sunay beyhan - (original) (raw)
Papers by sunay beyhan
Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering
The basic friction angle (φb) tests are a common and practical method used to determine the shear... more The basic friction angle (φb) tests are a common and practical method used to determine the shear strength of discontinuities. Tilt device is generally used in basic friction angle experiments. In this study, the effects of the anisotropy properties of green and mica schist rocks taken from the copper mine site in Kastamonu Hanönü district on the basic and residual friction angles were investigated. For this purpose, experiments with a specially designed tilt device were conducted on dried and saturated green schist and mica schist samples with orientation angles of 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° and 90° relative to the loading axis. According to the results in dried and saturated conditions, maximum basic and residual friction angle values were obtained for green schist samples at 60°. The results were close to each other in the experiments carried out in both saturated and dried conditions. Green schist samples were less affected by the saturated media. Mica schist samples were not a...
Based on the probability that an effective progress speed could be achieved with an efficient wor... more Based on the probability that an effective progress speed could be achieved with an efficient work plan as well as choosing the appropriate TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) and optimum working conditions for the formation of the excavation site, the aim of this study was to determine the effects of breakdown and delay times on the progress efficiency of the TBM used in Konya Plain Irrigation Project. DEAP 2.1 (Data Envelopment Analysis Program) was employed in the efficiency measurements that adopted Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). As a result of the analyses, inefficiency caused by delays was identified in approximately 73 % of the excavation weeks but it was also determined that the average working productivity could be increased from 24,43 % to 55,01 % by means of rehabilitation studies.
The purpose of this article is to present possible uses of new interactive games, when the gamer ... more The purpose of this article is to present possible uses of new interactive games, when the gamer must be obligatorily physically active. Playing a game, he is forced to have a good personal level of physical fitness, making him fit for the purpose of a game. Additionally, playing a game actively reduces the phenomenon of sedentary behavior in children and youth. Exergames appear to be a promising tool for the increase of the daily dose of movement in children and youth, which will affect the improvement of their physical and health condition.
With increasing of high-speed rail technology in last decades, Turkey has developed many big engi... more With increasing of high-speed rail technology in last decades, Turkey has developed many big engineering projects to connect major cities. Excavations conducted for these projects provide very important contributions in term of understanding the strength and deformation characteristics of weak rock masses belongs to various geological materials. The Ankara-Istanbul high-speed railway known as a significant project among these projects was designed in two different phases. To discuss the outcomes, experiences and challenging geological materials during construction of this tunnel, the geotechnical properties of rock masses of a tunnel named as T19 are evaluated and discussed in this study. The T19 tunnel was excavated in stratified and heavily fractured four different geological formations. Rock mass rating (RMR) system, and tunnelling quality index (Q) were utilized for the preliminary design stages of this tunnel. These engineering rock mass classifications were utilized in 135 dif...
In Turkey in the Tuncbilek coal basin, the subject area of this study, there are gray and brown c... more In Turkey in the Tuncbilek coal basin, the subject area of this study, there are gray and brown colored marl formations. As known, the test specimens shall be conditioned in such a way as to be reached to the natural water content before the strength tests, and it is preferred to use the saturated specimen in order to be representative for levels below the groundwater. It is noticed that the gray marl core samples taken from Tuncbilek were broken into parallel slices by the influence of water in less than half an hour. In this study, instead of directly treatment with water, the conditioning studies on the Tuncbilek marl samples were carried out in a climate cabin and, it was determined that the marl moisture holding capacity increased when the environment humidity increased and/or temperature decreased. As a result of these conditioning studies, the optimum conditioning for the marl of this region was found to be 17.6 degrees C temperature and 90 % Relative Humidity (RH) by taking ...
Yeraltinda, goremedigimiz cevher yataklartntn hacmi, kapladtgl alan ve sekli, actlacak bir actk o... more Yeraltinda, goremedigimiz cevher yataklartntn hacmi, kapladtgl alan ve sekli, actlacak bir actk ocagtn niteliklerini de birinci dereceden etkilemektedir. Teknik ve ekonomik acidan ocak tasanmi icin, oncelikle cevherin yaptstnt bilmek gerekmektedir. Bu amacla cesitli yontemler gelistirilmis, sondaj kuyulartndan yararlantlarak; 3 boyutlu cevher modeli, bilgisayar ortamtnda elde edilmistir. Bu uygulamalt arasttrmada, ETj GGMG$ A.$. Kutahya-Gumuskoy gumus yataklarintn, )eoistatistiksel yontemler kullantlarak; 3 boyutlu model tabaninin olusturulmasi ve hesaplanan atama degerlerinin pratik bir yontemle goruntulenmesi iizerinde caltstlmtsttr. Bolgeye ait sonda) kuyulart kullantlarak once cevher yatagtmn variogram modeli gelistirilmis ve kriging yontemiyle tenor, kaltnltk gibi degerler sahayt sembolize eden blok modele yaytlmtsttr. Daha sonra, DXF formati olarak bilinen goriintiileme yontemi kullantlarak 3 boyutlu cevher modeli elde edilmistir. DXF formati isleyebilen sistemlerin sagladlgl ...
Toz, gunumuzde baslica madencilikte yaygin olarak uygulanan mekanizasyonun bir sonucu olarak orta... more Toz, gunumuzde baslica madencilikte yaygin olarak uygulanan mekanizasyonun bir sonucu olarak ortaya cikan ve ozellikle yeraltinda isci sagligi ve is guvenligini tehdit eden onemli sorunlardan biridir. Yeralti isletmelerinde komur uretimi ve nakliyesi esnasinda olusan komur tozlari havalandirma ile butun ocagi dolasarak galeri yuzeyleri ile tahkimat uzerlerinde birikmektedir. Acik isletmelerde de uretim ve nakliye sirasinda olusan tozlar ise hava akiminin etkisi ile butun ocaga dagilmakta, hatta isletme cevresini etkilemektedir. Madencilik operasyonlari icin toz kontrol yontemlerinin planlanmasi sirasinda, tum toz kaynaklarinin ayrintili incelemesi yapilmali; cok tozlu, tozlu ve az tozlu kaynaklar belirlenmelidir. Ayrica calisanlar uzerindeki olumsuzluklari belirlemek icin toz kaynaklarinin her biri, toz konsantrasyon duzeyi ve maden personelinin bu toz konsantrasyon duzeyine maruz kalma suresi gibi kriterlere gore degerlendirilmelidir. Bu calismada, yeralti ve acik ocak komur madenc...
Madencilikte en onemli meslek hastaligi grubunu olusturan pnomokonyoz, toz ile mucadelenin ana am... more Madencilikte en onemli meslek hastaligi grubunu olusturan pnomokonyoz, toz ile mucadelenin ana amacini olusturmaktadir. Pnomokonyozdan korunma, ozellikle komur madenciligi basta olmak uzere diger tum yeralti madenciliginde zararli etkileri nedeniyle uzerinde onemle durulmasi gereken bir konu olmustur. Madencilik faaliyetleri sirasinda olusan tozun kontrol edilmesinde son 20-30 yilda onemli gelismeler kaydedilmistir. Bu gelismeler, pnomokonyoz hastaliginin gorulme sikligi ve buna bagli olarak uretimdeki aksamalar sonucu ortaya cikmistir. Calisma suresi boyunca bir madencinin maruz kalacagi ortalama solunabilir toz duzeyinin 2,0 mg/m3 ’den fazla olmamasi gerekmektedir. Ayrica, solunabilir havada % 5 ’den fazla silika bulundugunda, silikanin %10 ’u kadar daha dusuk solunabilir toz duzeyi sart kosulmaktadir. Bu calismada, akcigerlere solunum yoluyla girip orada biriken cesitli inorganik tozlarin neden oldugu meslek hastaliklari (pnomokonyoz) olan Antrakoz, Silikoz, Asbestoz ve Berilyoz ...
Endustriyel isitme kaybina sahip insan sayisinin 200.000' i astigi, son yillarda yapilan cali... more Endustriyel isitme kaybina sahip insan sayisinin 200.000' i astigi, son yillarda yapilan calismalarda belirtilmektedir. Endustride en sik rastlanan meslek hastaliklarindan biri de gurultu ile olusan isitme kayiplaridir Verimli calismayi etkileyen faktorlerin basinda gelen gurultu, isci sagligi ve is guvenligi acisindan uzerinde onemle durulmasi gereken konulardan birisidir. Bu calismada, madencilikte gurultu sorunu ve gurultuye bagli isitme kayiplari arastirilmis, gurultulu bir ortamda calisan iscilerde, gurultu sonucu meydana gelen isitme kayiplari ve tipleri belirlenmistir. Ayrica, Seyitomer Linyit Isletmeleri (SLI), ETI Gumus A.Ş ve G.L.I. Tuncbilek Linyit Isletmelerinde yapilan gurultu olcum sonuclari verilmis ve sonuclar degerlendirilmistir.
Bu calismada, termik santral atigi ucucu kul ve volkanik tuf karisiminin puzolan ozelliginden yar... more Bu calismada, termik santral atigi ucucu kul ve volkanik tuf karisiminin puzolan ozelliginden yararlanilarak cimento harclarinda cimentoya ikame olarak kullanilabilirligi arastirilmistir. Ucucu kul ve tuf ayni oranlarda olmak kaydiyla uygun sekilde karistirilmistir. Karisimlar; toplam baglayici miktari sabit tutularak cimento agirliginin %10, %20, %30 ve %40’i oranlarinda cimentoya ikame olarak kullanilmistir. Katkili cimento karisimlarindan standartlara uygun olarak harc hazirlanmistir. Hazirlanan harc icerisinde standart kum kullanilmis ve su/cimento orani 0,5 olarak alinmistir. Hazirlanan harclar 40x40x160 mm ebatli kaliplara dokulerek 2, 7 ve 28 gunluk kur sureleri uygulanmistir. Kur sonunda numunelere egilme, basinc ve ultrases gecis hizi deneyleri yapilmistir. Ayni deneyler hazirlanan sahit numunelere de uygulanmistir. Yapilan calismada yapay (ucucu kul) ve dogal (volkanik tuf) puzolan maddesi ayni oranlarda karistirilarak harc icerisinde kullanilmistir. Sonucta; puzolan katki...
Over the course of history Marmara region in North-western Turkey has been the site of numerous d... more Over the course of history Marmara region in North-western Turkey has been the site of numerous destructive earthquakes. Based on historical and instrumental earthquake records, the Marmara sea region is one of the most seismically active regions of the Eastern Mediterranean. The Marmara region is under the influence of the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) and the N-S extensional regime of Western Turkey. Therefore, the earthquake risk analysis is very important for the MARMARAY Project. 76 km-long MARMARAY Project is an important project not only for Turkey but also for the world because it joins the two continents through railway. It will also serve for a comfortable and healthy way of environment, providing a contemporary solution for urban transportation. In this paper, using average wave velocities in layers, thickness, density and formation data based on the PS logs and 7 different boring logs located in different geological regions with depth range 43-60 ...
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2017
Over the course of history Marmara region in Northwestern Turkey has been the site of numerous de... more Over the course of history Marmara region in Northwestern Turkey has been the site of numerous destructive earthquakes. Based on historical and instrumental earthquake records, the Marmara sea region is one of the most seismically active regions of the Eastern Mediterranean. The Marmara region is under the influence of the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) and the N-S extensional regime of Western Turkey. Therefore, the earthquake risk analysis is very important for the MARMARAY Project. 76 km-long MARMARAY Project is an important project not only for Turkey but also for the world because it joins the two continents through railway. It will also serve for a comfortable and healthy way of environment, providing a contemporary solution for urban transportation. Geotechnical and geological parameters of the region were obtained from analyses of seven boreholes. In this paper, using average wave velocities in layers, thickness, density and formation data based on the PS logs, 43 m and 65.5 m depths ranging from 7 different boring logs in a ground-wise different geological regions in İstanbul, ground response functions were obtained. Based on the soil profiles transferred to EERA (Equivalent-Linear Earthquake Site Response Analyses of Layered Soil Deposits) and NERA (Nonlinear Earthquake Site Response Analyses of Layered Soil Deposits) softwares, the rock soil record of August 17, 1999 Kocaeli earthquake in İstanbul-Beşiktaş Ministry of Public Works and Settlement (IBMPWS), response and design spectrums that may be considered crucial in case of an earthquake were obtained. The acceleration record was used as an input motion having PGA value of 0,04287 g (east-west component) which was applied on sublayers (i.e. sand, gravel, clay) using EERA and NERA programs. The analysis is done by keeping constant damping ratio of 5%. Also nonlinear analysis was compared with the linear method of analysis. Stages involved in ground response analyses to develop site-specific response spectra at a soil site are summarized. Some of the known site response analysis methods are summarized and similarities and diff erences between linear and nonlinear methods.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017
This study investigated the effect of the number of holes on blast-induced ground vibrations in o... more This study investigated the effect of the number of holes on blast-induced ground vibrations in open-pit blasting operations. The study was conducted at an overburden removal site at the Garp Lignite Enterprise open pits. The number of holes used in the blasts throughout the study was grouped as 10-50, 51-100, 101-150, and 151-250 holes and each group was analyzed separately. The same hole pattern and non-electric delay detonators were used in all blasts, and each hole was loaded with an equal amount of explosive. In the study, seismographs were used to measure ground vibrations. A separate analysis was carried out for each hole group in addition to an overall analysis encompassing all the measurement data. In statistical analysis, Scaled Distance-Peak Particle Velocity graphs were plotted, equations and coefficients of determination were computed, and finally, a comparison was made. In conclusion, the study results showed that the number of holes did not affect blast-induced ground vibration level.
Mathematical and Computational Applications, 2000
Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment, 2011
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021
Hydraulic conductivities of rock masses in Tunçbilek lignite basin, western Turkey, were determin... more Hydraulic conductivities of rock masses in Tunçbilek lignite basin, western Turkey, were determined by analytical methods and seepage analyses. In situ hydraulic conductivity of lignite, clay-bearing rocks and disturbed rock masses in the basin was determined by utilizing the inversed auger hole method. The hydraulic conductivity values of the lignite and clay-bearing rocks were determined by the field testing to be ranged from 7.88×10−7 to 2.24×10−6 m/s and from 2.49×10−7 to 1.11×10−5 m/s, respectively. Excavation and blasting processes for mining activity eventually caused a significant increase in the fracture frequency. Therefore, hydraulic conductivity values of disturbed/blasted rock masses were measured as two or three order magnitudes higher than those measured on the undisturbed clay-bearing rock masses. To get a further understanding of the hydraulic properties of studied rock masses, seepage analyses were also performed on rock masses left as a pillar between an undergrou...
Environmental Earth Sciences
In Turkey in the Tuncbilek coal basin, the subject area of this study, there are gray and brown c... more In Turkey in the Tuncbilek coal basin, the subject area of this study, there are gray and brown colored marl formations. As known, the test specimens shall be conditioned in such a way as to be reached to the natural water content before the strength tests, and it is preferred to use the saturated specimen in order to be representative for levels below the groundwater. It is noticed that the gray marl core samples taken from Tuncbilek were broken into parallel slices by the influence of water in less than half an hour. In this study, instead of directly treatment with water, the conditioning studies on the Tuncbilek marl samples were carried out in a climate cabin and, it was determined that the marl moisture holding capacity increased when the environment humidity increased and/or temperature decreased. As a result of these conditioning studies, the optimum conditioning for the marl of this region was found to be 17.6 degrees C temperature and 90 % Relative Humidity (RH) by taking ...
Mathematical and Computational Applications, 2000
Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Sciences and Engineering
The basic friction angle (φb) tests are a common and practical method used to determine the shear... more The basic friction angle (φb) tests are a common and practical method used to determine the shear strength of discontinuities. Tilt device is generally used in basic friction angle experiments. In this study, the effects of the anisotropy properties of green and mica schist rocks taken from the copper mine site in Kastamonu Hanönü district on the basic and residual friction angles were investigated. For this purpose, experiments with a specially designed tilt device were conducted on dried and saturated green schist and mica schist samples with orientation angles of 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° and 90° relative to the loading axis. According to the results in dried and saturated conditions, maximum basic and residual friction angle values were obtained for green schist samples at 60°. The results were close to each other in the experiments carried out in both saturated and dried conditions. Green schist samples were less affected by the saturated media. Mica schist samples were not a...
Based on the probability that an effective progress speed could be achieved with an efficient wor... more Based on the probability that an effective progress speed could be achieved with an efficient work plan as well as choosing the appropriate TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) and optimum working conditions for the formation of the excavation site, the aim of this study was to determine the effects of breakdown and delay times on the progress efficiency of the TBM used in Konya Plain Irrigation Project. DEAP 2.1 (Data Envelopment Analysis Program) was employed in the efficiency measurements that adopted Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). As a result of the analyses, inefficiency caused by delays was identified in approximately 73 % of the excavation weeks but it was also determined that the average working productivity could be increased from 24,43 % to 55,01 % by means of rehabilitation studies.
The purpose of this article is to present possible uses of new interactive games, when the gamer ... more The purpose of this article is to present possible uses of new interactive games, when the gamer must be obligatorily physically active. Playing a game, he is forced to have a good personal level of physical fitness, making him fit for the purpose of a game. Additionally, playing a game actively reduces the phenomenon of sedentary behavior in children and youth. Exergames appear to be a promising tool for the increase of the daily dose of movement in children and youth, which will affect the improvement of their physical and health condition.
With increasing of high-speed rail technology in last decades, Turkey has developed many big engi... more With increasing of high-speed rail technology in last decades, Turkey has developed many big engineering projects to connect major cities. Excavations conducted for these projects provide very important contributions in term of understanding the strength and deformation characteristics of weak rock masses belongs to various geological materials. The Ankara-Istanbul high-speed railway known as a significant project among these projects was designed in two different phases. To discuss the outcomes, experiences and challenging geological materials during construction of this tunnel, the geotechnical properties of rock masses of a tunnel named as T19 are evaluated and discussed in this study. The T19 tunnel was excavated in stratified and heavily fractured four different geological formations. Rock mass rating (RMR) system, and tunnelling quality index (Q) were utilized for the preliminary design stages of this tunnel. These engineering rock mass classifications were utilized in 135 dif...
In Turkey in the Tuncbilek coal basin, the subject area of this study, there are gray and brown c... more In Turkey in the Tuncbilek coal basin, the subject area of this study, there are gray and brown colored marl formations. As known, the test specimens shall be conditioned in such a way as to be reached to the natural water content before the strength tests, and it is preferred to use the saturated specimen in order to be representative for levels below the groundwater. It is noticed that the gray marl core samples taken from Tuncbilek were broken into parallel slices by the influence of water in less than half an hour. In this study, instead of directly treatment with water, the conditioning studies on the Tuncbilek marl samples were carried out in a climate cabin and, it was determined that the marl moisture holding capacity increased when the environment humidity increased and/or temperature decreased. As a result of these conditioning studies, the optimum conditioning for the marl of this region was found to be 17.6 degrees C temperature and 90 % Relative Humidity (RH) by taking ...
Yeraltinda, goremedigimiz cevher yataklartntn hacmi, kapladtgl alan ve sekli, actlacak bir actk o... more Yeraltinda, goremedigimiz cevher yataklartntn hacmi, kapladtgl alan ve sekli, actlacak bir actk ocagtn niteliklerini de birinci dereceden etkilemektedir. Teknik ve ekonomik acidan ocak tasanmi icin, oncelikle cevherin yaptstnt bilmek gerekmektedir. Bu amacla cesitli yontemler gelistirilmis, sondaj kuyulartndan yararlantlarak; 3 boyutlu cevher modeli, bilgisayar ortamtnda elde edilmistir. Bu uygulamalt arasttrmada, ETj GGMG$ A.$. Kutahya-Gumuskoy gumus yataklarintn, )eoistatistiksel yontemler kullantlarak; 3 boyutlu model tabaninin olusturulmasi ve hesaplanan atama degerlerinin pratik bir yontemle goruntulenmesi iizerinde caltstlmtsttr. Bolgeye ait sonda) kuyulart kullantlarak once cevher yatagtmn variogram modeli gelistirilmis ve kriging yontemiyle tenor, kaltnltk gibi degerler sahayt sembolize eden blok modele yaytlmtsttr. Daha sonra, DXF formati olarak bilinen goriintiileme yontemi kullantlarak 3 boyutlu cevher modeli elde edilmistir. DXF formati isleyebilen sistemlerin sagladlgl ...
Toz, gunumuzde baslica madencilikte yaygin olarak uygulanan mekanizasyonun bir sonucu olarak orta... more Toz, gunumuzde baslica madencilikte yaygin olarak uygulanan mekanizasyonun bir sonucu olarak ortaya cikan ve ozellikle yeraltinda isci sagligi ve is guvenligini tehdit eden onemli sorunlardan biridir. Yeralti isletmelerinde komur uretimi ve nakliyesi esnasinda olusan komur tozlari havalandirma ile butun ocagi dolasarak galeri yuzeyleri ile tahkimat uzerlerinde birikmektedir. Acik isletmelerde de uretim ve nakliye sirasinda olusan tozlar ise hava akiminin etkisi ile butun ocaga dagilmakta, hatta isletme cevresini etkilemektedir. Madencilik operasyonlari icin toz kontrol yontemlerinin planlanmasi sirasinda, tum toz kaynaklarinin ayrintili incelemesi yapilmali; cok tozlu, tozlu ve az tozlu kaynaklar belirlenmelidir. Ayrica calisanlar uzerindeki olumsuzluklari belirlemek icin toz kaynaklarinin her biri, toz konsantrasyon duzeyi ve maden personelinin bu toz konsantrasyon duzeyine maruz kalma suresi gibi kriterlere gore degerlendirilmelidir. Bu calismada, yeralti ve acik ocak komur madenc...
Madencilikte en onemli meslek hastaligi grubunu olusturan pnomokonyoz, toz ile mucadelenin ana am... more Madencilikte en onemli meslek hastaligi grubunu olusturan pnomokonyoz, toz ile mucadelenin ana amacini olusturmaktadir. Pnomokonyozdan korunma, ozellikle komur madenciligi basta olmak uzere diger tum yeralti madenciliginde zararli etkileri nedeniyle uzerinde onemle durulmasi gereken bir konu olmustur. Madencilik faaliyetleri sirasinda olusan tozun kontrol edilmesinde son 20-30 yilda onemli gelismeler kaydedilmistir. Bu gelismeler, pnomokonyoz hastaliginin gorulme sikligi ve buna bagli olarak uretimdeki aksamalar sonucu ortaya cikmistir. Calisma suresi boyunca bir madencinin maruz kalacagi ortalama solunabilir toz duzeyinin 2,0 mg/m3 ’den fazla olmamasi gerekmektedir. Ayrica, solunabilir havada % 5 ’den fazla silika bulundugunda, silikanin %10 ’u kadar daha dusuk solunabilir toz duzeyi sart kosulmaktadir. Bu calismada, akcigerlere solunum yoluyla girip orada biriken cesitli inorganik tozlarin neden oldugu meslek hastaliklari (pnomokonyoz) olan Antrakoz, Silikoz, Asbestoz ve Berilyoz ...
Endustriyel isitme kaybina sahip insan sayisinin 200.000' i astigi, son yillarda yapilan cali... more Endustriyel isitme kaybina sahip insan sayisinin 200.000' i astigi, son yillarda yapilan calismalarda belirtilmektedir. Endustride en sik rastlanan meslek hastaliklarindan biri de gurultu ile olusan isitme kayiplaridir Verimli calismayi etkileyen faktorlerin basinda gelen gurultu, isci sagligi ve is guvenligi acisindan uzerinde onemle durulmasi gereken konulardan birisidir. Bu calismada, madencilikte gurultu sorunu ve gurultuye bagli isitme kayiplari arastirilmis, gurultulu bir ortamda calisan iscilerde, gurultu sonucu meydana gelen isitme kayiplari ve tipleri belirlenmistir. Ayrica, Seyitomer Linyit Isletmeleri (SLI), ETI Gumus A.Ş ve G.L.I. Tuncbilek Linyit Isletmelerinde yapilan gurultu olcum sonuclari verilmis ve sonuclar degerlendirilmistir.
Bu calismada, termik santral atigi ucucu kul ve volkanik tuf karisiminin puzolan ozelliginden yar... more Bu calismada, termik santral atigi ucucu kul ve volkanik tuf karisiminin puzolan ozelliginden yararlanilarak cimento harclarinda cimentoya ikame olarak kullanilabilirligi arastirilmistir. Ucucu kul ve tuf ayni oranlarda olmak kaydiyla uygun sekilde karistirilmistir. Karisimlar; toplam baglayici miktari sabit tutularak cimento agirliginin %10, %20, %30 ve %40’i oranlarinda cimentoya ikame olarak kullanilmistir. Katkili cimento karisimlarindan standartlara uygun olarak harc hazirlanmistir. Hazirlanan harc icerisinde standart kum kullanilmis ve su/cimento orani 0,5 olarak alinmistir. Hazirlanan harclar 40x40x160 mm ebatli kaliplara dokulerek 2, 7 ve 28 gunluk kur sureleri uygulanmistir. Kur sonunda numunelere egilme, basinc ve ultrases gecis hizi deneyleri yapilmistir. Ayni deneyler hazirlanan sahit numunelere de uygulanmistir. Yapilan calismada yapay (ucucu kul) ve dogal (volkanik tuf) puzolan maddesi ayni oranlarda karistirilarak harc icerisinde kullanilmistir. Sonucta; puzolan katki...
Over the course of history Marmara region in North-western Turkey has been the site of numerous d... more Over the course of history Marmara region in North-western Turkey has been the site of numerous destructive earthquakes. Based on historical and instrumental earthquake records, the Marmara sea region is one of the most seismically active regions of the Eastern Mediterranean. The Marmara region is under the influence of the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) and the N-S extensional regime of Western Turkey. Therefore, the earthquake risk analysis is very important for the MARMARAY Project. 76 km-long MARMARAY Project is an important project not only for Turkey but also for the world because it joins the two continents through railway. It will also serve for a comfortable and healthy way of environment, providing a contemporary solution for urban transportation. In this paper, using average wave velocities in layers, thickness, density and formation data based on the PS logs and 7 different boring logs located in different geological regions with depth range 43-60 ...
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2017
Over the course of history Marmara region in Northwestern Turkey has been the site of numerous de... more Over the course of history Marmara region in Northwestern Turkey has been the site of numerous destructive earthquakes. Based on historical and instrumental earthquake records, the Marmara sea region is one of the most seismically active regions of the Eastern Mediterranean. The Marmara region is under the influence of the western part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) and the N-S extensional regime of Western Turkey. Therefore, the earthquake risk analysis is very important for the MARMARAY Project. 76 km-long MARMARAY Project is an important project not only for Turkey but also for the world because it joins the two continents through railway. It will also serve for a comfortable and healthy way of environment, providing a contemporary solution for urban transportation. Geotechnical and geological parameters of the region were obtained from analyses of seven boreholes. In this paper, using average wave velocities in layers, thickness, density and formation data based on the PS logs, 43 m and 65.5 m depths ranging from 7 different boring logs in a ground-wise different geological regions in İstanbul, ground response functions were obtained. Based on the soil profiles transferred to EERA (Equivalent-Linear Earthquake Site Response Analyses of Layered Soil Deposits) and NERA (Nonlinear Earthquake Site Response Analyses of Layered Soil Deposits) softwares, the rock soil record of August 17, 1999 Kocaeli earthquake in İstanbul-Beşiktaş Ministry of Public Works and Settlement (IBMPWS), response and design spectrums that may be considered crucial in case of an earthquake were obtained. The acceleration record was used as an input motion having PGA value of 0,04287 g (east-west component) which was applied on sublayers (i.e. sand, gravel, clay) using EERA and NERA programs. The analysis is done by keeping constant damping ratio of 5%. Also nonlinear analysis was compared with the linear method of analysis. Stages involved in ground response analyses to develop site-specific response spectra at a soil site are summarized. Some of the known site response analysis methods are summarized and similarities and diff erences between linear and nonlinear methods.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2017
This study investigated the effect of the number of holes on blast-induced ground vibrations in o... more This study investigated the effect of the number of holes on blast-induced ground vibrations in open-pit blasting operations. The study was conducted at an overburden removal site at the Garp Lignite Enterprise open pits. The number of holes used in the blasts throughout the study was grouped as 10-50, 51-100, 101-150, and 151-250 holes and each group was analyzed separately. The same hole pattern and non-electric delay detonators were used in all blasts, and each hole was loaded with an equal amount of explosive. In the study, seismographs were used to measure ground vibrations. A separate analysis was carried out for each hole group in addition to an overall analysis encompassing all the measurement data. In statistical analysis, Scaled Distance-Peak Particle Velocity graphs were plotted, equations and coefficients of determination were computed, and finally, a comparison was made. In conclusion, the study results showed that the number of holes did not affect blast-induced ground vibration level.
Mathematical and Computational Applications, 2000
Harmonising Rock Engineering and the Environment, 2011
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021
Hydraulic conductivities of rock masses in Tunçbilek lignite basin, western Turkey, were determin... more Hydraulic conductivities of rock masses in Tunçbilek lignite basin, western Turkey, were determined by analytical methods and seepage analyses. In situ hydraulic conductivity of lignite, clay-bearing rocks and disturbed rock masses in the basin was determined by utilizing the inversed auger hole method. The hydraulic conductivity values of the lignite and clay-bearing rocks were determined by the field testing to be ranged from 7.88×10−7 to 2.24×10−6 m/s and from 2.49×10−7 to 1.11×10−5 m/s, respectively. Excavation and blasting processes for mining activity eventually caused a significant increase in the fracture frequency. Therefore, hydraulic conductivity values of disturbed/blasted rock masses were measured as two or three order magnitudes higher than those measured on the undisturbed clay-bearing rock masses. To get a further understanding of the hydraulic properties of studied rock masses, seepage analyses were also performed on rock masses left as a pillar between an undergrou...
Environmental Earth Sciences
In Turkey in the Tuncbilek coal basin, the subject area of this study, there are gray and brown c... more In Turkey in the Tuncbilek coal basin, the subject area of this study, there are gray and brown colored marl formations. As known, the test specimens shall be conditioned in such a way as to be reached to the natural water content before the strength tests, and it is preferred to use the saturated specimen in order to be representative for levels below the groundwater. It is noticed that the gray marl core samples taken from Tuncbilek were broken into parallel slices by the influence of water in less than half an hour. In this study, instead of directly treatment with water, the conditioning studies on the Tuncbilek marl samples were carried out in a climate cabin and, it was determined that the marl moisture holding capacity increased when the environment humidity increased and/or temperature decreased. As a result of these conditioning studies, the optimum conditioning for the marl of this region was found to be 17.6 degrees C temperature and 90 % Relative Humidity (RH) by taking ...
Mathematical and Computational Applications, 2000