dagmar kase - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by dagmar kase
The ground for this article is technology that is subordinated by our wish to explore human being... more The ground for this article is technology that is subordinated by our wish to explore human being and the world, and theatre that doesn’t necessarily need theatre halls and that spreads outwards the word. Michael Huxley and Noel Witts write in their book The Twentieth-Century Performance Reader that technology has created a new vision of the world, and theatre can now be expected to deal with the complex treatment of complex subjects, and of complex responses to 20th century life.Teatras ištisus amžius kuriamas pasitelkus technologiją, filosofiją, skirtingus teksto panaudojimo būdus, fizines raiškos priemones ir pan. Taip patvirtinama M. McLuhano mintis, kad medija yra priemonė, priverčianti kultūrą veikti, o žmogų mąstyti. Galima pastebėti, kad teatras, kaip savosios eros ženklas, yra apimtas sąstingio ne vien Estijoje. Teatro istorija liudija, kad spektaklis turi išlaikyti pusiausvyrą tarp intelektualaus vaidinimo ir pasilinksminimo. Atrodo, kad naujosios teatro formos, pvz., inte...
While vegetarian feminist and critical animal studies scholars have highlighted connections betwe... more While vegetarian feminist and critical animal studies scholars have highlighted connections between the exploitation of women and animals in the global patriarchal capitalist system, mainstream feminism operates within an exclusively humanist framework and has been reluctant to seriously consider speciesism as a form of domination. This paper explores this unwillingness further by focusing on the discursive practices of feminists based in Estonia. We are interested in how they understand human-animal relations, whether and what connections they see between feminism and animal liberation, and how they conceptualise veganism as an ethical food practice. While our analytical focus is on discursive strategies on the individual level, we take a sociological approach, paying attention to how these individual discursive practices operate within gendered, ethnicised and speciesist social structures in the Estonian context. We found that similar discursive strategies were used to challenge sexism and support speciesism. We argue that feminists’ lack of interest and motivation to challenge speciesism could be framed as strategic ignorance. The concept, originating from critical studies of whiteness, can be understood here as actively and consciously produced ignorance that upholds and legitimises species hierarchy, human exceptionalism and the exploitation of other animals.
Interview (in Estonian) with Canadian photographer Jonathan Hobin.
Foto: Markku Villman Sulge aken Sel nädalal algab kolmandat aastat järjest toimuv eelkõige naisau... more Foto: Markku Villman Sulge aken Sel nädalal algab kolmandat aastat järjest toimuv eelkõige naisautorite loomingut ja naisesust puudutavaid küsimusi tutvustav LadyFest Tallinn. Tänavune festival on rahvusvaheline ja pöörab veelgi rohkem tähelepanu teemadele, mis Eestis seni laiemalt väga vähe kõlapinda leidnud.
Soome meesburleskiartisti, boylesque'i printsiks kutsutud Bent van der Bleu aka Lola Vanillaga ve... more Soome meesburleskiartisti, boylesque'i printsiks kutsutud Bent van der Bleu aka Lola Vanillaga vestles Dagmar Kase. Helsingi burleskifestival tähistas sel aastal oma esimest juubelit värvikireva kokteiliga vanaaja kabareest, komöödiast, tantsust, muusikast, performance'ist ja poliitilistest neoburleski kavadest. Kui burlesk tähendas 1930ndatel eelkõige striptiisi, kus naise keha ja seksuaalsust vaatasid ja nautisid mehed ning naise keha pidi vastama ühiskonna poolt seadustatud standarditele, siis tänapäeva burlesk esitab nendele stereotüüpidele väljakutse.
Kuigi feminism esineb mitmesuguses vormis, on enamiku jaoks feminist see, kes arvab, et naised on... more Kuigi feminism esineb mitmesuguses vormis, on enamiku jaoks feminist see, kes arvab, et naised on ahistatud olukorras ning tahab parandada naiste positsiooni, naisõiguslus on sellega võrdlusmärgilises suhtes. Kas keeles kasutatav naise mõiste ja selle sotsiaalse tähendusega seotud mõisted on ikka ühesugused?
The ground for this article is technology that is subordinated by our wish to explore human being... more The ground for this article is technology that is subordinated by our wish to explore human being and the world, and theatre that doesn’t necessarily need theatre halls and that spreads outwards the word. Michael Huxley and Noel Witts write in their book The Twentieth-Century Performance Reader that technology has created a new vision of the world, and theatre can now be expected to deal with the complex treatment of complex subjects, and of complex responses to 20th century life.Teatras ištisus amžius kuriamas pasitelkus technologiją, filosofiją, skirtingus teksto panaudojimo būdus, fizines raiškos priemones ir pan. Taip patvirtinama M. McLuhano mintis, kad medija yra priemonė, priverčianti kultūrą veikti, o žmogų mąstyti. Galima pastebėti, kad teatras, kaip savosios eros ženklas, yra apimtas sąstingio ne vien Estijoje. Teatro istorija liudija, kad spektaklis turi išlaikyti pusiausvyrą tarp intelektualaus vaidinimo ir pasilinksminimo. Atrodo, kad naujosios teatro formos, pvz., inte...
While vegetarian feminist and critical animal studies scholars have highlighted connections betwe... more While vegetarian feminist and critical animal studies scholars have highlighted connections between the exploitation of women and animals in the global patriarchal capitalist system, mainstream feminism operates within an exclusively humanist framework and has been reluctant to seriously consider speciesism as a form of domination. This paper explores this unwillingness further by focusing on the discursive practices of feminists based in Estonia. We are interested in how they understand human-animal relations, whether and what connections they see between feminism and animal liberation, and how they conceptualise veganism as an ethical food practice. While our analytical focus is on discursive strategies on the individual level, we take a sociological approach, paying attention to how these individual discursive practices operate within gendered, ethnicised and speciesist social structures in the Estonian context. We found that similar discursive strategies were used to challenge sexism and support speciesism. We argue that feminists’ lack of interest and motivation to challenge speciesism could be framed as strategic ignorance. The concept, originating from critical studies of whiteness, can be understood here as actively and consciously produced ignorance that upholds and legitimises species hierarchy, human exceptionalism and the exploitation of other animals.
Interview (in Estonian) with Canadian photographer Jonathan Hobin.
Foto: Markku Villman Sulge aken Sel nädalal algab kolmandat aastat järjest toimuv eelkõige naisau... more Foto: Markku Villman Sulge aken Sel nädalal algab kolmandat aastat järjest toimuv eelkõige naisautorite loomingut ja naisesust puudutavaid küsimusi tutvustav LadyFest Tallinn. Tänavune festival on rahvusvaheline ja pöörab veelgi rohkem tähelepanu teemadele, mis Eestis seni laiemalt väga vähe kõlapinda leidnud.
Soome meesburleskiartisti, boylesque'i printsiks kutsutud Bent van der Bleu aka Lola Vanillaga ve... more Soome meesburleskiartisti, boylesque'i printsiks kutsutud Bent van der Bleu aka Lola Vanillaga vestles Dagmar Kase. Helsingi burleskifestival tähistas sel aastal oma esimest juubelit värvikireva kokteiliga vanaaja kabareest, komöödiast, tantsust, muusikast, performance'ist ja poliitilistest neoburleski kavadest. Kui burlesk tähendas 1930ndatel eelkõige striptiisi, kus naise keha ja seksuaalsust vaatasid ja nautisid mehed ning naise keha pidi vastama ühiskonna poolt seadustatud standarditele, siis tänapäeva burlesk esitab nendele stereotüüpidele väljakutse.
Kuigi feminism esineb mitmesuguses vormis, on enamiku jaoks feminist see, kes arvab, et naised on... more Kuigi feminism esineb mitmesuguses vormis, on enamiku jaoks feminist see, kes arvab, et naised on ahistatud olukorras ning tahab parandada naiste positsiooni, naisõiguslus on sellega võrdlusmärgilises suhtes. Kas keeles kasutatav naise mõiste ja selle sotsiaalse tähendusega seotud mõisted on ikka ühesugused?