cuma Akbay - (original) (raw)
Papers by cuma Akbay
Empirical Economics, 2009
The aim of the study is to analyze the economics of contract and non-contract beef cattle farms. ... more The aim of the study is to analyze the economics of contract and non-contract beef cattle farms. The study conducted in Adana Province and belongs to 2016 production period. The data were obtained from 155 beef cattle farms. According to the results; the education level of contract farmers is higher than non-contract farmers. The average livestock asset of contract farms is 131.28 head and non-contract farms have 72.20 head livestock. The gross profit of contract and non-contract farms is calculated 2 127.56 TL head -1 and 1 740.53 TL head -1 , respectively. It is found that contract farms are more profitable than non-contract farms.
Ozet Bu calismanin amaci, Kahramanmaras ilinde sut ve sut urunleri sanayisinin uretim ve isgucu y... more Ozet Bu calismanin amaci, Kahramanmaras ilinde sut ve sut urunleri sanayisinin uretim ve isgucu yapilari, pazarlama, gida guvenligi ve isletmelerin genel ve cevresel yapilariyla ilgili konumlarini arastirmaktir. Arastirma bulgularina gore, incelenen mandira isletmelerinin %70'i son 10 yildir faaliyette bulunmaktadir. Mandira isletmelerinin kapasite kullanim orani yaklasik %31'dir. Mandira isletmelerinde yoneticilerin %60'i gida guvenligi konusunda herhangi bir egitim hizmetinden yararlanmamislardir. Mandira isletmelerinin %80'i calisanlarin portor muayenesini duzenli bir sekilde yerine getirmektedir. Mandira isletmelerinin %40'i bir laboratuara sahiptir. Sut temininde karsilasilan en onemli problemler; sute hile (sute su katilmasi, sutun yaginin alinmasi v.b.) karistirilmasi, sut uretim miktarinda dalgalanmalar ve sutun isletmeye ulasincaya kadar bozulmasidir. Pazarlama konusunda da; piyasada haksiz rekabet olmasi, iyi bir pazarlama faaliyeti yapilmamasi ve tahs...
Kahramanmaras dondurmasi sehrin adiyla simgelesmis ozel bir urundur. Bu calismada, Kahramanmaras ... more Kahramanmaras dondurmasi sehrin adiyla simgelesmis ozel bir urundur. Bu calismada, Kahramanmaras merkez ilcede tuketicilerin sosyoekonomik ve demografik yapilari dikkate alinarak dondurma tuketim aliskanliklari incelenmistir. Arastirmada, 2005 yilinda tesadufen secilen yasi 18 ve ustunde bulunan bireylerle yuz yuze yapilmis olan anketler kullanilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, Kahramanmaras ilinde tuketicilerin onemli bir bolumunun (%70.8) Kahramanmaras dondurmasi tukettikleri saptanmistir. Bununla birlikte, arastirma alaninda anket yapilan tuketicilerden dondurma tuketen bireylerin %8.2’si daha cok markali dondurmalari tercih ederken %21’inin de hem Kahramanmaras dondurmasi hem de markali dondurmalari tukettikleri belirlenmistir.
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2020
Bu çalışmanın amacı; Afşin ve Elbistan ilçe merkezleri ile kırsal alanlarında ikamet eden bireyle... more Bu çalışmanın amacı; Afşin ve Elbistan ilçe merkezleri ile kırsal alanlarında ikamet eden bireylerin, ilçelerinde kurulu olan termik santralleri ve santrallerin çevre kirliliğine etkileri konusundaki görüşleri ve yaklaşımlarını incelemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemi Afşin ve Elbistan ilçe merkezlerinde ve termik santrallerin yakınında bulunan köylerde ikamet eden toplam 500 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; hane halkının %28.9’unda akciğer hastalığı, %54.0’ünde kronik rahatsızlıklar ve altı yaşından küçük çocukların oluşturduğu %23.0’lük grupta da üst solunum yolu şikâyetlerinin olduğu belirtilmiştir. Ankete katılan kişilerin %76.2’si termik santrallerin çevreye olumsuz etkilerini; bitki örtüsüne, toprak yapısına, hava kalitesine, tarım alanlarına ve canlı habitatlarına zarar verdikleri şeklinde görüş bildirmişlerdir. Çoğu katılımcı yörelerinde yaşanan çevresel sorunların genellikle santralin faaliyetlerinden kaynaklı olduğunu ve çözümün yine santral yetkililerinin ala...
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM), 2018
The main problems encountered by Turkish dairy producers are the lower level of productivity and ... more The main problems encountered by Turkish dairy producers are the lower level of productivity and profitability, lack of specialization, cooperation, and have strong links with the characteristics of producers, agricultural systems and hygiene and disease control in dairy herds. The objectives of this study are to identify the dairy cattle production factors, household characteristics, and needs of milk for human life. The survey based on the primary data collected by stratified random sampling method in the dairy farms of Konya in August 2014. 92 dairy farms which are producing and selling milk Konya province was interviewed. The data collected through interviews, focus group and evaluated by using parametric and nonparametric tests. The means age of farmers was 47.4, the average of household members was 5.54, and the average number of members busy with dairy cattle was 2.05. The average number of milk cows per dairy cattle yield was 33.56 kg and daily milk yield per cow was 21.13 k...
Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika), 2009
This article identifies consumer characteristics associated with preferences toward fluid milk al... more This article identifies consumer characteristics associated with preferences toward fluid milk alternatives. Using consumer survey data from Samsun province of Turkey and Multinomial Logit model, unpacked and packed fluid milk preferences were analyzed. Based on the results, 14.1% of respondents consumed only unpacked fluid milk, 58.2% consumed only packed fluid milk and 27.7% of respondents consumed both unpacked and packed fluid milk at least once a weak. Multinomial Logit model results indicated that better educated household head, higher income households, younger and female household head and people who agree with “unpacked milk is not healthy” consume more packed fluid milk than do others. Moreover, consumers who agree with statement “price of packed milk is expensive compare to unpacked milk” were less likely to consume packed fluid milk than do others.
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2020
In the ’80s, Kuwait operations and the conflict between Iran and Iraq negatively affected the aqu... more In the ’80s, Kuwait operations and the conflict between Iran and Iraq negatively affected the aquaculture and especially fish farming. This study was carried out to analyze fish productions and advancements in its development in the Northern Region of Iraq. Also, this study was aiming at obtaining the estimates of the production function for fish production and total income. The study involved 60 farms. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, variance analysis and multiple regression. According to results, the benefit-cost ratio was 1.8, and it indicates that fish farming in the region was profitable. Results demonstrated that farmers’ age, educational status and fish farming experience, size and number of ponds, total fingerlings stocked, age of ponds, time of fish production, the weight of the sold-fish, fish mortality rate, and price of fish sale have statistically significant effects on fish production. According to the estimated production function, if all inputs ar...
Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika), 2012
In this paper, the demand elasticities and the size of price cost margin (PCM) ratios were invest... more In this paper, the demand elasticities and the size of price cost margin (PCM) ratios were investigated for private and national branded products using scanner data from a large supermarket chain in Ohio, USA. Demand elasticities and PCM ratios were measured for 32 national branded and 14 private label products for 9 food categories by using Almost Ideal Demand System. According to the results, lower-income shoppers were more prices sensitive than higher-income shoppers and the average price elasticities were ranged between –1.96 (Snacks) and –3.33 (ice-cream). According to the results, non-collusive case gave smaller PCM than the Bertrand case and the average PCM ratios ranged from 27% for ice cream to 54% for chips.
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2018
Food consumption and the accompanying nutritional quality of the diet are determined both by inco... more Food consumption and the accompanying nutritional quality of the diet are determined both by income and price as well as by a broad range of the other factors. Changing demographics and household composition, woman’s labor force participation, new concerns about health-diet links as well as changes in the food markets can all affect the types and amounts of food consumed. Specifically, the major objective of this study is to develop methodologies and to analyze the effects of socioeconomic and demographic factors on nutrition demand and consumption behavior of households. To accomplish these objectives in this study, the food consumption survey data collected from the national representatives of Turkish households, who live in urban and rural areas. This study also investigated nutrition consumption for socioeconomic and demographic groups in both rural and urban areas in Turkey. According to results of the model, fat income elasticity is considerably higher at 0.57, while those for...
European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2008
Summary We reply to the Comment by Drichoutis et al. regarding some methodological and estimation... more Summary We reply to the Comment by Drichoutis et al. regarding some methodological and estimation issues arising from our paper. In particular, we compare the elasticities reported in the original paper with those obtained using estimation procedures suggested by ...
Agricultural Economics, 2005
Agribusiness, 2003
Nationwide food consumption surveys often find no difference in the diets of lower and higher inc... more Nationwide food consumption surveys often find no difference in the diets of lower and higher income Americans, while studies of particular food commodities find major differences. These contrasting results represent a consumption paradox. We attempt to gain an understanding of this paradox by using supermarket scanner data to examine food purchases and, by extension, consumption patterns for consumers in two, geographically distinct, income areas. These areas are part of the larger Columbus, OH, metropolitan area (CMA) and six stores are selected for purchase and consumption analyses—three from the lowest income areas of the CMA and three from the highest income areas. Seven product categories are analyzed in this study and these categories are subdivided into meaningful nutritional classes. An Almost Ideal Demand System is employed and the empirical results reveal major differences in consumption behavior for the two groups. [EconLit citations: D120 and D190.] © 2003 Wiley Periodi...
Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
World Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, 2021
This study examines the impacts of COVID-19 on small businesses in the Northern region of Iraq. T... more This study examines the impacts of COVID-19 on small businesses in the Northern region of Iraq. The survey sample included 235 persons in Erbil governorate. According to the results, small businesses in all sectors in the region have been affected negatively by COVID-19. The COVID-19 has had negative effects on 74% of participants’ business; this means that most of them have suffered huge losses, to the extent that some of them have suffered huge losses more than the profit of the several months before COVID-19. Based on the survey result, sales on debt have increased so much that the average of these sales in debt is 86.4%. The majority of participants pointed out that during the outbreak of coronavirus, most people paid more attention to the price of the product than to the quality
Toplam tuketim harcamalari ve gida urunleri tuketim harcamalari tahmini, tarim ekonomisi ve uygul... more Toplam tuketim harcamalari ve gida urunleri tuketim harcamalari tahmini, tarim ekonomisi ve uygulamali ekonomi calismalarinda onemli arastirma alanlarindandir. Bu calismanin amaci Turkiye Istatistik Kurumu (TUIK) tarafindan yapilan 2003-2008 kesit verilerini kullanilarak Turkiye'de hanehalklari tarafindan yapilan genel tuketim ve gida harcamalari ile gida alt kategorilerinin gelir esnekliklerini tahmin etmektir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, Turkiye genelinde “konut ve kira” harcamalari toplam tuketim harcamalari icerisinde %29.1 ile en yuksek orana sahipken, “gida” tuketim harcamalari %22.6 ile ikinci siradadir. 2003 ve 2008 donemleri Hanehalki Tuketim Verilerini karsilastirdigimizda, “gida” harcamalarinin %27.5'den %22.6'ya dustugu, buna karsilik “konut ve kira” harcamalarinin %28.3'den %29.1'e, “ulastirma” harcamalarinin ise %9.8'den %14.1'e yukseldigini saptanmistir. “Gida” harcamalari kategorileri acisindan bakildiginda ise, “ekmek ve tahil” harcamalar...
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2021
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2020
Hanehalki gida guvensizligi son yillarda Afganistan'da ozellikle dogu bolgesinde cok sayida f... more Hanehalki gida guvensizligi son yillarda Afganistan'da ozellikle dogu bolgesinde cok sayida faktorun neden oldugu onemli bir sorun haline gelmistir. Bu calismanin amaci, Afganistan'in dogu bolgesindeki hanehalki duzeyinde gida guvenligini etkileyen faktorleri incelemek ve analiz etmektir. Bu calismada, Afganistan hukumeti ve uluslararasi kuruluslarin ortaklasa yuruttukleri ve Afganistan'in Dogu Bolgesinde 49 ilcede 99310'dan fazla kisiden olusan 9774 hanehalklariyla gerceklestirilen anketler kullanilmistir. Analiz sonuclari, gida guvensizliginin kritik faktorlerinin guvensizlik, yoksulluk; surdurulemez gecim kaynaklari, is imkani eksikligi; dusuk ucret ve gelir, kirsal alanlarda topraksizlik ve buyuk multeci ve yasadigi bolgeyi terk ettirilen insanlar gocu oldugunu gostermektedir. Arastirmada, hanehalklarinin %46.9'unun gida guvensizligi oldugunu,% 49.6'sinin son bir ayda aclikla karsi karsiya kaldigini ve hanelerin%48'inin kotu ve sinirda yiyecek tuketim...
Empirical Economics, 2009
The aim of the study is to analyze the economics of contract and non-contract beef cattle farms. ... more The aim of the study is to analyze the economics of contract and non-contract beef cattle farms. The study conducted in Adana Province and belongs to 2016 production period. The data were obtained from 155 beef cattle farms. According to the results; the education level of contract farmers is higher than non-contract farmers. The average livestock asset of contract farms is 131.28 head and non-contract farms have 72.20 head livestock. The gross profit of contract and non-contract farms is calculated 2 127.56 TL head -1 and 1 740.53 TL head -1 , respectively. It is found that contract farms are more profitable than non-contract farms.
Ozet Bu calismanin amaci, Kahramanmaras ilinde sut ve sut urunleri sanayisinin uretim ve isgucu y... more Ozet Bu calismanin amaci, Kahramanmaras ilinde sut ve sut urunleri sanayisinin uretim ve isgucu yapilari, pazarlama, gida guvenligi ve isletmelerin genel ve cevresel yapilariyla ilgili konumlarini arastirmaktir. Arastirma bulgularina gore, incelenen mandira isletmelerinin %70'i son 10 yildir faaliyette bulunmaktadir. Mandira isletmelerinin kapasite kullanim orani yaklasik %31'dir. Mandira isletmelerinde yoneticilerin %60'i gida guvenligi konusunda herhangi bir egitim hizmetinden yararlanmamislardir. Mandira isletmelerinin %80'i calisanlarin portor muayenesini duzenli bir sekilde yerine getirmektedir. Mandira isletmelerinin %40'i bir laboratuara sahiptir. Sut temininde karsilasilan en onemli problemler; sute hile (sute su katilmasi, sutun yaginin alinmasi v.b.) karistirilmasi, sut uretim miktarinda dalgalanmalar ve sutun isletmeye ulasincaya kadar bozulmasidir. Pazarlama konusunda da; piyasada haksiz rekabet olmasi, iyi bir pazarlama faaliyeti yapilmamasi ve tahs...
Kahramanmaras dondurmasi sehrin adiyla simgelesmis ozel bir urundur. Bu calismada, Kahramanmaras ... more Kahramanmaras dondurmasi sehrin adiyla simgelesmis ozel bir urundur. Bu calismada, Kahramanmaras merkez ilcede tuketicilerin sosyoekonomik ve demografik yapilari dikkate alinarak dondurma tuketim aliskanliklari incelenmistir. Arastirmada, 2005 yilinda tesadufen secilen yasi 18 ve ustunde bulunan bireylerle yuz yuze yapilmis olan anketler kullanilmistir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, Kahramanmaras ilinde tuketicilerin onemli bir bolumunun (%70.8) Kahramanmaras dondurmasi tukettikleri saptanmistir. Bununla birlikte, arastirma alaninda anket yapilan tuketicilerden dondurma tuketen bireylerin %8.2’si daha cok markali dondurmalari tercih ederken %21’inin de hem Kahramanmaras dondurmasi hem de markali dondurmalari tukettikleri belirlenmistir.
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2020
Bu çalışmanın amacı; Afşin ve Elbistan ilçe merkezleri ile kırsal alanlarında ikamet eden bireyle... more Bu çalışmanın amacı; Afşin ve Elbistan ilçe merkezleri ile kırsal alanlarında ikamet eden bireylerin, ilçelerinde kurulu olan termik santralleri ve santrallerin çevre kirliliğine etkileri konusundaki görüşleri ve yaklaşımlarını incelemektir. Araştırmanın örneklemi Afşin ve Elbistan ilçe merkezlerinde ve termik santrallerin yakınında bulunan köylerde ikamet eden toplam 500 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; hane halkının %28.9’unda akciğer hastalığı, %54.0’ünde kronik rahatsızlıklar ve altı yaşından küçük çocukların oluşturduğu %23.0’lük grupta da üst solunum yolu şikâyetlerinin olduğu belirtilmiştir. Ankete katılan kişilerin %76.2’si termik santrallerin çevreye olumsuz etkilerini; bitki örtüsüne, toprak yapısına, hava kalitesine, tarım alanlarına ve canlı habitatlarına zarar verdikleri şeklinde görüş bildirmişlerdir. Çoğu katılımcı yörelerinde yaşanan çevresel sorunların genellikle santralin faaliyetlerinden kaynaklı olduğunu ve çözümün yine santral yetkililerinin ala...
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM), 2018
The main problems encountered by Turkish dairy producers are the lower level of productivity and ... more The main problems encountered by Turkish dairy producers are the lower level of productivity and profitability, lack of specialization, cooperation, and have strong links with the characteristics of producers, agricultural systems and hygiene and disease control in dairy herds. The objectives of this study are to identify the dairy cattle production factors, household characteristics, and needs of milk for human life. The survey based on the primary data collected by stratified random sampling method in the dairy farms of Konya in August 2014. 92 dairy farms which are producing and selling milk Konya province was interviewed. The data collected through interviews, focus group and evaluated by using parametric and nonparametric tests. The means age of farmers was 47.4, the average of household members was 5.54, and the average number of members busy with dairy cattle was 2.05. The average number of milk cows per dairy cattle yield was 33.56 kg and daily milk yield per cow was 21.13 k...
Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika), 2009
This article identifies consumer characteristics associated with preferences toward fluid milk al... more This article identifies consumer characteristics associated with preferences toward fluid milk alternatives. Using consumer survey data from Samsun province of Turkey and Multinomial Logit model, unpacked and packed fluid milk preferences were analyzed. Based on the results, 14.1% of respondents consumed only unpacked fluid milk, 58.2% consumed only packed fluid milk and 27.7% of respondents consumed both unpacked and packed fluid milk at least once a weak. Multinomial Logit model results indicated that better educated household head, higher income households, younger and female household head and people who agree with “unpacked milk is not healthy” consume more packed fluid milk than do others. Moreover, consumers who agree with statement “price of packed milk is expensive compare to unpacked milk” were less likely to consume packed fluid milk than do others.
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2020
In the ’80s, Kuwait operations and the conflict between Iran and Iraq negatively affected the aqu... more In the ’80s, Kuwait operations and the conflict between Iran and Iraq negatively affected the aquaculture and especially fish farming. This study was carried out to analyze fish productions and advancements in its development in the Northern Region of Iraq. Also, this study was aiming at obtaining the estimates of the production function for fish production and total income. The study involved 60 farms. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, variance analysis and multiple regression. According to results, the benefit-cost ratio was 1.8, and it indicates that fish farming in the region was profitable. Results demonstrated that farmers’ age, educational status and fish farming experience, size and number of ponds, total fingerlings stocked, age of ponds, time of fish production, the weight of the sold-fish, fish mortality rate, and price of fish sale have statistically significant effects on fish production. According to the estimated production function, if all inputs ar...
Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika), 2012
In this paper, the demand elasticities and the size of price cost margin (PCM) ratios were invest... more In this paper, the demand elasticities and the size of price cost margin (PCM) ratios were investigated for private and national branded products using scanner data from a large supermarket chain in Ohio, USA. Demand elasticities and PCM ratios were measured for 32 national branded and 14 private label products for 9 food categories by using Almost Ideal Demand System. According to the results, lower-income shoppers were more prices sensitive than higher-income shoppers and the average price elasticities were ranged between –1.96 (Snacks) and –3.33 (ice-cream). According to the results, non-collusive case gave smaller PCM than the Bertrand case and the average PCM ratios ranged from 27% for ice cream to 54% for chips.
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2018
Food consumption and the accompanying nutritional quality of the diet are determined both by inco... more Food consumption and the accompanying nutritional quality of the diet are determined both by income and price as well as by a broad range of the other factors. Changing demographics and household composition, woman’s labor force participation, new concerns about health-diet links as well as changes in the food markets can all affect the types and amounts of food consumed. Specifically, the major objective of this study is to develop methodologies and to analyze the effects of socioeconomic and demographic factors on nutrition demand and consumption behavior of households. To accomplish these objectives in this study, the food consumption survey data collected from the national representatives of Turkish households, who live in urban and rural areas. This study also investigated nutrition consumption for socioeconomic and demographic groups in both rural and urban areas in Turkey. According to results of the model, fat income elasticity is considerably higher at 0.57, while those for...
European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2008
Summary We reply to the Comment by Drichoutis et al. regarding some methodological and estimation... more Summary We reply to the Comment by Drichoutis et al. regarding some methodological and estimation issues arising from our paper. In particular, we compare the elasticities reported in the original paper with those obtained using estimation procedures suggested by ...
Agricultural Economics, 2005
Agribusiness, 2003
Nationwide food consumption surveys often find no difference in the diets of lower and higher inc... more Nationwide food consumption surveys often find no difference in the diets of lower and higher income Americans, while studies of particular food commodities find major differences. These contrasting results represent a consumption paradox. We attempt to gain an understanding of this paradox by using supermarket scanner data to examine food purchases and, by extension, consumption patterns for consumers in two, geographically distinct, income areas. These areas are part of the larger Columbus, OH, metropolitan area (CMA) and six stores are selected for purchase and consumption analyses—three from the lowest income areas of the CMA and three from the highest income areas. Seven product categories are analyzed in this study and these categories are subdivided into meaningful nutritional classes. An Almost Ideal Demand System is employed and the empirical results reveal major differences in consumption behavior for the two groups. [EconLit citations: D120 and D190.] © 2003 Wiley Periodi...
Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
World Journal of Biology and Biotechnology, 2021
This study examines the impacts of COVID-19 on small businesses in the Northern region of Iraq. T... more This study examines the impacts of COVID-19 on small businesses in the Northern region of Iraq. The survey sample included 235 persons in Erbil governorate. According to the results, small businesses in all sectors in the region have been affected negatively by COVID-19. The COVID-19 has had negative effects on 74% of participants’ business; this means that most of them have suffered huge losses, to the extent that some of them have suffered huge losses more than the profit of the several months before COVID-19. Based on the survey result, sales on debt have increased so much that the average of these sales in debt is 86.4%. The majority of participants pointed out that during the outbreak of coronavirus, most people paid more attention to the price of the product than to the quality
Toplam tuketim harcamalari ve gida urunleri tuketim harcamalari tahmini, tarim ekonomisi ve uygul... more Toplam tuketim harcamalari ve gida urunleri tuketim harcamalari tahmini, tarim ekonomisi ve uygulamali ekonomi calismalarinda onemli arastirma alanlarindandir. Bu calismanin amaci Turkiye Istatistik Kurumu (TUIK) tarafindan yapilan 2003-2008 kesit verilerini kullanilarak Turkiye'de hanehalklari tarafindan yapilan genel tuketim ve gida harcamalari ile gida alt kategorilerinin gelir esnekliklerini tahmin etmektir. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, Turkiye genelinde “konut ve kira” harcamalari toplam tuketim harcamalari icerisinde %29.1 ile en yuksek orana sahipken, “gida” tuketim harcamalari %22.6 ile ikinci siradadir. 2003 ve 2008 donemleri Hanehalki Tuketim Verilerini karsilastirdigimizda, “gida” harcamalarinin %27.5'den %22.6'ya dustugu, buna karsilik “konut ve kira” harcamalarinin %28.3'den %29.1'e, “ulastirma” harcamalarinin ise %9.8'den %14.1'e yukseldigini saptanmistir. “Gida” harcamalari kategorileri acisindan bakildiginda ise, “ekmek ve tahil” harcamalar...
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2021
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım ve Doğa Dergisi, 2020
Hanehalki gida guvensizligi son yillarda Afganistan'da ozellikle dogu bolgesinde cok sayida f... more Hanehalki gida guvensizligi son yillarda Afganistan'da ozellikle dogu bolgesinde cok sayida faktorun neden oldugu onemli bir sorun haline gelmistir. Bu calismanin amaci, Afganistan'in dogu bolgesindeki hanehalki duzeyinde gida guvenligini etkileyen faktorleri incelemek ve analiz etmektir. Bu calismada, Afganistan hukumeti ve uluslararasi kuruluslarin ortaklasa yuruttukleri ve Afganistan'in Dogu Bolgesinde 49 ilcede 99310'dan fazla kisiden olusan 9774 hanehalklariyla gerceklestirilen anketler kullanilmistir. Analiz sonuclari, gida guvensizliginin kritik faktorlerinin guvensizlik, yoksulluk; surdurulemez gecim kaynaklari, is imkani eksikligi; dusuk ucret ve gelir, kirsal alanlarda topraksizlik ve buyuk multeci ve yasadigi bolgeyi terk ettirilen insanlar gocu oldugunu gostermektedir. Arastirmada, hanehalklarinin %46.9'unun gida guvensizligi oldugunu,% 49.6'sinin son bir ayda aclikla karsi karsiya kaldigini ve hanelerin%48'inin kotu ve sinirda yiyecek tuketim...