edwin brink - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by edwin brink
A recently excavated early Pottery Neolithic (PN) site, Tel Izhaki (Jezreel Valley, Israel) revea... more A recently excavated early Pottery Neolithic (PN) site, Tel Izhaki (Jezreel Valley, Israel) revealed clear evidence for the collecting and recycling of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B blades. This technological behavior, common during the period, occurred along with some on-site production of bidirectional blades, the latter a technological feature characteristic for an early phase of some Yarmukian sites in the central Jordan Valley, e.g. Sha‘ar Hagolan and Hamadiya. Other aspects indicating affinity between Tel Izhaki and key Yarmukian sites in central Jordan Valley constitute a rare incised decoration on a stone vessel, the plano-convex shape of mudbricks as well as some flint raw material.
The variability of the material culture at Tel Izhaki, including the presence of both Yarmukian and Jericho IX traits in pottery decoration and flint technology is compared to that of other early PN sites in the area. This variability in combination with the particular location of the sites, reveal a pattern supporting the Yarmukian PN expansion from the Jordan Valley into the Jezreel Valley and subsequently into the Lower Galilee. While radiocarbon dates available from a few sites at the area, including Tel Izhaki, correlate with that scenario of PN distribution, more studies are needed to investigate chronological and spatial aspects of variability defining the early PN in the Levant.
Archéo-Nil. Revue de la société pour l'étude des cultures prépharaoniques de la vallée du Nil
Cc second volet d'une etude tripartite sur les premiers signes incises de screkh se concentre sur... more Cc second volet d'une etude tripartite sur les premiers signes incises de screkh se concentre sur les inscriptions/ins ignes royaux conserves sur des ceramiques fragmentees contemporaines du contextc de la dynastie 0 et du debut de la Icre dynastie, en Egypte, au Levant-Sud et en Basse-Nubie. En plus, neuf jarres completes ont ete ajoutees, cn complement aux 24 presentees dans le prcmier volct. Cette etude decrit egalement la transformation graduelIe des serekh incises, depuis les exemples sim pies, non distincts et anonymes jusqu'aux dix groupes distingues de serekh personnalises, chacun etant associe a un souverain specifiqlle. On sllggere egalement une nouvelIe lecture pour un serekh provcnant de la tombe 160 de Minshat Abu Omar et I'existence d'un sonverainjusqu'alors incom1U, identifie sur ce serekh, " Horns, Celui qui appartient a Neith ". Une suggestion est egalement proposee avec prudencc dans la distinction entre un souveraiu Nar et un monarque plus tardif, Horus Nanner, premier rai de la 1 ere dynastic et occupant de la tombe B 17/18 du cimetiere royal d'Abydos.
New Studies in the Archaeology of Northern Israel / חידושים בארכיאולוגיה של צפון ארץ ישראל, 2021
… Studies in Honor of Ram Gophna, …, 2002
Préhistoires de l’écriture
The current paper presents and discusses a group of 148 intact, marked wine jars excavated in Hel... more The current paper presents and discusses a group of 148 intact, marked wine jars excavated in Helwan, against the backdrop of related data culled from four selected, partly contemporary cemeteries, viz. those of Minshat Abu Omar, Kafr Hassan Dawood, Abu Roash and Tarkhan. Their study contributes not only to the theme of early dynastic potmarks per se, but also to contextual and social analyses and perhaps script development more in general. The various groupings of both legible and intelligible potmarks are slowly but certainly expanding, and the application of the term preformal hieroglyphs to several of these seems fitting.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 2003
Salvage excavations were carried out on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority in the fall of... more Salvage excavations were carried out on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority in the fall of 2016 south of Ze'ev Wienhaus Street, located within the municipal boundaries of the modern city of Yehud in the central Coastal Plain of Israel. Numerous excavations have been carried out in the past in Yehud, with finds ranging from the Chalcolithic to Ottoman periods, though not continuously. In the present excavation 38 features dated to the Late Chalcolithic period were uncovered, including isolated pockets with occupational debris, narrow shafts and a shallow pit. The numerous shafts at the site are of particular interest in the light of similar features excavated in several localities in both Yehud and Tel Aviv over the last decade, and whose function is still under debate. The apparent absence of any structural (dwelling) remains notwithstanding, substantive quantities of pottery, flint, ground stone tools, and fauna remains were uncovered, that were subsequently analysed in the lab. The results of these analyses are presented below, together with the outcome of several 14 C and portable OSL tests of selected sediment samples. Those provide a detailed insight concerning the genesis, character and approximate date of the various features comprising this site, and how Yehud fits in with other contemporary sites in the region. Although structural building remains are conspicuously absent, based on the various assemblages collected at the site, Yehud Wienhaus represents a distinct part of an otherwise typical mixed farming settlement, where domestic, agricultural and animal rearing activities took place. The results of this excavation join the still-growing data base of Late Chalcolithic localities that have been exposed recently in the ancient site of Yehud and elsewhere along the Ayalon River.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
A strainer is an autonomous utensil (sieve or colander) or an integral part (filter) of a utensil... more A strainer is an autonomous utensil (sieve or colander) or an integral part (filter) of a utensil designed to separate mixtures based on grain size. In the southern Levant, strainer vessels made of clay are known since the Early Chalcolithic period, albeit few in number. The onset of the Late Chalcolithic period reflects a significant increase in the numbers and distribution of these particular vessels even though their numbers per site remain relatively low. This paper surveys foremost Late Chalcolithic strainer vessels from the southern Levant, discussing their morphology, significance and possible role as straining and sifting devices for liquids (e.g., olive or other oils, herbal or botanical mixtures, and alcoholic beverages) and solid substances (e.g., fats and flour). While results from our ongoing organic residue analysis concerning this and other types of Late Chalcolithic vessels are yet to come, we can already suggest that these vessels entail a variety of tasks and that they were used in a number of different contexts based on the variability of strainer vessel types and the strainer morphology.
Paléorient, 2013
Modi’in, localise dans le centre d’Israel, est l’un des rares sites qui offre une sequence d’occu... more Modi’in, localise dans le centre d’Israel, est l’un des rares sites qui offre une sequence d’occupations couvrant la premiere moitie du IVe millenaire avant notre ere. L’etude technologique des assemblages ceramiques permet de re-examiner la question delicate de la continuite et/ ou discontinuite entre le Chalcolithique fi nal et le Bronze ancien I de cette region. Les resultats montrent qu’entre la fi n du Chalcolithique final et le debut du Bronze ancien I, il existe une continuite dans les manieres de faire les vaisselles utilitaires, mais une rupture dans la fabrication de bols a valeur ceremonielle. A cela, s’ajoute l’apparition d’une categorie fonctionnelle propre a cette region et dont les proprietes les rapprochent des bols a valeur ceremonielle. Ces resultats argumentent en faveur a la fois d’un lien phylogenetique entre les populations Ghassouliennes du Nord Neguev et de la Shephela (region situee entre les monts de Judee et la plaine cotiere), et d’une reorganisation de ces societes au cours d’une periode transitionnelle comprenant le post-Ghassoulien et le debut du Bronze ancien I.
Preparatory to the construction of a large water purification reservoir at a site near Moshav Qid... more Preparatory to the construction of a large water purification reservoir at a site near Moshav Qidron (Khirbet el-Asfura, îafetz îayim), three test and salvage excavation seasons were undertaken in 2003 and a fourth in 2004. These investigations were carried out at the request of Kibbutz Hafetz Haim and as a joint project of the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University. The first excavation season (Licence No. A3829/03) was directed by E.C.M. van den Brink on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority. The second and third seasons (Licence No. B273/03) were directed by D. Rosenberg on behalf of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University and the Israel Antiquities Authority respectively. The fourth season (Licence No. A4231/04) was conducted by E.C.M. van den Brink on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 1997
... PAUL GOLDBERG Department of Archaeology Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 ALAN J. WITTEN De... more ... PAUL GOLDBERG Department of Archaeology Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 ALAN J. WITTEN Department of Geology and Geophysics University of Oklahoma, Norman OK 73019ERIC KANSA Department of Anthropology Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 ...
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 2004
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 2004
Interaction in Context: Interaction Models, Egypt and the Canaanite Periphery, Thomas E. Levy and... more Interaction in Context: Interaction Models, Egypt and the Canaanite Periphery, Thomas E. Levy and Edwin C.M. van den Brink The Socio-Political Dynamics of Egyptian-Canaanite Interaction in the Early Bronze Age, Pierre de Miroschedji The Relative Chronological Position of Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic Tombs with Objects Imported from the Near East and the Nature of Interregional Contacts, Stan Hendrickx and Laurent Bavay. Geoarchaeology and Biological Considerations: Geoarchaeological Implications of Recent Research in the Nile Delta, Karl W. Butzer Configuration of the Egypt-to-Canaan Coastal Margin and North Sinai Byway in the Bronze Age, Daniel J. Stanley The Paleo-Biological Evidence for Admixture Between Populations in the Southern Levant and Egypt in the 4th-3rd Millennium BCE, Patricia Smith Egyptian-Canaanite Interaction During the 4th and 3rd Millennium BCE - The Shell Connection, Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer. Chalcolithic Interaction: Competitive Involution and Expanded Horizons: Exploring the Nature of Interaction between Northern Negev and Lower Egypt (c. 4500-3600 B.C.E.), Catherine Commenge and David Alon Teleilat Ghassul - Foreign Relations in the Late Chalcolithic Period, S.J. Bourke, The Chronological Frame and Social Structure of Buto in the 4th Millennium BCE, Dina Faltings. Early Bronze Interaction: Egypt's First Sojourn in Canaan, Eliot Braun Ceramics, Identity and the Role of the State - The View from Nahal Tillah, Eric Kansa and Thomas E. Levy Egypt, Bet Yerah and Early Canaanite Urbanization, Rafi Greenberg and Emanuel Eisenberg. Metallurgical and Petrographic Studies: The Origins of the Metals Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean - Social Organization of Production in the Early Copper Industries, Jonathan Golden The Kfar Monash Hoard Again - A View from Egypt and Nubia, Miriam Tadmor. Petrography of the Naqada IIIa Canaanite Pottery from Tomb U-j in Abydos Naomi Porat and Yuvel Goren Early Bronze I, Predynastic and Eary Dynastic Primary Data: The Ceramic Assemblage from Tel Ma'ahaz, Stratum I (Seasons 1975-1976), Ruth Amiran and Edwin C.M. van den Brink Core-Periphery Interaction Between the Pristine Egyptian Nagada IIIb State, Late Early Bronze Age I Canaan and Terminal A-Group Lower Nubia - More Data , Ram Gophna and Edwin C.M. van den Brink The Egyptian Presence at the End of the Late Early Bronze Age I at the Tel of Lod, Central Coastal Plain, Israel, Edwin C.M. van den Brink Egyptian Pottery from Samll Tel Malhata and the Interrelations Between the Egyptian 'Colony' in Southwest Palestine and the 'Canaanite' Arad Basin and Central Highlands, Ornit Ilan Egyptian-Transjordanian Interaction During Predynastic and Protodynastic Times - The Evidence from Tell Abu al-Kharaz, Jordan Valley, Peter Fischer Imported Finds from the 'Ein Assawir Tombs, Israel, and their Significance in Understanding the Chronological Synchronization Between Israel, Egypt and Eastern Anatolia, Eli Yannai. (Part contents)
Timelines: studies in honour of Manfred …, 2006
Mitteilungen des …, 1989
... Titre du document / Document title. A Transitional Late Predynastic-Early Dynastic Settlement... more ... Titre du document / Document title. A Transitional Late Predynastic-Early Dynastic Settlement Site in the Northeastern Nile Delta Egypt. Auteur(s) / Author(s). VAN DEN BRINK ECM ; SCHMIDT K. ; BOESSNECK J. ; VON DEN DRIESCH A. ; DE ROLLER G.-J. ; Résumé / Abstract. ...
An academic directory and search engine.
A recently excavated early Pottery Neolithic (PN) site, Tel Izhaki (Jezreel Valley, Israel) revea... more A recently excavated early Pottery Neolithic (PN) site, Tel Izhaki (Jezreel Valley, Israel) revealed clear evidence for the collecting and recycling of Pre-Pottery Neolithic B blades. This technological behavior, common during the period, occurred along with some on-site production of bidirectional blades, the latter a technological feature characteristic for an early phase of some Yarmukian sites in the central Jordan Valley, e.g. Sha‘ar Hagolan and Hamadiya. Other aspects indicating affinity between Tel Izhaki and key Yarmukian sites in central Jordan Valley constitute a rare incised decoration on a stone vessel, the plano-convex shape of mudbricks as well as some flint raw material.
The variability of the material culture at Tel Izhaki, including the presence of both Yarmukian and Jericho IX traits in pottery decoration and flint technology is compared to that of other early PN sites in the area. This variability in combination with the particular location of the sites, reveal a pattern supporting the Yarmukian PN expansion from the Jordan Valley into the Jezreel Valley and subsequently into the Lower Galilee. While radiocarbon dates available from a few sites at the area, including Tel Izhaki, correlate with that scenario of PN distribution, more studies are needed to investigate chronological and spatial aspects of variability defining the early PN in the Levant.
Archéo-Nil. Revue de la société pour l'étude des cultures prépharaoniques de la vallée du Nil
Cc second volet d'une etude tripartite sur les premiers signes incises de screkh se concentre sur... more Cc second volet d'une etude tripartite sur les premiers signes incises de screkh se concentre sur les inscriptions/ins ignes royaux conserves sur des ceramiques fragmentees contemporaines du contextc de la dynastie 0 et du debut de la Icre dynastie, en Egypte, au Levant-Sud et en Basse-Nubie. En plus, neuf jarres completes ont ete ajoutees, cn complement aux 24 presentees dans le prcmier volct. Cette etude decrit egalement la transformation graduelIe des serekh incises, depuis les exemples sim pies, non distincts et anonymes jusqu'aux dix groupes distingues de serekh personnalises, chacun etant associe a un souverain specifiqlle. On sllggere egalement une nouvelIe lecture pour un serekh provcnant de la tombe 160 de Minshat Abu Omar et I'existence d'un sonverainjusqu'alors incom1U, identifie sur ce serekh, " Horns, Celui qui appartient a Neith ". Une suggestion est egalement proposee avec prudencc dans la distinction entre un souveraiu Nar et un monarque plus tardif, Horus Nanner, premier rai de la 1 ere dynastic et occupant de la tombe B 17/18 du cimetiere royal d'Abydos.
New Studies in the Archaeology of Northern Israel / חידושים בארכיאולוגיה של צפון ארץ ישראל, 2021
… Studies in Honor of Ram Gophna, …, 2002
Préhistoires de l’écriture
The current paper presents and discusses a group of 148 intact, marked wine jars excavated in Hel... more The current paper presents and discusses a group of 148 intact, marked wine jars excavated in Helwan, against the backdrop of related data culled from four selected, partly contemporary cemeteries, viz. those of Minshat Abu Omar, Kafr Hassan Dawood, Abu Roash and Tarkhan. Their study contributes not only to the theme of early dynastic potmarks per se, but also to contextual and social analyses and perhaps script development more in general. The various groupings of both legible and intelligible potmarks are slowly but certainly expanding, and the application of the term preformal hieroglyphs to several of these seems fitting.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 2003
Salvage excavations were carried out on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority in the fall of... more Salvage excavations were carried out on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority in the fall of 2016 south of Ze'ev Wienhaus Street, located within the municipal boundaries of the modern city of Yehud in the central Coastal Plain of Israel. Numerous excavations have been carried out in the past in Yehud, with finds ranging from the Chalcolithic to Ottoman periods, though not continuously. In the present excavation 38 features dated to the Late Chalcolithic period were uncovered, including isolated pockets with occupational debris, narrow shafts and a shallow pit. The numerous shafts at the site are of particular interest in the light of similar features excavated in several localities in both Yehud and Tel Aviv over the last decade, and whose function is still under debate. The apparent absence of any structural (dwelling) remains notwithstanding, substantive quantities of pottery, flint, ground stone tools, and fauna remains were uncovered, that were subsequently analysed in the lab. The results of these analyses are presented below, together with the outcome of several 14 C and portable OSL tests of selected sediment samples. Those provide a detailed insight concerning the genesis, character and approximate date of the various features comprising this site, and how Yehud fits in with other contemporary sites in the region. Although structural building remains are conspicuously absent, based on the various assemblages collected at the site, Yehud Wienhaus represents a distinct part of an otherwise typical mixed farming settlement, where domestic, agricultural and animal rearing activities took place. The results of this excavation join the still-growing data base of Late Chalcolithic localities that have been exposed recently in the ancient site of Yehud and elsewhere along the Ayalon River.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
A strainer is an autonomous utensil (sieve or colander) or an integral part (filter) of a utensil... more A strainer is an autonomous utensil (sieve or colander) or an integral part (filter) of a utensil designed to separate mixtures based on grain size. In the southern Levant, strainer vessels made of clay are known since the Early Chalcolithic period, albeit few in number. The onset of the Late Chalcolithic period reflects a significant increase in the numbers and distribution of these particular vessels even though their numbers per site remain relatively low. This paper surveys foremost Late Chalcolithic strainer vessels from the southern Levant, discussing their morphology, significance and possible role as straining and sifting devices for liquids (e.g., olive or other oils, herbal or botanical mixtures, and alcoholic beverages) and solid substances (e.g., fats and flour). While results from our ongoing organic residue analysis concerning this and other types of Late Chalcolithic vessels are yet to come, we can already suggest that these vessels entail a variety of tasks and that they were used in a number of different contexts based on the variability of strainer vessel types and the strainer morphology.
Paléorient, 2013
Modi’in, localise dans le centre d’Israel, est l’un des rares sites qui offre une sequence d’occu... more Modi’in, localise dans le centre d’Israel, est l’un des rares sites qui offre une sequence d’occupations couvrant la premiere moitie du IVe millenaire avant notre ere. L’etude technologique des assemblages ceramiques permet de re-examiner la question delicate de la continuite et/ ou discontinuite entre le Chalcolithique fi nal et le Bronze ancien I de cette region. Les resultats montrent qu’entre la fi n du Chalcolithique final et le debut du Bronze ancien I, il existe une continuite dans les manieres de faire les vaisselles utilitaires, mais une rupture dans la fabrication de bols a valeur ceremonielle. A cela, s’ajoute l’apparition d’une categorie fonctionnelle propre a cette region et dont les proprietes les rapprochent des bols a valeur ceremonielle. Ces resultats argumentent en faveur a la fois d’un lien phylogenetique entre les populations Ghassouliennes du Nord Neguev et de la Shephela (region situee entre les monts de Judee et la plaine cotiere), et d’une reorganisation de ces societes au cours d’une periode transitionnelle comprenant le post-Ghassoulien et le debut du Bronze ancien I.
Preparatory to the construction of a large water purification reservoir at a site near Moshav Qid... more Preparatory to the construction of a large water purification reservoir at a site near Moshav Qidron (Khirbet el-Asfura, îafetz îayim), three test and salvage excavation seasons were undertaken in 2003 and a fourth in 2004. These investigations were carried out at the request of Kibbutz Hafetz Haim and as a joint project of the Israel Antiquities Authority and the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University. The first excavation season (Licence No. A3829/03) was directed by E.C.M. van den Brink on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority. The second and third seasons (Licence No. B273/03) were directed by D. Rosenberg on behalf of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University and the Israel Antiquities Authority respectively. The fourth season (Licence No. A4231/04) was conducted by E.C.M. van den Brink on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority.
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 1997
... PAUL GOLDBERG Department of Archaeology Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 ALAN J. WITTEN De... more ... PAUL GOLDBERG Department of Archaeology Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 ALAN J. WITTEN Department of Geology and Geophysics University of Oklahoma, Norman OK 73019ERIC KANSA Department of Anthropology Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 ...
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 2004
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 2004
Interaction in Context: Interaction Models, Egypt and the Canaanite Periphery, Thomas E. Levy and... more Interaction in Context: Interaction Models, Egypt and the Canaanite Periphery, Thomas E. Levy and Edwin C.M. van den Brink The Socio-Political Dynamics of Egyptian-Canaanite Interaction in the Early Bronze Age, Pierre de Miroschedji The Relative Chronological Position of Egyptian Predynastic and Early Dynastic Tombs with Objects Imported from the Near East and the Nature of Interregional Contacts, Stan Hendrickx and Laurent Bavay. Geoarchaeology and Biological Considerations: Geoarchaeological Implications of Recent Research in the Nile Delta, Karl W. Butzer Configuration of the Egypt-to-Canaan Coastal Margin and North Sinai Byway in the Bronze Age, Daniel J. Stanley The Paleo-Biological Evidence for Admixture Between Populations in the Southern Levant and Egypt in the 4th-3rd Millennium BCE, Patricia Smith Egyptian-Canaanite Interaction During the 4th and 3rd Millennium BCE - The Shell Connection, Daniella E. Bar-Yosef Mayer. Chalcolithic Interaction: Competitive Involution and Expanded Horizons: Exploring the Nature of Interaction between Northern Negev and Lower Egypt (c. 4500-3600 B.C.E.), Catherine Commenge and David Alon Teleilat Ghassul - Foreign Relations in the Late Chalcolithic Period, S.J. Bourke, The Chronological Frame and Social Structure of Buto in the 4th Millennium BCE, Dina Faltings. Early Bronze Interaction: Egypt's First Sojourn in Canaan, Eliot Braun Ceramics, Identity and the Role of the State - The View from Nahal Tillah, Eric Kansa and Thomas E. Levy Egypt, Bet Yerah and Early Canaanite Urbanization, Rafi Greenberg and Emanuel Eisenberg. Metallurgical and Petrographic Studies: The Origins of the Metals Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean - Social Organization of Production in the Early Copper Industries, Jonathan Golden The Kfar Monash Hoard Again - A View from Egypt and Nubia, Miriam Tadmor. Petrography of the Naqada IIIa Canaanite Pottery from Tomb U-j in Abydos Naomi Porat and Yuvel Goren Early Bronze I, Predynastic and Eary Dynastic Primary Data: The Ceramic Assemblage from Tel Ma'ahaz, Stratum I (Seasons 1975-1976), Ruth Amiran and Edwin C.M. van den Brink Core-Periphery Interaction Between the Pristine Egyptian Nagada IIIb State, Late Early Bronze Age I Canaan and Terminal A-Group Lower Nubia - More Data , Ram Gophna and Edwin C.M. van den Brink The Egyptian Presence at the End of the Late Early Bronze Age I at the Tel of Lod, Central Coastal Plain, Israel, Edwin C.M. van den Brink Egyptian Pottery from Samll Tel Malhata and the Interrelations Between the Egyptian 'Colony' in Southwest Palestine and the 'Canaanite' Arad Basin and Central Highlands, Ornit Ilan Egyptian-Transjordanian Interaction During Predynastic and Protodynastic Times - The Evidence from Tell Abu al-Kharaz, Jordan Valley, Peter Fischer Imported Finds from the 'Ein Assawir Tombs, Israel, and their Significance in Understanding the Chronological Synchronization Between Israel, Egypt and Eastern Anatolia, Eli Yannai. (Part contents)
Timelines: studies in honour of Manfred …, 2006
Mitteilungen des …, 1989
... Titre du document / Document title. A Transitional Late Predynastic-Early Dynastic Settlement... more ... Titre du document / Document title. A Transitional Late Predynastic-Early Dynastic Settlement Site in the Northeastern Nile Delta Egypt. Auteur(s) / Author(s). VAN DEN BRINK ECM ; SCHMIDT K. ; BOESSNECK J. ; VON DEN DRIESCH A. ; DE ROLLER G.-J. ; Résumé / Abstract. ...
An academic directory and search engine.