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Papers by arunakumari s

Research paper thumbnail of Pandamic

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Research paper thumbnail of Pandamic

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Research paper thumbnail of Collective Trauma And Post Memory In "Beloved" By

International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts., 2021

Toni Morrison was a pivotal figure in portraying Afro-American societies' past traumas and narrat... more Toni Morrison was a pivotal figure in portraying Afro-American societies' past traumas and narratives. Morrison portrayed all the tragedies, traumatic experiences, and abuses that the populations endured as slaves and exiles through the traumatic stories of the characters, Morrison sought to shed light on the traumatic history, through the traumatic stories of the characters. Morrison depicted all the horrors, traumas, and atrocities that the communities faced as slavery and exiles. Using the principles of trauma, this article tries to concentrate on collective trauma, post-memory, slavery, and exile, as well as how enslaved and displaced communities try to survive from traumas under their experiences. It also aims to demonstrate the importance of Collective Trauma, Post-traumatic stress, and collective trauma in the lives of communities having to suffer the horrific conditions of slavery and exile.

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Research paper thumbnail of The elements of islamic feminism in orhan pamuks snow June


Orhan Pamuk is a believer in the possibility of good things. He advised Turkey's citizens not to ... more Orhan Pamuk is a believer in the possibility of good things. He advised Turkey's citizens not to be
concerned about having two spirits, two souls, or two civilizations. He claims that western science has
made Turks smarter. However, they lead to misconceptions. However, he stated these as a novelist; he should not be concerned
about such a negative thing, although he did offer a notion for why someone shouldn't be concerned about westernization. They
are left with a single spirit if they desire to kill each other. That's even worse than being sick. However, certain Turkish political
leaders believe that perhaps the great nation must have a single soul, that it should either belong to the East or the Western, or
that it should be nationalistic. However, Turkey is now a free and democratic, liberal country that has been allowed into the
European Union and is opposed to nationalism. Orhan seems unconcerned about the Ottoman Empire's demise. He's a
Westernized, after all. He was pleased with Turkey's progress toward Modernization. He only criticizes the political elite for
lacking the ability to develop a national culture that has its specic beliefs. They just combined Western and Eastern elements.
The European Union would not annihilate Turkish identity; rather, it will help it develop, providing us (him) much
independence and courage to establish a new Turkish tradition. However, his earnest recommendation to Turks to copy solely
an Ottoman or Western culture is not the solution, nor does it alleviate their uneasiness about belonging to one of them. He tried
to claim that such a novelist's persona originates from the modern book, which is essentially a non-Oriental item when
separated from the epic form. Also because the author is indeed a human who also doesn't belong to a society, who does not
share community at large basic inclinations, and also who thinks and judges in a cultural way other than his own. He would be
an alien, a loner, once his consciousness differs from that of the community to which he belongs. And it's because of that
outsider's perspective that his text is so rich. When an author develops the habit of viewing the world in this way and writing
about it in this way, he or she develops a yearning to withdraw from society. That's the design that Orhan was considering in the
novel "Snow".

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Research paper thumbnail of Symbols of disguise love and marriage


William Shakespeare's plays and poetry contain many references to love, marriages, and disguised,... more William Shakespeare's plays and poetry contain many references to love, marriages, and disguised, and his language and imagery express a wide range of attitudes and images. Some of Shakespeare's favorite symbols are disguise, love, and Marriage. He changes a character's identity and has used it to emphasize ironies, build themes, improve subtle and clever humorous allusion, or develop the drama. There are so many situations when leading characters become disguised also in the sense that they hide their genuine sentiments or beliefs behind a facade rather than changing their appearance. He had used these symbols in the plays "As You Like It" and "Merchant of Venice". Shakespeare adopts Petrarch's volumes of poetry to Laura about his love, collected in the Canzoniere, first published in Venice in 1470, as conventions for falling in love. Following Petrarch, perhaps both Italians and English poets of love poems, particularly sonnets, further expanded these traditions. He was also influenced by dynastical marriage and politics, disguise helped him to write the plays.

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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,, 2021

The Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller, was an adaptation of the Salem witch trials, which took pl... more The Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller, was an adaptation of the Salem witch trials, which took place in the American province of Massachusetts Bay in 1692 and 1693. In the Crucible's play, all characters are all based on real people who lived in Salem. Although there are several similarities to our own time in the play, it is full of ideas and attitudes that were unique to Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. To clearly understand the play, some knowledge of Salem is required. As a result, the following information discusses essential Puritan beliefs and customs, as well as history including its historical Salem witch trials. In particular, Miller's use of such Salem witch trials to critique upon this McCarthy trials in the 1950s discussed all these things throughout this paper.

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International Journal of Development Research, 2021

The strongest and most prominent feminist voices are known in their countries as Kishwar Naheed a... more The strongest and most prominent feminist voices are known in their countries as Kishwar Naheed and Kamala wijeratne, in their poetry, they convey thoughts and issues remarkably about the social status and identity of women in society. This paper is trying to Provide a distinctly feminist perspective like how women identify themselves as a mother, daughter, and wife and she is struggling a lot in society under the name of religion. If power is in the hands of women they lead their life without fear. The biological and social roles of humans are the same but sometimes it is changed because gender is different than sex. Women's identity in society depends on their gender expression, dress, religion, language, and behavior. The object of this paper is to understand and analyze the selected poems of Kishwar Naheed and Kamala Wijeratne whether they are capable of bringing in a new perception of the common experience of women in Pakistan and Srilanka.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecocriticism human and physical world relationship in gullivers travels June


This research paper studies a relationship between literature and the physical world is known as ... more This research paper studies a relationship between literature and the physical world is known as eco-criticism. In English Literature Eco criticism refers to specific types of texts. The word "Eco-criticism" depicts the images of nature, forests, animals, birds, seasons, rivers, cities, and flowers. In addition to novels, eco-criticism contains drama, poetry, travel books, cartoons, fables, short stories, movies, songs, games, children's stories and this is an Old English literature concept that's still trendy today, from Beowulf to the present writer. Animals have existed from the beginning of history. That means animals were depicted in literature since the start of history. When Christianity was introduced to the world, the Holy Bible says God created birds, animals first, at last man, it is called natural theology, and also nature is divine. Critics said, for western people's experience on earth is different from other people on the earth, Westerners believed in "Nature's uncountable sounds... have been deafening." The contrast, which is promoted by social anthropology of animism, highlights an element in contemporary society at large connection towards the physical world which is also gradually becoming a central focus when it comes to the environment."The natural world is a social and cultural category." In animistic traditions, those few who believe that perhaps the natural environment is inspirited, not only human beings, and also for life of animals, trees, and even "inert" entities like stones. Rivers and seas are seen as articulate and sometimes intelligible beings, capable of communicating and interacting with humankind for good and bad. There is also the language of animals, air, horses, lions, seas, trees, in the novel of Gulliver's Travels and in this novel animal world also have politics, rules of their society, they won't allow outsiders, and have own food, medicine, the different body structure of animals, these are the things we can see in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver Travels in all four books.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecocriticism human and physical world relationship in gullivers travels June


This research paper studies a relationship between literature and the physical world is known as ... more This research paper studies a relationship between literature and the physical world is known as eco-criticism. In English Literature Eco criticism refers to specific types of texts. The word "Eco-criticism" depicts the images of nature, forests, animals, birds, seasons, rivers, cities, and flowers. In addition to novels, eco-criticism contains drama, poetry, travel books, cartoons, fables, short stories, movies, songs, games, children's stories and this is an Old English literature concept that's still trendy today, from Beowulf to the present writer. Animals have existed from the beginning of history. That means animals were depicted in literature since the start of history. When Christianity was introduced to the world, the Holy Bible says God created birds, animals first, at last man, it is called natural theology, and also nature is divine. Critics said, for western people's experience on earth is different from other people on the earth, Westerners believed in "Nature's uncountable sounds... have been deafening." The contrast, which is promoted by social anthropology of animism, highlights an element in contemporary society at large connection towards the physical world which is also gradually becoming a central focus when it comes to the environment."The natural world is a social and cultural category." In animistic traditions, those few who believe that perhaps the natural environment is inspirited, not only human beings, and also for life of animals, trees, and even "inert" entities like stones. Rivers and seas are seen as articulate and sometimes intelligible beings, capable of communicating and interacting with humankind for good and bad. There is also the language of animals, air, horses, lions, seas, trees, in the novel of Gulliver's Travels and in this novel animal world also have politics, rules of their society, they won't allow outsiders, and have own food, medicine, the different body structure of animals, these are the things we can see in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver Travels in all four books.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dalit Narrative: Anti-Untouchable in Indian English Novels

Arunakumari S, 2021

This article tries to interact with Indian English fiction narratives and their representation wi... more This article tries to interact with Indian English fiction narratives and their representation within the academy as a nationwide, secularism, but mostly casteless land. That point raised is about the relationship between caste and the English language in respect to phenomena that are completely ignorant of scientific knowledge. Caste or Varna is certainly not the creation of God, the privileged class created this for their own selfish gains. Many great Scholars and writers like Dr. B R Ambedkar, Om Prakash Valmiki, Kancha Ilaiaah, Sharan Kumar Limbale, and others have taught a relentless battle against the caste system by their thoughts, ideas, and writings. All these writers, written Dalit as a character in their works called Dalit literature, Dalit literature is important because they allow the Dalits as minority groups to provide a window into how they can be resettled into society, interpreting the history and culture of India. During the colonial rule, the upper-class people were studying in England used to have to suffer, humiliation every step of their stay in England, even in train, college, the hotel they want to sit in the third class seat, these upper-class Indians were unaware that perhaps Dalits in India were condemned to even the most severe kinds of humiliated. The humiliation of the Indian elite at the hands of the British, and the humiliation of Dalits now at the clutches of upper caste people are the same.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pandamic

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Research paper thumbnail of Pandamic

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Research paper thumbnail of Collective Trauma And Post Memory In "Beloved" By

International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts., 2021

Toni Morrison was a pivotal figure in portraying Afro-American societies' past traumas and narrat... more Toni Morrison was a pivotal figure in portraying Afro-American societies' past traumas and narratives. Morrison portrayed all the tragedies, traumatic experiences, and abuses that the populations endured as slaves and exiles through the traumatic stories of the characters, Morrison sought to shed light on the traumatic history, through the traumatic stories of the characters. Morrison depicted all the horrors, traumas, and atrocities that the communities faced as slavery and exiles. Using the principles of trauma, this article tries to concentrate on collective trauma, post-memory, slavery, and exile, as well as how enslaved and displaced communities try to survive from traumas under their experiences. It also aims to demonstrate the importance of Collective Trauma, Post-traumatic stress, and collective trauma in the lives of communities having to suffer the horrific conditions of slavery and exile.

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Research paper thumbnail of The elements of islamic feminism in orhan pamuks snow June


Orhan Pamuk is a believer in the possibility of good things. He advised Turkey's citizens not to ... more Orhan Pamuk is a believer in the possibility of good things. He advised Turkey's citizens not to be
concerned about having two spirits, two souls, or two civilizations. He claims that western science has
made Turks smarter. However, they lead to misconceptions. However, he stated these as a novelist; he should not be concerned
about such a negative thing, although he did offer a notion for why someone shouldn't be concerned about westernization. They
are left with a single spirit if they desire to kill each other. That's even worse than being sick. However, certain Turkish political
leaders believe that perhaps the great nation must have a single soul, that it should either belong to the East or the Western, or
that it should be nationalistic. However, Turkey is now a free and democratic, liberal country that has been allowed into the
European Union and is opposed to nationalism. Orhan seems unconcerned about the Ottoman Empire's demise. He's a
Westernized, after all. He was pleased with Turkey's progress toward Modernization. He only criticizes the political elite for
lacking the ability to develop a national culture that has its specic beliefs. They just combined Western and Eastern elements.
The European Union would not annihilate Turkish identity; rather, it will help it develop, providing us (him) much
independence and courage to establish a new Turkish tradition. However, his earnest recommendation to Turks to copy solely
an Ottoman or Western culture is not the solution, nor does it alleviate their uneasiness about belonging to one of them. He tried
to claim that such a novelist's persona originates from the modern book, which is essentially a non-Oriental item when
separated from the epic form. Also because the author is indeed a human who also doesn't belong to a society, who does not
share community at large basic inclinations, and also who thinks and judges in a cultural way other than his own. He would be
an alien, a loner, once his consciousness differs from that of the community to which he belongs. And it's because of that
outsider's perspective that his text is so rich. When an author develops the habit of viewing the world in this way and writing
about it in this way, he or she develops a yearning to withdraw from society. That's the design that Orhan was considering in the
novel "Snow".

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Research paper thumbnail of Symbols of disguise love and marriage


William Shakespeare's plays and poetry contain many references to love, marriages, and disguised,... more William Shakespeare's plays and poetry contain many references to love, marriages, and disguised, and his language and imagery express a wide range of attitudes and images. Some of Shakespeare's favorite symbols are disguise, love, and Marriage. He changes a character's identity and has used it to emphasize ironies, build themes, improve subtle and clever humorous allusion, or develop the drama. There are so many situations when leading characters become disguised also in the sense that they hide their genuine sentiments or beliefs behind a facade rather than changing their appearance. He had used these symbols in the plays "As You Like It" and "Merchant of Venice". Shakespeare adopts Petrarch's volumes of poetry to Laura about his love, collected in the Canzoniere, first published in Venice in 1470, as conventions for falling in love. Following Petrarch, perhaps both Italians and English poets of love poems, particularly sonnets, further expanded these traditions. He was also influenced by dynastical marriage and politics, disguise helped him to write the plays.

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International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,, 2021

The Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller, was an adaptation of the Salem witch trials, which took pl... more The Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller, was an adaptation of the Salem witch trials, which took place in the American province of Massachusetts Bay in 1692 and 1693. In the Crucible's play, all characters are all based on real people who lived in Salem. Although there are several similarities to our own time in the play, it is full of ideas and attitudes that were unique to Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. To clearly understand the play, some knowledge of Salem is required. As a result, the following information discusses essential Puritan beliefs and customs, as well as history including its historical Salem witch trials. In particular, Miller's use of such Salem witch trials to critique upon this McCarthy trials in the 1950s discussed all these things throughout this paper.

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International Journal of Development Research, 2021

The strongest and most prominent feminist voices are known in their countries as Kishwar Naheed a... more The strongest and most prominent feminist voices are known in their countries as Kishwar Naheed and Kamala wijeratne, in their poetry, they convey thoughts and issues remarkably about the social status and identity of women in society. This paper is trying to Provide a distinctly feminist perspective like how women identify themselves as a mother, daughter, and wife and she is struggling a lot in society under the name of religion. If power is in the hands of women they lead their life without fear. The biological and social roles of humans are the same but sometimes it is changed because gender is different than sex. Women's identity in society depends on their gender expression, dress, religion, language, and behavior. The object of this paper is to understand and analyze the selected poems of Kishwar Naheed and Kamala Wijeratne whether they are capable of bringing in a new perception of the common experience of women in Pakistan and Srilanka.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecocriticism human and physical world relationship in gullivers travels June


This research paper studies a relationship between literature and the physical world is known as ... more This research paper studies a relationship between literature and the physical world is known as eco-criticism. In English Literature Eco criticism refers to specific types of texts. The word "Eco-criticism" depicts the images of nature, forests, animals, birds, seasons, rivers, cities, and flowers. In addition to novels, eco-criticism contains drama, poetry, travel books, cartoons, fables, short stories, movies, songs, games, children's stories and this is an Old English literature concept that's still trendy today, from Beowulf to the present writer. Animals have existed from the beginning of history. That means animals were depicted in literature since the start of history. When Christianity was introduced to the world, the Holy Bible says God created birds, animals first, at last man, it is called natural theology, and also nature is divine. Critics said, for western people's experience on earth is different from other people on the earth, Westerners believed in "Nature's uncountable sounds... have been deafening." The contrast, which is promoted by social anthropology of animism, highlights an element in contemporary society at large connection towards the physical world which is also gradually becoming a central focus when it comes to the environment."The natural world is a social and cultural category." In animistic traditions, those few who believe that perhaps the natural environment is inspirited, not only human beings, and also for life of animals, trees, and even "inert" entities like stones. Rivers and seas are seen as articulate and sometimes intelligible beings, capable of communicating and interacting with humankind for good and bad. There is also the language of animals, air, horses, lions, seas, trees, in the novel of Gulliver's Travels and in this novel animal world also have politics, rules of their society, they won't allow outsiders, and have own food, medicine, the different body structure of animals, these are the things we can see in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver Travels in all four books.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ecocriticism human and physical world relationship in gullivers travels June


This research paper studies a relationship between literature and the physical world is known as ... more This research paper studies a relationship between literature and the physical world is known as eco-criticism. In English Literature Eco criticism refers to specific types of texts. The word "Eco-criticism" depicts the images of nature, forests, animals, birds, seasons, rivers, cities, and flowers. In addition to novels, eco-criticism contains drama, poetry, travel books, cartoons, fables, short stories, movies, songs, games, children's stories and this is an Old English literature concept that's still trendy today, from Beowulf to the present writer. Animals have existed from the beginning of history. That means animals were depicted in literature since the start of history. When Christianity was introduced to the world, the Holy Bible says God created birds, animals first, at last man, it is called natural theology, and also nature is divine. Critics said, for western people's experience on earth is different from other people on the earth, Westerners believed in "Nature's uncountable sounds... have been deafening." The contrast, which is promoted by social anthropology of animism, highlights an element in contemporary society at large connection towards the physical world which is also gradually becoming a central focus when it comes to the environment."The natural world is a social and cultural category." In animistic traditions, those few who believe that perhaps the natural environment is inspirited, not only human beings, and also for life of animals, trees, and even "inert" entities like stones. Rivers and seas are seen as articulate and sometimes intelligible beings, capable of communicating and interacting with humankind for good and bad. There is also the language of animals, air, horses, lions, seas, trees, in the novel of Gulliver's Travels and in this novel animal world also have politics, rules of their society, they won't allow outsiders, and have own food, medicine, the different body structure of animals, these are the things we can see in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver Travels in all four books.

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Research paper thumbnail of Dalit Narrative: Anti-Untouchable in Indian English Novels

Arunakumari S, 2021

This article tries to interact with Indian English fiction narratives and their representation wi... more This article tries to interact with Indian English fiction narratives and their representation within the academy as a nationwide, secularism, but mostly casteless land. That point raised is about the relationship between caste and the English language in respect to phenomena that are completely ignorant of scientific knowledge. Caste or Varna is certainly not the creation of God, the privileged class created this for their own selfish gains. Many great Scholars and writers like Dr. B R Ambedkar, Om Prakash Valmiki, Kancha Ilaiaah, Sharan Kumar Limbale, and others have taught a relentless battle against the caste system by their thoughts, ideas, and writings. All these writers, written Dalit as a character in their works called Dalit literature, Dalit literature is important because they allow the Dalits as minority groups to provide a window into how they can be resettled into society, interpreting the history and culture of India. During the colonial rule, the upper-class people were studying in England used to have to suffer, humiliation every step of their stay in England, even in train, college, the hotel they want to sit in the third class seat, these upper-class Indians were unaware that perhaps Dalits in India were condemned to even the most severe kinds of humiliated. The humiliation of the Indian elite at the hands of the British, and the humiliation of Dalits now at the clutches of upper caste people are the same.

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