beni azwar - (original) (raw)

Papers by beni azwar

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Karir Siswa Dengan Layanan Bimbingan Konseling di Kelas X di SMA Negeri 2 Rejang Lebong

Suluh: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling

Perencanan karir merupakan kata yang sering diungkap oleh seseorang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan ag... more Perencanan karir merupakan kata yang sering diungkap oleh seseorang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan agar bisa menciptakan kemandirian dalam pemilihan karir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan Guru BK di SMA Negeri 2 Rejang Lebong dalam perencanaan karir siswa, dikarenakan; Pertama; siswa kelas X harus direncanakan sebaik mungkin dari awal, sehingga setelah kelas XII mereka dapat mengambil keputusan yang tepat untuk arah masa depannya, kedua; siswa kelas X masih dalam masa puberitas dengan problematika yang kompleks dan harus diarahkan untuk masa depan yang baik, dan ketiga; Siswa kela X merupakan generasi Z lebih mudah mendapatkan informasi dengan media digital dan potensi ini bisa diberdayakan untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini berkaitan dengan karir, Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, 1) Permasalahan karir yang dialami siswa diantaranya: a) kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai karir, b) kurangnya informasi mengenai perguruan tin...

Research paper thumbnail of Keterlibatan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Supervisi Pelayanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling


Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling pada dasarnya akan tercapai dengan peningk... more Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling pada dasarnya akan tercapai dengan peningkatan kualitas dan profesionalitas guru BK. Salah satu kegiatan peningkatan kualitas guru BK yaitu melalui kegiatan supervisi/pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah maupun pengawas sekolah. Supervisi merupakan bagian dari tahapan penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pengajaran yang berfungsi untuk mengontrol, mengevaluasi dan membina agar proses pembimbingan dapat berjalan sesuai dengan apa yang telah direncanakan. Kepala sekolah memberikan tugas kepada guru BK untuk menghukum atau memberi sanksi kepada siswa, sehingga banyak siswa yang mengganggap BK adalah polisi sekolah. Selain itu, ada juga beberapa sekolah yang tidak memberikan kesempatan jam BK untuk masuk kelas, sehingga guru BK menjadi sulit untuk lebih dekat dan memahami siswa. Masih banyak guru BK yang memiliki kinerja yang rendah di sekolah, khususnya di tingkat SMA. Pelaksanaan supervisi yang belum efektif, baik yang dilakuka...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Konseling Gestalt Dalam Meningkatkan Self Awarness Bagi Mantan Pemakai Narkoba DI Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II a Curup Bengkulu

Psyche, Feb 1, 2023

With the increase in drug cases, which are a serious danger to the community, even BNN data in 20... more With the increase in drug cases, which are a serious danger to the community, even BNN data in 2021 amounted to 3.66 million people, an increase of 1.95% from 1.8% in 2019, meaning an increase of 0.15%. For Bengkulu province in December 2020 there were 1,055 people consisting of 829 dealers and 226 narcotics users. in the first semester of 2021 at the Class II A Curup Prison there were 228 people who were users and were serving their sentences. The problems of former drug users are anxiety after being released, because of past traumatic experiences, because of guilt and regret using drugs, and thinking about rejection and labeling of society after being released. This study aims to determine gestalt counseling in increasing self-awareness of former drug users in the Class II A Curup Prison. The method uses descriptive qualitative data with a deep interview (in-dept interviews) with gestalt counseling, observations that include gestalt counseling and data documentation. It takes five former users who will get parole or have served 2/3 of their sentence (minimum security). The results of the study that gestalt counseling is effective in growing self-awareness of former drug users, because the client is directed to the problems that occur in the present, without getting involved with previous traumatic experiences and pessimistic about the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemahaman guru bimbingan konseling terhadap kurikulum merdeka belajar

Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia

Kurikulum prototype atau merdeka belajar adalah penyempurnaan dari kurikulum 2013 dan secara nasi... more Kurikulum prototype atau merdeka belajar adalah penyempurnaan dari kurikulum 2013 dan secara nasional akan diberlakukan tahun 2024. Untuk itu perlu sosialisasi dan persiapan, baik dari konten kurikulum itu sendiri, maupun berkaitan sarana prasarana dan guru sebagai pelaksana kurikulum. Diantara jenis guru; guru mata pelajaran, guru kelas, guru praktik dan guru pembimbing/guru BK. Esensi perubahan adalah lebih sederhana dan mendalam, lebih merdeka dan lebih relevan dan interaktif. Berkaitan dengan lebih merdeka bahwa siswa bebas menentukan pilihan mata pelajaran sesuai bakat, minat, kreativitas, cita-cita dan kepribadian. Untuk itu guru BK harus memahami kurikulum secara komprehensif terutama yang menjadi bagian dari layanan BK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pemahaman guru BK terhadap kurikulum merdeka belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mix methods, dimana data akan diungkapkan secara kuantitatif dengan P=F/N X 100%, kemudian akan didalami secara kualitatif dan...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Resiliensi Diri Warga Binaan Dengan konseling

Consilium : Berkala Kajian Konseling dan Ilmu Keagamaan

Tujuan Penelitian: Reintegrasi sosial yang menjadi dasar filosofis munculnya Sistem Pemasyarakata... more Tujuan Penelitian: Reintegrasi sosial yang menjadi dasar filosofis munculnya Sistem Pemasyarakatan dengan tujuan utama aspek pengembalian Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan (WBP) ke masyarakat, sehingga Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) tempat WBP menjalani hukuman merupakan rehabilitasi sebelum mereka Kembali kemasyarakat. Bernbagai permasalahan selama di Lapas muncul, baik yang berasal dari diri WBP maupun dari luar dirinya. Dari diri WBP adalah penyesalan masa lalu karena berbuat kesalahan yang melanggar hukum, masalah sekarang berkenaan dengan perasaan bersalah dan betapa malunya keluarganya, kehidupan keluarga yang kacau, serta masalah kecemasan labelling dan penoolakan dari masyarakat setelah bebas. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran konseling dalam meningkatkan resiliensi diri WBP.Metode Penelitian: Metode penelitian yang digunakan library research dengan pemaparan data secara deskriptif. Dalam hal ini, penulis menggunakan penelitian deskriptif untuk lebih menekankan pada kekuat...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelaksanaan Supervisi Bimbingan Konseling Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Layanan Konseling

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Layanan Konseling Realitas untuk Membangun Kepercayaan Diri Warga Binaan Mantan Pemakai Narkoba di Lapas Klas II A Curup

Konseling edukasi, Nov 10, 2022

Indonesia mencanangkan diri sebagai negara dengan status darurat narkoba karena dampaknya yang me... more Indonesia mencanangkan diri sebagai negara dengan status darurat narkoba karena dampaknya yang membahayakan, baik pisik, mental dan sosial. Tahun 2021 terungkap 19.229 kasus dengan 24.878 orang yang terlibat. Pada tahun 2021 Bengkulu dengan jumlah penduduk 2.091.314 jiwa 1055 orang terlibat narkoba, dan untuk LAPAS klas II.A Curup 228 orang warga binaan kasus narkoba, berasal dari 3 kabupaten (Rejang Lebong, Lebong dan Kepahiang). Penelitian ini untuk melihat hasil pemberian layanan konseling realitas dalam membangun kepercayaan diri mantan pengguna narkoba. Hal ini sangat perlu untuk memulihkan kepercayaan diri, serta membangun konsep diri yang positif selama dan setelah bebas dari LAPAS. Penolakan dan labelling dari masyarakat menjadikan mereka tidak percaya diri dan terkadang memilih untuk kembali sebagai pemakai atau pengedar. Penelitian ini sebagai awal dari proses eksperimen dengan 5 orang warga binaan narkoba dengan masa tahanan dan sisa tahanan yang bervariasi. Hasil penellitian menunjukkan bahwa; pertama, kepercaayaan diri mereka menjadi kuat jika berada sesama warga binaan, kedua; cemas dengan penolakan masyarakat yang menyulitkannya beradaptasi di masyarakat. Ketiga; konseling realitas dapat membangun kepercaayaan dirinya, dengan menumbuhkan tanggung jawab, kebenaran serta realitas fakta, dengan Teknik tidak memaafkan tingkah lakunya yang bermasalah. Keempat; dari penilaian konseling mereka sangat puas, dan mengharamkan narkoba.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Supervisi Layanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Berbasis Integrated Instructional Strategy DI Era Digital


This article aims to discuss the supervision strategy of guidance and counseling services based o... more This article aims to discuss the supervision strategy of guidance and counseling services based on integrated instructional strategy. Namely the BK service supervision strategy which consists of a set defined by each component, which helps ensure it is embedded in the design and instructions. This strategy can also be an alternative for BK teachers to improve their professionalism in facing challenges in today's digital era. This strategy consists of four main components, namely Real World Connection, Critical Thinking, Public Service, Autonomy. These four components are the main components that need to be implemented in the steps and strategies for supervising BK services based on an integrated instructional strategy, so that these four components are able to support and become an alternative counselor strategy in facing obstacles in the digital era. So it is hoped that this strategy will be able to improve and maintain the quality of quality that is classified. Artikel ini ber...

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Kegiatan Supervisi Dalam Pelayanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Dengan Kegiatan Pengajaran DI Sekolah

LITERASI: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Indonesia

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai kegiatan supervisi pelayanan ... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai kegiatan supervisi pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dan Kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah. Dimana, Supervisi merupakan satu komponen penting dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah. Melalui supervisi diharapkan dapat menjadi upaya dalam pengentasan permasalahan yang terjadi dalam dunia pendidikan. Permasalahan yang beragam tentu berimbas pada kualitas dan produktivitas pengajar dalam bekerja. Hakikatnya guru mampu melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya yakni memberikan pengajaran serta pendidikan, tidak hanya berlaku untuk guru kelas dan guru mata pelajar, hal serupa juga berlaku bagi guru BK yang bertugas untuk membantu peserta didik dalam mengentaskan permasalahan akademik maupun non akademiknya. Dengan demikian supervisi memegang peranan penting dalam proses pendidikan. Oleh karenanya, peneliti dalam hal ini melakukan analisis terhadap implementasi supervisi dan pengaruhnya pemberian layanan bimbingan dan konse...

Research paper thumbnail of Counseling Guidance Services in Improving Learning Motivation Post Covid 19

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

After going through the online teaching and learning process which was carried out at SMP Negeri ... more After going through the online teaching and learning process which was carried out at SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo, students got used to studying at home and playing on cell phones until they forgot the teaching and learning process had been done face-to-face, so some children had problems studying at school, including not doing assignments school, lazy to study, often play online games, and skip school. Even from observations, some students received a summons, and their parents were called for not attending school without permission and not doing schoolwork. This study aims to determine the teaching and learning process after doing the online learning process, the effect of online learning on students' learning motivation, and the efforts of the supervising teacher in increasing student learning motivation. This type of research is descriptive and qualitative. Sources of data come from primary data and secondary data, the subjects in this study were the supervising teacher, homeroom...

Research paper thumbnail of Penguatan Self-Regulation Anak Panti Asuhan Aisyah Curup Selama Belajar Daring di Masa Pandemi Covid 19

Islamic counseling, Nov 16, 2022

This study aims to discuss strengthening the self-regulation of orphanage children during online ... more This study aims to discuss strengthening the self-regulation of orphanage children during online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, the fact that the conditions of orphanage children are different from children living with nuclear families who always receive attention and affection, and facilitate their learning needs, while orphans do not. Get this, and the orphanage must accept this situation with no stress and sincerity. For this reason, researchers are interested in how orphanage children regulate themselves in online learning and are not stressed with the conditions at the Aisiyah Curup Orphanage. The research methodology is descriptive qualitative, where data will be collected with the interview dept (indepth interview) and presented descriptively. The result is that strengthening self-regulation, namely metacognition, motivation and behavior, already existed during the Covid 19 pandemic, but decreased compared to before the Covid 19 pandemic. Limited facilities and family motivation were felt to be lacking, because during the pandemic the nursing home did not receive guests from outside and they behaved well with a pattern the same according to the schedule of daily routine activities arranged by the orphanage.

Research paper thumbnail of Characters in Audio Visual-Based Teaching Materials in Thematic Learning in Elementary Schools

Tadbir : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan

This scientific article is motivated by the lack of character in students, where as we know today... more This scientific article is motivated by the lack of character in students, where as we know today's technological advances can make the character decline in students, but if technology is used properly there will be many benefits, where most students in Indonesia currently With gadgets, technological advances can have both positive and negative impacts. The purpose of this research is to instill the character of students through the use of audio-visual-based teaching materials, such as videos. This study uses a qualitative method with the type of library research (library research), while data collection uses documentation techniques, namely data collection or from books or literatures and journals that discuss "Character in Audio-visual Based Teaching Materials in Thematic Learning. in elementary school". The data analysis technique uses the technique of drawing conclusions by identifying various special characteristics of a message in an objective, systematic and gen...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of The Counseling Teacher In Developing The Social Dimensions of Children With Special Needs

Munaddhomah: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

This research was carried out in MAN 2 Payakumbuh with the type of blind crew members. This study... more This research was carried out in MAN 2 Payakumbuh with the type of blind crew members. This study aims to determine the role of guidance counselling teachers in developing students’ social dimensions, starting with the adjustment process at school. This study uses descriptive-qualitative with the purpose of descriptive-analytic method about the role of guidance counselling teachers in developing the social dimension for ABK in three inclusive schools. The results showed that: First; social and emotional problems are basic problems for special needs, secondly; in providing guidance counselling services, guidance counselling teachers provide classical and group services by building social awareness and empathy for all students and other school residents, Third; the development of social interest is marked by the collection of monthly zakat and infaq of teachers and staff for underprivileged students, including children with special needs studying at UNP Padang and IAIN Bukittinggi.

Research paper thumbnail of The role of counselors in shaping students' self-happiness in inclusive schools

KONSELI : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal)

This study aims to look at the role of counselors in shaping students' self-happiness in incl... more This study aims to look at the role of counselors in shaping students' self-happiness in inclusive schools at Muhammadiyah Curup junior high school. Self-happiness is an important thing that must exist in inclusive group rooms; therefore, counselors need to understand the characteristics of students to unite normal children and children with special needs with the same curriculum and learning process. In inclusive schools, it is found that bullying of children with special needs still occurs, and the learning process in inclusive groups is relatively slow and constrained, making ordinary students bored and upset. The approach used is qualitative with a grounded theory design. The data will be interpreted in a naturalistic way to overcome the problems in this study. Data interpretation and a naturalistic approach will provide answers related to the counselor's role in developing students' self-happiness in the inclusion group of Muhammadiyah Curup junior high school. The ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aplikasi Zoom Collaboration dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Journal of Education and Instruction (JOEAI)

This study aims to determine the application of the zoom collaboration application learning strat... more This study aims to determine the application of the zoom collaboration application learning strategy in increasing student learning motivation in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is quasi-experimental (Quasy Experiment), with a pretest and posttest control group research design. The sample in this study were 28 students from class X MA Miftahul Jannah. The results of the study, the application of the Zoom Collaboration application learning strategy can improve student learning outcomes and understanding of the subject of Islamic Religious Education, in cycle I and cycle II significantly, namely at 47.50 and 72.14. In addition, the zoom collaboration application learning strategy can increase student learning motivation seen from the positive increase in the results of the initial and final questionnaires by 320 points to 467 points. In conclusion, the application of the Zoom Collaboration application learning strategy is effecti...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role Of The Counseling Teacher In Developing The Value Of Ta'awun (Mutual Help) Inclusive Education Institutions

POTENSIA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam

This interview study reports on the experience of 7 Guidance and Counseling teachers developing t... more This interview study reports on the experience of 7 Guidance and Counseling teachers developing the value of helping inclusive madrasah students in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Data was collected employing semi-structured interviews to explore the experience of the counseling teacher. Data were analyzed by thematic content analysis. The results of the study show two general findings, namely that Guidance and Counseling teachers play a role in fostering an attitude of helping students in inclusive education institutions through orientation services and individual counseling. Besides that, Guidance and Counseling teachers collaborate with religious teachers in charity activities such "As Sedeqah Fridays which are collected from both ordinary students and special needs children. This study emphasizes the importance of Guidance and Counseling teachers receiving technical training in educating children with special needs.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Penerapan Blended Learning DI Sekolah Dasar

Jurnal Isema : Islamic Educational Management

The covid-19 virus poses new challenges for the whole world. All activities become disrupted incl... more The covid-19 virus poses new challenges for the whole world. All activities become disrupted including disrupting teaching and learning activities at school. During a pandemic like this, the world of education must change and modify learning that can be applied to this situation so that learning productivity can be achieved. Blended learning is a learning method that can be applied in the current situation. Blended learning is a learning method that combines face-to-face learning or classical learning with modern technology-based learning that is done online. Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Ketanggungan is one of the schools that applies this method. As long as this method is applied, it is considered effective for use during this pandemic, although it cannot be denied that there are also negative sides. By analyzing the application of blended learning, it is intended to be material for consideration of the school's leadership in choosing the right method for the application o...

Research paper thumbnail of Collaboration of Academic Advisor with Counseling Laboratories and its effect on the Students’ Learning Readiness

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

The academic advisor and college counselling laboratories have an essential role in giving servic... more The academic advisor and college counselling laboratories have an essential role in giving services to students. One of the assumptions is that these services can impact student learning readiness. This study aims to see how the relationship between Academic Advisors and the counselling labour impairs students' preparedness for learning. This research is quantitative research with a sample size of 297 people from seventeen studies programs for the 2019/2020 school year, where the sample is taken at random (random sampling). Instrument to measure the synergy and readiness to learn using a closed questionnaire Likert scale model. The data validation and data reliability are carried out through statistical analysis apps in the 21st version. The results showed that the correlation coefficient obtained between the variables of Academic Advisory and counselling laboratories and the variable of student learning readiness was 0.851, which was included in the fairly high or strong catego...

Research paper thumbnail of Inovasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Web dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di MAN Rejang Lebong

Al-Ikhtibar: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2021

Penelitian ini didasarkan pada Inovasi pembelajaran berbasisi Web dan implemntesi dalam kurikulum... more Penelitian ini didasarkan pada Inovasi pembelajaran berbasisi Web dan implemntesi dalam kurikulum 2013 di MAN Rejang Lebong. Perihal kebijakan pemerintah pada pendidikan yang mengaharuskan pelaksanaan pembelajaran di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini guru dan siswa harus melakukan aktifitasnya di rumah, sehingga secara tidak langsung sekolah dalam waktu singkat harus mempersiapkan pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan menggunakan pembelajaran secara Daring. Adapun Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini: yang pertama, Bagaimana Proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan dimasa pandemi Covid19 di MAN Rejang Lebong, ke-2 Bagaimana Inovasi guru dalam mengimplementasi kurikulum 2013 di MAN Rejang Lebong, ke-3 bagaimana cara membentuk karakter kurikulum 2013 di masa pandemi Covid-19 . Untuk menemukan dan mengungkapkan jawaban tersebut maka penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan case study, Lokasi penelitiannya di MAN Rejang Lebong dengan sumber data yang utama diperoleh dari wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. D...

Research paper thumbnail of Improving Self-Resilience in Students with Special Needs through the Counseling Teachers’ Roles: A Case Study on Grounded Theory

Education Research International, 2021

Previous studies show that self-resilience was significantly improved in students with special ne... more Previous studies show that self-resilience was significantly improved in students with special needs by supporting the social environment and the learning system. Additionally, support for the role of counseling teachers in inclusive schools fosters self-resilience. In this regard, this study aimed to understand the role of counseling teachers foster self-resilience among students with special needs in inclusive schools. The grounded theory approach was applied to produce theories related to these issues. The participants included eleven counseling teachers and the special needs students drawn from three schools in West Sumatra and Bengkulu, Indonesia. The data collected were analyzed based on three stages of grounded analysis, including open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The findings indicated that self-resilience among students with special needs grows when the counseling teachers use three roles, namely, modifying behavior, giving instructions repeatedly and providi...

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Karir Siswa Dengan Layanan Bimbingan Konseling di Kelas X di SMA Negeri 2 Rejang Lebong

Suluh: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling

Perencanan karir merupakan kata yang sering diungkap oleh seseorang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan ag... more Perencanan karir merupakan kata yang sering diungkap oleh seseorang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan agar bisa menciptakan kemandirian dalam pemilihan karir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan Guru BK di SMA Negeri 2 Rejang Lebong dalam perencanaan karir siswa, dikarenakan; Pertama; siswa kelas X harus direncanakan sebaik mungkin dari awal, sehingga setelah kelas XII mereka dapat mengambil keputusan yang tepat untuk arah masa depannya, kedua; siswa kelas X masih dalam masa puberitas dengan problematika yang kompleks dan harus diarahkan untuk masa depan yang baik, dan ketiga; Siswa kela X merupakan generasi Z lebih mudah mendapatkan informasi dengan media digital dan potensi ini bisa diberdayakan untuk mendapatkan informasi terkini berkaitan dengan karir, Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, 1) Permasalahan karir yang dialami siswa diantaranya: a) kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai karir, b) kurangnya informasi mengenai perguruan tin...

Research paper thumbnail of Keterlibatan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Supervisi Pelayanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling


Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling pada dasarnya akan tercapai dengan peningk... more Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling pada dasarnya akan tercapai dengan peningkatan kualitas dan profesionalitas guru BK. Salah satu kegiatan peningkatan kualitas guru BK yaitu melalui kegiatan supervisi/pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah maupun pengawas sekolah. Supervisi merupakan bagian dari tahapan penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pengajaran yang berfungsi untuk mengontrol, mengevaluasi dan membina agar proses pembimbingan dapat berjalan sesuai dengan apa yang telah direncanakan. Kepala sekolah memberikan tugas kepada guru BK untuk menghukum atau memberi sanksi kepada siswa, sehingga banyak siswa yang mengganggap BK adalah polisi sekolah. Selain itu, ada juga beberapa sekolah yang tidak memberikan kesempatan jam BK untuk masuk kelas, sehingga guru BK menjadi sulit untuk lebih dekat dan memahami siswa. Masih banyak guru BK yang memiliki kinerja yang rendah di sekolah, khususnya di tingkat SMA. Pelaksanaan supervisi yang belum efektif, baik yang dilakuka...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Konseling Gestalt Dalam Meningkatkan Self Awarness Bagi Mantan Pemakai Narkoba DI Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas II a Curup Bengkulu

Psyche, Feb 1, 2023

With the increase in drug cases, which are a serious danger to the community, even BNN data in 20... more With the increase in drug cases, which are a serious danger to the community, even BNN data in 2021 amounted to 3.66 million people, an increase of 1.95% from 1.8% in 2019, meaning an increase of 0.15%. For Bengkulu province in December 2020 there were 1,055 people consisting of 829 dealers and 226 narcotics users. in the first semester of 2021 at the Class II A Curup Prison there were 228 people who were users and were serving their sentences. The problems of former drug users are anxiety after being released, because of past traumatic experiences, because of guilt and regret using drugs, and thinking about rejection and labeling of society after being released. This study aims to determine gestalt counseling in increasing self-awareness of former drug users in the Class II A Curup Prison. The method uses descriptive qualitative data with a deep interview (in-dept interviews) with gestalt counseling, observations that include gestalt counseling and data documentation. It takes five former users who will get parole or have served 2/3 of their sentence (minimum security). The results of the study that gestalt counseling is effective in growing self-awareness of former drug users, because the client is directed to the problems that occur in the present, without getting involved with previous traumatic experiences and pessimistic about the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Pemahaman guru bimbingan konseling terhadap kurikulum merdeka belajar

Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia

Kurikulum prototype atau merdeka belajar adalah penyempurnaan dari kurikulum 2013 dan secara nasi... more Kurikulum prototype atau merdeka belajar adalah penyempurnaan dari kurikulum 2013 dan secara nasional akan diberlakukan tahun 2024. Untuk itu perlu sosialisasi dan persiapan, baik dari konten kurikulum itu sendiri, maupun berkaitan sarana prasarana dan guru sebagai pelaksana kurikulum. Diantara jenis guru; guru mata pelajaran, guru kelas, guru praktik dan guru pembimbing/guru BK. Esensi perubahan adalah lebih sederhana dan mendalam, lebih merdeka dan lebih relevan dan interaktif. Berkaitan dengan lebih merdeka bahwa siswa bebas menentukan pilihan mata pelajaran sesuai bakat, minat, kreativitas, cita-cita dan kepribadian. Untuk itu guru BK harus memahami kurikulum secara komprehensif terutama yang menjadi bagian dari layanan BK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pemahaman guru BK terhadap kurikulum merdeka belajar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mix methods, dimana data akan diungkapkan secara kuantitatif dengan P=F/N X 100%, kemudian akan didalami secara kualitatif dan...

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Resiliensi Diri Warga Binaan Dengan konseling

Consilium : Berkala Kajian Konseling dan Ilmu Keagamaan

Tujuan Penelitian: Reintegrasi sosial yang menjadi dasar filosofis munculnya Sistem Pemasyarakata... more Tujuan Penelitian: Reintegrasi sosial yang menjadi dasar filosofis munculnya Sistem Pemasyarakatan dengan tujuan utama aspek pengembalian Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan (WBP) ke masyarakat, sehingga Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) tempat WBP menjalani hukuman merupakan rehabilitasi sebelum mereka Kembali kemasyarakat. Bernbagai permasalahan selama di Lapas muncul, baik yang berasal dari diri WBP maupun dari luar dirinya. Dari diri WBP adalah penyesalan masa lalu karena berbuat kesalahan yang melanggar hukum, masalah sekarang berkenaan dengan perasaan bersalah dan betapa malunya keluarganya, kehidupan keluarga yang kacau, serta masalah kecemasan labelling dan penoolakan dari masyarakat setelah bebas. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran konseling dalam meningkatkan resiliensi diri WBP.Metode Penelitian: Metode penelitian yang digunakan library research dengan pemaparan data secara deskriptif. Dalam hal ini, penulis menggunakan penelitian deskriptif untuk lebih menekankan pada kekuat...

Research paper thumbnail of Pelaksanaan Supervisi Bimbingan Konseling Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Layanan Konseling

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Layanan Konseling Realitas untuk Membangun Kepercayaan Diri Warga Binaan Mantan Pemakai Narkoba di Lapas Klas II A Curup

Konseling edukasi, Nov 10, 2022

Indonesia mencanangkan diri sebagai negara dengan status darurat narkoba karena dampaknya yang me... more Indonesia mencanangkan diri sebagai negara dengan status darurat narkoba karena dampaknya yang membahayakan, baik pisik, mental dan sosial. Tahun 2021 terungkap 19.229 kasus dengan 24.878 orang yang terlibat. Pada tahun 2021 Bengkulu dengan jumlah penduduk 2.091.314 jiwa 1055 orang terlibat narkoba, dan untuk LAPAS klas II.A Curup 228 orang warga binaan kasus narkoba, berasal dari 3 kabupaten (Rejang Lebong, Lebong dan Kepahiang). Penelitian ini untuk melihat hasil pemberian layanan konseling realitas dalam membangun kepercayaan diri mantan pengguna narkoba. Hal ini sangat perlu untuk memulihkan kepercayaan diri, serta membangun konsep diri yang positif selama dan setelah bebas dari LAPAS. Penolakan dan labelling dari masyarakat menjadikan mereka tidak percaya diri dan terkadang memilih untuk kembali sebagai pemakai atau pengedar. Penelitian ini sebagai awal dari proses eksperimen dengan 5 orang warga binaan narkoba dengan masa tahanan dan sisa tahanan yang bervariasi. Hasil penellitian menunjukkan bahwa; pertama, kepercaayaan diri mereka menjadi kuat jika berada sesama warga binaan, kedua; cemas dengan penolakan masyarakat yang menyulitkannya beradaptasi di masyarakat. Ketiga; konseling realitas dapat membangun kepercaayaan dirinya, dengan menumbuhkan tanggung jawab, kebenaran serta realitas fakta, dengan Teknik tidak memaafkan tingkah lakunya yang bermasalah. Keempat; dari penilaian konseling mereka sangat puas, dan mengharamkan narkoba.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Supervisi Layanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Berbasis Integrated Instructional Strategy DI Era Digital


This article aims to discuss the supervision strategy of guidance and counseling services based o... more This article aims to discuss the supervision strategy of guidance and counseling services based on integrated instructional strategy. Namely the BK service supervision strategy which consists of a set defined by each component, which helps ensure it is embedded in the design and instructions. This strategy can also be an alternative for BK teachers to improve their professionalism in facing challenges in today's digital era. This strategy consists of four main components, namely Real World Connection, Critical Thinking, Public Service, Autonomy. These four components are the main components that need to be implemented in the steps and strategies for supervising BK services based on an integrated instructional strategy, so that these four components are able to support and become an alternative counselor strategy in facing obstacles in the digital era. So it is hoped that this strategy will be able to improve and maintain the quality of quality that is classified. Artikel ini ber...

Research paper thumbnail of Peranan Kegiatan Supervisi Dalam Pelayanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Dengan Kegiatan Pengajaran DI Sekolah

LITERASI: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Indonesia

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai kegiatan supervisi pelayanan ... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai kegiatan supervisi pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling dan Kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah. Dimana, Supervisi merupakan satu komponen penting dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah. Melalui supervisi diharapkan dapat menjadi upaya dalam pengentasan permasalahan yang terjadi dalam dunia pendidikan. Permasalahan yang beragam tentu berimbas pada kualitas dan produktivitas pengajar dalam bekerja. Hakikatnya guru mampu melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya yakni memberikan pengajaran serta pendidikan, tidak hanya berlaku untuk guru kelas dan guru mata pelajar, hal serupa juga berlaku bagi guru BK yang bertugas untuk membantu peserta didik dalam mengentaskan permasalahan akademik maupun non akademiknya. Dengan demikian supervisi memegang peranan penting dalam proses pendidikan. Oleh karenanya, peneliti dalam hal ini melakukan analisis terhadap implementasi supervisi dan pengaruhnya pemberian layanan bimbingan dan konse...

Research paper thumbnail of Counseling Guidance Services in Improving Learning Motivation Post Covid 19

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

After going through the online teaching and learning process which was carried out at SMP Negeri ... more After going through the online teaching and learning process which was carried out at SMP Negeri L. Sidoharjo, students got used to studying at home and playing on cell phones until they forgot the teaching and learning process had been done face-to-face, so some children had problems studying at school, including not doing assignments school, lazy to study, often play online games, and skip school. Even from observations, some students received a summons, and their parents were called for not attending school without permission and not doing schoolwork. This study aims to determine the teaching and learning process after doing the online learning process, the effect of online learning on students' learning motivation, and the efforts of the supervising teacher in increasing student learning motivation. This type of research is descriptive and qualitative. Sources of data come from primary data and secondary data, the subjects in this study were the supervising teacher, homeroom...

Research paper thumbnail of Penguatan Self-Regulation Anak Panti Asuhan Aisyah Curup Selama Belajar Daring di Masa Pandemi Covid 19

Islamic counseling, Nov 16, 2022

This study aims to discuss strengthening the self-regulation of orphanage children during online ... more This study aims to discuss strengthening the self-regulation of orphanage children during online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, the fact that the conditions of orphanage children are different from children living with nuclear families who always receive attention and affection, and facilitate their learning needs, while orphans do not. Get this, and the orphanage must accept this situation with no stress and sincerity. For this reason, researchers are interested in how orphanage children regulate themselves in online learning and are not stressed with the conditions at the Aisiyah Curup Orphanage. The research methodology is descriptive qualitative, where data will be collected with the interview dept (indepth interview) and presented descriptively. The result is that strengthening self-regulation, namely metacognition, motivation and behavior, already existed during the Covid 19 pandemic, but decreased compared to before the Covid 19 pandemic. Limited facilities and family motivation were felt to be lacking, because during the pandemic the nursing home did not receive guests from outside and they behaved well with a pattern the same according to the schedule of daily routine activities arranged by the orphanage.

Research paper thumbnail of Characters in Audio Visual-Based Teaching Materials in Thematic Learning in Elementary Schools

Tadbir : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan

This scientific article is motivated by the lack of character in students, where as we know today... more This scientific article is motivated by the lack of character in students, where as we know today's technological advances can make the character decline in students, but if technology is used properly there will be many benefits, where most students in Indonesia currently With gadgets, technological advances can have both positive and negative impacts. The purpose of this research is to instill the character of students through the use of audio-visual-based teaching materials, such as videos. This study uses a qualitative method with the type of library research (library research), while data collection uses documentation techniques, namely data collection or from books or literatures and journals that discuss "Character in Audio-visual Based Teaching Materials in Thematic Learning. in elementary school". The data analysis technique uses the technique of drawing conclusions by identifying various special characteristics of a message in an objective, systematic and gen...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of The Counseling Teacher In Developing The Social Dimensions of Children With Special Needs

Munaddhomah: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

This research was carried out in MAN 2 Payakumbuh with the type of blind crew members. This study... more This research was carried out in MAN 2 Payakumbuh with the type of blind crew members. This study aims to determine the role of guidance counselling teachers in developing students’ social dimensions, starting with the adjustment process at school. This study uses descriptive-qualitative with the purpose of descriptive-analytic method about the role of guidance counselling teachers in developing the social dimension for ABK in three inclusive schools. The results showed that: First; social and emotional problems are basic problems for special needs, secondly; in providing guidance counselling services, guidance counselling teachers provide classical and group services by building social awareness and empathy for all students and other school residents, Third; the development of social interest is marked by the collection of monthly zakat and infaq of teachers and staff for underprivileged students, including children with special needs studying at UNP Padang and IAIN Bukittinggi.

Research paper thumbnail of The role of counselors in shaping students' self-happiness in inclusive schools

KONSELI : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal)

This study aims to look at the role of counselors in shaping students' self-happiness in incl... more This study aims to look at the role of counselors in shaping students' self-happiness in inclusive schools at Muhammadiyah Curup junior high school. Self-happiness is an important thing that must exist in inclusive group rooms; therefore, counselors need to understand the characteristics of students to unite normal children and children with special needs with the same curriculum and learning process. In inclusive schools, it is found that bullying of children with special needs still occurs, and the learning process in inclusive groups is relatively slow and constrained, making ordinary students bored and upset. The approach used is qualitative with a grounded theory design. The data will be interpreted in a naturalistic way to overcome the problems in this study. Data interpretation and a naturalistic approach will provide answers related to the counselor's role in developing students' self-happiness in the inclusion group of Muhammadiyah Curup junior high school. The ...

Research paper thumbnail of Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aplikasi Zoom Collaboration dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Journal of Education and Instruction (JOEAI)

This study aims to determine the application of the zoom collaboration application learning strat... more This study aims to determine the application of the zoom collaboration application learning strategy in increasing student learning motivation in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is quasi-experimental (Quasy Experiment), with a pretest and posttest control group research design. The sample in this study were 28 students from class X MA Miftahul Jannah. The results of the study, the application of the Zoom Collaboration application learning strategy can improve student learning outcomes and understanding of the subject of Islamic Religious Education, in cycle I and cycle II significantly, namely at 47.50 and 72.14. In addition, the zoom collaboration application learning strategy can increase student learning motivation seen from the positive increase in the results of the initial and final questionnaires by 320 points to 467 points. In conclusion, the application of the Zoom Collaboration application learning strategy is effecti...

Research paper thumbnail of The Role Of The Counseling Teacher In Developing The Value Of Ta'awun (Mutual Help) Inclusive Education Institutions

POTENSIA: Jurnal Kependidikan Islam

This interview study reports on the experience of 7 Guidance and Counseling teachers developing t... more This interview study reports on the experience of 7 Guidance and Counseling teachers developing the value of helping inclusive madrasah students in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Data was collected employing semi-structured interviews to explore the experience of the counseling teacher. Data were analyzed by thematic content analysis. The results of the study show two general findings, namely that Guidance and Counseling teachers play a role in fostering an attitude of helping students in inclusive education institutions through orientation services and individual counseling. Besides that, Guidance and Counseling teachers collaborate with religious teachers in charity activities such "As Sedeqah Fridays which are collected from both ordinary students and special needs children. This study emphasizes the importance of Guidance and Counseling teachers receiving technical training in educating children with special needs.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Penerapan Blended Learning DI Sekolah Dasar

Jurnal Isema : Islamic Educational Management

The covid-19 virus poses new challenges for the whole world. All activities become disrupted incl... more The covid-19 virus poses new challenges for the whole world. All activities become disrupted including disrupting teaching and learning activities at school. During a pandemic like this, the world of education must change and modify learning that can be applied to this situation so that learning productivity can be achieved. Blended learning is a learning method that can be applied in the current situation. Blended learning is a learning method that combines face-to-face learning or classical learning with modern technology-based learning that is done online. Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Ketanggungan is one of the schools that applies this method. As long as this method is applied, it is considered effective for use during this pandemic, although it cannot be denied that there are also negative sides. By analyzing the application of blended learning, it is intended to be material for consideration of the school's leadership in choosing the right method for the application o...

Research paper thumbnail of Collaboration of Academic Advisor with Counseling Laboratories and its effect on the Students’ Learning Readiness

AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan

The academic advisor and college counselling laboratories have an essential role in giving servic... more The academic advisor and college counselling laboratories have an essential role in giving services to students. One of the assumptions is that these services can impact student learning readiness. This study aims to see how the relationship between Academic Advisors and the counselling labour impairs students' preparedness for learning. This research is quantitative research with a sample size of 297 people from seventeen studies programs for the 2019/2020 school year, where the sample is taken at random (random sampling). Instrument to measure the synergy and readiness to learn using a closed questionnaire Likert scale model. The data validation and data reliability are carried out through statistical analysis apps in the 21st version. The results showed that the correlation coefficient obtained between the variables of Academic Advisory and counselling laboratories and the variable of student learning readiness was 0.851, which was included in the fairly high or strong catego...

Research paper thumbnail of Inovasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Web dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di MAN Rejang Lebong

Al-Ikhtibar: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2021

Penelitian ini didasarkan pada Inovasi pembelajaran berbasisi Web dan implemntesi dalam kurikulum... more Penelitian ini didasarkan pada Inovasi pembelajaran berbasisi Web dan implemntesi dalam kurikulum 2013 di MAN Rejang Lebong. Perihal kebijakan pemerintah pada pendidikan yang mengaharuskan pelaksanaan pembelajaran di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini guru dan siswa harus melakukan aktifitasnya di rumah, sehingga secara tidak langsung sekolah dalam waktu singkat harus mempersiapkan pembelajaran jarak jauh dengan menggunakan pembelajaran secara Daring. Adapun Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini: yang pertama, Bagaimana Proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan dimasa pandemi Covid19 di MAN Rejang Lebong, ke-2 Bagaimana Inovasi guru dalam mengimplementasi kurikulum 2013 di MAN Rejang Lebong, ke-3 bagaimana cara membentuk karakter kurikulum 2013 di masa pandemi Covid-19 . Untuk menemukan dan mengungkapkan jawaban tersebut maka penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan case study, Lokasi penelitiannya di MAN Rejang Lebong dengan sumber data yang utama diperoleh dari wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. D...

Research paper thumbnail of Improving Self-Resilience in Students with Special Needs through the Counseling Teachers’ Roles: A Case Study on Grounded Theory

Education Research International, 2021

Previous studies show that self-resilience was significantly improved in students with special ne... more Previous studies show that self-resilience was significantly improved in students with special needs by supporting the social environment and the learning system. Additionally, support for the role of counseling teachers in inclusive schools fosters self-resilience. In this regard, this study aimed to understand the role of counseling teachers foster self-resilience among students with special needs in inclusive schools. The grounded theory approach was applied to produce theories related to these issues. The participants included eleven counseling teachers and the special needs students drawn from three schools in West Sumatra and Bengkulu, Indonesia. The data collected were analyzed based on three stages of grounded analysis, including open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The findings indicated that self-resilience among students with special needs grows when the counseling teachers use three roles, namely, modifying behavior, giving instructions repeatedly and providi...