arifin hidayat - (original) (raw)

Papers by arifin hidayat

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Gadget Terhadap Perkembangan Emosional Anak Usia Dini Di Desa Ujunggurap Kecamatan Padangsidimpuan Batunadua

Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, Jan 21, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Problematika Dakwah Remaja Masjid Nurul Iman dalam Melaksanakan Perayaan Hari Besar Islam di Manunggang Julu Padang Sidempuan

Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah FDIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Problematika dakwah remaja masjid dipengaruhi beberapa faktor baik internal maupun eksternal, kes... more Problematika dakwah remaja masjid dipengaruhi beberapa faktor baik internal maupun eksternal, keseriusan pengurus remaja masjid menjadi salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan kurang kegiatan-kegiatan hari besar keilsaman. Selain itu juga dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya perhatian Pembina remaja masjid. Selanjutnya kurangnya pengetahuan pengurus juga. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif dengan instrument pengumpulan data wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa problematika yang dihadapi oleh remaja masjid Nurul Iman yaitu tidak adanya komunikasi yang baik antara pengurus dan pembina, pengurus yang kurang memahami fungsi dan tugas sebagai remaja masjid. Adapun upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi problematika dakwah remaja masjid Nurul Iman yaitu musyawarah, transparansi atau keterbukaan, kerja sama yang baik dan melaksanakan pelatihan mengenai organisasi remaja masjid. Keempat upaya ini diharapkan mampu m...

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Serta Implikasinya dalam Kehidupan

Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah FDIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Esensi manusia diciptakan memiliki tugas sebagai pemimpin (khalifah) di muka bumi ini, untuk mens... more Esensi manusia diciptakan memiliki tugas sebagai pemimpin (khalifah) di muka bumi ini, untuk mensejahterakan dan memakmurkan manusia maupun alam. Tetapi dalam realita sering didapati manusia seperti kehilangan fokus hidup sehingga berdiam diri tanpa memberikan kontribusi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memformulasikan konsep kempimpinan dan manajemen dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan melalui analisis deskriptif yang dilakukan untuk menggambarkan kepemimpinan dan manajemen dan implikasinya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Adapun temuannya konsep kepemimpinan itu meski di pahami setiap individu untuk mejadi refrensi dalam menjalani kehidupan, sebab setiap individu adalah pemimpin. Selanjutnya kepemimpinan dilaksanakan dengan berbagai gaya kepemimpinan dan tipe kepemimpinan, untuk disesuaikan dengan kondisi yang dipimpinnya. Wujud dari kepemimpinan dan manajemen tersebut dilihat dari aktivitas-aktivitas yang dilakukan setiap individu dala...

Research paper thumbnail of Pola Pelaksanaan Cyber Konseling sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Program Bimbingan Konseling

Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam

Perkembangan teknologi mendorong manusia harus menggunakannya, perkembangan teknologi sudah sampa... more Perkembangan teknologi mendorong manusia harus menggunakannya, perkembangan teknologi sudah sampai ke pelosok Desa yang mengakibatkan seluruh lapisan masyarakat merasakan dampaknya, sehingga hampir seluruh masyarakat mampu menggunakan teknologi. Sisi lain ini menjadi peluang badi ilmuan konseling untuk mengembangkan program konseling melalui media. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat tentang peluang pengembangan program bimbingan konseling melalui cyber. Selanjutnya penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi lybrary reseach. Adapun temuan penelitian adalah program bimbingan konseling berbasis internet sangat memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan, bahkan lebih mudah untuk konseli dan konselor melakukan konseling. Ditambah suasana pandemi ini yang mengharuskan untuk jaga jarak semakin tepat untuk mengembangan proses konseling melalui cyber konseling.

Research paper thumbnail of Kenakalan Remaja di Desa Teluk Piai Kecamatan Kualuh Hilir Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara

Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam

Kenakalan remaja di era yang modern ini sangat sering terjadi. Kenakalan remaja merupakan suatu p... more Kenakalan remaja di era yang modern ini sangat sering terjadi. Kenakalan remaja merupakan suatu perbuatan yang melanggar norma-norma serta ketentuan yang berlaku di lingkungan keluarga, sosial, dan pendidikan. Jika kondisi ini tidak segera di atasi maka perkembangan kenakalan remaja akan semakin luas dan merusak generasi muda. Keluarga memiliki peranan penting dalam menentukan karakter seorang remaja. Remaja adalah masa transisi anak-anak menuju masa dewasa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus, sehingga dapat menggambarkan fenomena-fenomena di lapangan, Adapun hasil penelitannya upaya yang dapat orangtua lakukan seperti memberikan perhatian, kasih sayang serta menasehati setiap kesalahan yang dilakukan jika itu masih bisa, namun jika kesalahan itu sudah fatal berikan punismen yang setimpal. Pola asuh yang dianjurkan untuk orangtua dalam membimbing anak yaitu pola asuh demokratis karena setiap pola asuh yang diberikan mampu untuk mempengar...

Research paper thumbnail of Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Perspektif Konseling Posmodernisme

Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan semakin menstimuli akademisi untuk mengkaji, menelaah, meneliti, da... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan semakin menstimuli akademisi untuk mengkaji, menelaah, meneliti, dan memferivikasi berbagai ilmu-ilmu baru yang didapat, dan menjadi sebuah teori atau temuan baru, tidak terkecuali para ilmuwan konseling menemukan teori baru, salah satunya teori konseling posmodernisme atau yang sering dikenal dengan Solution Focused Brief Counseling (SFBT). SFBT didasarkan pada asumsi optimis bahwa orang yang sehat dan kompeten memiliki kemampuan untuk membangun solusi yang dapat meningkatkan kehidupan mereka. Ini berarti bahwa SFBT berfokus membicarakan bagaimana mencari solusi daripada membicaraan tentang permasalahan, salah satunya dapat mengatasi perilaku prokrastinasi yang sering dilakukan oleh mahasiswa. Pendekatan SFBT ini memberikan kesempatan secara mandiri kepada konseli untuk belajar menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi, dalam hal ini antara konselor dan konseli tidak ada yang lebih dominan, tetapi bersama-sama mencari solusi untuk permasalahan konsel...

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Beban Kerja Perawat Terhadap Kualitas Dokumentasi Asuhan Keperawatan di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Samarinda

Jurnal Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Keperawatan

Pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan merupakan sarana komunikasi antar petugas kesehatan dalam ran... more Pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan merupakan sarana komunikasi antar petugas kesehatan dalam rangka pemulihan kesehatan pasien, dan tanpa dokumentasi yang benar dan jelas maka pendokumentasian tidak dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. Dalam proses pendokumentasian dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti beban kerja pada perawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan beban kerja perawat dengan kualitas dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional, didapatkan 57 populasi dan 36 sampel menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji spearman dan ditemukan bahwa perawat dengan beban kerja berat sebanyak 18 orang (50%), perawat dengan beban kerja ringan sebanyak 18 orang (50%) dan sebanyak 25 orang perawat (69,4%) dengan kualitas dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan baik, 11 orang perawat (30,6%) dengan kualitas dokumentasi asuhan k...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis pengaruh Kurs Spot Dan Kurs Forward (Poundsterling Inggris, Dollar Amerika, Yen Jepang Dan Dollar Singapura) terhadap Kurs Future Spot

Research paper thumbnail of Metode Penafsiran Al-Qur’an menggunakan Pendekatan Linguistik (Telaah Pemikiran M. Syahrur)

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 31, 2017

Physics is seen as an important lesson to be taught as a separate subject with some consideration... more Physics is seen as an important lesson to be taught as a separate subject with some considerations. There are two important things that are interrelated and inseparable in the study of physics, namely the study of theory and observation in the physics lab. Both can not be separated from each other, interdependence and mutual filling. Physics is seen as a process and a product so that the success of physics learning should consider effective and efficient learning. Physics lessons provide learning supplies to learners, as a means to cultivate and develop students' thinking skills. This thinking ability is useful for continuing education to a higher level, also useful for solving problems encountered in everyday life. One of the factors that greatly support the success of physics education is the laboratory. Through practicum activities in the laboratory can be shown natural phenomena and physics concepts are discussed in the classroom, can be demonstrated and proven. Besides, practicum activities can foster independent attitude, scientific attitude, interest, honesty and practice psychomotor skills among learners.

Research paper thumbnail of Konsep Diri Siswa Yang Berasal Dari Keluarga Muhammaadiyah dan Nahdatul Ulama SMU 2 Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, Dec 29, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Tugas Kesehatan Keluarga Dalam Mencegah Penularan TB Paru DI Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Baqa

Skripsi D-IV Keperawatan Samarinda, Perpustakaan Poltekkes Kemenkes kaltim, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Change of Stress and Cortisol Levels in Patients with Breast Cancer Given Psychospiritual Care

International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Tahongai (Kleinhosvia Hospita L.) Leaf Extract in Killing Larvae Anopheles sp

Background: Malaria is an infectious disease caused by malaria parasites, which is transmitted to... more Background: Malaria is an infectious disease caused by malaria parasites, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of the Anopheles sp. This disease can attack all races, ages, and genders (Irianto, 2015). The method commonly used today to control mosquito larvae is through the use of chemicals such as abate (Ishak, Dom, Hussain, & Sabri, 2014). This can cause many problems such as insecticide resistance, revival of pest species, environmental pollution, toxic hazards to humans and other organisms. To overcome this problem, many use natural plant-based products as larvicides because they are a rich source of bioactive chemicals (Wahyuni, 2015). Utilization of medicinal plants (herbs) as traditional medicine is one of the efforts to improve the level of public health. The ingredients to make it can also be obtained in nature, are economical, and have no side effects like chemical drugs. One medicinal plant that is often used by people in Indonesia is Tahongai (Kleinhosvia hospita L.). Purpose: To identify the active compound activity of Tahongai Leaf (Kleinhosvia Hospita L.) extracts against larvae of Anopheles sp. Method: This type of research is experimental or experimental and the research design used is quasi experimental post test control group design, where each treatment is given a homogeneous condition so it is expected that there are no factors that affect the anti-larval activity of Anopheles sp. Results: Larvicidal activity of Tahongai extract (Kleinhosvia hospita L.) is a concentration of 0.5 mg / mL with 17 larvae mortality, 1 mg / mL concentration with 22 larvae mortality, concentration of 2 mg / mL larvae mortality of 25 tails, concentration 4 mg / mL with 25 larvae mortality, and at a concentration of 8 mg / mL larvae mortality as many as 25 larvae. Conclusion: Tahongai (Kleinhosvia hospita L.) extract has an active compound of larvaside which can kill Anopheles sp.

Research paper thumbnail of Konseling Relegius Dalam Menangani Gangguan Mental

The development of science, technology, and information increasingly felt the impact either posit... more The development of science, technology, and information increasingly felt the impact either positively or negatively. The modernity expected to bring happiness to humans but a sad reality that the desired happiness is far life is getting harder and material hardship turned into mental distress. At the time of expectation does not correspond to reality, not a few people experiencing mental disorders. In addition, anxiety, tension, drugs, divorce also lead to mental disorders varied. Religion as a way of life would make a positive contribution in changing the mindset, the pattern of human behavior and play a role in maintaining physical and psychological balance. Because religion counselor not just pouring knowledge into the brain alone or directing prowess alone but religion is important to foster moral, behavior, and attitudes in accordance with the teachings of his religion.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penggunaan Filter Dengan Media Arang Tempurung Kelapa, Zeloit Dan Silica Gel Terhadap Gas Yang Dihasilkan Dari Reaktor Gasifikasi

One of utilization of biomass energy to get an alternative energy is gasification technology. To ... more One of utilization of biomass energy to get an alternative energy is gasification technology. To get gases that can be use on the next process, the gases need to be cleaned. This study aimed to determine the effect of using filter on the gas produced by fluidized bed gasifier reaktor includes boilling water methods and the heat are produced. This research using Fluidized Bed reactor and variation of the filter media with Coconut Shell Charcoal, zeolite and silica gell. Retrieve data with bed media 10 kg of resin sands, 5 kg of rice husks, and boilling 2 litre of waters, and record the reactor temperature, fire temperature, and water boilling temperature every 2 minutes. The research results showed the effect of using filter media on the gas product by gasification. On unfiltered gas obtained the highest fire temperature at 589 °C, boilling water along 26 minutes and producting 1280, 584 kJ of heat. On Coconut Shell Charcoal filter obtained the highest fire temperature at 657 °C, boi...


Research paper thumbnail of Firm Value and Performances in Merger Policy: Evidence from Indonesia

Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 2019

This study aims to investigate merger phenomenon undertaken by PT Ciputra Development (CTRA) with... more This study aims to investigate merger phenomenon undertaken by PT Ciputra Development (CTRA) with its two subsidiaries; PT Ciputra Surya (CTRS) and PT Ciputra Property (CTRP) in 2017 associated with its performances. This paper employs a quantitative approach to examining company performance and value before and after the merger. Aspects observed to compare company performance are a stock performance in the market, financial performance, and company value. Actual return analysis is used to examine stock performance whereas independent samples T-test is employed to examine the financial performances before and after the merger. Firm value is examined using Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) analysis. This study suggests higher stock performance and lowers financial performance after the merger was undertaken. Moreover, this study finds that after the merger, the firm value of CTRA calculated by different methods suggests a higher number than that before the merger which implies the righ...

Research paper thumbnail of Metode Penafsiran Al-Qur'an Menggunakan Pendekatan Linguistik (Telaah Pemikiran M. Syahrur)

Muhammad Syahrur is a doctor in the field of soil mechanics who tries to enter the hermeneutical ... more Muhammad Syahrur is a doctor in the field of soil mechanics who tries to enter the hermeneutical region of the Book. Through his expertise in engineering combined with linguistic theories, Syahrur succeeded in giving new meaning, as well as criticizing classical religious concepts. The linguistic approach he exposed is inseparable from the influence of some of his teachers, among them Abu Ali al-Farisi, Ibn Jinni, Abdul Qahir al-Jurjani, and so forth. At the applicative level, the method used by Syahrur, in discussing Islam is to acknowledge the existence of Allah s.w.t., to believe in the final day and do good deeds. Anyone who possesses these three traits, is called by Syahrur as a Muslim. The word of faith in the Qur'an according to Syahrur has the meaning of polivaen. Faith in some verses is defined by Islam, and in others it has the meaning of "believing in Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.".

Research paper thumbnail of Cadre Skills Towards Rolling Massage

Introduction: Breast milk is a source of nutrients that are needed by the baby. Breast milk produ... more Introduction: Breast milk is a source of nutrients that are needed by the baby. Breast milk production can be increased by breast care, one of them with a rolling massage. Health cadres as the spearhead of health services have an important role in improving knowledge for postpartum mothers in the rolling massage. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of rolling massage training towards cadre skill at Puskesmas Multi Wahana Palembang 2016. Method: The study used preexperimental with pre-posttest only design and conduct at Puskesmas Multi Wahana Palembang on October 2016. Total population was all cadres and obtained 38 samples by using total sampling. Independent variable was rolling massage training and dependent variable was cadre skill. Instrument used observation sheet and analysis with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Result: The result showed there was influence of rolling massage training towards cadre skill (p=0.000). Discussion: Rolling massage training can have ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Program Bimbingan Dan Konseling

Essentially the implementation of guidance and counseling can help counselees in changing behavio... more Essentially the implementation of guidance and counseling can help counselees in changing behavior for the better. So that in the implementation of counseling guidance must be evaluated systemically, so that the implementation can be directed and measured, and can be seen the results of the implementation of the guidance and counseling, but in reality there are still some guidance and counseling implementation that is not properly evaluated and uses applicable standards. This paper aims to describe the implementation of the guidance and counseling program evaluation. So it appears an increase in the implementation of counseling. As for the findings in this paper, the evaluation carried out must involve relevant and influential elements, as well as get feedback from those evaluated, then what is evaluated in the guidance and counseling program is the process evaluation and evaluation of the results of the guidance and counseling program.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Gadget Terhadap Perkembangan Emosional Anak Usia Dini Di Desa Ujunggurap Kecamatan Padangsidimpuan Batunadua

Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, Jan 21, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Problematika Dakwah Remaja Masjid Nurul Iman dalam Melaksanakan Perayaan Hari Besar Islam di Manunggang Julu Padang Sidempuan

Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah FDIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Problematika dakwah remaja masjid dipengaruhi beberapa faktor baik internal maupun eksternal, kes... more Problematika dakwah remaja masjid dipengaruhi beberapa faktor baik internal maupun eksternal, keseriusan pengurus remaja masjid menjadi salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan kurang kegiatan-kegiatan hari besar keilsaman. Selain itu juga dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya perhatian Pembina remaja masjid. Selanjutnya kurangnya pengetahuan pengurus juga. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif dengan instrument pengumpulan data wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa problematika yang dihadapi oleh remaja masjid Nurul Iman yaitu tidak adanya komunikasi yang baik antara pengurus dan pembina, pengurus yang kurang memahami fungsi dan tugas sebagai remaja masjid. Adapun upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi problematika dakwah remaja masjid Nurul Iman yaitu musyawarah, transparansi atau keterbukaan, kerja sama yang baik dan melaksanakan pelatihan mengenai organisasi remaja masjid. Keempat upaya ini diharapkan mampu m...

Research paper thumbnail of Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Serta Implikasinya dalam Kehidupan

Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah FDIK IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Esensi manusia diciptakan memiliki tugas sebagai pemimpin (khalifah) di muka bumi ini, untuk mens... more Esensi manusia diciptakan memiliki tugas sebagai pemimpin (khalifah) di muka bumi ini, untuk mensejahterakan dan memakmurkan manusia maupun alam. Tetapi dalam realita sering didapati manusia seperti kehilangan fokus hidup sehingga berdiam diri tanpa memberikan kontribusi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memformulasikan konsep kempimpinan dan manajemen dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan melalui analisis deskriptif yang dilakukan untuk menggambarkan kepemimpinan dan manajemen dan implikasinya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Adapun temuannya konsep kepemimpinan itu meski di pahami setiap individu untuk mejadi refrensi dalam menjalani kehidupan, sebab setiap individu adalah pemimpin. Selanjutnya kepemimpinan dilaksanakan dengan berbagai gaya kepemimpinan dan tipe kepemimpinan, untuk disesuaikan dengan kondisi yang dipimpinnya. Wujud dari kepemimpinan dan manajemen tersebut dilihat dari aktivitas-aktivitas yang dilakukan setiap individu dala...

Research paper thumbnail of Pola Pelaksanaan Cyber Konseling sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Program Bimbingan Konseling

Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam

Perkembangan teknologi mendorong manusia harus menggunakannya, perkembangan teknologi sudah sampa... more Perkembangan teknologi mendorong manusia harus menggunakannya, perkembangan teknologi sudah sampai ke pelosok Desa yang mengakibatkan seluruh lapisan masyarakat merasakan dampaknya, sehingga hampir seluruh masyarakat mampu menggunakan teknologi. Sisi lain ini menjadi peluang badi ilmuan konseling untuk mengembangkan program konseling melalui media. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat tentang peluang pengembangan program bimbingan konseling melalui cyber. Selanjutnya penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi lybrary reseach. Adapun temuan penelitian adalah program bimbingan konseling berbasis internet sangat memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan, bahkan lebih mudah untuk konseli dan konselor melakukan konseling. Ditambah suasana pandemi ini yang mengharuskan untuk jaga jarak semakin tepat untuk mengembangan proses konseling melalui cyber konseling.

Research paper thumbnail of Kenakalan Remaja di Desa Teluk Piai Kecamatan Kualuh Hilir Kabupaten Labuhanbatu Utara

Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam

Kenakalan remaja di era yang modern ini sangat sering terjadi. Kenakalan remaja merupakan suatu p... more Kenakalan remaja di era yang modern ini sangat sering terjadi. Kenakalan remaja merupakan suatu perbuatan yang melanggar norma-norma serta ketentuan yang berlaku di lingkungan keluarga, sosial, dan pendidikan. Jika kondisi ini tidak segera di atasi maka perkembangan kenakalan remaja akan semakin luas dan merusak generasi muda. Keluarga memiliki peranan penting dalam menentukan karakter seorang remaja. Remaja adalah masa transisi anak-anak menuju masa dewasa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus, sehingga dapat menggambarkan fenomena-fenomena di lapangan, Adapun hasil penelitannya upaya yang dapat orangtua lakukan seperti memberikan perhatian, kasih sayang serta menasehati setiap kesalahan yang dilakukan jika itu masih bisa, namun jika kesalahan itu sudah fatal berikan punismen yang setimpal. Pola asuh yang dianjurkan untuk orangtua dalam membimbing anak yaitu pola asuh demokratis karena setiap pola asuh yang diberikan mampu untuk mempengar...

Research paper thumbnail of Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Perspektif Konseling Posmodernisme

Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan semakin menstimuli akademisi untuk mengkaji, menelaah, meneliti, da... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan semakin menstimuli akademisi untuk mengkaji, menelaah, meneliti, dan memferivikasi berbagai ilmu-ilmu baru yang didapat, dan menjadi sebuah teori atau temuan baru, tidak terkecuali para ilmuwan konseling menemukan teori baru, salah satunya teori konseling posmodernisme atau yang sering dikenal dengan Solution Focused Brief Counseling (SFBT). SFBT didasarkan pada asumsi optimis bahwa orang yang sehat dan kompeten memiliki kemampuan untuk membangun solusi yang dapat meningkatkan kehidupan mereka. Ini berarti bahwa SFBT berfokus membicarakan bagaimana mencari solusi daripada membicaraan tentang permasalahan, salah satunya dapat mengatasi perilaku prokrastinasi yang sering dilakukan oleh mahasiswa. Pendekatan SFBT ini memberikan kesempatan secara mandiri kepada konseli untuk belajar menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi, dalam hal ini antara konselor dan konseli tidak ada yang lebih dominan, tetapi bersama-sama mencari solusi untuk permasalahan konsel...

Research paper thumbnail of Tingkat Beban Kerja Perawat Terhadap Kualitas Dokumentasi Asuhan Keperawatan di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Daerah Samarinda

Jurnal Kepemimpinan dan Manajemen Keperawatan

Pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan merupakan sarana komunikasi antar petugas kesehatan dalam ran... more Pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan merupakan sarana komunikasi antar petugas kesehatan dalam rangka pemulihan kesehatan pasien, dan tanpa dokumentasi yang benar dan jelas maka pendokumentasian tidak dapat dipertanggung jawabkan. Dalam proses pendokumentasian dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti beban kerja pada perawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan beban kerja perawat dengan kualitas dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional, didapatkan 57 populasi dan 36 sampel menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji spearman dan ditemukan bahwa perawat dengan beban kerja berat sebanyak 18 orang (50%), perawat dengan beban kerja ringan sebanyak 18 orang (50%) dan sebanyak 25 orang perawat (69,4%) dengan kualitas dokumentasi asuhan keperawatan baik, 11 orang perawat (30,6%) dengan kualitas dokumentasi asuhan k...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis pengaruh Kurs Spot Dan Kurs Forward (Poundsterling Inggris, Dollar Amerika, Yen Jepang Dan Dollar Singapura) terhadap Kurs Future Spot

Research paper thumbnail of Metode Penafsiran Al-Qur’an menggunakan Pendekatan Linguistik (Telaah Pemikiran M. Syahrur)

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Aug 31, 2017

Physics is seen as an important lesson to be taught as a separate subject with some consideration... more Physics is seen as an important lesson to be taught as a separate subject with some considerations. There are two important things that are interrelated and inseparable in the study of physics, namely the study of theory and observation in the physics lab. Both can not be separated from each other, interdependence and mutual filling. Physics is seen as a process and a product so that the success of physics learning should consider effective and efficient learning. Physics lessons provide learning supplies to learners, as a means to cultivate and develop students' thinking skills. This thinking ability is useful for continuing education to a higher level, also useful for solving problems encountered in everyday life. One of the factors that greatly support the success of physics education is the laboratory. Through practicum activities in the laboratory can be shown natural phenomena and physics concepts are discussed in the classroom, can be demonstrated and proven. Besides, practicum activities can foster independent attitude, scientific attitude, interest, honesty and practice psychomotor skills among learners.

Research paper thumbnail of Konsep Diri Siswa Yang Berasal Dari Keluarga Muhammaadiyah dan Nahdatul Ulama SMU 2 Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Jurnal Al-Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, Dec 29, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Tugas Kesehatan Keluarga Dalam Mencegah Penularan TB Paru DI Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Baqa

Skripsi D-IV Keperawatan Samarinda, Perpustakaan Poltekkes Kemenkes kaltim, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Change of Stress and Cortisol Levels in Patients with Breast Cancer Given Psychospiritual Care

International Journal of Caring Sciences, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Effectiveness of Tahongai (Kleinhosvia Hospita L.) Leaf Extract in Killing Larvae Anopheles sp

Background: Malaria is an infectious disease caused by malaria parasites, which is transmitted to... more Background: Malaria is an infectious disease caused by malaria parasites, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of the Anopheles sp. This disease can attack all races, ages, and genders (Irianto, 2015). The method commonly used today to control mosquito larvae is through the use of chemicals such as abate (Ishak, Dom, Hussain, & Sabri, 2014). This can cause many problems such as insecticide resistance, revival of pest species, environmental pollution, toxic hazards to humans and other organisms. To overcome this problem, many use natural plant-based products as larvicides because they are a rich source of bioactive chemicals (Wahyuni, 2015). Utilization of medicinal plants (herbs) as traditional medicine is one of the efforts to improve the level of public health. The ingredients to make it can also be obtained in nature, are economical, and have no side effects like chemical drugs. One medicinal plant that is often used by people in Indonesia is Tahongai (Kleinhosvia hospita L.). Purpose: To identify the active compound activity of Tahongai Leaf (Kleinhosvia Hospita L.) extracts against larvae of Anopheles sp. Method: This type of research is experimental or experimental and the research design used is quasi experimental post test control group design, where each treatment is given a homogeneous condition so it is expected that there are no factors that affect the anti-larval activity of Anopheles sp. Results: Larvicidal activity of Tahongai extract (Kleinhosvia hospita L.) is a concentration of 0.5 mg / mL with 17 larvae mortality, 1 mg / mL concentration with 22 larvae mortality, concentration of 2 mg / mL larvae mortality of 25 tails, concentration 4 mg / mL with 25 larvae mortality, and at a concentration of 8 mg / mL larvae mortality as many as 25 larvae. Conclusion: Tahongai (Kleinhosvia hospita L.) extract has an active compound of larvaside which can kill Anopheles sp.

Research paper thumbnail of Konseling Relegius Dalam Menangani Gangguan Mental

The development of science, technology, and information increasingly felt the impact either posit... more The development of science, technology, and information increasingly felt the impact either positively or negatively. The modernity expected to bring happiness to humans but a sad reality that the desired happiness is far life is getting harder and material hardship turned into mental distress. At the time of expectation does not correspond to reality, not a few people experiencing mental disorders. In addition, anxiety, tension, drugs, divorce also lead to mental disorders varied. Religion as a way of life would make a positive contribution in changing the mindset, the pattern of human behavior and play a role in maintaining physical and psychological balance. Because religion counselor not just pouring knowledge into the brain alone or directing prowess alone but religion is important to foster moral, behavior, and attitudes in accordance with the teachings of his religion.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penggunaan Filter Dengan Media Arang Tempurung Kelapa, Zeloit Dan Silica Gel Terhadap Gas Yang Dihasilkan Dari Reaktor Gasifikasi

One of utilization of biomass energy to get an alternative energy is gasification technology. To ... more One of utilization of biomass energy to get an alternative energy is gasification technology. To get gases that can be use on the next process, the gases need to be cleaned. This study aimed to determine the effect of using filter on the gas produced by fluidized bed gasifier reaktor includes boilling water methods and the heat are produced. This research using Fluidized Bed reactor and variation of the filter media with Coconut Shell Charcoal, zeolite and silica gell. Retrieve data with bed media 10 kg of resin sands, 5 kg of rice husks, and boilling 2 litre of waters, and record the reactor temperature, fire temperature, and water boilling temperature every 2 minutes. The research results showed the effect of using filter media on the gas product by gasification. On unfiltered gas obtained the highest fire temperature at 589 °C, boilling water along 26 minutes and producting 1280, 584 kJ of heat. On Coconut Shell Charcoal filter obtained the highest fire temperature at 657 °C, boi...


Research paper thumbnail of Firm Value and Performances in Merger Policy: Evidence from Indonesia

Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 2019

This study aims to investigate merger phenomenon undertaken by PT Ciputra Development (CTRA) with... more This study aims to investigate merger phenomenon undertaken by PT Ciputra Development (CTRA) with its two subsidiaries; PT Ciputra Surya (CTRS) and PT Ciputra Property (CTRP) in 2017 associated with its performances. This paper employs a quantitative approach to examining company performance and value before and after the merger. Aspects observed to compare company performance are a stock performance in the market, financial performance, and company value. Actual return analysis is used to examine stock performance whereas independent samples T-test is employed to examine the financial performances before and after the merger. Firm value is examined using Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) analysis. This study suggests higher stock performance and lowers financial performance after the merger was undertaken. Moreover, this study finds that after the merger, the firm value of CTRA calculated by different methods suggests a higher number than that before the merger which implies the righ...

Research paper thumbnail of Metode Penafsiran Al-Qur'an Menggunakan Pendekatan Linguistik (Telaah Pemikiran M. Syahrur)

Muhammad Syahrur is a doctor in the field of soil mechanics who tries to enter the hermeneutical ... more Muhammad Syahrur is a doctor in the field of soil mechanics who tries to enter the hermeneutical region of the Book. Through his expertise in engineering combined with linguistic theories, Syahrur succeeded in giving new meaning, as well as criticizing classical religious concepts. The linguistic approach he exposed is inseparable from the influence of some of his teachers, among them Abu Ali al-Farisi, Ibn Jinni, Abdul Qahir al-Jurjani, and so forth. At the applicative level, the method used by Syahrur, in discussing Islam is to acknowledge the existence of Allah s.w.t., to believe in the final day and do good deeds. Anyone who possesses these three traits, is called by Syahrur as a Muslim. The word of faith in the Qur'an according to Syahrur has the meaning of polivaen. Faith in some verses is defined by Islam, and in others it has the meaning of "believing in Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.".

Research paper thumbnail of Cadre Skills Towards Rolling Massage

Introduction: Breast milk is a source of nutrients that are needed by the baby. Breast milk produ... more Introduction: Breast milk is a source of nutrients that are needed by the baby. Breast milk production can be increased by breast care, one of them with a rolling massage. Health cadres as the spearhead of health services have an important role in improving knowledge for postpartum mothers in the rolling massage. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of rolling massage training towards cadre skill at Puskesmas Multi Wahana Palembang 2016. Method: The study used preexperimental with pre-posttest only design and conduct at Puskesmas Multi Wahana Palembang on October 2016. Total population was all cadres and obtained 38 samples by using total sampling. Independent variable was rolling massage training and dependent variable was cadre skill. Instrument used observation sheet and analysis with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Result: The result showed there was influence of rolling massage training towards cadre skill (p=0.000). Discussion: Rolling massage training can have ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Program Bimbingan Dan Konseling

Essentially the implementation of guidance and counseling can help counselees in changing behavio... more Essentially the implementation of guidance and counseling can help counselees in changing behavior for the better. So that in the implementation of counseling guidance must be evaluated systemically, so that the implementation can be directed and measured, and can be seen the results of the implementation of the guidance and counseling, but in reality there are still some guidance and counseling implementation that is not properly evaluated and uses applicable standards. This paper aims to describe the implementation of the guidance and counseling program evaluation. So it appears an increase in the implementation of counseling. As for the findings in this paper, the evaluation carried out must involve relevant and influential elements, as well as get feedback from those evaluated, then what is evaluated in the guidance and counseling program is the process evaluation and evaluation of the results of the guidance and counseling program.