dina jurnal - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by dina jurnal
Human Care Journal, 2018
Diarhea disease is one of the health problems in developing countries, especially in Indonesia. T... more Diarhea disease is one of the health problems in developing countries, especially in Indonesia. The incidence of diarrhea in West Sumatra is about 10% of the population multiplied by the national rate of illness. Diarrhea in Lima Puluh Kota District in 2014 showed an increase in cases as many as 7,017 cases. The Objective of study to correlation of incidens diarrhea among children in Sarilamak market. The type of research used is descriptive research with cross sectional approach where the independent variable is the density of flies, the behavior reduces the incidence of diarrhea and the processing and storage of food with the dependent variable is the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers around Sarilamak Market. The sample in this study amounted to 56 people. The result of the research was obtained of medium fly density level 64.3%, bad respondent behavior 60.7%, poor food processing and storage 33,9% and diarrhea 35.7%. The result of statistical test showed significant relationship between flies with diarrhea occurrence (Pvalue = 0.001) with OR = 7.694, maternal behavior with diarrhea occurrence (Pvalue = 0.034) with OR = 4,200 = 0.029) with OR = 4.278. The conclusions from the study revealed that most of the respondents suffered from diarrheal diseases from the aspect of flies density, behavior and the way of processing and storage of food. Keywords: the level of fly density, behavior, way of processing and storage of food, the occurrence of diarrhea ABSTRAK Penyakit diare merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan dinegara berkembang terutama di Indonesia.Kejadian diare di Sumatera Barat sekitar 10% dari jumlah penduduk dikalikan dengan angka kesakitan nasional. Sedangkan diare di Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota tahun 2014 menunjukan peningkatan kasus sebanyak 7.017 kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-fakor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian diare pada di pasar Sarilamak. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survey dengan pendekatan cross sectional dimana variabel independent yaitu tingkat kepadatan lalat, perilaku, pengolahan serta penyimpanan makan dengan variabel dependent yaitu kejadian diare pada balita di sekitar Pasar Sarilamak. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 56 orang. H asil penelitian yang didapatkan dari tingkat kepadatan lalat sedang 64.3%, perilaku responden yang buruk 60.7%, Pengolahan dan penyimpanan makanan yang buruk 33,9% dan yang menderita diare 20 orang (35.7%). Hasil uji statistik menunjukan hubungan bermakna anatara kepadatan lalat dengan kejadian diare dengan (Pvalue = 0.001) dengan OR = 7.694, perilaku ibu dengan kejadian diare di dapatkan (Pvalue = 0.034) dengan OR = 4.200, cara pengolahan dan penyimpanan makanan di dapatkan hasil (Pvalue = 0,029) dengan OR = 4.278. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa sebagian besar responden menderita penyakit diare dari aspek tingkat kepadatan lalat, perilaku serta cara pengolahan dan penyimpanan makanan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pola hidup bersih dan pengetahuan tentang diare.
Human Care Journal
Indonesia, 37.2% of children under five are stunted, based on data from Riskesdas in 2013. Stunti... more Indonesia, 37.2% of children under five are stunted, based on data from Riskesdas in 2013. Stunting is the cause of 2.2 million under-five deaths in the world. The prevalence of stunting in 2020 in Pasaman Regency is 19.1% with rank number 3 out of 19 regencies/cities of Sumatra West. This research is to describe the incidence of stunting and risk factors for stunting in 2021. The research method is a quantitative descriptive with a cross-sectional design and uses GIS applications. The research population
Jurnal Endurance, 2018
The problem of urban garbage has become a problem of the City Government. Based on the Periodic R... more The problem of urban garbage has become a problem of the City Government. Based on the Periodic Report of 2014, the volume of garbage transported in Payakumbuh is 193-206 m3 per day or 5,750-5,833 m3 per month, and increased by 235-261 m3 per day or 6,210-6840 m3 per month in 2015. Payakumbuh Government issued Local Regulation Number 4 Year 2014 on garbage management, referring to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 18 of 2008. Regional Regulation contains about garbage management by using 3 R method (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Implementation of 3 R method involving community participation as garbage producer. The purposeof this research was to analyze community behavior of garbage processing 3R in Payakumbuh. Quantitative method was used in this research, is descriptive analytics with cross sectional design. Results and discussion, univariate analysis known to the respondents who work as much as 54 (56.2%), high knowledge of respondents more 71 (73%), more positive respondent...
Human Care Journal, 2018
Diarhea disease is one of the health problems in developing countries, especially in Indonesia. T... more Diarhea disease is one of the health problems in developing countries, especially in Indonesia. The incidence of diarrhea in West Sumatra is about 10% of the population multiplied by the national rate of illness. Diarrhea in Lima Puluh Kota District in 2014 showed an increase in cases as many as 7,017 cases. The Objective of study to correlation of incidens diarrhea among children in Sarilamak market. The type of research used is descriptive research with cross sectional approach where the independent variable is the density of flies, the behavior reduces the incidence of diarrhea and the processing and storage of food with the dependent variable is the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers around Sarilamak Market. The sample in this study amounted to 56 people. The result of the research was obtained of medium fly density level 64.3%, bad respondent behavior 60.7%, poor food processing and storage 33,9% and diarrhea 35.7%. The result of statistical test showed significant relationship between flies with diarrhea occurrence (Pvalue = 0.001) with OR = 7.694, maternal behavior with diarrhea occurrence (Pvalue = 0.034) with OR = 4,200 = 0.029) with OR = 4.278. The conclusions from the study revealed that most of the respondents suffered from diarrheal diseases from the aspect of flies density, behavior and the way of processing and storage of food. Keywords: the level of fly density, behavior, way of processing and storage of food, the occurrence of diarrhea ABSTRAK Penyakit diare merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan dinegara berkembang terutama di Indonesia.Kejadian diare di Sumatera Barat sekitar 10% dari jumlah penduduk dikalikan dengan angka kesakitan nasional. Sedangkan diare di Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota tahun 2014 menunjukan peningkatan kasus sebanyak 7.017 kasus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-fakor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian diare pada di pasar Sarilamak. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survey dengan pendekatan cross sectional dimana variabel independent yaitu tingkat kepadatan lalat, perilaku, pengolahan serta penyimpanan makan dengan variabel dependent yaitu kejadian diare pada balita di sekitar Pasar Sarilamak. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 56 orang. H asil penelitian yang didapatkan dari tingkat kepadatan lalat sedang 64.3%, perilaku responden yang buruk 60.7%, Pengolahan dan penyimpanan makanan yang buruk 33,9% dan yang menderita diare 20 orang (35.7%). Hasil uji statistik menunjukan hubungan bermakna anatara kepadatan lalat dengan kejadian diare dengan (Pvalue = 0.001) dengan OR = 7.694, perilaku ibu dengan kejadian diare di dapatkan (Pvalue = 0.034) dengan OR = 4.200, cara pengolahan dan penyimpanan makanan di dapatkan hasil (Pvalue = 0,029) dengan OR = 4.278. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa sebagian besar responden menderita penyakit diare dari aspek tingkat kepadatan lalat, perilaku serta cara pengolahan dan penyimpanan makanan. Oleh karena itu diperlukan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pola hidup bersih dan pengetahuan tentang diare.
Human Care Journal
Indonesia, 37.2% of children under five are stunted, based on data from Riskesdas in 2013. Stunti... more Indonesia, 37.2% of children under five are stunted, based on data from Riskesdas in 2013. Stunting is the cause of 2.2 million under-five deaths in the world. The prevalence of stunting in 2020 in Pasaman Regency is 19.1% with rank number 3 out of 19 regencies/cities of Sumatra West. This research is to describe the incidence of stunting and risk factors for stunting in 2021. The research method is a quantitative descriptive with a cross-sectional design and uses GIS applications. The research population
Jurnal Endurance, 2018
The problem of urban garbage has become a problem of the City Government. Based on the Periodic R... more The problem of urban garbage has become a problem of the City Government. Based on the Periodic Report of 2014, the volume of garbage transported in Payakumbuh is 193-206 m3 per day or 5,750-5,833 m3 per month, and increased by 235-261 m3 per day or 6,210-6840 m3 per month in 2015. Payakumbuh Government issued Local Regulation Number 4 Year 2014 on garbage management, referring to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 18 of 2008. Regional Regulation contains about garbage management by using 3 R method (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Implementation of 3 R method involving community participation as garbage producer. The purposeof this research was to analyze community behavior of garbage processing 3R in Payakumbuh. Quantitative method was used in this research, is descriptive analytics with cross sectional design. Results and discussion, univariate analysis known to the respondents who work as much as 54 (56.2%), high knowledge of respondents more 71 (73%), more positive respondent...