deniz alca - (original) (raw)
Papers by deniz alca
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Aug 6, 2015
DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 4, 2020
Deniz ALCA yürürlükte olan uluslararası hukukun ihlali gibi ciddi insani, iktisadi ve politik mal... more Deniz ALCA yürürlükte olan uluslararası hukukun ihlali gibi ciddi insani, iktisadi ve politik maliyetleri olduğu görülmektedir.
This paper will argue the concept of "Arab Spring" which has been used as a tool for perception m... more This paper will argue the concept of "Arab Spring" which has been used as a tool for perception management to cover up a multi-dimensional Proxy War that is ongoing within the borders of Middle East. Being an allusion to 1848 revolutions, which is known as "Spring of Nations", Arab Spring is ought to be a grassroots movement. It is accepted as a breaking point for Arab Peninsula by western scholars, intellectuals and policy makers. However Liberte-Éqalite under the concept of democracy seems to be the subject matter of the process, the debate was rounding about establishment of legitimate governments immediately. Therefore, until the government of Syria's unexpected resistance to so called social movements, Western countries insisted on the existence of the uprisings autonomous character in Middle East. After the challenge of Syria it became harder to claim autonomy or civility for the movements at the region. The direct intervention of western countries to the process made it even harder. In light of these developments building an intellectual argument on what is happening or expected in Middle East became more and more blurry. To clarify the process we propose a new point of view which suggests to rethink the Arab Spring starting from scratch. Can the so cold autonomous revolt against authoritarian regimes in Middle East be a proxy war which is sponsored by international actors? The Western Governments' publicly discussions of some vital issues which includes direct violations of a "sovereign states" sovereignty rights such as weapon supplying to rebellions, can be considered as an indicator for such a hidden agenda. Likewise the refugee inflow to other countries can be a supporting indicator of this theory. The people who were so determined to take over the authoritarian regimes in their countries by revolution are now fleeing to Europe. What has changed and why those revolutionist are not holding the lines. Were they ever? This process is either a Global Civil War, which seems unlikely since nation states still exists and international law protects their existence, or more likely a Proxy War which makes it possible to fight war in a foreign country without any declaration. The ongoing Proxy War in Middle East is an example of post-modern warfare. The new wars will not seem to be fought by national armies. To ovoid the political and legal consequences of modern war, using proxies seems to be the future of new warfare.
Kayseri üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Dec 31, 2021
Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ... more Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ve sol ideolojileri benimsemiş birçok siyasetçi, 1970'lerin başından beri dünyanın yönü, sınırları, kapsamı ve içeriği bakımından üzerinde bir türlü uzlaşılamayan bir dönüşüm içinde olduğundan bahsetmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bahsedilen dönüşümün, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması başlığında, Türkiye örneği etrafında incelenmesidir. Çalışmada, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılmasının, yeni hegemonyanın esaslı bir bileşeni olan, yeni-muhafazakârlığın ilkeleri etrafında geliştiği, yeniden yapılandırma olarak tarif ettiğimiz sürecin ise Türkiye için Turgut Özal'la beraber başladığı öne sürülmektedir. Bu süreç, çalışmada Özal dönemi olarak anılacak; hegemonyanın Türkiye'ye özgü ulusal popüler programı ise Özalizm olarak adlandırılacaktır. Türkiye'de siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması meselesi, yeni bir hegemonya ve buna entegre olma süreciyle ilişkili/bağımlıdır. Dolayısıyla çalışmada yeni hegemonya ve onun kurucu unsuru olan yeni muhafazakarlık ağırlıklı olarak ele alınacaktır.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Aug 1, 2016
By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became t... more By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became the decisive constituent of "humanity". Security issues of any given society were and always have been the major justification instrument for this approach. Beyond humanities attachment to masculinity, war and eo ipso peace are Men's decision to make. So rationel of men becomes the only logical explanation of the public realm. This understanding of common good comprehends war, peace and their contents limited to states, armies, soldiers and land, then the rest is just collateral damage who are mostly women as the use of rape, murder and 'scorched earth' policies become conventional for current conflicts especially at North African region. But what if this collateral damage (not only at war but also at peace) is the main problematic issue for the humanitarian society? From this standing point, our study aims to criticize the main stream security approach from three angles. Firstly the gender blindness of traditional security approach will be criticized. Alternatively, gender consciousness or engendered security approach will be analyzed in a different perspective for peacebuilding process. Than secondly top-down comprehension of security and its implications will be compared with bottom-to-top understanding of security. Top-down comprehension of securities' peremptory tone and uncompromising nature's disadvantages at a multi-dimensional conflict will be brought face to face by opportunities of bottom-to-top understanding of security for conflict resolution. Thirdly the perception of total security approach will be analyzed and perception of security of the oppressed will be discussed as a solution to the ongoing civil wars and conflicts by bringing a fresh look to the power politics. The desired output from this study is to unveil the illusional nature of traditional security approach and reveal the advantages of alternative approaches for peacebuilding process, conflict resolution and power politics.
Social Sciences Studies Journal
Trends in Business and Economics
Kayseri Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021
Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ... more Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ve sol ideolojileri benimsemiş birçok siyasetçi, 1970'lerin başından beri dünyanın yönü, sınırları, kapsamı ve içeriği bakımından üzerinde bir türlü uzlaşılamayan bir dönüşüm içinde olduğundan bahsetmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bahsedilen dönüşümün, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması başlığında, Türkiye örneği etrafında incelenmesidir. Çalışmada, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılmasının, yeni hegemonyanın esaslı bir bileşeni olan, yeni-muhafazakârlığın ilkeleri etrafında geliştiği, yeniden yapılandırma olarak tarif ettiğimiz sürecin ise Türkiye için Turgut Özal'la beraber başladığı öne sürülmektedir. Bu süreç, çalışmada Özal dönemi olarak anılacak; hegemonyanın Türkiye'ye özgü ulusal popüler programı ise Özalizm olarak adlandırılacaktır. Türkiye'de siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması meselesi, yeni bir hegemonya ve buna entegre olma süreciyle ilişkili/bağımlıdır. Dolayısıyla çalışmada yeni hegemonya ve onun kurucu unsuru olan yeni muhafazakarlık ağırlıklı olarak ele alınacaktır.
Bu calismanin amaci, yeni savaslar olarak tarif edilen yeni catisma duzeninin bicimlerinden biri ... more Bu calismanin amaci, yeni savaslar olarak tarif edilen yeni catisma duzeninin bicimlerinden biri olan vekâlet savasinin incelenmesi, avantajlarinin ve dezavantajlarinin tartisilmasidir. Bununla beraber bu yeni bicimin yarattigi guvenlik meselelerinin tartisilmasi da hedeflenmistir. Konunun ve konu etrafinda incelenecek ana temanin belirlenmesinde; gunumuz dunyasinda gittikce yakici bir sorun haline gelen “insani guvenlik” meselesi ve vekâlet savasinin bu mesele uzerindeki olumsuz etkisi; belirleyici olmustur. Konunun incelenmeye deger bulunmasinin bir diger nedeni ise dilimizde uretilmis ozgun calismalar bakimindan vekâlet savasi cercevesi ile ilgili cok sinirli calisma bulunmasidir. Calismada oncelikle yeni savaslarda asil/vekil sarmalinda bulaniklasan temel bir meseleye, dusmanin “kim” olduguna isik tutulmaya, daha sonra ise guvenligin insani ve ulusal cercevede nasil saglanabilecegine dair tutarli bir yol haritasi cizebilmeye yardimci olacak bir tartisma yurutulmeye calisilmistir...
Proceedings of the 24th International Academic Conference, Barcelona, 2016
By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became t... more By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became the decisive constituent of "humanity". Security issues of any given society were and always have been the major justification instrument for this approach. Beyond humanities attachment to masculinity, war and eo ipso peace are Men's decision to make. So rationel of men becomes the only logical explanation of the public realm. This understanding of common good comprehends war, peace and their contents limited to states, armies, soldiers and land, then the rest is just collateral damage who are mostly women as the use of rape, murder and 'scorched earth' policies become conventional for current conflicts especially at North African region. But what if this collateral damage (not only at war but also at peace) is the main problematic issue for the humanitarian society? From this standing point, our study aims to criticize the main stream security approach from three angles. Firstly the gender blindness of traditional security approach will be criticized. Alternatively, gender consciousness or engendered security approach will be analyzed in a different perspective for peacebuilding process. Than secondly top-down comprehension of security and its implications will be compared with bottom-to-top understanding of security. Top-down comprehension of securities' peremptory tone and uncompromising nature's disadvantages at a multi-dimensional conflict will be brought face to face by opportunities of bottom-to-top understanding of security for conflict resolution. Thirdly the perception of total security approach will be analyzed and perception of security of the oppressed will be discussed as a solution to the ongoing civil wars and conflicts by bringing a fresh look to the power politics. The desired output from this study is to unveil the illusional nature of traditional security approach and reveal the advantages of alternative approaches for peacebuilding process, conflict resolution and power politics.
Kayseri Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler Dergisi, 2021
Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ... more Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ve sol ideolojileri benimsemiş birçok siyasetçi, 1970'lerin başından beri dünyanın yönü, sınırları, kapsamı ve içeriği bakımından üzerinde bir türlü uzlaşılamayan bir dönüşüm içinde olduğundan bahsetmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bahsedilen dönüşümün, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması başlığında, Türkiye örneği etrafında incelenmesidir. Çalışmada, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılmasının, yeni hegemonyanın esaslı bir bileşeni olan, yeni-muhafazakârlığın ilkeleri etrafında geliştiği, yeniden yapılandırma olarak tarif ettiğimiz sürecin ise Türkiye için Turgut Özal'la beraber başladığı öne sürülmektedir. Bu süreç, çalışmada Özal dönemi olarak anılacak; hegemonyanın Türkiye'ye özgü ulusal popüler programı ise Özalizm olarak adlandırılacaktır. Türkiye'de siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması meselesi, yeni bir hegemonya ve buna entegre olma süreciyle ilişkili/bağımlıdır. Dolayısıyla çalışmada yeni hegemonya ve onun kurucu unsuru olan yeni muhafazakarlık ağırlıklı olarak ele alınacaktır.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2015
Social Sciences Studies Journal
ABSTRACT Many scholars who are working on different areas and politicians who approve left or rig... more ABSTRACT Many scholars who are working on different areas and politicians who approve left or right wing ideologies point out an uncompromising transformation that taking place around the world in the form of restructuring of the politics during the first half of the 1970’s. This paper mainly will focuses on the central place of the theological thinking which neo conservatism - as a cardinal constituent of new rightputs in, at the period of redefinition of the politics and in the transformation of the world. According to our argument neo conservatism is an ideology that recalls the rules of theological thinking into the daily life of average human person. The ideology takes, analysis and regenerates human person as a simple subject of needs and aims to politicize it as such. This politization is a paradoxical period going trough from depolitization to apolitization, also an afford to create the happiest human person while he is unconscious of politics and the essential propositions of the social organization do not have to be defended. With domination of the political theology, the era of emancipation came an end and the era of liberalization aroused after 1980. The key concept which started liberation era is theocentric humanism. According to the conservative humanism men is the measure of all things but this man is theomorphe. He has a transcendental entity beyond the existence of himself in this world. Conservatism names its humanism as theocentric opposing to antrophocentric humanism. This perspective recommends to the conservative, not to discriminate human beings beyond “act of god” and besides give him the duty to constitute improve and extend an “equal” “liberal” and “democratic” order, which is defined by the given rights to man by god that are protected through their divine immunity. However, it’s not to be forgotten that there is no alternative to that order. Therefore, the thesis that there can be alternate goods or truths found by human mind, is not wrong but nonsense. Neo conservative ideology, or else more totally new rights rationale is to impose the mentality of “don’t think just do it” and liberate man from his own mind which can be observed in a large scale from actual political language to advertisement spots.
Proceedings of the 24th International Academic Conference, Barcelona, 2016
This paper will argue the concept of "Arab Spring" which has been used as a tool for perception m... more This paper will argue the concept of "Arab Spring" which has been used as a tool for perception management to cover up a multi-dimensional Proxy War that is ongoing within the borders of Middle East. Being an allusion to 1848 revolutions, which is known as "Spring of Nations", Arab Spring is ought to be a grassroots movement. It is accepted as a breaking point for Arab Peninsula by western scholars, intellectuals and policy makers. However Liberte-Éqalite under the concept of democracy seems to be the subject matter of the process, the debate was rounding about establishment of legitimate governments immediately. Therefore, until the government of Syria's unexpected resistance to so called social movements, Western countries insisted on the existence of the uprisings autonomous character in Middle East. After the challenge of Syria it became harder to claim autonomy or civility for the movements at the region. The direct intervention of western countries to the process made it even harder. In light of these developments building an intellectual argument on what is happening or expected in Middle East became more and more blurry. To clarify the process we propose a new point of view which suggests to rethink the Arab Spring starting from scratch. Can the so cold autonomous revolt against authoritarian regimes in Middle East be a proxy war which is sponsored by international actors? The Western Governments' publicly discussions of some vital issues which includes direct violations of a "sovereign states" sovereignty rights such as weapon supplying to rebellions, can be considered as an indicator for such a hidden agenda. Likewise the refugee inflow to other countries can be a supporting indicator of this theory. The people who were so determined to take over the authoritarian regimes in their countries by revolution are now fleeing to Europe. What has changed and why those revolutionist are not holding the lines. Were they ever? This process is either a Global Civil War, which seems unlikely since nation states still exists and international law protects their existence, or more likely a Proxy War which makes it possible to fight war in a foreign country without any declaration. The ongoing Proxy War in Middle East is an example of post-modern warfare. The new wars will not seem to be fought by national armies. To ovoid the political and legal consequences of modern war, using proxies seems to be the future of new warfare.
Many scholars who are working on different areas and politicians who approve left or right wing i... more Many scholars who are working on different areas and politicians who approve left or right wing ideologies point out an uncompromising transformation that taking place around the world in the form of restructuring of the politics during the first half of the 1970’s. This paper mainly will focuses on the central place of the theological thinking which neo conservatism - as a cardinal constituent of new rightputs in, at the period of redefinition of the politics and in the transformation of the world. According to our argument neo conservatism is an ideology that recalls the rules of theological thinking into the daily life of average human person. The ideology takes, analysis and regenerates human person as a simple subject of needs and aims to politicize it as such. This politization is a paradoxical period going trough from depolitization to apolitization, also an afford to create the happiest human person while he is unconscious of politics and the essential propositions of the so...
The Importance of Education for the Persons with Disabilities in Labour Market, 2019
Today, many institutions and organizations are making efforts to solve the social, economic and h... more Today, many institutions and organizations are making efforts to solve the social, economic and humanitarian problems of people with disabilities. One of the important problems of disabled people is employment and participation in working life. A society is strong to the extent that its individuals participate in production. People make both themselves and their environment happy to the extent that they produce. The person who cannot participate in the production may feel isolated from the society and moreover humiliated. Individuals are socially accepted as much as they can direct their personal characteristics to production. Those with physical and mental differences can often encounter people's feelings of pity. Sometimes they can be seen as useless beings who just need help. This is an unhealthy approach for both the individual and society.
Among many other factors, one of the important variables that negatively affect employment and participation in working life is the problem of education of people with disabilities. Because it does not seem possible to solve the employment and social acceptance problem without achieving the educational level. The aim of the study is to examine the importance of education of disabled people and social acceptance on participation in working life, based on this inseparable link between education and employment. For this review, the autobiography of two disabled children, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, the child of Count Alphonse, and Victor, the wild child of Averon; has been chosen as the theme to emphasize the place and importance of education and social acceptance in the participation of disabled people in social and working life.
By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became t... more By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became the decisive constituent of "humanity". Security issues of any given society were and always have been the major justification instrument for this approach. Beyond humanities attachment to masculinity, war and eo ipso peace are Men's decision to make. So rationel of men becomes the only logical explanation of the public realm. This understanding of common good comprehends war, peace and their contents limited to states, armies, soldiers and land, then the rest is just collateral damage who are mostly women as the use of rape, murder and 'scorched earth' policies become conventional for current conflicts especially at North African region. But what if this collateral damage (not only at war but also at peace) is the main problematic issue for the humanitarian society? From this standing point, our study aims to criticize the main stream security approach from three angles. Firstly the gender blindness of traditional security approach will be criticized. Alternatively, gender consciousness or engendered security approach will be analyzed in a different perspective for peacebuilding process. Than secondly top-down comprehension of security and its implications will be compared with bottom-to-top understanding of security. Top-down comprehension of securities' peremptory tone and uncompromising nature's disadvantages at a multi-dimensional conflict will be brought face to face by opportunities of bottom-to-top understanding of security for conflict resolution. Thirdly the perception of total security approach will be analyzed and perception of security of the oppressed will be discussed as a solution to the ongoing civil wars and conflicts by bringing a fresh look to the power politics. The desired output from this study is to unveil the illusional nature of traditional security approach and reveal the advantages of alternative approaches for peacebuilding process, conflict resolution and power politics.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Aug 6, 2015
DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 4, 2020
Deniz ALCA yürürlükte olan uluslararası hukukun ihlali gibi ciddi insani, iktisadi ve politik mal... more Deniz ALCA yürürlükte olan uluslararası hukukun ihlali gibi ciddi insani, iktisadi ve politik maliyetleri olduğu görülmektedir.
This paper will argue the concept of "Arab Spring" which has been used as a tool for perception m... more This paper will argue the concept of "Arab Spring" which has been used as a tool for perception management to cover up a multi-dimensional Proxy War that is ongoing within the borders of Middle East. Being an allusion to 1848 revolutions, which is known as "Spring of Nations", Arab Spring is ought to be a grassroots movement. It is accepted as a breaking point for Arab Peninsula by western scholars, intellectuals and policy makers. However Liberte-Éqalite under the concept of democracy seems to be the subject matter of the process, the debate was rounding about establishment of legitimate governments immediately. Therefore, until the government of Syria's unexpected resistance to so called social movements, Western countries insisted on the existence of the uprisings autonomous character in Middle East. After the challenge of Syria it became harder to claim autonomy or civility for the movements at the region. The direct intervention of western countries to the process made it even harder. In light of these developments building an intellectual argument on what is happening or expected in Middle East became more and more blurry. To clarify the process we propose a new point of view which suggests to rethink the Arab Spring starting from scratch. Can the so cold autonomous revolt against authoritarian regimes in Middle East be a proxy war which is sponsored by international actors? The Western Governments' publicly discussions of some vital issues which includes direct violations of a "sovereign states" sovereignty rights such as weapon supplying to rebellions, can be considered as an indicator for such a hidden agenda. Likewise the refugee inflow to other countries can be a supporting indicator of this theory. The people who were so determined to take over the authoritarian regimes in their countries by revolution are now fleeing to Europe. What has changed and why those revolutionist are not holding the lines. Were they ever? This process is either a Global Civil War, which seems unlikely since nation states still exists and international law protects their existence, or more likely a Proxy War which makes it possible to fight war in a foreign country without any declaration. The ongoing Proxy War in Middle East is an example of post-modern warfare. The new wars will not seem to be fought by national armies. To ovoid the political and legal consequences of modern war, using proxies seems to be the future of new warfare.
Kayseri üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Dec 31, 2021
Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ... more Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ve sol ideolojileri benimsemiş birçok siyasetçi, 1970'lerin başından beri dünyanın yönü, sınırları, kapsamı ve içeriği bakımından üzerinde bir türlü uzlaşılamayan bir dönüşüm içinde olduğundan bahsetmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bahsedilen dönüşümün, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması başlığında, Türkiye örneği etrafında incelenmesidir. Çalışmada, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılmasının, yeni hegemonyanın esaslı bir bileşeni olan, yeni-muhafazakârlığın ilkeleri etrafında geliştiği, yeniden yapılandırma olarak tarif ettiğimiz sürecin ise Türkiye için Turgut Özal'la beraber başladığı öne sürülmektedir. Bu süreç, çalışmada Özal dönemi olarak anılacak; hegemonyanın Türkiye'ye özgü ulusal popüler programı ise Özalizm olarak adlandırılacaktır. Türkiye'de siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması meselesi, yeni bir hegemonya ve buna entegre olma süreciyle ilişkili/bağımlıdır. Dolayısıyla çalışmada yeni hegemonya ve onun kurucu unsuru olan yeni muhafazakarlık ağırlıklı olarak ele alınacaktır.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Aug 1, 2016
By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became t... more By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became the decisive constituent of "humanity". Security issues of any given society were and always have been the major justification instrument for this approach. Beyond humanities attachment to masculinity, war and eo ipso peace are Men's decision to make. So rationel of men becomes the only logical explanation of the public realm. This understanding of common good comprehends war, peace and their contents limited to states, armies, soldiers and land, then the rest is just collateral damage who are mostly women as the use of rape, murder and 'scorched earth' policies become conventional for current conflicts especially at North African region. But what if this collateral damage (not only at war but also at peace) is the main problematic issue for the humanitarian society? From this standing point, our study aims to criticize the main stream security approach from three angles. Firstly the gender blindness of traditional security approach will be criticized. Alternatively, gender consciousness or engendered security approach will be analyzed in a different perspective for peacebuilding process. Than secondly top-down comprehension of security and its implications will be compared with bottom-to-top understanding of security. Top-down comprehension of securities' peremptory tone and uncompromising nature's disadvantages at a multi-dimensional conflict will be brought face to face by opportunities of bottom-to-top understanding of security for conflict resolution. Thirdly the perception of total security approach will be analyzed and perception of security of the oppressed will be discussed as a solution to the ongoing civil wars and conflicts by bringing a fresh look to the power politics. The desired output from this study is to unveil the illusional nature of traditional security approach and reveal the advantages of alternative approaches for peacebuilding process, conflict resolution and power politics.
Social Sciences Studies Journal
Trends in Business and Economics
Kayseri Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2021
Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ... more Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ve sol ideolojileri benimsemiş birçok siyasetçi, 1970'lerin başından beri dünyanın yönü, sınırları, kapsamı ve içeriği bakımından üzerinde bir türlü uzlaşılamayan bir dönüşüm içinde olduğundan bahsetmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bahsedilen dönüşümün, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması başlığında, Türkiye örneği etrafında incelenmesidir. Çalışmada, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılmasının, yeni hegemonyanın esaslı bir bileşeni olan, yeni-muhafazakârlığın ilkeleri etrafında geliştiği, yeniden yapılandırma olarak tarif ettiğimiz sürecin ise Türkiye için Turgut Özal'la beraber başladığı öne sürülmektedir. Bu süreç, çalışmada Özal dönemi olarak anılacak; hegemonyanın Türkiye'ye özgü ulusal popüler programı ise Özalizm olarak adlandırılacaktır. Türkiye'de siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması meselesi, yeni bir hegemonya ve buna entegre olma süreciyle ilişkili/bağımlıdır. Dolayısıyla çalışmada yeni hegemonya ve onun kurucu unsuru olan yeni muhafazakarlık ağırlıklı olarak ele alınacaktır.
Bu calismanin amaci, yeni savaslar olarak tarif edilen yeni catisma duzeninin bicimlerinden biri ... more Bu calismanin amaci, yeni savaslar olarak tarif edilen yeni catisma duzeninin bicimlerinden biri olan vekâlet savasinin incelenmesi, avantajlarinin ve dezavantajlarinin tartisilmasidir. Bununla beraber bu yeni bicimin yarattigi guvenlik meselelerinin tartisilmasi da hedeflenmistir. Konunun ve konu etrafinda incelenecek ana temanin belirlenmesinde; gunumuz dunyasinda gittikce yakici bir sorun haline gelen “insani guvenlik” meselesi ve vekâlet savasinin bu mesele uzerindeki olumsuz etkisi; belirleyici olmustur. Konunun incelenmeye deger bulunmasinin bir diger nedeni ise dilimizde uretilmis ozgun calismalar bakimindan vekâlet savasi cercevesi ile ilgili cok sinirli calisma bulunmasidir. Calismada oncelikle yeni savaslarda asil/vekil sarmalinda bulaniklasan temel bir meseleye, dusmanin “kim” olduguna isik tutulmaya, daha sonra ise guvenligin insani ve ulusal cercevede nasil saglanabilecegine dair tutarli bir yol haritasi cizebilmeye yardimci olacak bir tartisma yurutulmeye calisilmistir...
Proceedings of the 24th International Academic Conference, Barcelona, 2016
By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became t... more By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became the decisive constituent of "humanity". Security issues of any given society were and always have been the major justification instrument for this approach. Beyond humanities attachment to masculinity, war and eo ipso peace are Men's decision to make. So rationel of men becomes the only logical explanation of the public realm. This understanding of common good comprehends war, peace and their contents limited to states, armies, soldiers and land, then the rest is just collateral damage who are mostly women as the use of rape, murder and 'scorched earth' policies become conventional for current conflicts especially at North African region. But what if this collateral damage (not only at war but also at peace) is the main problematic issue for the humanitarian society? From this standing point, our study aims to criticize the main stream security approach from three angles. Firstly the gender blindness of traditional security approach will be criticized. Alternatively, gender consciousness or engendered security approach will be analyzed in a different perspective for peacebuilding process. Than secondly top-down comprehension of security and its implications will be compared with bottom-to-top understanding of security. Top-down comprehension of securities' peremptory tone and uncompromising nature's disadvantages at a multi-dimensional conflict will be brought face to face by opportunities of bottom-to-top understanding of security for conflict resolution. Thirdly the perception of total security approach will be analyzed and perception of security of the oppressed will be discussed as a solution to the ongoing civil wars and conflicts by bringing a fresh look to the power politics. The desired output from this study is to unveil the illusional nature of traditional security approach and reveal the advantages of alternative approaches for peacebuilding process, conflict resolution and power politics.
Kayseri Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler Dergisi, 2021
Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ... more Farklı alanlarda çalışan birçok akademisyen, değişik ekoller içinde yer alan birçok düşünür, sağ ve sol ideolojileri benimsemiş birçok siyasetçi, 1970'lerin başından beri dünyanın yönü, sınırları, kapsamı ve içeriği bakımından üzerinde bir türlü uzlaşılamayan bir dönüşüm içinde olduğundan bahsetmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bahsedilen dönüşümün, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması başlığında, Türkiye örneği etrafında incelenmesidir. Çalışmada, siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılmasının, yeni hegemonyanın esaslı bir bileşeni olan, yeni-muhafazakârlığın ilkeleri etrafında geliştiği, yeniden yapılandırma olarak tarif ettiğimiz sürecin ise Türkiye için Turgut Özal'la beraber başladığı öne sürülmektedir. Bu süreç, çalışmada Özal dönemi olarak anılacak; hegemonyanın Türkiye'ye özgü ulusal popüler programı ise Özalizm olarak adlandırılacaktır. Türkiye'de siyasetin yeniden yapılandırılması meselesi, yeni bir hegemonya ve buna entegre olma süreciyle ilişkili/bağımlıdır. Dolayısıyla çalışmada yeni hegemonya ve onun kurucu unsuru olan yeni muhafazakarlık ağırlıklı olarak ele alınacaktır.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2015
Social Sciences Studies Journal
ABSTRACT Many scholars who are working on different areas and politicians who approve left or rig... more ABSTRACT Many scholars who are working on different areas and politicians who approve left or right wing ideologies point out an uncompromising transformation that taking place around the world in the form of restructuring of the politics during the first half of the 1970’s. This paper mainly will focuses on the central place of the theological thinking which neo conservatism - as a cardinal constituent of new rightputs in, at the period of redefinition of the politics and in the transformation of the world. According to our argument neo conservatism is an ideology that recalls the rules of theological thinking into the daily life of average human person. The ideology takes, analysis and regenerates human person as a simple subject of needs and aims to politicize it as such. This politization is a paradoxical period going trough from depolitization to apolitization, also an afford to create the happiest human person while he is unconscious of politics and the essential propositions of the social organization do not have to be defended. With domination of the political theology, the era of emancipation came an end and the era of liberalization aroused after 1980. The key concept which started liberation era is theocentric humanism. According to the conservative humanism men is the measure of all things but this man is theomorphe. He has a transcendental entity beyond the existence of himself in this world. Conservatism names its humanism as theocentric opposing to antrophocentric humanism. This perspective recommends to the conservative, not to discriminate human beings beyond “act of god” and besides give him the duty to constitute improve and extend an “equal” “liberal” and “democratic” order, which is defined by the given rights to man by god that are protected through their divine immunity. However, it’s not to be forgotten that there is no alternative to that order. Therefore, the thesis that there can be alternate goods or truths found by human mind, is not wrong but nonsense. Neo conservative ideology, or else more totally new rights rationale is to impose the mentality of “don’t think just do it” and liberate man from his own mind which can be observed in a large scale from actual political language to advertisement spots.
Proceedings of the 24th International Academic Conference, Barcelona, 2016
This paper will argue the concept of "Arab Spring" which has been used as a tool for perception m... more This paper will argue the concept of "Arab Spring" which has been used as a tool for perception management to cover up a multi-dimensional Proxy War that is ongoing within the borders of Middle East. Being an allusion to 1848 revolutions, which is known as "Spring of Nations", Arab Spring is ought to be a grassroots movement. It is accepted as a breaking point for Arab Peninsula by western scholars, intellectuals and policy makers. However Liberte-Éqalite under the concept of democracy seems to be the subject matter of the process, the debate was rounding about establishment of legitimate governments immediately. Therefore, until the government of Syria's unexpected resistance to so called social movements, Western countries insisted on the existence of the uprisings autonomous character in Middle East. After the challenge of Syria it became harder to claim autonomy or civility for the movements at the region. The direct intervention of western countries to the process made it even harder. In light of these developments building an intellectual argument on what is happening or expected in Middle East became more and more blurry. To clarify the process we propose a new point of view which suggests to rethink the Arab Spring starting from scratch. Can the so cold autonomous revolt against authoritarian regimes in Middle East be a proxy war which is sponsored by international actors? The Western Governments' publicly discussions of some vital issues which includes direct violations of a "sovereign states" sovereignty rights such as weapon supplying to rebellions, can be considered as an indicator for such a hidden agenda. Likewise the refugee inflow to other countries can be a supporting indicator of this theory. The people who were so determined to take over the authoritarian regimes in their countries by revolution are now fleeing to Europe. What has changed and why those revolutionist are not holding the lines. Were they ever? This process is either a Global Civil War, which seems unlikely since nation states still exists and international law protects their existence, or more likely a Proxy War which makes it possible to fight war in a foreign country without any declaration. The ongoing Proxy War in Middle East is an example of post-modern warfare. The new wars will not seem to be fought by national armies. To ovoid the political and legal consequences of modern war, using proxies seems to be the future of new warfare.
Many scholars who are working on different areas and politicians who approve left or right wing i... more Many scholars who are working on different areas and politicians who approve left or right wing ideologies point out an uncompromising transformation that taking place around the world in the form of restructuring of the politics during the first half of the 1970’s. This paper mainly will focuses on the central place of the theological thinking which neo conservatism - as a cardinal constituent of new rightputs in, at the period of redefinition of the politics and in the transformation of the world. According to our argument neo conservatism is an ideology that recalls the rules of theological thinking into the daily life of average human person. The ideology takes, analysis and regenerates human person as a simple subject of needs and aims to politicize it as such. This politization is a paradoxical period going trough from depolitization to apolitization, also an afford to create the happiest human person while he is unconscious of politics and the essential propositions of the so...
The Importance of Education for the Persons with Disabilities in Labour Market, 2019
Today, many institutions and organizations are making efforts to solve the social, economic and h... more Today, many institutions and organizations are making efforts to solve the social, economic and humanitarian problems of people with disabilities. One of the important problems of disabled people is employment and participation in working life. A society is strong to the extent that its individuals participate in production. People make both themselves and their environment happy to the extent that they produce. The person who cannot participate in the production may feel isolated from the society and moreover humiliated. Individuals are socially accepted as much as they can direct their personal characteristics to production. Those with physical and mental differences can often encounter people's feelings of pity. Sometimes they can be seen as useless beings who just need help. This is an unhealthy approach for both the individual and society.
Among many other factors, one of the important variables that negatively affect employment and participation in working life is the problem of education of people with disabilities. Because it does not seem possible to solve the employment and social acceptance problem without achieving the educational level. The aim of the study is to examine the importance of education of disabled people and social acceptance on participation in working life, based on this inseparable link between education and employment. For this review, the autobiography of two disabled children, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, the child of Count Alphonse, and Victor, the wild child of Averon; has been chosen as the theme to emphasize the place and importance of education and social acceptance in the participation of disabled people in social and working life.
By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became t... more By the course of time to address human societies the term "men" has been used so manhood became the decisive constituent of "humanity". Security issues of any given society were and always have been the major justification instrument for this approach. Beyond humanities attachment to masculinity, war and eo ipso peace are Men's decision to make. So rationel of men becomes the only logical explanation of the public realm. This understanding of common good comprehends war, peace and their contents limited to states, armies, soldiers and land, then the rest is just collateral damage who are mostly women as the use of rape, murder and 'scorched earth' policies become conventional for current conflicts especially at North African region. But what if this collateral damage (not only at war but also at peace) is the main problematic issue for the humanitarian society? From this standing point, our study aims to criticize the main stream security approach from three angles. Firstly the gender blindness of traditional security approach will be criticized. Alternatively, gender consciousness or engendered security approach will be analyzed in a different perspective for peacebuilding process. Than secondly top-down comprehension of security and its implications will be compared with bottom-to-top understanding of security. Top-down comprehension of securities' peremptory tone and uncompromising nature's disadvantages at a multi-dimensional conflict will be brought face to face by opportunities of bottom-to-top understanding of security for conflict resolution. Thirdly the perception of total security approach will be analyzed and perception of security of the oppressed will be discussed as a solution to the ongoing civil wars and conflicts by bringing a fresh look to the power politics. The desired output from this study is to unveil the illusional nature of traditional security approach and reveal the advantages of alternative approaches for peacebuilding process, conflict resolution and power politics.
Siyaset Bilimi Araştırmaları, 2014
Bu çalışma pozitivizmin hem bir felsefe, hem de bir yöntem olarak siyaset bilimi üzerindeki etkis... more Bu çalışma pozitivizmin hem bir felsefe, hem de bir yöntem olarak siyaset bilimi üzerindeki etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Ancak bunun başarılmasının önündeki en önemli engel pozitivizm denince akla gelen, ilerleme, nedensellik, dış dünyanın düzenliliği, nesnel gerçeklik, duyum algıları, ampirizm, olgusal geçerlilik, mantıksal açıklama, tümevarım, tümdengelim, olumsallık, analitik sentetik disiplinler, bilimde teklik, evrensellik, yanlışlama, doğrulama, pekiştirme, sistem, mekanizma, operasyonellik, ihtimaliyet; gibi kavram ve yaklaşımların, hepsinin, ifade ettikleri anlamlar dolayısı ile bir yöntem içinde aynı anda bir arada bulunmalarının mümkün olamayışıdır. Ancak, sayılan kavram ve yaklaşımların hemen tamamı, belirli dönemleri içinde kullanmıştır. Ortaya çıkan pratik zorluklar ve içine düşülen çıkmazlar sonucu ise kavramlar ve yaklaşımlar birinden bir diğerine doğru değişmişlerdir. Dolayısıyla çalışma, bölümlere ayrılırken bilim felsefecilerinin yöntem üzerindeki değiştiricidönüştürücü etkilerinin yanı sıra doğa bilimcilerin alanlarında kaydettikleri gelişmelerin, programa yansıyan etkileri de dikkate alınarak pozitivizmin gelişimi ve siyaset bilimi üzerindeki etkisi incelenmeye çalışılacaktır. Çalışmada pozitivizmin doğuşunu ve gelişimini (değişimini) daha rahat takip edebilmek üzere, Newton-Comte'dan, Einstein-Popper'e, Einstein-Popper'den Amerikan Pozitivizmine ve Amerikan Biliminden bu güne kadar gelen süreç, bölümler halinde incelenecektir.
Geçici Koruma Statüsündeki Suriyeli Göçmenlerin Türkiye’deki Sosyal, Siyasal ve İktisadi Durumları Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Fırsatlar-Tehditler, 2019
Özet Günümüzde uluslararası toplumun karşılaştığı en önemli sorunlardan biri çeşitli sebeplerle... more Özet
Günümüzde uluslararası toplumun karşılaştığı en önemli sorunlardan biri çeşitli sebeplerle ülkesini terk etmek zorunda kalan kişi ve gruplarının sığınma talep edilen devlet sınırları içinde, sahip olacakları hakları, özgürlükleri ve yükümlülükleridir. Türkiye coğrafi konumu nedeni ile özellikle Ortadoğu’da meydana gelen iç karışıklıklar, düşük yoğunluklu çatışmalar ve iç savaşlardan ve bölgesel dinamiklere bağlı olarak sürekli artma eğilimi gösteren zorunlu insan hareketliliğinden ekonomik, hukuki, toplumsal ve siyasal olarak etkilenmektedir. Özellikle 2011 yılında, hemen bütün Arap yarımadasında top yekûn bir alt üst oluşa da sebep olan iç karışıklıkların başlamasından bu yana, günden güne artan sayıda Suriye Arap Cumhuriyeti (Suriye) vatandaşı Türkiye’ye uluslararası koruma bulmak amacıyla gelmektedir. Türkiye bu kişilere “geçici koruma’’ sağlamaktadır. Türkiye’de Suriyeli göçmenlerin yasal statülerini belirtmek üzere genellikle kullanılan “mülteci” veya “sığınmacı” ifadeleri hem hukuken yanlıştır hem de Türkiye’nin Suriyeli göçmenlerle ilgili politikalarını analiz etmek konusunda yanıltıcı olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de geçici koruma statüsünde bulunan Suriyeli Göçmenlerin Sosyal, Siyasal ve İktisadi durumları ve bu çerçevede sahip oldukları hak ve yükümlülüklerinin incelenmesi hedeflenmektedir. Böylelikle geçici koruma statüsünün hem hami devlet açısından hem de göçmenler açısından yarattığı fırsatların ve tehditlerin ortaya konması hedeflenmektedir. Değerlendirme yapılırken öncelikle geçici koruma statüsünün mülteci ve sığınmacı statülerinden farklılaştığı noktaların saptanması daha sonra ise Suriyeli göçmenlere “geçici koruma statüsü” verilmesinin sebeplerinin açıklanması fırsat ve tehditlerin analizini kolaylaştıracaktır. Suriyeli göçmenlerin Sosyal, Siyasal ve İktisadi hak ve yükümlülükleri ise hem göçmemeler hem hami devlet açısından değerlendirilerek tartışılacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: mülteci, sığınmacı, koruma, geçici koruma, uluslararası toplum, göç, insani güvenlik.