dewi friska - (original) (raw)
Papers by dewi friska
World nutrition journal, Feb 29, 2024
The New ropanasuri, Jun 23, 2024
Introduction. Anal fistula is a pathological condition that connects the anorectal mucosa to the ... more Introduction. Anal fistula is a pathological condition that connects the anorectal mucosa to the perianal skin, requiring various types of surgical procedures. However, surgery often causes postoperative pain. The use of methylene blue is being studied as a potential analgetic adjuvant in anal fistula surgery. Previous studies have shown that methylene blue can effectively reduce postoperative pain in various types of anorectal surgery. This study aims to determine methylene blue's clinical efficacy as an analgetic adjuvant. Methods. A double-blind, randomized controlled trial was conducted. Subjects consisting of subjects with simple anal fistula to undergo fistulectomy were randomly allocated into two groups. The first group received adjuvant analgesics in the form of methylene blue and NSAIDs, while the second group only received NSAIDs. Methylene blue 4 mL 1% was administered subcutaneously to the edge of the wound, sprayed on the surgery site, and intravenously administered ketorolac 3 x 30 mg. Randomization was done using the double-blind method. Pain levels were evaluated on the first, second, third, and seventh postoperative days using a visual analog scale (VAS). Results. Thirty-four subjects were enrolled (17 subjects in each group). Significant differences in pain levels (VAS values) were recorded between the group receiving the combination of methylene blue and NSAIDs compared to the group receiving only NSAIDs on days 1 to 3 after surgery (p <0.05). This difference was no longer significant between the two groups on the seventh postoperative day (p >0.05). Conclusion. The use of methylene blue in subjects undergoing anal fistula surgery as an adjuvant analgesic along with NSAIDs may reduce the intensity of pain better than NSAIDs alone.
Insufficient and inappropriate daily fluid intake in long period may have adverse effect to human... more Insufficient and inappropriate daily fluid intake in long period may have adverse effect to human health. Fluid intake sources from plain water and sugar sweetened beverages. Among college students assumed that health science students have a greater practice fluid intake related sugar and sweetened beverages and non-sugar and sweetened beverages. Objective: Identify the practices of fluid intake (plain water and sugar sweetened beverages) and compare health science and non-health science students in University of Indonesia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 177 students; consist of 56 health science students and 121 non-health science students using a fluid intake 7-days record. Results: There were no significant differences in plain water intake and sugar sweetened beverages consumption between health and non-health science students (p>0.05). Conclusions: An average sugar sweetened beverage among health science students was lower than non-health science students. This was might be health science students have proper nutrition knowledge because their majority, that can useful for improving dietary habit to make healthful lifestyle choices. The result of this study provides data to help making intervention programs to college students.
Journal of the Indonesian Medical Association, Oct 1, 2019
Banyak penelitian menyatakan jumlah jam kerja yang panjang dapat menyebabkan hipertensi dan penya... more Banyak penelitian menyatakan jumlah jam kerja yang panjang dapat menyebabkan hipertensi dan penyakit kardiovaskular lainnya. Pengemudi taksi mempunyai jumlah jam kerja > 8 jam/hari. Prevalensi hipertensi di Pool Kelapa Gading PT.X sebesar 27,4% dan pada tahun sebelumnya terdapat 2 orang pengemudi di pool tersebut meninggal dunia saat sedang bekerja dan dikatakan menderita stroke hemoragik serta dengan riwayat hipertensi Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang, pada responden dilakukan pengukuran tekanan darah saat berangkat dan pulang selesai bekerja serta pengumpulan data untuk faktor risiko yang lain. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi logistik dengan program STATA Hasil: Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 129 responden, terdapat peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik yang bermakna secara statistik saat selesai bekerja dibandingkan dengan tekanan darah saat berangkat kerja. Jumlah jam kerja 8 jam sampai < 10 jam dan > 16 jam mempunyai faktor risiko masing masing 5 dan 6 kali lebih besar untuk mengalami peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik > 10 mmHg. Jumlah jam kerja 14 jam sampai < 16 jam mempunyai faktor risiko hampir 5 kali lebih besar untuk mengalami peningkatan tekanan darah diastolik > 5 mmHg. Terdapat penurunan jumlah responden yang masuk dalam kategori normotensi (67,4% menjadi 37,3%), peningkatan jumlah responden yang masuk dalam kategori prehipertensi (22,5% menjadi 34,1%), hipertensi grade 1 (8,5% menjadi 25,6%) dan hipertensi grade 2 (1,6% menjadi 3,1%) berdasarkan hasil pengukuran tekanan darah saat berangkat dan pulang selesai bekerja Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara jumlah jam kerja pengemudi taksi yang panjang dengan peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik serta diastolik Kata Kunci: Jam kerja, tekanan darah, pengemudi taksi.
Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Aug 1, 2023
Research Square (Research Square), Jul 12, 2023
Background Working while sick or also known as presenteeism is a risk factor that can have a nega... more Background Working while sick or also known as presenteeism is a risk factor that can have a negative impact on workers health and productivity. Presenteeism among healthcare workers will also increase the risk of patient safety. However, there is insu cient study on presenteeism in Samarinda. Thus, this study aims to determine the proportion of presenteeism, and factors related to presenteeism among healthcare workers in Samarinda. Methods This study used a cross-sectional study design, using primary data collected online during the period of October-November 2022. The sample used was convenience sampling with a minimum of 130 samples. SPSS version 26 was used to carry out binary logistic regression analysis. Result A total of 136 respondents completed the questionnaire, with the proportion of presenteeism was 31.6%.
Indonesian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dec 28, 2022
Introduction: Sarcopenic obesity (SO) is a condition in which sarcopenia and obesity occur simult... more Introduction: Sarcopenic obesity (SO) is a condition in which sarcopenia and obesity occur simultaneously. This condition will lead to risk of higher morbidity, mortality, and reduced quality of life. This study aimed to examine the proportion of SO patients in community and observation the association of physical activity level and physical performance with sarcopenia in elderly obese patient in community Methods: An analytic observation cross-sectional study with consecutive sampling was carried out. Inclusion criteria included subjects with age ≥ 60 years old, body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 Kg / m 2 , able to walk at least 10 meters, and has a good cognitive function. Subjects with pacemaker, using metal implants, history of cancer, acute cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, deformities, or pain in extremities and receive regular therapeutic exercise were excluded from this research. Measurement of physical activity level using Physical Activity Scale for Elderly (PASE) questionnaire and physical performance using gait speed and timed up and go test (TUG). Sarcopenia is based on criteria from Asian Working Group of Sarcopenia (AWGS) 2019 with body composition assessment using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA) Results: There were 119 subjects in this study. Proportion of sarcopenia obesity in all subjects was 23,5% with 71,4% was female. The results showed that physical activity level and physical performances values in SO patients were lower than in obesity patient. There were no significant association on physical activity level (p > 0,05) and significant association on physical performance, both in gait speed and TUG test (p < 0,05). Conclusion: Physical performance is associated with sarcopenia in elderly obese patient in community. Coexistence between sarcopenia and obesity has a synergistic impact on functional limitations.
Dermatology Reports
Background. Hand eczema (HE) commonly occurs in healthcare services, especially during COVID-19 p... more Background. Hand eczema (HE) commonly occurs in healthcare services, especially during COVID-19 pandemic era. Vitamin D shows various effects on skin inflammation. This study aims to analyze the correlation between HE severity and vitamin D levels as measured by serum 25(OH)D in healthcare workers. Method. This is an analytic descriptive study with a cross-sectional design conducted in Indonesia between September-October 2022. HE severity was assessed using Hand Eczema Severity Index (HECSI). Results. Among 44 healthcare workers with HE, 29 people had mild HE, 11 had moderate HE, and 4 had severe HE. The mean serum 25(OH)D level in subjects with mild, moderate, and severe HE was 17.85 ng/mL, 16.45 ng/mL, and 17.87 ng/mL, respectively, which belonged to vitamin D deficiency category. There was no statistically significant correlation between serum 25(OH)D levels and HE severity (r = -0.056; p = 0.359). Conclusions. There was no significant difference in serum 25(OH)D levels between s...
eJurnal kedokteran Indonesia, Apr 27, 2019
Maintaining health cadres in a long term program is important as well as challenging. A collabora... more Maintaining health cadres in a long term program is important as well as challenging. A collaboration ofuniversity, financial support institution (BTPN) and international NGO (Grand Aides) has developed five yearscommunity empowerment, named Daya Program to promote community health education. The program trainednew workforce of customer volunteers to perform peer health education for elderly and reproductive age womencommunities in nine cities across Indonesia in 2012-2017. This study aimed to evaluate personal value of layelderly and reproductive age women for being a long-term peer health educator cadre in Indonesiaand exploredhealth cadres’ perceived benefit, motivation and challenge. To this end, semi-structured focus group discussionwith twenty cadres and interview with nine area supervisors were conducted. Thematic analysis was employed toanalyse the data collected. Daya Program benefited not only to the community but also to cadres and their family.Beside promoting financial benefits, health cadres and their family perceived social incentives for their status of beingpeer health counsellor in the community such as pride and respects from their neighbourhood. Cadres’ skill inperforming some health screening like blood pressure check and self-breast examination were highly appreciatedby the communities. Cadres feel trusted and meaningful because client openly discuss sensitive health issues likebreast lump among them. Such incentives had been external drivers for the cadres to actively involve in the longtermprogram. Cadres emphasized perceived respect from the community as important reason, beside financialbenefit, that maintain their contribution in long-term. Therefore, these lessons might be important for communityhealth program drafter in designing long-term peer health development program. Keywords: personal value, health cadres, community empowerment program. Persepsi Manfaat dan Motivasi Kader Penyuluh Kesehatan bagi KomunitasLansia dan Perempuan Usia Produktif:Sebuah Studi Kualitatif Abstrak Menjaga motivasi kader kesehatan dalam pelaksanaan program pemberdayaan masyarakat jangkapanjang merupakan hal penting namun penuh tantangan. Kolaborasi universitas (Universitas Indonesia), bank(BTPN) dan lembaga internasional (Grand Aides) telah merintis program pemberdayaan masyarakat selamalima tahun bernama Program Daya yang berfokus kepada promosi kesehatan melalui edukasi kesehatankepada masyarakat. Program ini melatih sukarelawan nasabah bank untuk melakukan edukasi kesehatan bagikomunitas lansia dan wanita usia reproduksi di sembilan kota di Indonesia di periode 2012-2017. Studi inibertujuan untuk mengevaluasi persepsi manfaat dan motivasi pribadi kader perempuan lanjut usia dan usiaproduktif yang telah menjadi kader pendidik dalam program ini selama 5 tahun. Studi ini menggali persepsiakan manfaat yang didapat, motivasi, dan tantangan yang mereka hadapi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan diskusikelompok terarah semi-terstruktur kepada dua puluh kader dan wawancara dengan sembilan supervisorpelaksana di masing-masing. Analisis tematik digunakan untuk menganalisis topik-topik yang dikumpulkan.Selain mendapatkan manfaat finansial, kader kesehatan merasakan manfaat sosial karena meningkatkan statussosial dan apresiasi dari masyarakat sekitar lingkungan mereka tinggal dan hal itu menjadi kebanggaan bagimereka, Keahlian kader dalam melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan seperti pemeriksaan tekanan darah danpemeriksaan payudara sendiri sangat dihargai oleh masyarakat. Kader merasa dipercaya karena klien secaraterbuka mendiskusikan masalah kesehatan sensitif yang mereka alami seperti benjolan payudara. Hal tersebutlahyang terutama menjadi pendorong eksternal bagi kader untuk terlibat aktif dalam program jangka panjang selainmanfaat finansial. Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran ini penting bagi penyusun program pemberdayaan masyarakatdalam merancang program jangka panjang khususnya dalam hal edukasi kesehatan. Kata kunci: manfaat dan motivasi, kader kesehatan, program pemberdayaan masyarakat.
PubMed, Feb 1, 2021
Objective: With increasing incidence of obesity in Indonesia, behavioural modification plays an i... more Objective: With increasing incidence of obesity in Indonesia, behavioural modification plays an important role for its management. Applying the Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM) to assess behavioural modification readiness of obese adolescence, this study highlighted two main processes of change in TTM: emotional readiness to change (EmR) and weight consequence evaluation (WCE). Adolescence may develop difference EmR and WCE in handling obesity status especially in high school and college years, due to different phases of physic, autonomy and behavioural development. Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted using validated Indonesian version of the TTM questionnaire to compare WCE and EmR scores (scale 0-100) between high school students and college freshmen group which included means comparison tests and linear regression. Results: The study involved 116 obese adolescents and majority were at the action (32%) and contemplation (31%) TTM stage. After comparing 59 high school students and 57 college freshmen, EmR and WCE scores were not significantly different (p > 0.05). Both groups had good EmR score. Weight consequences awareness were only slightly higher among college freshmen compared to high school students, scoring at 78 (20-96) and 63 (30-100) respectively. Higher body mass index was associated with better EmR and WCE scores in both groups. Conclusions: Majority of the obese adolescents were already at the action and contemplation phase and also had appropriate emotional readiness to change. However, compared to college students, high school adolescence needed more support to maintain their weight management, in the form of education to raise awareness of obesity consequences.
PubMed, Feb 1, 2021
Objective: The current study aimed to evaluate the impact of students' participation in this comm... more Objective: The current study aimed to evaluate the impact of students' participation in this community diagnosis (CD) exercise on their competency development. Methods: The CD was performed by 235 first-year students through a home visit to obtain health data through questionnaire and physical examination; the data was analysed using the IBM® SPSS® version 24 statistical analysis software. The impact of CD participation on student skills development was evaluated using a cross - sectional questionnaire - based survey using the Likert five - point scale to assess student attitudes. Results: CD exercise was performed by 235 first-year students by collecting data from 373 community residents. Subsequently, survey on effect of CD exercise on student competency responses were collected from 47 students (20%) of the 235 CD participants; the results showed that most agreed that CD enhanced their competence as physicians in all areas. The highest mean (SD) Likert scale score was recorded for the statement, 'CD enhanced effective communication' (4.47 ± 0.747). A total of 44 (93.6%) respondents supported the continuation of CD, claiming that the activity is a forum through which students can practice interacting with patients. Conclusions: The survey found that effective communication is the skill most established by involvement in CD, and the activity provides a good base for students' self-development as professional physicians.
Respiratory Science, Feb 28, 2023
Background: Fitness is inextricable to health and has a significant correlation with the habits a... more Background: Fitness is inextricable to health and has a significant correlation with the habits and behaviour of individuals such as dietary practice, sedentary behaviour, physical activities, and smoking habits. Many ways can be used to assess an individual fitness level, one of them is using the 6-minute walking test. This study aims to find the correlation between smoking intensity, nutritional status, occupation, and physical activity with the fitness level of outdoor janitors in Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Method: The research method was the cross-sectional design. The determination of the subjects was carried out by a consecutive sampling method. The data obtained results from the assessment of nutritional status, occupation, physical activity, and smoking intensity, as well as result from the 6-minute walking test. Univariate data analysis was used to assess the distribution of subjects based on sociodemographics, nutritional status, physical activity, occupation, and smoking activity. Furthermore, categorical correlative tests used were Man-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and Fisher's Exact test. Results: The subjects obtained are 109 outdoor janitors from UI, Depok in which 59.6% age 18-44 years old, and 56% are male. Based on the correlative test between the fitness level and the nutritional status, value of P=0.086, as value of P between the physical activity and the fitness level is 0.0523. No significant correlation between fitness level and occupation based on location of the job, duration of work and based on the work time (P=1.00; P=1.00; P=0.108). The correlation between smoking intensity with the fitness level has value of P=0.681. Conclusion: There is no significant correlation between nutritional status, physical activity, type of work, and smoking intensity with the fitness level as measured by the 6-minute walking test method for outdoor janitors of UI, Depok.
Advanced Science Letters, Sep 1, 2018
Frontiers in Nutrition, Mar 14, 2022
As the COVID-19 pandemic hit worldwide in the early 2020, people were urged to alter their behavi... more As the COVID-19 pandemic hit worldwide in the early 2020, people were urged to alter their behavior to prevent disease spread, thus, led to change water intake. This study aimed to analyze water and beverage intake among health workers and general workers during COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This study was a comparative descriptive study where the participants were 20-45-year-old health workers and general workers in Indonesia. Data collected included demographic, water and beverage intake, physical activity, nutrient intake, and body weight and height. All data collection was obtained online using self-reported questionnaire. Water intake data was collected for 7 days consecutively using a 7-day fluid record. There were 246 participants comprised of 102 (41.5%) general workers and 144 (58.5%) health workers who were analyzed in this study. All participants showed barely adequate intake of daily total fluid 1,882 (1,473-2,433) ml/day. Total fluid intake among general workers was 1,759 (1,447-2,396) ml/day, whereas in health workers it was slightly higher 1,939 (1,516-2,446) ml/day (p-value = 0.378). Among health workers who were highly exposed to patients with COVID-19 showed the highest percentage in drinking water adequately (20 participants, 60.6%) compared to health workers who worked under moderate (29 participants, 48.3%) and low (24 participants, 47.2%) level of exposure to patients with COVID-19. In conclusion, workers need to improve their daily fluid intake. This study also showed better behavior of water consumption among health workers compared to general workers despite of their strict personal protection equipment during working hour.
Advances in health sciences research, 2023
Background: Indonesia has more than 125 million workers, and Indonesian regulations ordered medic... more Background: Indonesia has more than 125 million workers, and Indonesian regulations ordered medical checkups for all employees. Despite abundant workers' health data in industries and health providers, national data is still limited. This study aimed to investigate the health profile of Indonesian workers. Method: We analyzed the health data of 12031 workers examined in a national-wide health provider between 2015 and 2016. The data included smoking habits, body mass index, blood pressure, hemoglobin, blood lipid, blood sugar, blood creatinine, ECG, spirometry, and audiometry test. The analysis focused on the proportions of diseases among workers and the proportion of diseases according to gender and age. Results: The proportion of male workers was 78.8%, and the average age was 36.9. The highest percentage of workers was from DKI Jakarta. The top five clinical findings were obesity (46.7%), dyslipidemias (44.5%), dental caries (21.7%), hearing loss (17.6%), and lung function problems (17.6%). Almost in all findings, the proportion of diseases in males was higher than in females except for anemia and bacteriuria. The proportion of kidney function problems, myocardial ischemic/infarct, hepatitis B carrier, diabetes mellitus, anemia, hyperuricemia, hypertension, lung function problem, hearing impairment, dyslipidemia, and obesity were higher in older workers. Conclusion: In general, this study can provide an overview of the health profile of Indonesian workers and can be a reference for the development of worker health programs. Individual programs can be given based on gender and age to maintain workers' health and prevent further deterioration.
World nutrition journal, Feb 29, 2024
The New ropanasuri, Jun 23, 2024
Introduction. Anal fistula is a pathological condition that connects the anorectal mucosa to the ... more Introduction. Anal fistula is a pathological condition that connects the anorectal mucosa to the perianal skin, requiring various types of surgical procedures. However, surgery often causes postoperative pain. The use of methylene blue is being studied as a potential analgetic adjuvant in anal fistula surgery. Previous studies have shown that methylene blue can effectively reduce postoperative pain in various types of anorectal surgery. This study aims to determine methylene blue's clinical efficacy as an analgetic adjuvant. Methods. A double-blind, randomized controlled trial was conducted. Subjects consisting of subjects with simple anal fistula to undergo fistulectomy were randomly allocated into two groups. The first group received adjuvant analgesics in the form of methylene blue and NSAIDs, while the second group only received NSAIDs. Methylene blue 4 mL 1% was administered subcutaneously to the edge of the wound, sprayed on the surgery site, and intravenously administered ketorolac 3 x 30 mg. Randomization was done using the double-blind method. Pain levels were evaluated on the first, second, third, and seventh postoperative days using a visual analog scale (VAS). Results. Thirty-four subjects were enrolled (17 subjects in each group). Significant differences in pain levels (VAS values) were recorded between the group receiving the combination of methylene blue and NSAIDs compared to the group receiving only NSAIDs on days 1 to 3 after surgery (p <0.05). This difference was no longer significant between the two groups on the seventh postoperative day (p >0.05). Conclusion. The use of methylene blue in subjects undergoing anal fistula surgery as an adjuvant analgesic along with NSAIDs may reduce the intensity of pain better than NSAIDs alone.
Insufficient and inappropriate daily fluid intake in long period may have adverse effect to human... more Insufficient and inappropriate daily fluid intake in long period may have adverse effect to human health. Fluid intake sources from plain water and sugar sweetened beverages. Among college students assumed that health science students have a greater practice fluid intake related sugar and sweetened beverages and non-sugar and sweetened beverages. Objective: Identify the practices of fluid intake (plain water and sugar sweetened beverages) and compare health science and non-health science students in University of Indonesia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 177 students; consist of 56 health science students and 121 non-health science students using a fluid intake 7-days record. Results: There were no significant differences in plain water intake and sugar sweetened beverages consumption between health and non-health science students (p>0.05). Conclusions: An average sugar sweetened beverage among health science students was lower than non-health science students. This was might be health science students have proper nutrition knowledge because their majority, that can useful for improving dietary habit to make healthful lifestyle choices. The result of this study provides data to help making intervention programs to college students.
Journal of the Indonesian Medical Association, Oct 1, 2019
Banyak penelitian menyatakan jumlah jam kerja yang panjang dapat menyebabkan hipertensi dan penya... more Banyak penelitian menyatakan jumlah jam kerja yang panjang dapat menyebabkan hipertensi dan penyakit kardiovaskular lainnya. Pengemudi taksi mempunyai jumlah jam kerja > 8 jam/hari. Prevalensi hipertensi di Pool Kelapa Gading PT.X sebesar 27,4% dan pada tahun sebelumnya terdapat 2 orang pengemudi di pool tersebut meninggal dunia saat sedang bekerja dan dikatakan menderita stroke hemoragik serta dengan riwayat hipertensi Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang, pada responden dilakukan pengukuran tekanan darah saat berangkat dan pulang selesai bekerja serta pengumpulan data untuk faktor risiko yang lain. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi logistik dengan program STATA Hasil: Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 129 responden, terdapat peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik yang bermakna secara statistik saat selesai bekerja dibandingkan dengan tekanan darah saat berangkat kerja. Jumlah jam kerja 8 jam sampai < 10 jam dan > 16 jam mempunyai faktor risiko masing masing 5 dan 6 kali lebih besar untuk mengalami peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik > 10 mmHg. Jumlah jam kerja 14 jam sampai < 16 jam mempunyai faktor risiko hampir 5 kali lebih besar untuk mengalami peningkatan tekanan darah diastolik > 5 mmHg. Terdapat penurunan jumlah responden yang masuk dalam kategori normotensi (67,4% menjadi 37,3%), peningkatan jumlah responden yang masuk dalam kategori prehipertensi (22,5% menjadi 34,1%), hipertensi grade 1 (8,5% menjadi 25,6%) dan hipertensi grade 2 (1,6% menjadi 3,1%) berdasarkan hasil pengukuran tekanan darah saat berangkat dan pulang selesai bekerja Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara jumlah jam kerja pengemudi taksi yang panjang dengan peningkatan tekanan darah sistolik serta diastolik Kata Kunci: Jam kerja, tekanan darah, pengemudi taksi.
Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Aug 1, 2023
Research Square (Research Square), Jul 12, 2023
Background Working while sick or also known as presenteeism is a risk factor that can have a nega... more Background Working while sick or also known as presenteeism is a risk factor that can have a negative impact on workers health and productivity. Presenteeism among healthcare workers will also increase the risk of patient safety. However, there is insu cient study on presenteeism in Samarinda. Thus, this study aims to determine the proportion of presenteeism, and factors related to presenteeism among healthcare workers in Samarinda. Methods This study used a cross-sectional study design, using primary data collected online during the period of October-November 2022. The sample used was convenience sampling with a minimum of 130 samples. SPSS version 26 was used to carry out binary logistic regression analysis. Result A total of 136 respondents completed the questionnaire, with the proportion of presenteeism was 31.6%.
Indonesian Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dec 28, 2022
Introduction: Sarcopenic obesity (SO) is a condition in which sarcopenia and obesity occur simult... more Introduction: Sarcopenic obesity (SO) is a condition in which sarcopenia and obesity occur simultaneously. This condition will lead to risk of higher morbidity, mortality, and reduced quality of life. This study aimed to examine the proportion of SO patients in community and observation the association of physical activity level and physical performance with sarcopenia in elderly obese patient in community Methods: An analytic observation cross-sectional study with consecutive sampling was carried out. Inclusion criteria included subjects with age ≥ 60 years old, body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 Kg / m 2 , able to walk at least 10 meters, and has a good cognitive function. Subjects with pacemaker, using metal implants, history of cancer, acute cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, deformities, or pain in extremities and receive regular therapeutic exercise were excluded from this research. Measurement of physical activity level using Physical Activity Scale for Elderly (PASE) questionnaire and physical performance using gait speed and timed up and go test (TUG). Sarcopenia is based on criteria from Asian Working Group of Sarcopenia (AWGS) 2019 with body composition assessment using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA) Results: There were 119 subjects in this study. Proportion of sarcopenia obesity in all subjects was 23,5% with 71,4% was female. The results showed that physical activity level and physical performances values in SO patients were lower than in obesity patient. There were no significant association on physical activity level (p > 0,05) and significant association on physical performance, both in gait speed and TUG test (p < 0,05). Conclusion: Physical performance is associated with sarcopenia in elderly obese patient in community. Coexistence between sarcopenia and obesity has a synergistic impact on functional limitations.
Dermatology Reports
Background. Hand eczema (HE) commonly occurs in healthcare services, especially during COVID-19 p... more Background. Hand eczema (HE) commonly occurs in healthcare services, especially during COVID-19 pandemic era. Vitamin D shows various effects on skin inflammation. This study aims to analyze the correlation between HE severity and vitamin D levels as measured by serum 25(OH)D in healthcare workers. Method. This is an analytic descriptive study with a cross-sectional design conducted in Indonesia between September-October 2022. HE severity was assessed using Hand Eczema Severity Index (HECSI). Results. Among 44 healthcare workers with HE, 29 people had mild HE, 11 had moderate HE, and 4 had severe HE. The mean serum 25(OH)D level in subjects with mild, moderate, and severe HE was 17.85 ng/mL, 16.45 ng/mL, and 17.87 ng/mL, respectively, which belonged to vitamin D deficiency category. There was no statistically significant correlation between serum 25(OH)D levels and HE severity (r = -0.056; p = 0.359). Conclusions. There was no significant difference in serum 25(OH)D levels between s...
eJurnal kedokteran Indonesia, Apr 27, 2019
Maintaining health cadres in a long term program is important as well as challenging. A collabora... more Maintaining health cadres in a long term program is important as well as challenging. A collaboration ofuniversity, financial support institution (BTPN) and international NGO (Grand Aides) has developed five yearscommunity empowerment, named Daya Program to promote community health education. The program trainednew workforce of customer volunteers to perform peer health education for elderly and reproductive age womencommunities in nine cities across Indonesia in 2012-2017. This study aimed to evaluate personal value of layelderly and reproductive age women for being a long-term peer health educator cadre in Indonesiaand exploredhealth cadres’ perceived benefit, motivation and challenge. To this end, semi-structured focus group discussionwith twenty cadres and interview with nine area supervisors were conducted. Thematic analysis was employed toanalyse the data collected. Daya Program benefited not only to the community but also to cadres and their family.Beside promoting financial benefits, health cadres and their family perceived social incentives for their status of beingpeer health counsellor in the community such as pride and respects from their neighbourhood. Cadres’ skill inperforming some health screening like blood pressure check and self-breast examination were highly appreciatedby the communities. Cadres feel trusted and meaningful because client openly discuss sensitive health issues likebreast lump among them. Such incentives had been external drivers for the cadres to actively involve in the longtermprogram. Cadres emphasized perceived respect from the community as important reason, beside financialbenefit, that maintain their contribution in long-term. Therefore, these lessons might be important for communityhealth program drafter in designing long-term peer health development program. Keywords: personal value, health cadres, community empowerment program. Persepsi Manfaat dan Motivasi Kader Penyuluh Kesehatan bagi KomunitasLansia dan Perempuan Usia Produktif:Sebuah Studi Kualitatif Abstrak Menjaga motivasi kader kesehatan dalam pelaksanaan program pemberdayaan masyarakat jangkapanjang merupakan hal penting namun penuh tantangan. Kolaborasi universitas (Universitas Indonesia), bank(BTPN) dan lembaga internasional (Grand Aides) telah merintis program pemberdayaan masyarakat selamalima tahun bernama Program Daya yang berfokus kepada promosi kesehatan melalui edukasi kesehatankepada masyarakat. Program ini melatih sukarelawan nasabah bank untuk melakukan edukasi kesehatan bagikomunitas lansia dan wanita usia reproduksi di sembilan kota di Indonesia di periode 2012-2017. Studi inibertujuan untuk mengevaluasi persepsi manfaat dan motivasi pribadi kader perempuan lanjut usia dan usiaproduktif yang telah menjadi kader pendidik dalam program ini selama 5 tahun. Studi ini menggali persepsiakan manfaat yang didapat, motivasi, dan tantangan yang mereka hadapi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan diskusikelompok terarah semi-terstruktur kepada dua puluh kader dan wawancara dengan sembilan supervisorpelaksana di masing-masing. Analisis tematik digunakan untuk menganalisis topik-topik yang dikumpulkan.Selain mendapatkan manfaat finansial, kader kesehatan merasakan manfaat sosial karena meningkatkan statussosial dan apresiasi dari masyarakat sekitar lingkungan mereka tinggal dan hal itu menjadi kebanggaan bagimereka, Keahlian kader dalam melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan seperti pemeriksaan tekanan darah danpemeriksaan payudara sendiri sangat dihargai oleh masyarakat. Kader merasa dipercaya karena klien secaraterbuka mendiskusikan masalah kesehatan sensitif yang mereka alami seperti benjolan payudara. Hal tersebutlahyang terutama menjadi pendorong eksternal bagi kader untuk terlibat aktif dalam program jangka panjang selainmanfaat finansial. Oleh karena itu, pembelajaran ini penting bagi penyusun program pemberdayaan masyarakatdalam merancang program jangka panjang khususnya dalam hal edukasi kesehatan. Kata kunci: manfaat dan motivasi, kader kesehatan, program pemberdayaan masyarakat.
PubMed, Feb 1, 2021
Objective: With increasing incidence of obesity in Indonesia, behavioural modification plays an i... more Objective: With increasing incidence of obesity in Indonesia, behavioural modification plays an important role for its management. Applying the Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM) to assess behavioural modification readiness of obese adolescence, this study highlighted two main processes of change in TTM: emotional readiness to change (EmR) and weight consequence evaluation (WCE). Adolescence may develop difference EmR and WCE in handling obesity status especially in high school and college years, due to different phases of physic, autonomy and behavioural development. Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted using validated Indonesian version of the TTM questionnaire to compare WCE and EmR scores (scale 0-100) between high school students and college freshmen group which included means comparison tests and linear regression. Results: The study involved 116 obese adolescents and majority were at the action (32%) and contemplation (31%) TTM stage. After comparing 59 high school students and 57 college freshmen, EmR and WCE scores were not significantly different (p > 0.05). Both groups had good EmR score. Weight consequences awareness were only slightly higher among college freshmen compared to high school students, scoring at 78 (20-96) and 63 (30-100) respectively. Higher body mass index was associated with better EmR and WCE scores in both groups. Conclusions: Majority of the obese adolescents were already at the action and contemplation phase and also had appropriate emotional readiness to change. However, compared to college students, high school adolescence needed more support to maintain their weight management, in the form of education to raise awareness of obesity consequences.
PubMed, Feb 1, 2021
Objective: The current study aimed to evaluate the impact of students' participation in this comm... more Objective: The current study aimed to evaluate the impact of students' participation in this community diagnosis (CD) exercise on their competency development. Methods: The CD was performed by 235 first-year students through a home visit to obtain health data through questionnaire and physical examination; the data was analysed using the IBM® SPSS® version 24 statistical analysis software. The impact of CD participation on student skills development was evaluated using a cross - sectional questionnaire - based survey using the Likert five - point scale to assess student attitudes. Results: CD exercise was performed by 235 first-year students by collecting data from 373 community residents. Subsequently, survey on effect of CD exercise on student competency responses were collected from 47 students (20%) of the 235 CD participants; the results showed that most agreed that CD enhanced their competence as physicians in all areas. The highest mean (SD) Likert scale score was recorded for the statement, 'CD enhanced effective communication' (4.47 ± 0.747). A total of 44 (93.6%) respondents supported the continuation of CD, claiming that the activity is a forum through which students can practice interacting with patients. Conclusions: The survey found that effective communication is the skill most established by involvement in CD, and the activity provides a good base for students' self-development as professional physicians.
Respiratory Science, Feb 28, 2023
Background: Fitness is inextricable to health and has a significant correlation with the habits a... more Background: Fitness is inextricable to health and has a significant correlation with the habits and behaviour of individuals such as dietary practice, sedentary behaviour, physical activities, and smoking habits. Many ways can be used to assess an individual fitness level, one of them is using the 6-minute walking test. This study aims to find the correlation between smoking intensity, nutritional status, occupation, and physical activity with the fitness level of outdoor janitors in Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Method: The research method was the cross-sectional design. The determination of the subjects was carried out by a consecutive sampling method. The data obtained results from the assessment of nutritional status, occupation, physical activity, and smoking intensity, as well as result from the 6-minute walking test. Univariate data analysis was used to assess the distribution of subjects based on sociodemographics, nutritional status, physical activity, occupation, and smoking activity. Furthermore, categorical correlative tests used were Man-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and Fisher's Exact test. Results: The subjects obtained are 109 outdoor janitors from UI, Depok in which 59.6% age 18-44 years old, and 56% are male. Based on the correlative test between the fitness level and the nutritional status, value of P=0.086, as value of P between the physical activity and the fitness level is 0.0523. No significant correlation between fitness level and occupation based on location of the job, duration of work and based on the work time (P=1.00; P=1.00; P=0.108). The correlation between smoking intensity with the fitness level has value of P=0.681. Conclusion: There is no significant correlation between nutritional status, physical activity, type of work, and smoking intensity with the fitness level as measured by the 6-minute walking test method for outdoor janitors of UI, Depok.
Advanced Science Letters, Sep 1, 2018
Frontiers in Nutrition, Mar 14, 2022
As the COVID-19 pandemic hit worldwide in the early 2020, people were urged to alter their behavi... more As the COVID-19 pandemic hit worldwide in the early 2020, people were urged to alter their behavior to prevent disease spread, thus, led to change water intake. This study aimed to analyze water and beverage intake among health workers and general workers during COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This study was a comparative descriptive study where the participants were 20-45-year-old health workers and general workers in Indonesia. Data collected included demographic, water and beverage intake, physical activity, nutrient intake, and body weight and height. All data collection was obtained online using self-reported questionnaire. Water intake data was collected for 7 days consecutively using a 7-day fluid record. There were 246 participants comprised of 102 (41.5%) general workers and 144 (58.5%) health workers who were analyzed in this study. All participants showed barely adequate intake of daily total fluid 1,882 (1,473-2,433) ml/day. Total fluid intake among general workers was 1,759 (1,447-2,396) ml/day, whereas in health workers it was slightly higher 1,939 (1,516-2,446) ml/day (p-value = 0.378). Among health workers who were highly exposed to patients with COVID-19 showed the highest percentage in drinking water adequately (20 participants, 60.6%) compared to health workers who worked under moderate (29 participants, 48.3%) and low (24 participants, 47.2%) level of exposure to patients with COVID-19. In conclusion, workers need to improve their daily fluid intake. This study also showed better behavior of water consumption among health workers compared to general workers despite of their strict personal protection equipment during working hour.
Advances in health sciences research, 2023
Background: Indonesia has more than 125 million workers, and Indonesian regulations ordered medic... more Background: Indonesia has more than 125 million workers, and Indonesian regulations ordered medical checkups for all employees. Despite abundant workers' health data in industries and health providers, national data is still limited. This study aimed to investigate the health profile of Indonesian workers. Method: We analyzed the health data of 12031 workers examined in a national-wide health provider between 2015 and 2016. The data included smoking habits, body mass index, blood pressure, hemoglobin, blood lipid, blood sugar, blood creatinine, ECG, spirometry, and audiometry test. The analysis focused on the proportions of diseases among workers and the proportion of diseases according to gender and age. Results: The proportion of male workers was 78.8%, and the average age was 36.9. The highest percentage of workers was from DKI Jakarta. The top five clinical findings were obesity (46.7%), dyslipidemias (44.5%), dental caries (21.7%), hearing loss (17.6%), and lung function problems (17.6%). Almost in all findings, the proportion of diseases in males was higher than in females except for anemia and bacteriuria. The proportion of kidney function problems, myocardial ischemic/infarct, hepatitis B carrier, diabetes mellitus, anemia, hyperuricemia, hypertension, lung function problem, hearing impairment, dyslipidemia, and obesity were higher in older workers. Conclusion: In general, this study can provide an overview of the health profile of Indonesian workers and can be a reference for the development of worker health programs. Individual programs can be given based on gender and age to maintain workers' health and prevent further deterioration.