astiwi indriani - (original) (raw)

Papers by astiwi indriani

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Debt to Equity Ratio (Perbandingan Perusahaan Manufaktur Kategori Indeks Papan Utama dan Indeks Papan Pengembang BEI tahun 2013 – 2015)

The management of the companies capital structure becomes one of the important factors in the man... more The management of the companies capital structure becomes one of the important factors in the managing of corporate. Capital structure is the determination of the proportion of debt and equity capital as to achieve optimal capital structure. This research aims to determine the effect of profitability, sales growth, business risk, asset structure, and non-debt tax shield on debt to equity ratio (DER), comparisons in manufacturing companies which are categorized as Main Board Index (MBX) and Development Board Index (DBX) in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2013-2015. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data obtained by the publication of Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD) and Indonesia Stock Exchange. Obtained for the sample of 18 MBX companies and 19 DBX company. Analysis used is multiple regression analysis with classical assumption and to examine the difference determinantion of profitability, sales growth, business risk, asset structure, and non-debt tax shield ...


Diponegoro Journal of Management, Nov 27, 2021

This aims of this study is to investigate the effect of corporate social responsibility and good ... more This aims of this study is to investigate the effect of corporate social responsibility and good corporate governance on the firm's profitability. The proxies used in this study are the CSR index for corporate social responsibility, then board of commissioners size, board of commissioners education, board of directors size, and board of directors education for good corporate governance. In addition, this study also uses company size and leverage as control variables. This research collected sample data with a purposive sampling method and found 32 companies from a total population of 63 consumer goods industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period of 2016-2019. This study used secondary data taken from the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange with multiple linear regression analysis method. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant positive effect between board of commissioners size and board of directors education on the firm's financial performance as proxied by ROA, and a significant negative effect between corporate social responsibility index, board of commissioners education and board of directors size on the firm's financial performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (Car), Return on Assets (Roa), Non Performing Loan (NPL), Dan Inflasi Terhadap Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR)

Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

2010-2014) adalah hasil tulisan saya sendiri. Dengan ini saya menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahw... more 2010-2014) adalah hasil tulisan saya sendiri. Dengan ini saya menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa dalam skripsi ini tidak terdapat keseluruhan atau sebagian tulisan orang lain yang saya ambil dengan cara menyalin atau meniru dalam bentuk rangkaian kalimat atau simbol yang menunjukkan gagasan atau pendapat atau pemikiran dari penulis lain, yang saya akui seolah-olah sebagai tulisan saya sendiri, dan tidak terdapat bagian atau keseluruhan tulisan yang saya salin, tiru, atau saya ambil dari orang lain tanpa memberikan pengakuan penulis aslinya. Apabila saya melakukan tindakan yang bertentangan dengan hal tersebut di atas, baik disengaja maupun tidak, dengan ini saya menyatakan menarik skripsi yang saya ajukan sebagai hasil tulisan saya sendiri ini. Bila dikemudian terbukti bahwa saya melakukan tindakan menyalin atau meniru tulisan orang lain seolah-olah hasil pemikiran saya sendiri, berarti gelar dan ijasah yang telah diberikan oleh univeristas batal saya terima. Semarang, 24 Maret 2016 Yang membuat pernyataan, Aulia Nazala Ramadhani v MOTTO DAN PERSEMBAHAN Motto : "Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. Maka apabila kamu telah selesai dari sesuatu urusan, kerjakanlah dengan sungguh-sungguh urusan yang lain. Dan hanya kepada Tuhanmulah hendaknya kamu berharap." (QS. Alam Nasyrah : 6-8) " You can if you think you can" (Dr. Norman Vincent Peale) Skripsiku ini kupersembahkan untuk Papa dan Mamaku tercinta, Adik-adikku tersayang, Orang-orang yang berjasa di dalam hidupku vi ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return On Assets (ROA), Non Performing Loan (NPL), dan inflasi terhadap Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR). Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Bank Umum Konvensional yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2010-2014. Metode purposive sampling digunakan sebagai metode dalam menentukan sampel dan terpilih 21 bank sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Uji hipotesis menggunakan Uji t untuk menguji koefisien regresi parsial serta uji F untuk menguji pengaruh secara simultan dengan level 5%. Selain itu dilakukan uji asumsi klasik meliputi uji normalitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji autokorelasi, dan uji heteroskedastisitas. Dari hasil penelitian secara simultan menggunakan uji F, menunjukkan bahwa variabel size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return On Assets (ROA), Non Performing Loan (NPL), dan inflasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR). Secara parsial menggunakan uji t, menunjukkan bahwa size berpengaruh negatif tidak signifikan terhadap LDR dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,705 > 0,050, CAR berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap LDR dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,801 > 0,050, ROA berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap LDR dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,973 > 0,050, NPL berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap LDR dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,017 < 0,050, dan inflasi berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap LDR dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,009 < 0,050. Koefisien determinasi (R square) adalah 0,238 yang mana artinya 23,8% variasi LDR dijelaskan oleh size, CAR, ROA, NPL, dan inflasi, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 76,2% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak termasuk dalam model penelitian. Kata kunci : Size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return On Assets (ROA), Non Performing Loan (NPL), inflasi, Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR).

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Perbandingan Efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) dan Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS) dengan Metode Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) Periode 2010-2014


Efficiency is a parameter to measure the performance of a company or banking. This studywas condu... more Efficiency is a parameter to measure the performance of a company or banking. This studywas conducted to analyze the efficiency of Islamic banking in Indonesia is made up ofSharia Commercial Banks (BUS) and Sharia Business Unit (UUS) using SFA (StochasticFrontier Analysis).The population of this research are 12 Sharia Commercial Banks and 22 Sharia BusinessUnit. Of the population, elected 10 Islamic Banks and 5 Sharia Business Unit withpurposive sampling. Input variables used in this study is the operational cost, total assetsand labor costs. While the output variable used is total financing. This study usesStochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) with the production function and the intermediationapproach. SFA measurement results in the form of a score of 0-1, when getting close to 1,the more efficient the bank anyway. Independent sample t-test was used in this study tomeasure differences in the level of efficiency of each bank group.The results showed that in 2010-2014, Islamic banking ...

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of Muslim Millennials in Charity Donation: A Donor-Side Perspective

Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana pengalaman donasi para donatur mi... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana pengalaman donasi para donatur milenial muslim, dengan fokus utama untuk mengetahui rasionalitas donatur konsumen yang mendasari pengalaman donasi. Metode Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) dilakukan untuk menggambarkan dinamika milenial muslim dalam memulai berdonasi, mengembangkan niat, dan mengidentifikasi alternatif penyaluran donasi. Sepuluh peserta dipilih dari Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, menggunakan purposive-sampling dengan kriteria dan persyaratan yang telah ditentukan untuk memilih partisipan. Data wawancara dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif tipe naratif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa altruisme dan spiritualitas mendorong pemberian sumbangan. Donatur tidak mengharapkan adanya timbal balik dari penerima, pemahaman ini kemudian dimaknai sebagai altruisme. Dari perspektif agama, donasi merupakan bentuk ketaatan kepada Tuhan dengan menjalankan apa yang diperintahkan ...

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH RETURN ON ASSET, DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO, CURRENT RATIO, PRICE TO BOOK VALUE TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM(Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yangTerdaftar di BEI Periode 2012-2016 )

The aims of this research was to Analysis of Effect on Return On Asset (ROA), Debt To Equity Rati... more The aims of this research was to Analysis of Effect on Return On Asset (ROA), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Current Ratio (CR), Price To Book Value (PBV)toward Stock Price (Case Study at Manufacture Enterprise which is registered in BEI period of 2012-2016) Population in this research was manufacture enterprise which was registered in Indonesia stock exchange 2012 - 2016. Samples in this research were 50 go public manufacture enterprises with pooled data method and panel data method in 2012 - 2016 with the condition that enterprises had to publish financial statement completely. This research used technique of multiple regression analysis to find out effect of variable toward stock price. The result of multiple linear regression showed that from four variables used in this research have a positive influence on stock prices, but there are significant and insignificant. Variables of Return On Asset (ROA) and Price To Book Value (PBV)had significant effect toward stock price in BEI, wher...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Debt to Equity Ratio(Perbandingan Perusahaan Manufaktur Kategori Indeks Papan Utama dan Indeks Papan Pengembang BEI tahun 2013 – 2015)

The management of the companies capital structure becomes one of the important factors in the man... more The management of the companies capital structure becomes one of the important factors in the managing of corporate. Capital structure is the determination of the proportion of debt and equity capital as to achieve optimal capital structure. This research aims to determine the effect of profitability, sales growth, business risk, asset structure, and non-debt tax shield on debt to equity ratio (DER), comparisons in manufacturing companies which are categorized as Main Board Index (MBX) and Development Board Index (DBX) in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2013-2015. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data obtained by the publication of Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD) and Indonesia Stock Exchange. Obtained for the sample of 18 MBX companies and 19 DBX company. Analysis used is multiple regression analysis with classical assumption and to examine the difference determinantion of profitability, sales growth, business risk, asset structure, and non-debt tax shield ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), dan Non Performing Financing (NPF) terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah dengan Pembiayaan sebagai Variabel Intervening

Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

The aim of this resesearch is to identify and analyze the determinant of Profitability in sharia ... more The aim of this resesearch is to identify and analyze the determinant of Profitability in sharia banking of Indonesia in the period of 2011-2015. Profitability is dependent variabel in this research. There are three independent variables that used, wich are Third Party Funds, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non Performing Financing, and an intervening variabel which is Financing. Sampling technique used is pruposive sampling, obtained by amount 5 sharia banking for sample from 11 syariah banking in Indonesia period 2011-2015. The data analyzed with path analysis using SPSS program. The result of this research show that Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has negative influance significant to financing, Third Party Funds have positive influance and not significant to financing. Third Party Funds and Financing has positive influance significant to Profitability, Non Performing Financing (NPF) have negative influance significant to profitability, and then Capital Ad...


The purpose of this study to investigate and analyze the relationship of Return on Assets, Growth... more The purpose of this study to investigate and analyze the relationship of Return on Assets, Growth Sales, Debt to Equity Ratio, Lagged Dividend to Dividend Payout Ratio and Size as controlled variable, study conduct in manufacturing industries in Indonesian Stock Exchange 2011-2017 Population used in this research is manufactured industries in Indonesian Stock Exchange 2011-2017. Purposive sampling is the sampling method that been used in this study, and acquired result 20 samples manufacturing companies that been tested. Method that been used in this study is Ordinary Least Square Regression. The result of this study shows that Return on Assets and Lagged Dividend have positive relationship to Dividend Payout Ratio at the significance level bellow 0.05. Growth Sales has negative relationship to Dividend Payout Ratio and has significance level bellow 0.05. Debt to Equity Ratio has positive relationship to Dividend Payout Ratio and has insignificance sign.


The aim of this resesearch is to identify and analyze the determinant of Profitability in sharia ... more The aim of this resesearch is to identify and analyze the determinant of Profitability in sharia banking of Indonesia in the period of 2011-2015. Profitability is dependent variabel in this research. There are three independent variables that used, wich are Third Party Funds, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non Performing Financing, and an intervening variabel which is Financing. Sampling technique used is pruposive sampling, obtained by amount 5 sharia banking for sample from 11 syariah banking in Indonesia period 2011- 2015. The data analyzed with path analysis using SPSS program. The result of this research show that Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has negative influance significant to financing, Third Party Funds have positive influance and not significant to financing. Third Party Funds and Financing has positive influance significant to Profitability, Non Performing Financing (NPF) have negative influance significant to profitability, and then Capital A...

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN STOCK SPLIT TERHADAP ABNORMAL RETURN, RISIKO SISTEMATIS, DAN VOLUME PERDAGANGAN SAHAM (Studi Kasus Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2006-2013)

Stock split is a change to the number of outstanding shares and nominal value per shares in accor... more Stock split is a change to the number of outstanding shares and nominal value per shares in accordance with the split factor specified by the company.This research aims to analyze the difference in abnormal return, systematic risk, and trading volume activity before and after the stock split, in which investors can use the announcement stock split to gain an advantage. This research uses event study method to observe abnormal return, systematic risk, and trading volume activity within ten days before and after the announcement. This research uses secondary data that collected from Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD) 2006 up to 2013,, and BEI corner Business and Economics Faculty of Diponegoro University. There are 20 samples for this research. They are stocks of companies which implemented stock split policy within 2006 up to 2013 and which have been listed in BEI. The method used was paired sample t-test and wicoxon signed rank test. Paired sample t-test was us...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penetrasi Geografis, Penetrasi Demografis, Penggunaan Rekening Kredit dan Penggunaan Rekening DPK Bank Umum terhadap Kredit UMKM di Indonesia(Studi Kasus Tahun 2012-2016)

Micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are very conducive to the economic development of a na... more Micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are very conducive to the economic development of a nation, including Indonesia where the number of SMEs continues to increase from year to year. However, its growth is hampered by the difficulty of access to capital that causes less credit distribution to SMEs. To minimize this, the Indonesian government has issued an inclusive financial program to maximize the use of formal financial products and services, particularly banking. This study aims to determine the effect of geographic branch penetration (GBP), demographic branch penetration (DBP), credit accounts per capita (CAC) and deposit accounts per capita (DAC) to SMEs credit in Indonesia. The research sample is Indonesian territory and used total sampling method for covering data in all area, which is 34 provinces in 2012-2016. The data studied were obtained through non-participant observation method by directly quoting financial, banking, geographical and demographic data. Data analys...

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Penerapan Absen Fingerprint Terhadap Kedisiplinan Karyawan Perum Perumnas Regional V Semarang

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH SIZE, CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO (CAR), RETURN ON ASSETS (ROA), NON PERFORMING LOAN (NPL), DAN INFLASI TERHADAP LOAN TO DEPOSIT RATIO (LDR)(Studi Kasus pada Bank Umum Konvensional yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2010-2014)

This research was conducted to examine the influence of the size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), R... more This research was conducted to examine the influence of the size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return On Assets (ROA), Non Performing Loan (NPL), and inflation toward Loan to Deposit Ratio (ROA). The population of this research is the conventional commercial bank listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2010 through 2014. Purposive sampling method were used as samples determining method and 21 banks selected as the sample of this research. Analysis Method with multilinier regression of ordinary least square and hypotheses test used t-statistic and F-statistic at level significance 5%, a classic assumption examination which consist of normality test, multicolinearity test, heteroscedasticity test and autocorrelation test is also being done to test the hypothese. The results of the research simultantly using F test, showed that size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return On Assets (ROA), Non Performing Loan (NPL), and inflation variables influence significantly toward Loan to Dep...

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH DPK, NPF, ROA, PENEMPATAN DANA PADA SBIS, DAN TINGKAT BAGI HASIL TERHADAP PEMBIAYAAN BAGI HASIL(Studi Pada Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia Periode Tahun 2010-2014)

Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

This research aimed to analyze the influence of Third Party Fund (DPK), Non Performi... more This research aimed to analyze the influence of Third Party Fund (DPK), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Return On Assets (ROA), placements of funds in SBIS, and equivalent rate of profit sharing toward profit and loss sharing financing. Case study on Islamic Banks in Indonesia Bank in period 2010-2014. Research population used was Islamic Banks in Indonesia Bank in period 2010-2014. Sampling tehnique used was purposive sampling and obtained a sample of 5 Islamic Banks by removing outliers from 2 samples of data banks, so that data is processed only numbered 60 data. The data used in this research were obtained from the Quarterly Report 2010-2014. Analysis technique used was multiple regression that includes classic assumption test, F statistic test, t statistic test, and coefficient of determination test (R 2 ) The result of this research showed that Third Party Fund (DPK), Non Performing Financing (NPF), and Return On Assets (ROA) had positive significant a...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Car, NPL, Roa, Danldr Terhadap Penyaluran Kreditumkm Pada Kelompok Bank Diindonesia Tahun 2012-2016

This research was conducted because ofbank in indonesia was not optimum to lend the fund of credi... more This research was conducted because ofbank in indonesia was not optimum to lend the fund of credit to SMEs. The Government set a minimum bank lending at 15%, but some of bank can’t fill the regulation. So, this research conducted to know about the influence of CAR, NPL, ROA and LDR to the credit distribution in the groups of bank in Indonesia. Sample selected in this research by purposive sampling. This research using 5 groups of bank in indonesia, that is State Owned Bank, Foreign Exchange Commercial Bank, Regional Developmen Bank, Rural Bank, and Foreign Owned Bank in period 2012 until 2016. Data analysis in this research using data panel regression analysis with Fixed Effect Model. Regression model tested with classical assumption test, and regression analysis model selected through chow test and hausman test. The result of this research show that CAR, ROA, and LDR ratio has significant positive effect to SME credit. While, NPL ratio has significant negative effect to SME credit....

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERPENGARUH TERHADAP LOAN LOSS PROVISIONS(Studi pada Bank Konvensional yang Terdaftar di Direktori Perbankan Indonesia Periode 2011-2015)

Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

This study aims to examine the effects of Size , Capital Adequacy Ratio , Loan to Deposit Ratio ,... more This study aims to examine the effects of Size , Capital Adequacy Ratio , Loan to Deposit Ratio , Non Performing Loan , and Earning Before Tax and Provision to Loan Loss Provisions on conventional banks listed on Indonesian Banking Directory in 2011-2015. The population is 56 conventional banks in Indonesia.The sampling technique was conducted by using purposive sampling method. The total number of samples in this study is 31 conventional banks. The data was processed using multiple linear regression analysis through classic assumption test before.The results show that NPL and EBTP have positive and significant effect to LLP, while SIZE, CAR,and LDR has positive but insignificant effect to LLP. The score of adjusted R Square is 45,3% which means this number could explain the effect of the variables to LLP.


Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

This research aimed to analyze the effect of current ratio, debt to total asset ratio, total asse... more This research aimed to analyze the effect of current ratio, debt to total asset ratio, total asset turnover, and sales growth ratio to financial distress condition in manufactur firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2014. The population in this research are all of the manufactur firms sector listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange that published financial statement in the year 2012-2014. Samples that obtained by purposive sampling are 95 firms and there are 285 observation data which consist of 66 financial distress and 219 non financial distress samples. The criteria of financial distress is measured by interest coverage ratio. The statistic analysis that used in this research was logistic regression. The result of this research showed that debt to total asset ratio, total asset turnover, and sales growth ratio have negatif and significant impact to financial distress. On the other hand, this research showed that current ratio have a significant impact to financi...

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH CURRENT RATIO,SALES GROWTH, RETURN ON ASSET,RETAINED EARNING DAN SIZE TERHADAPDEBT TO EQUITY RATIO(Perbandingan perusahaan manufaktur yang sahamnya sebagiandimiliki manajemen dan yang tidak dimiliki manajemendi Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode Tahun 2005-2007)

ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel current ratio, sales gowth, re... more ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel current ratio, sales gowth, return on asset, retained earning dan size terhadap Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), perbandingan pada perusahaan manufaktur yang sahamnya sebagian dimiliki manajemen dan yang tidak dimiliki manajemen di BEI periode tahun 2005-2007. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan kriteria (1). Perusahaan yang selalu terdaftar di BEI selama periode pengamatan (2005-2007); (2). Perusahaan yang selalu menyajikan laporan keuangan selama periode pengamatan (2005-2007); (3). Selama periode pengamatan, perusahaan tidak boleh memiliki laba ditahan negatif atau nol; (4). Memiliki data-data yang lengkap sesuai dengan variabel penelitian yang dibutuhkan. Data diperoleh dari ICMD yang dipublikasikan tahun 2005-2007. Diperoleh sampel sebanyak 72 perusahaan dari 159 perusahaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda dengan persamaan kuadrat terkecil dan uji hipotesis menggunak...

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH NON-PERFORMING LOAN, RETURN ON ASSET, LOAN TO DEPOSIT RATIO, DAN BOPO TERHADAP RATING BANK (Studi pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat di Indonesia Periode Tahun 2012-2013)

Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

This study aims to analyze the determinants of bank rating in rural banking of Indonesia periods ... more This study aims to analyze the determinants of bank rating in rural banking of Indonesia periods 2012 - 2013. There are four independents variable that used, which are Non-Performing Loan (NPL), Return on Asset (ROA), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and Operating Expense and Operating Income (BOPO), and the dependent variable is bank rating. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling, which criteria as rural bank in Indonesia who provide annual reports periods 2012 - 2013, listed on Info Bank rating, and has assets 100 – 500 billion. Samples obtained a number of 85 rural banks. The data was analyzed with regression technique. Before being tested using regression analysis, the data must first pass the test of classic assumption there are normality test, autocorrelation test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The result of this study showing that NPL has negative relationship and significant toward bank rating. ROA has positive relationship and significant toward ban...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Debt to Equity Ratio (Perbandingan Perusahaan Manufaktur Kategori Indeks Papan Utama dan Indeks Papan Pengembang BEI tahun 2013 – 2015)

The management of the companies capital structure becomes one of the important factors in the man... more The management of the companies capital structure becomes one of the important factors in the managing of corporate. Capital structure is the determination of the proportion of debt and equity capital as to achieve optimal capital structure. This research aims to determine the effect of profitability, sales growth, business risk, asset structure, and non-debt tax shield on debt to equity ratio (DER), comparisons in manufacturing companies which are categorized as Main Board Index (MBX) and Development Board Index (DBX) in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2013-2015. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data obtained by the publication of Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD) and Indonesia Stock Exchange. Obtained for the sample of 18 MBX companies and 19 DBX company. Analysis used is multiple regression analysis with classical assumption and to examine the difference determinantion of profitability, sales growth, business risk, asset structure, and non-debt tax shield ...


Diponegoro Journal of Management, Nov 27, 2021

This aims of this study is to investigate the effect of corporate social responsibility and good ... more This aims of this study is to investigate the effect of corporate social responsibility and good corporate governance on the firm's profitability. The proxies used in this study are the CSR index for corporate social responsibility, then board of commissioners size, board of commissioners education, board of directors size, and board of directors education for good corporate governance. In addition, this study also uses company size and leverage as control variables. This research collected sample data with a purposive sampling method and found 32 companies from a total population of 63 consumer goods industry companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period of 2016-2019. This study used secondary data taken from the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange with multiple linear regression analysis method. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant positive effect between board of commissioners size and board of directors education on the firm's financial performance as proxied by ROA, and a significant negative effect between corporate social responsibility index, board of commissioners education and board of directors size on the firm's financial performance.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (Car), Return on Assets (Roa), Non Performing Loan (NPL), Dan Inflasi Terhadap Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR)

Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

2010-2014) adalah hasil tulisan saya sendiri. Dengan ini saya menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahw... more 2010-2014) adalah hasil tulisan saya sendiri. Dengan ini saya menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa dalam skripsi ini tidak terdapat keseluruhan atau sebagian tulisan orang lain yang saya ambil dengan cara menyalin atau meniru dalam bentuk rangkaian kalimat atau simbol yang menunjukkan gagasan atau pendapat atau pemikiran dari penulis lain, yang saya akui seolah-olah sebagai tulisan saya sendiri, dan tidak terdapat bagian atau keseluruhan tulisan yang saya salin, tiru, atau saya ambil dari orang lain tanpa memberikan pengakuan penulis aslinya. Apabila saya melakukan tindakan yang bertentangan dengan hal tersebut di atas, baik disengaja maupun tidak, dengan ini saya menyatakan menarik skripsi yang saya ajukan sebagai hasil tulisan saya sendiri ini. Bila dikemudian terbukti bahwa saya melakukan tindakan menyalin atau meniru tulisan orang lain seolah-olah hasil pemikiran saya sendiri, berarti gelar dan ijasah yang telah diberikan oleh univeristas batal saya terima. Semarang, 24 Maret 2016 Yang membuat pernyataan, Aulia Nazala Ramadhani v MOTTO DAN PERSEMBAHAN Motto : "Sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. Maka apabila kamu telah selesai dari sesuatu urusan, kerjakanlah dengan sungguh-sungguh urusan yang lain. Dan hanya kepada Tuhanmulah hendaknya kamu berharap." (QS. Alam Nasyrah : 6-8) " You can if you think you can" (Dr. Norman Vincent Peale) Skripsiku ini kupersembahkan untuk Papa dan Mamaku tercinta, Adik-adikku tersayang, Orang-orang yang berjasa di dalam hidupku vi ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return On Assets (ROA), Non Performing Loan (NPL), dan inflasi terhadap Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR). Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Bank Umum Konvensional yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2010-2014. Metode purposive sampling digunakan sebagai metode dalam menentukan sampel dan terpilih 21 bank sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda. Uji hipotesis menggunakan Uji t untuk menguji koefisien regresi parsial serta uji F untuk menguji pengaruh secara simultan dengan level 5%. Selain itu dilakukan uji asumsi klasik meliputi uji normalitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji autokorelasi, dan uji heteroskedastisitas. Dari hasil penelitian secara simultan menggunakan uji F, menunjukkan bahwa variabel size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return On Assets (ROA), Non Performing Loan (NPL), dan inflasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR). Secara parsial menggunakan uji t, menunjukkan bahwa size berpengaruh negatif tidak signifikan terhadap LDR dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,705 > 0,050, CAR berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap LDR dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,801 > 0,050, ROA berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap LDR dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,973 > 0,050, NPL berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap LDR dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,017 < 0,050, dan inflasi berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap LDR dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,009 < 0,050. Koefisien determinasi (R square) adalah 0,238 yang mana artinya 23,8% variasi LDR dijelaskan oleh size, CAR, ROA, NPL, dan inflasi, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 76,2% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak termasuk dalam model penelitian. Kata kunci : Size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return On Assets (ROA), Non Performing Loan (NPL), inflasi, Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR).

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Perbandingan Efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) dan Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS) dengan Metode Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) Periode 2010-2014


Efficiency is a parameter to measure the performance of a company or banking. This studywas condu... more Efficiency is a parameter to measure the performance of a company or banking. This studywas conducted to analyze the efficiency of Islamic banking in Indonesia is made up ofSharia Commercial Banks (BUS) and Sharia Business Unit (UUS) using SFA (StochasticFrontier Analysis).The population of this research are 12 Sharia Commercial Banks and 22 Sharia BusinessUnit. Of the population, elected 10 Islamic Banks and 5 Sharia Business Unit withpurposive sampling. Input variables used in this study is the operational cost, total assetsand labor costs. While the output variable used is total financing. This study usesStochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) with the production function and the intermediationapproach. SFA measurement results in the form of a score of 0-1, when getting close to 1,the more efficient the bank anyway. Independent sample t-test was used in this study tomeasure differences in the level of efficiency of each bank group.The results showed that in 2010-2014, Islamic banking ...

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamics of Muslim Millennials in Charity Donation: A Donor-Side Perspective

Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana pengalaman donasi para donatur mi... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana pengalaman donasi para donatur milenial muslim, dengan fokus utama untuk mengetahui rasionalitas donatur konsumen yang mendasari pengalaman donasi. Metode Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) dilakukan untuk menggambarkan dinamika milenial muslim dalam memulai berdonasi, mengembangkan niat, dan mengidentifikasi alternatif penyaluran donasi. Sepuluh peserta dipilih dari Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, menggunakan purposive-sampling dengan kriteria dan persyaratan yang telah ditentukan untuk memilih partisipan. Data wawancara dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif tipe naratif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa altruisme dan spiritualitas mendorong pemberian sumbangan. Donatur tidak mengharapkan adanya timbal balik dari penerima, pemahaman ini kemudian dimaknai sebagai altruisme. Dari perspektif agama, donasi merupakan bentuk ketaatan kepada Tuhan dengan menjalankan apa yang diperintahkan ...

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH RETURN ON ASSET, DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO, CURRENT RATIO, PRICE TO BOOK VALUE TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM(Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yangTerdaftar di BEI Periode 2012-2016 )

The aims of this research was to Analysis of Effect on Return On Asset (ROA), Debt To Equity Rati... more The aims of this research was to Analysis of Effect on Return On Asset (ROA), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Current Ratio (CR), Price To Book Value (PBV)toward Stock Price (Case Study at Manufacture Enterprise which is registered in BEI period of 2012-2016) Population in this research was manufacture enterprise which was registered in Indonesia stock exchange 2012 - 2016. Samples in this research were 50 go public manufacture enterprises with pooled data method and panel data method in 2012 - 2016 with the condition that enterprises had to publish financial statement completely. This research used technique of multiple regression analysis to find out effect of variable toward stock price. The result of multiple linear regression showed that from four variables used in this research have a positive influence on stock prices, but there are significant and insignificant. Variables of Return On Asset (ROA) and Price To Book Value (PBV)had significant effect toward stock price in BEI, wher...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Debt to Equity Ratio(Perbandingan Perusahaan Manufaktur Kategori Indeks Papan Utama dan Indeks Papan Pengembang BEI tahun 2013 – 2015)

The management of the companies capital structure becomes one of the important factors in the man... more The management of the companies capital structure becomes one of the important factors in the managing of corporate. Capital structure is the determination of the proportion of debt and equity capital as to achieve optimal capital structure. This research aims to determine the effect of profitability, sales growth, business risk, asset structure, and non-debt tax shield on debt to equity ratio (DER), comparisons in manufacturing companies which are categorized as Main Board Index (MBX) and Development Board Index (DBX) in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2013-2015. Sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data obtained by the publication of Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD) and Indonesia Stock Exchange. Obtained for the sample of 18 MBX companies and 19 DBX company. Analysis used is multiple regression analysis with classical assumption and to examine the difference determinantion of profitability, sales growth, business risk, asset structure, and non-debt tax shield ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), dan Non Performing Financing (NPF) terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah dengan Pembiayaan sebagai Variabel Intervening

Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

The aim of this resesearch is to identify and analyze the determinant of Profitability in sharia ... more The aim of this resesearch is to identify and analyze the determinant of Profitability in sharia banking of Indonesia in the period of 2011-2015. Profitability is dependent variabel in this research. There are three independent variables that used, wich are Third Party Funds, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non Performing Financing, and an intervening variabel which is Financing. Sampling technique used is pruposive sampling, obtained by amount 5 sharia banking for sample from 11 syariah banking in Indonesia period 2011-2015. The data analyzed with path analysis using SPSS program. The result of this research show that Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has negative influance significant to financing, Third Party Funds have positive influance and not significant to financing. Third Party Funds and Financing has positive influance significant to Profitability, Non Performing Financing (NPF) have negative influance significant to profitability, and then Capital Ad...


The purpose of this study to investigate and analyze the relationship of Return on Assets, Growth... more The purpose of this study to investigate and analyze the relationship of Return on Assets, Growth Sales, Debt to Equity Ratio, Lagged Dividend to Dividend Payout Ratio and Size as controlled variable, study conduct in manufacturing industries in Indonesian Stock Exchange 2011-2017 Population used in this research is manufactured industries in Indonesian Stock Exchange 2011-2017. Purposive sampling is the sampling method that been used in this study, and acquired result 20 samples manufacturing companies that been tested. Method that been used in this study is Ordinary Least Square Regression. The result of this study shows that Return on Assets and Lagged Dividend have positive relationship to Dividend Payout Ratio at the significance level bellow 0.05. Growth Sales has negative relationship to Dividend Payout Ratio and has significance level bellow 0.05. Debt to Equity Ratio has positive relationship to Dividend Payout Ratio and has insignificance sign.


The aim of this resesearch is to identify and analyze the determinant of Profitability in sharia ... more The aim of this resesearch is to identify and analyze the determinant of Profitability in sharia banking of Indonesia in the period of 2011-2015. Profitability is dependent variabel in this research. There are three independent variables that used, wich are Third Party Funds, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non Performing Financing, and an intervening variabel which is Financing. Sampling technique used is pruposive sampling, obtained by amount 5 sharia banking for sample from 11 syariah banking in Indonesia period 2011- 2015. The data analyzed with path analysis using SPSS program. The result of this research show that Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has negative influance significant to financing, Third Party Funds have positive influance and not significant to financing. Third Party Funds and Financing has positive influance significant to Profitability, Non Performing Financing (NPF) have negative influance significant to profitability, and then Capital A...

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN STOCK SPLIT TERHADAP ABNORMAL RETURN, RISIKO SISTEMATIS, DAN VOLUME PERDAGANGAN SAHAM (Studi Kasus Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2006-2013)

Stock split is a change to the number of outstanding shares and nominal value per shares in accor... more Stock split is a change to the number of outstanding shares and nominal value per shares in accordance with the split factor specified by the company.This research aims to analyze the difference in abnormal return, systematic risk, and trading volume activity before and after the stock split, in which investors can use the announcement stock split to gain an advantage. This research uses event study method to observe abnormal return, systematic risk, and trading volume activity within ten days before and after the announcement. This research uses secondary data that collected from Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD) 2006 up to 2013,, and BEI corner Business and Economics Faculty of Diponegoro University. There are 20 samples for this research. They are stocks of companies which implemented stock split policy within 2006 up to 2013 and which have been listed in BEI. The method used was paired sample t-test and wicoxon signed rank test. Paired sample t-test was us...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Penetrasi Geografis, Penetrasi Demografis, Penggunaan Rekening Kredit dan Penggunaan Rekening DPK Bank Umum terhadap Kredit UMKM di Indonesia(Studi Kasus Tahun 2012-2016)

Micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are very conducive to the economic development of a na... more Micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are very conducive to the economic development of a nation, including Indonesia where the number of SMEs continues to increase from year to year. However, its growth is hampered by the difficulty of access to capital that causes less credit distribution to SMEs. To minimize this, the Indonesian government has issued an inclusive financial program to maximize the use of formal financial products and services, particularly banking. This study aims to determine the effect of geographic branch penetration (GBP), demographic branch penetration (DBP), credit accounts per capita (CAC) and deposit accounts per capita (DAC) to SMEs credit in Indonesia. The research sample is Indonesian territory and used total sampling method for covering data in all area, which is 34 provinces in 2012-2016. The data studied were obtained through non-participant observation method by directly quoting financial, banking, geographical and demographic data. Data analys...

Research paper thumbnail of Efektivitas Penerapan Absen Fingerprint Terhadap Kedisiplinan Karyawan Perum Perumnas Regional V Semarang

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH SIZE, CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO (CAR), RETURN ON ASSETS (ROA), NON PERFORMING LOAN (NPL), DAN INFLASI TERHADAP LOAN TO DEPOSIT RATIO (LDR)(Studi Kasus pada Bank Umum Konvensional yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2010-2014)

This research was conducted to examine the influence of the size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), R... more This research was conducted to examine the influence of the size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return On Assets (ROA), Non Performing Loan (NPL), and inflation toward Loan to Deposit Ratio (ROA). The population of this research is the conventional commercial bank listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2010 through 2014. Purposive sampling method were used as samples determining method and 21 banks selected as the sample of this research. Analysis Method with multilinier regression of ordinary least square and hypotheses test used t-statistic and F-statistic at level significance 5%, a classic assumption examination which consist of normality test, multicolinearity test, heteroscedasticity test and autocorrelation test is also being done to test the hypothese. The results of the research simultantly using F test, showed that size, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Return On Assets (ROA), Non Performing Loan (NPL), and inflation variables influence significantly toward Loan to Dep...

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH DPK, NPF, ROA, PENEMPATAN DANA PADA SBIS, DAN TINGKAT BAGI HASIL TERHADAP PEMBIAYAAN BAGI HASIL(Studi Pada Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia Periode Tahun 2010-2014)

Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

This research aimed to analyze the influence of Third Party Fund (DPK), Non Performi... more This research aimed to analyze the influence of Third Party Fund (DPK), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Return On Assets (ROA), placements of funds in SBIS, and equivalent rate of profit sharing toward profit and loss sharing financing. Case study on Islamic Banks in Indonesia Bank in period 2010-2014. Research population used was Islamic Banks in Indonesia Bank in period 2010-2014. Sampling tehnique used was purposive sampling and obtained a sample of 5 Islamic Banks by removing outliers from 2 samples of data banks, so that data is processed only numbered 60 data. The data used in this research were obtained from the Quarterly Report 2010-2014. Analysis technique used was multiple regression that includes classic assumption test, F statistic test, t statistic test, and coefficient of determination test (R 2 ) The result of this research showed that Third Party Fund (DPK), Non Performing Financing (NPF), and Return On Assets (ROA) had positive significant a...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pengaruh Car, NPL, Roa, Danldr Terhadap Penyaluran Kreditumkm Pada Kelompok Bank Diindonesia Tahun 2012-2016

This research was conducted because ofbank in indonesia was not optimum to lend the fund of credi... more This research was conducted because ofbank in indonesia was not optimum to lend the fund of credit to SMEs. The Government set a minimum bank lending at 15%, but some of bank can’t fill the regulation. So, this research conducted to know about the influence of CAR, NPL, ROA and LDR to the credit distribution in the groups of bank in Indonesia. Sample selected in this research by purposive sampling. This research using 5 groups of bank in indonesia, that is State Owned Bank, Foreign Exchange Commercial Bank, Regional Developmen Bank, Rural Bank, and Foreign Owned Bank in period 2012 until 2016. Data analysis in this research using data panel regression analysis with Fixed Effect Model. Regression model tested with classical assumption test, and regression analysis model selected through chow test and hausman test. The result of this research show that CAR, ROA, and LDR ratio has significant positive effect to SME credit. While, NPL ratio has significant negative effect to SME credit....

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERPENGARUH TERHADAP LOAN LOSS PROVISIONS(Studi pada Bank Konvensional yang Terdaftar di Direktori Perbankan Indonesia Periode 2011-2015)

Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

This study aims to examine the effects of Size , Capital Adequacy Ratio , Loan to Deposit Ratio ,... more This study aims to examine the effects of Size , Capital Adequacy Ratio , Loan to Deposit Ratio , Non Performing Loan , and Earning Before Tax and Provision to Loan Loss Provisions on conventional banks listed on Indonesian Banking Directory in 2011-2015. The population is 56 conventional banks in Indonesia.The sampling technique was conducted by using purposive sampling method. The total number of samples in this study is 31 conventional banks. The data was processed using multiple linear regression analysis through classic assumption test before.The results show that NPL and EBTP have positive and significant effect to LLP, while SIZE, CAR,and LDR has positive but insignificant effect to LLP. The score of adjusted R Square is 45,3% which means this number could explain the effect of the variables to LLP.


Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

This research aimed to analyze the effect of current ratio, debt to total asset ratio, total asse... more This research aimed to analyze the effect of current ratio, debt to total asset ratio, total asset turnover, and sales growth ratio to financial distress condition in manufactur firms listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2012-2014. The population in this research are all of the manufactur firms sector listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange that published financial statement in the year 2012-2014. Samples that obtained by purposive sampling are 95 firms and there are 285 observation data which consist of 66 financial distress and 219 non financial distress samples. The criteria of financial distress is measured by interest coverage ratio. The statistic analysis that used in this research was logistic regression. The result of this research showed that debt to total asset ratio, total asset turnover, and sales growth ratio have negatif and significant impact to financial distress. On the other hand, this research showed that current ratio have a significant impact to financi...

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH CURRENT RATIO,SALES GROWTH, RETURN ON ASSET,RETAINED EARNING DAN SIZE TERHADAPDEBT TO EQUITY RATIO(Perbandingan perusahaan manufaktur yang sahamnya sebagiandimiliki manajemen dan yang tidak dimiliki manajemendi Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode Tahun 2005-2007)

ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel current ratio, sales gowth, re... more ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel current ratio, sales gowth, return on asset, retained earning dan size terhadap Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), perbandingan pada perusahaan manufaktur yang sahamnya sebagian dimiliki manajemen dan yang tidak dimiliki manajemen di BEI periode tahun 2005-2007. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan kriteria (1). Perusahaan yang selalu terdaftar di BEI selama periode pengamatan (2005-2007); (2). Perusahaan yang selalu menyajikan laporan keuangan selama periode pengamatan (2005-2007); (3). Selama periode pengamatan, perusahaan tidak boleh memiliki laba ditahan negatif atau nol; (4). Memiliki data-data yang lengkap sesuai dengan variabel penelitian yang dibutuhkan. Data diperoleh dari ICMD yang dipublikasikan tahun 2005-2007. Diperoleh sampel sebanyak 72 perusahaan dari 159 perusahaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda dengan persamaan kuadrat terkecil dan uji hipotesis menggunak...

Research paper thumbnail of ANALISIS PENGARUH NON-PERFORMING LOAN, RETURN ON ASSET, LOAN TO DEPOSIT RATIO, DAN BOPO TERHADAP RATING BANK (Studi pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat di Indonesia Periode Tahun 2012-2013)

Diponegoro Journal of Management, 2016

This study aims to analyze the determinants of bank rating in rural banking of Indonesia periods ... more This study aims to analyze the determinants of bank rating in rural banking of Indonesia periods 2012 - 2013. There are four independents variable that used, which are Non-Performing Loan (NPL), Return on Asset (ROA), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) and Operating Expense and Operating Income (BOPO), and the dependent variable is bank rating. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling, which criteria as rural bank in Indonesia who provide annual reports periods 2012 - 2013, listed on Info Bank rating, and has assets 100 – 500 billion. Samples obtained a number of 85 rural banks. The data was analyzed with regression technique. Before being tested using regression analysis, the data must first pass the test of classic assumption there are normality test, autocorrelation test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The result of this study showing that NPL has negative relationship and significant toward bank rating. ROA has positive relationship and significant toward ban...