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Papers by bharat nagar

Research paper thumbnail of Dense Bituminous Macadam Preparation by Utilizing Waste Plastic

Plastic is cheaper material and it is used for mass industrial productions and also it is a effec... more Plastic is cheaper material and it is used for mass industrial productions and also it is a effective raw material that is used in industrial mass production of started goods with plastic. Now, The various sectors of growing economy of country like information technology, automobile, construction, agriculture, communication is been exponentially and virtually transformed with the utilization of plastics. It has been widely seen that nonbiodegradable items are in very much use now-a-days and it is also raising a great issue that how to manage plastic-squander. The various studies have connected the diverse ill-advised removal of plastic. The studies have been done to observe issues as far off as skin issues in people, malignant growth, genital variations from the norm and also ill effects on creatures. Various past investigations show that polymer waste can be use as asphalt development material by joining it with bitumen. Polymer changed bitumen is utilized rather than characteristi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Relaxation & Reduction in Stress Levels Originating from Various Environmental Factors by An Antique Buddhist Therapy: A Case Study

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Research paper thumbnail of A Statistical Data Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents in Jaipur City

The statistical analysis of accident is conceded out periodically at grave locations or road stre... more The statistical analysis of accident is conceded out periodically at grave locations or road stretch which will help to arrive at suitable measures to effectively decrease accident rates. It is the measure (or estimates) of the number and severity of accident. These statistics reports are to be maintained zone-wise. Accident prone stretches of various roads may be assessed by finding the accident density per meter of the road. The places of accidents are marked on the map and the points of their clustering (BLACK SPOT) are determined. With the help of statistical study of accident occurrence at a particular road or location or zone of study for a long period of time it is realizable to predict with logical accuracy the probability of accident occurrence per day or relative safety of different classes of road user in that location. The interpretation of the statistical data is very important to provide insight to the problem.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimating the Vehicle Operating Cost through Railway Over Bridge

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Marble Slurry and Recycled Aggregate in Different Grade of Concrete

In the construction industry concrete is the most widely used material. This consumes natural res... more In the construction industry concrete is the most widely used material. This consumes natural resources like aggregate and water. Different types of raw materials, e.g. marble slurry (MS), fly ash, marble dust, silica, sugarcane ash, rice husk ash, bottom ash, silica fume etc. can be used to produce concrete at a lower cost. In present study effect of MS and recycled aggregate (RA) have been used to replace cement and natural aggregate. Cement was replaced with MS by 0%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 12%. Effect of replacement of cement by MS was studied on consistency, IST & FST and compressive strength of cement. Also, the effect of replacement of cement & natural aggregate by MS and RA (50%) on fresh and hardened properties of concrete (M25 & M40) was investigated experimentally.

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Study On Effects Of Sludge Waste In Concrete

To evaluate the effect of dry sludge on concrete performance, its physical and mechanical propert... more To evaluate the effect of dry sludge on concrete performance, its physical and mechanical properties were studied. In this research an attempt is taken to bring into play the sludge waste in various proportions so that the final product property of concrete mixture is same as the control mix. Waste sludge material was replace with fine and coarse aggregate in various percentages such as 50%, 45%, 40% ,35%,30%, 25%,20%,15%, 10%, 5%, 4% and 3%. Reference concrete mix is also made for comparative reasons.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Glass Powder on Various Properties of Concrete 1

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Waste Asbestos Cement Sheet on Compressive Strength and Flexural Strength of Concrete

Concrete is the leading construction material in the region of the world and used in structural w... more Concrete is the leading construction material in the region of the world and used in structural works, including infrastructure, low and high rise buildings. It is a man made artifact, essentially consisting of a combination of cement, aggregates, admixture s and water. Inert granular materials such as natural and crushed stone or gravel form the main part of the aggregates. Conventionally aggregates have been available at economical prices as well as of qualities to suit the entire purposes. But, the continued wide withdrawal of aggregates has been questioned as of the depletion of quality main aggregates and greater awareness of environmental safety. In this research, I have replaced the coarse aggregate partially by using asbestos cement sheet waste. Therefore, I have planned to prepared some number of cubes and beams, using asbestos cement sheet waste at various proportions like 0 , 5 , 10 and 15 by weight of coarse aggregate The properties for fresh concrete are tested for Comp...

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Research paper thumbnail of Software Implementation of 3msec Dwell Time for Beam Steering Unit of Troop Level Radar

The paper presents an implementation of 3ms dwell time for Beam Steering Unit (BSU) of Troop Leve... more The paper presents an implementation of 3ms dwell time for Beam Steering Unit (BSU) of Troop Level Radar (TLR). BSU is an integral part of phased array radar, which does the necessary computation and directs the beam in the desired direction electronically. Dwell Time is the time it takes to switch from one beam position to the next beam position in space. With the dwell time of 3msec, TLR would be capable of guiding 8 missiles towards 4 targets simultaneously. Simulations were performed, actual dwell time achieved with the new software is 2.5msec.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Experimental Study on Use of Road Demolition Wastes as Recycled Materials in Pavement Construction

1Research scholar, M. Tech, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University Jaipur, Rajasth... more 1Research scholar, M. Tech, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 3Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract – In the Roads and Highway construction the granular course layer such as GSB (Granular Sub Base) and WMM (Wet mix macadam) are the most important layer. With the use of these layers in Flexible Payment Road a stable surface can be formed. The constructions of roads consume natural valuable resources like aggregate which is costlier. The use of recycled aggregate instead of virgin aggregate helps in reducing the demand of extraction. If a new Road is formed over the existing road or if bridge is constructed over the existing road due t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of RCC Structure and Tube-In-Tube Structure

1Swetha Singh, M-Tech Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University, Ja... more 1Swetha Singh, M-Tech Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan 2Nandeshwar Lata, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, JNIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan 3Dr.Bharat Nagar, Professor & Head of Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan 4Rajesh Kumar, Freelancer Faculty for Civil Engineering in Engineers Academy ---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract The study is based on the comparative analysis of rcc structure and tube-in-tube structure, and the primary objectives are to investigate effects of varying design parameters on the tube action and shear lag behavior of a typical reinforced concrete tube in tube building, and compare this tube-in-tube structure with traditional rcc buildings. A parametric study was conducted with necessary design variables on the performance of a 20 story buildin...

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Research paper thumbnail of Rice Husk Ash and Uses: A Brief Review

Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2020

The rice husk, likewise called rice hull, is the covering on a seed or grain of rice. It is shape... more The rice husk, likewise called rice hull, is the covering on a seed or grain of rice. It is shaped from hard materials, including silica and lignin, to ensure the seed during the developing season. Every kg of processed white rice brings about generally 0.28 kg of rice husk as a result of rice creation during processing. ice husk was for quite some time considered a loss from the rice processing process and was frequently dumped as well as consumed. But since it tends to be handily gathered and is modest, some measure of rice husk has consistently been utilized as a vitality hotspot for little applications, for example, for block creation, for steam motors and gasifiers used to control rice factories, and for producing heat for rice dryers.. IndexTerms – Rice Husk Ash ,Rice Hull , Concrete addons .

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Research paper thumbnail of An Experimental Investigation of Performance of Concrete Using Various Waste Materials

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Research paper thumbnail of Spider Diversity from Relocated Area of Melghat Tiger Reserve

Tigers (Panthera tigris) are facing a concrete threat of extinction. India has protected its last... more Tigers (Panthera tigris) are facing a concrete threat of extinction. India has protected its last viable tiger populations and hence potentially holds the key to save the tigers from extinction. Many efforts at international and local level have been initiated to save tigers. Threats have been identified and strategies have been evolved to tackle them. The tiger conservation units (TCU) are identified as priority areas for action. Melghat tiger reserve (MTR) in the Satpuda landscape of central India is listed as a TCU. The voluntary relocation of human settlements from critical tiger source population areas is recommended as one of the key actions in these landscapes for saving tigers. Such village relocation efforts are ongoing in MTR, where three villages were relocated in 2001-02. It is essential to study whether voluntary relocation efforts really help in habitat recovery. Here, the study conducted to document the fauna specially spiders to understand the habitat recovery proces...

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Research paper thumbnail of PERFORMANCE OF CONCRETE BY USING STEEL FIBRE An Experimental Study

1M.Tech Scholar, Jagannath University, jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2Asst Professor, Department of Ci... more 1M.Tech Scholar, Jagannath University, jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2Asst Professor, Department of Civil Engg, Jagannath University, jaipur, Rajasthan, India 3 H.O.D, Department of civil engineering, jagannath university, jaipur, Rajasthan, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract The purpose of this research is based on the investigation of the use of steel fibres in structural concrete to enhance the mechanical properties of concrete. The objective of the study was to determine and compare the differences in properties of concrete containing without fibres and concrete with fibres. This investigation was carried out using several tests, compressive test and flexural test. A total of eleven mix batches of concrete containing 0% to 5% with an interval of 1% by wt. of cement. ‘Hooked’ steel fibres were tested to determine the enhancement of mechanical properties of concrete. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Municipal Solid Waste an ( A Study o

The main aim of this research is to find out the status of municipal solid waste generation and i... more The main aim of this research is to find out the status of municipal solid waste generation and its composition along with the relationship of economic condition of different inhabitants with per capita of waste composition in Varanasi, the most crowded city in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Municipal Solid waste (MSW) is a heterogeneous in composition and varied from place to place. Increasing population levels as well as rapid economic growth and rise in living standard of people speeded the generation rate of municipal solid waste in metropolitan cities of India. The objective of this paper is to providing an insight of the stages of waste management i.e. Prevention, Minimization, Recycle, Reuse, Energy recovery, Disposal and its composition order to improve the current solid waste management practice of Varanasi municipality and also to provides a further insight of feasibility and aids of adopting segregation at source and decentralization of waste management in order to pr...

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Research paper thumbnail of “PERFORMANCE OF CONCRETE BY USING GLASS POWDER” An Experimental Study

---------------------------------------------------------------------***-------------------------... more ---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------AbstractPortland cement is the most important ingredient of concrete and is a versatile and relatively high cost material. Large scale production of cement is causing environmental problems on one hand and depletion of natural resources on other hand. This threat to ecology has led to researchers to use industrial by products as supplementary cementations material in making concrete. The main parameter investigated in this study is M35 grade concrete with partial replacement of cement by glass powder by 0, 10, 15,20and25%. This paper presents a detailed experimental study on Compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength at age of 7 and 28 day. Test results indicate that use of Glass powder in concrete has improved the performance of concrete in strength.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study and Modeling of Framed Structure with Shear Wall & without ShearWall by using Etabs (Structure) Scholar, Dept. Civil Engineering Jagannath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Ind... more (Structure) Scholar, Dept. Civil Engineering Jagannath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2Asst. professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Engineering And Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 3Professors, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT:The purpose of this study is to find the prime location of shear wall and then investigate the effectiveness of best shear wall in bare frame system. The structure is analyzed for earthquake in the types of structural system i.e bare frame system. Shear wall is the best structural element which is used for resisting lateral load in multi-storey reinforced concrete structures. Wall which is mainly designed to resist lateral forces in its own plane is called shear wall. Shear walls are generall...

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Research paper thumbnail of Printed Monopole L-Band Patch Antenna for Side Lobe Blanking for Radar Applications

This paper presents a Printed Monopole Square Patch Antenna in L-band for Omni Radiation Pattern.... more This paper presents a Printed Monopole Square Patch Antenna in L-band for Omni Radiation Pattern. The Monopole Antennas are widely used in communication systems and their use in Radars is not common. The proposed antenna is intended to be used for side lobe blanking in Receive mode for Radar applications. Printed Monopole antennas are easy to fabricate and are cost effective when substrate like FR4 grade Glass Epoxy are used. I INTRODUCTION The Monopole Antennas are widely used in communication systems. Their Omni directional radiation provides all around coverage. The printed monopole antenna offers several advantages over conventional monopole antenna. Printed Monopole antennas are easy to fabricate and are cost effective when substrate like FR4 grade Glass Epoxy are used. Theoretically the patch size is determined by the wave length. The typical Patch size for printed monopole is Quarter Wavelength. The L-band frequency band is designated from 1 to 2 GHz. The L-band radars are ty...

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of Textile Industrial Waste Water in Sanganer Area in Jaipur City

Six textile industries have been selected in Sanganer region based on field analysis and characte... more Six textile industries have been selected in Sanganer region based on field analysis and characterization studies. Textile effluent is collected from these selected industries and characterized various parameters particularly BOD, COD, TDS, sulphide, sulphate, chloride, hardness, alkalinity, magnesium and calcium. These parameters are major pollution indicator. The effluent is dark colored with alkaline pH. The values of BOD and COD are found to be higher than Central Pollution Control Board Standards.The concentration of total dissolved solid are observed to be higher than 5000 mg/L. The effluent also contains high concentration of sulphate, sulphide, chloride, calcium and magnesium, which are responsible for higher hardness of waste water. The results showed that, the textile industries under study area emanate effluent containing pollution indicator parameters considerably higher than standards stipulated by Central Pollution Control Board. Based on these characteristics, it’s ur...

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Research paper thumbnail of Dense Bituminous Macadam Preparation by Utilizing Waste Plastic

Plastic is cheaper material and it is used for mass industrial productions and also it is a effec... more Plastic is cheaper material and it is used for mass industrial productions and also it is a effective raw material that is used in industrial mass production of started goods with plastic. Now, The various sectors of growing economy of country like information technology, automobile, construction, agriculture, communication is been exponentially and virtually transformed with the utilization of plastics. It has been widely seen that nonbiodegradable items are in very much use now-a-days and it is also raising a great issue that how to manage plastic-squander. The various studies have connected the diverse ill-advised removal of plastic. The studies have been done to observe issues as far off as skin issues in people, malignant growth, genital variations from the norm and also ill effects on creatures. Various past investigations show that polymer waste can be use as asphalt development material by joining it with bitumen. Polymer changed bitumen is utilized rather than characteristi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Relaxation & Reduction in Stress Levels Originating from Various Environmental Factors by An Antique Buddhist Therapy: A Case Study

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Research paper thumbnail of A Statistical Data Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents in Jaipur City

The statistical analysis of accident is conceded out periodically at grave locations or road stre... more The statistical analysis of accident is conceded out periodically at grave locations or road stretch which will help to arrive at suitable measures to effectively decrease accident rates. It is the measure (or estimates) of the number and severity of accident. These statistics reports are to be maintained zone-wise. Accident prone stretches of various roads may be assessed by finding the accident density per meter of the road. The places of accidents are marked on the map and the points of their clustering (BLACK SPOT) are determined. With the help of statistical study of accident occurrence at a particular road or location or zone of study for a long period of time it is realizable to predict with logical accuracy the probability of accident occurrence per day or relative safety of different classes of road user in that location. The interpretation of the statistical data is very important to provide insight to the problem.

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Research paper thumbnail of Estimating the Vehicle Operating Cost through Railway Over Bridge

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Marble Slurry and Recycled Aggregate in Different Grade of Concrete

In the construction industry concrete is the most widely used material. This consumes natural res... more In the construction industry concrete is the most widely used material. This consumes natural resources like aggregate and water. Different types of raw materials, e.g. marble slurry (MS), fly ash, marble dust, silica, sugarcane ash, rice husk ash, bottom ash, silica fume etc. can be used to produce concrete at a lower cost. In present study effect of MS and recycled aggregate (RA) have been used to replace cement and natural aggregate. Cement was replaced with MS by 0%, 5%, 7.5%, 10% and 12%. Effect of replacement of cement by MS was studied on consistency, IST & FST and compressive strength of cement. Also, the effect of replacement of cement & natural aggregate by MS and RA (50%) on fresh and hardened properties of concrete (M25 & M40) was investigated experimentally.

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Research paper thumbnail of Experimental Study On Effects Of Sludge Waste In Concrete

To evaluate the effect of dry sludge on concrete performance, its physical and mechanical propert... more To evaluate the effect of dry sludge on concrete performance, its physical and mechanical properties were studied. In this research an attempt is taken to bring into play the sludge waste in various proportions so that the final product property of concrete mixture is same as the control mix. Waste sludge material was replace with fine and coarse aggregate in various percentages such as 50%, 45%, 40% ,35%,30%, 25%,20%,15%, 10%, 5%, 4% and 3%. Reference concrete mix is also made for comparative reasons.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Glass Powder on Various Properties of Concrete 1

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Waste Asbestos Cement Sheet on Compressive Strength and Flexural Strength of Concrete

Concrete is the leading construction material in the region of the world and used in structural w... more Concrete is the leading construction material in the region of the world and used in structural works, including infrastructure, low and high rise buildings. It is a man made artifact, essentially consisting of a combination of cement, aggregates, admixture s and water. Inert granular materials such as natural and crushed stone or gravel form the main part of the aggregates. Conventionally aggregates have been available at economical prices as well as of qualities to suit the entire purposes. But, the continued wide withdrawal of aggregates has been questioned as of the depletion of quality main aggregates and greater awareness of environmental safety. In this research, I have replaced the coarse aggregate partially by using asbestos cement sheet waste. Therefore, I have planned to prepared some number of cubes and beams, using asbestos cement sheet waste at various proportions like 0 , 5 , 10 and 15 by weight of coarse aggregate The properties for fresh concrete are tested for Comp...

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Research paper thumbnail of Software Implementation of 3msec Dwell Time for Beam Steering Unit of Troop Level Radar

The paper presents an implementation of 3ms dwell time for Beam Steering Unit (BSU) of Troop Leve... more The paper presents an implementation of 3ms dwell time for Beam Steering Unit (BSU) of Troop Level Radar (TLR). BSU is an integral part of phased array radar, which does the necessary computation and directs the beam in the desired direction electronically. Dwell Time is the time it takes to switch from one beam position to the next beam position in space. With the dwell time of 3msec, TLR would be capable of guiding 8 missiles towards 4 targets simultaneously. Simulations were performed, actual dwell time achieved with the new software is 2.5msec.

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Research paper thumbnail of An Experimental Study on Use of Road Demolition Wastes as Recycled Materials in Pavement Construction

1Research scholar, M. Tech, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University Jaipur, Rajasth... more 1Research scholar, M. Tech, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 3Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University Jaipur, Rajasthan, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract – In the Roads and Highway construction the granular course layer such as GSB (Granular Sub Base) and WMM (Wet mix macadam) are the most important layer. With the use of these layers in Flexible Payment Road a stable surface can be formed. The constructions of roads consume natural valuable resources like aggregate which is costlier. The use of recycled aggregate instead of virgin aggregate helps in reducing the demand of extraction. If a new Road is formed over the existing road or if bridge is constructed over the existing road due t...

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Analysis of RCC Structure and Tube-In-Tube Structure

1Swetha Singh, M-Tech Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University, Ja... more 1Swetha Singh, M-Tech Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan 2Nandeshwar Lata, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, JNIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan 3Dr.Bharat Nagar, Professor & Head of Department of Civil Engineering, Jagannath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan 4Rajesh Kumar, Freelancer Faculty for Civil Engineering in Engineers Academy ---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract The study is based on the comparative analysis of rcc structure and tube-in-tube structure, and the primary objectives are to investigate effects of varying design parameters on the tube action and shear lag behavior of a typical reinforced concrete tube in tube building, and compare this tube-in-tube structure with traditional rcc buildings. A parametric study was conducted with necessary design variables on the performance of a 20 story buildin...

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Research paper thumbnail of Rice Husk Ash and Uses: A Brief Review

Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2020

The rice husk, likewise called rice hull, is the covering on a seed or grain of rice. It is shape... more The rice husk, likewise called rice hull, is the covering on a seed or grain of rice. It is shaped from hard materials, including silica and lignin, to ensure the seed during the developing season. Every kg of processed white rice brings about generally 0.28 kg of rice husk as a result of rice creation during processing. ice husk was for quite some time considered a loss from the rice processing process and was frequently dumped as well as consumed. But since it tends to be handily gathered and is modest, some measure of rice husk has consistently been utilized as a vitality hotspot for little applications, for example, for block creation, for steam motors and gasifiers used to control rice factories, and for producing heat for rice dryers.. IndexTerms – Rice Husk Ash ,Rice Hull , Concrete addons .

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Research paper thumbnail of An Experimental Investigation of Performance of Concrete Using Various Waste Materials

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Research paper thumbnail of Spider Diversity from Relocated Area of Melghat Tiger Reserve

Tigers (Panthera tigris) are facing a concrete threat of extinction. India has protected its last... more Tigers (Panthera tigris) are facing a concrete threat of extinction. India has protected its last viable tiger populations and hence potentially holds the key to save the tigers from extinction. Many efforts at international and local level have been initiated to save tigers. Threats have been identified and strategies have been evolved to tackle them. The tiger conservation units (TCU) are identified as priority areas for action. Melghat tiger reserve (MTR) in the Satpuda landscape of central India is listed as a TCU. The voluntary relocation of human settlements from critical tiger source population areas is recommended as one of the key actions in these landscapes for saving tigers. Such village relocation efforts are ongoing in MTR, where three villages were relocated in 2001-02. It is essential to study whether voluntary relocation efforts really help in habitat recovery. Here, the study conducted to document the fauna specially spiders to understand the habitat recovery proces...

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Research paper thumbnail of PERFORMANCE OF CONCRETE BY USING STEEL FIBRE An Experimental Study

1M.Tech Scholar, Jagannath University, jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2Asst Professor, Department of Ci... more 1M.Tech Scholar, Jagannath University, jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2Asst Professor, Department of Civil Engg, Jagannath University, jaipur, Rajasthan, India 3 H.O.D, Department of civil engineering, jagannath university, jaipur, Rajasthan, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract The purpose of this research is based on the investigation of the use of steel fibres in structural concrete to enhance the mechanical properties of concrete. The objective of the study was to determine and compare the differences in properties of concrete containing without fibres and concrete with fibres. This investigation was carried out using several tests, compressive test and flexural test. A total of eleven mix batches of concrete containing 0% to 5% with an interval of 1% by wt. of cement. ‘Hooked’ steel fibres were tested to determine the enhancement of mechanical properties of concrete. ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Municipal Solid Waste an ( A Study o

The main aim of this research is to find out the status of municipal solid waste generation and i... more The main aim of this research is to find out the status of municipal solid waste generation and its composition along with the relationship of economic condition of different inhabitants with per capita of waste composition in Varanasi, the most crowded city in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. Municipal Solid waste (MSW) is a heterogeneous in composition and varied from place to place. Increasing population levels as well as rapid economic growth and rise in living standard of people speeded the generation rate of municipal solid waste in metropolitan cities of India. The objective of this paper is to providing an insight of the stages of waste management i.e. Prevention, Minimization, Recycle, Reuse, Energy recovery, Disposal and its composition order to improve the current solid waste management practice of Varanasi municipality and also to provides a further insight of feasibility and aids of adopting segregation at source and decentralization of waste management in order to pr...

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Research paper thumbnail of “PERFORMANCE OF CONCRETE BY USING GLASS POWDER” An Experimental Study

---------------------------------------------------------------------***-------------------------... more ---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------AbstractPortland cement is the most important ingredient of concrete and is a versatile and relatively high cost material. Large scale production of cement is causing environmental problems on one hand and depletion of natural resources on other hand. This threat to ecology has led to researchers to use industrial by products as supplementary cementations material in making concrete. The main parameter investigated in this study is M35 grade concrete with partial replacement of cement by glass powder by 0, 10, 15,20and25%. This paper presents a detailed experimental study on Compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength at age of 7 and 28 day. Test results indicate that use of Glass powder in concrete has improved the performance of concrete in strength.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Study and Modeling of Framed Structure with Shear Wall & without ShearWall by using Etabs (Structure) Scholar, Dept. Civil Engineering Jagannath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Ind... more (Structure) Scholar, Dept. Civil Engineering Jagannath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2Asst. professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Engineering And Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 3Professors, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT:The purpose of this study is to find the prime location of shear wall and then investigate the effectiveness of best shear wall in bare frame system. The structure is analyzed for earthquake in the types of structural system i.e bare frame system. Shear wall is the best structural element which is used for resisting lateral load in multi-storey reinforced concrete structures. Wall which is mainly designed to resist lateral forces in its own plane is called shear wall. Shear walls are generall...

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Research paper thumbnail of Printed Monopole L-Band Patch Antenna for Side Lobe Blanking for Radar Applications

This paper presents a Printed Monopole Square Patch Antenna in L-band for Omni Radiation Pattern.... more This paper presents a Printed Monopole Square Patch Antenna in L-band for Omni Radiation Pattern. The Monopole Antennas are widely used in communication systems and their use in Radars is not common. The proposed antenna is intended to be used for side lobe blanking in Receive mode for Radar applications. Printed Monopole antennas are easy to fabricate and are cost effective when substrate like FR4 grade Glass Epoxy are used. I INTRODUCTION The Monopole Antennas are widely used in communication systems. Their Omni directional radiation provides all around coverage. The printed monopole antenna offers several advantages over conventional monopole antenna. Printed Monopole antennas are easy to fabricate and are cost effective when substrate like FR4 grade Glass Epoxy are used. Theoretically the patch size is determined by the wave length. The typical Patch size for printed monopole is Quarter Wavelength. The L-band frequency band is designated from 1 to 2 GHz. The L-band radars are ty...

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Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of Textile Industrial Waste Water in Sanganer Area in Jaipur City

Six textile industries have been selected in Sanganer region based on field analysis and characte... more Six textile industries have been selected in Sanganer region based on field analysis and characterization studies. Textile effluent is collected from these selected industries and characterized various parameters particularly BOD, COD, TDS, sulphide, sulphate, chloride, hardness, alkalinity, magnesium and calcium. These parameters are major pollution indicator. The effluent is dark colored with alkaline pH. The values of BOD and COD are found to be higher than Central Pollution Control Board Standards.The concentration of total dissolved solid are observed to be higher than 5000 mg/L. The effluent also contains high concentration of sulphate, sulphide, chloride, calcium and magnesium, which are responsible for higher hardness of waste water. The results showed that, the textile industries under study area emanate effluent containing pollution indicator parameters considerably higher than standards stipulated by Central Pollution Control Board. Based on these characteristics, it’s ur...

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