dhimas wiharyanto - Academia.edu (original) (raw)


Papers by dhimas wiharyanto

Research paper thumbnail of Kelimpahan Meroplankton Kepiting DI Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove Dan Bekantan Kota Tarakan

Harpodon Borneo; Volume 7 No 1 April 2014, Mar 7, 2016

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan meroplankton kepiting dan kondisi kualitas a... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan meroplankton kepiting dan kondisi kualitas air di perairan sekitar kawasan konservasi mangrove dan bekantan Kota Tarakan saat pasang tinggi air laut terjadi. Pengambilan sampel meroplankton kepiting dilakukan pada empat titik yang ditentukan berdasarkan sungai yang terdapat di kawasan mangrove dengan cara menjaring air sebanyak 150 liter menggunakan plankton net. Dari hasil penelitian di dapatkan bahwa meroplankton kepiting yang banyak di temukan zoea dan mengalapa. Secara umum, kondisi kelimpahan meroplankton kepiting di perairan sekeliling mangrove di dapatkan lebih melimpah pada saat malam hari daripada pagi. Kelimpahan tertinggi pada saat pagi hari di dapatkan pada titik sampling I dan II sebanyak 11 ind/150 l, sedangkan pada malam hari di temukan pada titik sampling I sebanyak 60 ind/150 l. Kondisi kualitas air di perairan sekitar penelitian di dapatkan suhu 27,9-30 o C, salinitas sebesar 22-29 ppt, pH berkisar 6,8-8,1 dan oksigen terlarut 3,12-5,33 ppm.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kondisi Kualitas Air DI Perairan Juata Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Timur

Jurnal Harpodon Borneo, Apr 8, 2011

Juata waters is the side of Tarakan Island and it has high biodiversity. The water quality have i... more Juata waters is the side of Tarakan Island and it has high biodiversity. The water quality have important rules in this waters as indicator type of waters. Considering that condition a study of water quality condition was very importance. This study was studied from Mei until December 2009. Sampel waters collected at intertidal area with survey method and stratified systematic sampling. In each location divided based on 2 station area every take the sample. From physical parameters condition were founded that transparency about 170 cm until 215 cm, temperature 30 until 31 o C and speed of current about 0.31 m/s-0,61 m/s. Type of tidal in juata waters is Mixed Tide Prevailing Semi Diurnal. Chemical parameters water condition were founded that salinity is about 18.8 until 24.3 promil, pH obout 7.82-8.02, Dissolved oxygen (DO) obout 5.

Research paper thumbnail of Laporan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) PPM PIP Universitas Borneo Tarakan. Pemanfaatan Potensi Hutan Mangrove Sebagai Makanan Bernilai Jual Di Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove dan Bekantan (KKMB) Kota Tarakan

Research paper thumbnail of Pendekatan Metode Von Bertalanffy Untuk Analisis Pertumbuhan Kerang Kapah (Meretrix meretrix) Yang Berasal Dari Pengepul Pantai Amal Lama Kota Tarakan. The Von Bertalanffy Method Approach for the Analysis of the Growth of Kapang Kapah (Meretrix meretrix) Derived from the Old Charity Beach Collect...

Research paper thumbnail of Komparasi Tingkat Keanekaragaman Jenis Ikan Pada Perairan Mangrove Dan Tambak Tradisional Di Sekitar Perairan Juata Laut Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Utara. Comparison of Diversity Types of Fish Types In Mangrove And Traditional Waters Around Sea Juata Waters, City of Tarakan Kalimantan Utara (Penelit...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Populasi Menggunakan Model Pertumbuhan Allometri dan Indeks Kondisi Udang Harpiosquilla Raphidea Perairan Utara Pulau Tarakan. Analysis of Population Using The Allometry Growth Model And Sharing Condition Index Harpiosquilla Raphidea North Waters of Tarakan Island (Seminar Nasional Simpo...


Research paper thumbnail of Struktur Komunitas Gastropoda

ABSTRAK Gastropoda adalah hewan yang bertubuh lunak, umumnya hidup pada permukaan substrat lumpur... more ABSTRAK Gastropoda adalah hewan yang bertubuh lunak, umumnya hidup pada permukaan substrat lumpur dan ada yang menempel pada daun serta akar-akar mangrove diantaranya juga di Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove dan Bekantan (KKMB) Kota Tarakan. Organisme ini berkontribusi besar terhadap detritus organik yang sangat penting sebagai sumber makanan bagi biota yang hidup diperairan sekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas gastropoda dari variabel kelimpahan, indeks keanekaragaman, indeks dominansi, dan indeks keseragaman di Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove dan Bekantan (KKMB). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode dekskriptif dengan teknik survei dengan menentukan stasiun penelitian berdasarakan kondisi mangrovenya. Penelitian yang telah dilakukan ditemukan 25 spesies gastropoda yang berasosiasi di hutan mangrove KKMB Kota Tarakan. Pada stasiun 1, spesies gastropoda yang memiliki kelimpahan tertinggi adalah Neritina violacea sedangkan yang terenda...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kelimpahan dan Distribusi Plankton di Perairan Juata Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Timur

Juata waters is the side of Tarakan Island and it has high biodiversity. One of fauna found which... more Juata waters is the side of Tarakan Island and it has high biodiversity. One of fauna found which fouded is nomei fish (Harpodon nehereus). That has economic value so that faced high exploited at two season in one month. The plankton have important rules in this waters as food primer for first organisms. Considering that condition a study of distribution and their population structure was very important. Population structure and distribution of plankton in the Juata Waters, Tarakan city, East Kalimantan, were studied from Mei until December 2009. Plankton collected at intertidal area with survey method and stratified systematic sampling. In each location divided based on 2 station area every take the sample. Plankton at Juata Waters is very variate, its were founded 32 specieses include 20 specieses phytoplankton and 12 specieses zooplankton.The distribution, and mean density of the plankton were difference at each station. The mean highest density of the plankton were until 15.816 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian dasar budidaya udang pesisir Kalimantan Timur Bagian Utara (Baseline study of shrimp farming in Northern East Kalimantan, Indonesia)

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Model Allometry Growth And Index Condition Fish of Bawal (Pampus argenteus) Originating In Coastal Areas The Southern Town of Tarakan

Research paper thumbnail of Model Populasi Pendekatan Pertumbuhan… (Tomy Chandra, dkk) 122

The research method uses descriptive method. The main variables to be measured in this study are ... more The research method uses descriptive method. The main variables to be measured in this study are variable length relationship in total and the total weight, variable carapace length and weight of the meat, the correlation length variable weight, condition index variable. Secondary variables of physical and chemical parameters will be measured in this study were pH, DO, temperature, salinity and brightness. Data collection techniques using survey research design. The sampling technique shrimp H.raphidea use way of "sampling". Raphidea Harpiosquilla shrimp sampling using purposive sampling method. Sampling was performed 12 times in three months as many as 343 samples (213 males and 130 females) are expected to represent the population of shrimp in the waters Juata Harpiosquilla raphidea Tarakan City. Environmental aspects Harpiosquilla raphidea for shrimp in the waters of the Tarakan city juata analysis such as pH, DO, salinity, temperature, and brightness. Results of resear...


Research paper thumbnail of POTENSI SUMBERDAYA KEPITING BAKAU (Scylla sp.)

Tarakan city as center collected crab (Scylla sp.) that cacth from estuarine water area at North ... more Tarakan city as center collected crab (Scylla sp.) that cacth from estuarine water area at North Kalimantan Province. The crabs for export have many kind size based on species, body complited, soft or hard the carapace, weight and eggs prosentase. The group category of crabs that found in trading Tarakan City have many variation name, They are H7, H5, H3, TG, CBH, CBK, % dan BS. PENDAHULUAN Sumberdaya perikanan Indonesia yang diekspor keluar negeri cukup beragam, salah satunya yang memiliki permintaan tinggi adalah kepiting bakau (Scylla sp). Kepiting bakau (Scylla sp.) adalah salah satu organisme golongan crustacea yang hidup di habitat di hutan mangrove/bakau. Kepiting bakau (Scylla sp.) merupakan komoditas ekspor bernilai ekonomis tinggi dari Indonesia salah satunya yang berasal dari perairan Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Menurut Gunarto & Cholik (1989) dalam Suman (2002) kepiting bakau merupakan salah komoditas perikanan yang patut dikembangkan karena semakin meningkatnya harga dan...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kualitas Air DI Lingkungan Perairan Tambak Adopsi Better Management Practices (BMP) Pada Siklus Budidaya I, Kelurahan Karang Anyar Pantai Kota Tarakan Propinsi Kalimantan Utara

Brackish water pond is one of human making ecosystem. Commonly, It's use for fisheries produc... more Brackish water pond is one of human making ecosystem. Commonly, It's use for fisheries production especially shrimp or fishes purporting. In Coastal of North Kalimantan, to running its have been used traditional system. This system is depending to the natural condition. The good water quality is one important thing for supporting life in the waters column and management system. This study for management life organisms in pond we must know about water quality in every day for turn of the risk. Daily and weekly observations on water quality in the pond water obtained under unfavorable conditions. This is indicated by dissolved oxygen conditions which tended lower than normal organisms as well as an increase in the content of ammonia in the course of shrimp farming. To further efforts should be made to the improvement of water quality conducted from land preparation. Keyword : quality of water, adopt of BMP, cycle of cultivation I, Tarakan PENDAHULUAN Perairan tambak merupakan sala...


The research method uses descriptive method. H.raphidea shrimp sampling using a sampling method i... more The research method uses descriptive method. H.raphidea shrimp sampling using a sampling method in area waters by fishermen catch jauta juata Tarakan city. Sampling using purposive sampling method performed 12 times with the consideration that the sampling of 12 times expected to represent the population of shrimp Harpiosquilla raphidea in the waters Juata Tarakan City. The main variables were measured in this study is the morphological Harpiosquilla raphidea shrimp is the carapace (carapace length), shrimp body length (total length) and the shrimp body weight (total weight and the weight of meat), and gender. The result showed a growth model based on relationship the total length with the total weight for shrimp gender Male and Female are allometri negative correlation value is very strong. A growth model based on carapace length relationship with the weight of meat to shrimp gender Male and Female are allometri negative correlation value is very strong and powerful. The percentag...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kualitas Air DI Lingkungan Perairan Tambak Adopsi Better Management Practices (BMP) Pada Siklus Budidaya I, Kelurahan Karang Anyar Pantai Kota Tarakan Propinsi Kalimantan Utara

Brackish water pond is one of human making ecosystem. Commonly, It’s use for fisheries productio... more Brackish water pond is one of human making ecosystem. Commonly, It’s use for fisheries production especially shrimp or fishes purporting. In Coastal of North Kalimantan, to running its have been used traditional system. This system is depending to the natural condition. The good water quality is one important thing for supporting life in the waters column and management system. This study for management life organisms in pond we must know about water quality in every day for turn of the risk. Daily and weekly observations on water quality in the pond water obtained under unfavorable conditions. This is indicated by dissolved oxygen conditions which tended lower than normal organisms as well as an increase in the content of ammonia in the course of shrimp farming. To further efforts should be made to the improvement of water quality conducted from land preparation.

Research paper thumbnail of Struktur Komunitas Gastropoda DI Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove Dan Bekantan (KKMB) Kota Tarakan

Gastropods are mollusk animals, generally live on the surface of the substrate of mud and there ... more Gastropods are mollusk animals, generally live on the surface of the substrate of mud and there is attached to the leaves and roots of mangrove which are also in the Mangrove Conservation Area and Bekantan (KKMB) Kota Tarakan. These organisms contribute greatly to the organic detritus that is very important as a food source for organisms that live in the surrounding waters. The purpose of this study to determine the structure of gastropods community include diversity index, dominance index, and the index of uniformity in the Mangrove Conservation Area and Bekantan (KKMB). The method used in this research is the method dekskriptif with survey techniques to determine the research station on the terms of the condition of mangrove.From theresearch, was found 25 species of gastropods associated mangrove forest KKMB Tarakan City. At the first station, the species gastrophod withthe highest abundanceis Neritina violacea and the lowestis Neritalineta . At station 2, the type gastrophoda wi...

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Pengembangan Ekowisata Mangrove Di Kawasan Konservasi Pelabuhan Tengkayu II Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Timur

DHIMAS WIHARYANTO The Assesment of Development Mangrove Ecotourism in Pelabuhan Tengkayu II Conse... more DHIMAS WIHARYANTO The Assesment of Development Mangrove Ecotourism in Pelabuhan Tengkayu II Conservation Area, Tarakan City-East Kalimantan Guided by ARIO DAMAR and FREDINAN YULIANDA. Mangrove are repositories of immensebiological diversity and are also the nursery and breeding ground of several marine life forms, such as spesies of prawns,crabs, fishes and molluscs. Mangrove forest have an attractive potential of tourism, such special roots, flower have a special fruits , and supported by the uniqe of flora fauna. The aims of this research are: 1) to definite potential value of mangrove forest in Pelabuhan Tengkayu II Tarakan city, and 2) to formulate the management strategies capability of ecotourism mangrove forest in Pelabuhan Tengkayu II Tarakan city, East Kalimantan. SWOT analysis used to take for certain management strategies of ecotourism mangrove based on area potencies result. Before getting SWOT analysis, firstly to make a result of area potencies according to Natural Tou...


O ne type of biota in the mangrove waters ecosystem that is crabs meroplankton. Condition of in t... more O ne type of biota in the mangrove waters ecosystem that is crabs meroplankton. Condition of in this stage is very important for crabs abundance in the mangrove ecosystem. This study aims to determine the abundance crabs meroplankton and water quality conditions west part in the waters surrounding the Mangrove Conservation Area and Bekantan (KKMB), Beringin, SDF Harbour, and Mamburungan Estuary during high tide occurs. Sampling of crab meroplankton conducted at four using plankton net. The result showed that the crabs meroplankton are commonly found in zoea and megalopa stage. Generally, condition of crab meroplankton abundance in the part western of the Tarakan city obtained more abundant during in the evening than the afternoon. The highest abundance during the affternoon get at Estuary Mamburungan about 7 ind, while in the evening found at KKMB about 108 ind. Water quality conditions in the waters research found that salinity in the afternoon 23 to 33 g/l, pH 6.6 to 7.2, temperat...

Research paper thumbnail of Kelimpahan Meroplankton Kepiting DI Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove Dan Bekantan Kota Tarakan

Harpodon Borneo; Volume 7 No 1 April 2014, Mar 7, 2016

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan meroplankton kepiting dan kondisi kualitas a... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan meroplankton kepiting dan kondisi kualitas air di perairan sekitar kawasan konservasi mangrove dan bekantan Kota Tarakan saat pasang tinggi air laut terjadi. Pengambilan sampel meroplankton kepiting dilakukan pada empat titik yang ditentukan berdasarkan sungai yang terdapat di kawasan mangrove dengan cara menjaring air sebanyak 150 liter menggunakan plankton net. Dari hasil penelitian di dapatkan bahwa meroplankton kepiting yang banyak di temukan zoea dan mengalapa. Secara umum, kondisi kelimpahan meroplankton kepiting di perairan sekeliling mangrove di dapatkan lebih melimpah pada saat malam hari daripada pagi. Kelimpahan tertinggi pada saat pagi hari di dapatkan pada titik sampling I dan II sebanyak 11 ind/150 l, sedangkan pada malam hari di temukan pada titik sampling I sebanyak 60 ind/150 l. Kondisi kualitas air di perairan sekitar penelitian di dapatkan suhu 27,9-30 o C, salinitas sebesar 22-29 ppt, pH berkisar 6,8-8,1 dan oksigen terlarut 3,12-5,33 ppm.

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kondisi Kualitas Air DI Perairan Juata Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Timur

Jurnal Harpodon Borneo, Apr 8, 2011

Juata waters is the side of Tarakan Island and it has high biodiversity. The water quality have i... more Juata waters is the side of Tarakan Island and it has high biodiversity. The water quality have important rules in this waters as indicator type of waters. Considering that condition a study of water quality condition was very importance. This study was studied from Mei until December 2009. Sampel waters collected at intertidal area with survey method and stratified systematic sampling. In each location divided based on 2 station area every take the sample. From physical parameters condition were founded that transparency about 170 cm until 215 cm, temperature 30 until 31 o C and speed of current about 0.31 m/s-0,61 m/s. Type of tidal in juata waters is Mixed Tide Prevailing Semi Diurnal. Chemical parameters water condition were founded that salinity is about 18.8 until 24.3 promil, pH obout 7.82-8.02, Dissolved oxygen (DO) obout 5.

Research paper thumbnail of Laporan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) PPM PIP Universitas Borneo Tarakan. Pemanfaatan Potensi Hutan Mangrove Sebagai Makanan Bernilai Jual Di Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove dan Bekantan (KKMB) Kota Tarakan

Research paper thumbnail of Pendekatan Metode Von Bertalanffy Untuk Analisis Pertumbuhan Kerang Kapah (Meretrix meretrix) Yang Berasal Dari Pengepul Pantai Amal Lama Kota Tarakan. The Von Bertalanffy Method Approach for the Analysis of the Growth of Kapang Kapah (Meretrix meretrix) Derived from the Old Charity Beach Collect...

Research paper thumbnail of Komparasi Tingkat Keanekaragaman Jenis Ikan Pada Perairan Mangrove Dan Tambak Tradisional Di Sekitar Perairan Juata Laut Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Utara. Comparison of Diversity Types of Fish Types In Mangrove And Traditional Waters Around Sea Juata Waters, City of Tarakan Kalimantan Utara (Penelit...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Populasi Menggunakan Model Pertumbuhan Allometri dan Indeks Kondisi Udang Harpiosquilla Raphidea Perairan Utara Pulau Tarakan. Analysis of Population Using The Allometry Growth Model And Sharing Condition Index Harpiosquilla Raphidea North Waters of Tarakan Island (Seminar Nasional Simpo...


Research paper thumbnail of Struktur Komunitas Gastropoda

ABSTRAK Gastropoda adalah hewan yang bertubuh lunak, umumnya hidup pada permukaan substrat lumpur... more ABSTRAK Gastropoda adalah hewan yang bertubuh lunak, umumnya hidup pada permukaan substrat lumpur dan ada yang menempel pada daun serta akar-akar mangrove diantaranya juga di Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove dan Bekantan (KKMB) Kota Tarakan. Organisme ini berkontribusi besar terhadap detritus organik yang sangat penting sebagai sumber makanan bagi biota yang hidup diperairan sekitarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas gastropoda dari variabel kelimpahan, indeks keanekaragaman, indeks dominansi, dan indeks keseragaman di Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove dan Bekantan (KKMB). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode dekskriptif dengan teknik survei dengan menentukan stasiun penelitian berdasarakan kondisi mangrovenya. Penelitian yang telah dilakukan ditemukan 25 spesies gastropoda yang berasosiasi di hutan mangrove KKMB Kota Tarakan. Pada stasiun 1, spesies gastropoda yang memiliki kelimpahan tertinggi adalah Neritina violacea sedangkan yang terenda...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kelimpahan dan Distribusi Plankton di Perairan Juata Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Timur

Juata waters is the side of Tarakan Island and it has high biodiversity. One of fauna found which... more Juata waters is the side of Tarakan Island and it has high biodiversity. One of fauna found which fouded is nomei fish (Harpodon nehereus). That has economic value so that faced high exploited at two season in one month. The plankton have important rules in this waters as food primer for first organisms. Considering that condition a study of distribution and their population structure was very important. Population structure and distribution of plankton in the Juata Waters, Tarakan city, East Kalimantan, were studied from Mei until December 2009. Plankton collected at intertidal area with survey method and stratified systematic sampling. In each location divided based on 2 station area every take the sample. Plankton at Juata Waters is very variate, its were founded 32 specieses include 20 specieses phytoplankton and 12 specieses zooplankton.The distribution, and mean density of the plankton were difference at each station. The mean highest density of the plankton were until 15.816 ...

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian dasar budidaya udang pesisir Kalimantan Timur Bagian Utara (Baseline study of shrimp farming in Northern East Kalimantan, Indonesia)

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Model Allometry Growth And Index Condition Fish of Bawal (Pampus argenteus) Originating In Coastal Areas The Southern Town of Tarakan

Research paper thumbnail of Model Populasi Pendekatan Pertumbuhan… (Tomy Chandra, dkk) 122

The research method uses descriptive method. The main variables to be measured in this study are ... more The research method uses descriptive method. The main variables to be measured in this study are variable length relationship in total and the total weight, variable carapace length and weight of the meat, the correlation length variable weight, condition index variable. Secondary variables of physical and chemical parameters will be measured in this study were pH, DO, temperature, salinity and brightness. Data collection techniques using survey research design. The sampling technique shrimp H.raphidea use way of "sampling". Raphidea Harpiosquilla shrimp sampling using purposive sampling method. Sampling was performed 12 times in three months as many as 343 samples (213 males and 130 females) are expected to represent the population of shrimp in the waters Juata Harpiosquilla raphidea Tarakan City. Environmental aspects Harpiosquilla raphidea for shrimp in the waters of the Tarakan city juata analysis such as pH, DO, salinity, temperature, and brightness. Results of resear...


Research paper thumbnail of POTENSI SUMBERDAYA KEPITING BAKAU (Scylla sp.)

Tarakan city as center collected crab (Scylla sp.) that cacth from estuarine water area at North ... more Tarakan city as center collected crab (Scylla sp.) that cacth from estuarine water area at North Kalimantan Province. The crabs for export have many kind size based on species, body complited, soft or hard the carapace, weight and eggs prosentase. The group category of crabs that found in trading Tarakan City have many variation name, They are H7, H5, H3, TG, CBH, CBK, % dan BS. PENDAHULUAN Sumberdaya perikanan Indonesia yang diekspor keluar negeri cukup beragam, salah satunya yang memiliki permintaan tinggi adalah kepiting bakau (Scylla sp). Kepiting bakau (Scylla sp.) adalah salah satu organisme golongan crustacea yang hidup di habitat di hutan mangrove/bakau. Kepiting bakau (Scylla sp.) merupakan komoditas ekspor bernilai ekonomis tinggi dari Indonesia salah satunya yang berasal dari perairan Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Menurut Gunarto & Cholik (1989) dalam Suman (2002) kepiting bakau merupakan salah komoditas perikanan yang patut dikembangkan karena semakin meningkatnya harga dan...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kualitas Air DI Lingkungan Perairan Tambak Adopsi Better Management Practices (BMP) Pada Siklus Budidaya I, Kelurahan Karang Anyar Pantai Kota Tarakan Propinsi Kalimantan Utara

Brackish water pond is one of human making ecosystem. Commonly, It's use for fisheries produc... more Brackish water pond is one of human making ecosystem. Commonly, It's use for fisheries production especially shrimp or fishes purporting. In Coastal of North Kalimantan, to running its have been used traditional system. This system is depending to the natural condition. The good water quality is one important thing for supporting life in the waters column and management system. This study for management life organisms in pond we must know about water quality in every day for turn of the risk. Daily and weekly observations on water quality in the pond water obtained under unfavorable conditions. This is indicated by dissolved oxygen conditions which tended lower than normal organisms as well as an increase in the content of ammonia in the course of shrimp farming. To further efforts should be made to the improvement of water quality conducted from land preparation. Keyword : quality of water, adopt of BMP, cycle of cultivation I, Tarakan PENDAHULUAN Perairan tambak merupakan sala...


The research method uses descriptive method. H.raphidea shrimp sampling using a sampling method i... more The research method uses descriptive method. H.raphidea shrimp sampling using a sampling method in area waters by fishermen catch jauta juata Tarakan city. Sampling using purposive sampling method performed 12 times with the consideration that the sampling of 12 times expected to represent the population of shrimp Harpiosquilla raphidea in the waters Juata Tarakan City. The main variables were measured in this study is the morphological Harpiosquilla raphidea shrimp is the carapace (carapace length), shrimp body length (total length) and the shrimp body weight (total weight and the weight of meat), and gender. The result showed a growth model based on relationship the total length with the total weight for shrimp gender Male and Female are allometri negative correlation value is very strong. A growth model based on carapace length relationship with the weight of meat to shrimp gender Male and Female are allometri negative correlation value is very strong and powerful. The percentag...

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Kualitas Air DI Lingkungan Perairan Tambak Adopsi Better Management Practices (BMP) Pada Siklus Budidaya I, Kelurahan Karang Anyar Pantai Kota Tarakan Propinsi Kalimantan Utara

Brackish water pond is one of human making ecosystem. Commonly, It’s use for fisheries productio... more Brackish water pond is one of human making ecosystem. Commonly, It’s use for fisheries production especially shrimp or fishes purporting. In Coastal of North Kalimantan, to running its have been used traditional system. This system is depending to the natural condition. The good water quality is one important thing for supporting life in the waters column and management system. This study for management life organisms in pond we must know about water quality in every day for turn of the risk. Daily and weekly observations on water quality in the pond water obtained under unfavorable conditions. This is indicated by dissolved oxygen conditions which tended lower than normal organisms as well as an increase in the content of ammonia in the course of shrimp farming. To further efforts should be made to the improvement of water quality conducted from land preparation.

Research paper thumbnail of Struktur Komunitas Gastropoda DI Kawasan Konservasi Mangrove Dan Bekantan (KKMB) Kota Tarakan

Gastropods are mollusk animals, generally live on the surface of the substrate of mud and there ... more Gastropods are mollusk animals, generally live on the surface of the substrate of mud and there is attached to the leaves and roots of mangrove which are also in the Mangrove Conservation Area and Bekantan (KKMB) Kota Tarakan. These organisms contribute greatly to the organic detritus that is very important as a food source for organisms that live in the surrounding waters. The purpose of this study to determine the structure of gastropods community include diversity index, dominance index, and the index of uniformity in the Mangrove Conservation Area and Bekantan (KKMB). The method used in this research is the method dekskriptif with survey techniques to determine the research station on the terms of the condition of mangrove.From theresearch, was found 25 species of gastropods associated mangrove forest KKMB Tarakan City. At the first station, the species gastrophod withthe highest abundanceis Neritina violacea and the lowestis Neritalineta . At station 2, the type gastrophoda wi...

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Pengembangan Ekowisata Mangrove Di Kawasan Konservasi Pelabuhan Tengkayu II Kota Tarakan Kalimantan Timur

DHIMAS WIHARYANTO The Assesment of Development Mangrove Ecotourism in Pelabuhan Tengkayu II Conse... more DHIMAS WIHARYANTO The Assesment of Development Mangrove Ecotourism in Pelabuhan Tengkayu II Conservation Area, Tarakan City-East Kalimantan Guided by ARIO DAMAR and FREDINAN YULIANDA. Mangrove are repositories of immensebiological diversity and are also the nursery and breeding ground of several marine life forms, such as spesies of prawns,crabs, fishes and molluscs. Mangrove forest have an attractive potential of tourism, such special roots, flower have a special fruits , and supported by the uniqe of flora fauna. The aims of this research are: 1) to definite potential value of mangrove forest in Pelabuhan Tengkayu II Tarakan city, and 2) to formulate the management strategies capability of ecotourism mangrove forest in Pelabuhan Tengkayu II Tarakan city, East Kalimantan. SWOT analysis used to take for certain management strategies of ecotourism mangrove based on area potencies result. Before getting SWOT analysis, firstly to make a result of area potencies according to Natural Tou...


O ne type of biota in the mangrove waters ecosystem that is crabs meroplankton. Condition of in t... more O ne type of biota in the mangrove waters ecosystem that is crabs meroplankton. Condition of in this stage is very important for crabs abundance in the mangrove ecosystem. This study aims to determine the abundance crabs meroplankton and water quality conditions west part in the waters surrounding the Mangrove Conservation Area and Bekantan (KKMB), Beringin, SDF Harbour, and Mamburungan Estuary during high tide occurs. Sampling of crab meroplankton conducted at four using plankton net. The result showed that the crabs meroplankton are commonly found in zoea and megalopa stage. Generally, condition of crab meroplankton abundance in the part western of the Tarakan city obtained more abundant during in the evening than the afternoon. The highest abundance during the affternoon get at Estuary Mamburungan about 7 ind, while in the evening found at KKMB about 108 ind. Water quality conditions in the waters research found that salinity in the afternoon 23 to 33 g/l, pH 6.6 to 7.2, temperat...