and industrial area in applying technology and innovative product innovation in society. With the design of the business in the form of a start-up plan the industry is a collaboration of village innovation program, which has been regulated by the government on small and medium enterprises to support village self-reliance, which includes the development of village potential, with the concept of start-up management is a common system operation adopted by young companies in the process of developing organizational management foundations, product development and market expansion and business direction. In the analysis of the market potential precisely for the material of green architecture still needs development in the observation, especially for the socialization of the green architecture concept that prioritizes environmentally friendly and sustainable design, but in the early stages of industry design needs to provide assistance and cooperation in the application of technology for efficiency and quality management system and results production.


The design of eco-friendly building has become imperative in anticipation of environmental degrad... more The design of eco-friendly building has become imperative in anticipation of environmental degradation and climate change di dunia. Indonesia already has institutions GBCI (Green Building Council of I n d o n e s i a ) w h o d o e s g r e e n b u i l d i n g certification, but still very few (less than 5%) buildings that are certified according to criteria of green building. This paper aims to review the architectural design aspects of green building rating greenship in order to achieve the GBCI. Design analysis using empirical data with descriptive method is based on version 1.1 GBCI rating tools for new buildings especially in the design aspect. Feasibility study includes architectural design consists of a minimum l i m i t o f b u i l d i n g a r e a , e c o -f r i e n d l y, environmental management, earthquake resistance, fire protection, accessibility and availability of information and data, is a basic requirement of Building Permit (IMB). Appropriate Land, Proportion Size & Quality green open space that aims to maintain or expand the city greenery to improve the quality of the microclimate, reduce C O 2 and pollutants; prevent soil erosion, reduce the burden on the drainage system; maintain the balance of water and ground water systems. Criterion is the presence of a vegetation landscape area (softscape) that is free of the building structure and building simple structures garden (hardscape) above ground or below ground. Development / Revitalization which aim is to avoid construction in green areas and avoid opening new land. General accessibility facilities which aim is to encourage development in a place that already has network connectivity and increase the use of the building to facilitate the achievement of the Jurnal Arsitektur Universitas Bandar Lampung, Juni 2013 1 community in carrying out daily activities and avoid the use of motor vehicles. Planning for public transport, pedestrian access and pedestrian paths for cycling and city parks, the purpose of the garden greenery maintain or expand the city to improve the quality of the microclimate, reduce CO2 and pollutants; prevent soil erosion, reduce the burden on the drainage system; maintain balance water balance and groundwater systems. So having micro climate comfort.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Rancangan Norman Foster Pada Bangunan Chek Lap Kok Airport (Hong Kong) Dalam Konteks Arsitektur High-Tech


Jurnal Janata, 2024

The issue of household waste management in urban areas, including Amarapura Kademangan Housing, ... more The issue of household waste management in urban areas, including Amarapura Kademangan Housing,
Setu Subdistrict, South Tangerang City, causes environmental pollution adversely affecting public health.
This community service program aims to apply composting technology based on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
(3R) to enhance community awareness and participation in waste management. The implementation
methods involve education, training, mentoring, and evaluation. The results show increased public
knowledge, reduced waste volume by up to 40%, and the formation of self-sufficient businesses based on
compost products. The program successfully improved environmental quality and public health, despite
challenges such as raw material availability and product marketing

Research paper thumbnail of Strategy for Development of Infrastructure and Supporting Facilities in Tourism Villages : Study at Wewengkon Citorek

International Exchange and Innovation Conference on Engineering & Sciences, 2024

Proposes a comprehensive strategy for sustainable tourism infrastructure development in Wewengkon... more Proposes a comprehensive strategy for sustainable tourism infrastructure development in Wewengkon Citorek, Indonesia. The strategy prioritizes community empowerment, cultural heritage preservation, environmental conservation, and market access to promote sustainable tourism practices. The recommends the development of green infrastructure, sustainable transportation options, eco-friendly accommodation and recreational facilities, and education and training programs for local communities. The implementation plan outlines a 5-year plan for the development of sustainable tourism infrastructure in Wewengkon Citorek, with a focus on community-based tourism and green infrastructure. The strategy is consistent with the principles of sustainable tourism development and is expected to contribute to the economic growth and development of Wewengkon Citorek. The study's findings and recommendations are based on a thorough analysis of the current state of tourism infrastructure in Wewengkon Citorek, as well as a review of best practices in sustainable tourism development

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Pengembangan Bata Hias Cangkang

IPLBI, 2016

Hanya segelintir pelaku usaha kecil yang ingin berkecimpung dalam upaya pemanfaatan limbah hasil ... more Hanya segelintir pelaku usaha kecil yang ingin berkecimpung dalam upaya pemanfaatan limbah hasil pengolahan CPO, padahal limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses pengolahan CPO ini sangat berlimpah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merumuskan strategi yang tepat dalam upaya peningkatan nilai bata hias cangkang sebagai material ramah lingkungan dalam khazanah arsitektur hijau. Metode pendekatan penelitian yang dilakukan pada prinsipnya merupakan pendekatan kualitatif. Namun Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa faktor material baku, teknik dan teknologi pengolahan, pendistribusian dan pemasaran, kelembagaan, peruntukan dalam desain arsitektur, serta prinsip Arsitektur hijau, merupakan hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam merumuskan strategi peningkatan nilai bata hias cangkang sebagai komoditi.


Jurnal Arsitektur, 2013

The use of natural stone floor and wall permeability can cause the impact natural building of bui... more The use of natural stone floor and wall permeability can cause the impact natural building of buildings architecture. Concrete finishing comb is the use of small natural stone the comb after begin tobe dry stir up the surface in the form of small natural stone (krikil). Because the concrete comb is one of many types of natural stone used in buildings, especially in the assembly to the floor, but lets also be assembly on the wall. Installation on the wall is difficult job and should be done by an experienced person, stir mixture 1 pc : 2 sand : 3.5-4 krikil comb concrete is adequate in comparison to concrete employment comb. But the results of the experiment it was found that the installation of the concrete wall comb the sand influential role for successful employment comb concrete wall influential role enough sand to concrete employment outcomes comb. From the test results it was found that the greatest impact of sand for concrete up the comb , the sands of time are not suitable for the job Translucent concrete comb mounted on the wall , whereas sand Mount Sugih and Cape of Star has good properties for the installation of concrete brush on the floor and on the wall.

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH SISTEM PEMBAYARAN TERHADAP KEUNTUNGAN PROYEK Studi Kasus Pembangunan Masjid Al Ukhuwah, BSD

Rustic, 2021

The implementation of construction development is strongly influenced by the payment sistem imple... more The implementation of construction development is strongly influenced by the payment sistem implemented. The contractor as the executor of construction activities with predetermined costs, will definitely suppress the implementation costs that will be issued in various ways through financial management, including based on the payment sistem carried out. The research was conducted on the Al Ukhuwah Mosque construction project, which is located in the Avany complex, BSD, Banten. The study was conducted by an experimental cash flow analysis with a 25% and 50% down payment sistem, using the PDM method with EST conditions. The results obtained from the 2 experiments show that a job with a 50% down payment will provide a profit of 12,01% or an overdraft value of Rp. 79.250.000,- .



Sudah banyak penelitian yang memanfaatkan limbah kelapa sawit sebagai bahan pengisi batako, dan h... more Sudah banyak penelitian yang memanfaatkan limbah kelapa sawit sebagai bahan pengisi batako, dan hasilnya cukup memuaskan. Namun dalam proses nyata, usaha ini terbilang rumit, baik dari segi minimnya pemahaman tentang alur produksi, peraturan tentang batasan bahan baku, hingga upaya peningkatan nilai batako menjadi komoditi yang bisa diandalkan dalam dunia konstruksi selain batu bata. Akibatnya hanya segelintir pelaku usaha kecil yang ingin berkecimpung dalam upaya pemanfaatan limbah hasil pengolahan CPO, padahal limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses pengolahan CPO ini sangat berlimpah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merumuskan strategi yang tepat dalam upaya peningkatan nilai bata hias cangkang sebagai material ramah lingkungan dalam khazanah arsitektur hijau. Metode pendekatan penelitian yang dilakukan pada prinsipnya merupakan pendekatan kualitatif. Namun Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut menggunakan analisis SWOT. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa faktor material baku, teknik dan teknologi pengolahan, pendistribusian dan pemasaran, kelembagaan, peruntukan dalam desain arsitektur, serta prinsip Arsitektur hijau, merupakan hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam merumuskan strategi peningkatan nilai bata hias cangkang sebagai komoditi.

Research paper thumbnail of Conditions Untidiness Fisherman Village City Bengkulu Prosperous And Prevention Efforts In Improving The Quality Of Slum

JAILCD, 2017

Fishing village Prosperous city of Bengkulu grow and develop into slums because of natural popula... more Fishing village Prosperous city of Bengkulu grow and develop into slums because of natural population growth, urbanization and land tenure issues. The research objective was to assess the condition of slums by slum assessment criteria as a basis for formulating preventative treatment needs and improving the quality of the slums. In principle, qualitative research methods are described descriptively. However, in assessing the condition of untidiness done quantitatively based on the assessment criteria rundown by the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 14 Year 2016 on the Implementation of the Housing and Settlement Region. These results indicate that the condition of untidiness is 65, which means an area of research that are in a rundown condition medium (middle). Consideration of the legality of the land illegal but has clear ownership status (HPL PT. Pelindo) make a positive contribution as well as challenges in formulating preventive treatment needs and improving the quality of the slums at Fishing village Peace in the city of Bengkulu.

Research paper thumbnail of Rencana Pengembangan Lanskap Ekowisata Kawasan Penyangga Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon (TNUK) Provinsi Banten

Rustic, 2021

Ekowisata diyakini dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan kelestarian sumberdaya alam. P... more Ekowisata diyakini dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan kelestarian sumberdaya alam. Pengembangan ekowisata di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon (TNUK) harus terintegrasi dengan kawasan penyangga yang menghubungkan antara aktivitas masyarakat dan konservasi, untuk itu, dilakukan penelitian agar diketahui karakteristik dan potensi obyek dan daya tarik wisata alam (ODTWA) di dalamnya.Metode yang dilakukandalampenelitianiniadalahdenganmenggunakananalisisdeskriptifkualitatifterhadap potensi obyek dan daya tarik wisata guna menghasilkan rencana lanskap ekowisata. Hasil analisis bahwa kawasan penyangga TNUK memiliki potensi obyek dan daya tarik wisata alam yang layak untuk dikembangkan. Potensi objek dan atraksi wisata tersebar di 10 desa penyangga yang memiliki kategori sangat potensial dan potensial dari 15 desa yang menjadi fokus penelitian dengan berbagai jenis keragaman objek dan atraksi wisata. Daya dukung efektif (ECC) Daerah Penyangga TNUK untuk ekowisata adalah sebesar 31.090 orang/hari, dengan faktor koreksi kelerengan, kepekaan erosi tanah, potensi lanskap, dan iklim. Berdasarkan analisis kawasan menghasilkan konsep rencana pengembangan ekowisata wisata, ruang, aktifitas dan fasilitasnya. Zona pengembangan meliputi zona intensif, semi intensif dan ektensif. Sedangkan ruang wisata yang dihasilkan adalah ruang utama meliputi ruang wisata akuatik dan ruang wisata terestrial dan ruang penunjang meliputi ruang penerimaan, ruang transisi dan ruang pendukung.

Research paper thumbnail of Start-Up of Creative Industry of Additives Onggok Charcoal Additives

JAILCD, 2018

Analyze the start-up industry program plan in the production of green architectural construction ... more Analyze the start-up industry program plan in the production of green architectural construction materials. With the additive product of charcoal onggok, charcoal utilization (98% organic carbon) of tapioca solid waste processing, by inceneration method (burning). Start-up industry analysis program in small and medium scale is the solution offered in downstream of research product for handling management in solid waste treatment of tapioca industry, and socialization of 0% waste cassava program in Lampung, Indonesia. In accordance with government policy on waste and industrial area in applying technology and innovative product innovation in society. With the design of the business in the form of a start-up plan the industry is a collaboration of village innovation program, which has been regulated by the government on small and medium enterprises to support village self-reliance, which includes the development of village potential, with the concept of start-up management is a common system operation adopted by young companies in the process of developing organizational management foundations, product development and market expansion and business direction. In the analysis of the market potential precisely for the material of green architecture still needs development in the observation, especially for the socialization of the green architecture concept that prioritizes environmentally friendly and sustainable design, but in the early stages of industry design needs to provide assistance and cooperation in the application of technology for efficiency and quality management system and results production.


The design of eco-friendly building has become imperative in anticipation of environmental degrad... more The design of eco-friendly building has become imperative in anticipation of environmental degradation and climate change di dunia. Indonesia already has institutions GBCI (Green Building Council of I n d o n e s i a ) w h o d o e s g r e e n b u i l d i n g certification, but still very few (less than 5%) buildings that are certified according to criteria of green building. This paper aims to review the architectural design aspects of green building rating greenship in order to achieve the GBCI. Design analysis using empirical data with descriptive method is based on version 1.1 GBCI rating tools for new buildings especially in the design aspect. Feasibility study includes architectural design consists of a minimum l i m i t o f b u i l d i n g a r e a , e c o -f r i e n d l y, environmental management, earthquake resistance, fire protection, accessibility and availability of information and data, is a basic requirement of Building Permit (IMB). Appropriate Land, Proportion Size & Quality green open space that aims to maintain or expand the city greenery to improve the quality of the microclimate, reduce C O 2 and pollutants; prevent soil erosion, reduce the burden on the drainage system; maintain the balance of water and ground water systems. Criterion is the presence of a vegetation landscape area (softscape) that is free of the building structure and building simple structures garden (hardscape) above ground or below ground. Development / Revitalization which aim is to avoid construction in green areas and avoid opening new land. General accessibility facilities which aim is to encourage development in a place that already has network connectivity and increase the use of the building to facilitate the achievement of the Jurnal Arsitektur Universitas Bandar Lampung, Juni 2013 1 community in carrying out daily activities and avoid the use of motor vehicles. Planning for public transport, pedestrian access and pedestrian paths for cycling and city parks, the purpose of the garden greenery maintain or expand the city to improve the quality of the microclimate, reduce CO2 and pollutants; prevent soil erosion, reduce the burden on the drainage system; maintain balance water balance and groundwater systems. So having micro climate comfort.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Rancangan Norman Foster Pada Bangunan Chek Lap Kok Airport (Hong Kong) Dalam Konteks Arsitektur High-Tech