ayu febryani - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Papers by ayu febryani

Research paper thumbnail of The Ethnography of Female Fishermen in Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo, Percut Sei Tuan District

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICSSIS 2018), 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Aplikasi Learning Management System Pada Model Pembelajaran Hybrid/ Blended Learning Sebagai Strategi Menghadapi Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 DI Prodi Pendidikan Antropologi Unimed

Berbagai persoalan muncul terhadap kualitas lulusan perguruan tinggi. Hasil rapat Kemenristekdikt... more Berbagai persoalan muncul terhadap kualitas lulusan perguruan tinggi. Hasil rapat Kemenristekdikti mengungkap persoalan tersebut diantaranya, radikalisme, lemahnya kemampuan berbahasa asing (english proficiency), IT skill, kepemimpinan (leadership), cara berpikir yang kompleks (higher order of thinking), rendahnya kemampuan komunikasi lisan dan tertulis, kurang berpikir kritis, rendahnya rasa percaya diri dan lunturnya nilai-nilai menjadi penyakit kronis bangsa. Peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran di Prodi Pendidikan Antropologi FIS Unimed menjadi salah satu cara yang dilakukan untuk menghadapi era revolusi industri 4.0. Penggunaan aplikasi online learning/ Learning Management System (LMS) menjadi metode dalam penerapan model pembelajaran hybrid/ blended learning. Beberapa aplikasi LMS yang digunakan para dosen diantaranya google classroom, edmodo, dan schoology. Tetapi ada juga dosen yang masih menggunakan google form, blog, dan berbagai media sosial sebagai wadah pengumpulan dan pen...

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Perayaan Mendoakan Sapi/ Kerbau (Akand Path Ghaia/ Menya) Pada Etnis Punjabi DI Gurdwara Tegh Bahadur Medan Polonia

Kota Medan dengan heterogenitasnya telah memunculkan ragam kebudayaan pada masing-masing suku ban... more Kota Medan dengan heterogenitasnya telah memunculkan ragam kebudayaan pada masing-masing suku bangsa di wilayahnya. Salah satunya ialah etnis Punjabi khususnya para peternak sapi/ kerbau yang secara kontinu melaksanakan tradisi perayaan mendoakan sapi/ kerbau (akand path ghaia/ menya). Melalui skripsi ini, penulis bertujuan menganalisis tradisi perayaan akand path ghaia/ menya di Gurdwara Tegh Bahadur, Kec.Medan Polonia. Perayaan Akand path ghaia/menya dilaksanakan dengan membaca kitab Guru Granth Sahib selama ±48 jam. Jenis penelitian yang penulis lakukan adalah dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Adapun dalam proses penelitian lapangan semua teknik pengumpulan data telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pendapat subjek penelitian (emik) tetapi juga diimbangi dengan interpretasi penulis (etik) dan dialog dengan buku. Berdasarkan metode tersebut diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (a) Tradisi ini sudah berlangsung sejak bermigr...

Research paper thumbnail of Kepercayaan Masyarakat Terhadap Praktek Magis DI Situs Pancur Gading (Pemandian Putri Hijau) Desa Deli Tua Kecamatan Namo Rambe Kabupaten Deli Serdang

Penelitian ini terkait kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap praktik magis di Situs Pancur Gading Desa ... more Penelitian ini terkait kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap praktik magis di Situs Pancur Gading Desa Deli Tua Kecamatan Namorambe Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Situs ini selain dikenal sebagai situs bersejarah, masyarakat umum juga mengenalnya sebagai tempat keramat dan dipercaya memiliki kekuatan gaib. Kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap situs ini memberi konsepsi tentang hidup bahwa segala hal yang tidak mampu dijawab manusia, mampu dijawab oleh sang keramat gaib. Kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap Pancur Gading dapat ditelusuri melalui, (1) latar belakang masyarakat melakukan praktik magis di Situs Pancur Gading, (2) pola sinkretisme dari praktik magis yang dilakukan masyarakat Situs Pancur Gading, (3) makna praktek magis yang dilakukan masyarakat di Situs Pancur Gading. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif melalui aspek fenomenologi. Aspek fenomenologi digunakan agar mampu mengungkap realitas nyata yang terjadi secara emic view. Informan dalam penelitia...

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Ilmu Kebatinan Masyarakat Jawa di Desa Bandar Setia, Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan

This study aims to describe the phenomenon of mysticism in Javanese society in Bandar Setia Villa... more This study aims to describe the phenomenon of mysticism in Javanese society in Bandar Setia Village, Percut Sei Tuan District. The research method used is ethnography, while the technique, the data is done by observation and in-depth interviews. Three informants were appointed as mystical therapy. The results showed that the phenomenon of mysticism has long developed in the village of Bandar Setia which is interpreted as a concept of belief to get closer to the Creator. The concept of mysticism focuses on awakening the sense of awakening to feel every natural occurrence, magical phenomena. To acquire mysticism, one has to do penance such as fasting and other special rituals. The benefits of mysticism are not only as a means of getting closer to the creator but also being able to provide supernatural abilities for its users. This ability is often used to help people related to life problems they face. Mysticism is a part of cultural identity that needs to be preserved as noble values...

Research paper thumbnail of Ritual Mendoakan Sapi (Akandh path ghaia/menya) pada Etnis Punjabi di Kota Medan

Kota Medan dengan heterogenitasnya telah memunculkan ragam kebudayaan pada masing-masing suku ban... more Kota Medan dengan heterogenitasnya telah memunculkan ragam kebudayaan pada masing-masing suku bangsa di wilayahnya. Salah satunya ialah etnis Punjabi khususnya para peternak sapi/kerbau yang secara kontinu melaksanakan tradisi perayaan mendoakan sapi/ kerbau. Perayaan Akand path ghaia/menya dilaksanakan dengan membaca kitab Guru Granth Sahib selama ±48 jam atau tiga hari dua malam tanpa berhenti oleh lima orang pathee . Berdasarkan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pen-dekatan etnografi diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut; Tradisi ini sudah berlangsung sejak tahun 1940-an yang dilaksana-kan dari rumah ke rumah. Kemudian sejak 1980-an sudah ditetapkan pelaksanaannya di rumah ibadah ( Gurdwara ). Secara umum tujuan dilaksanakannya tradisi ini sebagai wujud syukur kepada Tuhan atas berkah yang telah diberikan kepada para peternak sapi Punjabi . Kegiatan inti ialah membaca kitab Guru Granth Sahib Ji dari mulai ibadah pagi/ asa di var sampai dengan salok mahla nouva (pembacaan ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Local Wisdom Education Global Insights in Institutional and Local Wisdom of Culture in North Sumatera Subject in Faculty of Social Science,Universitas Negeri Medan

Research paper thumbnail of Village Government Policy on Tourism Management in Situngkir Village

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (formerly ICCSSIS), ICCSIS 2019, 24-25 October 2019, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 2019

This study aims to determine government policies that affect tourism, the role of village governm... more This study aims to determine government policies that affect tourism, the role of village governments in tourism development, the relationship between village governments and capital owners and the use of traditional home homestay as Lake Toba tourism icons in Situngkir Village. The research used was a qualitative descriptive study and the location of this study was in Situngkir Village, Pangururan District, Samosir Regency. Data collection is carried out in research using observations, interviews, and documentation as data collection techniques. Based on the results of research that in the Situngkir Village there is a village government system policy that affects tourism, the role of the village government in fostering tourism in the community and maintaining the relationship of the village government with capital owners for the development progress and the economy of the community in the tourism area. In terms of the use of traditional home homestays as tourism icons that have not been maximized, which of course government policy here is urgently needed to develop the progress of tourism and the community's economy.

Research paper thumbnail of The Local Wisdom of the Coffee Farming System in Temas Mumanang Village Permata, District Bener Meriah Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (formerly ICCSSIS), ICCSIS 2019, 24-25 October 2019, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 2019

This study aims to analyze the various local wisdom of the coffee farming system in the Gayo High... more This study aims to analyze the various local wisdom of the coffee farming system in the Gayo Highlands and the existence of local wisdom in the agricultural system that is applied. In addition to identifying problems faced by farmers and how to handle them in managing agricultural resources in Bener Meriah Regency. This is not only as a form of preserving local knowledge related to the wise use of the environment but also as a solution to solving human and environmental problems. This study uses a qualitative research method with an ethnographic approach. This method was chosen because in carrying out the documentation it is necessary to have a holistic description of a study. Therefore we need data collection techniques in the form of participatory observation, in-depth interviews, life in, and documentation of informant activities related to the agricultural system. In the end, this research leads to the concept of Indonesia as a country that can penetrate the international market in coffee income through a local wisdom system that is still preserved. The results of this study are expected not only for scientific purposes and to answer research problems, but more importantly and significantly can contribute to identifying forms of local wisdom that are still maintained and provide benefits in the lives of local communities.

Research paper thumbnail of Folk Belief on Pancur Gading Site in Deli Tua Village, Sumatera Utara Province, Indonesia

Folk belief through magical practices is an integral part of the discussion about the Pancur Gadi... more Folk belief through magical practices is an integral part of the discussion about the Pancur Gading Site, located in Deli Tua Village, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Through this folk belief, people come with their own goals and purposes. The remains of this site can be seen by the rushing water of the two showers, namely ‘pancuran putri’ (princess shower) and ‘pancuran panglima’ (the commander's shower). People believe by using this water, all the problems in their life can be resolved immediately. Various magical practices are also held to fulfill human desires for the problems they face. The religious behavior of the people who believe in the properties of Pancur Gading is based on the folk belief in the worshiped figures. The legend of Putri Hijau provides a conception of revered supernatural figures, including the princess known as Putri Hijau or Nini Biring, her first brother (kakek naga), the second (kakek meriam), her commanders, and the ancestors who were worshiped accordin...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Budaya Dan Agama Terhadap Penggunaan Susu Lembu Dalam Ritual Keagamaan Suku Punjabi Penganut Agama Sikh DI Kota Medan

Jupiis Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Ilmu Sosial, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of The Ethnography of Female Fishermen in Paluh Merbau, Tanjung Rejo, Percut Sei Tuan District

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICSSIS 2018), 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Penggunaan Aplikasi Learning Management System Pada Model Pembelajaran Hybrid/ Blended Learning Sebagai Strategi Menghadapi Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 DI Prodi Pendidikan Antropologi Unimed

Berbagai persoalan muncul terhadap kualitas lulusan perguruan tinggi. Hasil rapat Kemenristekdikt... more Berbagai persoalan muncul terhadap kualitas lulusan perguruan tinggi. Hasil rapat Kemenristekdikti mengungkap persoalan tersebut diantaranya, radikalisme, lemahnya kemampuan berbahasa asing (english proficiency), IT skill, kepemimpinan (leadership), cara berpikir yang kompleks (higher order of thinking), rendahnya kemampuan komunikasi lisan dan tertulis, kurang berpikir kritis, rendahnya rasa percaya diri dan lunturnya nilai-nilai menjadi penyakit kronis bangsa. Peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran di Prodi Pendidikan Antropologi FIS Unimed menjadi salah satu cara yang dilakukan untuk menghadapi era revolusi industri 4.0. Penggunaan aplikasi online learning/ Learning Management System (LMS) menjadi metode dalam penerapan model pembelajaran hybrid/ blended learning. Beberapa aplikasi LMS yang digunakan para dosen diantaranya google classroom, edmodo, dan schoology. Tetapi ada juga dosen yang masih menggunakan google form, blog, dan berbagai media sosial sebagai wadah pengumpulan dan pen...

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Perayaan Mendoakan Sapi/ Kerbau (Akand Path Ghaia/ Menya) Pada Etnis Punjabi DI Gurdwara Tegh Bahadur Medan Polonia

Kota Medan dengan heterogenitasnya telah memunculkan ragam kebudayaan pada masing-masing suku ban... more Kota Medan dengan heterogenitasnya telah memunculkan ragam kebudayaan pada masing-masing suku bangsa di wilayahnya. Salah satunya ialah etnis Punjabi khususnya para peternak sapi/ kerbau yang secara kontinu melaksanakan tradisi perayaan mendoakan sapi/ kerbau (akand path ghaia/ menya). Melalui skripsi ini, penulis bertujuan menganalisis tradisi perayaan akand path ghaia/ menya di Gurdwara Tegh Bahadur, Kec.Medan Polonia. Perayaan Akand path ghaia/menya dilaksanakan dengan membaca kitab Guru Granth Sahib selama ±48 jam. Jenis penelitian yang penulis lakukan adalah dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Adapun dalam proses penelitian lapangan semua teknik pengumpulan data telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada pendapat subjek penelitian (emik) tetapi juga diimbangi dengan interpretasi penulis (etik) dan dialog dengan buku. Berdasarkan metode tersebut diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: (a) Tradisi ini sudah berlangsung sejak bermigr...

Research paper thumbnail of Kepercayaan Masyarakat Terhadap Praktek Magis DI Situs Pancur Gading (Pemandian Putri Hijau) Desa Deli Tua Kecamatan Namo Rambe Kabupaten Deli Serdang

Penelitian ini terkait kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap praktik magis di Situs Pancur Gading Desa ... more Penelitian ini terkait kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap praktik magis di Situs Pancur Gading Desa Deli Tua Kecamatan Namorambe Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Situs ini selain dikenal sebagai situs bersejarah, masyarakat umum juga mengenalnya sebagai tempat keramat dan dipercaya memiliki kekuatan gaib. Kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap situs ini memberi konsepsi tentang hidup bahwa segala hal yang tidak mampu dijawab manusia, mampu dijawab oleh sang keramat gaib. Kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap Pancur Gading dapat ditelusuri melalui, (1) latar belakang masyarakat melakukan praktik magis di Situs Pancur Gading, (2) pola sinkretisme dari praktik magis yang dilakukan masyarakat Situs Pancur Gading, (3) makna praktek magis yang dilakukan masyarakat di Situs Pancur Gading. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif melalui aspek fenomenologi. Aspek fenomenologi digunakan agar mampu mengungkap realitas nyata yang terjadi secara emic view. Informan dalam penelitia...

Research paper thumbnail of Fenomena Ilmu Kebatinan Masyarakat Jawa di Desa Bandar Setia, Kecamatan Percut Sei Tuan

This study aims to describe the phenomenon of mysticism in Javanese society in Bandar Setia Villa... more This study aims to describe the phenomenon of mysticism in Javanese society in Bandar Setia Village, Percut Sei Tuan District. The research method used is ethnography, while the technique, the data is done by observation and in-depth interviews. Three informants were appointed as mystical therapy. The results showed that the phenomenon of mysticism has long developed in the village of Bandar Setia which is interpreted as a concept of belief to get closer to the Creator. The concept of mysticism focuses on awakening the sense of awakening to feel every natural occurrence, magical phenomena. To acquire mysticism, one has to do penance such as fasting and other special rituals. The benefits of mysticism are not only as a means of getting closer to the creator but also being able to provide supernatural abilities for its users. This ability is often used to help people related to life problems they face. Mysticism is a part of cultural identity that needs to be preserved as noble values...

Research paper thumbnail of Ritual Mendoakan Sapi (Akandh path ghaia/menya) pada Etnis Punjabi di Kota Medan

Kota Medan dengan heterogenitasnya telah memunculkan ragam kebudayaan pada masing-masing suku ban... more Kota Medan dengan heterogenitasnya telah memunculkan ragam kebudayaan pada masing-masing suku bangsa di wilayahnya. Salah satunya ialah etnis Punjabi khususnya para peternak sapi/kerbau yang secara kontinu melaksanakan tradisi perayaan mendoakan sapi/ kerbau. Perayaan Akand path ghaia/menya dilaksanakan dengan membaca kitab Guru Granth Sahib selama ±48 jam atau tiga hari dua malam tanpa berhenti oleh lima orang pathee . Berdasarkan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pen-dekatan etnografi diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut; Tradisi ini sudah berlangsung sejak tahun 1940-an yang dilaksana-kan dari rumah ke rumah. Kemudian sejak 1980-an sudah ditetapkan pelaksanaannya di rumah ibadah ( Gurdwara ). Secara umum tujuan dilaksanakannya tradisi ini sebagai wujud syukur kepada Tuhan atas berkah yang telah diberikan kepada para peternak sapi Punjabi . Kegiatan inti ialah membaca kitab Guru Granth Sahib Ji dari mulai ibadah pagi/ asa di var sampai dengan salok mahla nouva (pembacaan ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Implementation of Local Wisdom Education Global Insights in Institutional and Local Wisdom of Culture in North Sumatera Subject in Faculty of Social Science,Universitas Negeri Medan

Research paper thumbnail of Village Government Policy on Tourism Management in Situngkir Village

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (formerly ICCSSIS), ICCSIS 2019, 24-25 October 2019, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 2019

This study aims to determine government policies that affect tourism, the role of village governm... more This study aims to determine government policies that affect tourism, the role of village governments in tourism development, the relationship between village governments and capital owners and the use of traditional home homestay as Lake Toba tourism icons in Situngkir Village. The research used was a qualitative descriptive study and the location of this study was in Situngkir Village, Pangururan District, Samosir Regency. Data collection is carried out in research using observations, interviews, and documentation as data collection techniques. Based on the results of research that in the Situngkir Village there is a village government system policy that affects tourism, the role of the village government in fostering tourism in the community and maintaining the relationship of the village government with capital owners for the development progress and the economy of the community in the tourism area. In terms of the use of traditional home homestays as tourism icons that have not been maximized, which of course government policy here is urgently needed to develop the progress of tourism and the community's economy.

Research paper thumbnail of The Local Wisdom of the Coffee Farming System in Temas Mumanang Village Permata, District Bener Meriah Regency, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (formerly ICCSSIS), ICCSIS 2019, 24-25 October 2019, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia, 2019

This study aims to analyze the various local wisdom of the coffee farming system in the Gayo High... more This study aims to analyze the various local wisdom of the coffee farming system in the Gayo Highlands and the existence of local wisdom in the agricultural system that is applied. In addition to identifying problems faced by farmers and how to handle them in managing agricultural resources in Bener Meriah Regency. This is not only as a form of preserving local knowledge related to the wise use of the environment but also as a solution to solving human and environmental problems. This study uses a qualitative research method with an ethnographic approach. This method was chosen because in carrying out the documentation it is necessary to have a holistic description of a study. Therefore we need data collection techniques in the form of participatory observation, in-depth interviews, life in, and documentation of informant activities related to the agricultural system. In the end, this research leads to the concept of Indonesia as a country that can penetrate the international market in coffee income through a local wisdom system that is still preserved. The results of this study are expected not only for scientific purposes and to answer research problems, but more importantly and significantly can contribute to identifying forms of local wisdom that are still maintained and provide benefits in the lives of local communities.

Research paper thumbnail of Folk Belief on Pancur Gading Site in Deli Tua Village, Sumatera Utara Province, Indonesia

Folk belief through magical practices is an integral part of the discussion about the Pancur Gadi... more Folk belief through magical practices is an integral part of the discussion about the Pancur Gading Site, located in Deli Tua Village, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Through this folk belief, people come with their own goals and purposes. The remains of this site can be seen by the rushing water of the two showers, namely ‘pancuran putri’ (princess shower) and ‘pancuran panglima’ (the commander's shower). People believe by using this water, all the problems in their life can be resolved immediately. Various magical practices are also held to fulfill human desires for the problems they face. The religious behavior of the people who believe in the properties of Pancur Gading is based on the folk belief in the worshiped figures. The legend of Putri Hijau provides a conception of revered supernatural figures, including the princess known as Putri Hijau or Nini Biring, her first brother (kakek naga), the second (kakek meriam), her commanders, and the ancestors who were worshiped accordin...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Budaya Dan Agama Terhadap Penggunaan Susu Lembu Dalam Ritual Keagamaan Suku Punjabi Penganut Agama Sikh DI Kota Medan

Jupiis Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Ilmu Sosial, 2012