atikah rahayu - (original) (raw)
Papers by atikah rahayu
E-Dimas, Mar 31, 2024
Wasting is a manifestation of growth failure due to chronic malnutrition as measured by weight fo... more Wasting is a manifestation of growth failure due to chronic malnutrition as measured by weight for height. Banjarbaru in 2018, that the prevalence of wasting in under-five was 9%, where the Guntung Payung Health Center, Landasan-Ulin had a prevalence of wasting toddlers of 10.3%, above the national prevalence. The aim of this program is to optimize nutritional intake for toddlers through the application of an electronic MP-ASI calendar as an alternative to preventing wasting under-fives in Guntung Payung. Empowerment method through the application of an electronic MP-ASI calendar for 14 toddlers. It begins with measuring nutritional status (baseline) including body weight and height and selecting local food menus into an electronic MP-ASI calendar according to toddler age with a 10-day menu cycle, for 30 days (3 repetition cycles). Followed by program implementation and monitoring of nutritional status after the program. The results of this activity were marked by the successful implementation of the program and the enthusiasm for communication between mothers and toddlers in the whats app group. The conclusion of the program is that there is an increase in toddler weight during the wasting period after monitoring and applying the local MP-ASI calendar in the toddler's daily menu.
Given the rising popularity of Hapkido in Indonesia, this research aimed to evaluate the coaches'... more Given the rising popularity of Hapkido in Indonesia, this research aimed to evaluate the coaches' perspective on the risk factors and preventive strategies for musculoskeletal injuries among Indonesian Hapkido athletes. The study was a cross-sectional survey of 44 Indonesian Hapkido coaches. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistical methods to understand the perception of the coaches on the risk factors of musculoskeletal injuries and the injury prevention strategies practiced by coaches in Indonesia. The findings of this study indicated that the three most risk factors of injuries were insufficient warm-up (36%), lack of experience (18%), and incorrect techniques (18%), while the three most prevalent preventive measures practiced by coaches were ensuring sufficient warm-up (35%), employing safety equipment (33%), and implementing a proper training program (25%). In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of effective warm-up routines, refining techniques, utilizing safety gear, and developing well-structured training plans as strategic preventive measures for musculoskeletal injuries among Indonesian Hapkido athletes.
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)
A healthy canteen is one of the supporting elements of healthy campus infrastructure. Leaders'... more A healthy canteen is one of the supporting elements of healthy campus infrastructure. Leaders' policies, engagement, and support are essential for healthy campus initiation advocacy initiatives. This qualitative case study approach aims to determine the possibility of implementing a healthy canteen in a private university. The study was conducted in Yogyakarta from July 2017 until March 2018 with informants sequentially from five university leaders, one canteen manager, ten canteen consumers, and including 15 food handlers. We collected data through in-depth interviews and then analyzed it with content analysis. Finally, we use the SWOT matrix to investigate the possibility of developing a healthy canteen at private colleges using strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The obstacle to developing healthy canteens is the limited area for infrastructure. We found environmental health problems, such as unqualified sanitary conditions and unapplied food hygiene and sanita...
Jurnal Berkala Kesehatan, May 31, 2023
Stunting is still a health concern in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to anal... more Stunting is still a health concern in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in nutritional intake of children in the Coastal (Co) and Non-Coastal (NCo) Stunting Areas in Tanah-Laut. The quantitative cross-sectional study design was carried out on subjects aged 6-23 months with a total of 65 Co and 66 NCo toddlers who were physically healthy and were still breastfeeding. The instruments included a questionnaire, a 24-hour recall form, a stature meter, and a digital scale. The univariate analyses to describe the frequency and median data. The Mann-Whitney test was used to see differences in intake of macro and micro nutrients in both regions. The prevalence of stunting in NCo 21.2%, while in Co 18.4%. About 7.6% NCo and 26.2% Co were malnourished. The prevalence of wasting was 13.6% and 15.4%. There was a significant difference in Energy, Carbohydrates, fat (p<0.05). There was no difference in protein intake between two regions. Both micronutrients were classified as deficient. There were differences of vitamin-A, vitamin-D, vitamin-K, calcium, and iron intake. Either macronutrient intake was sufficient, but neither for micronutrients. There was no significant difference in protein intake between the two groups.
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Press eBooks, Jul 1, 2017
Jurnal Abdimas Kesehatan (JAK), Nov 20, 2022
Repvit (Role Play Virtualitation) is an intervention effort to overcome the problem of stunting b... more Repvit (Role Play Virtualitation) is an intervention effort to overcome the problem of stunting by providing nutrition education to cadres, because the situation of adapting to new habits in the Covid-19 era requires personnel who can directly move the community as the spearhead of health services at the household and village levels, not forming too many crowds in the community as part of the anticipation of preventing the transmission of covid-19, so that the implementation of Repvit for cadres can effectively prevent stunting toddlers in the Alang River area. The Alang River is one of the riverbank areas in the Banjar Regency area, most of the residents make a living as farmers in the cultivation of ponds, ponds, karamba, rice fields/rice fields and floating nets. This condition makes the Alang River one of the areas that are able to provide the region's food needs from these natural products. Based on data from the Health Office of South Kalimantan Province, it is known that the highest prevalence of stunting is in the Banjar Regency area. Most of the work of mothers as housewives and fathers as fish farmers. With this background and characteristics, the purpose of the service is the implementation of repvit (role play virtualization) aimed at cadres of the Alang River area. The results of educating cadres, obtained differences in knowledge before and after education about stunting, causal factors, and local food modification skills.
Jurnal Kesehatan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan
Cafetaria in university must meet the nutritious and healthy snacks for students. The quality of ... more Cafetaria in university must meet the nutritious and healthy snacks for students. The quality of healthy and nutritious food is influenced by hygienic, good sanitation and free-hazard contamination aspects on the canteen management. Poor sanitation and hygiene utensils and storage management can increase food contamination.This study aimed to determine the association of implementation of food and hygiene sanitation with the biological hazard on eating utensils. This study used cross-sectional design and was conducted in May 2017. The number of canteen sample were 9 canteen and 15 food handlers. The data were collected by microbiological quality checks on tableware and cookware which were often used by the food handlers in food management, observation sheet of sanitary conditions of eating utensils, and questionnaires to find out the implementation of food sanitation hygiene in the canteen. The analytical statistic method used Fisher test. The results study indicate the implementa...
CV. Mine, Yogyakarta, 2017
Jurnal Sains Keolahragaan dan Kesehatan, 2021
Resiko terjadi cedera tidak hanya ada di lapangan, aktivitas fisik di lingkungan tempat wisata pu... more Resiko terjadi cedera tidak hanya ada di lapangan, aktivitas fisik di lingkungan tempat wisata pun memiliki potensi terjadinya cedera yang sangat besar. Persepsi mengenai cedera perlu dipertimbangkan sebagai langkah awal antisipasi kejadian cedera akibat aktivitas fisik di tempat rekreasi. Mayoritas praktisi mungkin lupa bahwa peran instruktur khususnya di tempat wisata perlu dipelajari lebih mendalam karena masih jarang ada yang berani untuk menelusuri lebih lanjut. Observasi studi ini dilakukan kepada 18 instruktur melalui teknik pengambilan subjek dengan total sampling di Kampung Wisata Air Titik 0 Jawa Tengah. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua instruktur yang terlibat terbiasa melakukan aktivitas fisik 1-2 kali seminggu sebesar 88,89%, lebih besar dibandingkan instruktur yang terbiasa beraktivitas fisik 3-4 kali seminggu yang hanya sebesar 11,11%. Cedera di bagian kepala belum pernah dialami oleh seluruh instruktur, satu orang mengalami cedera pada bagian punggung (5...
Advances in Health Sciences Research, 2022
In general, the physical activity level of adolescents in Indonesia is still below the recommende... more In general, the physical activity level of adolescents in Indonesia is still below the recommended level of 60 minutes moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity per day. This is concerning because low physical activity is one of the main risk factors for non-communicable diseases. Therefore, it is important to develop programs to increase the physical activity in adolescents. An educational physical activity program (education card healthy/eduche) has been developed to increase the physical activity of junior high school-students. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the content validity of the program. The content validity was assessed using the Aikens V formula for evaluating five aspects (i.e, layout, illustration, format, content/material, and language) conducted by three experts of physical fitness. A validity coefficient above 0.920 was considered as valid. The validation coefficients for layout, illustration, format, content, and language were 1.000, 0.920, 0.834, 0.920, and 0.920, respectively. The content validity for overall aspect was 0. 920. It can be concluded that, in general, eduche is valid for increasing the physical activity among adolescents with junior high school age. However, the format of eduche needs further improvement before the program implementation.
SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan, 2021
ABSTRAKAir merupakan kebutuhan bagi setiap kehidupan, semua makhluk hidup memerlukan air dalam ke... more ABSTRAKAir merupakan kebutuhan bagi setiap kehidupan, semua makhluk hidup memerlukan air dalam kehidupannnya sehingga tanpa air dapat dipastikan tidak akan ada kehidupan. Sebagian besar masyarakat yang mengalami kesulitan memperoleh air bersih untuk digunakan sebagai air minum tersebut adalah masyarakat yang tinggal di perdesaan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat tentang cara pengelolaan air minum di Desa Pemurus RT.3B Kecamatan Aluh-Aluh. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat Desa Pemurus RT.3B Kecamatan Aluh-Aluh yang berjumlah 15 orang. Kegiatan ini sebagai salah satu bentuk untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat tentang cara pengelolaan air minum. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan intervensi berupa penyuluhan yang dilakukan melalui media whatsApp group. Hasil pre dan post test dilakukan analisis statistik menggunakan uji wilcoxon untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi. Hasil penyuluhan ...
Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports, 2019
This study is initated from the problem of the physical condition of beginner athletes which has ... more This study is initated from the problem of the physical condition of beginner athletes which has not reached its maximum potential. Band exercise is physical training that is suitable for beginners because it does not use weight other than athletes' own body. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of band exercise on the arm muscle endurance and the accuracy in 20-meter archery. This research is an experimental study that uses one group pre-post-test design research. The number of subjects in this study was 20 athletes. The data were analysed to test the hypothesis using t-paired t-test (before-after). The results show that there is an increase of mean score of the posttest compared to that of the pretest. The results of t count side learning test was 7.255> 2.093 with the significance value of 0.000 (p < 0.05). The results of the t-test on accuracy in archery was t count 12.839 > 2.093 with the significance value of 0.000 (p < 0.05) with the significance level of 0.05% (determining the level of meaningfulness). Based on that, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. It can be concluded that band exercise has an effect on the endurance of arm muscle and the accuracy of archery done by the elementary school students.
Background : Pulmonary tuberculosis is infectious disease coused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis . ... more Background : Pulmonary tuberculosis is infectious disease coused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis . Most of Mycobacterium tuberculosis attacks lungs, but it can also attack other body organs (Depkes RI, 2007). Tuberculosis remains one of the deadliest diseases in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year more than 8 million new cases of tuberculosis occur and approximately 3 million persons die from the disease. The result of Riskesdas in 2007, prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis increases with age and highest prevalence is over 65 years. The prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in men is 20 % higher than woman. Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis is three times higher in low education compared to higher education (Riskesdas, 2007). Method : This type of study was quantitative descriptive research. Respondents were tuberculosis program holders at Health Primary Care of Umbulharjo 1 and Health Primary Care of Umbulharjo 2. This reseach used tuberculosis r...
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2015
Agricultural sector is one of the types of jobs that have a high risk to cause fatigue. Many thin... more Agricultural sector is one of the types of jobs that have a high risk to cause fatigue. Many things affect the level of fatigue on the farmers, among which is the workload. Majority causes impact of workload is the behavior of workers who less attention to ergonomic principles. The purpose of this study is to explain the influence of socialization ergonomic work to work knowledge of farmers in the Akar Bagantung Village of Banjar District South Kalimantan. This research method is done by analyzing the situation to find out the problem, then do the experiment by providing ergonomic working socialization of knowledge ergonomic work on the farmers. The population in this study is a farmer in the Akar Bagantung Village as many as 60 people as well as a sample. Wilcoxon test results show a significant difference of farmer knowledge before and after sosialization activities with a p value 0.000. Before the activities knowledge average of participants was 56.50 and after the activities kno...
E-Dimas, Mar 31, 2024
Wasting is a manifestation of growth failure due to chronic malnutrition as measured by weight fo... more Wasting is a manifestation of growth failure due to chronic malnutrition as measured by weight for height. Banjarbaru in 2018, that the prevalence of wasting in under-five was 9%, where the Guntung Payung Health Center, Landasan-Ulin had a prevalence of wasting toddlers of 10.3%, above the national prevalence. The aim of this program is to optimize nutritional intake for toddlers through the application of an electronic MP-ASI calendar as an alternative to preventing wasting under-fives in Guntung Payung. Empowerment method through the application of an electronic MP-ASI calendar for 14 toddlers. It begins with measuring nutritional status (baseline) including body weight and height and selecting local food menus into an electronic MP-ASI calendar according to toddler age with a 10-day menu cycle, for 30 days (3 repetition cycles). Followed by program implementation and monitoring of nutritional status after the program. The results of this activity were marked by the successful implementation of the program and the enthusiasm for communication between mothers and toddlers in the whats app group. The conclusion of the program is that there is an increase in toddler weight during the wasting period after monitoring and applying the local MP-ASI calendar in the toddler's daily menu.
Given the rising popularity of Hapkido in Indonesia, this research aimed to evaluate the coaches'... more Given the rising popularity of Hapkido in Indonesia, this research aimed to evaluate the coaches' perspective on the risk factors and preventive strategies for musculoskeletal injuries among Indonesian Hapkido athletes. The study was a cross-sectional survey of 44 Indonesian Hapkido coaches. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistical methods to understand the perception of the coaches on the risk factors of musculoskeletal injuries and the injury prevention strategies practiced by coaches in Indonesia. The findings of this study indicated that the three most risk factors of injuries were insufficient warm-up (36%), lack of experience (18%), and incorrect techniques (18%), while the three most prevalent preventive measures practiced by coaches were ensuring sufficient warm-up (35%), employing safety equipment (33%), and implementing a proper training program (25%). In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of effective warm-up routines, refining techniques, utilizing safety gear, and developing well-structured training plans as strategic preventive measures for musculoskeletal injuries among Indonesian Hapkido athletes.
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)
A healthy canteen is one of the supporting elements of healthy campus infrastructure. Leaders'... more A healthy canteen is one of the supporting elements of healthy campus infrastructure. Leaders' policies, engagement, and support are essential for healthy campus initiation advocacy initiatives. This qualitative case study approach aims to determine the possibility of implementing a healthy canteen in a private university. The study was conducted in Yogyakarta from July 2017 until March 2018 with informants sequentially from five university leaders, one canteen manager, ten canteen consumers, and including 15 food handlers. We collected data through in-depth interviews and then analyzed it with content analysis. Finally, we use the SWOT matrix to investigate the possibility of developing a healthy canteen at private colleges using strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The obstacle to developing healthy canteens is the limited area for infrastructure. We found environmental health problems, such as unqualified sanitary conditions and unapplied food hygiene and sanita...
Jurnal Berkala Kesehatan, May 31, 2023
Stunting is still a health concern in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to anal... more Stunting is still a health concern in developing countries. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in nutritional intake of children in the Coastal (Co) and Non-Coastal (NCo) Stunting Areas in Tanah-Laut. The quantitative cross-sectional study design was carried out on subjects aged 6-23 months with a total of 65 Co and 66 NCo toddlers who were physically healthy and were still breastfeeding. The instruments included a questionnaire, a 24-hour recall form, a stature meter, and a digital scale. The univariate analyses to describe the frequency and median data. The Mann-Whitney test was used to see differences in intake of macro and micro nutrients in both regions. The prevalence of stunting in NCo 21.2%, while in Co 18.4%. About 7.6% NCo and 26.2% Co were malnourished. The prevalence of wasting was 13.6% and 15.4%. There was a significant difference in Energy, Carbohydrates, fat (p<0.05). There was no difference in protein intake between two regions. Both micronutrients were classified as deficient. There were differences of vitamin-A, vitamin-D, vitamin-K, calcium, and iron intake. Either macronutrient intake was sufficient, but neither for micronutrients. There was no significant difference in protein intake between the two groups.
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Press eBooks, Jul 1, 2017
Jurnal Abdimas Kesehatan (JAK), Nov 20, 2022
Repvit (Role Play Virtualitation) is an intervention effort to overcome the problem of stunting b... more Repvit (Role Play Virtualitation) is an intervention effort to overcome the problem of stunting by providing nutrition education to cadres, because the situation of adapting to new habits in the Covid-19 era requires personnel who can directly move the community as the spearhead of health services at the household and village levels, not forming too many crowds in the community as part of the anticipation of preventing the transmission of covid-19, so that the implementation of Repvit for cadres can effectively prevent stunting toddlers in the Alang River area. The Alang River is one of the riverbank areas in the Banjar Regency area, most of the residents make a living as farmers in the cultivation of ponds, ponds, karamba, rice fields/rice fields and floating nets. This condition makes the Alang River one of the areas that are able to provide the region's food needs from these natural products. Based on data from the Health Office of South Kalimantan Province, it is known that the highest prevalence of stunting is in the Banjar Regency area. Most of the work of mothers as housewives and fathers as fish farmers. With this background and characteristics, the purpose of the service is the implementation of repvit (role play virtualization) aimed at cadres of the Alang River area. The results of educating cadres, obtained differences in knowledge before and after education about stunting, causal factors, and local food modification skills.
Jurnal Kesehatan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan
Cafetaria in university must meet the nutritious and healthy snacks for students. The quality of ... more Cafetaria in university must meet the nutritious and healthy snacks for students. The quality of healthy and nutritious food is influenced by hygienic, good sanitation and free-hazard contamination aspects on the canteen management. Poor sanitation and hygiene utensils and storage management can increase food contamination.This study aimed to determine the association of implementation of food and hygiene sanitation with the biological hazard on eating utensils. This study used cross-sectional design and was conducted in May 2017. The number of canteen sample were 9 canteen and 15 food handlers. The data were collected by microbiological quality checks on tableware and cookware which were often used by the food handlers in food management, observation sheet of sanitary conditions of eating utensils, and questionnaires to find out the implementation of food sanitation hygiene in the canteen. The analytical statistic method used Fisher test. The results study indicate the implementa...
CV. Mine, Yogyakarta, 2017
Jurnal Sains Keolahragaan dan Kesehatan, 2021
Resiko terjadi cedera tidak hanya ada di lapangan, aktivitas fisik di lingkungan tempat wisata pu... more Resiko terjadi cedera tidak hanya ada di lapangan, aktivitas fisik di lingkungan tempat wisata pun memiliki potensi terjadinya cedera yang sangat besar. Persepsi mengenai cedera perlu dipertimbangkan sebagai langkah awal antisipasi kejadian cedera akibat aktivitas fisik di tempat rekreasi. Mayoritas praktisi mungkin lupa bahwa peran instruktur khususnya di tempat wisata perlu dipelajari lebih mendalam karena masih jarang ada yang berani untuk menelusuri lebih lanjut. Observasi studi ini dilakukan kepada 18 instruktur melalui teknik pengambilan subjek dengan total sampling di Kampung Wisata Air Titik 0 Jawa Tengah. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua instruktur yang terlibat terbiasa melakukan aktivitas fisik 1-2 kali seminggu sebesar 88,89%, lebih besar dibandingkan instruktur yang terbiasa beraktivitas fisik 3-4 kali seminggu yang hanya sebesar 11,11%. Cedera di bagian kepala belum pernah dialami oleh seluruh instruktur, satu orang mengalami cedera pada bagian punggung (5...
Advances in Health Sciences Research, 2022
In general, the physical activity level of adolescents in Indonesia is still below the recommende... more In general, the physical activity level of adolescents in Indonesia is still below the recommended level of 60 minutes moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity per day. This is concerning because low physical activity is one of the main risk factors for non-communicable diseases. Therefore, it is important to develop programs to increase the physical activity in adolescents. An educational physical activity program (education card healthy/eduche) has been developed to increase the physical activity of junior high school-students. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the content validity of the program. The content validity was assessed using the Aikens V formula for evaluating five aspects (i.e, layout, illustration, format, content/material, and language) conducted by three experts of physical fitness. A validity coefficient above 0.920 was considered as valid. The validation coefficients for layout, illustration, format, content, and language were 1.000, 0.920, 0.834, 0.920, and 0.920, respectively. The content validity for overall aspect was 0. 920. It can be concluded that, in general, eduche is valid for increasing the physical activity among adolescents with junior high school age. However, the format of eduche needs further improvement before the program implementation.
SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan, 2021
ABSTRAKAir merupakan kebutuhan bagi setiap kehidupan, semua makhluk hidup memerlukan air dalam ke... more ABSTRAKAir merupakan kebutuhan bagi setiap kehidupan, semua makhluk hidup memerlukan air dalam kehidupannnya sehingga tanpa air dapat dipastikan tidak akan ada kehidupan. Sebagian besar masyarakat yang mengalami kesulitan memperoleh air bersih untuk digunakan sebagai air minum tersebut adalah masyarakat yang tinggal di perdesaan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat tentang cara pengelolaan air minum di Desa Pemurus RT.3B Kecamatan Aluh-Aluh. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat Desa Pemurus RT.3B Kecamatan Aluh-Aluh yang berjumlah 15 orang. Kegiatan ini sebagai salah satu bentuk untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan sikap masyarakat tentang cara pengelolaan air minum. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan intervensi berupa penyuluhan yang dilakukan melalui media whatsApp group. Hasil pre dan post test dilakukan analisis statistik menggunakan uji wilcoxon untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi. Hasil penyuluhan ...
Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports, 2019
This study is initated from the problem of the physical condition of beginner athletes which has ... more This study is initated from the problem of the physical condition of beginner athletes which has not reached its maximum potential. Band exercise is physical training that is suitable for beginners because it does not use weight other than athletes' own body. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of band exercise on the arm muscle endurance and the accuracy in 20-meter archery. This research is an experimental study that uses one group pre-post-test design research. The number of subjects in this study was 20 athletes. The data were analysed to test the hypothesis using t-paired t-test (before-after). The results show that there is an increase of mean score of the posttest compared to that of the pretest. The results of t count side learning test was 7.255> 2.093 with the significance value of 0.000 (p < 0.05). The results of the t-test on accuracy in archery was t count 12.839 > 2.093 with the significance value of 0.000 (p < 0.05) with the significance level of 0.05% (determining the level of meaningfulness). Based on that, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. It can be concluded that band exercise has an effect on the endurance of arm muscle and the accuracy of archery done by the elementary school students.
Background : Pulmonary tuberculosis is infectious disease coused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis . ... more Background : Pulmonary tuberculosis is infectious disease coused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis . Most of Mycobacterium tuberculosis attacks lungs, but it can also attack other body organs (Depkes RI, 2007). Tuberculosis remains one of the deadliest diseases in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that each year more than 8 million new cases of tuberculosis occur and approximately 3 million persons die from the disease. The result of Riskesdas in 2007, prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis increases with age and highest prevalence is over 65 years. The prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in men is 20 % higher than woman. Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis is three times higher in low education compared to higher education (Riskesdas, 2007). Method : This type of study was quantitative descriptive research. Respondents were tuberculosis program holders at Health Primary Care of Umbulharjo 1 and Health Primary Care of Umbulharjo 2. This reseach used tuberculosis r...
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2015
Agricultural sector is one of the types of jobs that have a high risk to cause fatigue. Many thin... more Agricultural sector is one of the types of jobs that have a high risk to cause fatigue. Many things affect the level of fatigue on the farmers, among which is the workload. Majority causes impact of workload is the behavior of workers who less attention to ergonomic principles. The purpose of this study is to explain the influence of socialization ergonomic work to work knowledge of farmers in the Akar Bagantung Village of Banjar District South Kalimantan. This research method is done by analyzing the situation to find out the problem, then do the experiment by providing ergonomic working socialization of knowledge ergonomic work on the farmers. The population in this study is a farmer in the Akar Bagantung Village as many as 60 people as well as a sample. Wilcoxon test results show a significant difference of farmer knowledge before and after sosialization activities with a p value 0.000. Before the activities knowledge average of participants was 56.50 and after the activities kno...